Instructional Calendar

Instructional Calendar

<p> Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar</p><p>August State Standards Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Objectives Blue = Phonemic Awareness and Reading Skills R.S. = Reading Orange = High Frequency Words Standard 21 22 23 24 25 First Day of School</p><p>WEEK 1 Unit 1 The Little School Bus Character R.S .03.a Retell a story include . Words in a Sentence character, setting, and . Recognize and Produce Rhyming plot 28 29 30 31 1 Words Letters Aa to Ee R.S. Early Early . Letter naming: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee 01.e recognize upper Release Release and lower case JH – Back ES – Back . HF Words: I, am to School to School . Preview and Predict . Recall and Retell . Recognize Character</p><p>September State Standards Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Objectives WEEK 2 Fix-It Duck Setting R.S.03.a Retell a story include . Syllables in a Word character, setting, and . Letter naming: Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, plot 4 5 6 7 8 Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn (Review Aa, Bb, Letters Ff to Nn R.S. Labor Day 01.e recognize upper – No Cc, Dd, Ee) and lower case . HF Words: I, am School . Preview and Predict . Recall and Retell</p><p>1 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar . Recognize Setting </p><p>WEEK 3 Plaidypus Lost Sequence R.S. 01.i Draw on prior . Discriminate Sounds knowledge, discuss, . Segment Syllables and generate questions 11 12 13 14 15 . Letter naming: Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss to predict text Letters Oo to Ss R.S. (Review Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, 01.e recognize upper Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn) and lower case . HF Words: the, little Listen for Rhyme and Repetition L.S. 02.a . Preview and Predict Listen to literature . Recall and Retell from a variety of . Recognize Sequence media</p><p>WEEK 4 Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip w/Kinder… Catagorize and CLassify R.S. 02.b . Discriminate Sounds Demonstrate . Segment Syllables understanding of 18 19 20 21 22 . Letter naming: Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, vocab. ISAT Xx, Yy, Zz Letters Tt to Zz R.S. Testing 01.e recognize upper Begins . HF Words: the, little and lower case . Preview and Predict . Recall and Retell . Recognize Sequence WEEK 5 Julius Character R.S. 03.a Retell a story include . Isolate /m/ character, setting, and . Discriminate Sounds plot 25 26 27 28 29 . Connect /m/ to Mm Connect /m/ to Mm R.S. 01.f Associate . HF Words: a, to letter sounds to letters . Preview and Predict . Recall and Retell . Recognize Character</p><p>2 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar</p><p>October State Standards Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Objectives Review Skills 2 3 4 5 6 No School – No School – State In- State In- service service WEEK 6 Dig, Dig, Digging Catagorize and CLassify R.S. 02.b . Isolate /t/ Demonstrate . Discriminate Sounds understanding of 9 1 11 12 13 . Connect /t/ to Tt vocab. Connect /t/ to Tt R.S. . HF Words: a, to 01.f Associate letter . Preview and Predict sounds to letters 0 . Recall and Retell . Cassify and Catagorize</p><p>WEEK 7 Unit 2 Life in an Ocean Compare and Contrast R.S.03.d Distinguish . Isolate /a/ fiction and nonfiction . Oral Blending Connect /a/ to Aa 16 17 18 19 20 . Connect /a/ to Aa R.S.01.f Associate . HF Words: have is letter sounds to letters . Preview and Predict . Recall and Retell . Compare and Contrast WEEK 8 Armadillo’s Orange Setting R.S. 03.a Retell a story include . Isolate /s/ character, setting, and . Oral Blending plot 23 24 25 26 27 . Connect /s/ to Ss Connect /s/ to Ss R.S. Early ISAT . HF Words: have is 01.f Associate letter Dismiss – Testing sounds to letters Grade Ends . Preview and Predict Level / </p><p>3 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar . Recall and Retell Dept. . Recognize setting Meetings</p><p>WEEK 9 Animal Babies in the GRassland Main Idea R.S. 01.i Draw on prior . Isolate /p/ knowledge, discuss, . Oral Blending and generate questions 30 31 1 2 3 . Connect /p/ to Pp to predict text Connect /p/ to Pp R.S. . HF Words: we, my 01.f Associate letter . Preview and Predict sounds to letters . Recall and Retell . Main Idea</p><p>November Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Objectives WEEK 10 Bear Snores On Reality and Fantasy R.S. 03.d Distinguish . Isolate /k/ between fiction and . Oral Blending nonfiction and reality 6 7 8 9 10 . Connect /k/ to Cc and fantasy Staff In- . HF Words: we, my Connect /k/ to Cc R.S. service- 01.f Associate letter No School . Preview and Predict sounds to letters . Recall and Retell Recognize Realism and Fantasy</p><p>4 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar WEEK 11 A Bed for the Winter Sequence R.S. 01.i Draw on prior . Isolate /i/ knowledge, discuss, . Oral Blending and generate questions 13 14 15 16 17 . Connect /i/ to Ii to predict text End -Tri 1 Teacher . HF Words: he, for Connect /i/ to Ii R.S. Workday 01.f Associate letter – No . Preview and Predict sounds to letters School . Recall and Retell . Sequence Review Skills 20 21 22 23 24 Thanksgiving Break Review Skills 27 28 29 30 1 Early No School Dismiss JH JH and ES and ES – – PT Conf. PT Conf.</p><p>State Standards Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri December Objectives WEEK 12 Whose Garden Is It? Reality and Fantasy R.S. 03.d Distinguish . Isolate /i/ between fiction and . Oral Blending nonfiction and reality 4 5 6 7 8 . Connect /i/ to Ii and fantasy Connect /i/ to Ii R.S. . HF Words: he, for 01.f Associate letter . Preview and Predict sounds to letters . Recall and Retell . Recognize Realism and Fantasy</p><p>5 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar WEEK 13 Unit 3 Little Panda Compare and contrast R.S. 03.d Distinguish . Isolate /n/, /b/ between fiction and . Oral Blending nonfiction and reality 11 12 13 14 15 . Segment Phonemes and fantasy . Connect /n/ to Nn and /b/ to Bb Connect /b/ to Bb and /n/ to Nn R.S. . HF Words: me, with, she 01.f Associate letter . Preview and Predict sounds to letters . Recall and Retell, Visualize . Compare and Contrast WEEK 14 Little Quack Compare and . Isolate /r/ contrast R.S. 03.d Distinguish between . Oral Blending 18 19 20 21 22 fiction and nonfiction . Segment Phonemes and reality and fantasy . Connect /r/ to Rr Connect /r/ to Rr R.S. 01.f Associate . HF Words: me, with, she letter sounds to letters . Preview and Predict,Recall and Retell, Visualize . Recognize Plot</p><p>State Standards Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri January Objectives WEEK 15 See How We Grow Cause and Effect R.S. 03.c Determin . Isolate /d/ and /k/ cause and effect . Oral Blending relationships by 1 2 3 4 5 . Segment Phonemes respondign to New . Connect /d/ to Dd and /K/ to Kk questions Year’s Connect /d/ to Dd Day – No . HF Words: see, look and /k/ to Kk R.S. School . Preview and Predict, Recall and 01.f Associate letter Retell, Visualize sounds to letters . Recognize Cause and Effect</p><p>6 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar WEEK 16 Farfallina and Marcel Plot R.S. 03.a Retell a story that includes . Isolate /f/ plot, character and . Oral Blending setting 8 9 10 11 12 . Segment Phonemes Connect /f/ to Ff End of Teacher . Connect /f/ to Dd, /f/ to Ff R.S. 01.f Associate Semester Workday letter sounds to 1 JH – No . HF Words: see, look letters School . Preview and Predict . Recall and Retell, Visualize . Recognize Plot</p><p>WEEK 17 Seeds Draw Conclusions R.S. 02.a Offer . Isolate /o/ relevent background . Oral Blending information during a 15 16 17 18 19 . Segment Phonemes discussion No School . Connect /o/ to Oo Connect /o/ to Oo – Staff R.S. 01.f Associate Developm . HF Words: they, you, of letter sounds to ent Day – . Preview and Predict letters MLK Day . Recall and Retell, Visualize . Draw Conclusions WEEK 18 Hide, Clyde! Main Idea R.S. 01.i Draw on prior . Isolate /o/ knowlegde, generate . Oral Blending questions to predict 22 23 24 25 26 . Segment Phonemes trext . Connect /o/ to Oo Connect /o/ to Oo R.S. 01.f Associate . HF Words: they, you, of letter sounds to . Preview and Predict letters . Recall and Retell, Visualize . Identify Main Idea WEEK 19 Unit 4 Bunny Day Sequence R.S. 01.i Draw on prior . Isolate /h/ knowlegde, generate . Oral Blending questions to predict 29 30 31 1 2 . Segment Phonemes trext . Connect /h/ to Hh Connect /h/ to Hh R.S. 01.f Associate . HF Words: are, that, do letter sounds to </p><p>7 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar . Preview and Predict, Check letters Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Sequence</p><p>State Standards Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri February Objectives WEEK 20 My Lucky Dayt Cause and Effect . Isolate /l/ R.S. 03.c Draw on prior knowlegde, . Oral Blending 5 6 7 8 9 generate questions to . Segment Phonemes predict trext . Connect /l/ to Ll Connect /l/ to Ll R.S. 01.f Associate letter . HF Words: are, that, do sounds to letters . Preview and Predict, Check Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Cause and Effect WEEK 21 One Little Mouse Sequence R.S. 01.i . Isolate Blends Draw on prior knowlegde, generate . Discriminate Phonemes 12 13 14 15 16 questions to predict . Segment Phonemes trext . Consonant Blends Consonant Blends R.S. 01.f Associate . HF Words: one, two, three, four, letter sounds to letters five . Preview and Predict, Check </p><p>8 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Sequence</p><p>WEEK 22 Golilocks and the Three Bears Character R.S. 03.a . Isolate /g/ Reteel a story including chatacter, . Segment Phonemes 19 20 21 22 23 setting and plot . Connect /g/ to Gg Connect /g/ to Gg President’s End -Tri 2 . HF Words: one, two, three, four, R.S. 01.f Associate Day – No letter sounds to letters five School . Preview and Predict, Check Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Recognize Character 26 27 28 1 2 Early PT conf for Dismissal JH ES and JH – and ES for No School PT Conf.</p><p>9 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar</p><p>State Standards Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri March Objectives WEEK 23 If You Could Go to Antactica Character R.S.03.a . Isolate /e/ Retell a story including chatacter, setting and . Segment Phonemes 5 6 7 8 9 plot . Discriminate Phonemes Connect /e/ to Ee . Connect /e/ to Ee R.S. 01.f Associate letter sounds to letters . HF Words: here, go, from . Preview and Predict, Check Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Classify and Catagorize WEEK 24 Abuela Setting R.S. 03.a . Isolate /e/ Retell a story including chatacter, setting and . Segment Phonemes 12 13 14 15 16 plot . Discriminate Phonemes Connect /e/ to Ee . Connect /e/ to Ee R.S. 01.f Associate letter sounds to letters . HF Words: here, go, from . Preview and Predict, Check Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Recognize Setting</p><p>10 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar WEEK 25 Unit 5 Max Takes the Train Realism and Fantasy . Isolate /j/, /w// R.S. 03.d Distinguish between fiction and . Oral Blending 19 20 21 22 23 nonfiction and real and . Segment Phonemes pretend . Connect /j/ to Jj, /w/ to Ww Connect /j/ to Jj . HF Words: yellow, blue, green and /w/ to Ww R.S. 01.f Associate . Preview and Predict, Check letter sounds to letters Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Recognize Realism and Fantasy</p><p>State Standards Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri April Objectives WEEK 26 Mayday! Mayday! Cause and Effect . Isolate /ks/ R.S. 03.c Determine caous and effect . Oral Blending 2 3 4 5 6 relationships by . Segment Phonemes responding to a . Connect /ks/ to Xx question Connect /ks/ to Xx . HF Words: yellow, blue, green R.S. 01.f Associate . Preview and Predict, Check letter sounds to letters Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Recognize Cause and Effect</p><p>11 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar WEEK 27 Messenger, Messenger Compare and . Isolate /u/ Contrast R.S. 03.d Distinguish between . Oral Blending 9 10 11 12 13 fiction and nonfiction . Segment Phonemes and real and pretend ISAT . Connect /u/ to Uu Connect /u/ to Uu Testing R.S. 01.f Associate Begins . HF Words: what, said, was letter sounds to letters . Preview and Predict, Check Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Compare and Contrast WEEK 28 The Little Engine That Could Plot R.S. 03.a Retell a . Isolate /u/ story including chatacter, setting and . Oral Blending 16 17 18 19 20 plot . Segment Phonemes Connect /u/ to Uu Grade . Connect /u/ to Uu R.S. 01.f Associate Level/Dept letter sounds to letters . Meetings . HF Words: what, said, was – Early . Preview and Predict, Check Release Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Identify Plot WEEK 29 On the Move Main Idea R.S. 01.i . Isolate /v/, /z/ Draw on prior knowledge, dicuss and . Oral Blending 23 24 25 26 27 generate questions to . Segment Phonemes predict text . Connect /v/ to Vv and /z/ to Zz Connect /v/ to Vv . HF Words: where, come and /z/ to Zz R.S. 01.f Associate letter . Preview and Predict, Check sounds to letters Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Identify Main Idea</p><p>12 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar</p><p>State Standards Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri May Objectives WEEK 30 This Is the Way We Go to School Draw Conclusions . Isolate /y/, /kw/ R.S.02.a Offer relevant background informaitn . 30 1 2 3 4 Oral Blending during prereading . Segment Phonemes discussion . Connect /y/ to Yy and /kw/ to Qq Connect /y/ to Yy and /kw/ to Qq R.S. . HF Words: where, come 01.f Associate letter . Preview and Predict, Check sounds to letters Predictions, Recall and Retell, Use Illustrations, Text Features, Generate Questions . Draw Conclusions WEEK 31 Homes Around the World Compare and . Reteach /a/ and /i/ Contrast R.S. 03.d Distinguish between . 7 8 9 10 11 Blend Phonemes fiction and nonfiction . Segment Phonemes and real and pretend . Connect /a/ to Aa and /i/ to Ii Connect /a/ to Aa . Reteach and Review and /i/ toIi R.S. 01.f Associate letter sounds . Seek Help from Others, Recall and to letters Retell, Preview and Predict, Activate Prior Knowledge, Visualize, Text Structure . Compare and Contrast</p><p>13 Ruth Byron Instructional Calendar WEEK 32 Old MacDonald Had a Workshop Character R.S. 03.a . Reteach /o/ Retell a story including chatacter, setting and . Blend Phonemes 14 15 16 17 18 plot . Segment Phonemes Connect /o/ to Oo . Connect /o/ to Oo R.S. 01.f Associate letter sounds to letters . Reteach and Review . Seek Help from Others, Recall and Retell, Preview and Predict, Activate Prior Knowledge, Visualize, Text Structure . Recognize Character 21 22 23 24 25</p><p>14</p>

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