Jumb. 132. 4257 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY1 DECEMBER 3, 1914. ,uhli$gtll by ~utgoritQ. WELLINGTON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1914. General Election of Members of Parliament, 1914. District. Candidate. Waimarino Speed. HE following lists of oandidates selected by the Prime Oroua Guthrie. T Minister to represent the Government Party, by the Rangitikei .. Newman. Leader of the Opposition to represent the Opposition Party, Palmerston North Buick. and by the persons appointed for thatpnrpose to represent Otaki Field. the Labour Party, pursuant to section 3 of the Expeditionary Hutt SamueL Forces Act, 1914, have been received. Wellington North Herdman. J. HISLOP, Wellington Central. Fisher. Chief Electoral Offioer. Wellington East Newman. Wellington, 4th Deoember, 1914. Wellington South .. Luke. Wellington Suburbs and Country Dis· GO VERNMENT. trict Wright. Nelson Field. THIll following oandidates are seleoted by me as Prime Motueka Hudson. Minister as the candidates representing the Government Buller Powell. Party in the several districts, pursuant to the Expeditionary Grey Michel. Forces Voting Aot, 1914 ;- Westland Paape. District. Candidate. Wairau Dunoan. Bay of Islands Reed. Hurunui Banks. Marsden Mander. Kaiapoi Jones. Kaipara. Coates. Christohurch North Toogood. Waitemata Harris. Christohurch East .. Macfarlane. Eden Parr. Christchuroh South Hughes. Auckland E'ast Holmes. Riccarton •. Bunn. Auckland Central Riohardson. Avon Acland. Auckland West Bradney. Lyttelton .. Miller. Grey Lynn McLea.n. Ellesmere .. Rhodes. Parnell Dickson. Selwyn Sheat. Manukau Lang. Ash bur tori .. Noswortby. Franklin Ma.ssey. Timaru Smith. Raglan Bollard. Temuka Kerr. Thames Rbodes. Waitaki Francis. Ohinemuri Clark. Oamaru Lee. Tauranga •. Herries. Otago Central Scott. Waikato Young: Dunedin North Thomson. Bay of Plenty Williams. Dunedin West Stewart. Taumarunui Wilson. Duuedin Ceutral Statham. Gisborne •. de Lautour. Dunedin South Dalton. Hawke's Bay Campbell. Chalmers .. Dickson. Napier Venables. Bruce Allen. Waipawa .. Hunter. Clutha Malcolm. Pahiatua .• Escott. Wabtipu Fraser. Masterton •. Sykes. Mataura .. Anderson. Wairarapa •• Buohanan. Wallace Rodgers. Stratford Hine. In vercargill Lillicrap. Taranaki .. Okey. Awarua Hamilton. Egmont Wilkioson. Pate a Pearoe. W. F. MASSEY, Wanganui •• Pirani. Prime Minister. 4258 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. lR2 , OPPOSITION. 1 LABOUR. THE following is a list of candidates BBleoted by me on be- HEREWITH is the list of seleoted oandldatel on behalf of the half of the Opposition Party, in terms of the powers oon- Labour Party 80S seleoted oonsented to and approved by farred by section 8 of the Expeditionary Forces Voting Aot, Mr. John Robertson and ~yself, under a~d by virtue of the 1914 :- powers con~erred upon us by section 8 of the Expeditionary Diatrict. ClLIldidate. Forces Votmg Aot, 1914;- Bay of Islands Buck. District. Candlda.'•. Marsden •• Purdie. Bay of Islands Buok. Kaipara • . Hoe. Marsden .. Purdie. Waitemata Tewsley. Kai?ara Hoe. Eden Tuck. W&ltemata Tewsley. Auokland East Myers. Eden Richards. Auokland Central Glover. Auokland Ea.st Myers. Auokland West Poole. Auokland Central Savage. Grey Lynn Auckland West Poole. Parnell Sullivan. Grey Lynn Fowlds. Manukau .. MoLarin. Parnell Sullivan. Franklin .• Glass. Manukau MoLarin. Raglan Thompson. Franklin •. Glass. Thames • • Taylor. Raglan Thompson. Ohinemuri Pola.nd. Thames Taylor. Tauranga .. Stewart. Ohinemuri Poland. Waikato •• Scholes. Tauranga .. Stewart. Bay of Plenty Maodonald. Waikato .. Soholes. Taumarunui Jennings. Bay of Plenty Macdonald. Gisborne " Carroll. Tauma.runui Jennings. Hawke's Bay MoNab. Glsbor~e .. Oarroll. Napier Brown. Hawke s Ba.y McNab. Walpawa •• Jull. Nal?ier Brown. Pahia.tua •• Mathews. Walpawa .• Jull. Masterton Hogg. Pahlatua. .. Mathews. Walrarapa.. Hornsby. Ma.sterton .. Hogg. Stratford Ha.wkins. Wa.irara.ps. .. Hornsby. Taranaki •• Hughes. Stra.tford .. Hawkins. Egmont Astbury. Taranaki •• Hughes. Patea. Morrison. Egmont •• Astbury. Wanganui • • Veitoh. Patea . Morrison. Wa.imarino Smith. WanganUl •• Veitoh. Ornua Morrison. Waimarino Smith. Rangitikei. _ Hornblow. Oroua Morrison. Palmerston North.. Orabb. Rangitikei.... HOlnblow. Ota.ki Robertson. Palmerston North •. Thorn. Hutt •. • • Willard. Otaki Robertson. Wellington North .. Turnbull. Hutt. .• Wilford. Wellington Oentral.. Fletoher. Well!ngton North .- Holland. Wellington Ea.st •. McLaren. Well!ngton Oentral.. Fletcher. Wellington South •. .. .. Hindmarsh. Well~ngton East MoLaren. Wellington Suburbs and Oountry Dis- WellIngton South .. .. •• Hindmarsh. triot •• •• •• " Moore. Wel!ington Suburbs and Country Dis- Nelson Atmore. trlot • . • • .. •• }Ioore. Motueka MoKenzie. Nelson Atmore. Buller Oolvln. Motueka McKenzie. Grey Buller Colvin. Westland Seddon. Grey Webb. Wairau MoOal1um. Westland Seddon. Hurunui •• • • Forbes. Waira.u McOallum. Kaiapoi •• • • Buddo. Hu.run,:,i •• •• Forbes. Ohristohuroh North IsUt. Kaiapol •• •• Buddo. Ohristohuroh East •• Thaoker. Ohr!stohuroh North Isitt. Ohristohuroh South Ell. Ohrlstohuroh East .• Hunter. Ricoe.rton •• Witty. O~stohuroh South Whiting. Avon Russell. Rlcoarton .• WiUy. Lyttelton .. Avon. .. Sullivan. Ellesmere. • Free. Lyttelton •• MoOombs. Selwyn Dickie. Ellesmere •• Free. Aahburton Maslin. Selwyn •• Diokle. Timaru Oraigie. Ashburton •• Maslin. Temuka Talbot. Time.ru •• Oraigie. Waitaki Anstey. Temuka •• Talbot. Oamaru .. Ma.opherson. Waitaki .. Anstey. Otago Central Bodkin. Oamaru •• Macphellon. Dunedin North Walker. Otago Oentral Bodkin. Dunedin West Johnson. Dunedin North Walker. Dunedin Central Munro. Dunedin West John80n. Dunedin South Sidey. Dunedin Oentral Munro. Chalmers •• Mason. Dunedin South Sidey. Bruce Smith; Chalmers .• Mason. Clutha Jenkinson. Bruce Smiih. Wa.ka.iipu •• Stephens. Cluths. •• Jenkinson. Mataura •• Mehaffey. Wakatipu •• Stephens. Wallace Thomson. Mataura •• Hehaffey. Invercargill Hanan. Wallaoe •• TholDlon. Awarua . W rd Invercargill Hanan. a . Awarua. Ward. J. G. WARD. A. H. HINDMARSH. I approve.-J. ROBERTSON. By Authority: JOHN MAOKAY, Government Printer, W~l1m.gton. .
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