Cluster I – Planning For Learner-Centered Instruction

Cluster I – Planning For Learner-Centered Instruction

<p> TEACHER DEVELOPMENT RUBRIC (TDR) Mid Semester Evaluation © UTeach, University of Texas – Austin UTEACH TEACHER AIMEE WILKERSON UTEACH COURSE OBSERVER DANIELLE HODGES DATE/SEMESTER 2ND SEMESTER The parenthetical notes, after each component title, refer to associated Portfolio Proficiencies. Cluster I – Subject Matter Knowledge</p><p>Component 1a – The UTeach Teacher demonstrates an understanding of the subject at the target level. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Displays a limited understanding of the subject, Displays a general understanding of the subject, but Displays comprehensive understanding of the making significant errors and is unaware or unable makes occasional errors or does not respond well subject and can explain complex topics in a variety to correct inaccuracies. to questions. of ways, making connections and generalizations with previously learned content and responds knowledgeably to questions.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X NOTE: UTEACH REQUIRES A MINIMUM LEVEL OF BEGINNING COMPETENCE IN THIS COMPONENT. FAILURE TO DEMONSTRATE BEGINNING COMPETENCE WILL RESULT IN FAILURE OF THE FIELD COMPONENT PORTION OF THE ASSOCIATED COURSE. Evidence: Wilkerson modifies the difficulty of her lesson based on prior student knowledge</p><p>Component 1b – The UTeach Teacher is able to connect the subject content with pre-requisite content, future concepts, and other subjects. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Is unable to make connections to pre-requisite Makes some connections to pre-requisite content, Uses current material to deepen student content, future concepts, or other subjects. future concepts, or other subjects. understanding of previously learned material, of material in other classes, and prepares students for more advanced topics.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Does a good job on building on referencing past material while introducing new topics.</p><p>Component 1c – The UTeach Teachers demonstrates an understanding of the philosophical and historical development of the subject. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Presents subject content in isolation from its Makes occasional references to broader Brings out historical importance of subject material, philosophical, historical, or social significance. significance of subject. its contribution to large ideas, or its significance in today's society.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: She reference today’s lesson to what some students are learning in Chemistry</p><p>Component 1d – The UTeach Teacher demonstrates an understanding of state and national standards and uses this knowledge to enhance student achievement. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Lacks an understanding of the state and national Demonstrates a general understanding of the state Has a thorough understanding of the state and standards (Texas Teachers’ Code of Ethics, subject and national standards (Texas Teachers’ Code of national standards (Texas Teachers’ Code of Ethics, TEKS, classroom safety standards, and national Ethics, subject TEKS, classroom safety standards, subject TEKS, classroom safety standards, and content and performance standards) resulting in and national content and performance standards) national content and performance standards) missed opportunities to enhance student resulting in instruction and activities that enhance resulting in instruction that will likely lead students to achievement. achievement for most students. high levels of learning and achievement.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Her lessons covered the appropriate TEKS Cluster II – Equity and Inclusive Design Component 2a – The UTeach Teacher allows students choice in their activities and relates those choices to different learning styles UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Creates lessons that lack options for students to Provides some connections to student interests and Consistently provides multiple options for students learn in different learning styles. Neglects to think the content. Creates activities that relate to a few to experience the concepts and tailors these options of student interests in designing lessons. Teaches student learning styles. to the known learning styles of the students in the general lessons which appeal to a generic student class. population.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Wilkerson does a good job on speeding up and slowing down the lesson based on students understanding. Makes sure that all students understand before moving on to more difficulty.</p><p>Component 2b – The UTeach Teacher introduces the lesson, effectively manages time for students to progress through the activities, and summarizes the lesson with the students. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Presents lessons that lack a clear structure and Begins class timely and with a meaningful activity. Establishes a classroom where students understand flow. Omits giving students information about the Helps student progress through the activities of the the general flow of the class and come prepared to lesson objective or the student’s responsibilities lesson with little time wasted. Provides some participate actively in the lesson. Creates learning throughout the lesson. Fails to use time effectively closure at the end of the lesson and attempts to experiences that begin promptly with the start of to accomplish the activities in the lesson. Ends the connect the lesson to the global goals of the class. class, flow seamlessly throughout the lesson, and class without a summary or closure. end with closure and clarity. Promotes student understanding and retention by consistently connecting activities to the global goals of the class.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Students understanding the classroom procedures and she makes sure all students are prepared for class.</p><p>Component 2c – The UTeach Teachers assesses individual accountability for the student work accomplished in the lesson. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Disregards the roles of students during group Creates activities that promote multiple students to Designs activities to promote maximum student activities. Allows students to dominate activities work at accomplishing the task. Most students are participation. Consistently uses mechanisms to gain and produce the results for the larger group. Fails active in the lesson. Collects some assessment to individual student assessment and understands by to provide individual assessment and to promote begin to gain information about what students the end of the lesson which students may need individual accountability. understand in the lesson and what areas still further clarification and review and which students require review. Understands in general if the class have a strong understanding of the concepts. as a whole understands the concepts.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: As students complete class work she is checking for understanding and making errors are corrected and reteachs if needed.</p><p>Component 2d – The UTeach Teacher demonstrates an awareness of student diversity in their teaching (gender, ethnicity, students who are learning the content in a second language, accommodations for students with special needs). UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Implements curriculum that clearly disadvantages Demonstrates knowledge of the cultural Actively and consistently incorporates the life some students from fully participating. Gives background of students and self-assesses teaching experiences and cultural values of the students in advantages to students by providing more voice in with regard to equity in teaching. Shows ways that enhance learning. Consistently discussion, greater access to resources, or more awareness of the needs of students and provides accommodates the needs of students and takes informative feedback. Disregards or is unaware of alternate strategies to accommodate them. advantage of student strengths to promote policies with regard to students with special needs Demonstrates awareness of the policies regarding maximum learning. Designs classroom activities in the classroom. Ignores or disregards the needs students with special needs and attempts to provide that take advantage of classroom diversity to of students of a particular race, gender, religion, or appropriate accommodations for students in the maximize learning for all students. Identifies and cultural background. classroom. Generally provides equitable learning fosters the strengths of each student, enabling all to opportunities for all students, and demonstrates reach their maximum potential. awareness of any possible activities or behaviors that might limit student participation and learning.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X X Evidence: Did a very good job on making sure ESL students understood by color coating notes/using pictures/and pointing. Even sat down and tables for some one on one tutoring. Cluster III – Teaching Preparation</p><p>Component 3a – The UTeach Teacher utilizes subject knowledge to design activities that promote interest, participation and learning for students at all ability levels. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Designs activities that do not allow students to Designs activities that allow students a limited Student activities reflect instructor's deep participate in constructing their own understanding participation in constructing their own understanding of the subject and are designed to of the subject. Activities generally do not promote understanding of the subject. Activities promote include students consistently participating in interest, participation, or learning of the subject. interest and participation for some students, but constructing their own understanding of the subject. may lack depth of subject content and may not Activities promote interest, participation and learning always promote student learning. for all students.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4</p><p>Evidence: Lesson plans were always very interactive either in small group or individual. All students were engaged.</p><p>Component 3b – The UTeach Teacher has knowledge of and makes use of materials, resources, technology, and lab equipment appropriate for their subject. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Lacks knowledge of or misuses materials, Uses limited materials, resources, and technology Consistently uses a variety of materials, resources, resources, and technology that would assist in that would assist in teaching and in student and technology appropriately to enhance learning teaching and in student learning. learning. for students.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Used technology to the best of her knowledge.</p><p>Component 3c – The UTeach Teacher prepares appropriate subject specific activities to assess learning for students of all abilities. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Does not prepare meaningful and varied subject Prepares subject specific assessments and Designs subject specific assessments and activities specific assessments and activities to measure activities that may lack variation and that provide that vary appropriately in design and complexity. student learning and achievement. limited feedback regarding student achievement. Assesses students frequently and varies instruction based on evidence of student understanding. </p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Did a good job checking for understanding, either by asking individual questions and or sitting down with students at their table working through class work.</p><p>Component 3d – The UTeach Teacher demonstrates an awareness of individual student needs and makes modifications to the instructional plan. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Plans activities and lessons that are not aligned Plans activities and lessons that are somewhat Plans instruction to capitalize on the out-of-school with the background of the class and do not reflect aligned with the background of the class, making knowledge of students while also giving knowledge of student skills, approaches to learning, some provisions for varying student skills, consideration to student skills, approaches to interests, or cultural background. approaches to learning, interests, and cultural learning, interests, and cultural background. background.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Modified lesson plan very well according learning style, class behavior, and prior knowledge. Especially between the different classes during the day! Cluster IV – Classroom Environment</p><p>Component 4a – The UTeach Teacher manages student behavior and creates rapport with and among students in an environment of respect. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Fails to communicate clear expectations of Demonstrates an awareness of student behavior, Demonstrates an awareness of student behavior, classroom behavior, and minimally monitors or has established standards of conduct, but responds has established clear standards of conduct and inappropriately responds to student misbehavior. inconsistently or inappropriately to students. consistently and appropriately responds to students. Classroom interactions are not positive and may be Classroom interactions are respectful. Classroom interactions are characterized by characterized by sarcasm, put-downs, or conflict. students who are considerate of others, time, and property.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4</p><p>NOTE: UTEACH REQUIRES A MINIMUM LEVEL OF BEGINNING COMPETENCE IN THIS COMPONENT. FAILURE TO DEMONSTRATE BEGINNING COMPETENCE WILL RESULT IN FAILURE OF THE FIELD COMPONENT PORTION OF THE ASSOCIATED COURSE. Evidence: Did a very good job on maintaining a rapport with students. Some even came in just to sit down and chat with her!</p><p>Component 4b – The UTeach Teacher effectively and safely uses physical space to enhance learning for all students. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Fails to use standard procedures in the physical Consistently uses standard procedures in the Establishes a learning environment that is safe, and environment, resulting in unsafe or inaccessible physical environment resulting in students’ ability to students contribute to ensuring that the physical conditions for some students. The physical complete activities without risk of physical harm. environment supports the learning of all students. arrangement or technology does not support the The physical arrangement and use of technology The physical arrangement and use of technology lesson. generally supports the learning activities. consistently supports the learning activities.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X</p><p>NOTE: UTEACH REQUIRES A MINIMUM LEVEL OF ACCEPTABLE COMPETENCE IN THIS COMPONENT. FAILURE TO DEMONSTRATE A BASE LINE COMPETENCE WILL RESULT IN FAILURE OF THE FIELD COMPONENT PORTION OF THE ASSOCIATED COURSE. Evidence: Kept a safe learning environment at all times.</p><p>Component 4c – The UTeach Teacher manages classroom procedures that maximize time for instruction. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Fails to establish classroom routines and Establishes classroom routines and procedures, but Establishes classroom routines and procedures that procedures resulting in significant loss of may not consistently follow them resulting in loss of are seamless in their operation, and students instructional time. instructional time and student confusion. assume considerable responsibility for their smooth functioning resulting in maximized time for instruction.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Did well on budgeting class time while checking for understanding.</p><p>Component 4d – The UTeach Teacher establishes classroom standards that foster a culture of learning for all students. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Establishes a classroom that is characterized by Communicates a commitment to students’ active Consistently communicates expectations for low expectations for student achievement and participation in learning. Expectations for student students’ active participation in learning the subject student work is not at the highest potential quality. achievement are realistic and students respectfully material. Students critically analyze their own work Interactions between students may be assist their peers in learning activities. and respectfully and constructively evaluate characterized as disrespectful and do not contribute contributions from peers. to learning.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4</p><p>Evidence: Did well on providing a safe and fun learning environment for all students. Cluster V – Instruction and Delivery</p><p>Component 5a – The UTeach Teacher demonstrates the ability to teach the subject and cognitively engage all students in significant learning. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Establishes a classroom environment where Establishes an environment where most students Explains the subject in multiple ways using a variety students are not cognitively engaged in significant are cognitively engaged throughout the lesson, with of resources to maximize student understanding. learning, as a result of inappropriate activities or appropriate activities, materials, and representation Students are cognitively engaged and make materials, poor representations of the subject, lack of the subject, resulting in student learning. contributions throughout the lesson. The structure of lesson structure, or inappropriate pacing. Structure and pacing are not always aligned or and pacing of the lesson allow for student reflection appropriate. and synthesis.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 x</p><p>NOTE: UTEACH REQUIRES A MINIMUM LEVEL OF BEGINNING COMPETENCE IN THIS COMPONENT. FAILURE TO DEMONSTRATE BEGINNING COMPETENCE WILL RESULT IN FAILURE OF THE FIELD COMPONENT PORTION OF THE ASSOCIATED COURSE. Evidence: She will try everything to help students understand lesson. The other day she pulled on blocks to help a student better understand visually.</p><p>Component 5b – The UTeach Teacher communicates clearly and articulately. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Fails to effectively communicate orally or in writing. Communicates clearly and expressively both orally Communicates clearly and accurately, encouraging Communication contains errors, is unclear, or and in writing. Anticipates possible student students to ask questions of the teacher, one inappropriate for students. Does not respond to or misconceptions and responds to and understands another, and themselves. Responds to student understand student questions or concerns. student questions and concerns. questions and concerns, challenging students to test their own conceptual understandings</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X</p><p>NOTE: UTEACH REQUIRES A MINIMUM LEVEL OF BEGINNING COMPETENCE IN THIS COMPONENT. FAILURE TO DEMONSTRATE BEGINNING COMPETENCE WILL RESULT IN FAILURE OF THE FIELD COMPONENT PORTION OF THE ASSOCIATED COURSE. Evidence: Communicated appropriately with students. Encouraged communication with her and with other students.</p><p>Component 5c – The UTeach Teacher uses questioning and assessment technique to enhance students’ participation and learning. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Asks limited questions in a recitation format, Asks some questions that go beyond recitation, Systematically uses questioning and assessment resulting in trivialized student participation. though most are answered by a limited number of techniques that promote all students to participate in Formative assessments give little information about students. Formative assessments give limited classroom activities. Follows student responses student learning. feedback about student learning. with prompts that encourage students to think deeper about the subject and continually collects information from formative assessments to measure students learning.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Broke down info appropriately. At times students felt she just repeated the same thing over and over. But once it was brought to her attention she made a better effort to change.</p><p>Component 5d – The UTeach Teacher demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Adheres to the instructional plan in spite of student Misses some opportunities to build on student Encourages students’ interests and questions, understanding or of students’ lack of interest, and interest and questions that might contribute to the making major lesson adjustments if necessary, and fails to respond adequately to student questions. lesson. Demonstrates inconsistent flexibility and persisting in ensuring the success of all students. responsiveness.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Altered her lesson based on the class/prior knowledge/behavior of the class. She did a very good job altering her lesson class by class. She was very aware of what can work in one class but not in another. Cluster VI – Professional Responsibilities</p><p>Component 6a – The UTeach Teacher remains current in the subject and develops professionally. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Does not participate in professional development Participates in district or campus required Establishes professionally enhancing collegial activities or in activities designed to enhance professional development and support activities. relationships and makes purposeful selection of subject knowledge. Has minimal relationships with Reaches out to build positive relationships with professional development activities that support colleagues. colleagues. growth, enhance subject knowledge, and improve teaching.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Was eager to attend all staff meetings and common planning. </p><p>Component 6b – The UTeach Teacher uses student and observational feedback to reflect on the effectiveness the teaching method and cite and propose strategies to improve. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Does not reflect on the lesson or propose ideas as Reflects on the pace and content of the lesson Reflects on the lesson, student achievement, and to how it might be improved. Is unresponsive to based on a general understanding of what occurred supervisor observational feedback, citing specific feedback from students, peers, and supervisors. and feedback from students, peers, and examples of students’ interaction with the content supervisors. Cites general suggestions on how the and draws on new connections that would enhance lesson could be improved. student learning in the future.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Does a very good job listening to observers feedback and also listened to student feedback to make adjustments in her teaching. Students really like this!</p><p>Component 6c – The UTeach Teacher communicates with families and caregivers. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Provides little or no information about students to Has a plan for communication with families and Has a systematic plan for communication with families and caregivers and makes few or no caregivers about students and attempts to engage families and caregivers about students. Attempts to attempts to engage them in the instructional them in the instructional program and classroom engage them in the instructional plan and classroom program or classroom activities. activities. Implementation is not systematic and is activities and documents responses for follow up not evidenced in documentation. and implementation.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: Sent a letter home with all students addressing her being a student teacher, expectations and classroom procedures. Otherwise not much interaction with parents.</p><p>Component 6d – The UTeach Teacher contributes to the school and district. UNSATISFACTORY BEGINNING COMPETENT ADVANCED COMPETENT Minimizes relationships with colleagues or fails to Participates in school projects and incorporates Makes a substantial contribution to school and fulfill contractual and other professional these activities into the classroom instruction. district events and projects, assuming a leadership responsibilities. Initiates positive relationships with colleagues and role with colleagues. Seamlessly and appropriately consistently fulfills contractual and professional integrates schools activities into classroom obligations instruction. Consistently fulfills contractual and professional obligations.</p><p>Observer U BC C AC 0 1 2 3 4 X Evidence: She would be a great addition to the school district! She is very creative with her cooperative learning lesson plans.</p>

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