Department of Residential Life and Housing

Department of Residential Life and Housing

<p>Office of Housing and Conferences</p><p>Housing Application Guide</p><p>2017-2018</p><p>2</p><p>Colorado College offers unique and diverse housing options for students. This guide is designed to assistant students in selecting options that best meet their needs in cultivating a positive living environment. Our three-year residency requirement is designed to help students maximize their engagement in the life of the college. Because general room selection, apartment selection and theme application housing all involve different processes, each guide is provided below.</p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>Room Selection Guide 2017-2018…………………………………………………………………………….…. 2 Room Selection FAQ’s Room Selection checklist</p><p>Apartment Selection Guide 2017-2018………………………………………………………….……………..…. 6 Apartment Selection FAQ’s Apartment Selection checklist</p><p>Theme Housing Selection Guide 2017-2018…………………………………………………………………..… 10 Theme Housing checklist</p><p>Cottage Housing Selection Guide 2018-2019……………………………………………………………….…… 14 Cottage Housing checklist</p><p>Complete Housing Selection Timeline 2017- 2018……………………………………………………………… 15</p><p>Housing Rates 2017- 2018………………………………………………………………………………..……….. 16</p><p>Addendum…………………………………………………………………………………………………..………... 17 Housing Selection Criteria: Units vs Semesters</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 3 Room Selection Guide Fall 2017- Spring 2018</p><p>The Office of Housing and Conferences developed the room selection process with input from CCSGA (Colorado College Student Government Association). All relevant forms are available on our website as well as in our office in Bemis Hall.</p><p>Overview of Room Selection Procedures Step 1:</p><p>Attend a room selection information session to ensure you are familiar with the online process.</p><p>Room Selection Information Sessions February 20, 2017 2:00PM Location: Bemis Great Hall February 24, 2017 3:00PM</p><p>Step 2: Each student must complete the online housing application due: March 8, 2017</p><p>Step 3: Each student will receive a time slot to select online.</p><p>Time slots are based on anticipated class standing and/or semesters on campus at the start of the fall, 2017 semester. Time slots are randomly computer generated within each class, however students who have submitted their online Housing Agreement by the March 8th deadline will be given earlier time slots than the students within their class who have not submitted the agreement by the deadline. </p><p>If you are selecting a room with a roommate, you will use the earliest of the assigned time slots between the two roommates. All students will receive their time slots via their CC email accounts. You will be able to access the Room Selection link on the housing website until you have completed your online Housing Agreement.</p><p>Units* Time Slot Range </p><p>Seniors 24+ Thursday, May 4, 2017 from 1:00pm – 3:00pm</p><p>Juniors 16-23.99 Friday, May 5, 2017 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm Monday, May 8, 2017 from 1:00pm – 5:00pm</p><p>Sophomores 0-15.99 Tuesday, May 9, 2017 from 1:00pm – 5:00pm Wednesday, May 10, 2017 from 1:00pm – 5:00pm</p><p>You can log in any time after your designated time, but you won’t be able to log in prior to that time. </p><p>*The criteria for class standing will switch from “units” to only “semester on campus” for the 2018-19 academic year. Please see addendum for further information.</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 4</p><p>General Information for selecting your room online</p><p>Becoming familiar with the process and determining what rooms are available To select your room, you will to go to, the same website at which you completed your online Housing Agreement. Use the same user name and password that you used for that process (your CC network login). At the bottom of the student home page is a link entitled “2017-2018 Current Room Availability.” Here you can keep track of which rooms have not yet been chosen, and you can also unofficially walk through the room selection process in preparation for the actual event during your assigned time slot. We urge you to visit this site early to become familiar with the process and ask any questions you might have so that you are prepared when it comes time to actually select your room. Once room selection begins, you’ll want to monitor the site frequently to see what rooms have been selected so that, when it’s your turn to choose a room, you know which ones are still available. </p><p>Choosing your roommate You may choose your roommate at any time after you have completed the online Housing Agreement. This is done through the “2017-2018 Roommate Selection” link at the bottom of your student home page at You must know your chosen roommate’s six digit student I.D. number, as that number is what you will enter here to identify your selected roommate. Note that your roommate must also select you in order for the two of you to be able choose a room together. Gender Neutral housing is recognized at Colorado College. Students interested in gender neutral housing should contact Room Assignment Manager, Betsy Cane to secure and confirm housing assignments that meet your needs (i.e. Access to all-gender restrooms on designated floor/floor section, etc.). </p><p>Selecting your room When your designated time slot begins, you will go to the “2017-2018 Room Selection” link at the bottom of your student home page at After clicking on this link, you’ll be given the opportunity to confirm your roommate if you have mutually chosen each other. You’ll also be able to select a specific building to search room availability. It’s important that you have a list of preferred rooms handy so that you can move on quickly and easily if the first room you want is no longer available. Once you choose the building you want and hit “Search,” you’ll see a list of rooms that fit your criteria (i.e., single, double, triple). When you see the room you want, just click on it, select the room, and you’re done! Within a short time, you’ll receive an email to your CC email account confirming your room selection. If you’ve chosen a roommate, they will also receive a confirmation email. Once you select a room and roommate, your roommate is also assigned to that room and will be unable to choose a different room. After you select a room, you are bound by that selection and will be unable to change it.</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 5</p><p>Frequently Asked Questions: What if I require housing accommodations due to a disability-related reason (e.g., accessible housing, access to a kitchen or single-use bath, visual alarm)?</p><p>Please contact the office of Accessibility Resources (719-227-8285; Armstrong Hall, Room #211; [email protected]). In order to allow sufficient time for the College to evaluate and respond to requests for accommodations and to work with Housing and Conferences timelines, please meet with Accessibility Resources no later than March 08, 2017 to discuss the request. Accessibility Resources and Housing and Conferences will carefully consider each request for accommodations on a case-by-case basis to ensure that students with disabilities have equitable access to the College’s housing resources. Offers for students approved for ADA accommodations will be emailed on March 29, 2017.</p><p>I believe I have a special accommodation request, is there a form I can fill out? If you feel that you have special circumstances that warrant being offered a space without having to go through the traditional room selection processes, you should submit a “Special Consideration for On-Campus Housing” to Housing and Conferences by March 15, 2017. This is an application for special accommodation in the room selection process, not for off-campus housing. Please call our office with any questions. You may access the application on our website or pick one up in the Housing and Conferences office in Bemis Hall. </p><p>What if I don’t have computer access or won’t be on-campus during my room selection time slot? If you will not have computer access during the room selection time slot assigned to you or if you will be unable to complete any of the other processes associated with room selection, it is your responsibility to designate another student as a “proxy” to act on your behalf. Proxy authorizations must be completed as part of the online housing registration process or by submitting a completed form to the Housing and Conferences office. Emailed authorizations are also acceptable. Proxy information should be turned in prior to March 31st. No one will be allowed to select a room for you unless we have record that the specific individual is serving as your proxy. Information your proxy must have in order to select your room:  The name(s) and six digit ID number(s) of your preferred roommate(s), if applicable  Your building and room choices (you should provide at least three in the order in which you desire that space).  The specific room selection time slot to which you’ve been assigned Your proxy will not be able to log into the room selection website to choose a space for you, instead, they should come to the Housing and Conferences office during your designated time slot. </p><p>I plan to study abroad for the Fall 2017 semester. Should I still complete the housing application? If you believe you will be studying abroad for the fall, 2017 semester, you will still need to complete the housing agreement online in preparation for your return to campus housing in the spring. It is also important that you complete the online room preference information so that we are aware of your housing preferences as we begin to make room assignments for the spring, 2017 semester. However, you will not go through the room selection process this spring. </p><p>I won’t be 18 years old before completing the housing agreement, does a parent/guardian need to complete the application for me? If you are not 18 before you complete the housing agreement, your parent/guardian will also need to complete a housing agreement for you before you can participate in room selection or be assigned to a room. You can download it from our website or come to our office for a paper version. You should still submit the online version by the March 8th deadline. </p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 6</p><p>What will happen if I do not participate in the room selection process? If you do not participate in the room selection process and are not granted off-campus, you will still be assigned a room over the summer by Housing and Conferences unless you are going abroad or taking a leave of absence in the fall. You must still provide a signed Housing Agreement. </p><p>My timeslot is incorrect, what should I do? If you believe you have received an incorrect time slot, please contact our office. If you are aware that you have credits that have not transferred, you will need to provide proof of those before we can issue a new time slot. Similarly, if you plan to take a summer course, you will need to have proof of registration in that course. Since time slots are generated randomly, you will not be penalized if your time is adjusted.</p><p>Checklist:</p><p>□ Attended one of the Room Selection Info Sessions</p><p>□ Completed the Online Housing Agreement (Due Date: March 8th)</p><p>□ Received your room selection timeslot</p><p>□ Mutually selected your roommate online (if needed)</p><p>□ Practiced selecting a room online</p><p>□ Made a list of my preferences of my most desired living situations</p><p>□ Know date and time I select my room online</p><p>□ Selected my room online for Fall 2017</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 7</p><p>Apartment Selection Guide</p><p>Fall 2017 – Spring 2018</p><p>Western Ridge and East Campus apartments are designed for upper class (junior and senior) students to enjoy apartment style living as they transition to more independent living. Please read this guide carefully, as it contains important information that will help you maneuver through the apartment selection process. Apartment Selection Overview</p><p>Step One: Students should attend an Apartment Selection Info Session. These sessions will go over the process and allow students an opportunity to ask questions. It is highly recommended that students attend a session. Dates: February 20, 2017 1:00-2:00pm and February 24, 2017 4:00-5:00pm Location: Bemis Great Hall</p><p>Step Two: Students must complete the Online Housing Agreement. As part of the process of reviewing apartment applications, we will be specifically checking that this requirement has been met. If it has not been completed for any person in your group, the apartment application will not be accepted until the online agreement has been completed. Due Date: March 8, 2017 Where can I find it? :</p><p>Step Three: Students must complete the Apartment Application for their desired configuration. (WR Studio, WR 2- person, WR 4/5-person, WR 6-person, EC 8-person) The Apartment Applications can be picked up from Housing and Conferences in Bemis Hall 139 or downloaded from the website. Each application will ask for a group leader who will act as the contact person for that group. Due Date: March 31, 2017 at 5:00pm. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Where can I find it? : The Office of Housing and Conferences - Bemis Hall 139 or downloaded from the website. application-forms-and-deadlines.html</p><p>Step Four: Conduct will be verified for applicants. If 50% or more of the applicants in a group have significant conduct history (College housing restriction or greater sanctions) or have been involved in multiple incidents together, the group application will be ineligible. If you are uncertain whether or not your group qualifies to apply for an apartment together, we suggest that you email Apollo Harris at [email protected] prior to the March 31st deadline. We will check the conduct history of your group and advise you of your eligibility so that you have time to reconfigure your group if the current configuration isn’t eligible to apply together. Date: April 3, 2017 Important Note: Check your conduct early. After the March 31st deadline, applications cannot be changed.</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 8</p><p>Step Five: (for those who applied for Studio or 2-person apartments only) Students will be sent selection timeslots via email. This year the studio and 2-person selection process will be an online process. For this reason, those who have applied for studios or 2-person apartments will receive a selection timeslot. During their designated time students will go online and select an apartment.</p><p>Date: April 4, 2017 Where will I select my apartment? : TargetPage=Default.asp</p><p>Step Six: Lottery numbers will be issued to apartment applicant groups via email. Students apply for an apartment as a group and are given a group lottery number that is randomly generated based on the configuration of the group (all seniors, mixed seniors and juniors, all juniors) and whether or not all members of the group met the March 8, 2017 deadline for submitting the housing agreement. Date of Issuance: April 5, 2017</p><p>Step Seven: Students will select an apartment. Below is the schedule for Apartment Selection days. </p><p>Configuration Date Location </p><p>6-person Western ridge April 4, 2017 The group with the lowest lottery number will be apartment notified via email and will have until 4pm to accept the apartment offer. Once the apartment is accepted all other applicant groups will be notified of its unavailability.</p><p>Spring semester only Western April 4, 2017 – The group with the lowest lottery number will be Ridge Apartments April 5, 2017 notified via email and will have the opportunity to accept and select between the two available apartments. Once an offer has been accepted the group with the next lowest lottery number will be notified via email. When both apartments have been selected all other applicant groups will be notified of their unavailability.</p><p>Studio and 2-person Western April 5, 2017 Online process Ridge apartments</p><p>8-person East Campus April 6, 2017 Apartments will be selected in-person at Loomis apartments 1:00-4:00pm Lounge</p><p>4/5-person Western Ridge April 7, 2017 Apartments will be selected in-person at Loomis apartments 1:00-4:00pm Lounge</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 9</p><p>Frequently Asked Questions</p><p>Can I apply to more than one apartment?</p><p> Students can apply for more than one group configuration (i.e., a 4-person apartment group as well as a 2- person group), and each group will have a lottery number. However, students can only apply for one type of apartment, which means that they cannot be part of multiple groups of the same configuration. (i.e., a student cannot be a part of two 4-person applications) </p><p>If I apply for multiple apartments, can I put one offer on hold to see if I am able to get another offer? (i.e., Can I hold an offer for an 8-person to see if I am offered a 4-person?)</p><p> If you applied for different apartment configurations, you will have to accept or decline an offer when your number comes up during the Apartment Selection process rather than keep it on hold. Once you’ve accepted an offer, the other groups you applied with are void, and those individuals are not eligible for an apartment unless they have signed up with another group that is still in the process.</p><p>Does the entire group have to be present for Apartment Selection?</p><p> All members of your group do not need to be present for Apartment Selection. However, those who are not present are giving their permission for the other member(s) of their group to act on their behalf. Therefore, any decisions that are made will be binding for the entire group.</p><p>How are lottery numbers divided?</p><p> Groups comprised entirely of seniors will receive the lowest (or best) lottery numbers. Groups in which all students submitted the housing agreement by the March 8th deadline will receive the best lottery numbers in this range. </p><p> Groups that are mixed (i.e., some seniors and some juniors) will be randomly assigned numbers from the middle lottery group. Again, groups in which all students turned in their housing agreement by the March 8th deadline will receive better lottery numbers in this range. Groups comprised of more seniors than juniors will not have priority over groups with an equal number of each or those that have more juniors than seniors. All mixed groups have equal standing.</p><p> Groups that contain only juniors will receive the highest lottery numbers. Groups in which any individual did not submit the housing agreement on time will receive lottery numbers in the highest end of this range.</p><p>I will be away from campus during the apartment selection process; can I still apply for an apartment?</p><p> Yes, you may still participate in the selection process by appointing a proxy. Proxy authorizations must be completed as part of the online housing registration process or by submitting a completed form to the Housing and Conferences office. Emailed authorizations are also acceptable. No one will be allowed to complete an application for you unless we have record that the specific individual is serving as your proxy. Please choose your proxy carefully, as you will be entrusting this person with the responsibility of handling the apartment application process and apartment selection for you.</p><p>If I will be gone for the spring 2018 semester can I apply to live in an apartment?</p><p> Yes, on the apartment applications there is a place to write the names of the students living in the apartment for fall and then for spring. The students in the fall can be replaced by new students in the spring as long as one student maintains residency in the apartment for the entire year. (i.e., Fall: Student A, Student B / Spring: Student A, Student C) Because at least one student is required to maintain residency all year, students who will be away from campus for the spring semester cannot apply for a studio.</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 10</p><p>Are the class standings of the people in the spring considered?</p><p> Yes, students who move into the apartments in the spring must have a senior or junior class standing. Please note that the class standing of the student coming in the spring is not a factor in the determination of lottery numbers (i.e. student moving into the apartment in the spring who has a senior class standing will not get a better lottery number for the group moving into the apartment in the fall).</p><p>Are the apartments gender neutral?</p><p> Students are allowed to name any roommate for gender neutral housing purposes, regardless of their gender identity.</p><p>During the year, how will roommates be replaced if they leave?</p><p> If a student vacates an apartment at any time, the remaining roommates will have the opportunity to name a new roommate (must be a senior or a junior). If they do not, Housing and Conferences will assign someone to the apartment utilizing the wait list process. If students in the apartments do not name new roommates at semester, they may be asked to consolidate to provide open apartments for juniors and seniors returning to campus in the spring. This provides groups of students who are studying abroad in the fall an opportunity to be on a wait list for apartments for the spring.</p><p>If I select a fall semester only apartment and decide not to leave for the spring semester, will I still be required to move at semester?</p><p> At Apartment Selection, if you select a semester only apartment, it will be for fall only. All residents will need to vacate the apartment prior to Winter Break.</p><p>Checklist: □ Attended one of the Apartment Selection Info Session</p><p>□ Completed the Online Housing Agreement (Due Date: March 8th)</p><p>□ Checked with RLC regarding any conduct issues</p><p>□ Completed and submitted the desired apartment application(s) (Due Date: March 31st by 5PM)</p><p>□ Received your Apartment time slot (ONLY for studio and 2-person applicants)</p><p>□ Received your Apartment lottery group number</p><p>□ Know when and where the apartment selection is for your configuration</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 11 Theme Housing Selection Guide Fall 2017- Spring 2018</p><p>Theme housing includes Language Houses, Theme areas and Living Learning Communities</p><p>Step 1 – Complete Housing Agreement: Housing agreement available: February 06, 2017 Housing agreement due: March 08, 2017</p><p>Step 2 – Complete Theme Application: Theme applications available: February 19, 2017 Application due date: April 07, 2017 4:00PM</p><p>Applications reviewed: April 12, 2017 – April 20, 2017</p><p>Step 3: Student receives offer of space: April 24, 2017 Student must respond by: April 26, 2017 by 4:00PM</p><p>Theme Housing Descriptions</p><p>Language Houses</p><p>The Language Houses provide living options in which students engage in a variety of cultures and languages, connecting their academic experience with their living community. Students who accept a space here are agreeing to attend additional house events and programs. Students will receive offer for a space in the Language House on April 24, 2017 and must respond to the offer as described by April 26, 2017. Once a student accepts the offer of a space in a Language House, the student may not participate in any other room selection process. In addition, they may not participate in the wait list process and are committed to living in the house for at least one semester. For more information about the Language Houses, please contact Apollo Harris at 719-389-6620 or [email protected]. </p><p>Current houses include the following: Elbert (Italian House), Elf (Asian House), Haskell (French House), Max Kade (German House), Mullet (Russian House) and Windom (Spanish House).</p><p>Theme Areas</p><p>Substance Free/Quiet Housing Arthur House is the location for the 24-hour quiet/substance free community. Substance free areas also exist in both Slocum and Loomis. Students who wish to live in this type of community must apply for it and agree to the terms of the community. </p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 12</p><p>24-Hour Quiet Housing A wing in Slocum is designated as a 24-hour quiet community. These areas are for students interested in a community in which everyone agrees to control the noise within their rooms, hallways, and restrooms so that it’s not impactful to other students in the community. Students interested in this living option must apply for it and agree to the terms of the community. </p><p>Gender Specific Housing Montgomery Hall is an all-female-identified residence that houses 25 students. In addition, one wing in Loomis Hall is designated all female. Historically, there has not been a sufficient level of interest to warrant an all-male- identified hall or wing. </p><p>Synergy House The Synergy Program consists of two houses, located on the east side of campus, for students who are passionate about sustainability and wish to challenge themselves to live intentionally in order to reduce their impact on the planet. “Together, we strive to be a center for environmental awareness, education, and innovation on campus. The steps we take to conserve energy and limit our environmental impact include our gray water systems, utilizing passive solar heating methods, eating local, and growing our own food in our backyard. In addition, we are always looking for new and different ways to carry out our daily activities in order to reduce our footprint and live together more cohesively.” The leaders of these communities select their own residents through application processes.</p><p>For additional information, please contact Ian Johnson at (719) 389-6025 or at [email protected]</p><p>Glass House (Lennox House) The Glass House is a social justice themed living and learning community dedicated to provide a safe environment where dialogues regarding race, inclusion, ethnicity, equity, backgrounds, and belief systems are encouraged and supported. The Office of Residential Life and Campus Activities provides oversight and advising to the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council help guide all house programming (outreach and education) and engages in collaborative programming with The Butler Center. The Advisory Council also plays an active role in the recruitment and placement of new residents with the Office of Residential Life and Campus Activities. The Resident Advisor supports community building efforts and serves as a resource. Those selected for the Glass House live in a unique community, which includes a shared kitchen, laundry room, lounge, All-Gender bathrooms, and easy access to the Ulysses S. Butler Classroom located on the lower level. Once a student accepts the offer of a space in the Glass House, the student may not participate in any other room selection process and is committed to living in the theme house for the year.</p><p>For more information, contact Yolany Gonell, Director of Residential Life and Campus Activities at 719-389-6800, [email protected]</p><p>Living and Learning Communities</p><p>Colorado College offers over 5 interest-specific Living Learning Communities (LLC’s) where students live together in a dedicated area of a traditional residence hall. Each LLC is co-sponsored by a department and is specifically designed to deliver a variety of events and services to support students in their academic and personal growth. </p><p>Some benefits you can look forward to when you join an LLC:</p><p> The opportunity to live and connect with students who share similar interests, academic and personal goals  Students who have chosen to live in an LLC have told us they are more satisfied with their on-campus experience  The chance to expand your views through exploration and collaboration with campus departments and academic programs</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 13</p><p>Sense of Place Living & Learning Community (SPLLC) </p><p>What makes the Pikes Peak region special and unique? The Sense of Place LLC will attend, develop, and guide local and regional trips that explore the cultural, natural, and historical features of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region. The LLC will be a core part of the growing Sense of Place programming at CC, which includes new student orientation, field trips, campus wellness events, and more. Get to know your new home and find what makes it unique and special to you! Those selected for the LLC live in an intentional community in Mathias Hall, which includes a shared kitchen and lounge. Once a student accepts the offer of a space in the SPLLC, the student may not participate in any other room selection process, is ineligible for the waitlist, and is committed to living in the LLC for the year.</p><p>For additional information, please contact Ian Johnson at (719) 389-6025 or at [email protected]</p><p>Enclave Living Learning Community (ELLC)</p><p>The Enclave Living Learning Community is a residential program for active Butler Center groups. This community serves as an enclave for interested students who are committed to deepening their understanding of the purpose and development of "ethnic enclaves” and “safe spaces” in higher education; and how they function in the surrounding community. Residents of this learning community will learn about and practice healthy self-care, peer support, and community development strategies, and working toward the improvement of cultural groups on campus. Further, residents will engage in intracultural projects and community learning that extend beyond perceived boundaries internal and external to campus. Through social and intellectual projects with Butler Groups and community organizations, Enclave students will get to know more about themselves, their affiliations, their campus, and their surrounding community of Colorado Springs. Those selected for the ENCLAVE live in a unique community in Mathias Hall, which includes a shared kitchen and lounge. Once a student accepts the offer of a space in the ECLAVE LLC, the student may not participate in any other room selection process, is ineligible for the wait list, and is committed to living in the LLC for the year.</p><p>For more information about the ENCLAVE Living Learning Community, please contact Pearl Leonard Rock at (719) 389-6198 or [email protected]</p><p>Revitalizing Nations Living Learning Community (RNLLC) </p><p>The Revitalizing Nations LLC is a living and learning community dedicated to the exploration and expression of the traditional and contemporary aspects of Native American and Indigenous intellectual, social, cultural and spiritual life. This LLC is geared towards developing a sense of community for Indigenous students and their allies. Students make a commitment to engage in the programming and recommended opportunities to support a commitment to harmony, fellowship, healing, and knowledge. Those selected for the Revitalizing Nations LLC live in an inclusive community in a renovated wing of Slocum Hall, which includes a shared kitchen, lounge and ALL Gender restroom. Students live by the Residential Life and Colorado College guidelines and policies; however, they create shared community standards for their living environment. Once a student accepts the offer of a space in the LLC, the student may not participate in any other room selection process, is ineligible for the wait list, and is committed to living in the LLC for the year.</p><p>For additional information, please contact Christina Leza Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology at 719- 389-6131 [email protected]</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 14</p><p>Outdoor Education Living Learning Community (OELLC) </p><p>The Outdoor Education Living Learning Community (OELLC) is a community committed to enhancing the knowledge, skills and leadership development of students through outdoor and community service experiences. It’s a residential program with a focus on assisting students, through outdoor pursuits, to develop critical thinking skills, create new problem-solving strategies, hone decision-making skills, enhance creativity, and more effectively synthesize and integrate this information into all aspects of their lives. In this way, students both perform more effectively in an academic environment and flourish throughout all phases of their college experience. Students who apply must have an interest in learning about these aspects of Outdoor Education but do not need to have any experience in outdoor pursuits. Additionally, students should be interested in developing skills in leadership and program and trip development. Those selected for the OELLC will reside in an intentional community in Mathias Hall, which includes a shared kitchen and lounge. Students live by the Residential Life and Colorado College guidelines and policies; however, they create shared community standards for their living environment. Once a student accepts the offer of a space in the OELLC, the student may not participate in any other room selection process, is ineligible for the wait list, and is committed to living in the LLC for the year.</p><p>For additional questions, please contact Program Coordinator David Crye at (719)389-6803 or at [email protected]</p><p>PRIDE Living Learning Community (PLLC)</p><p>The PRIDE Living Learning Community is a community committed to enhancing the knowledge, skills around social justice and education around gender and sexual diversity. PRIDE aims to provide a safe-space community that allows for a holistic understanding of how gender and sexuality intersect with our multiple identities and how these intersectionality’s shape our experience in the world. Those selected for the PRIDE LLC live in an inclusive community in a renovated wing of Slocum Hall, which includes a shared kitchen, lounge and ALL Gender restroom. Students live by the Residential Life and Colorado College guidelines and policies; however, they create shared community standards for their living environment. Once a student accepts the offer of a space in the PRIDE LLC, the student may not participate in any other room selection process, is ineligible for the wait list, and is committed to living in the LLC for the year.</p><p>For additional information, please contact Yolany Gonell at (719) 389-6800 or at [email protected]</p><p>Checklist:</p><p>□ Attended one of the Room Selection Info Sessions</p><p> th □ Completed the Online Housing Agreement (Due Date: March 8 )</p><p> th □ Completed and submitted the Theme Housing Application (Due Date: April 7 by 4PM)</p><p>□ Received your Theme Housing offer </p><p> th □ Accept/Denied Theme Housing offer (Due Date: April 26 by 4PM)</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 15 Cottage Housing Selection Guide Fall 2018 – Spring 2019</p><p>NOTE: The selection for Senior Cottages has already taken place for Fall 2017 – Spring 2018; that process was based on first-come, first-served. As of Fall 2018, we will move to a lottery-based system.</p><p>Senior Cottages, ranging from studio apartments up to 5-person houses, are designed to provide an educational off- campus experience that combines some of the best aspects of living on-campus, with the responsibilities that come with off-campus life. Residents sign leases and are allowed to have pets (with a $300 nonrefundable deposit), the convenience of a full-time professional staff, 24-hour maintenance, and close proximity to campus.</p><p>Cottage Selection Overview Step One: Students eligible to apply for Cottage Housing (6 semesters or more on campus) will be notified of their eligibility via CC email by September 29, 2017.</p><p>Step Two: Students will complete a Senior Cottage application for their desired configuration (5-bedroom house, 4- bedroom house, 2-bedroom apartment, 1-bedroom apartment, Studio apartment) The Senior Cottage applications can be picked up from Housing and Conferences in Bemis Hall 139 or downloaded from the website. Each application (except 1-bedroom) will ask for a group leader who will act as the contact person for that group. Due Date: October 31, 2017</p><p>Step Three: Lottery numbers will be issued to applicant(s) via email. Lottery numbers are randomly generated. Date of Issuance: November 08, 2017</p><p>Step Four: Students will select a Cottage and sign the lease on selection days in November 2017. </p><p>Checklist:</p><p>□ Received email about eligibility for senior cottage housing</p><p>□ Completed and submitted the desired cottage application(s) (Due Date: October 31st, 2017 by 5PM)</p><p>□ Received your cottage group lottery number</p><p>□ Know when and where the cottage selection is for your configuration</p><p>□ Selected cottage and signed lease for Fall 2018 – Spring 2019 academic year</p><p>Last updated 12/1/16 16</p><p>Housing Selection Timeline 2017 - 2018</p><p>Items in bold are traditional room selection processes and apply to most students.</p><p>February 6 Housing Agreement Information Emailed to Students’ CC Email Accounts February 19 Theme Area Applications Available Apartment Applications Available </p><p>February 20 Apartment Selection Information Session – Bemis Great Hall 1:00 p.m. Room Selection Information Session – Bemis Great Hall 2:00 p.m. February 24 Room Selection Information Session – Bemis Great Hall 3:00 p.m. Apartment Selection Information Session – Bemis Great Hall 4:00 p.m.</p><p>March 8 Online Housing Agreement Due March 15 Special Consideration for On-Campus Housing Applications Due March 29 Individual Room Selection Time Slots Emailed to Students’ CC Email Accounts Offers made to students qualifying for ADA Housing Accommodations</p><p>March 31 5:00 pm Apartment group applications due April 4 6-person apartment notified Spring semester only apartments notified Studio and 2-person West Ridge Apartment selection timeslots emailed to students April 5 Studio and 2-person West Ridge Apartment selection online April 5 Apartment Lottery Numbers Emailed to students’ CC email accounts April 6 1-4pm 8-person East Campus Apartment Selection – Loomis Lounge April 7 1-4pm 4-person and 5-person Western Ridge Apartment Selection – Loomis Lounge </p><p>April 7 Theme Area Applications Due April 24 Theme Area Offers Extended Via Email April 26 Theme Area Acceptance Forms Due</p><p>April 30 5:00 pm Senior Off-Campus Applications Due</p><p>May 4 1:00-3:00 pm Senior online room selection May 5 3:00-5:00 pm Junior online room selection – Day 1 May 8 1:00-5:00 pm Junior online room selection – Day 2 May 9 1:00-5:00 pm Sophomore online room selection – Day 1 May 10 1:00-5:00 pm Sophomore online room selection – Day 2</p><p>May 15 8:00 am Wait List Opens for Fall 2017 Last updated 12/1/16 17 Housing Rates 2016-2017</p><p>Note: these are the current rates, which will be reviewed and revised for the 2017-2018 academic year. </p><p>New East Campus Residences will be incorporated into the revised table:  Small Houses: Singles and Double in the new East Campus small houses will be priced the same as other small houses on campus. There are no Triples in the East Campus small houses  Apartments: Rates will match the Western Ridge Apartment rates 2016 - 2017 Room Rates</p><p>The costs listed below are room rates PER </p><p>SEMESTER. </p><p>Buildings Studio Single Double Triple Traditional Halls Loomis $3,745.00 $3,451.00 $3,025.00 Mathias $3,745.00 $3,451.00 $3,025.00 Slocum $3,745.00 $3,451.00 $3,025.00 Small Houses Arthur $3,745.00 $3,451.00 $3,025.00 Bemis $3,745.00 $3,451.00 Colorado College Inn $3,745.00 $3,451.00 $3,025.00 Jackson $3,745.00 $3,451.00 $3,025.00 Lennox $3,745.00 $3,451.00 $3,025.00 McGregor $3,745.00 $3,451.00 Montgomery $3,745.00 $3,451.00 Ticknor $3,745.00 $3,451.00 Language Houses Elbert (Italian) $3,745.00 $3,451.00 Elbert (Asian) $3,745.00 $3,451.00 Haskell (French) $3,745.00 $3,451.00 Max Kade (German) $3,745.00 $3,451.00 Mullett (Russian) $3,745.00 $3,451.00 Windom (Spanish) $3,745.00 $3,451.00 Western Ridge Apts. Antero $4,815.00 $4,390.00 $4,135.00 Blanca $4,815.00 $4,390.00 $4,135.00 Edith Gaylord $4,815.00 $4,390.00 $4,135.00 El Diente $4,815.00 $4,390.00 $4,135.00 JLK $4,815.00 $4,390.00 $4,135.00 Fraternities Kappa Sigma $4,390.00 $4,135.00 Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) $4,390.00 $4,135.00 Sigma Chi $4,390.00 $4,135.00 Off meal plan Synergy $4,390.00 $4,135.00 Last updated 12/1/16 18</p><p>Studio 1-bedroom 2-bedroom 4-bedroom 5-bedroom </p><p> apartment apartment apartment house house Senior Cottages (10 $800/month $820/month $690/month* $690/month* $640/month* Mo. Lease) </p><p>*Rate per tenant </p><p>*Addendum</p><p>Housing Selection Criteria: Units vs Semesters We recommend restructuring the housing selection criteria to move away from the number of academic units to semesters living on campus to determine if the 3-year live-on requirement has been met. By changing to semesters on campus to determine eligibility, we can bring clarity, equity, and fairness to the requirement. </p><p> Our three-year residency requirement is designed to help students reap the benefits of our residential model.  We recommend introducing the new criteria during the apartment information sessions in February 2017 and implement the new criteria in the fall 2018 as we begin the off-campus process. This minimizes the impact on students who have planned under the existing criteria.  Those that live on campus for three years will be eligible to apply to live off-campus.  CC approved study abroad experiences will also count towards the 3 year requirement  Transfer student residency requirement will be determined by assessing their previous higher education live-on experience, as well as their transferred credits with the goal to allow them to live with their anticipated graduating class while at Colorado College.  Exemptions to live off-campus remain the same: 23 years of age or older, have veteran status, are married/domestic partner as substantiated by the college, have dependent children living with them, or will live with their parent(s) or legal guardian in Colorado Springs. </p><p>Last updated 12/1/16</p>

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