<p> July 23, 2012</p><p>A regular meeting of the Glen Ridge Board of Education was held on Monday, July 23, 2012 at 6:42 pm in the Glen Ridge Country Club.</p><p>The meeting was held in accordance with applicable NJ Statutes governing public Board of Education meetings.</p><p>The Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence were observed. Present: Mr. Campbell Mr. de Leeuw Dr. Dishmon Ms. Eisen Ms. Hilberth Mr. Keppel Mr. Kobernick Mr. Moran Ms. Ginsburg Not Present: Dr. Dishmon Ms. Hilberth</p><p>STATEMENT OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE This is a regular meeting of the Glen Ridge Board of Education. Adequate notice of this change of meeting location and time has been provided in that this Board notified the Glen Ridge Paper and the Star Ledger on July 17, 2012. Said notice was published in the Star Ledger on July 20, 2012 and the Glen Ridge Paper on July 26, 2012. The date, time, and location of this meeting were also emailed to all recipients of the annual schedule of the Board's meetings.</p><p>John M. Mucciolo, Ph.D., Superintendent Peter Caprio, Business Administrator/Board Secretary</p><p>6:44-7:30 pm Executive Session Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Campbell WHEREAS, a matter to be considered by the Board of Education deals with personnel, negotiations and/or possible litigation, and WHEREAS, public disclosure of this matter may be prejudicial to the public good, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this matter be considered in a meeting closed to the public; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of this meeting be sealed until the matter is resolved. Adjourn to closed session</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>Public Session - Mr. deLeeuw motioned to return to public session at 7:30 pm. Ms. Eisen seconded the motion.</p><p>WRITTEN COMMUNICATION To: BOE From: Joseph de Florio Re: Thank you William & Carol Schachat Policy matter</p><p>PRESIDENT'S REPORT - None</p><p>Page 1 July 23, 2012</p><p>SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Dr. Mucciolo discussed the new teacher evaluation system. </p><p>PUBLIC COMMENTS (Agenda Items) - None COMMITTEE REPORTS (First meeting of the month only) Curriculum Committee Personnel and Policy Committee Negotiations Committee</p><p>Finance and Facilities Committee - Mr. Keppel informed the Board that the Finance Committee met regarding the Superintendent’s recommendation for a new food service management company.</p><p>Ad Hoc Committee for Communications Ad Hoc Committee for Alternative Funding</p><p>LIAISON REPORTS (First meeting of the month only) Home & School Associations Glen Ridge Association for Special Education (GRASE) Glen Ridge Educational Foundation (GREF) Glen Ridge Athletic Association (GRAA) Glen Ridge Arts Patrons Association (GRAPA) Glen Ridge Municipal Alliance Committee (MAC) Gas Lamp Players</p><p>MINUTES M-1 Board of Education Minutes Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. Moran Approve the following meeting minutes of the Glen Ridge Board of Education: April 16, 2012 Executive Session and Regular Meeting April 30, 2012 Re-organization Meeting and Executive Session</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye* Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye *Ms. Eisen abstained from the minutes of April 16, 2012. PERSONNEL P-1 Revise Appointment of Staff Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw a. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, as educationally necessary for continuity of instruction/coverage in self-contained classroom, approve the revision to the appointment of Frances Ackerly from part-time instructional aide at Linden Avenue School to full-time special education aide at Ridgewood Avenue School on Aides Step 10 $28,655 plus $409 longevity for a total salary of $29,064 for the 2012-2013 school year. b. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, as educationally necessary for continuity of instruction/coverage in self-contained classroom, approve the revision to the appointment of Shirley Wujek from part-time instructional aide at Linden Avenue School to full-time special education aide at Ridgewood Avenue School on Aides Step 10 $28,655 plus $409 longevity for a total salary of $29,064 for the 2012-2013 school year. </p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg</p><p>Page 2 July 23, 2012</p><p>Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye P-2 Appointments Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve the appointment of the following new staff: a. Kostas Barkouras as a physical science teacher at Glen Ridge High School on BA Step 1 ($50,926) effective July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. b. Jacqueline Chew as a part-time instructional aide (replacing K. Temples) at Linden Avenue School on Aides Step 1 ($17.72 per hour) effective July 24, 2012 through June 30, 2013. c. Stephanie Colangelo as a part-time instructional aide (replacing S. Wujek) at Linden Avenue School on Aides Step 1 ($17.72 per hour) effective July 24, 2012 through June 30, 2013. d. Lisa Borsello as a part-time instructional aide (replacing F. Ackerly) at Linden Avenue School on Aides Step 1 ($17.72 per hour) effective July 24, 2012 through June 30, 2013. e. Lisa Schrager as a part-time (.6) math teacher (replacing D. Wahle) at Glen Ridge High School on MA Step 7 ($36,418) effective July 24, 2012 through June 30, 2013. f. Alexandra Siversky as a part-time special education aide (replacing K. DeJong) at Linden Avenue School on Aides Step 1 ($17.72 per hour) effective July 24, 2012 through June 30, 2013. g. Christine Cordeira as a part-time (.5) guidance counselor at Forest and Linden Avenue Schools on MA Step 1 ($28,194) pending receipt of appropriate certification effective July 24, 2012 through June 30, 2013. h. Sonia Valle as a childcare aide in the Childcare Program at a rate of $11.71 per hour effective September 4, 2012 through June 30, 2013.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>P-3 Resignation Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw a. Accept, with regret, the resignation of Pramila Charpentier, part-time special education aide at Ridgewood Avenue School, effective August 11, 2012. b. Accept, with regret, the resignations of Susan Ancheta as the Assistant Drama Advisor at Glen Ridge High School; Andrew Scott as a part-time Gifted & Talented teacher at Ridgewood Avenue School effective September 20, 2012 or sooner if a replacement can be found, and Lena Tice, lunch aide at Forest Avenue School.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>P-4 Substitute Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve the addition of Gabrielle Olczak to the substitute list for the 2012-2013 school year.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>Page 3 July 23, 2012</p><p>P-5 Coach Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve Christopher St. Genis as an assistant football coach on guide 3 step 8 year 16 ($8,202) for the fall 2012 season.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>P-6 Volunteer Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve Lindsey Deptula as a volunteer for the girls soccer team for the fall 2012 season.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>P-7 Non-Union Board Stipend Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve a non-union Board stipend to Amy Booth, secretary in the technology office, as the student management system support for the district in the amount of $4,500 for the 2012-2013 school year.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>P-8 Extra Summer Days Moved: Ms. Eisen Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve 6 extra summer days to Mary Lynn Savio, library media specialist at Glen Ridge High School, in the amount of $2,927.28.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>CURRICULUM C-1 Field Trip Moved: Mr. de Leeuw Seconded: Ms. Eisen Approve the Glen Ridge High School softball team to attend spring training in Orlando, Florida from March 19-24, 2013 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1)</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>C-2 Pre-Season Practice Dates Moved: Mr. de Leeuw Seconded: Ms. Eisen a. Approve the high school football team to begin pre-season mandatory NJSIAA/NATA Heat Acclimatization Guidelines for Secondary Schools training beginning on August 13, 2012. b. Approve the high school boys soccer teach to begin pre-season mandatory NJSIAA/NATA Heat Acclimatization Guidelines for Secondary School training beginning on August 14, 2012.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg</p><p>Page 4 July 23, 2012</p><p>Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye BUSINESS B-1 Effective School Solutions Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve a contract with Effective School Solutions LLC to provide therapeutic mental health services at a cost of $240,000 for the 2012-2013 school year. </p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-2 Purchase of a Van Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve the purchase of a Ford Trans Connect XLT Van from Quality Auto Mall in the amount of $24,360. Quotes: Vendor Amount Quality Auto Mall $24,360 All American Ford, Inc. $24,500 Maplecrest Ford Lincoln $24,610</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-3 Financial Reports Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve the following financial reports as recommended by the Finance Committee: a. Student activity account bills list for the month of June 2012 as follows: Forest Avenue School $2,435.98 Ridgewood Avenue School $11,224.57 Glen Ridge High School $9,736.69 $4,129.34 Glen Ridge High School Athletics</p><p> b. Bills list through June 30, 2012 in the amount of $2,600,774.69</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-4 Workshops/Conferences Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve attendance at workshops/conferences for the following: a. Michael Levine to attend the AP Biology Summer Institute at Ocean County College in Toms River, NJ from August 13-16, 2012 for a total travel cost of $160. b. Charlene Reilly to attend the 21st Annual AAP/NJ School Health Conference: Clinical Pearls that Make a Difference being held at the Palace at Somerset Park in Somerset, NJ on October 17, 2012 for a total registration cost of $175. </p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg</p><p>Page 5 July 23, 2012</p><p>Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-5 Donations Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Accept, with thanks, the following generous donations: a. An exercise machine (valued at $1,000) from the Russomano Family to be used in the physical education classes and by sports teams at Glen Ridge High School. (Exhibit B-5.a) b. A Mason and Hamlin piano (valued at $44,500) from the Glen Ridge Music Parents Association to be used by the music department and drama club at Ridgewood Avenue School. (Exhibit B-5.b) </p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-6 Disposal of Obsolete Items Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve the disposal of outdated, poor conditioned and obsolete items from the Glen Ridge High School library as per the attached. (Exhibit B-6)</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-7 Occupational Therapy Services Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve occupational therapy services to be provided by Building Blocks, Inc. at a rate of $90 per hour for a total cost of approximately $111,865 for the 2012-2013 school year. These services will include evaluations.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-8 Physical Therapy Services Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve physical therapy services to be provided by Stepping Stone Services at a rate of $90 per hour for a total cost of approximately $39,330 for the 2012-2013 school year. These services include treatment, evaluations and consultations.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-9 Educational Services Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve educational services to be provided by the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired to student #14114 in the amount of $1,700 (level 1 services) and student #20131 in the amount of $4,100 (level 2 services) for the 2012-2013 school year.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-10 Occupational and Physical Therapy Services </p><p>Page 6 July 23, 2012</p><p>Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve occupational and physical therapy services to be provided by the Essex Regional Educational Services Commission at a rate of $97 per hour for each service for the 2012-2013 school year (if the need arises).</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-11 Out-of-District Placements Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve the out-of-district placements of the following students for the 2012-2013 school year with transportation to be provided by the district unless noted: Student Placement Tuition #17054 ECLC $46,654 (including summer) #15067 $46,654 (including summer) #24002 $46,654 (including summer) #19300 Cerebral Palsy of North Jersey (Horizon School) $70,969.50 #18500 $70,969.50 #15100 New Beginnings $61,994.10 #14501 $53,137.80 #20011 The Calais School $60,956 #18512 Newmark School $51,931.04 #09500 The Phoenix Center $60,416.40 #12500 $60,416.40 #13107 The Holmstead School $45,358.20 #14123 $45,358.20 #15117 Cornerstone Day School $71,500 #17173 $71,500 #16052 $71,500 #26002* Lanning Avenue School (Verona) $29,766 plus $9,870 (OT/PT services) #13160 The Craig Upper School $41,300 #14075 Chapel Hill Academy $55,080 #18044 $64,260 #14500 Sawtelle Learning Center $61,114.89 plus $29,187.33 (1-to-1 aide) *Transportation to be provided by the parents</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-12 Renewal of Contract for Building Systems Maintenance and Services Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw BE IT RESOLVED, that the Glen Ridge Board of Education approve the contract renewal with Siemens Industry, Inc. Building Technologies Division, 19 Chapin Rd, B-200, PO Box 704, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 for the Building Systems Maintenance and Services for the following annual amounts: July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 $64,900 July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 $66,850</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>Page 7 July 23, 2012</p><p>B-13 Food Service Management Contract Award Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw BE IT RESOLVED, that the Glen Ridge Board of Education, award a food service management contract to Whitsons Food Service, Inc. (Whitsons) for the 2012-2013 school year. Whitsons shall receive for its food service management services payment for all allocated charges and direct incurred costs of operation in providing the services including an annual administrative fee of $20,000 and an annual management fee of $25,000.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>B-14 Financial Reports Moved: Mr. Keppel Seconded: Mr. de Leeuw Approve the following financial reports as recommended by the Finance Committee: a. Certification of Fund Balance Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(e), we certify that as of June 30, 2012 after review of the Secretary's monthly financial reports and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(b) and that sufficient funds were available to meet the district's financial obligations for the fiscal year. b. Secretary's report through June 30, 2012 as follows: Beginning $4,794,273.33 Balance Receipts $2,447,017.60 Disbursements $2,602,039.51 Cash Balance $4,639,251.42 c. Treasurer of School Monies report for June 2012 as presented. d. Approve the budget transfer for the month of June 2012 as presented.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>PUBLIC COMMENT Aramark manager informed the Board that it was her pleasure to work for the Glen Ridge Public Schools.</p><p>Completion of Routine Business: the Board then conducted its 2012 Board Retreat on the State’s new evaluation system.</p><p>ADJOURNMENT Ms. Eisen motioned to adjourn at 9:38 pm. Mr. de Leeuw seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 pm.</p><p>Campbell de Leeuw Dishmon Eisen Hilberth Keppel Kobernick Moran Ginsburg Aye Aye Not Present Aye Not Present Aye Aye Aye Aye</p><p>Respectfully submitted,</p><p>Peter Caprio</p><p>Page 8 July 23, 2012</p><p>Board Secretary</p><p>Page 9</p>
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