<p> Thorndown Primary School Newsletter June 2012</p><p>Dear Parents</p><p>It was lovely to see so many of you at the recent Summer Fayre and we were very lucky with the weather for the day. A huge thank you to FOTS and all helpers who made it possible.</p><p>There are a huge range of things happening in the last few weeks and I particularly look forward to seeing you and your child at the open evening next Tuesday 3rd July between 4:30 and 6pm. It is an opportunity to look at your child’s work and to take a tour of the school.</p><p>Next Thursday the children will spend the morning in their new class for September. Y6 pupils spend the day at St Ivo. We have a meeting on that day at 3:30pm for the parents of the current Year 2 children who will be moving into Y3.</p><p>Our increase in pupil numbers this year and the strong probability of further increases during the course of the coming year has led us into creating two extra classes. We have recently appointed two teachers for September. Miss Mumby will be an additional teacher for a Year1/2 class and Miss Marshall will join the team in Y3/4 to make a fourth class. There will be three reception classes and three mixed Y5/6 classes. Mrs Bullamore will be leaving her part time position at the end of term and Mrs Kerley will be taking on this part time role. We are hoping also that Mrs Agi Peach will work one afternoon a week with our Y5/6 pupils (A term with each class, teaching music and Spanish) </p><p>Please note that there is a meeting at 3:30 on Friday this week (29th) for anyone interested in helping with the carnival float this year. We have ideas to share so please come along and find out more. It’s always good fun and we are always pleased to have extra help on the morning to set up the float. The children across the whole school will all be involved in making things in preparation for this event. Come and join us!</p><p>All good wishes</p><p>Lynda Williams Headteacher</p><p>Parent Lunches</p><p>We continue to offer Parents, Grandparents and Carers the opportunity of joining their child for lunch on their birthday. If you have special dietary requirements just let us know and we’ll see what can be arranged with the kitchen. A school meal (adult) is £2.82. If your child has a birthday coming up – please book your meal via your Parentpay account, or, if you wish to bring your own packed lunch, use the reply slip below. If you cannot make lunch on your child’s actual birthday or their birthday falls at the weekend or during the holidays, please book your lunch for another convenient date. </p><p>Day Trips</p><p>Could Year 3 parents ensure they have paid their deposit for next academic year’s trip to Burwell to secure their child’s place on this trip. Years 3 and 4 will be visiting Paxton Pits in July – please ensure you pay for the cost of this trip on Parentpay as soon as possible. FOTS (Friends of Thorndown Schools) 1 Some dates for your diary for 2012:</p><p> Friday, 6th July – End of Term Disco Thursday, 12th July - Year 6 Party Friday, 28th September – Welcome Disco</p><p>Further details of the forthcoming events will be circulated shortly. Thank you.</p><p>After School Clubs</p><p>Monday – Film Club (uppers) Monday – Table Tennis Club Monday – Street Dance Club Thursday – Karate Club Thursday – Christian Club (uppers) Friday – Dance Club Friday – Football Club (lowers)</p><p>Mobile Phones</p><p>We do not encourage children to bring mobile phones into school, however, if there are exceptional circumstances that mean your child must bring a phone, they should ensure this is handed into the office first thing in the morning and collected at the end of the school day. If your child brings any valuables into school, these should also be handed into the office for safe-keeping.</p><p>Tesco & Sainsburys Vouchers</p><p>Thank you to everyone who has donated Tesco vouchers, we have now submitted these and had approximately 23000 vouchers - a number of curricular items will be purchased with these vouchers. Our order with the Sainsburys vouchers has now been submitted. If you have any further Tesco vouchers at home, it is now too late to submit these, sorry. </p><p>Start of the School Day</p><p>Could we please ask that upper school parents do not bring their children into the classroom in the morning? Upper school children should enter school via the cloakrooms by themselves and not through the main entrance, unless they have been given specific permission. If you wish to discuss any issues with your child’s class teacher, please call into the office and make an appointment as it is difficult for the teacher to see you at the start of the day when they need to be available to greet their class. Thank you.</p><p>Lost Property</p><p>At the end of the Summer Term, all lost property will be washed and sorted and donated to charity, so please ensure you check the lost property bins in each upper school cloakroom, or entrance area for the lowers, prior to the end of the term. Any named items will be returned to their owners. Children will be given the opportunity during the last week of the Summer Term to reclaim any items.</p><p>School Uniform</p><p>If any of the Year 6 parents would like to donate their child’s unwanted school uniform at the end of the Summer Term, FOTS would be pleased to receive this to sell on. Thank you.</p><p>School Clubs</p><p>There have been a couple of occasions where parents have been wrongly informed by their child that a club has been cancelled. If an after school club is cancelled we will text you via 2 SchoolComms. Children are informed of the cancellation and told to call into the office if their parent is not waiting for them at the end of the day in the playground. It has come to our attention that this system has broken down on a couple of occasions, we will therefore request in future that you collect your child from the school office in the eventuality of a club being cancelled so we can ensure that messages have reached you. Children will be told to wait for you in the office area at the end of the school day. </p><p>Year 6 Data Collection Sheets</p><p>St Ivo School have issued Data Collection Sheets to Year 6 parents – please ensure these are returned to Thorndown main office urgently. If you have mislaid the sheets, please let us know and we can forward duplicates. It is vital that St Ivo have your up-to-date details, particularly if they need to contact you in an emergency.</p><p>Social Networking Sites</p><p>The School recognises that social networking sites and blogging are extremely popular. Our Safer Care Code of Conduct states clearly that staff, governors and volunteers MUST NOT post material which damages the reputation of the school or which causes concern about their suitability to work with children and young people. Those who post material which could be considered as inappropriate could render themselves vulnerable to criticism or serious allegations. </p><p>I am sure the majority of people reading any such material would dismiss it but we urge parents and pupils to also follow this Code of Conduct.</p><p>Please remember that you can contact the school and make an appointment to meet Mrs Williams in the event of any real concerns.</p><p>Year 6 Parents – Important Dates</p><p>Please could Year 6 parents make note of the following dates with regard to your child’s move to St Ivo School (please disregard this if your child is not moving to St Ivo)</p><p>Thursday 5 July 2012 Year 6 pupils attend St Ivo for a whole school day starting at 8.45 a.m. Pupils will need to make their way directly to St Ivo and meet on the basketball courts next to the Burgess Hall. Pupils will finish at 2.45 p.m. so you will need to make travel arrangements for your child to get home. Pupils will be released from the basketball courts. Thursday 5 July 2012 Parents/Carers Evening – 6.00 p.m. in the School Hall. This evening is aimed just at parents so please do not bring your child as there will be insufficient room. You will get the opportunity to meet your child’s new form tutor and ask any questions. Friday 6 July 2012 Year 6 Primary Schools Fun Athletics Day Start 9.45 (Arrive by 9.30). Finish 2.30 p.m. This will be held at St Ivo Recreation Centre. Pupils should attend school as usual and we will make our own travel arrangements to get to and from St Ivo Recreation Centre. On the day pupils will be in their new tutor groups. They should come equipped with sports clothing e.g. shorts, training shoes, socks, t-shirt etc. Arrangements for food should be made by each individual pupil in terms of a packed lunch and drinks. A break is fitted into the programme for lunch. Parents are welcome to come and watch during the day. If you have any queries about the athletics day please contact the PE department at St Ivo School on 01480 375400.</p><p>Birthdays!</p><p>3 Congratulations and many happy returns to those pupils and staff celebrating their birthday during July 2012: </p><p>Miss Dales Mrs Thorndike Mrs Norman Mrs Shi Mark Jagger Mrs Murphy Mrs Cooper Ella Braddock Tom Roberts Mrs Aldridge Mya Basford Gracey Bond Alfie Webb Oscar Woolfall T Jay Levens- Wager Cacey Johnson Milan McLean-Saso Enya Griffiths Tom Braddock Charlie Bycroft Frankie Griffiths Euan Foster Amy Large Lucas Hamilton Charlie Jepson Eleanor Kinzkofer Charlie Humphreys Matthew McMahon Liam Kidd Sebastian Darnell Oliwier Huber Callum Mortimer Henry Hadfield Ehlana Webb Sophie Rogers Louise Potter Harrison Sweet Charlie Langley Ryley Coppard Phoebe Sadler</p><p>Year Two Music Festival</p><p>This year the Year Two music festival is to be hosted at Thorndown School. It will be held on 4th July. This is a wonderful event with all the local Year Two’s getting together in a celebration of music. Your child should wear red, white and blue on the day.</p><p>Hot Weather</p><p>So that we can be prepared for our ever changing weather can I ask that you support us with the following:</p><p> Please ensure your child has sun screen on every day. Sun lotion may be brought into school in a bag clearly marked with the child’s name. It cannot be applied by an adult in school therefore you must ensure your child can do this independently. Please ensure your child has a hat in school to protect their heads from the sun Please keep a coat in school as the weather can change quickly! Children need to have a water bottle in school which they can refill during the day. They should also have a drink for their lunch if they bring a packed lunch. </p><p>Thank you!</p><p>School Reports</p><p>At the end of every school year children receive a report detailing their successes during the year. The report may also contain any aspects of learning their class teacher thinks they need to develop further. The Reports will be sent home week commencing 9th July with your child. We hope you enjoy reading them!</p><p>Ink cartridges 4 A reminder that there is a blue box outside the school office for old toner/ink cartridges. Tesco recycle these for us and give us vouchers that we can put towards items for the children.</p><p>Contact Information</p><p>Please could we remind parents of the importance of keeping us up-to-date with your contact details. If you change address, e-mail address, telephone number or mobile number it is essential that you let us know so we can contact you in an emergency. Thank you.</p><p>All Change Day</p><p>On Thursday 5th July the children will have All Change Day in school. During the morning all children (current) will move into their new classes and work with their new teacher. All children should register in school in the morning as normal. On the same afternoon there will be an informal meeting for Year 2 parents at 3.30 p.m. regarding their child’s move to the upper school in Year 3 – details will be forwarded shortly.</p><p>Year 6 Performance – Cinderella & Rockerfella</p><p>A modern, panto-style reworking of the classic tale, including all the traditional characters: downtrodden Cinderella, Rockerfella (formerly known as Prince Charming!) Buttons, the Ugly Sisters and the Fairy Godmother, with a selection of additional characters, from music managers and paparazzi, to good and bad fairies - all placed in a world of fame and celebrity.</p><p>With fresh and relevant things to say about fame, fortune and how true love will win in the end, it has a wonderfully comical script, fabulous songs and plenty of opportunity for audience participation. This is the perfect choice for our Year 5/Year 6 school production any is sure to bring the house down. Make sure you obtain your tickets quickly!</p><p>Gardening Club</p><p>Over the last month, some of the classes have been given seeds to plant. Mrs Gerrard’s Class – sweetcorn; Mrs Setchell – tomatoes; Mr Hammond’s Class – peas; Mrs Patrick’s Class – broad beans; Miss Buckby’s class – french beans and Reception – beans (planted beans to go with their topic of Jack and the Beanstalk). All seeds were planted and grown on in school and in June we have taken the children out from each class to plant their vegetables in the allotment. Reception beans and mixed salad leaves have been planted outside their classrooms in raised beds. Real Bread Campaign have provided us with wheat. Every class has a coleus plant to look after which is part of a competition in association with the St Ives flower and produce show. This month we will be harvesting our potato crop and weighing the potatoes as part of a competition for the potato council. A big thank you to our trusty volunteers. Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Wilson</p><p>Lost Bible?</p><p>A Bible was handed in for the FOTS Summer Fayre which we believe may be a mistake – if you know of anyone with a surname of Parris or Robinson, please ask them to contact the school office</p><p>Birthday Lunch</p><p>I wish to join my child for lunch on ______</p><p>5 Please reserve me ______Adult Meals (£2.82) </p><p>Please reserve me ______Child Meals (£2.00)</p><p>I will be bringing my own packed lunch </p><p>All payments by Parentpay or Paypoint please</p><p>Childs Name ______Class ______</p><p>………………………………………………………………………………………………………………</p><p>THORNDOWN INFANT FOOTBALL CLUB</p><p>Name………………………………………………………………..</p><p>Address………………………………………………………………………….</p><p>2 emergency Contact numbers</p><p>………………………………………… ...... </p><p>Email address………………………………………………………………….</p><p>Date of Birth………………………………………………………………………</p><p>Parents Signature to allow your son/daughter to join the club</p><p>…………………………………………………………………………………… ...</p><p>PLEASE TICK PAYMENT METHOD ENCLOSED CHEQUE CASH </p><p>£17.50 for 15.06.12 to 13.07.12 (cheques made payable to Premier Sport)</p><p>…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Year 4 Burwell Visit – Wednesday 14 th November to Friday 16 th November 2012</p><p>* I would like my Child ………………………………….……………… (name) Class ...... to go on the Year 4 residential visit to Burwell Wednesday 14th November to Friday 16th November 2012.</p><p>* I would not like my child to go on this trip. (* Please delete as necessary)</p><p>* Please pay a £30.00 non-refundable deposit via your Parentpay account. </p><p>Signed ………………………………………. (Parent/Carer) Date: ...... </p><p>6 …………………………………………………………...... ……………………………………………</p><p>Cinderella/Rockafella</p><p>I would like ……….. seats for: Tuesday 10th July at 1.30 p.m. I would like………… seats for: Tuesday 10th July at 6.30 p.m. I would like ……….. seats for: Wednesday 11th July at 6.30 p.m.</p><p>Total number of seats required…………</p><p>Child’s name ______Class ______</p><p>Signed ______(Parent/Carer)</p><p>…………………………………………………………...... ……………………………………………</p><p>7 Dates for Your Diary</p><p>DATE EVENT 28th June Whole School Sports Day 29th June Visit to Year 6 children by German Teacher from St Ivo 2nd July Visit to Year 6’s from St Ivo Maths Teacher 3rd July FOTS 2nd Hand Uniform Sale 3rd July Open Evening (4:30-6pm) 4th July Year 2 Music Festival 5th July All Change Day (Year 6’s to St Ivo) 5th July Meeting for Y2 parents (3:30 in the Y3/4 class base) 5th July Drop-In Session for new Reception Parents/Pupils 5th July Year 6 Parents Meeting at St Ivo 6th July Year 6 Sports Day at St Ivo 6th July Leavers Disco 9th July School reports to be sent this week 10th July Year 5/Year 6 Performance 11th July Year 5/Year 6 Performance 12th July FOTS Year 6 Party 13th July Presentation Assembly (for pupils only) 16th July Year 6 Hilltop Residential Trip 17th July Helpers’ Tea (2:30 p.m.) 20th July Last Day of Term for pupils 23rd July Staff Training Day</p><p>8 SCHOOL TERM AND HOLIDAY DATES</p><p>School Term Dates for 2011/2012 are as follows:</p><p>2011</p><p>Autumn Term Opens 5th September 2011 (Training Day) 6th September 2011 (Training Day) Children return to school 7th September 2011 Half Term 24th to 28th October 2011 Autumn Term Closes Friday, 16th December 2011</p><p>2012</p><p>Spring Term Opens 3rd January 2012 (Training Day) Children return to school 4th January 2012 Half Term 13th to 17th February 2012 Spring Term Closes 30th March 2012 </p><p>Summer Term Opens 16th April 2011 (Training Day) Children return to school 17th April 2012 May Day 7th May 2012 Half Term 4th June to 8th June 2012 Children finish school 20th July 2012 Summer Term Closes 23rd July 2012 (Training Day)</p><p>9 SCHOOL TERM AND HOLIDAY DATES</p><p>School Term Dates for 2012/2013 are as follows:</p><p>Autumn Term 2012 Teacher Training Day 3 September 2012 Teacher Training Day 4 September 2012 Children Return 5 September to 21 December 2012 Half Term from 29 October - 2 November 2012 Teacher Training Day 5 November 2012 </p><p>Christmas Holiday: 24 December 2012 - 7 January 2013</p><p>Spring Term 2013 Teacher Training Day 7 January 2013 8 January to 28 March 2013 Half Term from 11 - 15 February 2013 Easter Holiday: 29 March - 12 April 2013</p><p>Summer Term 2013 Teacher Training Day 15 April 2013 Children Return 16 April to 23 July 2013 May Day 6 May 2013 Half Term from 27 May – 31 May 2013</p><p>10</p>
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