<p> Leigh Anne Boisseau</p><p>Literacy Case Study</p><p>EDUC 626 Practicum I Dr. Katherine Wiesendanger EDU 626 Assessment and Remediation Summary Log for Matt Name: Leigh Anne Boisseau Date Start time End time Comments Nov 18 &19 9:00 AM 9:30 AM Bb, Mm, Ss, Rr font sort Nov 20&21 9:00 AM 9:30 AM B, m, s, r beginning sounds Nov 25&26 9:00 AM 9:30 AM B, m, s, r letter and sound sort and assessment Dec 2&3 9:00 AM 9:30 AM T, P,N, G font sort Dec 4&5 9:00 AM 9:30 AM T, P, N, G beginning sounds Dec 6 9:00 9:30 T, P, N, G letter and sound 2:00 2:30 Informal assessment Dec. 9&10 9:00 AM 9:30 AM D, C, H, L font sort Dec. 11&12 9:00 AM 9:30 AM D, C, H, L beginning sounds Dec. 13 9:00 AM 9:30 AM D, C, H, L letter and sounds 2:00 PM 2:30 PM Informal assessment Dec 10-13 8:30 AM 8:45 AM b and d remediation Dec 16-17 9:00 AM 9:30 AM F, W, J, K font and sound sorts Dec 18-19 9:00 AM 9:30 AM Yy, Zz, Vv, Xx and Qq font and sound sorts Jan 9 8:30 AM 9:30 AM PALS testing letters, sounds, 11:30 AM 12:30 PM rhyming Jan 10 8:30 AM 9:30 AM PALS beginning sound and spelling 11:30 AM 12:30 PM Jan 15 8:30 AM 9:30 AM Graded Word List Assessment 11:30 AM 12:30 PM Running Record/Reading levels Bader text EDU 626 Assessment and Remediation Summary Log for Elaina Name: Leigh Anne Boisseau Date Start time End time Comments Nov 18&19 10:00 AM 10:30 AM -at and –an families Nov 20&21 10:00 AM 10:30 AM -at, -an, -ap families Nov 25&26 10:00 AM 10:30 AM -at, -an, -ap family and -ot Dec 2&3 10:00 AM 10:30 AM word families, -at, -ag, -ox, -ug Dec 4&5 10:00 AM 10:30 AM word families, -ig, -en, -et, -op Dec 6 10:00 AM 10:30 AM Word families-an, -ap, -ar, 1:30 PM 2:00 PM -ing and assessment Dec 9&10 10:00 AM 10:30 AM word families, -ar (long a), -ok, -ot (long o), -ak (long a) Dec 11&12 10:00 AM 10:30 AM word families, -ik, -an (long a), -al (long a), -ep (long e) Dec 13 10:00 AM 10:30 AM Same Vowel Word family sorts 1:30 PM 2:00 PM Dec 9-13 2:45 PM 3:00 PM Spell and recognize rhyming words in unfamiliar word families Dec 16&17 10:00 AM 10:30 AM Dec 18&19 10:00 AM 10:30 AM Student</p><p>Matt is a five-year-old, Caucasian, male, kindergarten student at North Elementary School in Colonial Heights. He lives with his mother, 10 year old mentally handicapped brother and 9 year old sister. His mother’s boyfriend recently moved in with his family. Matt did not attend pre- kindergarten. Because of a violent situation with his biological father, he and his family have been “on the run”. They have lived in a shelter until being placed in an apartment in this city. His older brother is often violent towards his mother due to his handicap. Matt’s mother told me she has done very little to prepare Matt for school because of all of the other issues within their family. Despite all of the families problems, Matt is a very intelligent child. His lack of exposure and immaturity socially and physically have left a big gap in his learning. His fine motor skills are also very weak. Matt has a hard time cutting and writing. However, he is really picking up on intellectual skills. In October of this school year, Matt scored a 39 on his Phonological Awareness and Literacy Screening (PALS) and could not read any words on the word lists. He had a hard time recognizing letters. He actually could give more letter sounds than names of letters. He could not apply the letter sounds in the spelling area, scoring a 2 and he had a very weak concept of word, scoring a zero on the word list. I am choosing to work with Matt to better determine his strengths, and to help fill in the missing pieces of his Language skills due to a complete lack of exposure. After significant observation of Matt, I found that he is a visual learner. He learns best by using flash cards, sorting materials, pictures, etc. I will use this information when planning lessons and activities to help Matt with letters and phonics.</p><p>BADER Reading and Language Inventory **Done after remediation lessons in log. **</p><p>Matt, a kindergarten student (done in January, after remediation log lessons)</p><p>Graded Word List: Matt read 8 out of the 10 Pre-primer words. (He read 4 out of 10 in the Primer list)</p><p>Unprepared Oral Reading PPC- Teacher supplied “eats” for unknown and corrected “sleeps” child said “sleps”. Child read leg instead of lap and then self corrected. Matt’s reading rate was appropriate. He gave a short retelling that provided 3 memories from the text. All comprehension questions were asked to get 6 prompted memories. Text Response Classification Meaning Syntactically Affected? Correct? leg lap Substitution no</p><p>Silent Reading</p><p>PPA- 3 unprompted memories (2 more given when prompted).</p><p>Listening Comprehension PC- 6 unprompted memories in order 1C- 6 unprompted memories in order 2C- 4 unprompted memories in order Summary of Reading Levels According to the BADER Reading and Language Inventory, Matt, who is a kindergarten student, has a grade Pre-primer instructional reading level and a grade 2 potential level. According to the discrepancy model, Matt does have a reading problem because his instructional level is lower than his potential level. Using the functional definition, Matt, who is reading on grade level, does not have a reading problem. Matt was chosen to be evaluated because he showed so much potential and desire to learn, even though he was far behind the other students in class. Although Matt is a quick learner, he has a great deal to learn to catch up to Kindergarten standards. Before we can move on to more difficult Language skills, I have to fill in the gaps in Matt’s learning. His ability to comprehend spoken literature will greatly aide in teaching other skills. What I Learned about the Student In the beginning of the year, Matt was extremely weak in all Language areas except for comprehension. He had very little letter/sound knowledge and virtually no concept of word. He was unable to read any words. He also struggled with predictable books unless the teacher had read the book first. He then could use picture prompts to re-read the story, but did not pay attention to the simple words in the book and often got them wrong. He needs a stronger base knowledge of the alphabet before he can transfer his learning to words.</p><p>Interests and Motivations Matt stated that he enjoys reading books about dinosaurs and sharks. He is interested in non-fiction and fiction books dealing with these topics. When asked about what kinds of things he needs help with when reading, Matt said he “can read, he just doesn’t know all the words yet”. Matt is intrinsically motivated. He really wants to be able to read books on his own. He stated that he needs to learn to read because there is no one at home to read to him, so if he’s going to learn about sharks and dinosaurs, he will have to do it himself. </p><p>Reading Strengths and Challenges Strengths Challenges Reading Level Strong comprehension Does not know many letters or sounds (Kindergarten Student) Word Families Can orally match rhymes Cannot use phonics to spell or manipulate and word families. words in a family. Phonics Understands that letters Only knows 9 letters and 14 sounds. make sounds and make up words. Interests Enjoys learning about Focuses on physical and violent aspects of his sharks and dinosaurs. topics of interest.</p><p>Instructional Goals</p><p>1. Learn all the letters in the alphabet. 2. Learn letter sounds and digraphs. 3. Recognize beginning sounds in words. 4. Match beginning sounds in words to the correct letter. 5. Begin spelling simple words (CVC). 6. Use the concept of word to figure out unknown words. Leigh Anne Boisseau – Case Study – Lessons 1-3 Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (1) Nov. 18: 9:00-9:30 Nov. 19: 9:00-9:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following area: Letter names Letter sounds</p><p>Instructional The letters Bb, Mm, Ss, Rr Implications</p><p>Remediation Review the uppercase form of the letters Sort the uppercase letters as we name them Review the lowercase letters Sort the lowercase letters as we name them</p><p>Post Assessment Matt can correctly sort letters in different fonts, but still has trouble naming the letter Bb. </p><p>Reflection Matt needs a great deal more exposure to the letters as a whole. He has very little base knowledge of the alphabet, including the letters in his name. </p><p>Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (2) Nov. 20: 9:00-9:30 Nov. 21: 9:00-9:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing and producing the sounds for the following letters… B, M, S, R Needs help hearing the sounds in the beginning of words</p><p>Instructional Letter sounds B, M, S, R Implications Beginning sounds B, M, S, R</p><p>Remediation Sort picture cards by their beginning sounds… B as in boat, M as in Map, S as in sun and R as in rabbit. Come up with words on own that begin with these sounds. Introduce Letterland characters for sounds.</p><p>Post Assessment Matt can easily match beginning sounds, but still has difficulty identifying the letter’s name that makes the sound and coming up with words on his own. However, he can orally say the letter name and then orally give the letter’s sound.</p><p>Reflection Matt has potential to pick up on these letter/letter sound skills quickly with continuing exposure to the letters and sounds. I believe most of his trouble is due to lack of exposure up to date. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (3) Nov. 25: 9:00-9:30 Nov. 26: 9:00-9:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing letters Bb, Mm, Ss, Rr Providing sounds for Bb, Mm, Ss, Rr Coming up with own word beginning with the above letters</p><p>Instructional Mixed sort of upper and lowercase letters in different fonts Implications Pictures beginning with B, M, S, R</p><p>Remediation Flash card drill to name letters. Sort pictures (already seen) by beginning sound.</p><p>Post Assessment Informal Quick Check BMSR</p><p>Reflection Matt successfully named all upper and lower case letters. He also identified the beginning sound by letter in given words. He could come up with his own words beginning with B, S, and R. Leigh Anne Boisseau – Case Study – Lessons 4-6 Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (4) Nov. 18: 10:00-10:30 Nov. 19: 10:00-10:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following area: Rhyming </p><p>Instructional Working with word families, -at and -an Implications</p><p>Remediation Sort picture cards that belong in the given word family. Start with the –at family only. Use pictures that are far off from the –at ending (for example, tree). Play “odd man out” as explained in Words Their Way. Introduce the –an word family and sort cards as listed above for the –at family.</p><p>Post Assessment Informal… Read a group of words with the –at phonogram. Word list includes the words, cat, pat, mat, rat and sat. We have covered all of these beginning sounds in class. </p><p>Reflection Elaina can recognize the last sound, helping her match the rhymes, but still has difficulty recognizing the medial vowel sound along with the ending sound to make a rhyme. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (5) Nov. 20: 10:00-10:30 Nov. 21: 10:00-10:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing rhyming words</p><p>Instructional Word families –at, -an, and -ap Implications</p><p>Remediation Sort picture cards by word families. Once all the word families are sorted, Use new pictures to find the one who does not belong still using pictures in the –at, -an, or –ap word families. EX: cat, map, hat which one does not belong? </p><p>Post Assessment Correctly complete an “Odd Man Out” row for each word family.</p><p>Reflection Elaina can sort the words very easily. She can accurately find the “odd man out” 2 out of 3 times. She still needs work matching the same rhyme before focusing on the word that does not belong. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (6) Nov. 25: 10:00-10:30 Nov. 26: 10:00-10:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing rhyming words.</p><p>Instructional Review word families –at, -an, and –ap Implications Introduce word family –ot.</p><p>Remediation Sort word family picture cards for –an and –ap word families. Sort word family picture cards for –at and ot.</p><p>Post Assessment Sort picture cards by word family –ap and –op. Elaina sorted 90% of the pictures correctly. She mis-sorted the picture for stop. I believe she only missed this word because she stopped paying attention to her work and began paying attention to a friend of hers in another group.</p><p>Reflection Elaina seems to be able to sort the rhyme easily. We will begin working on producing rhymes for a given word as well as finding the word that does not belong when given 3 words (only 2 rhyme). Leigh Anne Boisseau – Case Study – Lessons 7-9 Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (7) Dec.2: 9:00-9:30 Dec. 3: 9:00-9:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following area: Letter names Letter sounds</p><p>Instructional The letters Tt, Pp, Nn, Gg Implications</p><p>Remediation Review the uppercase form of the letters Sort the uppercase letters as we name them Review the lowercase letters Sort the lowercase letters as we name them</p><p>Post Assessment Matt continues to correctly sort letters in different fonts, except for a ‘g’ in a very twisty and curly font. He also had to have a dot placed on the lowercase n cards to ensure he did not put them upside down and call it a ‘u’. He only did this 2 times out of 6 lowercase ‘n’s. </p><p>Reflection Even in this short amount of time, Matt is picking up on letter names very quickly. He is able to associate many of the above letters to a “Letterland” character showing the exposure to the alphabet in our whole group lessons is also impacting his learning. </p><p>Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (8) Dec. 4: 9:00-9:30 Dec 5: 9:00-9:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing and producing the sounds for the following letters… T, P, N, G Needs help hearing the sounds in the beginning of words</p><p>Instructional Letter sounds T, P, N, G Implications Beginning sounds T, P, N, G</p><p>Remediation Sort picture cards by their beginning sounds… T as in tent, P as in pig, N as in nut and G as in goat. Come up with words on own that begin with these sounds. Review and work closer with Letterland characters for sounds.</p><p>Post Assessment Matt can easily match these beginning sounds. He is also identifying the letter’s name that makes the sound 100% of the time. He can also come up with words beginning with T, P, and N on his own. However, he can only give 2 words that begin with G (goat and gum). </p><p>Reflection Matt is showing so much progress with letters and sounds. He has a pretty extensive vocabulary, which makes it easier for him to come up with common words beginning with a given sound (with the exception of the letter G from this weeks lessons). Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (9) Dec 6: 9:00-9:30 : 2:00-2:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing letters Tt, Pp, Nn, Gg Providing sounds for Tt, Pp, Nn, Gg Coming up with own word beginning with the above letters</p><p>Instructional Mixed sort of upper and lowercase letters in different fonts Implications Pictures beginning with T, P, N, G</p><p>Remediation Flash card drill to name letters. Sort pictures (already seen) by beginning sound. Letterland character cards to come up with own words matching beginning sounds</p><p>Post Assessment Informal Quick Check T, P, N, G and Letterland assessment 1.</p><p>Reflection Matt successfully named all upper and lower case letters. He also identified the beginning sound by letter in given words. He could come up with his own words beginning with T, P, N and G. He also came up with a new word for G… gate. Leigh Anne Boisseau – Case Study – Lessons 10-12. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (10) Dec. 2: 10:00-10:30 Dec. 3: 10:00-10:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following area: Rhyming Instructional Working with word families, -at, -ag, -ox, -ug (As laid out in Word Sorts Implications and More by Kathy Ganske) Sort # 3</p><p>Remediation Lay out 4 picture cards. Three are in the same word family and one is an “Odd Man Out”. Once the child picks the odd man out, she will pick the “odd man’s” match to make him “Odd No More”. Try 1: bat, cat, hat…pup, cup Try 2: bag, flag, tag…nut, cut Try 3: box, fox, ox…rose, toes Try 4: bug, mug, rug…dog, log</p><p>Post Assessment Informal… Listen to teacher say a sentence… fill in the sentence with an appropriate rhyming word. 1. The cat sat on a ______. (looking for mat) 2. The pup took a sip from a ______. (looking for cup) 3. The bag has a little ______. (looking for tag)</p><p>Reflection Elaina can put rhyming words together and came up with the desired rhyme to complete the sentences in my informal assessment. However, she still has difficulty picking the word that doesn’t belong. If we work with the words one at a time, she is successful finding a rhyme. If she is given the three words like in the game, she could only pick the correct rhyme by picking one card at a time and saying it and another word together and then deciding if it made a rhyme. Tomorrow, I will use the written words as well so she can focus on the ending letters as well. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (11) Dec 4: 10:00-10:30 Dec 5: 10:00-10:30 Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing rhyming words</p><p>Instructional Working with word families, -ig, -en, -et, -op (As laid out in Word Sorts Implications and More by Kathy Ganske) Sort #4</p><p>Remediation Lay out 4 picture cards that have the words with them. Three are in the same word family and one is an “Odd Man Out”. Once the child picks the odd man out, she will pick the “odd man’s” match to make him “Odd No More”. Try 1: dig, pig, wig…mad, sad Try 2: hen, pen, men…sled, bed Try 3: jet, pet, wet…yell, bell Try 4: mop, pop, top…pin, win</p><p>Post Assessment Read the following rhyming words in the “ig” family… pig, big, wig and “make believe words” lig and zig. </p><p>Reflection Elaina read the real and fake words in the –ig family correctly. She hesitated when reading the two make believe words because were unfamiliar, but she did read them correctly. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (12) Dec. 6: 10:00-10:30 1:30-2:00 (Assessment)</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing rhyming words.</p><p>Instructional Working with word families, -an, -ap, -ar, -ing (As laid out in Word Sorts Implications and More by Kathy Ganske) Sort #5 (Try 1 and 2 will be lesson, Try 3 and 4 will be assessment)</p><p>Remediation Lay out 4 picture cards that have the words with them. Three are in the same word family and one is an “Odd Man Out”. Once the child picks the odd man out, she will pick the “odd man’s” match to make him “Odd No More”. Try 1: can, fan, man…egg, leg Try 2: cap, map, nap…rip, sip</p><p>Post Assessment Using the same format of the “Odd No More” rhyme game we have played this week, Elaina will do this on her own for Try 3: car, jar, star…corn, horn and Try 4: king, ring, wing…lamp, stamp. Reflection Elaina completed the game correctly. She successfully found the odd man’s partner as well. She is now showing a 100% success rate in matching rhymes in this format. Leigh Anne Boisseau – Case Study – Lessons 13-16 Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (13) Dec.9: 9:00-9:30 Dec. 10: 9:00-9:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following area: Letter names Letter sounds</p><p>Instructional The letters Dd, Cc, Hh, Ll Implications</p><p>Remediation Review the uppercase form of the letters Sort the uppercase letters as we name them Review the lowercase letters Sort the lowercase letters as we name them</p><p>Post Assessment Matt sorted all of the letter cards on his own. He discriminated correctly among each letter. However, when asked to name the letters, Matt continually called the lower case d a b. He only self-corrected if the teacher prompted him to by pausing before moving on to the next letter.</p><p>Reflection Matt is quickly picking up on the individual letters of the alphabet. He is making a common mistake of naming a b instead of a d when the lowercase letter is given. </p><p>Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (14) Dec. 11: 9:00-9:30 Dec 12: 9:00-9:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing and producing the sounds for the following letters… D, C, H, L Needs help hearing the sounds in the beginning of words</p><p>Instructional Letter sounds D,C, H, L Implications Beginning sounds D, C, H, L</p><p>Remediation Sort picture cards by their beginning sounds… D as in dog, C as in car, H as in house and L as in leaf. Come up with words on own that begin with these sounds. Review and work closer with Letterland characters for sounds.</p><p>Post Assessment Matt was asked to verbally say the letter’s name that each given word began with based on the sound. The words given were dolphin, catch, hairy and leopard. He identified the letter’s name that makes the sound 100% of the time. Even though he makes the mistake of calling a lowercase d a b, he does not have any trouble recognizing the /d/ sound and naming the letter at the beginning of words that begin with /d/. Reflection Matt has a stronger sense of letter sound than he does letter recognition. He is doing a great job attending to the beginning part of the word and hearing the beginning sound. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (15) Dec 13: 9:00-9:30 : 2:00-2:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing letters Dd, Cc, Hh, Ll Providing sounds for Dd, Cc, Hh, Ll Coming up with own word beginning with the above letters</p><p>Instructional Mixed sort of upper and lowercase letters in different fonts Implications Pictures beginning with D, C, H, L</p><p>Remediation Flash card drill to name letters. Sort pictures (already seen) by beginning sound. Letterland character cards to come up with own words matching beginning sounds</p><p>Post Assessment Informal Teacher Made Quick Check D, C, H, L. Also given a chance to rename the lowercase letters of the entire alphabet as given in the PALS assessment.</p><p>Reflection Matt successfully named all upper and lower case letters taught this week. He also identified the beginning sound by letter in given words. He could come up with his own words beginning with D, C, H and L. In the assessment of the whole lowercase alphabet, he called lowercase d a b. He got 21 out of 26 letters correct. Of his mistakes, the only missed letter that I have worked on in small group is d. Leigh Anne Boisseau Date of practicum (16) Dec 10-13: 8:30-8:45</p><p>Assessment Informal assessment on letter sort given on Dec. 9 Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Naming lowercase d and b</p><p>Instructional Mixed sort of lowercase letters d and b in different fonts Implications Word cards of CVC words beginning with b and d.</p><p>Remediation Flash card drill to name letters b and d. Sort and try to sound out word cards of words beginning with b and d Letterland character cards and rhyme of how to write the letter based on the look of the Letterland character</p><p>Post Assessment Informal flash cards with letters d, b, c, t, m, and s. Have student name letter as it is show. Then, show a list of words beginning with d and b and have child name the letter the word starts with (do not say the word to the child).</p><p>Reflection Matt correctly named with letter at the beginning of all 6 words in the word list, but still called d a b. He self corrected when I flashed the b card and recognized that it was the b and told me “wait, the other one was d”. He is becoming more aware of this mistake. Leigh Anne Boisseau – Case Study – Lessons 17-20. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (17) Dec. 9: 10:00-10:30 Dec. 10: 10:00-10:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following area: Rhyming Instructional Working with word families, -ar (long a), -ok, -ot (long o), -ak (long a) (As Implications laid out in Word Sorts and More by Kathy Ganske) Sort # 6</p><p>Remediation Lay out 4 picture cards. Three are in the same word family and one is an “Odd Man Out”. Once the child picks the odd man out, she will pick the “odd man’s” match to make him “Odd No More”. Try 1: bear, chair, pear…shirt, skirt Try 2: block, lock, sock…two, shoe Try 3: boat, coat, goat…dice, mice Try 4: cake, rake, snake…shave, wave</p><p>Post Assessment Informal… Listen to teacher say a sentence… fill in the sentence with an appropriate rhyming word. 4. The bear sat on a ______. (looking for chair) 5. The cold goat put on a ______. (looking for coat) 6. We will bake a ______for my birthday. (looking for tag)</p><p>Reflection Elaina continues to put rhyming words together and come up with the desired rhyme to complete the sentences in my informal assessment. This week, she picked out the rhyme that did not belong three out of the four tries in the sorts. She had trouble with the pictures in the try #4. Looking back after working with her, I noticed that all the words had the long a sound. Perhaps she is now paying close attention to the vowel sound after easily finding matching ending sounds in previous lessons. Now I will have to make sure I help her concentrate on the vowel sound and the ending sound together as a unit. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (18) Dec 11: 10:00-10:30 Dec 12: 10:00-10:30 Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing rhyming words</p><p>Instructional Working with word families, -ik, -an (long a), -al (long a), -ep (long e) (As Implications laid out in Word Sorts and More by Kathy Ganske) Sort #7</p><p>Remediation Lay out 4 picture cards that have the words with them. Three are in the same word family and one is an “Odd Man Out”. Once the child picks the odd man out, she will pick the “odd man’s” match to make him “Odd No More”. Try 1: chick, kick, sick…book, hook Try 2: came, rain, train…bee, tree Try 3: pail, nail, whale…pie, tie Try 4: sheep, sleep, sweep…well, shell</p><p>Post Assessment Read the given rhyming word pairs…” lick, pick”, “lock, sock” and “back, pack”. </p><p>Reflection Elaina read all the word pairs correctly. Once she read the first two groups, she could simply substitute the beginning sound in the third group. She even noted herself that all the words end in /k/. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (19) Dec. 13: 10:00-10:30 1:30-2:00 (Assessment)</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing rhyming words.</p><p>Instructional Same Vowel Word families sorts from Kathy Ganske’s book Word Sorts Implications and More. Use sort #13 with the –at words as an introduction to this type of sort.</p><p>Remediation Match the –at word with the correct picture. Words included are as follows… fat, bat, mat, bat, cat, pat, rat and hat.</p><p>Post Assessment After correctly matching the words and pictures, the student will read each word aloud to the teacher.</p><p>Reflection Elaina read all eight words correctly. Like she began in the previous lesson, after sounding out each individual sound of the first two words, she then read them by substituting the beginning sound and using the –at as a single sound unit. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (20) Dec. 9-13: 2:45-3:00</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing rhyming words.</p><p>Instructional Spelling sheet pre-copied giving correct spelling of one word in a word Implications family and a blank for the students answer. Sheet will have the sentence If I can spell ___, then I can spell ___(teacher will orally say this word and student must spell on own). Remediation The student will spell words correctly by using the given rhyme. 1. If I can spell cat then I can spell (mat). 2. If I can spell snake, then I can spell (take). 3. If I can spell book, then I can spell (look). 4. If I can spell tire, then I can spell (fire). 5. If I can spell ball, then I can spell (wall). Post Assessment Have student point out and read the rhyming words in the above sentences. Highlight the part of the words that are spelled the same.</p><p>Reflection Elaina had a hard time in the second set of words. I purposefully chose word families that she would not be able to sound out correctly at this stage of her learning so she would use the given rhyming word as an example and look for the “chunk” in the pair. She did much better with 3, 4 and 5 once I really directed her on #2. She spelled all the words correctly. Elaina also pointed out and read all the rhymes correctly. When highlighting the same “chunk” in the rhyming words, she left out the a in the –all words in number 5. Leigh Anne Boisseau – Case Study – Lessons 21-22 Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (21) Dec.16: 9:00-9:30 Dec. 17: 9:00-9:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing letters Ff, Ww, Jj, Kk Providing sounds for Ff, Ww, Jj, Kk Coming up with own word beginning with the above letters</p><p>Instructional Mixed sort of upper and lowercase letters in different fonts Implications Pictures beginning with F, W, J, K</p><p>Remediation Sort letter cards upper and lower case for Ff, Ww, Jj and Kk Sort picture cards by their beginning sounds… F as in fish, W as in web, J as in jar and K as in kite. Come up with words on own that begin with these sounds. Review and work closer with Letterland characters for sounds.</p><p>Post Assessment Hold up letter flash card. Have student name the letter, make the sound and give a word beginning with that sound.</p><p>Reflection This week, we are moving very quickly through the letters to get all of the letters (minus the vowels) covered before Winter break. Matt is having no problem moving quickly or picking up the letters. He correctly named and gave the sound for all 4 letters and gave the following words…. Fireman, wiggle, jump and kick. </p><p>Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (22) Dec. 18: 9:00-9:30 Dec 19: 9:00-9:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing letters Yy, Zz, Vv, Xx and Qq Providing sounds for Yy, Zz, Vv, Xx and Qq Coming up with own word beginning with the above letters as able</p><p>Instructional Mixed sort of upper and lowercase letters in different fonts Implications Pictures beginning with Y, Z, V and Q (not X)</p><p>Remediation Sort letter cards (upper and lower case) for Y, Z, V, Q and X Sort picture cards by their beginning sounds… Y as in yell, Z as in zebra, V as in vase and Q as in queen. Come up with words on own that begin with these sounds. (Word may not be original) Review and work closer with Letterland characters for sounds.</p><p>Post Assessment Hold up letter flash card. Have student name the letter, make the sound and give a word beginning with that sound.</p><p>Reflection Matt basically knows all the letters in the alphabet and their sounds. He easily named and gave the sound for Y, Z, V, Q and X. He gave the following words for each letter… yellow for y, zipper for z, vacuum for v, queen for q and x-ray for x. Even though most of the given words are not “original”, they are correct and there is a limited pool of words beginning with these letters in Matt’s vocabulary. I am anxious to see if Matt can retain all he has learned of the alphabet letters and sounds over break. Leigh Anne Boisseau – Case Study – Lessons 23-24. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (23) Dec. 16: 10:00-10:30 Dec. 17: 10:00-10:30</p><p>Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following area: Rhyming Instructional Working with same vowel word families, -at and -an (As laid out in Word Implications Sorts and More by Kathy Ganske) Sort # 14 (Sort recognizes rhyme and calls for child to read and match word to picture) Remediation Sort the pictures by word family/rhyme sound. Then go back and match the word card with its correct picture card. “fat, fan, can, hat, pan, van, man, ran, mat and bat” Post Assessment Have student read each set of words in the –at word family and then read the words in the –an family. Have student tell and spell another word that would go in the –at family and the –an family.</p><p>Reflection Elaina is doing very well sorting words in the same word family. She correctly sorted the pictures and matched all the words correctly. She also correctly gave and spelled the word “rat” for the –at family and “tan” for the –an family. Date of Leigh Anne Boisseau practicum (24) Dec 18: 10:00-10:30 Dec 19: 10:00-10:30 Assessment PALS Instrument</p><p>Needs Student needs remediation in the following areas: Recognizing rhyming words</p><p>Instructional Working with same vowel word families, -ad, -ag and -ap (As laid out in Implications Word Sorts and More by Kathy Ganske) Sort # 15 (Sort recognizes rhyme and calls for child to read and match word to picture)</p><p>Remediation Sort the pictures by word family/rhyme sound. Then go back and match the word card with its correct picture card. This sort has header cards with word and picture… sad, tag, cap “sag, nap, dad, lap, bag, mad, pad, map, wag”</p><p>Post Assessment Have student read each set of words in the –ad word family, the –ag word family and then the –ap word family. Have student tell and spell another word that would go in each family.</p><p>Reflection Elaina continues doing very well sorting words in the same word family. She correctly sorted the pictures and matched all the words correctly. She gave and spelled the word “cap” for the –ap family (it was given as a header). She could not come up with another –ap word. She said and spelled “rag” for the –ag family. She could not come up with a “real” word for the –ad word family, but said and spelled “wad”. Now that we are getting into word families that are not as common as the “-at” family, she is having a harder time coming up with words. However, she can still match the rhyme in the words and spell them correctly if they are CVC words.</p>
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