2013 Часопис соціально -економічної географії випуск 15(2) УДК 911.3 Lyudmyla Niemets, Kateryna Segida, Yuliia Yakovleva SPECIFIC FEATURES OF SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF RURAL AREA IN DONETSK REGION The article is devoted to reveal the specific features of social infrastructure of rural areas in Donetsk region. Urgency of the object-subject field of research is given. The features by different part of social infrastructure (educational, cultural, medical, sanitary and resort, housing and communal, trade, transport and communication infrastructures) are analyzed by time and territorial aspects. The basic directions of optimization of social infrastructure in rural areas of Donetsk region are given. Keywords: social infrastructure, educational and cultural infrastructure, medical, sanitary and resort infrastructure, housing and communal infrastructure, trade infrastructure, transport and communication infrastructure. Людмила Нємець , Катерина Сегіда , Юлія Яковлєва . СПЕЦИФІЧНІ РИСИ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ІНФРАСТРУКТУРИ СІЛЬСЬКОЇ МІСЦЕВОСТІ ДОНЕЦЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ . Стаття присвячена розкриттю специфічних рис соціальної інфраструктури сільської місцевості Донецької області . Обґрунтована актуальність обєктно -предметного поля дослідження . У часовому та територіальному вимірах визначені особливості за окремими складовими соціальної інфраструктури , зокрема культурна , освітня , медична та санаторно -курортна , комунально -житлова , торговельна і транспортно -комунікаційна . Окреслені основні напрями оптимізації соціальної інфраструктури сільської місцевості Донецької області . Ключові слова : соціальна інфраструктура , сфера культури та освіти , медична та санаторно -курортна інфраструктура , торгове обслуговування , транспортно -комунікаційна інфраструктура . Людмила Немец , Екатерина Сегида , Юлия Яковлева . СПЕЦИФИЧЕСКИЕ ЧЕРТЫ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ИНФРА- СТРУКТУРЫ СЕЛЬСКОЙ МЕСТНОСТИ ДОНЕЦКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ . Статья посвящена выявлению специфических харак- теристик социальной инфраструктуры сельской местности Донецкой области . Объяснена актуальность объектно - предметного поля исследования . Во временном и территориальном аспектах определены особенности по отдельным со- ставляющим социальной инфраструктуры : образовательной , культурной , медицинской и санаторно -курортной , жилищ- но -коммунальной , торговой , транспортной и коммуникационной . Очерчены основные направления оптимизации социаль- ной инфраструктуры сельской местности Донецкой области . Ключевые слова : социальная инфраструктура , сфера культуры и образования , медицинская и санаторно - курортная инфраструктура , торговое обслуживание , транспортно -коммуникационная инфраструктура . Urgency of the subject of the research. In re- Yu.B. Randolov, V.K. Yevdokimenko, S.V. Fimyar, cent years in society we can observe the tendency of L.L. Kovalska, A.L. Pavlova, and A.G. Yagodka. In the deterioration of the level of social infrastructure in rural issue of development of social infrastructure of country- areas. To consider reasons of the process with its head side the works by M.S. Platon, I.V. Prokop, etc. could be tendencies and ways of the problem solution Donetsk mentioned. Investigation in territorial peculiarities of Region was chosen. This Region is industrially devel- rural areas’ social infrastructure in Donetsk Region was oped and one of the most populated ones in Ukraine. executed as a research work based upon the order by There is about 90 per cent of population who live in Yasynuvata City Division of Mobile Motor Vehicles towns, and the tendency of urban population growth is Company (Contract No. 50-12 KhNU named after continuing as infrastructure of countryside is unable to V.N. Karazin) the outcomes having been represented in satisfy people’s demands. Investigations in tendencies of [1-8]. Donetsk Region’s social infrastructure in countryside Statement of basic material. In the conditions of and its role in the region’s economic policy are the task transition to market relations with simultaneous humani- of great importance having practical interest. It will al- zation of the whole social production the priority devel- low opportunities determination for more effective utili- opment is mainly required by those economic systems zation of funds designed for specified industries, and that are connected with direct satisfaction of popula- contribute in the search of new forms, directions of de- tion’s needs (services) at the same time functioning like velopment, and ways of optimization. elements of market infrastructure [2]. Economic content Analysis of previous studies. To develop social infra- of infrastructure is represented through the system of its structure in rural areas is the extraordinarily hard task functions among which the most important can be estab- that, considering modern situation that has formed in lished as directly resulting from its economic sense, and Ukraine as well as the presence of crisis manifestations, namely to create general conditions for efficient func- is being transformed into the complicated problem con- tioning of structure forming kinds of economic activity nected with the long-term process of social priorities’ re- in national economy as a whole, on separate territories, orientation [6]. The issue of social sphere functioning on the level of enterprises and their associations, and the with its material foundation (infrastructure) was consid- social sphere in general including that in the countryside. ered in works by numerous national and foreign repre- Another function of infrastructure closely connected sentatives of science and practice. In particular, the is- with the above is to form system. It contributes in unity sues of social development were dealt with in works by provision for all reproduction phases in national econ- O.M. Alimov, S.I. Bandura, B.M. Danylishyn, S.I. omy as a whole and in its any structural section indi- Doroguntsov, and T.I. Arbuzova. As for development of vidually, by means of interrelations establishment in the social infrastructure on regional level it was studied by process of reproduction. The third function of infrastruc- _____________________________________ ture includes arrangement of reliable commodity, mone- © Niemets L., Segida K., Yakovleva Y., 2013 tary, information and other mutually interrelated flows 115 2013 Часопис соціально -економічної географії випуск 15(2) thus forming general environment for dynamic stability guished with the lowest indices of number of children of reproduction in necessary scales. One of head func- per one educational institution that can be mainly ex- tions of infrastructure is creation of general environment plained by general little number of pre-school aged chil- for the increase of effectiveness of reproduction. It is dren. It is typical for rural areas that in the kindergarten clear that as a rule in the infrastructure complex any they lack sufficient material and technical base for in- product itself is not produced while its main product is creasing the number of groups, and in one kindergarten services. In this connection some difficulties arise in there are one or at least two groups including children of determination, qualitative effect expression and the re- various age categories which fact interferes with giving sult achieved in the sphere of infrastructural servicing them necessary consideration. There are some key fac- [6]. tors that determine positioning of schools, and namely Social infrastructure is the sphere that directly population, territory of an area with the level of its eco- provides satisfaction of various people’s needs. It can be nomic development, and age groups structure of the characterized as the complex of branches of national population in the area [8]. economy executing social and economic functions, satis- 2. Cultural infrastructure. There exists general faction of people’s material and intellectual spiritual reduction of quantity of public and universal libraries needs, and formation of normal conditions for life activ- with the reduction of book stocks in the countryside of ity [2]. Thus social infrastructure is the special complex Donetsk Region. This is connected with the number of of branches of national economy including education, readers’ reduction who better prefer electron informa- public health, culture, art, housing, communal services, tional sources due to development of Internet technolo- trade, etc. Functional importance of these branches is in gies. The exiting material and technical base is not suffi- the fact that their activity is immediately directed to- cient today: social development results in the progress wards people and society as a whole. Social infrastruc- of new technologies that become more and more devel- ture more and more influences upon the production ef- oped, so it would be important to introduce them in the fectiveness via people as the main production force. Be- sphere of culture, and libraries would need not only new sides, social infrastructure plays significant role in the books but computers with the access to Internet etc. The increase of a human factor’s importance. So, on the number of cultural institutions is getting shorter besides, ground of individual components of social infrastructure they are situated in improper buildings that are some- it is possible to establish specific features proper for so- times are absolutely inapplicable. As for museums they cial structure of rural areas of Donetsk Region. are basically deal with history of a village or the life of 1. Educational infrastructure.
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