<p> 1</p><p>VILLAGE OF SCOTTSVILLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, February 11, 2014 – 6:30 p.m. </p><p>CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Gee called the meeting to order at 6:38 PM.</p><p>PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG</p><p>ROLL CALL</p><p>Present: Mayor Paul Gee, Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar, Trustee Elizabeth Murray, Trustee Jim Clark, Trustee Rick Clark and Attorney Peter Skivington</p><p>Also Present: Village Clerk Lee Mikewicz, DPW Superintendent Steve Farrell, Code Enforcement Officer Terry Rech and Dave Willard (MRB Group)</p><p>APPROVAL OF MINUTES</p><p>Village Board Meetings: </p><p>Tuesday, January 14, 2014</p><p>MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar and seconded by Trustee R. Clark to approve the minutes of the Tuesday, January 14, 2014 Village Board Meeting as submitted.</p><p>Trustee E. Murray noted that the time back into the January Meeting from an Executive Session was missing (page 6). It will be added in.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE</p><p>PUBLIC BEFORE THE BOARD </p><p>Community Gospel Church (693 Browns Road) sent a letter to the Village Board asking to be allowed to hook into the Village sewer line. Reverend Gregory Mullin spoke for the church. They are building a new structure on the property, which should be up by the end of April. At that time they would like to be able to hook up the existing building and new building into the Village sewer line, which is about 350 feet away at the corner of West Grenadier Street and Browns Road. Two of the neighbors that the line would pass were notified of these plans by the church. One would be willing to hook up to the sewer line. One would not. With the Village now pumping to the County, there could be a larger annual charge to the homeowners that the new line would pass, even if they are not hooked up.</p><p>The first step would be to try to get all the neighbors “in” on the project. There would be some engineering costs involved along with installation charges. We would have to inform the County of anyone new coming on to the system. Dave Willard (MRB Group) asked if the church should be drawn into the district, since maps are being prepared for the transition into the Monroe County Pure Waters District. It would be a lot easier than drawing them in later. The Mayor concurred. When talking to the neighbors about hooking up, we should check the age of the septic tanks involved. If major work is needed on any of them, 2 the neighbor would be forced to hook up rather than repair their tank. We will start investigating at the Village end and discuss the issue more next month.</p><p>Dr. Henry Paszko addressed the Board. His medical practice (Scottsville Family Medicine) plans to offer geriatric medical care and there are plans for a physical therapy practice in part of the building. He had sent a letter to the Village requesting three handicap spaces in front of 32 Main Street. Dr. Arthur Minery of Churchville (Churchville Physical Therapy) is the party interested in opening a practice at 32 Main Street also. He also sent the Board a letter requesting the designation of three handicap spots in front of 32 Main.</p><p>Trustee E. Murray asked if all three spaces needed to be designated handicapped (perhaps two handicapped and one for “patients”). Dr. Paszko said that he would like all three as handicapped so that it would be easier to recruit Dr. Minery to join him.</p><p>Mayor Gee asked Code Enforcement Officer Terry Rech for his opinion on the request. He said that he had a reservation on the permanent handicap designation and suggested using exemptions related to the specific use of the building. This way, they won’t be designated as “handicapped” spaces 24 hours a day.</p><p>The options were discussed between Attorney Skivington, Mayor Gee and CEO Rech.</p><p>Mayor Gee said he would be in agreement with the three handicap spots, but would be happier if the designation were only during business hours. He asked the Board to set a Public Hearing at next month’s meeting to designate at least one handicap and two special exemption spots (for handicap parking) at 32 Main Street. If the business changed, the spaces could be brought back to regular later. Mayor Gee polled the Board and it seemed that the parking space designations will pass next month. He invited Dr. Paszko to return next month.</p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar to set a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 6:45 PM to consider adopting Local Law #2-2014, creating a handicap parking space at 32 Main Street.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE</p><p>Mayor Gee will send Attorney Skivington a map designating the location of the spots in question so that the information can be incorporated into the Local Law.</p><p>Alex Ronnenberg introduced himself. He is running for Village Trustee. He is 23 years old, attends RIT, and is a 2007 graduate of Wheatland-Chili High School.</p><p>The railroad bridge was a topic of discussion. With the graffiti on it, it may need to be painted in the spring. We are in contact with the railroad. We will get back to the railroad office once the weather breaks.</p><p>Mayor Gee gave an update on the two sex offenders that are at the group home on North Road. It is a secured facility and these residents are under 24/7 supervision. The staff is trained at a level to handle them. They will be escorted anytime they need to leave the facility (doctor or dentist appointment, etc…). We are sharing information with the school and will get Senator Gallivan involved in trying to get them removed from the area, which probably won’t happen. The local schools and parks are outside the 1000 foot limit (for sex offender resident requirements). </p><p>Dave Willard (MRB Group) told the Board that the new pump station was started yesterday. It is working today. The flow rate is at the designed level and working well. A proposal was received from Paul Kocher Surveying to do the subdivision mapping related to entry into the Monroe County Pure Waters District. 3</p><p>February 11, 2014 will be the cutoff date for Wastewater Treatment charges to be documented and sent to the County for reimbursement.</p><p>Mr. Willard then discussed an additional proposal for post-construction engineering services from MRB Group in the amount of $10,000 due to Monroe County’s requirement related to mapping. The project is way under budget and there is a large contingency ($700,000) set so this should not be a problem.</p><p>Monroe County asked if we were doing an SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) Manual for the Wastewater project. It was not in the scope of the project and not included in any of the proposals. The County reviewed the proposals and never said anything. Now they want an Operating Procedures Manual. Mr. Willard estimated that the manual would cost from $10,000 to $13,000 to draft up. He suggested letting it “cook” for a while. We can always do a manual months later.</p><p>Mayor Gee asked for a timeline for the end date of the entire project. Mr. Willard said that we need to do a punch list. Most of the contractors are done. The general contractor still has a lot of work to do. We would like them done by mid-April. Blue Heron will do the demolition of the greenhouse. LaBella has submitted an application to the State for a variance to get rid of the hazardous waste from the greenhouse.</p><p>A lien has been filed on the project from Ohio Gradings. A subcontractor (Hudson Steel) went belly-up after purchasing products from Ohio Gradings and never paid them. Part of closing off the project is making sure that all the contractors and subcontractors are paid. It will be taken care of. There is also a lien from a mason who did shoddy work and was fired from the project. All this falls under the general contractor. If it doesn’t get paid, we would ultimately be responsible. Direct payments could be made.</p><p>The SEQR short form has been completed for the administrative action needed in entering the Monroe County Pure Waters District. It is agreed that “No” or “Small Impact” will be appropriate for the answers.</p><p>A simple resolution will be needed for entry into the Monroe County Pure Waters District.</p><p>We need a decision by next month to see if we need mapping done related to the Greenway access easement.</p><p>Next month, we will have the paperwork in from Blue Heron for the demolition change order (greenhouse) related to the asbestos.</p><p>We need to get a price for the check valve needed for the storm sewer at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.</p><p>On next month’s agenda, we will need to add “re-routing the lateral through the pump station”.</p><p>DEPARTMENT REPORTS</p><p>BUILDING INSPECTOR/CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER- Terry Rech Permits issued from 1-1-14 to 1-31-14 o Dana Olzenak – 44 Browns Avenue – Install gas decorative/heating stove</p><p> Terry Rech presented the proposed 2014 Town of Wheatland/Village of Scottsville Building Department Fee Schedule. After determining that they were in line with other municipalities, the Board made the following motion:</p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar to approve the new 2014 Town of Wheatland/Village of Scottsville Building Department Fee Schedule (on file in Village Office).</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0. 4 Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE</p><p>Mayor Gee said that he had gone to a flood insurance meeting and asked Mr. Rech when the Village adopted the FEMA map. It was in 2008.</p><p>WWTP – Chief Operator Steve Farrell </p><p> START UP AT THE PLANT TOOK PLACE YESTERDAY AND WILL CONTINUE THIS WEEK. WILL DISCUSS PLANT ISSUES, UPDATES AND CONCERNS. Time spent at the plant for deconstruction and decommissioning will be noted on the payroll sheets. Jim Luke’s hours will change to DPW hours. No more night checks will be needed after the blowers are shut off. More will be discussed at the upcoming budget meetings. There are lots of tools at the plant. We will send whatever we can to DPW. Anything left would be available to sell. Anyone who is interested in purchasing something left will need to submit a written price (which will be reviewed). An appraisal may need to be done on the Wastewater Treatment Plant truck, since the Town owns 15% of it. Title is in the Village’s name. Its future use will be in the DPW.</p><p>DPW - Supt. Steve Farrell </p><p> HAVE HAD MORE PLOW RUNS AND SALT RUNS THIS YEAR THAN IN YEARS PAST. OVERTIME IS ALREADY PAST WHAT THE GUYS HAVE HAD IN YEARS PAST. EVERY WEEK WE HAVE HAD TO GO THROUGH OUR PLOWS AND MAKE SURE ALL IS WELL WITH THEM DUE TO THE NUMEROUS RUNS THIS YEAR. WE NOW HAVE RUBBER ON BOTH PLOW WINGS TO HELP WITH ROAD DAMAGE. WE HAVE DONE A FEW SMALL CLEAN UPS ON MAIN STREET AND WILL PROBABLY DO A TOTAL UP CLEAN LATER THIS WEEK OR EARLY NEXT WEEK. ENDED CHRISTMAS TREE PICK UP LAST WEEK. WE STILL WILL GET SOME OUT OCCASIONALLY. HAD TERRY TREE IN TO TAKE DOWN ONE TREE ON SECOND STREET AND TRIM ALL MAPLE TREES IN FRONT OF T.J. CONNOR SCHOOL. THE PARKING WARS HAVE BEGUN WITH SOMEONE CALLING THE COPS ON MONDAY. I CLEARED OUT THE FRONT PART OF JOHNSON PARK FOR PARKING. CARS ALSO PARKED THE WHOLE LENGTH OF CHURCH STREET. SIX MONTH SMILES HAS ASKED FOR MORE TOTERS AGAIN. IF WE IMPLEMENT THE DUMPSTER AND TOTER POLICY, THEY WILL HAVE 14 TOTERS TO BE CHARGED FOR. Since they are over the toter limit, they should be getting a dumpster. We need to set fair charges for the commercial use of dumpsters and toters. It will be discussed at Saturday’s budget session. WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND ADVOCACY DAY THIS YEAR AGAIN IN ALBANY. THE DATES ARE MARCH 4TH AND 5TH AND OUR SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION WILL PAY FOR THE ROOM. THIS IS WHERE YOU GO AND TALK WITH YOUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES AND DISCUSS ISSUES THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO TOWN AND VILLAGES. The Board agreed that Mr. Farrell should attend. Festival discussions have started. SPEED SIGN WILL BE UP THIS WEEK. Recycling will be going to single stream in Monroe County by January 2015. There is a local person (Canandaigua) who is taking single stream already. We could save money by switching to Canandaigua instead of the County. It is considerably closer for dumping. 5 TREASURER – Eileen Gatke (absent)</p><p>Pay Bills :</p><p>MOTION : made by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar and seconded by Trustee J. Clark to approve payables on the AP Check Register dated February 11, 2014. </p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>Capital Project:</p><p>MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar and seconded by Trustee E. Murray to approve the bills for Capital Project WWTP from January 14, 2014 to February 10, 2014 on abstract 20.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>REPORTS</p><p>ATTORNEY - Peter Skivington</p><p> We need to keep track of the project liens with the help of Dave Willard. The Village Clerk is working with Dave Willard on a FOIL request from a local union. Mr. Farrell has been given some papers to sign with respect to the McIntosh matter. A letter was received from Mrs. McIntosh. Attorney Skivington will follow up on the allegations. We are scheduled to argue Mr. Swann’s case in the beginning of March. We had to file supplemental briefs. His lawyer asked for a meeting the other day to try and resolve some issues. The lawyer has stomach cancer. They are looking to have an engineer say that with the fill permit, the house is safe from flooding. We have not heard. You could also ask FEMA to make revisions to its flood map, but you are risking losing the ability to get flood insurance if a flood occurs after the revision. We need to follow through with the Town with regards to completing the Fire District contract. The Town’s attorney has it now.</p><p>Attorney Skivington left at 8:50 PM.</p><p>VILLAGE CLERK –Lee Mikewicz </p><p> We have contacted the County on two occaisions to ask whether our resolution to put Village sewer bills on the annual Village tax bill is sufficient. This was done last year. There was some concern that a local law might be needed. We are still waiting for a response.</p><p> The Clerk asked the Board to consider temporarily changing Thursday Office hours to 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (instead of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) at least until the Treasurer’s position is filled to accommodate working commitments. 6 MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar to change the Village Office hours for Thursdays to 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM until the Treasurer’s position is filled.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>TRUSTEE REPORTS:</p><p>DEPUTY MAYOR LESLIE WAGAR Liaison to: Village Zoning/Planning Boards Code Enforcement Dept.</p><p> There is not much going on in the Building Department. Only one permit was issued in January. Planning and Zoning were pretty quiet. There was no meeting in December and just a short one in January. Mayor Gee mentioned that the Village was awarded the Genesee Transportation Council Zoning Grant in the amount of $18,000. Planning/Zoning Board members will be involved in the process of determining which areas need to be rezoned or have other modifications made. Work related to the grant will probably be started in the summer. There is a Planning/Zoning meeting Thursday night, but not much happening.</p><p>TRUSTEE – ELIZABETH MURRAY Liaison to: Community Organizations Chamber of Commerce Activities Committee Forestry Board</p><p> The Forestry Board met twice last month (January 9th and 16th). The schedule was set for remaining meetings for 2014. The Forestry Board has started working with Urban Forestry on a Tree Management Plan. They may be adding two Saturday sessions to work on the plan (four-hour blocks of time would be helpful). Two questionnaires are being completed to give the Board some numbers to start with. The expected completion time should be July. Under community activity, Earth Day will be on April 26th. A number of events are scheduled for that day around Scottsville. We got notification from Delta Labs for the 10th Annual Greater Rochester Earth Day Cleanup. As a participating community, we can add our cleanup data into the Greater Rochester totals (at no cost to participate). The Lions Club will host the Annual Cookout again in Johnson Park. They just want confirmation that the Village will provide the hot dogs, rolls, condiments and drinks again. The Board agreed that it would. The Forestry Board is working on an Earth Day Program. The first Farmers Market advisory meeting is set for February 27th at the library. The market will be opening on June 4th. The Chamber and Rotary are sponsoring the Spring Fling Fundraiser event on May 3rd. A press release was distributed for the energy updates at the Fire Hall. Trustee Murray will be leaving the Village Board after the March meeting. She will continue on the Forestry Board for another year and be involved in the Village’s 100-year Anniversary Celebration. 7</p><p>TRUSTEE JAMES CLARK Liaison to: Village Parks Clerk’s Office Waste Water Treatment Plant</p><p> Parks are okay and being used through the winter. The ice rink is getting a lot of use. The Clerk’s Office is operating relatively smoothly considering the changes coming to the Village Office (new Treasurer/Deputy Clerk). The Wastewater Treatment Plant is done. The decommissioning process will be starting.</p><p>TRUSTEE RICHARD CLARK Liaison to: Department of Public Works</p><p> Trustee R. Clark said that he did an inspection and safety walk around the DPW last Friday and did a quick overview of OSHA procedures.</p><p>MAYOR PAUL GEE Liaison to: Fire Department Rescue Squad Main Street Committee</p><p>The Board reviewed the Research, Marketing and Consulting Proposal of Slow Road Consulting to assist the Village in developing a local economic development agency (Industrial Development Agency, Local Development Corporation) at a cost of $22,800.00. The Board will consider the proposal after more investigation and review it further in their next budget meeting. The Village can fund an LDC, which is a non-profit corporation with the specific purpose to seek businesses for Main Street and do marketing for the Village. The Board would have the authority to eliminate the LDC at any time.</p><p>Mayor Gee brought up a request from John Holtz (Forestry Board) that the Village install an erasable board on one wall in Meeting Room B. The Town was not interested in sharing the cost. The Board agreed that the Village could spend up to $400.00 to get one. The Mayor will approach the Town again.</p><p>Excellent Air (Greg and Donna Dixon) of 23 Main Street sent a letter requesting two parking passes for Main Street. They (as the business) currently park in the street to allow their tenant access to the driveway. They are requesting exemptions because they feel they may be over the two-hour limit at times. </p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee E. Murray and seconded by Trustee R. Clark to authorize Excellent Air to receive two parking exemption passes at 23 Main Street to be renewable every six months.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee R. Clark and seconded by Trustee J. Clark to approve Amy Johnston as a member of the Scottsville EMS Squad pending satisfactory results of her physical.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE 8 Trustee E. Murray mentioned that she heard that Joan Glavin’s building (next to Amy Rose’s) had been sold and wondered what was going to happen to it. Building Inspector Terry Rech said that the buyer was a pizza place owner from the Henrietta/Scottsville Road area.</p><p>The Board was given notification from the Smith-Warren Post #367 that they would be having a Memorial Day Parade on May 26th at 9:30 AM. The Board concurred.</p><p>MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar and seconded by Trustee E. Murray to authorize the Mayor to sign a performance agreement/proposal with Spectra to do a live band performance at the Scottsville Family Festival on August 16, 2014 at a cost of $450.00.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee R. Clark and seconded by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar to authorize payment to Eileen Gatke of 4 remaining vacation days upon her resignation.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p> Regional Sanitary Pump Station – MRB Group Project #1917.10001 – M.A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heating, Inc. – Payment Application #15 - $14,269.00</p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee E. Murray to authorize payment to M.A. Ferrauilo Plumbing & Heating, Inc. in the amount of $14,269.00 for services and materials detailed in Payment Application #15.</p><p>VOTE: Carried 4-1.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - NAY Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p> Regional Sanitary Pump Station – MRB Group Project #1917.10001.000 MW Controls Service, Inc. – Payment Application #11 - $6,603.45</p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee E. Murray to authorize payment to MW Controls Service, Inc. for $6,603.45 for service and materials as detailed in Payment Application #11.</p><p>VOTE: Carried 4-1.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - NAY Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p> Regional Sanitary Pump Station and Force Main– MRB Project #1917.10001- Professional Services from December 29, 2013 to January 25, 2014 - $1,766.60 9 MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee R. Clark to authorize payment to MRB Group in the amount of $1,766.60 for Professional Services from December 29, 2013 to January 25, 2014 as detailed in Invoice #17131.</p><p>VOTE: Carried 4-1.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - NAY Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p> Regional Sanitary Pump Station and Force Main – Post Project Services – MRB Project #1917.13001 –Professional Services from December 29, 2013 to January 25, 2014 - $8,016.04</p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee E. Murray to authorize payment to MRB Group in the amount of $8,016.04 for Professional Services from December 29, 2013 to January 25, 2014 as detailed in Invoice# 17130.</p><p>VOTE: Carried 4-1.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - NAY Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p> Pump Station – MRB Group Project #1917.12001 – General Engineering Services from December 29, 2013 to January 25, 2014 - $5,312.68</p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee R. Clark to authorize payment to MRB Group in the amount of $5,312.68 for General Engineering Services from December 29, 2013 to January 25, 2014 as detailed in Invoice # 17132.</p><p>VOTE: Carried 4-1.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - NAY Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p> Scott Crescent Bridge Over Millrace – LaBella Associates Project ID #4754.95 – Payment Estimate #17 – Professional Services from September 21, 2013 to December 31, 2013 - $1,739.29</p><p>MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar and seconded by Trustee J. Clark to authorize the payment to LaBella Associates in the amount of $1,739.29 for Professional Services from September 21, 2013 to December 31, 2013 as detailed in Payment Estimate #17.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p> Consider proposal from Kocher Surveying for Professional Surveying Services related to the Regional Sanitary Pump Station Project at a cost of $9,500.00 10 MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee E. Murray to accept the proposal of Kocher Surveying for Professional Services related to the Regional Sanitary Pump Station Project at a total cost of $9,500.00.</p><p>VOTE: Carried 4-1.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - NAY Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p> Consider proposal from MRB Group for additional professional engineering services necessary to complete post project services associated with the Regional Pump Station and Force Main Project at a cost of $10,000.00</p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee E. Murray to accept the proposal of MRB Group to provide additional professional engineering services necessary to complete post project services associated with the Regional Pump Station and Force Main Project at a cost of $10,000.00.</p><p>VOTE: Carried 4-1.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - NAY Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee E. Murray to authorize the Mayor to sign the Short Environmental Assessment Form (SEQR) that has determined that the proposed action for the North East Sanitary Sewer District to enter into the Monroe County Irondequoit Bay South Central Pure Waters District, based on information and analysis, will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts and, as such, will require no further environmental review.</p><p>VOTE: Carried 4-1.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - NAY Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee R. Clark and seconded by Trustee J. Clark that it BE RESOLVED that the Scottsville Village Board hereby directs the Village Mayor to petition the Monroe County Irondequoit Bay South Central Pure Waters District for authorization for the North East Sanitary Sewer District to enter the district. This action is consistent with the inter-municipal agreement between the Village of Scottsville, Town of Wheatland and County of Monroe which became effective August 2, 2012. </p><p>VOTE: Carried 4-1.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - NAY Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee E. Murray to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement allowing LaBella Associates to apply to New York State for permission to dispose of Village Greenhouse debris containing asbestos in a State landfill.</p><p>VOTE: Carried 4-1.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - NAY Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE 11 Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee E. Murray to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement from LaBella Associates for a Site-Specific Variance Application and Demolition Specifications related to the Village Greenhouse at a cost of $1,700.00.</p><p>VOTE: Carried 4-1.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - NAY Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Trustee E. Murray to set a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 6:50 PM to consider the release of funds from the Park Reserve Fund to pay for Village entry signs in an amount not to exceed $15,000.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar to set a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 6:55 PM to consider the release of funds from the Park Reserve Fund to pay for Skate Board Park Equipment in an amount not to exceed $20,000.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>OLD BUSINESS: None.</p><p>NEW BUSINESS: None.</p><p>PARK PERMITS:</p><p>MOTION: made by Trustee J. Clark and seconded by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar to approve the following Johnson Park permits: James Clark – 47 Diana Drive – Saturday, March 15, 2014 – Party Roberta Dunn – 90 Main Street – Saturday, June 28, 2014 – Graduation Party Amanda Radell – 20 Grove Street – Sunday, June 29, 2014 – Bridal Shower Jill Eve – 84 Haywards Heath, West Henrietta – Saturday, July 19, 2014 – Family Reunion</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0.</p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>CORRESPONDENCE: – See Folder 12</p><p>ADJOURNMENT: </p><p>MOTION: made by Deputy Mayor L. Wagar and seconded by Trustee R. Clark to adjourn the Village Board meeting at 9:50 PM.</p><p>VOTE: Carried unanimously 5-0. </p><p>Trustee Elizabeth Murray AYE Deputy Mayor Leslie Wagar - AYE Trustee Jim Clark AYE Trustee Rick Clark - AYE Mayor Paul Gee AYE </p><p>Respectfully submitted by, Lee Mikewicz Village Clerk</p>
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