<p> Western Hemisphere – Sixth Grade General Knowledge, Processes, & Skills Social Studies Pacing Guide Reached throughout Year</p><p>General Social Studies knowledge—embedded in sixth grade standards and expectations and used throughout the course of study.</p><p>HISTORY 6 – H1.1.1 Explain why and how historians use eras and periods as constructs to organize and explain human activities over time. 6 – H1.2.1 Explain how historians use a variety of sources to explore the past (e.g., artifacts, primary and secondary sources including narratives, technology, historical maps, visual/mathematical quantitative data, radiocarbon dating, DNA analysis). 6 – H1.2.2 Read and comprehend a historical passage to identify basic factual knowledge and the literal meaning by indicating who was involved, what happened, where it happened, what events led to the development, and what consequences or outcomes followed. 6 – H1.2.3 Identify the point of view (perspective of the author) and context when reading and discussing primary and secondary sources. 6 – H1.2.4 Compare and evaluate competing historical perspectives about the past based on proof. 6 – H1.2.5 Identify the role of the individual in history and the significance of one person’s ideas. 6 – H1.4.1 Describe and use cultural institutions to study an era and a region (political, economic, religion/ belief, science/technology, written language, education, family). 6 – H1.4.2 Describe and use themes of history to study patterns of change and continuity. 6 – H1.4.3 Use historical perspective to analyze global issues faced by humans long ago and today.</p><p>GEOGRAPHY 6 – G1.2.1 Locate the major landforms, rivers (Amazon, Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado), and climate regions of the Western Hemisphere. 6 – G1.2.2 Explain why maps of the same place may vary, including cultural perspectives of the Earth and new knowledge based on science and modern technology. 6 – G1.2.3 Use data to create thematic maps and graphs showing patterns of population, physical terrain, rainfall, and vegetation, analyze the patterns and then propose two generalizations about the location and density of the population. 6 – G1.2.4 Use observations from air photos, photographs (print and CD), films (VCR and DVD) as the basis for answering geographic questions about the human and physical characteristics of places and regions. 6 – G1.2.5 Use information from modern technology such as Geographic Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information System (GIS), and satellite remote sensing to locate information and process maps and data to analyze spatial patterns of the Western Hemisphere to answer geographic questions. 6 – G1.2.6 Apply the skills of geographic inquiry (asking geographic questions, acquiring geographic information, organizing geographic information, analyzing geographic information, and answering geographic questions) to analyze a problem or issue of importance to a region of the Western Hemisphere. 6 – G1.3.1 Use the fundamental themes of geography (location, place, human environment interaction, movement, region) to describe regions or places on earth. 6 – G1.3.2 Explain the locations and distributions of physical and human characteristics of Earth by using knowledge of spatial patterns. 6 – G1.3.3 Explain the different ways in which places are connected and how those connections demonstrate interdependence and accessibility.</p><p>PLACES AND REGIONS 6 – G2.1.1 Describe the landform features and the climate of the region (within the Western or Eastern Hemispheres) under study. 6 – G2.1.2 Account for topographic and human spatial patterns (where people live) associated with tectonic plates such as volcanoes, earthquakes, settlements (Ring of Fire, recent volcanic and seismic events, settlements in proximity to natural hazards in the Western Hemisphere) by using information from GIS, remote sensing, and the World Wide Web. 6 – G2.2.1 Describe the human characteristics of the region under study (including languages, religion, economic system, governmental system, cultural traditions). 6 – G2.2.2 Explain that communities are affected positively or negatively by changes in technology (e.g., Canada with regard to mining, forestry, hydroelectric power generation, agriculture, snowmobiles, cell phones, air travel).</p><p>Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 1 6 – G2.2.3 Analyze how culture and experience influence people’s perception of places and regions (e.g., the Caribbean Region that presently displays enduring impacts of different immigrant groups – Africans, South Asians, Europeans – and the differing contemporary points of view about the region displayed by islanders and tourists).</p><p>PHYSICAL SYSTEMS 6 – G3.1.1 Construct and analyze climate graphs for two locations at different latitudes and elevations in the region to answer geographic questions and make predictions based on patterns. (e.g., compare and contrast Buenos Aires and La Paz; Mexico City and Guatemala City; Edmonton and Toronto). 6 – G3.2.1 Explain how and why ecosystems differ as a consequence of differences in latitude, elevation, and human activities (e.g., South America’s location relative to the equator, effects of elevations on temperature and growing season, proximity to bodies of water and the effects on temperature and rainfall, effects of annual flooding on vegetation along river flood plains such as the Amazon). 6 – G3.2.2 Identify ecosystems and explain why some are more attractive for humans to use than are others (e.g., mid-latitude forest in North America, high latitude of Peru, tropical forests in Honduras, fish or marine vegetation in coastal zones).</p><p>HUMAN SYSTEMS 6 – G4.1.1 Identify and explain examples of cultural diffusion within the Americas (e.g., baseball, soccer, music, architecture, television, languages, health care, Internet, consumer brands, currency, restaurants, and international migration). 6 – G4.2.1 List and describe the advantages and disadvantages of different technologies used to move people, products, and ideas throughout the world (e.g., call centers in the Eastern Hemisphere that service the Western Hemisphere; the United States and Canada as hubs for the Internet; transport of people and perishable products; and the spread of individuals’ ideas as voice and image messages on electronic networks such as the Internet). 6 – G4.4.1 Identify factors that contribute to conflict and cooperation between and among cultural groups (control/use of natural resources, power, wealth, and cultural diversity).</p><p>GLOBAL ISSUES PAST AND PRESENT 6 – G6.1.1 Contemporary Investigations – Conduct research on contemporary global topics and issues, compose persuasive essays, and develop a plan for action. (H1.4.3, G1.2.6, See P3 and P4)</p><p>PUBLIC DISCOURSE, DECISION MAKING, AND CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT 6 – P3.1.1 Clearly state an issue as a question or public policy, trace the origins of an issue, analyze various perspectives, and generate and evaluate alternative resolutions. Deeply examine policy issues in group discussions and debates to make reasoned and informed decisions. Write persuasive/argumentative essays expressing and justifying decisions on public policy issues. Plan and conduct activities intended to advance views on matters of public policy, report the results, and evaluate effectiveness. Identify public policy issues related to global topics and issues studied. Clearly state the issue as a question of public policy orally or in written form. Use inquiry methods to acquire content knowledge and appropriate data about the issue. Identify the causes and consequences and analyze the impact, both positive and negative. Share and discuss findings of research and issue analysis in group discussions and debates. Compose a persuasive essay justifying the position with a reasoned argument. Develop an action plan to address or inform others about the issue at the local to global scales. 6 – P4.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how, when, and where individuals would plan and conduct activities intended to advance views in matters of public policy, report the results, and evaluate effectiveness. 6 – P4.2.2 Engage in activities intended to contribute to solving a national or international problem studied. 6 – P4.2.3 Participate in projects to help or inform others (e.g., service learning projects).</p><p>Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 2 Month: September/October – 6 Weeks Western Hemisphere – Sixth Grade Unit: Introduction to Western Hemisphere Social Studies Pacing Guide</p><p>Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold</p><p>6 – G1.1.1 Describe how How do geographers use For each major area of study, keep absolute World Cultures and Geography – geographers use mapping to mapping to represent a scrapbook of related newspaper location Western Hemisphere and Europe, represent places and natural and places and human and magazine articles (geography bay McDougall Littell 2005 human phenomena in the world. phenomena in the world? related issues; culture; and/or butte Latin America and Canada, history). In a reader’s response canyon MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, 1992 6 – G1.1.2 Draw a sketch map Where are the major relate the article to the history, cape Dill, Bonnie. Teaching the Five from memory of the Western regions of the western geography or culture of the area or cartographer Themes of Geography. Frank Hemisphere showing the major hemisphere in relation to region. cataract Schaffer Publications, 1994 regions (Canada, United States, the United States? citizen Aten, Jerry. Understanding Our Mexico, Central America, South Participate in class discussion cliff World through Geography. Good America, and Caribbean). How do the five themes based upon issues related to color Apple Publications, 1991 of geography relate to the current events topics included in compass rose Fischer, Max W. Geography 6 – C4.3.2 Explain the challenges international issues in the the weekly “News Game” (or continent Simulations. Teacher Created to governments and the western hemisphere? similar current events culture Materials, 1999 cooperation needed to address quiz/activity). culture region Chexney & Capone. The Map international issues in the Western culture trait Corner. Good Year Book, 1983 Hemisphere (e.g., migration and Locate famous man-made and desert Five Themes of Geography poster. human rights). natural wonders of the Western economics Poster Education Company. 1-800- Hemisphere. Discuss ideas of what equator 858-0969 life may be like near these famous flood plain Classroom Atlas places. What jobs may be geography Fischer, Max W. Geography available, what housing might glacier Simulations. Teacher Created consist of, transportation, government Materials, 1999 communication, etc. graph Jasmine, Grace. Nader, Lillian. history Cooperative Learning Activities for Describe through words and interdependence Social Studies. Teacher Created pictures the major ecosystems of island Materials, Inc., 1995. Canada and Latin America. labels www.okemosschools.net/education/ latitude Teaching the Five Themes Create a map of ecozones of legend Instructional Fair. T.S. Denison, Canada and Latin America. Assign lines of latitude Grand Rapids, MI 49544 students to research and write a lines of Almanacs report on an ecozone to present the longitude Geographical Dictionary information orally to the class longitude Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 3 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold using visual aids, PowerPoint, map Social Studies Skills Made Easy. overheads, etc. map projection Mark Twain Media/Carson - Dellosa mesa Publishing Co., Inc. Contrast: common good and migrate Internet individual rights, equality and mountain Videos individual rights of truth, justice, mouth Teacher lectures diversity, and reconciliation North Pole Large and small group discussions oasis Classzone.com Compare core democratic values physical maps Presentations by local business with values of other forms of plateau people/experts government. political maps Classroom maps prairie Overhead transparencies Use map puzzles, student made prime meridian Globes, charts, graphs and commercially produced. relative location Classroom posters river scale scarcity sea level South Pole steppe strait swamp symbols thematic maps time line title Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn valley volcano</p><p>Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 4 Month: October/November – 2 Weeks Western Hemisphere – Sixth Grade Unit: Introduction to United States and Canada Social Studies Pacing Guide</p><p>Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold</p><p>6 – W1.1.1 Describe the early How has the early Throughout major units, on tag climate World Cultures and Geography – migrations of people among migrations of nomadic board or newsprint, after class desert Western Hemisphere and Europe, Earth’s continents (including the people progressed into discussion, compile a list of major economy McDougall Littell 2005 Berringa Land Bridge). modern agricultural events. Through discussion or erosion Latin America and Canada, settlements? simulation hypothesize possible forest MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, 1992 6 – W1.1.2 Examine the lives of different outcomes and how that glacier Classroom subscriptions to hunting and gathering people Can you describe the would have affected history. grassland newspaper and/or student weekly during the earliest eras of human physical geography of the landforms news magazine (Junior Scholastic, society (tools and weapons, United States and Canada Simulate a bartering economy in polar/tundra Time for Kids). language, fire). through the 5 themes? the classroom. precipitation Classroom Atlas rain forest Newspaper articles and student news 6 – W1.2.1 Describe the transition Use graphic organizer to river system magazine from hunter gatherers to sedentary compare/contrast hunter gatherer Sacagawea Fischer, Max W. Geography agriculture (domestication of societies. vegetation Simulations. Teacher Created plants and animals). weather Materials, 1999 NCSS Publications P.O. Box 2067 6 – W1.2.2 Describe the Waldorf, MD 20604-2067 #940097 importance of the natural 1-800-683-0812 environment in the development Jasmine, Grace. Nader, Lillian. of agricultural settlements in Cooperative Learning Activities for different locations (e.g., available Social Studies. Teacher Created water for irrigation, adequate Materials, Inc., 1995. precipitation, and suitable www.nationalgeographic.com growing season). Teaching the Five Themes Instructional Fair. T.S. Denison, 6 – W1.2.3 Explain the impact of Grand Rapids, MI 49544 the Agricultural Revolution Almanacs (stable food supply, surplus, Atlases population growth, trade, division Geographical Dictionary of labor, development of Newspapers, news magazines settlements). Social Studies Skills Made Easy. Mark Twain Media/Carson - Dellosa 6 – W2.1.1 Explain how the Publishing Co., Inc. environment favored hunter Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 5 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold gatherer, pastoral and small scale Presentations by local business agricultural ways of life in people/experts different parts of the Western Classroom maps Hemisphere. Overhead transparencies Globes, charts, graphs 6 – W2.1.2 Describe how the Classroom posters invention of agriculture led to the Library emergence of agrarian Internet civilizations (seasonal harvests, Videos specialized crops, cultivation, and Teacher lectures development of villages and Large and small group discussions towns). www.Classzone.com </p><p>6 – W2.1.3 Use multiple sources of evidence to describe how the culture of early peoples of North America reflected the geography and natural resources available (e.g., Inuit of the Arctic, Kwakiutl of the Northwest Coast; Anasazi and Apache of the Southwest).</p><p>6 – W2.1.4 Use evidence to identify defining characteristics of early civilizations and early pastoral nomads (government, language, religion, social structure, technology, and division of labor).</p><p>Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 6 Month: November/December – 5 Weeks Western Hemisphere – Sixth Grade Unit: United States Social Studies Pacing Guide</p><p>Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold</p><p>6 – G5.1.1 Describe the environmental What values and beliefs Examine urbanization and Anasazi TV News Game (weekly current effects of human action on the have influenced the immigration in Canada and Bill of Rights events) from Cass Street Publishers atmosphere (air), biosphere (people, history, government, Latin America, and impact on citizenship 21300 Sierra Blvd. Brookfield, WI animals, and plants), lithosphere (soil), economics, and culture of the US. competition 53045 and hydrosphere (water) (e.g., changes the United States? constitutional World Cultures and Geography – in the tropical forest environments in Create a chart with topics and amendment Western Hemisphere and Europe, Brazil, Peru, and Costa Rica). How are technological countries or regions to consumer McDougall Littell 2005 advances reflective of compare. Include information democracy Latin America and Canada, 6 – G5.1.2 Describe how variations in United States for the US in the chart. equal MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, 1992 technology affect human interdependence? opportunity Classroom subscriptions to modifications of the landscape (e.g., Create a time line of events factors of newspaper and/or student weekly clearing forests for agricultural land in contrasting US, Canada, and production news magazine (Junior Scholastic, South America, fishing in the Grand Latin America. federal Time for Kids). Banks of the Atlantic, expansion of government Classroom Atlas cities in South America, hydroelectric Create a chart which free enterprise Newspaper articles and student news developments in Canada, Brazil and compares and contrasts the GDP magazine Chile, and mining the Kentucky and governments of the US and globalization Fischer, Max W. Geography West Virginia). totalitarian, parliamentarian, immigrant Simulations. Teacher Created socialist systems. limited Materials, 1999 6 – G5.1.3 Identify the ways in which government NCSS Publications P.O. Box 2067 human-induced changes in the Create a time line to show market economy Waldorf, MD 20604-2067 #940097 physical environment in one place can changes in leadership of a patriotism 1-800-683-0812 cause changes in other places (e.g., country. political process Jasmine, Grace. Nader, Lillian. cutting forests in one region may profit Cooperative Learning Activities for result in river basin flooding republic Social Studies. Teacher Created elsewhere; building a dam floods land technology Materials, Inc., 1995. upstream and may permit irrigation in unlimited www.nationalgeographic.com another region). government Teaching the Five Themes US constitution Instructional Fair. T.S. Denison, 6 – C1.1.1 Analyze competing ideas value Grand Rapids, MI 49544 about the purposes government should Almanacs serve in a democracy and in a Atlases dictatorship (e.g., protecting individual Geographical Dictionary rights, promoting the common good, Newspapers, news magazines Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 7 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold providing economic security, molding Social Studies Skills Made Easy. the character of citizens, or promoting Mark Twain Media/Carson - Dellosa a particular religion). Publishing Co., Inc. Understanding Economics Learning 6 – C3.6.2 Compare and contrast a Resource Kit, Cambridge Education. military dictatorship such as Cuba, a Intro to Economics (video) 330 INT presidential system of representative Golomb, Kristen Girard. Economics democracy such as the United States, and You. Mark Twain Media, 1996 and a parliamentary system of Flowers. Economics and Children's representative democracy such as Literature. SPEC, 1993 Canada. A Framework for Teaching Basic Economic Concepts. NCEE 6 – C4.3.3 Give examples of how Economic Terms Cards, OPS countries work together for mutual Presentations by local business benefits through international people/experts organizations (e.g. North American Classroom maps Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Overhead transparencies Organization of American States Globes, charts, graphs (OAS), United Nations (UN)). Classroom posters Library 6 – E1.1.1 Explain how incentives Internet vary in different economic systems Guest speakers (e.g. acquiring money, profit, goods, Videos wanting to avoid loss in position in Teacher lectures society, job placement). Large and small group discussions www.Classzone.com 6 – E3.1.1 Use charts and graphs to compare imports and exports of different countries in the Western Hemisphere and propose generalizations about patterns of economic interdependence.</p><p>6 – E3.1.2 Diagram or map the movement of a consumer product from where it is manufactured to where it is sold to demonstrate the flow of materials, labor, and capital Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 8 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold (e.g., global supply chain for computers, athletic shoes, and clothing).</p><p>6 – E3.1.3 Explain how communications innovations have affected economic interactions and where and how people work (e.g., internet-based home offices, international work teams, and international companies).</p><p>6 – E3.3.1 Explain and compare how economic systems (traditional, command, and market) answer four basic questions: What should be produced? How will it be produced? How will it be distributed? Who will receive the benefits of production? (e.g., compare United States and Cuba, or Venezuela and Jamaica.)</p><p>Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 9 Month: January/February – 5 Weeks Western Hemisphere – Sixth Grade Unit: Canada Social Studies Pacing Guide</p><p>Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold</p><p>6 – G4.3.1 Identify places in the How have the people, Create and complete political, bilingual Henson, Ted. Discovering Canada Western Hemisphere that have been government, and economy physical, topographic, and constitutional (Using the Five Themes of modified to be suitable for settlement of present-day Canada various thematic maps of monarchy Geography) Frank Schaffer by describing the modifications that been influenced by its major areas studied: Latin export Publications, 1996 were necessary (e.g., Vancouver in geography and history? America and Canada. first nation Lueckenhoff, Mark. Neighbors of Canada; irrigated agriculture; or francophone USA. Mark Twain Media/Carson- clearing of forests for farmland). Locate the settings of young import Dellosa Publishing, Co. Inc., 1993 adult fiction books. Give industry World Cultures and Geography – 6 – G4.3.2 Describe patterns of absolute and relative location multiculturalism Western Hemisphere and Europe, settlement by using historical and of each. Describe and national identity McDougall Littell 2005 modern maps (e.g., coastal and river compare language, religion, parliament Latin America and Canada, cities and towns in the past and belief systems, gender roles, Pierre Trudeau MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, 1992 present, locations of mega-cities – and traditions of each culture prime minister Classroom subscriptions to modern cities over 5 million, such as depicted in novel. refugee newspaper and/or student weekly Mexico City, and patterns of separatist news magazine (Junior Scholastic, agricultural settlements in South and Interact with activities on the transportation Time for Kids). North America). Internet. barrier Classroom Atlas transportation Newspaper articles and student news 6 – G5.1.1 Describe the Examine urbanization and corridor magazine environmental effects of human action immigration in Canada and Fischer, Max W. Geography on the atmosphere (air), biosphere Latin America, and impact on Simulations. Teacher Created (people, animals, and plants), the US. Materials, 1999 lithosphere (soil), and hydrosphere www.nationalgeographic.com (water) (e.g., changes in the tropical Create a timeline of events Teaching the Five Themes forest environments in Brazil, Peru, contrasting US, Canada, and Instructional Fair. T.S. Denison, and Costa Rica). Latin America. Grand Rapids, MI 49544 Geographical Dictionary 6 – G5.1.2 Describe how variations in Create a chart that compares Newspapers, news magazines technology affect human and contrasts the Presentations by local business modifications of the landscape (e.g., governments of the US and people/experts clearing forests for agricultural land in totalitarian, parliamentarian, Classroom maps South America, fishing in the Grand socialist systems. Overhead transparencies Banks of the Atlantic, expansion of Globes, charts, graphs cities in South America, hydroelectric Classroom posters Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 10 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold developments in Canada, Brazil and Library Chile, and mining the Kentucky and Internet West Virginia). Guest speakers Videos 6 – G5.1.3 Identify the ways in which Teacher lectures human-induced changes in the Large and small group discussions physical environment in one place can cause changes in other places (e.g., cutting forests in one region may result in river basin flooding elsewhere; building a dam floods land upstream and may permit irrigation in another region).</p><p>6 – C3.6.2 Compare and contrast a military dictatorship such as Cuba, a presidential system of representative democracy such as the United States, and a parliamentary system of representative democracy such as Canada.</p><p>Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 11 Month: February – 2 Weeks Western Hemisphere – Sixth Grade Unit: Introduction to Latin America Social Studies Pacing Guide</p><p>Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold</p><p>6 – H1.1.2 Compare and contrast Can you describe the Compose a descriptive essay Atahualpa World Cultures and Geography – several different calendar systems physical geography of on an area of Canada or Latin Chinampa Western Hemisphere and Europe, used in the past and present and their Latin America through the America. Use the 5 themes as Columbian McDougall Littell 2005 cultural significance (e.g., Olmec and 5 themes? an organizer. exchange Latin America and Canada, Mayan calendar systems, Aztec deforestation MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, 1992 Calendar Stone, Sun Dial, Gregorian How have early Latin Research projects using print El Nino Classroom subscriptions to calendar – B.C./A.D.; contemporary American cultures served and nonprint resources. Francisco newspaper and/or student weekly secular – B.C.E./C.E. Note: in 7th as models for how Presentation of data in maps, Pizarro news magazine (Junior Scholastic, grade Eastern Hemisphere the successful civilizations graphs, charts, tables. Hernan Cortes Time for Kids). Chinese, Hebrew, and Islamic/Hijri develop? - Design a country and hieroglyph Classroom Atlas calendars are included). culture. Macchu Picchu Newspaper articles and student news - Design a world activity. Montezuma II magazine 6 – W1.1.1 Describe the early - Created culture should be tributary Fischer, Max W. Geography migrations of people among Earth’s a modern culture. tropical zone Simulations. Teacher Created continents (including the Berringa Materials, 1999 Land Bridge). All tests should routinely NCSS Publications P.O. Box 2067 include constructed and Waldorf, MD 20604-2067 #940097 6 – W1.1.2 Examine the lives of extended response questions. 1-800-683-0812 hunting and gathering people during Jasmine, Grace. Nader, Lillian. the earliest eras of human society At least once during the year, Cooperative Learning Activities for (tools and weapons, language, fire). each student should produce Social Studies. Teacher Created a major essay or research Materials, Inc., 1995. 6 – W1.2.1 Describe the transition paper related to a particular www.nationalgeographic.com from hunter gatherers to sedentary region of study. Teaching the Five Themes agriculture (domestication of plants Instructional Fair. T.S. Denison, and animals). Extended response practice. Grand Rapids, MI 49544 Almanacs 6 – W1.2.2 Describe the importance Atlases of the natural environment in the Geographical Dictionary development of agricultural Newspapers, news magazines settlements in different locations (e.g., Social Studies Skills Made Easy. available water for irrigation, Mark Twain Media/Carson - Dellosa adequate precipitation, and suitable Publishing Co., Inc. growing season). Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 12 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold Presentations by local business 6 – W1.2.3 Explain the impact of the people/experts Agricultural Revolution (stable food Classroom maps supply, surplus, population growth, Overhead transparencies trade, division of labor, development Globes, charts, graphs of settlements). Classroom posters Library 6 – W2.1.1 Explain how the Internet environment favored hunter gatherer, Guest speakers pastoral, and small scale agricultural Videos ways of life in different parts of the Teacher lectures Western Hemisphere. Large and small group discussions www.Classzone.com 6 – W2.1.2 Describe how the invention of agriculture led to the emergence of agrarian civilizations (seasonal harvests, specialized crops, cultivation, and development of villages and towns).</p><p>6 – W2.1.3 Use multiple sources of evidence to describe how the culture of early peoples of North America reflected the geography and natural resources available (e.g., Inuit of the Arctic, Kwakiutl of the Northwest Coast; Anasazi and Apache of the Southwest).</p><p>6 – W2.1.4 Use evidence to identify defining characteristics of early civilizations and early pastoral nomads (government, language, religion, social structure, technology, and division of labor).</p><p>6 – W3.1.1 Analyze the role of environment in the development of Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 13 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold early empires, referencing both useful environmental features and those that presented obstacles.</p><p>6 – W3.1.2 Explain the role of economics in shaping the development of early civilizations (trade routes and their significance – Inca Road, supply and demand for products).</p><p>6 – W3.1.3 Describe similarities and difference among Mayan, Aztec, and Incan societies, including economy, religion, and role and class structure.</p><p>6 – W3.1.4 Describe the regional struggles and changes in governmental systems among the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan Empires.</p><p>6 – W3.1.5 Construct a timeline of main events on the origin and development of early and classic ancient civilizations of the Western Hemisphere (Olmec, Mayan, Aztec, and Incan).</p><p>6 – G6.1.2 Investigations Designed for Ancient World History Eras – Conduct research on global topics and issues, compose persuasive essays, and develop a plan for action. (H1.4.3, G1.2.6, See P3 and P4)</p><p>Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 14 Month: March – 4 Weeks Western Hemisphere – Sixth Grade Unit: Mexico Social Studies Pacing Guide</p><p>Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold</p><p>6 – G5.1.1 Describe the How have historical Create and complete political, Criollo World Cultures and Geography – environmental effects of human action events influenced the physical, topographic, and Day of the Dead Western Hemisphere and Europe, on the atmosphere (air), biosphere development of Mexico’s various thematic maps of distribution McDougall Littell 2005 (people, animals, and plants), government, economy, major areas studied. Ejido Latin America and Canada, lithosphere (soil), and hydrosphere and culture? Encomienda MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, 1992 (water) (e.g., changes in the tropical Construct simple geographic fiesta Classroom subscriptions to forest environments in Brazil, Peru, information system (GIS-a Gadsden newspaper and/or student weekly and Costa Rica). system for evaluating Purchase news magazine (Junior Scholastic, geographic locations) for Hacienda Time for Kids). 6 – G5.1.2 Describe how variations in implementing a Mexican, Hidalgo Classroom Atlas technology affect human Central American, Caribbean, Institutional Newspaper articles and student news modifications of the landscape (e.g., or South American Revolutionary magazine clearing forests for agricultural land in development program. Party Fischer, Max W. Geography South America, fishing in the Grand Maquiladora Simulations. Teacher Created Banks of the Atlantic, expansion of Use facts in almanac and Mestizo Materials, 1999 cities in South America, hydroelectric mapping skills to create a map nationalize NCSS Publications P.O. Box 2067 developments in Canada, Brazil and of the region. PEMEX Waldorf, MD 20604-2067 #940097 Chile, and mining the Kentucky and peninsular 1-800-683-0812 West Virginia). Interact with activities on privatization Jasmine, Grace. Nader, Lillian. Internet. rural Cooperative Learning Activities for 6 – G5.1.3 Identify the ways in which tourism Social Studies. Teacher Created human-induced changes in the Write a legend or myth about Treaty of Materials, Inc., 1995. physical environment in one place can a culture and why some aspect Guadalupe www.nationalgeographic.com cause changes in other places (e.g., developed. urban Teaching the Five Themes cutting forests in one region may Instructional Fair. T.S. Denison, result in river basin flooding Grand Rapids, MI 49544 elsewhere; building a dam floods land Almanacs upstream and may permit irrigation in Atlases another region). Geographical Dictionary Newspapers, news magazines 6– G5.2.1 Describe the effects that a Social Studies Skills Made Easy. change in the physical environment Mark Twain Media/Carson - Dellosa could have on human activities and Publishing Co., Inc. the choices people would have to Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 15 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold make in adjusting to the change (e.g., Presentations by local business drought in northern Mexico, people/experts disappearance of forest vegetation in Classroom maps the Amazon, natural hazards and Overhead transparencies disasters from volcanic eruptions in Globes, charts, graphs Central America and the Caribbean Classroom posters and earthquakes in Mexico City and Library Colombia). Internet Guest speakers Videos Teacher lectures Large and small group discussions www.Classzone.com </p><p>Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 16 Month: March/April – 4 Weeks Western Hemisphere – Sixth Grade Unit: Central America Social Studies Pacing Guide</p><p>Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold</p><p>6 – G4.3.1 Identify places in the How have historical events Write a legend or myth about a departamento World Cultures and Geography – Western Hemisphere that have been effected the political, culture and why some aspect dependency Western Hemisphere and Europe, modified to be suitable for settlement economic, and cultural developed. diversity McDougall Littell 2005 by describing the modifications that development of Central Ladino Latin America and Canada, were necessary (e.g., Vancouver in America? Use written text, graphs, single-product MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, 1992 Canada; irrigated agriculture; or charts, and thematic maps to economy Classroom subscriptions to clearing of forests for farmland). write a paper on how and why newspaper and/or student weekly people live and work in Latin news magazine (Junior Scholastic, 6 – G4.3.2 Describe patterns of America. Time for Kids). settlement by using historical and Classroom Atlas modern maps (e.g., coastal and river Use facts in almanac and Newspaper articles and student news cities and towns in the past and mapping skills to create a map magazine present, locations of mega-cities – of a region of Canada or Latin Fischer, Max W. Geography modern cities over 5 million, such as America. Simulations. Teacher Created Mexico City, and patterns of Materials, 1999 agricultural settlements in South and Create a time line of events NCSS Publications P.O. Box 2067 North America). contrasting US, Canada, and Waldorf, MD 20604-2067 #940097 Latin America. 1-800-683-0812 6 – G5.1.1 Describe the Jasmine, Grace. Nader, Lillian. environmental effects of human Cooperative Learning Activities for action on the atmosphere (air), Social Studies. Teacher Created biosphere (people, animals, and Materials, Inc., 1995. plants), lithosphere (soil), and www.nationalgeographic.com hydrosphere (water) (e.g., changes in Teaching the Five Themes the tropical forest environments in Instructional Fair. T.S. Denison, Brazil, Peru, and Costa Rica). Grand Rapids, MI 49544 Almanacs 6 – G5.1.2 Describe how variations Atlases in technology affect human Geographical Dictionary modifications of the landscape (e.g., Newspapers, news magazines clearing forests for agricultural land Social Studies Skills Made Easy. in South America, fishing in the Mark Twain Media/Carson - Dellosa Grand Banks of the Atlantic, Publishing Co., Inc. expansion of cities in South Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 17 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold America, hydroelectric developments Presentations by local business in Canada, Brazil and Chile, and people/experts mining the Kentucky and West Classroom maps Virginia). Overhead transparencies Globes, charts, graphs 6 – G5.1.3 Identify the ways in Classroom posters which human-induced changes in the Library physical environment in one place Internet can cause changes in other places Guest speakers (e.g., cutting forests in one region Videos may result in river basin flooding Teacher lectures elsewhere; building a dam floods Large and small group discussions land upstream and may permit www.Classzone.com irrigation in another region).</p><p>6– G5.2.1 Describe the effects that a change in the physical environment could have on human activities and the choices people would have to make in adjusting to the change (e.g., drought in northern Mexico, disappearance of forest vegetation in the Amazon, natural hazards and disasters from volcanic eruptions in Central America and the Caribbean and earthquakes in Mexico City and Colombia).</p><p>6 – C4.3.1 Explain the geopolitical relationships between countries (e.g., petroleum and arms purchases in Venezuela and Ecuador; foreign aid for health care in Nicaragua).</p><p>6 – C4.3.3 Give examples of how countries work together for mutual benefits through international organizations (e.g. North American Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 18 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Organization of American States (OAS), and United Nations (UN)).</p><p>Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 19 Month: April/May – 4 Weeks Western Hemisphere – Sixth Grade Unit: Caribbean Islands/West Indies Social Studies Pacing Guide</p><p>Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold</p><p>6 – G5.1.1 Describe the How have historical events Identify major languages and communism World Cultures and Geography environmental effects of human affected the political, religions of the world. Locate dictator – Western Hemisphere and Europe, action on the atmosphere (air), economic, and cultural these regions on maps to malnutrition McDougall Littell 2005 biosphere (people, animals, and development of the observe distribution and form Mulatto Latin America and Canada, plants), lithosphere (soil), and Caribbean Islands? hypothesis sugar cane MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, 1992 hydrosphere (water) (e.g., changes in West Indies Classroom subscriptions to the tropical forest environments in Create country profile of a newspaper and/or student weekly Brazil, Peru, and Costa Rica). specific country or province, news magazine (Junior Scholastic, present table and display for Time for Kids). 6 – G5.1.2 Describe how variations comparison purposes. Classroom Atlas in technology affect human Newspaper articles and student modifications of the landscape (e.g., Use written text, graphs, charts news magazine clearing forests for agricultural land and thematic maps to write a Fischer, Max W. Geography in South America, fishing in the paper on how and why people Simulations. Teacher Created Grand Banks of the Atlantic, live and work in Latin Materials, 1999 expansion of cities in South America. NCSS Publications P.O. Box America, hydroelectric developments 2067 Waldorf, MD 20604-2067 in Canada, Brazil and Chile, and Create a chart which compares #940097 1-800-683-0812 mining the Kentucky and West and contrasts the governments Jasmine, Grace. Nader, Lillian. Virginia). of the US and totalitarian, Cooperative Learning Activities for parliamentarian, socialist Social Studies. Teacher Created 6 – G5.1.3 Identify the ways in systems. Materials, Inc., 1995. which human-induced changes in the www.nationalgeographic.com physical environment in one place Create a time line to show Teaching the Five Themes can cause changes in other places changes in leadership of a Instructional Fair. T.S. Denison, (e.g., cutting forests in one region country. Grand Rapids, MI 49544 may result in river basin flooding Almanacs elsewhere; building a dam floods Create a simulation that Atlases land upstream and may permit demonstrates the over throw of Geographical Dictionary irrigation in another region). governments. Newspapers, news magazines Social Studies Skills Made 6– G5.2.1 Describe the effects that a Easy. Mark Twain Media/Carson - change in the physical environment Dellosa Publishing Co., Inc. could have on human activities and Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 20 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold the choices people would have to Presentations by local business make in adjusting to the change (e.g., people/experts drought in northern Mexico, Classroom maps disappearance of forest vegetation in Overhead transparencies the Amazon, natural hazards and Globes, charts, graphs disasters from volcanic eruptions in Classroom posters Central America and the Caribbean Library and earthquakes in Mexico City and Internet Colombia). Guest speakers Videos 6 – C1.1.1 Analyze competing ideas Teacher lectures about the purposes government Large and small group should serve in a democracy and in a discussions dictatorship (e.g., protecting www.Classzone.com individual rights, promoting the common good, providing economic security, molding the character of citizens, or promoting a particular religion).</p><p>6 – C3.6.1 Define the characteristics of a nation-state (a specific territory, clearly defined boundaries, citizens, and jurisdiction over people who reside there, laws, and government), and how Western Hemisphere nations interact.</p><p>6 – C3.6.2 Compare and contrast a military dictatorship such as Cuba, a presidential system of representative democracy such as the United States, and a parliamentary system of representative democracy such as Canada.</p><p>6 – E2.3.1 Describe the impact of governmental policy (sanctions, Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 21 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold tariffs, treaties) on that country and on other countries that use its resources.</p><p>6 – E3.3.1 Explain and compare how economic systems (traditional, command, and market) answer four basic questions: What should be produced? How will it be produced? How will it be distributed? Who will receive the benefits of production? (e.g., compare United States and Cuba, or Venezuela and Jamaica.)</p><p>Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 22 Month: May/June – 4 Weeks Western Hemisphere – Sixth Grade Unit: South America Social Studies Pacing Guide</p><p>Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold</p><p>6 – G5.1.1 Describe the How has the history and Create country profile of a carnival World Cultures and Geography – environmental effects of human geography of South specific country or province, economic Western Hemisphere and Europe, action on the atmosphere (air), America affected its present table and display for indicator McDougall Littell 2005 biosphere (people, animals, and present-day governments, comparison purposes. free-trade zone Latin America and Canada, plants), lithosphere (soil), and economies, and cultures? guerilla warfare MacMillan/McGraw-Hill, 1992 hydrosphere (water) (e.g., changes in Create country envelopes inflation Classroom subscriptions to the tropical forest environments in which contain clues to oasis newspaper and/or student weekly Brazil, Peru, and Costa Rica). different countries on a Organization of news magazine (Junior Scholastic, specific continent. American Time for Kids). 6 – G5.1.2 Describe how variations States Secret of the Andes by Ann Nolan in technology affect human Construct simple geographic Pan-America Clark, Viking Press modifications of the landscape (e.g., information system (GIS-a Quechua Classroom Atlas clearing forests for agricultural land system for evaluating urbanization Newspaper articles and student in South America, fishing in the geographic locations) for news magazine Grand Banks of the Atlantic, implementing a Mexican, Fischer, Max W. Geography expansion of cities in South Central American, Caribbean, Simulations. Teacher Created America, hydroelectric developments or South American Materials, 1999 in Canada, Brazil and Chile, and development program. NCSS Publications P.O. Box 2067 mining the Kentucky and West Waldorf, MD 20604-2067 #940097 Virginia). 1-800-683-0812 Jasmine, Grace. Nader, Lillian. 6 – G5.1.3 Identify the ways in Cooperative Learning Activities for which human-induced changes in the Social Studies. Teacher Created physical environment in one place Materials, Inc., 1995. can cause changes in other places www.nationalgeographic.com (e.g., cutting forests in one region Teaching the Five Themes may result in river basin flooding Instructional Fair. T.S. Denison, elsewhere; building a dam floods Grand Rapids, MI 49544 land upstream and may permit Almanacs irrigation in another region). Atlases Geographical Dictionary 6– G5.2.1 Describe the effects that a Newspapers, news magazines change in the physical environment Presentations by local business could have on human activities and people/experts Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 23 Code & Content Expectations Essential Assessment Vocabulary Resources (Disciplinary Knowledge) Questions/Scaffold the choices people would have to Classroom maps make in adjusting to the change (e.g., Overhead transparencies drought in northern Mexico, Globes, charts, graphs disappearance of forest vegetation in Classroom posters the Amazon, natural hazards and Social Studies Skills Made Easy. disasters from volcanic eruptions in Mark Twain Media/Carson - Central America and the Caribbean Dellosa Publishing Co., Inc. and earthquakes in Mexico City and Library Colombia). Internet Guest speakers 6 – C4.3.1 Explain the geopolitical Videos relationships between countries (e.g., Teacher lectures petroleum and arms purchases in Large and small group discussions Venezuela and Ecuador; foreign aid www.Classzone.com for health care in Nicaragua).</p><p>Sixth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide – March 2008 24</p>
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