SCCP 763: Introduction to Pharmacy Pathways and Careers

SCCP 763: Introduction to Pharmacy Pathways and Careers

<p> SCCP 763: Introduction to Pharmacy Pathways and Careers</p><p>Course Amy Grant, PharmD, MBA Coordinator:</p><p>Office Name Campus Location Email Address Phone #</p><p>Course Faculty: Amy Grant USC CLS 109 [email protected] 777-7902</p><p>Georgia Doran USC CLS 312-C [email protected] 404-1009</p><p>Course Information</p><p>Time: Tuesdays from 1:30 – 4:00PM Location: CLS 215 </p><p>Available only on USC Campus</p><p>Semester Offered: Spring 2017</p><p>Hours Credit: 3 hours</p><p>Prerequisite Requirements: Successful completion of the P1 year</p><p>Required Text/Books/Literature: Individualized Birkman Packet</p><p>Description: By the completion of this course, the student will develop an understanding of the role of the pharmacy professional within the U.S. healthcare system, be exposed to various pharmacy careers available, have opportunities to explore unique career paths, and engage in the process of self-reflection/awareness to identify optimal careers suited to individual characteristics. </p><p>Objectives: </p><p>1.Expose students to unique pharmacy career paths. (SCCP Educational Outcome 4.1)</p><p>2.Engage in strategic job market preparation. (SCCP Educational Outcome 4.1)</p><p>3.Identify careers suited to career interests, usual behaviors, and personality traits. (SCCP Educational Outcome 4.1)</p><p>4.Engage in activities that explore personalized Birkman Method and MBTI results. (SCCP Educational Outcome 4.1)</p><p>5.Apply healthcare professional communication skills in pharmacy practice. (SCCP Educational Outcome 3.6)</p><p>6.Develop strategies for overcoming personal challenges/risks in the professional setting. (SCCP Educational Outcome 4.4)</p><p>7.Develop a basic understanding of a professional presentation and its components. (SCCP Educational Outcome 3.2) SCCP 763: Introduction to Pharmacy Pathways and Careers</p><p>8.Develop an understanding of cultural components that affect patient and interprofessional interactions. (SCCP Educational Outcome 3.5)</p><p>Course Preparation Requirements: There will be no required text. However, Blackboard will be utilized as the primary source of course documents, assignments, and lecture materials. Personalized Birkman Method results will be utilized in several classes; students are expected to maintain their result packet provided in the P2 Class Birkman Method Workshop.</p><p>Course Technology Information: Top Hat will be utilized for attendance purposes and class activities. All students are expected to bring an electronic device that can access Top Hat to every class no later than Class #2 (i.e. January 17).</p><p>Course Communication: Students are expected to check Blackboard and school email regularly for communication from course coordinator. Emails sent to the course coordinator concerning the course must contain “SCCP 763” in the subject line.</p><p>Attendance Requirements</p><p>May be found in the SCCP Academic Bulletin 2016-2017 under SCCP Course Policies:</p><p>Students are required to attend 100% of class periods as this course consists of no exams. Students are expected to attend each class and actively participate. Students are allowed one absence ONLY if approved through the Deans Office for unexpected and unavoidable reasons. Students will be expected to make up the excused absence at the discretion of the course coordinator. Due to the limited meeting times and nature of course material, students missing more than two classes for any reason (excused or unexcused) will receive a failing grade for the course. Extenuating circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the course coordinator. Attendance will be taken through Top Hat. Student failure to bring an electronic device to class that can access Top Hat is NOT an excuse and will result in a grade of 0 for that date’s class participation grade. Students who receive a grade of 0 for participation due to failure to bring an electronic device to class and choose NOT to remain in class that day will be subject to consequences for missing a class.</p><p>If a scheduled class must be missed due to unforeseen circumstances, the student must notify the course coordinator by phone AND email, prior to class if possible, and the student must obtain an excuse from a USC Campus Associate Dean. If an absence is excused, the student will be assigned a make-up assignment at the course coordinator’s discretion to compensate for the missing class. The make-up assignment will assuredly consist of a greater time commitment than the missed class itself. Any absence for which the student does not obtain appropriate documentation from the Dean’s office, or does not complete (with a score greater than 70) the make-up assignment will result in an attendance/participation score of zero for that day, as well as a letter grade reduction in the overall course grade. Policies regarding Honor Code and Academic Integrity for students enrolled in the South Carolina College of Pharmacy are defined in the individual academic bulletins for the students’ campus of enrollment, USC or MUSC. Any reports of potential student Honor Code violation on the USC campus may be sent to the USC Office of Academic Integrity. SCCP 763: Introduction to Pharmacy Pathways and Careers</p><p>Professional Meetings: Students who will miss class due to attendance at an event, which has been designated as an SCCP-sanctioned event, will be granted an excused absence. The coordinator MUST be notified in writing (e-mail is fine) of the scheduled absence at least four (4) weeks in advance or on day one of the semester. </p><p>Testing/ Grading Procedures</p><p>Merit-based grading is utilized for this course. There are no scheduled exams. Each student will receive a letter grade on their transcript corresponding to the Grading Scale as shown below.</p><p>Academic Integrity: Policies regarding honor code and academic integrity for students enrolled in the South Carolina College of Pharmacy are defined in the individual academic bulletins for the students’ campus of enrollment, USC or MUSC. Any reports of potential student honor code violation on the USC campus may be sent to the USC Office of Academic Integrity while potential violations on the MUSC campus may be referred to the Honor Council for the College of Pharmacy. The academic bulletin for the campus involved will provide the guidelines for dealing with these situations. Academic integrity instances of which the student is found “responsible” will result in a minimum consequence of a two letter grade reduction of the final grade and a maximum consequence of course failure; consequence will be determined by the course coordinator.</p><p>Grading Scale: A: 90 – 100 B+: 85 – 89.99 B: 80 – 84.99 C+: 75 – 79.99 C: 70 – 74.99 D+: 65 – 69.99 D: 60 – 64.99 F: < 59.99</p><p>Final Grading Consists of the Following: Participation 20% Oral Presentation 20% Personal Career Path Essay 20% Attendance 10% Homework Assignments 10% CMOP trip or Alternate Research Paper 7.5% Nephron trip of Alternate Research Paper 7.5% Senior Mentor Med Review 5% SCCP 763: Introduction to Pharmacy Pathways and Careers</p><p>Required Assignments:</p><p>1. Participation</p><p> Students are expected to actively participate in each class. Each student is expected to ask at minimum one unique question during every panel discussion and contribute several thoughts/ideas/answers during each discussion/activity. Course Coordinator, Instructor, and guest panelists will randomly call on students if participation is not occurring voluntarily. Failure to participate will result in a “0” for participation grade for that class; the participation grade assigned for each class is directly proportional to the amount of participation. </p><p> Because the Myers Briggs Temperament Indicator (MBTI), Birkman Assessment, and the Emotional Quotient Indicator (EQi) tools will be used extensively throughout the course to enhance students’ self- awareness and career pathway selection, and will be essential for course participation, students enrolled in SCCP 763 are required to complete the Birkman and EQi assessments and sign an EQi, MBTI, and Birkman Report Release Authorization so that results from these tools will be available for faculty use and application during course activities and related research. Students who cannot fulfill this requirement should drop this course during the drop/add period.</p><p>2.Oral presentation</p><p> All students will provide a professional 6-minute oral & visual presentation to the class.  Students will utilize pharmacy literature and appropriately reference visual materials.  Topics and presentation expectations will be discussed during the beginning part of the semester.  Students will be randomly assigned presentation dates.  Topics will be finalized no later than February 14, 2016</p><p>3.Personal Career Path Essay</p><p> All students will compose a 2-page essay describing their anticipated career plan.  This essay should incorporate the following learning experiences from the course: o The Birkman Method +/- MBTI results o APhA Career Pathways interests and critical factors o Guest speaker experiences/field trips o Personal research of the anticipated career path(s)</p><p>4.Attendance</p><p> All students will utilize Top Hat to signify attendance in class each period.  Students are expected to be seated in the classroom PRIOR to start time to avoid unnecessary delays. Tardiness to class and resultant inability to sign-in via Top Hat will result in a “0” for attendance that class. See Participation and Homework assignment description for resultant sanctions due to tardiness to class. SCCP 763: Introduction to Pharmacy Pathways and Careers</p><p>5.Homework Assignments</p><p> A written homework assignment will be posted in Blackboard 1 week prior to each class.  Students are expected to check Blackboard regularly, complete the homework assignment, and bring (2) paper copies to the scheduled class.  Students will utilize their written thoughts to actively participate in class (panel discussions, lectures, etc).  Assignments will be collected at the beginning of class. Tardiness to class or forgetting to print out/bring assignment to class are not valid reasons for late assignments; a “0” will be assigned for any assignment not turned in at the beginning of class.</p><p>6.CMOP Trip</p><p> All students will travel to North Charleston, SC for a tour of the CMOP facility.  As this trip (travel included) will consist of greater than the time period allotted for 1 class, 1 class period will be omitted during the semester.  This is an important portion of this class. Any student unwilling/unable to participate will inform the course coordinator no later than the end of class on January 24, 2016. An alternative research paper will be assigned to account for the 6 hours missed of “class”.  Due to the fact that CMOP only offers tours in the mornings on days other than scheduled SCCP 763 classes, students will be required to attend a tour outside of normal class time. An additional class period of SCCP 763 at the normally scheduled time will be omitted sometime during the semester so that the tour can be held on an alternate day of the week.</p><p>7.Nephron Trip</p><p> All students will travel to West Columbia, SC for a tour of the South Carolina Nephron facility and discussion with pharmacists of careers available in this industry.  The trip, tour, and career discussion will consist of 3 hours, accounting for 1 class period. This is an important portion of this class. Any student unwilling/unable to participate will inform the course coordinator no later than end of class on January 24, 2016. An alternative research paper will be assigned to account for the 3 hours missed of “class”.</p><p>8.Senior Mentor Med Review  All students will be assigned to a team with one or more second year Medical students.  Each team will be assigned a Senior Mentor patient to meet with and perform a Medication Review.  Each team will present their findings to Medical/Pharmacy Faculty members during a scheduled 1 hour time slot. Due to the outside meeting requirements of this project, students will only attend class for their scheduled 1 hour time slot on this class period to account for previous time spent completing the activities.</p><p>Professionalism Policy</p><p>May be found in the SCCP Academic Bulletin 2016-2017 under SCCP Student Professionalism Policy: SCCP 763: Introduction to Pharmacy Pathways and Careers</p><p>Copyright Policy</p><p>SCCP seeks to aid enrolled students by offering electronic presentations and recordings of lectures to improve student engagement and to better meet individual learning needs. As supplemental tools, all material found in lectures is owned by the South Carolina College of Pharmacy and is protected by United States Copyright laws. Material found in the lectures may not be photocopied, screen-shot, duplicated or distributed by any student without the express, written permission from the faculty member who created the material. Any use of material outside the scope of personal study may infringe federal and state laws and the University’s copyright. Failure to adhere to these policies is a violation of the SCCP Professionalism Policy and may result in disciplinary action under University guidelines. Refer to the SCCP Academic Bulletin for additional information:</p><p>Class Schedule </p><p>This course consists of many guest facilitators, panelists, and site visits. Due to the complexity of scheduling, a document has been placed on Blackboard under “Course Syllabus & Schedule” that will be updated as individuals are confirmed throughout the semester. Students should plan to attend class each Tuesday unless this document indicates otherwise. Students should monitor the schedule document weekly as schedule is subject to change dependent upon guest conflicts. SCCP 763: Introduction to Pharmacy Pathways and Careers</p><p>SCCP Educational Outcomes covered in this course: </p><p>Domain 2 – Essentials for Practice and Care </p><p>2.1. Patient-centered care (Caregiver) - Provide patient-centered care as the medication expert (collect and interpret evidence, prioritize, formulate assessments and recommendations, implement, monitor and adjust plans, and document activities). 2.3 Health and wellness (Promoter) - Design prevention, intervention, and educational strategies for individuals and communities to manage chronic disease and improve health and wellness.</p><p>Domain 3 - Approach to Practice and Care </p><p>3.1. Problem Solving (Problem Solver) – Identify problems; explore and prioritize potential strategies; and design, implement, and evaluate a viable solution. 3.2 Educator (Educator) – Educate all audiences by determining the most effective and enduring ways to impart information and assess understanding. 3.4 Interprofessional collaboration (Collaborator) – Actively participate and engage as a healthcare team member by demonstrating mutual respect, understanding, and values to meet patient care needs. 3.5 Cultural sensitivity (Includer) - Recognize social determinants of health to diminish disparities and inequities in access to quality care. 3.6 Communication (Communicator) – Effectively communicate verbally and nonverbally when interacting with an individual, group, or organization.</p><p>Domain 4 – Personal and Professional Development </p><p>4.1. Self-awareness (Self-aware) – Examine and reflect on personal knowledge, skills, abilities, beliefs, biases, motivation, and emotions that could enhance or limit personal and professional growth. 4.4 Professionalism (Professional) – Exhibit behaviors and values that are consistent with the trust given to the profession by patients, other healthcare providers, and society.</p><p>*Terms that are bolded and italicized are defined in the glossary of the Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education (CAPE) Educational Outcomes 2013 at %20Documents/CAPEoutcomes2013.pdf SCCP 763: Introduction to Pharmacy Pathways and Careers</p><p>SCCP 763 Spring 2017 Class Schedule </p><p>This course consists of many guest facilitators, panelists, and site visits. Due to the complexity of scheduling, this document will be updated as individuals are confirmed throughout the semester. Students should plan to attend class each Tuesday unless this document indicates otherwise. Students should monitor this document weekly as schedule is subject to change dependent upon guest conflicts. </p><p>Date Topic Faculty Assignment Due SCCP Outcome January 10  Course Introduction  Dr. Grant None 3.6 4.1  APhA Career 4.4 Pathways Workshop 17  Birkman Refresher  Ms. Doran □ Bring Birkman Packet to Class 3.1 & Teambuilding  Dr. Grant 3.6 Activity □ EQi & Birkman Assessment 4.1 Release Authorizations 4.4  Communication Skills □ EQi Assessment completed online</p><p>□ Birkman Pre-Survey</p><p>□ Communication Skills quiz completed online 24  Cultural  Dr. Estrada □ Readings/ Assignment on 3.1 Competency Blackboard 3.5 3.6 □ Notify Dr. Grant if will not attend 4.1 Nephron or CMOP trip 4.4</p><p>□ Nephron Travel Waiver 31  Nephron Field Trip  Nephron □ Presentation Topic Preference 4.1 Pharmacists Document 4.4 February 7  Birkman  Dr. Doran □ Bring Birkman Packet to Class 3.1 Components  Pharmacist 3.6 Analysis Guests □ Readings/ Assignment on 4.1 Blackboard 4.4  Guest Panel Discussion □ Panel Questions 14 No Class  21  Communicating  Ms. Doran □ Bring Birkman Packet to Class 3.1 through the Birkman  Pharmacists 3.6 Lens Guests □ Panel Questions 4.1 4.4  Guests Panel □ CMOP Travel Waiver Discussion </p><p> MBTI Personality 28 Activity  Ms. Williams □ MBTI Release Authorization 3.1  Dr. Grant 3.6 SCCP 763: Introduction to Pharmacy Pathways and Careers</p><p> Nephron Debriefing □ MBTI online test 4.1 4.4 March 7 No Class 14  Using the Birkman  Ms. Doran □ Bring Birkman Packet to Class 3.1 at Work (Birkman  Dr. Grant 3.6 Preferred Areas of □ Readings/Assignment on Blackboard 4.1 Interest, Foundation 4.4 Colors, Work Styles, Organizational Strengths)  CMOP Debriefing (Friday) 17  CMOP Field Trip  CMOP None 3.5 Pharmacists 4.1 21  Senior Mentor  MD and □ Complete all items as listed on the Medication Review PharmD content folder and described by Dr. Faculty Blake 28  Guests Panel  Pharmacist □ Panel Questions 3.6 Discussion Guests 4.1 4.4  Dual Degree Panel Discussion April 4 No Class 11  Application of  Ms. Doran □ Bring Birkman Packet to Class 3.1 Birkman to  Pharmacist 3.6 Scenarios Guests □ Panel Questions 4.1 4.4  Guests Panel □ Readings/Assignment on Blackboard Discussion 18  Student  Dr. Grant □ Handout of slides 3.2 Presentations 3.5 □ Presentation Access 3.6  Course Wrap-Up 4.1 □ Personal Career Path Essay 4.4</p><p>* indicates specific educational outcome is not extensively covered in the course</p>

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