<p>ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Φ092.22/6310</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC</p><p>MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES & RESEARCH</p><p>APPROVED POST-GRADUATE PROGRAMMES IN HELLENIC</p><p>EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 1</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>CONTENTS</p><p>P.S.P. Α/Α HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS NR. page</p><p>NATIONAL & KAPODISTRIAN UNIVERSITY OF 1. ATHENS 96 ………3 NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF 2. ATHENS 20 ……..20</p><p>3. ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI 61 ……..25 ATHENS UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND 4. BUSINESS 12 ……..40</p><p>PANTEION UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL & 5. POLITICAL SCIENCES 14 ……..43</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF ΜACEDONIA FOR 6. ECONOMICS & SOCIAL SCIENCES 11 ……..45</p><p>7. UNIVERSITY OF PATRA 31 ……..48</p><p>8. UNIVERSITY OF IOANNINA 30 ……..55</p><p>9. HAROKOPIO UNIVERSITY 4 ……..61</p><p>10. DEMOCRITUS UNIVERSITY OF THRACE 19 ……..62</p><p>11. UNIVERSITY OF CRETE 36 ……..67</p><p>12. TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRETE 7 ……..73</p><p>13. UNIVERSITY OF PIRAEUS 15 ……..75</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 2</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>14. AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS 10 ……..78</p><p>15. UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY 25 ……..80</p><p>16. UNIVERSITY OF THE AEGEAN 27 ……..85</p><p>17. ΙΟΝΙAN UNIVERSITY 9 ……..90</p><p>18. ΑTHENS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS 2 ……..92</p><p>19. HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY 24 ..……93</p><p>20. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN MACEDONIA 4 ……..94</p><p>21. UNIVERSITY OF PELOPONNESE 5 ……..95</p><p>22. INTERNATIONAL HELLENIC UNIVERSITY 3 ……..96</p><p>465 Total number of P.S.Ps in Hellenic H.E.I. NATIONAL & Κ APODISTRIAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS DEPARTMENT TITLE-SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>Α. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: Gov. Gazette 799/Β΄/6-10-93 a) Interpretative Theology b) Historical Theology amend. Gov. Gazette 1091/Β΄/4- 1) THEOLOGY c) Patristic Studies-History of Dogmas and Symbols 12-96 tel. 210- 7275717 d) Systematic Theology amend. Gov. Gazette 1578/Β΄/18- e) Orthodoxy and Globalization 12-02 Β. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget </p><p>Gov. Gazette 1014/Β΄/24-7-03 Α. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette 379/Β΄/06- 2) THEOLOGY ‘’Gender and Religion’’ 03-08 tel. 210- 7275717 Β. DOCTORATE DEGREE own resources</p><p>Gov. Gazette 798/Β΄/6-10-93 renam. Gov. Gazette 166/Α΄/6- Α. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in : 10-94 3) SOCIAL THEOLOGY a) Biblical Studies b) Εcclesiastical Affairs d) Canon Law e) amend. Gov. Gazette 515/Β΄/11- (former Pastoral Studies) Pastoral Theology and Education 4-00 tel. 210- 7795177, 7275716 f) Christian Worship amend. Gov. Gazette 13/Β΄/13-1- Β. DOCTORATE DEGREE 03 State Budget </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 3</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Gov. Gazette 87/Β΄/10-2-94 amend. Gov. Gazette 628/Β΄/30- 7-96 Α. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in fields relating with amend. Gov. Gazette 1184/Β΄/16- Public Law 4) LAW Sector Public Law 11-98 tel. 210- 3607607, 3688656 amend. Gov. Gazette 1191/Β΄/27- Β. DOCTORATE DEGREE 9-00 in fields relating with Public Law replac. Gov. Gazette 1023/Β΄/24- 7-03 State Budget Gov. Gazette 111/Β΄/18-2-94 Α. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the Sector amend. Gov. Gazette 957/Β΄/24- International Studies, titled “Law International Studies” 10-97 specialized in three fields: a. Public Law b.European Law c. amend. Gov. Gazette 161/Β΄/16- 2-00 5) LAW Sector International Private International and Comparative Law replac. Gov. Gazette 44/Β΄/22-1- Studies 02 tel. 210- 3601168, 3688656 Β. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the fields: a. Public International replac. Gov. Gazette 1717/Β΄/19- Law b. European Law c. Private International and Comparative 11-04 Law amend. Gov. Gazette 1526/Β΄/18- 10-06 State Budget Gov. Gazette 476/Β΄/24-6-94 Α. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) in Criminal 6) LAW Sector Criminal amend. Gov. Gazette 345/Β΄/2-5- Sciences in the fields: Studies 97 a) Substantive and Procedural Law tel. 210-3607607, 3610112, amend. Gov. Gazette 1943/Β΄/30- b) Criminology 3688656 12-05 Β. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Criminal Sciences State Budget </p><p>Gov. Gazette 333/Β΄/3-5-95 7) LAW Sector History- Α. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: amend.Gov. Gazette 193/Β΄/20-2- Philosophy –Sociology a) History of Law b) Philosophy of Law c) Sociology of Law 03 tel. 210- 3607607, 3688656 d) Ecclesiastical Law State Budget Β. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Gov. Gazette 763/Β΄/28-8-96 amend. Gov. Gazette 738/Β΄/25- 8-97 8) LAW Sector Α΄ Private Law Α. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR amend. Gov. Gazette 633/Β΄/24- a. for one year – b. for two years 6-98 tel. 210-3601168, 3688656 Β. DOCTORATE DEGREE replac. Gov. Gazette 774/Β΄/17-6- 03 State Budget Α. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: 9) LAW Sector B΄ Private Law Gov. Gazette 650/Β΄/17-5-99 a) Commercial Law b) Labour Law amend. Gov. Gazette 226/Β΄/15- c) Political Legislation tel. 210-3601168, 3688656 02-06 Β. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget </p><p>10) LAW (joint Greek-French PSP in cooperation with the A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Specific Public Law Gov. Gazette 1193/Β΄/31-08-06 Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Specific Public Law State Budget University) tel. 210-3601168, 3688656 11) POLITICAL SCIENCE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: State and Public Gov. Gazette 298/Β΄/17-4-95 AND PUBLIC Politics amend. Gov. Gazette 975/Β΄/15- MANAGEMENT B. DOCTORATE DEGREE 9-98 tel. 210-3628745, 3688919 amend. Gov. Gazette 342/Β΄/24- 3-03 Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 4</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p> amend. Gov. Gazette 1058/Β΄/27- 07-05 amend. Gov. Gazette 1222/Β΄/17- 07-07 amend. Gov. Gazette 2484/Β΄/31- 12-07 Tuition fees Gov. Gazette 55/Β΄/28-01-94 amend. Gov. Gazette 991/Β΄/30- 12-94 amend. Gov. Gazette 1137/Β΄/ 12) POLITICAL SCIENCE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled “European and 22-12-97 AND PUBLIC International Studies" in the fields: replac. Gov. Gazette 660/Β΄/1-7- MANAGEMENT a) European Economy and Politics b) Regional and International 98 Studies amend. Gov. Gazette 575/Β΄/12- tel. 210-3628745, 3688919 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE 5-03 amend. Gov. Gazette 753/Β΄/19- 5-04 Tuition fees Gov. Gazette 55/Β΄/94 amend. Gov. Gazette 298/Β΄/17- 13) POLITICAL SCIENCE 04-95 AND PUBLIC amend. Gov. Gazette 738/Β΄/25- A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: «Political MANAGEMENT 08-97 Science and Sociology» in the fields: (Interdepartmental PSP in replac.Gov. Gazette 673/Β΄/3-7- a) Political Science cooperation with the 98 b) Sociology Department of Preschool Age amend. Gov. Gazette 575/Β΄/12- B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Education) 5-03 tel. 210-3628745, 3688919 amend. Gov. Gazette 201/Β΄/13- 02-06 Tuition fees 14) POLITICAL SCIENCE Gov. Gazette 1883/Β΄/15-10-99 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in AND PUBLIC amend. Gov. Gazette 753/Β΄/19- South-Eastern Europe Studies MANAGEMENT 5-04 tel. 210-3628745, 3689700 Tuition fees Gov. Gazette 1018/Β'/11-12-95 amend. GOV. GAZETTE Gov. Gazette 633/Β'/24-6-98 15) COMMUNICATION AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields: amend. GOV. GAZETTE Gov. MASS COMMUNICATION a) Political Communication and New Technologies, and Gazette 873/Β΄/17-7-00 MEDIA b) Cultural Studies and Human Communication replac. Gov. GAZETTE Gov. tel. 210- 3226855, 3220820, B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Gazette 672/Β΄/30-5-03 3689384, 3220091 amend. GOV. GAZETTE Gov. Gazette 275/Β΄/02-03-07 State Budget 16) METHODOLOGY OF HISTORY AND THEORY OF Gov. Gazette 211/Β'/2-4-96 SCIENCE (Interuniversity A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: History and replac. Gov. Gazette 988/Β'/18-9- PSP in cooperation with the Philosophy of Sciences and Technology 98 General Department of B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in History and Philosophy of replac. Gov. Gazette 903/Β΄/4-7- N.T.U.A., called Department Sciences and Technology 03 of Applied Mathematics and State Budget Natural Sciences) tel. 210- 7275516, 7275518</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 5</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>17) METHODOLOGY OF HISTORY AND THEORY OF SCIENCE (Interuniversity A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in “Basic and Applied Gov. Gazette 1073/Β'/14-10-98 Interdepartmental PSP in Science of Knowledge'' in the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 1196/Β΄/26- cooperation with the Departments a) Science of Knowledge 8-03 of Information Technology and b) Applications of Cognitive Science Telecommunications (ex- amend. Gov. Gazette 484/Β΄/18- B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in “Basic and Applied Science of Informatics) of N.K.U.A., 04-06 Knowledge” Philosophy, Pedagogy and Tuition fees Psychology of N.K.U.A., Information Technology E.U.A.) tel. 210- 7275516, 7275518 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled ΄΄Korais΄΄: a) Ancient Greek Literature b) Latin Literature c) Byzantine Literature Gov. Gazette 482/Β΄/31-5-95 replac. Gov. Gazette 18) PHILOLOGY d) Folklore 1317/Β΄/16-9-03 tel. 210-7277309, 7277310 e) Modern Greek Literature f) Linguistics State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>19) PHILOLOGY (Interdepartmental PSP in Gov. Gazette 1085/Β΄/16-10-98 cooperation with the A. The PSP titled "ΤΕCHNOLANGUAGE" awards MASTER OF amend. Gov. Gazette 1022/Β΄/24- Department of Electrical and SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Language Technology 7-03 Computer Engineering of B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget N.T.U.A.) tel. 210- 7277853-7277859 Gov. Gazette 951/Β΄/ 31-12-93 20) PHILOLOGY amend. Gov. Gazette (Interdepartmental PSP of A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Teaching Modern 1208/Β΄/26-11-98 Literature in cooperation with Greek as a Foreign Language amend. Gov. Gazette 774/Β΄/17- the Department of Philosophy- B. DOCTORATE DEGREE 6-03 Pedagogy-Psychology) State Budget tel. 210-7277853, 7277859</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields Gov. Gazette 300/Β΄/21-4-94 a) Prehistoric Archaeology amend. Gov. Gazette 388/Β΄/14- 21) HISTORY- b) Classical Archaeology 5-97 ARCHAEOLOGY c) Byzantine Archaeology amend. Gov. Gazette 672/Β΄/30- tel. 210-7277319 d) History of Modern Art e) History of Greek and Roman Antiquity 5-03 f) Byzantine History g) Newer and Modern Greek History State Budget h) European History B. DOCTORATE DEGREE 22) HISTORY- ARCHAEOLOGY (in cooperation with the Department of Geology of Gov. Gazette 823/Β΄/25-6-03 N.K.U.A. and joined with the A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ΄΄Museum amend. Gov. Gazette 579/Β’/04- Department of Preservation of Studies΄΄ 04-08 Antiquities & Works of Art of B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Tuition fees the School of Graphical Arts and Artistic Studies of T.E.I. Athens) tel. 210-7277319 23) HISTORY- MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Monument Gov. Gazette 573/Β΄/20-4-07 ARCHAEOLOGY Management State Budget (Interuniversity Interdepartmental PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Architecture and Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of Aegean)</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 6</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p> tel. 210-7277319 </p><p>Gov. Gazette 952/Β΄/31-12-93 replac. Gov. Gazette 305/Β΄/7-5- 24) PHILOSOPHY, 96 PEDAGOGY AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in School Psychology amend. Gov. Gazette 285/Β΄/7-3- PSYCHOLOGY B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in School Psychology 05 tel. 210- 7277315, 7277316, amend. Gov. Gazette 214/Β΄/22- 7277317 2-07 State Budget </p><p>Gov. Gazette 305/Β΄/7-5-96 corr. Gov. Gazette 556/Β΄/10-7- 96 25) PHILOSOPHY, amend. Gov. Gazette 1718/Β’/19- PEDAGOGY AND 11-04 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Clinical Psychology PSYCHOLOGY amend. Gov. Gazette 253/Β’/25- B. DOCTORATE in Clinical Psychology tel. 210- 7277315, 7277316, 02-05 7277317 amend. Gov. Gazette 415/Β΄/26- 03-07 State Budget </p><p>Gov. Gazette 55/Β΄/28-1-94 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Theory, Practice amend. Gov. Gazette 490/Β΄/22- 26) PHILOSOPHY, and Evaluation of the Educational Process in: 5-98 PEDAGOGY AND 1. Educational Planning and Teaching amend. Gov. Gazette 41/Β΄/22-1- PSYCHOLOGY 2. Educational Evaluation 03 tel. 210- 7277315, 7277316, 3. Environmental Education amend.Gov. Gazette 1788/Β’ /08- 7277317 4. Intercultural Education 12-06 5. Modern Technologies in Education State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Gov. Gazette 55/Β΄/28-1-94 amend. Gov. Gazette 849/Β΄/12- 27) PHILOSOPHY, 8-98 PEDAGOGY AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Advisory and amend. Gov. Gazette 1578/Β΄/ PSYCHOLOGY Professional Orientation 18-12-02 tel. 210- 7277315, 7277316, B. DOCTORATE DEGREE amend. Gov. Gazette 1209/Β΄/6- 7277317 8-04 State Budget </p><p>Gov. Gazette 650/Β΄/17-5-99 replac. Gov. Gazette 1920/Β’/24- 28) PHILOSOPHY, A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in : 12-04 PEDAGOGY AND a) Systematic Philosophy amend. Gov. Gazette 214/Β’/22- PSYCHOLOGY b) History of Philosophy 02-07 tel. 210- 7277315, 7277316, c) Ethics amend. Gov. Gazette 579/Β’/04- 7277317 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Philosophy 04-08 State Budget </p><p>29) PHILOSOPHY, MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in “Teaching Gov. Gazette 61/Β’/21-01-05 PEDAGOGY AND Specialization Lessons with New Technologies” amend. Gov. Gazette 379/Β΄/06- PSYCHOLOGY (jointly with 03-08 the General Department of State Budget </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 7</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Pedagogical Lessons of the Higher Pedagogical School and Technological Education) </p><p>(ΑSPΑΙΤΕ)) Tel. 210- 7277315, 7277316, 7277317 Gov. Gazette 628/Β΄/22-8-94 amend. Gov. Gazette 796/Β΄/24- A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: A. Special Education and Psychology 10-94 Special Education – Speech Therapy- Counselling amend. Gov. Gazette 388/Β΄/14- B. Sciences of Education 5-97 Ι) Applied Pedagogy amend. Gov. Gazette 515/Β΄/11- ΙΙ) Comparative Pedagogy WITH MAJOR in Total Quality Management in 4-00 Greek and European Educational Organizations and Programmes amend. Gov. Gazette 945/Β΄/24- ΙΙΙ) Sociobiology, Neuroscience and Education 7-01 30) PEDAGOGICAL C. Μ athematics and Information Technology replac. Gov. Gazette 660/Β΄/29-5- DEPARTMENT FOR Ι) Mathematics in Education 03 PRIMARY EDUCATION ΙΙ) Information Technology in Education amend. Gov. Gazette 1717/Β’/19- tel. 210-3639735, 3688197 D. Department of Natural Sciences,Technology and Environment Natural Sciences in Education 11-04 Ε. Humanitarian Studies amend. Gov. Gazette 592/Β΄/11- Ι) Language Teaching – Literature, Theatre and Education 05-06 ΙΙ) History and History Teaching – Folklore and Civilization amend. Gov. Gazette 573/Β΄/20- ΙΙΙ) Sociology of Work: Policies of Labour Market – Minorities – Childhood 4-07 amend. Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/08- B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the relevant fields and specific 02-08 departments Tuition fees</p><p>31) PEDAGOGICAL DEPARTMENT FOR Gov. Gazette 117/Β΄/01-02-06 PRIMARY EDUCATION corr. Gov. Gazette 228/Β΄/20-02- (PSP in cooperation with the MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled : 06 General Dep. of Mathematics «Educational Technology and Human Resources Development» Tuition fees of the Technical Applications </p><p>School of T.E.I. Piraeus) tel. 210-3639735, 3688197</p><p>Gov. Gazette 670/Β΄/5-9-94 amend. Gov. Gazette 705/Β΄/6-6- 32) DEPARTMENT FOR 01 PRE-SCHOOL AGE MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled : «Education and replac. Gov. Gazette 611/Β΄/19-5- EDUCATION Human Rights». 03 (joint PSP in cooperation with Awards a singular or separate MSc degree depending on the replac. Gov. Gazette 1432/Β΄/28- the Institute of Education (ΙοΕ)courses attended. 09-06 of London University replac. Gov. Gazette 2116/Β΄/14- tel. 210- 3688040 10-08 State Budget </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 8</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>33) DEPARTMENT FOR PRE-SCHOOL AGE EDUCATION (Interuniversity Interdepartmental Gov. Gazette 1247/Β’/06-09-05 PSP in cooperation with the A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Technologies of amend. Gov. Gazette 1144/Β΄/09- Dep. of Communication and Information and Communication for Education 07-07 Mass Media of N.K.U.A. and B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Technologies of Information and Tuition fees the Dep. of Architecture of the Communication for Education </p><p>University of Thessaly jointly with the Dep. of Electronics of T.E.I Piraeus.) tel. 210- 3688040</p><p>34) DEPARTMENT FOR Gov. Gazette 2051/Β’/03-10-08 PRE-SCHOOL AGE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Special Education Tuition fees EDUCATION tel. 210- 3688040</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: 35) GERMAN LANGUAGE Ι. Literature Gov. Gazette 592/Β΄/11-05-06 AND LITERATURE ΙΙ. Linguistics State Budget tel. 210-7277306-8 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>36) FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (interdepartmental- interuniversity PSP in A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in TRANSLATION – Gov. Gazette 628/Β΄/23-6-98 cooperation with the SCIENCE OF TRANSLATION in: amend. Gov. Gazette Departments of English 1. English Language 2. French Language 3. German Language 1627/Β΄/18-8-99 Language and Literature of 4. Spanish Language 5. Ιtalian Language amend. Gov. Gazette 575/Β΄/12- N.K.U.A., German Language 5-03 and Literature N.Κ.U.A., State Budget Ιtalian Language and Literature A.U.TH) tel. 210- 7277753</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: Gov. Gazette 324/Β΄/11-2-04 37) FRENCH LANGUAGE ‘’French Language and Literature’’ in: amend. Gov. Gazette 577/Β’/28- AND LITERATURE 1. Teaching French as a foreign Language 04-05 tel. 210- 7277793 2. French Literature amend. Gov. Gazette 210- 7277423 3. History of French Civilization 1565/Β΄/25-10-06 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above fields State Budget </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 9</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>38) ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Gov. Gazette 969/Β΄/15-7-03 (interdepartmental PSP in MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in amend. Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29- cooperation with the Dep. of ‘’Theory of Lexicography and Applications’’ German Language and Literature 02-08 of N.K.U.A.) State Budget tel. 210- 7277452,3,4 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: 1.Applied Linguistics Gov. Gazette 324/Β΄/11-2-04 39) ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2. Translation amend. Gov. Gazette 284/Β΄/02- AND LITERATURE 3. Lexicography / Terminology 03-07 tel. 210- 7277452,3,4 4. Literature, Civilization and Ideology State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Gov. Gazette 450/Β΄/16-6-94 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in amend. Gov. Gazette 305/Β΄/ 7-5- Ι. BASIC PHYSICS: 96 a) Physics of Materials amend. Gov. Gazette 512/Β΄/3-7- b) Nuclear and Physics of Elementary Particles 96 c) ΑstroPhysics, Αstronomy and Engineering amend. Gov. Gazette 989/Β΄/18- 40) PHYSICS ΙΙ. APPLIED PHYSICS WITH MAJOR in: 9-98 tel. 210-7225 976, 7276803 Environmental Physics corr. Gov. Gazette 1153/Β'/3-11- B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Natural Sciences: 98 a. BASIC PHYSICS replac. Gov. Gazette 825/Β΄/25-6- b. APPLIED PHYSICS 03 State Budget </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: a) ΄΄Electronics and Radioelectrology΄΄ with additional 41) PHYSICS Gov. Gazette 254/Β΄/8-4-94 SPECIALIZATION in: (in cooperation with the Dep. amend. Gov. Gazette 1157/Β΄/13- - Τelecommunications of Information Technology and 8-03 - Processing and Circulation of Information Telecommunications) State Budget b) ΄΄Electronic Automation΄΄ with additional SPECIALIZATION in: tel. 210-7225 976, 7276803 - Information Technology and - Information Systems </p><p>Gov. Gazette 511/Β΄/4-7-94 amend. Gov. Gazette 700/Β΄/10- A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: 7-98 a) Analytical Chemistry b) Physical Chemistry c) Οrganic amend. Gov. Gazette 1191/Β΄/ Chemistry d) Industrial Chemistry e) Food Chemistry f) 27-9-00 42) CHEMISTRY ΒioChemistry g) Clinical Chemistry h) Inorganic Chemistry and amend. Gov. Gazette 668/Β΄/30- tel. 210- 7242906, 7274386 Technology i) Chemistry and Technology of Environment 4-07 amend. Gov. Gazette 2409/Β΄/21- B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Chemistry 12-07 State Budget </p><p>Gov. Gazette 673/Β'/3-7-98 amend. Gov. Gazette 1495/Β΄/ 22-7-99 amend. Gov. Gazette 672/Β΄/30- A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ''Science of 5-03 43) CHEMISTRY Polymers and Applications'' amend. Gov. Gazette 1912/Β΄/29- tel. 210- 7242906, 7274386 12-06 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE amend. Gov. Gazette 2409/Β΄/21- 12-07 State Budget </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 10</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>44) CHEMISTRY Gov. Gazette 1063/Β'/12-10-98 (interuniversity PSP in A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the field of Teaching amend. Gov. Gazette 515/Β΄/ 11- cooperation with the Dep. of Chemistry and New Educational Technologies and specifically 4-00 Chemical Engineering in : a) Teaching Chemistry b) Modern Methods of Teaching amend. Gov. Gazette 855/Β΄/30- N.T.U.A., Chemistry A.U.TH., Chemistry 6-03 Chemistry Ιoannina) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget tel. 210- 7274386 45) CHEMISTRY (in cooperation with the Dep. of Chemistry of A.U.T., of University of Patra, University A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in : Gov. Gazette 1737/Β΄/26-11-03 of Crete, University of ‘’Οrganic Syntheses and Applications in Chemical Industry’’ State Budget Ioannina and the General Department of the Agricultural University of Athens) tel. 210- 7242906, 7274386 46) CHEMISTRY Gov. Gazette 1694/Β΄/19-11-03 (interuniversity -interdepartmental A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette 766/Β΄/30- PSP in cooperation with the ‘’Chemical Analysis – Quality Control’’ 04-08 Department of Chemistry of B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget A.U.TH.) tel. 210- 7242906, 7274386 47) CHEMISTRY (PSP in cooperation with the A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled ‘‘Catalysis and its Dep. of Petrol and Natural Applications’’ in : Gov. Gazette 1797/Β'/06-12-04 Gas Technology of T.E.I a) Homogeneous Catalysis amend. Gov. Gazette 379/Β΄/06- Kavala, and in cooperation b) Heterogeneous Katalysis 03-08 with the National Centre for c) Applied Catalysis State Budget Research and Technology (CERTH) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 210- 7274386 Gov. Gazette 1132/Β΄/29-10-98 corr. Gov. Gazette 1252/Β΄/17-6- 48) BIOLOGY 99 (interdepartmental PSP in MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled ‘’Applications of amend. Gov. Gazette 690/Β΄/3-6- cooperation with the Medical Biology in Medicine’’ 03 School of N.K.U.A. ) amend. Gov. Gazette tel. 210- 7274247-8, 7274060 1244/Β’/06-09-05 State Budget 49) BIOLOGY Gov. Gazette 575/Β΄/12-5-03 (interdepartmental PSP in amend. Gov. Gazette 668/Β΄/30- cooperation with the A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in : 4-07 Departments of Chemistry Clinical ΒioChemistry – Molecular Diagnosis amend. Gov. Gazette and Νursing School of 245/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 N.K.U.A.) Tuition fees tel. 210-7274247-8, 7274060</p><p>Gov. Gazette 773/Β΄/17-6-03 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: 50) BIOLOGY amend. Gov. Gazette 573/Β΄/20- ΄΄Current Trends in Teaching Biology Lessons and New tel. 210-7274247-8, 7274060 4-07 Technologies΄΄ State Budget</p><p>51) BIOLOGY Gov. Gazette 773/Β΄/17-6-03 tel. 210-7274247-8, 7274060 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette 573/Β΄/20- ΄΄Bioinformatics΄΄ 4-07 amend. Gov. Gazette 245/τ.Β΄/ 14-02-08</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 11</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Tuition fees</p><p>Gov. Gazette 774/Β΄/17-6-03 amend. Gov. Gazette 590/Β΄/23- 52) BIOLOGY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: 04-07 tel. 210-7274247-8, 7274060 ΄΄Microbe Bio-Technology ΄΄ amend. Gov. Gazette 245/τ.Β΄/ 14-02-08 State Budget Gov. Gazette 258/Β’/12-4-94 replac. Gov. Gazette 1132/Β΄/29- 53) BIOLOGY 10-98 (interdepartmental PSP in A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in OCEANOGRAPHY amend. Gov. Gazette 544/Β΄/6-5- cooperation with the and specifically in: a) Biological Oceanography b) Geological 03 Departments of PHYSICS, Oceanography c) Physics Oceanography d) Chemical amend. Gov. Gazette CHEMISTRY, GEOLOGY Oceanography 1612/Β΄/22-11-05 AND GEOENVIRONMENT) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE corr. Gov. Gazette 1632/ Β΄/07- tel. 210-7284248, 7274061, 11-06 7274418 State Budget </p><p>54) MATHEMATICS A. (1) MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR of the (and interdepartmental- Mathematics Department in : a) Mathematics (THEORETICAL interuniversity PSP in Gov. Gazette 952/Β΄/31-12-93 MATHEMATICS) b) Applied Mathematics cooperation with the Dep. replac. Gov. Gazette 1303/Β΄/24- c) Statistics and Business Research F.P.P. and P.H.S. of Athens 6-99 (2) MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR of the University and the replac. Gov. Gazette 575/Β΄/12-5- Mathematics Department (interdepartmental-interuniversity) Mathematics and Statistics 03 in Mathematics and Educational Science of State Budget (Teaching and Methodology of Mathematics) Cyprus University) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Mathematics Tel. 210- 7240454, 7274369</p><p>55) MATHEMATICS (interdepartmental- Gov. Gazette 1267/Β’/21-12-98 interuniversity PSP in amend. Gov. Gazette 342/Β΄/24- cooperation with the A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Biostatistics 3-03 Departments of Medicine of B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Biostatistics Tuition fees Athens and Mathematics of Ioannina) tel. 210-7240454, 7462045</p><p>56) MATHEMATICS Gov. Gazette 1190/Β΄/ 19-11-98 (interdepartmental PSP in amend. Gov. Gazette 1549/Β’/14- cooperation with the Dep. of 12-00 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Mathematics Economic Sciences of Athens, amend. Gov. Gazette of the Market and Production’’ Economic Sciences of E.U.A) 1023/Β΄/24-7-03 tel. 210-7240454, 7274369 Tuition fees</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 12</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>57) MATHEMATICS (interuniversity PSP in cooperation with the Dep: Information Technology of the The Athens University, Gov. Gazette 241/Β’/11-4-96 Electrical and Computer A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in corr. Gov. Gazette 533/Β’/30-6- Engineering of N.T.U.A., ‘’Logic and Theory of Algorithms and Computing’’ in: 97 General Dep. N.T.U.A., replac. Gov. Gazette 73/Β’/ 8-2- Computer Engineering and 1. Logic and Theory of Algorithms and Computing 99 Information Technology of the 2. Mathematic Logic amend. Gov. Gazette 272/Β΄/10- University of Patra, 3. Information Technology Logic 2-04 Methodology of History and B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget Theory of Science of Athens University) tel. 210-7240454, 7274369</p><p>Gov. Gazette 786/Β’/6-10-93 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’Information amend. Gov. Gazette Technology and Telecommunications’’ WITH MAJOR in: 1074/Β’/30-8-00 a) Computing Science replac. Gov. Gazette 58) INFORMATION b) Advanced Informatics Systems c)Technology of Computer1052/Β΄/13-7-04 TECHNOLOGY AND Systems corr. Gov. Gazette 1240/Β΄/12- TELECOMMUNICATIONS d) Systems of Communications and Networks 8-04 tel. 210-7275154, 7275314 e) Signal Processing for Communications and Multimedia amend. Gov. Gazette 581/Β΄/28- f) New Technologies of Information Technology and 04-05 Communications Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>59) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND Gov. Gazette 942/Β’/2-9-98 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Microelectronics in TELECOMMUNICATIONS amend. Gov. Gazette 1022/Β΄/24- the fields : (interdepartmental PSP in 7-03 1. Technology of Integrated Circuits cooperation with the State Budget 2. Designing of Integrated Circuits Department of Physics) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 210- 7247495, 7275154, 7275314 60) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND Gov. Gazette 1844/Β’/10-12-03 TELECOMMUNICATIONS amend. Gov. Gazette 569/Β΄/08- A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in (interdepartmental PSP in 05-06 ‘’Management and Economics of Network Telecommunications’’ cooperation with the Dep. of Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the scientific field of the PSP Economic Sciences of N.K.U.A.) tel. 210- 7247495, 7275154, 7275314 61) INFORMATION A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) titled : Gov. Gazette 640/Β΄/23-05-06 TECHNOLOGY AND «Technologies of Information Technology in Medicine and Tuition fees TELECOMMUNICATIONS Biology» in the fields : (PSP jointty with the Dep. of a) Information Technology in Medicine Technology of Medical b) ΒιοInformation Technology Equipment of ΤΕΙ Αthens and in cooperation with the B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Foundation for Medical- Biological Researches of the Academy of Athens and the Institute of Information Technology and Telecommunications of NCSR Demokritos) Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 13</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p> tel. 210- 7247495, 7275154, 7275314</p><p>Gov. Gazette 505/Β΄/30-6-94 replac. Gov. Gazette 1225/Β΄/1- 62) ECONOMICS A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ΄΄Applied 12-98 (interdepartmental – Economics and Finance΄΄ in the fields: replac. Gov. Gazette 1317/Β΄/16- interuniversity PSP in a) Finance of Business and Markets 9-03 cooperation with the b) International Economy and Economic Policy replac. Gov. Gazette 1375/Β΄/04- Department of Mathematics of c) Applied Accounting and Auditing 10-05 the University of Aegean) Tuition fees Tel. 210-3223187</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Gov. Gazette 1501/Β΄/10-10-03 ΄΄Economics΄΄ State Budget 63) ECONOMICS B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 210-3223187 in ΄΄Economics΄΄</p><p>64) MEDICINE (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Gov. Gazette 670/Β΄/5-9-94 Biology and Physics of The replac. Gov. Gazette 1002/Β’/24- Athens University and the A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the field Medical 9-98 Medicine A.U.TH, Medicine of Physics-Radiation Physics replac. Gov. Gazette 969/Β΄/15-7- Thrace, Medicine of Ioannina, Medicine of Crete, the B. DOCTORATE DEGREE 03 in Medical Physics – Radiation Physics Tuition fees Greek Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) and the “NCSR’ Demokritos) tel. 210-7462045 Gov. Gazette 848/Β’/12-8-98 amend. Gov. Gazette 1564/Β’/23- A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: 11-01 ’’Clinical Medicine, Laboratory Medicine, Preventative and Social replac. Gov. Gazette 1694/Β΄/19- Medicine’’ in the fields: 65) MEDICINE 11-03 1. Laboratory Medicine tel. 210- 7712872, 7462045 corr. Gov. Gazette 14/Β΄/12-1-04 2. Clinical Medicine corr. Gov. Gazette 1850/Β΄/11- 3. Preventative and Social Medicine 12-03 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget </p><p>66) MEDICINE (interdepartmental PSP in A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in cooperation with the Dep. of ‘’Molecular Medicine’’ in three fields: Biology and Nursing of 1. Functional Genomics and Proteomics N.K.U.A. and the Foundation Gov. Gazette 1400/Β’/30-9-03 2. Νeurobiology for Medical-Biological amend. Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29- 3. Advanced Molecular Diagnostics Researches of the Academy 02-08 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE of Athens (ΙΙΒΕΑA) , the Tuition fees (PhD) in ‘’Molecular Medicine’’ Research Centre for in two fields: BioMedical Sciences A. 1. Functional Genomics and Proteomics Fleming and the Hellenic 2. Νeurobiology Pasteur Institute) tel. 210- 7712872, 7462045 Gov. Gazette 1737/Β’/26-11-03 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette 967/Β’/26- 67) MEDICINE ’’Interventional Radiology’’ 05-08 tel. 210- 7712872, 7462045 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Tuition fees in Radiology </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 14</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>68) MEDICINE (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Gov. Gazette 1990/Β’/31-12-04 Philosophy, Pedagogy and amend. Gov. Gazette 204/Β΄/17- Psychology of Athens 02-05 MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the field of Health University jointly with the Dep. amend. Gov. Gazette 379/Β΄/06- Promotion and Education of Health Visitors and Public 03-08 Hygiene of the School for Tuition fees Health and Care Professions of ΤΕΙ Αthens ) tel.210- 7712872, 7462045</p><p>69) MEDICINE (PSP jointly Gov. Gazette 1990/Β’/31-12-04 with the Dep. of Αesthetics amend. –add. Gov. Gazette and Cosmetology of the MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the field Environment 204/Β΄/17-02-05 School for Health and Care and Health, Management of Environmental Issues with Health amend. Gov. Gazette 214/Β΄/ Professions of ΤΕΙ Αthens ) Consequences (‘’Environment and Health. Capacity Building for 22-02-07 and in cooperation with the Decision Making’’) Tuition fees National Research Foundat) tel. 210- 7712872, 7462045</p><p>MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled ‘’ Minimally Interventional Surgery, Robotic Surgery and Τele-Surgery ’’ in Gov. Gazette 141/Β’/07-02-05 70) MEDICINE the fields : amend. Gov. Gazette (PSP jointly with the Dep. of a.’’ Minimally Interventional Surgery, Robotic Surgery and Τele- 869/Β΄/04-06-07 Αutomation of ΤΕΙ Piraeus ) Surgery WITH MAJOR in General Surgery’’ (ΚΙ) Tuition fees tel. 210- 7712872, 7462045 b. ‘’ Minimally Interventional Surgery and Τele-Surgery with a SPECIALIZATION in Organ Transplant Surgery ‘’ B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>71) MEDICINE (jointly with the Dep. of Nursing Α΄ of the School for Gov. Gazette 222/Β’/18-02-05 Health and Care Professions MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Intensive Care Units- Tuition fees of TEI Athens) Cardiological Nursing tel. 210- 7712872, 7462045</p><p>72) MEDICINE (interdepartmental PSP in A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled : ’’Professional cooperation with the Dep. of and Environmental Health– Administration and Economic Political Science and Public Evaluation’’ in Professional and Environmental Health in two Gov. Gazette 456/Β’/08-04-05 Administration of the Athens fields : Tuition fees University and jointly with the a) Protection and Prevention of Risks at Work and the Dep. for Health and Care Environment Professions of TEI Crete ) b) Administration and Economic Evaluation Tel. 210- 7712872, 7462045 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 15</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>73) MEDICINE (PSP jointly with the Dep. of MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in «Clinical Pediatrics andGov. Gazette 1036/Β΄/01-08-06 Nursing Α΄of the School for Nursing – Research » Tuition fees Health and Care Professions of T.E.I. Athens ) tel. 210-7712872, 7462045</p><p>74) MEDICINE (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Gov. Gazette 1036/Β΄/01-08-06 Nursing Α΄ of the School for MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in «Intensive Care Units Tuition fees Health and Care Professions and Emergency Nursing» of T.E.I. Athens ) tel. 210-7712872, 7462045</p><p>Gov. Gazette 1565/Β΄/25-10-06 75) MEDICINE A.MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette tel. 210-7712872, 7462045 ’’ Stress Control and Health Promotion ’’ 415/Β΄/26-03-07 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Tuition fees</p><p>76) MEDICINE Gov. Gazette 1787/Β΄/08-12-06 MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the field «International tel. 210-7712872, 7462045 Tuition fees Medicine – Health Crisis Management»</p><p>77) MEDICINE (PSP jointly with the Midwifery MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Research in Women’s Gov. Gazette 1518/Β΄/17-8-07 Department of T.E.I. Athens ) Reproduction’’ Tuition fees tel. 210-7712872, 7462045 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>78) MEDICINE (PSP jointly with the Dep. for Gov. Gazette 1518/Β΄/17-8-07 Basic Medical Lessons of MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the field of Tuition fees T.E.I. Athens ) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation tel. 210-7712872, 7462045</p><p>79) MEDICINE (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Gov. Gazette 1518/Β΄/17-8-07 Nursing Β΄ and Public Health MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Laboratory and Tuition fees of T.E.I. Athens ) Clinical Nursing Cardiology’’ tel. 210-7712872, 7462045</p><p>80) MEDICINE Gov. Gazette 1518/Β΄/17-8-07 MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in «Metabolic Bone tel. 210-7712872, 7462045 Tuition fees Diseases»</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 16</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC): 1.Social Dentistry 2.Oral Biology Gov. Gazette 260/Β’/12-4-94 3.Dental Biomaterials replac. Gov. Gazette 989/Β’/18- 4.Oral Biological Pathology 9-98 5.Oral Biological Pathology in the field of Maxillofacial Surgery amend. Gov. Gazette 6.Oral Diagnostics and Radiology 1506/Β΄/3-12-02 7.Οrthodontics amend. Gov. Gazette 8.Pediatric Dentistry 355/Β΄/18-03-05 81) DENTISTRY 9.Dental Surgery amend. Gov. Gazette tel. 210- 7785587, 7461120 10.Periodontics 772/Β΄/28-06-06 11.Εndodontics amend. Gov. Gazette 12. Prosthodontics 766/Β΄/30-04-08 13.Oral Medicine Tuition fees 14. Clinical Addressing Oral and Maxillofacial Pain B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the four basic Dental Sciences, Social Dentistry, Oral Biology, Dental Materials and Oral Biological Pathology </p><p>82) DENTISTRY Gov. Gazette 787/Β΄/30-06-06 (PSP jointly with the Dep. of corr. Gov. Gazette 1352/Β΄/14- MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled : ‘’Materials of Dental Technology of Τ.Ε.Ι. 09-06 Dental Technology’’ Αthens) Tuition fees tel. 210- 7785587, 7461120 Gov. Gazette 1064/Β’/12-10-98 83) PHARMACY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette (in cooperation with the ‘’Production and Control of Pharmaceutical Compounds’’ in the 619/Β΄/20-5-03 Pharmacy School of AUTH) fields: a. Production of Pharmaceutical Compounds amend. Gov. Gazette tel. 210- 7230856, 7274351, (Composition) b.Control of Pharmaceutical Compounds 1144/Β΄/09-07-07 7274355 (Pharmaceutical Analysis) State Budget </p><p>Gov. Gazette 1063/Β’/12-10-98 amend. Gov. Gazette 619/Β΄/20-5-03 amend. Gov. Gazette 84) PHARMACY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the field ‘’Industrial 1707/Β΄/22-11-06 tel. 210- 7230856, 7274351-5 Pharmacy’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 2472/Β΄/31-12-07 Tuition fees</p><p>Gov. Gazette 966/Β’/31-12-93 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields : 1. Clinical amend. Gov. Gazette 388/Β’/14- Pharmacy 5-97 2.Βiopharmacy - Pharmacokinetics 3. Pharmaceutical amend. Gov. Gazette Technology 4.Cosmetics- Cosmetology 5. Synthetic 633/Β’/24-6-98 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 6. Pharmaceutical Analysis-Quality 85) PHARMACY amend. Gov. Gazette Control 7.Pharmacognosy of Bioactive Natural Products tel. 210- 7274351, 7274355 774/Β΄/17-6-03 8. Isolation, Development, Production and Control of Bioactive amend. Gov. Gazette Natural Products (Medication, Cosmetics, Special Food 1707/Β΄/22-11-06 Products) Tuition fees 9. Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry </p><p>B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in PHARMACEUTICS </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 17</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the following : 1) Βasic Sciences 2) Public Health Gov. Gazette 248/Β’/7-4-94 3) Community Nursing replac. Gov. Gazette 306/Β’/7- 4) Mental Health 5-96 5) Clinical Nursing amend. Gov. Gazette 73/Β’/8-2- in the fields: 86) NURSING 99 a) Gastroenterological Nursing tel. 210- 7774149, 7462063 replac. Gov. Gazette 43/Β΄/22- b) Intensive and Εmergency Nursing 1-03 c) Oncological Nursing and Relief Care Tuition fees d) Pediatric Nursing e) Infection Prevention and Control </p><p> f) Surgery Nursing B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>87) NURSING (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Gov. Gazette 1085/Β’/16-10-98 Nursing, Information corr. Gov. Gazette 28/Β’/25-1-99 Technology, Economic A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: amend. Gov. Gazette Sciences N.K.U.A., General 1. Organization and Management of Health Services 1200/Β΄/26-8-03 Department A.U.TH., Medical 2. Information Technology of Health Tuition fees Department Ιoannina, B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Information Technology and Industrial Management and Technology of the University of Piraeus) tel. 210- 7774149, 7462063 88) NURSING (interuniversity PSP in Gov. Gazette 1518/Β΄/17-8-07 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Medicine and Work cooperation with the Medicine Tuition fees Hygiene Dep. of the University of B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Crete) tel. 210- 7774149, 7462063 Gov. Gazette 1518/Β΄/17-8-07 89) NURSING A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Intercultural Nursing Tuition fees tel. 210- 7774149, 7462063 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Gov. Gazette 664/Β΄/29-05-06 corr. Gov. Gazette 1252/Β΄/08- A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Crisis Management, 09-06 Mass Destructions and Emergencies in the following two fields: 90) NURSING corr. Gov. Gazette 1499/Β΄/10- Ι. Emergency Health Care tel. 210- 7774149, 7462063 10-06 ΙΙ. Organization and Management Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>91) GEOLOGY AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: Gov. Gazette 252/Β΄/7-4-94 GEOENVIRONMENT 1. Applied Environmental Geology amend. Gov. Gazette 737/Β’/ (EX- GEOLOGY) 2.Stratigraphy- Paleontology 25-8-97 tel. 210-7237475, 7274061, 3. Geography and Environment amend. Gov. Gazette 345/Β’/ 7274418 4. Dynamic Tectonics and Applied Geology 21-3-02 5. Geophysics Seismology amend. Gov. Gazette 13/13-1- B. DOCTORATE DEGREE 03 amend. Gov. Gazette 1247/Β’/ 06-09-05 corr. Gov. Gazette 1632/Β΄/07- 11-06 amend. Gov. Gazette 1708/Β΄/22-11-06 Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 18</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p> amend. Gov. Gazette 2261/Β΄/ 05-11-08</p><p>State Budget </p><p>92) GEOLOGY AND GEOENVIRONMENT (EX-GEOLOGY) A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the field of Gov. Gazette 1797/Β’/06-12-04 (PSP jointly with the Dep.for Prevention and Management of Natural Catastrophies (PMNC) amend. Gov. Gazette Geoinformation Technology 928/Β΄/11-06-07 and Topography of ΤΕΙ B. DOCTORATE DEGREE own resources Serres) tel. 210-7237475, 7274061, 7274418</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: «Physical Gov. Gazette 1718/Β’/19-11-04 Education and Sport Science» in one of the fields : amend. Gov. Gazette a) Social and Humanitarian Studies in Physical Education and 93) PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1247/Β’/06-09-05 Sport Science AND SPORT SCIENCE amend. Gov. Gazette b) Coaching tel. 210- 7276039, 7276018 766/Β’/30-04-08 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Physical Education and Sport State Budget Science</p><p>Gov. Gazette 660/Β’/1-7-98 94) PHYSICAL EDUCATION A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in State Budget AND SPORT SCIENCE The Biology of Exercising tel. 210- 7276039, 7276018 DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Gov. Gazette 120/ Β’/23-2-94 replac. Gov. Gazette 848/Β΄/12- 8-98 95) THEATRICAL STUDIES A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Theatrology titled amend. Gov. Gazette (ex interdepartmental PSP in ’’Theatre: Theory and Action – History and the Now ‘’ 575/Β΄/12-5-03 cooperation with the Dep. for (previously titled: ‘’ The Greek Theatre from Antiquity until amend. Gov. Gazette Musical Studies of the Ionian Today: Theory and Performance ’’ ) 1835/Β΄/27-12-05 University) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in amend. Gov. Gazette 3/Β΄/07- tel. 210-7277300, 7277928, Theatrical Studies 01-2008 7277931 State Budget </p><p>96) MUSICAL STUDIES (interdepartmental PSP in A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in «Musical Culture cooperation with the Dep. of Gov. Gazette 928/Β’/ 11-06-07 and Communication» Communication and Μass B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Media) Own Resources tel.210-7277301-2</p><p>JOINT DOCTORATE DEGREES</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 19</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>National & Kapodistrian University of Athens in cooperation Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/08-02-08 1. with the University of Picardie ‘’Jules Verne’’ in France tel.210-3605556, 3620003</p><p>NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS DEPARTMENT ΤΙΤLE- SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>1) CIVIL ENGINEERING (Interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Gov. Gazette 834/Β’/12-8-98 with the Dep. of : Electrical and corr. Gov. Gazette 1137/Β’/29-10-98 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Computer Engineering N.T.U.A. Mining amend. Gov. Gazette 1235/Β΄/23-9-02 MAJOR in ‘’Structural Design and Engineering and Metallurgy N.T.U.A., replac. Gov. Gazette 423/Β΄/07-04-06 Construction Analysis’’ Applied Mathematical and Physical amend. Gov. Gazette 415/Β΄/26-03-07 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Sciences N.T.U.A., Civil Engineering State Budget London University) tel. 210-7723450</p><p>2) CIVIL ENGINEERING (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Gov. Gazette 747/Β’/24-7-98 with the Dep. of : Rural Surveying corr. Gov. Gazette 975/Β΄/15-9-98 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Engineering, Mining Engineering and amend. Gov. Gazette 1346/Β΄/17-10-02 MAJOR in ‘’Science and Water Metallurgy, Applied Mathematical and amend. Gov. Gazette 895/Β΄/01-07-05 Resources Technology’’ Physical Sciences, Civil Engineering of amend. Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/08-02-08 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE the Imperial College of the London State Budget University) tel. 210-7722265</p><p>Gov. Gazette 747/Β’/24-7-98 amend. Gov. Gazette 1235/Β΄/23-9-02 3) MINING ENGINEERING – A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1737/Β΄/26-11-03 METALLURGY MAJOR in ‘’Design and amend. Gov. Gazette 885/Β΄/12-07-06 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Construction of Underground amend. Gov. Gazette 2409/Β΄/21-12-07 with the Dep. of Civil Engineering Works’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 2264/Β΄/05-11-08 N.T.U.A.) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget tel. 210- 7722064</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 20</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>4) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation MAJOR in the field of “Automation Gov. Gazette 747/Β’/24-7-98 with the Dep. of: Electrical and Systems” with the following amend. Gov. Gazette 1337/Β΄/16-10-02 Computer Engineering, Νaval specializations: amend. Gov. Gazette 1244/Β’/06-09-05 Architecture Engineering, Chemical 1. Manufacturing and Production amend. Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/08-02-08 Engineering, Mining Engineering and Systems 2. Automatic Control or State Budget Metallurgy, Applied Mathematical and Robotic Systems Physical Sciences of N.T.U.A.) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 210- 7722330</p><p>5) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (interdepartmental-interuniversity PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of: Gov. Gazette 1239/Β΄/8-12-98 Chemical Engineering, Electrical A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1584/Β΄/20-12-02 Engineering, and Αccounting and MAJOR in the field «Business amend. Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/08-02-08 Finance, Organization and Business Administration’’ Tuition fees Administration, Business Research B. DOCTORATE DEGREE and Marketing of the Economics University of Athens) tel. 210- 7723695</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in a) ‘’Protection and Restoration of Architectural Monuments, Sites and 6) ARCHITECTURE Complexes (monument protection) (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation in the field Protection and Gov. Gazette 989/Β΄/18-9-98 with the Dep. of : Chemical Restoration of Historical Buildings amend. Gov. Gazette 13/Β΄/13-1-03 Engineering, Civil Engineering, Rural and Complexes’’ b)’’ Protection and amend. Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/08-02-08 and Surveying Engineering) Restoration of Architectural own resources tel. 210- 7723931, 7723203 Monuments, Sites and Complexes (monument protection) in the field Material and Protection Interventions’’ B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>7) ARCHITECTURE A. INTERDISCIPLINARY MASTER (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in with the Dep. of Architecture, Civil Gov. Gazette 737/Β΄/17-7-98 ‘’Architecture – Spatial Design» in Engineering, Applied Mathematical and replac. Gov. Gazette 1718/19-11-04 the fields: a. Design – Space – Natural Sciences, Rural Engineering amend. Gov. Gazette 2409/Β΄/21-12-07 Culture and b. Urban – Regional and Surveying Engineering and Own resources Planning Μechanical Engineering N.T.U.A.) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 210-7723830</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 21</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>8) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Gov. Gazette 885/Β΄/96 with the Dep. of: Applied Mathematical replac. Gov. Gazette 747/Β΄/24-7-98 and Physical Sciences, Mining A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 41/Β΄/22-1-03 Engineering and Metallurgy, MAJOR in ‘’ Materials Science and amend. Gov. Gazette 1718/Β’/19-11-04 Μechanical Engineering, Electrical and Technology ’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 415/Β΄/26-03-07 Computer Engineering, Civil B. DOCTORATE DEGREE amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 Engineering, Αrchitecture, and Νaval Own resources Architecture Engineering of N.T.U.A.) tel. 210- 7723196</p><p>9) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Gov. Gazette 738/Β΄/17-7-98 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1245/Β΄/24-9-02 with the Departments: Mechanical MAJOR amend. Gov. Gazette 1537/Β΄/17-10-03 Engineering, Civil Engineering, Νaval in ‘’Computational Mechanics: amend. Gov. Gazette 1244/Β’/06-09-05 Architecture Engineering, and Applied 1. ’Computational Fluid Mechanics amend. Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/08-02-08 Mathematical and Physical Sciences of 2. ’Computational Solid Mechanics State Budget N.T.U.A.) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 210- 7721502</p><p>10) ΝAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING (interdepartmental-interuniversity PSP Gov. Gazette 885/Β΄/96 in cooperation with the Dep. of: repl. Gov. Gazette 738/Β΄/17-7-98 Mechanical Engineering, Rural A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1245/Β΄/24-9-02 Surveying Engineering, Electrical and MAJOR in ‘’ Marine Technology amend. Gov. Gazette 144/Β΄/08-02-06 Computer Engineering, Applied and Science’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/08-02-08 Mathematical and Physical Sciences B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget N.T.U.A., Department of Physics N.K.U.A., Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (H.C.M.R.) tel. 210-7721926</p><p>Gov. Gazette 737/Β΄/17-7-98 amend. amend. Gov. Gazette 11) RURAL SURVEYING 1578/Β΄/18-12-02 ENGINEERING (interdisciplinary amend. amend. Gov. Gazette A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH interdepartmental PSP in cooperation 1718/Β’/19-11-04 MAJOR titled with the Dep. of :Electrical and amend. amend. Gov. Gazette 1736/Β΄/30- ‘’Geoinformatics’’ Computer Engineering and Mining 8-07 Engineering and Metallurgy N.T.U.A.) amend. amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14- tel. 210- 7722724 02-08 own resources</p><p>12) RURAL SURVEYING ENGINEERING A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 885/Β΄/96 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation MAJOR in ‘’Environment and amend. Gov. Gazette 739/Β΄/25-08-97 with the Dep. of : Civil Engineers, Development ’’ in the fields: replac. 737/Β΄/17-7-98 Αrchitecture, Mechanical Engineering, a. Environment and Development amend. Gov. Gazette 1281/Β΄/2-10-02 Chemical Engineering, Electrical and b. Environment and Development of replac. 1889/Β΄/14-09-07 Computer Engineering and Mining mountainous areas State Budget Engineering and Metallurgy N.T.U.A.) tel. 210- 7722780</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 22</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>13) APPLIED MATHEMATICAL AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH NATURAL SCIENCES MAJOR in Gov. Gazette 1737/Β΄/26-11-03 (in cooperation with the Dep. of ‘’Μathematical Standardization in amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 Chemical Engineering, Naval Modern Technologies and own resources Architecture Engineering, Mechanical Economy’’ in two fields : Engineering, Electrical and Computer 1. Cutting-edge Technologies Engineering) 2. Finance tel. 210- 7721 681</p><p>14) APPLIED MATHEMATICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES (PSP in cooperation with the following NTUA Departments: Electrical and Gov. Gazette 1980/Β΄/31-12-03 Computer Engineering, Mechanical MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 2324/Β΄/06-12-07 Engineering, Νaval Architecture MAJOR in the interdisciplinary field amend. Gov. Gazette 198/Β΄/08-02-08 Engineering, Chemical Engineering ‘’Μicrosystems and Νanodevices’’ own resources and in cooperation with the Microelectronics Institute of NCSR Demokritos) tel. 210- 7721 681</p><p>15) APPLIED MATHEMATICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation MAJOR in : «Physics and Gov. Gazette 1058/Β΄/27-07-05 with the Dep. of Mechanical Τechnological Applications» State Budget Engineering and the Institutes of Materials Science and Nuclear B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Physics of NCSR “Demokritos” tel. 210- 7721 681</p><p>16) APPLIED MATHEMATICAL AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH NATURAL SCIENCES MAJOR in Applied Mathematical Gov. Gazette 1058/Β΄/27-07-05 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Sciences State Budget with the Dep. Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Engineering» B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 210- 7721 681</p><p>17) APPLIED MATHEMATICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Gov. Gazette 1319/Β΄/20-09-05 MAJOR in Applied Mechanics with the Dep. Mechanical Engineering, State Budget Naval Architecture Engineering and B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Civil Engineering) tel. 210- 7721 681</p><p>18) ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (interdepartmental Gov. Gazette 737/Β΄/17-7-98 PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of: A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1245/Β΄/24-9-02 Mechanical Engineering, Chemical MAJOR in ‘’Energy Generation and amend. Gov. Gazette 1244/Β’ /06-09-05 Engineering, Civil Engineering, Naval Management’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/08-02-08 Architecture Engineering, Mechanical B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget Engineering N.T.U.A.) tel. 210- 7723565</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 23</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Gov. Gazette 797/Β΄/6-10-93 19) ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH replac.Gov. Gazette 1132/Β΄/29-10-98 ENGINEERING MAJOR titled ‘’M.A. in Digital Art ‘’ own resources tel. 210- 7723999 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>20) ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH ENGINEERING MAJOR in the general field (interuniversity interdepartmental- ‘’Τechnoeconomical Systems‘’ in Gov. Gazette 1239/Β΄/8-12-98 interdisciplinary PSP in cooperation the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 1660/Β΄/29-11-05 with the Dep. of : Economic Sciences a. Technological Systems amend. Gov. Gazette 1095/Β΄/12-06-08 of N.K.U.A. and Βioengineering Management and own resources Management and Technology (ex b. Production Systems Production Technology and Systems) Management Systems of the University of Piraeus B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 210- 7724313</p><p>JOINT DOCTORATE DEGREES</p><p>National Technical University of Athens in cooperation with the 1. Gov. Gazette 2409/Β΄/21-12-07 University Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees of France tel.210-7722014, 7721989</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 24</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>ARISTOTL Ε UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI DEPARTMENT TITLE- SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) in the following scientific fields with the relevant specializations: A. Interpretative Theology : 1. Old Testament, 2. New Testament , 3. Religious Studies B. Historical Theology: Gov. Gazette 247/Β΄/7-4-94 1. History ,2. Literature ,3. Archaeology amend. Gov. Gazette 954/Β΄/31-7-00 1) THEOLOGY C. Systematic Theology: amend. Gov. Gazette 592/Β΄/11-05-06 tel. 231-0-996980, 996983 1. Dogmatic,2. Philosophy ,3. Ethics, 4. replac. Gov. Gazette 1365/Β΄/14-07-08 Pastoral, 5. Sociology State Budget D. Practical Theology : 1. Pedagogical, 2. Functional, 3. Ecclesiastical and Canon Law, Ε. Intersectoral Field of Ecumenical Theology: 1.Ecumenical Theology B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Theology</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the following: Α΄ SECTOR HOLY BIBLE AND PATRISTICS a. Holy Bible b. Patristic Literature c. Religious Studies Β΄ SECTOR HISTORY OF THE CHURCH AND DOGMATIC THEOLOGY Gov. Gazette 259/Β΄/12-4-94 a. History of the Church amend. Gov. Gazette 663/Β΄/24-5-00 2) PASTORAL AND SOCIAL b. Hellenism and Orthodoxy replac. Gov. Gazette 1156/Β΄/30-7-04 THEOLOGY (ex PASTORAL c. Dogmatic and Symbolic Theology amend. Gov. Gazette 1375/Β΄/04-10-05 renamed by 166/Α΄/94) C΄ SECTOR LITURGICAL, CHRISTIAN amend. Gov. Gazette 1056/Β’/28-06-07 tel. 231-0-996680-1 ARCHAEOLOGY AND ART State Budget a. Functional b. Christian Archaeology and Art c. Hagiology d. Byzantine Musicology and Choral Art D΄ SECTOR LAW, ORGANIZATION AND MIND OF THE CHURCH a. Canon Law – Pastoral – Missionary b. Pedagogical – Pastoral Psychology c. Christian Ethics– Sociology B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 25</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) titled: ‘’Language 3) PHILOLOGY Communication and Modern Greek as a Gov. Gazette 673/Β΄/3-7-98 (interdepartmental PSP in second/foreign language amend. Gov. Gazette 1986/Β΄/8-11-99 cooperation with the Dep: Philosophy replac. Gov. Gazette 342/Β΄/24-3-03 and Pedagogy, English Language DOCTORATE DEGREE in replac. Gov. Gazette 226/Β΄/15-02-06 and Literature, French Language and Applied Linguistics and Teaching Literature, Electrical and Modern Greek as a second/ foreign Computer Engineering A.U.TH.) language tel. 231-0-995244, 995246, 995260</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR Modern Greek Studies and 4) PHILOLOGY Civilization in the following fields : (interdepartmental PSP in 1. Modern Greek Philology and cooperation with the Dep. of: English Civilization and Βibliology 2. Gov. Gazette 738/Β΄/17-7-98 Language and Literature, French Comparative Literature, Theory of amend. Gov. Gazette 43/Β΄/22-1-03 Language and Literature, German Literature and Translating Studies State Budget Language and Literature A.U.TH. andB. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Modern Literature Crete) Greek Studies and Civilization in the tel. 231-0- 995244, 995246, 995260 fields: a) Modern Greek Philology b) General and Comparative Literature </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields: Gov. Gazette 246/Β΄/7-4-94 1. Classic Literature with a corr. Gov. Gazette 582/Β΄/27-07-94 SPECIALIZATION in : a. Ancient Greek add. Gov. Gazette 628/Β΄/22-8-94 Literature b. Latin Literature 2. Medieval amend. Gov. Gazette 1137/Β΄/22-12-97 and Greek Literature with a replac. Gov. Gazette 1514/Β΄/14-12-00 5) PHILOLOGY specialization : a. Medieval Literature b. amend. Gov. Gazette 1429/Β΄/22-10-01 tel. 231-0- 995244, 995246, 995260 Modern Greek Literature c. General and amend. Gov. Gazette 192/Β΄/20-2-03 Comparative Literature 3. Linguistics amend. Gov. Gazette 89/Β΄/23-1-04 with a SPECIALIZATION in a. amend. Gov. Gazette 1920/Β΄/18-09-08 Theoretical Linguistics b. Applied State Budget Linguistics c. Historical and Βalkan Linguistics B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 26</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) : A.In History and specifically: a. Αncient History Gov. Gazette 241/Β΄/5-4-94 b. Byzantine and Medieval History amend. Gov. Gazette 638/Β΄/26-8-94 c. Modern Greek and World History amend. Gov. Gazette 779/Β΄/29-8-96 d. History of the Balkan Peninsula and replac. Gov. Gazette 760/Β΄/24-7-98 Turkish References 6) HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY replac. Gov. Gazette 1245/Β΄/24-9-02 e. Folklore and Social Anthropology tel. 231-0- 995221 amend. Gov. Gazette 1717/Β’/19-11-04 B. In Archaeology and specifically: replac. Gov. Gazette 1597/Β΄/01-11-06 a. Prehistoric Archaeology amend. Gov. Gazette 2155/Β΄/07-11-07 b. Classic Archaeology State Budget c. Byzantine Archaeology d. History of Art e. History of Human caused environment</p><p>B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Gov. Gazette 788/Β΄/6-10-93 amend. Gov. Gazette 1986/Β΄/8-11-99 amend. Gov. Gazette 954/Β΄/31-7-00 7) PHILOSOPHY AND PEDAGOGY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH replac. Gov. Gazette 192/Β΄/20-2-03 (Pedagogical Sector) MAJOR in ‘’Pedagogy’’ replac. Gov. Gazette 1060/Β΄/04-08-06 tel. 231-0-997319 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE amend. Gov. Gazette 1501/Β΄/17-08-07 State Budget </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 866/Β΄/26-11-93 MAJOR in: amend. Gov. Gazette 297/Β΄/21-4-94 8) PHILOSOPHY AND PEDAGOGY a. Systematic Philosophy amend. Gov. Gazette 515/Β΄/11-4-00 (Philosophical Sector) b. History of Philosophy replac. Gov. Gazette 1060/Β΄/04-08-06 tel. 231-0-997319 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE IN amend. Gov. Gazette 1501/Β΄/17-08-07 Philosophy State Budget </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ΄΄Specialization of Teachers and School 9) PHILOSOPHY AND PEDAGOGY Psychologists in the Pedagogy of (interdepartmental PSP in Gov. Gazette 774/Β΄/17-6-03 Gender Equality: Promoting Equality cooperation with the Psychology amend. Gov. Gazette 1918/Β΄/29-12-06 Ideologies in the Educational Process΄΄ Department) State Budget in the field of Pedagogy of Gender tel. 231-0-997319 Equality B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the Pedagogy of Gender Equality Gov. Gazette 891/Β΄/10-12-93 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH corr. Gov. Gazette 582/Β΄/27-07-94 MAJOR in Psychology and specifically : amend. Gov. Gazette 1137/Β΄/22-12-97 a. Cognitive Psychology and amend. Gov. Gazette 954/Β΄/31-7-00 ΝeuroPsychology amend. Gov. Gazette 1383/Β΄/22-10-01 10) PSYCHOLOGY b. School and Evolutionary Psychology amend. Gov. Gazette 794/Β΄/27-6-02 tel. 231-0-997313, 997341 c. Social Clinical Psychology amend. Gov. Gazette 774/Β΄/17-6-03 d. Social Clinical Psychology of amend. Gov. Gazette 1430/Β΄/14-10-05 Addictions and Psychosocial Problems amend. Gov. Gazette 1533/Β΄/19-10-06 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in amend. Gov. Gazette 2155/Β΄/07-11-07 Psychology replac. Gov. Gazette 1306/Β΄/07-07-08 State Budget </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 27</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: «Language and Civilization in German 11) GERMAN LANGUAGE AND Speaking Regions» and specifically : Gov. Gazette 808/Β΄/04-07-06 LITERATURE 1. Linguistics – Teaching State Budget tel. 231-0-995241,995235-7 2. Literature – Civilization B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in French Literature and specifically: a) in Literature : i. History of Literature and Civilization ii. Theory of Literature Gov. Gazette 310/Β΄/22-4-94 12) FRENCH LANGUAGE AND iii. Theatre replac. Gov. Gazette 1191/Β΄/27-9-00 LITERATURE iv. Comparative Literature amend. Gov. Gazette 1060/Β΄/04-08-06 tel. 231-0-995176 v. French Literature replac. Gov. Gazette 1994/Β’/11-10-07 b) in language teaching and language State Budget communication c) in Translation– Science of Translation B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above scientific fields </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 4/Β΄/11-1-95 MAJOR in: corr. Gov. Gazette 283/Β΄/12-04-95 a. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics amend. Gov. Gazette 482/Β΄/24-6-96 b. English Literature and Civilization corr. Gov. Gazette 994/Β΄/95 13) ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND c. American Literature and Civilization corr. Gov. Gazette 989/Β΄/96 LITERATURE d. Teaching English as a Foreign amend. Gov. Gazette 644/Β΄/26-6-98 tel. 231-0-995179, 995183 Language amend. Gov. Gazette 1073/Β΄/30-8-00 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the abovereplac. Gov. Gazette 1649/Β΄/10-11-06 subjects and also in Translation and amend. Gov. Gazette 703/Β’/22-04-08 Intercultural Studies State Budget </p><p>14) ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (in cooperation with the Departments A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 855/Β΄/30-6-03 French Language and Literature, MAJOR in Studies of amend. Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29-02-08 German Language and Literature European Literature and Civilization State Budget and Italian Language and Literature of A.U.TH.) tel. 231-0-995179, 995183</p><p>15) ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH LITERATURE MAJOR in: (in cooperation with the Departments 1. Interpretation French Language and Literature, 2. Translation Gov. Gazette 272/Β΄/10-2-04 German Language and Literature B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in State Budget and Italian Language and Literature Translation of A.U.TH.) tel. 231-0-995179, 995183</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 28</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘Education Sciences’ in the Gov. Gazette 942/Β΄/2-9-98 fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 1507/Β΄/9-11-01 16) PRIMARY EDUCATION a. Education and Social Exclusion b. amend. Gov. Gazette 1244/Β’/06-09-05 tel. 231-0-995056 Teaching of Applied Sciences c. corr. Gov. Gazette 1386/Β΄/07-10-05 Teaching of Social Sciences amend. Gov. Gazette 1060/Β΄/04-08-06 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Education State Budget Sciences</p><p>17) PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION (ex PEDAGOGICAL DEPARTMENT KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS) (joint Greek-French PSP in MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR cooperation with the Dep. of in «Teaching multilingualism and Gov. Gazette 1532/Β΄/19-10-06 Literature, Languages and language policies –Dissemination of State Budget Humanistic Sciences – Sector: languages and cultures in multilingual French as a Foreign Language of theEnvironments» University (Le Mans) (France) tel. 231-0- 995058</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 18) PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION MAJOR in «Psychopedagogics of (ex PEDAGOGICAL DEPARTMENT Inclusion: One school for all» in the KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS) fields: (interdepartmental-interuniversity a.Psychopedagogics parameters of Gov. Gazette 1877/Β’/14-09-07 PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of special Educational needs and Own resources Philosophy and Pedagogy of AUT b. Psychopedagogics parameters of and Preschool Education and multiculture Educational Planning of University of B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the fields the Aegean) of Special Education and Intercultural tel. 231-0- 995058 Education </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 869/Β΄/26-11-93 MAJOR (SFC) in the following fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 1045/Β΄/20-11-96 a. Civil Procedure and Labour Law , b. amend. Gov. Gazette 849/Β΄/12-8-98 19) LAW Public Law and Political Sciences c. amend. Gov. Gazette 396/Β΄/9-4-01 (SCHOOL OF LAW, ECONOMIC International Studies, d. Commercial and amend. Gov. Gazette 1014/Β΄/24-7-03 AND POLITICAL SCIENCES) Economic Law, replac. Gov. Gazette 227/Β΄/14-02-08 tel. 231-0-995279, 995268 e. History, Philosophy and Sociology of corr. Gov. Gazette 388/Β΄/07-03-08 Law State Budget f. Penal and Criminal Sciences Β DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 29</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Political Sciences in the 20) POLITICAL SCIENCES following fields: Gov. Gazette 1564/Β΄/14-11-05 tel. 231-0-995270 a) Political Theory & Philosophy State Budget 231-0-995395-7 b) Political Analysis B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Political Sciences</p><p>Τhe Programme awards a DOCTORATE DEGREE with: a) title of Gov. Gazette 798/Β΄/6-10-93 21) ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER PhD in Electrical and Computer amend. Gov. Gazette 796/Β΄/24-10-94 ENGINEERING Engineering b) title of PhD of the replac. Gov. Gazette 1337/Β΄/16-10-02 tel. 231-0-996392, 996395 Department for Electrical and Computer Engineering </p><p>22) ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental, interuniversity MAJOR in PSP in cooperation with the General ‘’Advanced P/C and Communication Department, the Dep. of Medicine, Systems’’ in the fields : Psychology, Μusical Studies, Gov. Gazette 1844/Β΄/10-12-03 a) Network Computing – Electronic Journalism and Μass Media of amend. Gov. Gazette 398/Β΄/03-04-06 Commerce A.U.TH., Αccounting and Finance State Budget b) Intelligent Systems of the University of Macedonia and c) Information technologies and Computer Engineering of Communication of Sound and Picture for Telecommunications and Networks Education and Production of the University of Thessaly) tel. 231-0-996392, 996395 23) ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (interuniversity PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Computer Science A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH of the Reading University- United MAJOR in the subject of Network Kingdom, of Telematics of the Computing and Electronic Commerce Gov. Gazette 1943/Β΄/30-12-05 (Εr.Mu.) University Carlos III de Madrid – titled «Network Computing Focused on Spain, Computer Science of the Electronic Commerce Applications » College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elisabeth (Trinity College) - Ireland tel. 231-0-996392, 996395 Gov. Gazette 788/Β΄/6-10-93 24) PHYSICS A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 749/Β΄/27-8-96 (PSP Environmental Physics) MAJOR in Environmental Physics replac. Gov. Gazette 1584/Β΄/20-12-02 tel. 231-0-998120, 998170 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 30</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Electronic Physics Gov. Gazette 797/Β΄/6-10-93 (Radioelectrology) in the fields: 25) PHYSICS amend. Gov. Gazette 749/Β΄/27-8-96 a) Electronic Telecommunications tel. 231-0-998120, 998170 replac. Gov. Gazette 41/Β΄/22-1-03 Technology State Budget b) Electronic Networks Technology B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Gov. Gazette 638/Β΄/26-8-94 amend. Gov. Gazette 749/Β΄/27-8-96 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH replac. Gov. Gazette 739/Β΄/17-7-98 26) PHYSICS MAJOR in ‘’Physics and Materials corr. Gov. Gazette 943/Β΄/2-9-98 tel. 231-0-998120, 998170 Technology (ex «Material Physics» ) replac. Gov. Gazette 43/Β΄/22-1-03 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE replac. Gov. Gazette 204/Β΄/17-02-05 State Budget </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR Gov. Gazette 575/Β΄/12-5-03 27) PHYSICS in Computational Physics amend. Gov. Gazette 284/Β’ /02-03-07 tel. 231-0-998120, 998170 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget </p><p>28) PHYSICS A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental PSP in MAJOR in ‘’Νanosciences and Gov. Gazette 575/Β΄/12-5-03 cooperation with the Dep. of Νanotechnologies’’ in the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 1268/Β΄/24-7-07 Chemistry, Biology of the School of 1) Thin Film Technology and amend. Gov. Gazette 787/Β΄/06-05-08 Applied Sciences of General Νanotechnology State Budget Department of the Technical School 2) Νanoengineering and Νanomaterials of A.U.TH.) 3) Νanobiotechnology tel. 231-0-998120, 998170 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields : 1. Inorganic Chemistry 2. Quantum and Computational Chemistry 3. Βιοchemistry Gov.Gazette 120/Β΄/23-2-94 4. Οrganic Chemistry 5. Advanced amend. Gov. Gazette 1980/Β΄/31-12-03 29) CHEMISTRY Chemical Analysis amend. Gov. Gazette 592/Β΄/11-05-06 tel 231-0- 997680 6. Environmental Chemistry 7.Physical amend. Gov. Gazette 1300/Β΄/04-07-08 Chemistry of Materials and State Budget. Electrochemistry 8. Chemical Technology 9. Polymer Chemistry and Technology 10. Food Chemistry and Technology B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Chemistry</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 31</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>30) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental PSP in MAJOR in Processing and Technology cooperation with the Dep. of of Advanced Materials (SFC) Gov. Gazette 942/Β΄/2-9-98 Mechanical Engineering, Electrical B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in repl. Gov. Gazette 41/Β΄/22-1-03 and Computer Engineering, General Processing and Technology of State Budget Department of the Technical School Advanced Materials (SFC) and Chemistry of A.U.TH.) tel. 231-0-996267, 996186</p><p>31) ARCHITECTURE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental PSP in MAJOR in ‘’ ‘’Protection and Restoration cooperation with the Dep. of Civil of Architectural Monuments, Sites and Engineering, Rural Surveying Complexes in the fields: Gov. Gazette 354/Β΄/14-4-98 Engineering, Mechanical 1. Protection, Conservation and amend. Gov. Gazette 361/Β΄/28-3-03 Engineering, Electrical and Restoration of Architectural Monuments amend. Gov. Gazette 1287/Β΄/02-07-08 Computer Engineering and General 2. Protection, Conservation and State Budget Department of the Technical School Restoration of Works of Art and of A.U.TH.) Mechanisms tel. 231-0-995559 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>32) ARCHITECTURE (interdepartmental - interuniversity PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Gov. Gazette 1777/Β΄/31-12-01 Mechanical Engineering, Preschool A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH replac. Gov. Gazette 22/Β΄/14-1-04 Education of A.U.TH. and the MAJOR in Μuseology amend. Gov. Gazette 1359/Β΄/1-8-07 Pedagogical Department of Primary B. DOCTORATE DEGREE amend. Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29-02-08 Education of University of State Budget Macedonia) tel. 231-0-995559</p><p>Gov. Gazette 619/Β΄/20-5-03 33) ARCHITECTURE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 592/Β΄/11-05-06 (in cooperation with the Agricultural MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette 429/Β΄/28-03-07 School of A.U.TH.) ‘’Landscape Architecture’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29-02-08 tel. 231-0-995595 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget </p><p>Gov. Gazette 739/Β΄/17-7-98 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 34) CIVIL ENGINEERING amend. Gov. Gazette 1878/Β΄/20-12-04 MAJOR in “Anti-seismical Design of tel. 231-0-995612, 995851 amend. Gov. Gazette 415/Β΄/26-03-07 Structures” State Budget </p><p>Gov. Gazette 739/Β΄/17-7-98 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 35) CIVIL ENGINEERING amend. Gov. Gazette 1769/Β΄/01-12-04 MAJOR in “Environmental Protection tel. 231-0-995612, 995851 amend. Gov. Gazette 540/Β΄/16-4-07 and Sustainable Development” State Budget Gov. Gazette 353/Β΄/13-5-94 corr. Gov. Gazette 777/Β΄/14-10-94 amend. Gov. Gazette 798/Β΄/3-9-96 36) CIVIL ENGINEERING DOCTORATE DEGREE amend. Gov. Gazette 73/Β΄/8-2-99 tel. 231-0-995187-8 replac. Gov. Gazette 1317/Β΄/31-10-00</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 32</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Gov. Gazette 855/Β΄/30-6-03 37) CIVIL ENGINEERING A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 956/Β΄/14-06-07 (interdepartmental PSP in MAJOR in : ‘’ Planning, amend. Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29-02-08 cooperation with the Dep. of Rural Organization and Management of amend. Gov. Gazette 2261/Β΄/05-11-08 Surveying Engineering of the Transport Systems’’ Technical School of A.U.TH.) State Budget tel. 231-0-995187-8</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 38) CIVIL ENGINEERS Gov. Gazette 1660/Β΄/29-11-05 MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) titled: «Administration tel. 231-0-995187-8 State Budget and Management of Τechnical Works»</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Geoinformatics’’ in the fields : Gov. Gazette 305/Β΄/7-5-96 1. High Definition Surveying replac. Gov. Gazette 988/Β΄/18-9-98 39) RURAL AND SURVEYING Applications, amend. Gov. Gazette 490/Β΄/29-4-99 ENGINEERING 2. Contemporary Geodetic Applications, amend. Gov. Gazette 1624/Β΄/18-8-99 tel. 231-0- 996112 3. Management of Photogrammetric replac. Gov. Gazette 1056/Β΄/30-7-03 Production and Remote Sensing in GIS State Budget Environment, 4. Water Resources B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ’’ Techniques and Methods for Spatial Analysis, Planning and Management in the fields: Gov. Gazette 305/Β΄/7-5-96 a) Cadaster and Spatial Data replac. Gov. Gazette 1006/Β΄/25-9-98 Management, 40) RURAL AND SURVEYING amend. Gov. Gazette 490/Β΄/29-4-99 b) Mapping Production and Geographic ENGINEERING amend. Gov. Gazette 1627/Β΄/18-8-99 Analysis, tel. 231-0- 996112 replac. Gov. Gazette 42/Β΄/22-1-03 c) Organization & Management of amend. Gov. Gazette 1690/Β΄/18-11-03 Resources & Development Projects. State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE a) PhD Title in RASE of the AUT for Engineers b) PhD Title in RASE of AUTH for graduates of other University Faculties </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) in ‘’Medical Research Gov. Gazette 942/Β΄/2-9-98 Technology’ with the following fields- replac. Gov. Gazette 1567/ Β’/20-10-04 specializations : 41) MEDICINE amend. Gov. Gazette 1807/Β΄/10-09-07 a. Basic Research tel. 231-0- 999272 corr. Gov. Gazette 1918/17-09-07 b. Clinical Research State Budget c. Social Research B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Medicine </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 33</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 42) MEDICINE MAJOR of Medical Information (interdepartmental PSP in Technology in the fields: 1. cooperation with the Dep. of: Management of Medical Information 2. Gov. Gazette 1006/Β΄/25-9-98 Electrical and Computer Engineering Biomedical Technology 3. Telematic State Budget – Computer Engineering and Medicine Information Technology) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Medical tel. 231-0- 999272 Information Technology </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Gov. Gazette 309/Β΄/22-4-94 the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 582/Β΄/17-7-96 replac. Gov. Gazette 339/Β΄/24-4-97 43) BIOLOGY a. Hydrobiology and Aquaculture amend. Gov. Gazette 1986/Β΄/6-11-99 tel 231-0- 998270 b. Environmental Biology replac. Gov. Gazette 41/Β΄/22-1-03 c. Applied Genetics and Βιοtechnology Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Biology</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in «Preservation of Biodiversity 44) ΒΙΟLOGY and Sustainable Exploitation of Gov. Gazette 1727/Β΄/30-8-07 tel 231-0- 998270 Volunteer Plants” State Budget </p><p>B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) titled: Gov. Gazette 1889 /Β΄/14-09-07 45) ΒΙΟLOGY «Ecological Planning, Sustainable Own resources tel 231-0- 998270 Management of Protected Areas» B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>46) ΒΙΟLOGY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental PSP in MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) in «Ecological Quality Gov. Gazette 1889 /Β΄/14-09-07 cooperation with the Geology and and Water Management in catchment Own resources Civil Engineering Dep. of A.U.TH.) areas» tel 231-0- 998270 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Gov. Gazette 331/Β΄/4-5-94 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 749/Β΄/27-8-96 47) DENTISTRY MAJOR in Orthodontics amend. Gov. Gazette 1777/Β΄/31-12-01 tel. 231-0- 999471 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Dentistry Tuition fees</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 34</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Dentistry’’ in the following fields : 1. Fixed Prosthodontics, Prosthetic Implants 2. Removable Prosthodontics, Prosthetic Implants 3. Endodontics, Gov. Gazette 1099/Β΄/07-8-03 48) DENTISTRY 4. Oral Surgery – Implant Surgery amend. Gov. Gazette 2170/Β΄/09-11-07 tel. 231-0- 999471 Radiology, Tuition fees 5. Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 6. Operative Dentistry, 7. Periodontology – Implant Biology, 8, Oral Pathology, 9. Preventive – Social Dentistry. 10. Dental Biomaterials 11. Pedodentistry B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Pharmacy: 1. Pharmacochemistry, Development of Pharmaceutical Compounds Gov. Gazette 53/Β΄/24-1-02 2. Pharmaceutical Technology 49) PHARMACY amend. Gov. Gazette 1195/Β΄/26-8-03 3. Pharmaceutical Βiotechnology- tel. 231-0-997613, 997623 State Budget Molecular Diagnostics </p><p>4.Pharmacology and Pharmacy 5. Pharmacognosy – Plant Pharmaceutical Products. B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Pharmacy</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) in the fields : a. Safety of Foodstuffs of Animal Origin and Public Health b. Breeding and Pathology of Productive Animals, with two specializations: Gov. Gazette 53/Β΄/24-1-02 50) VETERINARY MEDICINE i) Breeding and Pathology of Ruminants replac. Gov. Gazette 144/Β΄/08-02-06 tel. 231-0-995219 ii) Breeding and Pathology of Pigs and State Budget Birds c) Pathology– Surgery – Obstetrics of Ruminants d) Pathology of Pets e) Surgery of Pets B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD)</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 35</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Human Performance and 51) PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND Health and Health with Certifications in SPORTS SCIENCE the Scientific Field of Physical (interdepartmental PSP in coop. with Gov. Gazette 628/Β΄/23-6-98 Education at School, Coaching Team the Dep. of Physical Education of Tuition fees Sports, Exercise and Health and Sports Science of AUTH and of the Physical Activity for Special Population University of Thessaly) Groups tel. 231-0-995277 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Human Performance and Health </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in 52) PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ‘’Physical Activity and Quality of Life” Gov. Gazette 926/Β΄/21-6-04 SPORTS SCIENCE B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in amend. Gov. Gazette 67/Β΄/22-01-08 tel. 231-0-995277 ‘’Physical Activity and Quality of Life” State Budget </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 53) PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND Gov. Gazette 1247/Β΄/06-09-05 MAJOR in ‘’Kineciology’ SPORTS SCIENCE Serres amend. Gov. Gazette 1501/Β΄/17-08-07 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 2321-0-67135 State Budget </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields: 1. Agricultural Economics, 2. Plant Cultivation, Agronomy and Weed Science, 3. Agricultural Engineering and Water Resources, Gov. Gazette 948/Β΄/31-12-93 4. Soil Science and Management of Soil amend. Gov. Gazette 490/Β΄/22-5-98 Resources, amend. Gov. Gazette 942/Β΄/2-9-98 54) AGRICULTURE 5. Animal Production Science, replac. Gov. Gazette 1037/Β΄/23-8-00 tel. 231-0- 995194 6. Field Crop Sciences, amend. Gov. Gazette 2064/Β΄/24-10-07 7. Food Science and Technology, State Budget 8. Plant Protection Science 9. Sustainable Agricultural Development 10. Ecology and Sustainable Management of Ecosystems, 11. Oenology and Viticulture. B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields : a. Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Gov. Gazette 333/Β΄/3-5-95 b. Applied and Environmental Geology, amend. Gov. Gazette 1091/Β΄/4-12-96 55) GEOLOGY c. Mineral Resources – Environment, replac. Gov. Gazette 1191/Β΄/27-9-00 tel 231-0-998450 d. Geophysics, amend. Gov. Gazette 1235/Β΄/23-9-02 e. Petrology – Geochemistry, replac. Gov. Gazette 1375/Β΄/04-10-05 f. Geography and Environment. State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Geology and Geoenvironment</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 36</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 298/Β΄/17-4-95 MAJOR in Μeteorology, Climatology, amend. Gov. Gazette 869/Β΄/1-10-97 56) GEOLOGY and Αtmospheric Environment amend. Gov. Gazette 1036/Β΄/23-8-00 tel 231-0-998450 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in replac. Gov. Gazette 1436/Β΄/18-10-05 Μeteorology, Climatology, and State Budget Αtmospheric Environment </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Forestry and Natural Environment Science with 5 fields: 1. Forest Production – Forest Protection Gov. Gazette 739/Β΄/17-7-98 – Natural Environment, Corr. Gov. Gazette 1021/Β΄/30-9-98 2. Range Science of Wild Life and Amend. Gov. Gazette 1337/Β΄/6-11-00 57) FORESTRY AND NATURAL Internal Fisheries, Amend. Gov. Gazette 60/Β΄/25-1-01 ENVIRONMENT 3. Planning and Development of Natural Amend. Gov. Gazette 619/Β΄/20-5-03 tel. 231-0-995199, 995196 Resources, Amend. Gov. Gazette 204/Β’/17-02-05 4. Forest and Water Engineering, State Budget 5. Harvesting and Forest Technology 6. Sustainable Management and Usage of the Natural Environment B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR IN: Gov. Gazette 428/Β΄/8-4-02 1. Theoretical Mathematics Amend. Gov. Gazette 575/Β΄/12-5-03 58) ΜATHEMATICS 2. Theoretical Mathematics, Amend. Gov. Gazette 922/Β΄/21-6-04 tel 231-0-997910-50 Statistics and Operational Research Amend. Gov. Gazette 273/Β΄/02-03-05 3. Theoretical Informatics and Systems Repl. Gov. Gazette 1095/Β’ /12-06-08 & Control Theory State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Mathematics</p><p>59) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR Gov. Gazette 1308/Β΄/12-9-03 (in cooperation with the Dep. of titled: Amend. Gov. Gazette 226/Β΄/15-02-06 Economics) ‘’Information Technology and Tuition fees tel. 231-0-998410, 998420 Management΄΄</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Information Technology in the fields: 60) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1. Digital Media, tel. 231-0-998410, 998420 2. Networks – Communications – System Architecture, Gov. Gazette 1308/Β΄/12-9-03 3. Computational Systems, Amend. Gov. Gazette 410/Β΄/05-04-06 4. Information and Communication Tuition fees Technologies in Education. B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Information Technology</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 37</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in «Management and Economy in four (4) fields: 1.Business Management 2. Service Management 3. International and European Economics and 4. Economic and Regional Development. Fields 1 and 2 are also available for 61) ECONOMICS Business executives in the following Gov. Gazette 573/Β΄/08-05-06 tel 2310995254, 2310995257-8 specializations : Correct. Gov. Gazette 738/Β’/20-06-06 1. Business Management Amend. Gov. Gazette 1300/Β΄/04-07-08 a) Marketing Management State Budget b) Αccounting Management c) Finance Management d) Human Resource Management 2. Service Management a) Logistics Management b)Service Management – Customer Service c) Health Service Management d) Educational Unit Management 3. International and Εuropean Economics 4. Economic and Regional Development B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above fields A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) : a) in Journalism and the New 62) JOURNALISM AND ΜASS Communication Media Gov. Gazette 1306 /Β΄/07-07-08 MEDIA b) in Communication and Civilization State Budget tel. 231-0-992062-3 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Journalism and Mass Media </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) in Theatre Studies titled: « Theatrical performance: History, Theory and practice », in the following fields : 63) DRAMA & THEATRE STUDIES a) Drama and Performance Theory Gov. Gazette 592/Β΄/11-05-06 tel 231-0-992122-5 b) Stage Directing State Budget c) Stage and Costume Design d) Acting e) Theatre in Education B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in Theatrical Studies</p><p>JOINT DOCTORATE DEGREES</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 38</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in cooperation with the University of France L’ Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Gov. Gazette 1737/Β΄/30-08-07 1. Paris (ENSMP) tel.2310-996000</p><p>2. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in cooperation with the Universite des Nantes of France Gov. Gazette 2321/Β΄/06-12-07 tel.2310-996000</p><p>3. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in cooperation with the Institute National Polytechnique de Grenoble of France Gov. Gazette 67/Β΄/22-01-08 tel.2310-996000</p><p>4. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in cooperation with the University of France Maine Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29-02-08 tel.2310-996000</p><p>5. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in cooperation with the Universities Alma Mater Studiorum, Università degli Studi di Bologna (Bologna, Ιtaly), Haute Ecole de Bruxelles, ISTI (Bruxelles, Belgium), Universidad de Extremadura (Càceres, Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29-02-08 Spain), Université de Haute Alsace (Mulhouse, France), and Université de Paris XII Val-de-Marne (Paris, France) tel.2310-996000</p><p>6. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in cooperation with the University of France Paris 8 –Vincent-Saint Denis of France Gov. Gazette 703/Β΄/22-04-08 tel.2310-996000</p><p>7. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in cooperation with the University of France Rennes 2 of France Gov. Gazette 703/Β΄/22-04-08 tel.2310-996000 Correct. Gov. Gazette 1123/Β΄/18-06-08</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 39</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>ATHENS UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS</p><p>DEPARTMENT TITLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>Α1. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 870/Β΄/26-11-93 MAJOR in corr. Gov. Gazette 7/Β΄/11-1-94 ‘’Economics’’ in the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 762/Β΄/28-8-96 1. Economic Theory corr. Gov. Gazette 401/Β΄/29-4-98 2. Applied Economics and Finance 988/Β΄/18-9-98 Α2. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1132/Β΄/23-10-98 1) ECONOMICS MAJOR in Banking Finance for amend. Gov. Gazette 672/Β΄/30-5-03 tel. 210-8203642-3-4-5 Business and Organization Executives, amend. Gov. Gazette 51/Β΄/19-1-04 and 210-8203689, 8828992 organised in cooperation with the Dep. corr. Gov. Gazette 835/Β’/21-06-05 of International and European Economic Tuition fees Studies and Statistics of A.U.E.B.</p><p>B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Economics </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Service Management (Master of Science in Service Management) WITH MAJOR : a) in Communication – Public Relations - Advertisement Gov. Gazette 1057/Β΄/30-7-03 2) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION b) in Development and Service amend. Gov. Gazette 446/Β΄/02-04-07 tel. 210- 8203642-5 Management of Alternative Tourism amend. Gov. Gazette 2513/Β΄/31-12-07 210-8828474, 8203638 c) in Shipping Service Management Tuition fees d) in Sports Organization Management e)in Mass Media and Entertainment Organization Management f) in Management Counselling B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (Ph.D. in Business Administration) 3) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (interdepartmental PSP in Gov. Gazette 965/Β΄/31-12-93 cooperation with the Dep. of A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH replac. Gov. Gazette 1085/Β΄/16-10-98 Marketing and Communication and MAJOR in Business Management for replac. Gov. Gazette 1036/Β΄/01-08-06 the Dep. of Information Technology &Executives (Executive M.B.A.) amend. Gov. Gazette 1912/Β΄/29-12-06 Management Science and Tuition fees Technology) tel. 210- 8203642-5 210-8828474, 8203638</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 40</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in «Business Management : Μ.B.A.» WITH MAJOR: 4) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION a) in Finance-Economic Management (interdepartmental PSP in b) in Marketing Management Gov. Gazette 1025/Β΄/31-07-06 cooperation with the Dep. of c) in Organization and Business amend. Gov. Gazette 1912/Β΄/29-12-06 Marketing and Communication) Management Tuition fees tel. 210- 8203642-5 d) in Organization and Management of 210-8828474, 8203638 Telecommunication Business and Organizations for Business executives B. DOCTORATE (Ph.D.in Business Administration) </p><p>Gov. Gazette 964/Β΄/31-12-93 amend. Gov. Gazette 721/Β΄/23-8-95 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 762/Β΄/28-8-96 5) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAJOR in the field of Information replac. Gov. Gazette 1212/Β΄/26-11-98 tel. 210-8203642-5 Systems Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1018/Β΄/24-7-03 MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette 1007/Β΄/19-7-05 6) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ‘’ Computer Science’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 275/Β΄/02-03-07 tel. 210-8203642-5 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Tuition fees in Computer Science</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Statistics (Μ.D.Ε.) in the fields: i) Statistics (Full Time) ii) Applied Statistics for Teachers and Business and Organization Executives Gov. Gazette 526/Β΄/6-7-94 (Part Time) amend. Gov. Gazette 822/Β΄/6-9-96 7) STATISTICS iii) Statistical Μethods in Management ofreplac. Gov. Gazette 1612/Β΄/22-11-05 tel. 210-8203681 Insurance Organizations (Part Time) amend. Gov. Gazette 1912/Β΄/29-12-06 iv) Statistical Μethods in Real Estate Tuition fees (Part Time) v) Statistical Μethods in Medicine and Pharmacy (Part Time) vi) Quantitative Μethods in Decision Making (Part Time) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>8) MARKETING AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Gov. Gazette 628/Β΄/23-6-98 COMMUNICATION ‘’Marketing and Communication with New replac. Gov. Gazette 565/Β΄/01-04-08 tel. 210-8203432, 8203665 Technologies’’ in the fields : Tuition fees a. Marketing with specific SPECIALIZATION 1. Sales Management, 2. Commercial Business Marketing, 3. Services Marketing b. Communication with specific specializations: 1. Advertisement, 2. Public Relations</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 41</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p> c. International Marketing d. International Communication B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>9) MARKETING AND Gov. Gazette 1196/Β΄/26-8-03 COMMUNICATION A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 415/Β΄/26-03-07 (in cooperation with the Dep. of MAJOR in ΄΄ Human Resources amend. Gov. Gazette 198/Β΄/08-02-08 Management Science and Management ΄΄ Tuition fees Technology of A.U.E.B.) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 210-8203631, 8203665</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) ‘’Master in Business Administration Ιnternational – MBA International) in the fields : Gov. Gazette 1151/Β΄/3-11-98 1. Business Administration replac. Gov. Gazette 324/Β΄/11-2-04 10) MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 2. Financial Engineering amend. Gov. Gazette 876/Β΄/14-6-04 AND ΤECHNOLOGY 3. Logistics and Transport Management amend. Gov. Gazette 1521/Β΄/16-10-06 tel. 210-8203662 4. Electronic Business Tuition fees 5. Entrepreneurship and New Business Development 6. Technology Management B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in ‘’Business Administration’’</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 964/Β΄/31-12-93 MAJOR: a) in International Economics amend. Gov. Gazette 749/Β΄/27-8-96 11) INTERNATIONAL AND and Finance amend. Gov. Gazette 1281/Β΄/2-10-02 EUROPEAN ECONOMIC STUDIES b) European Economic Studies amend. Gov. Gazette 924/Β΄/17-07-06 tel. 210-8203642-5 c) European Studies for Business and Tuition fees Organization Executives B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields of Αccounting and Gov. Gazette 383/Β΄/25-2-04 12) ΑCCOUNTING AND FINANCE Finance: amend. Gov. Gazette 1058/Β΄/27-07-05 - Αccounting Tuition fees tel. 210-8203633 - Finance </p><p>B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Αccounting and Finance </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 42</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>PANTEION UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL & POLITICAL SCIENCES</p><p>DEPARTMENT ΤΙTLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>Α MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 860/Β΄/23-11-93 1) ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL MAJOR in Urban and Regional amend. Gov. Gazette 642/Β΄/20-7-95 DEVELOPMENT Development DOCTORATE amend. Gov. Gazette 738/Β΄/25-8-97 Pr.Decree 202 ( 162/Α΄/98) DEGREE in Urban and Regional amend. Gov. Gazette 1817/Β΄/29-9-99 tel. 210-9201058, 9201048 Development State Budget </p><p>Α .MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR«International and European Studies» in the following fields : a. International Law and Diplomacy Studies b. International Relations and Strategic Studies c. International Economic, Finance and Banking Law d .European Law and Politics (Programme Jean Monnet ) e. Environmental Governance and 2) INTERNATIONAL AND Sustainable Development Gov. Gazette 482/Β΄/27-6-94 EUROPEAN STUDIES (Pr.D. 149 – (Programme Jean Monnet ) amend. Gov. Gazette 482/Β΄/24-6-96 128/Α΄/97) f. International Political Economy replac. Gov. Gazette 849/Β΄/12-8-98 (ex SCIENCE OF POLITICS AND amend. Gov. Gazette 633/Β΄/22-5-03 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE amend. Gov. Gazette 251/Β’/25-02-05 tel. 210-9201645 «International and European amend. Gov. Gazette 1788/Β΄/08-12-06 Studies» in the following: State Budget a. International Law b. Diplomatic History c. International Relations d. Strategic Studies e. International Economic Law f. European Law g. European Politics h. Environmental Governance and Sustainable Development h. International Political Economy </p><p>3) PSYCHOLOGY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 849/Β΄/12-8-98 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation MAJOR in ‘’Organizing and amend. Gov. Gazette 361/Β΄/28-3-03 with the Dep. of P.P.P of Athens) Economic Psychology’’ State Budget tel. 210-9201645</p><p>4) PSYCHOLOGY (in cooperation with the Dep. of A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Communication, Μedia and Civilization Gov. Gazette 1191/Β΄/26-8-03 MAJOR titled: ‘’Psychology and – ex Mass Media of Panteion State Budget Media’’ University) tel. 210-9201645 5) PSYCHOLOGY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1132/Β΄/27-7-04 (jointly with the Dep. of Applications of MAJOR titled: ‘’Potential State Budget Information Technology in Communities: Socio-Psychological Management and Economy of ΤΕΙ Approaches and Τechnical Μesologgi and in cooperation with the Applications’’ Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 43</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Research Academic Institute of Computer Technology of the University B. DOCTORATE DEGREE of Patra) tel. 210-9201645</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 849/Β΄/12-8-98 MAJOR in ‘Sociology’’ in the field : corr. Gov. Gazette 1205/Β΄/25-11-98 6) SOCIOLOGY a. Social Exclusion and Μinorities amend. Gov. Gazette 361/Β΄/28-3-03 tel. 210-9201645 b. Sociology of Contemporary replac. Gov. Gazette 979/Β΄/13-07-05 Greece c. Social and Political State Budget Theory </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 7) SOCIOLOGY MAJOR titled: Gov. Gazette 1200/Β΄/26-8-03 tel. 210-9201645 ‘’Contemporary Crime and how to State Budget Address it’’</p><p>8) COMMUNICATION, MEDIA AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1662/Β΄/13-12-01 CIVILIZATION MAJOR in Cultural Management ( amend. Gov. Gazette 880/Β΄/29-06-05 (ex Dep. of Communication and Μass ex Cultural Politics, Management amend. Gov. Gazette 913/Β΄/14-07-06 Media) and Communication) State Budget tel. 210-9201064, 5 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>9) SOCIAL POLITICS Α .MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (ex Dep. of Social Politics and Social MAJOR titled: ‘Methodology and Gov. Gazette 262/Β΄/01-03-06 Αnthropology) Applications in Social Politics΄ State Budget tel. 210-9201645 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Α .MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 10) SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY MAJOR titled: ‘Social and Cultural Gov. Gazette 262/Β’ /01-03-06 tel. 210-9201047 Anthropology’ State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Α .MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’Public Administration’’ in the fields: - National and European Community Administration - Law Civilization 11) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION - Science of Economics Gov. Gazette 324/Β΄/11-2-04 tel. 210-9201067 - Production and Management of State Budget Statistical Information - Taxation and Auditing - Modern Methods of Public Management and Administration (Public Management) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Α .MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 12) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MAJOR in: Gov. Gazette 1132/Β΄/27-7-04 tel. 210-9201067 ‘’Production Economics and State Budget Intersectoral Relations’’ B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 44</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Α .MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: 13) GENERAL LAW ‘’Law and European Integration’’ in Gov. Gazette 926/Β΄/21-6-04 tel. 210- 9201072 the fields : amend. 1319/Β΄/20-09-05 - Private Law State Budget - Public Law - Criminal Law and Theory of Law</p><p>Α .MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: 14) POLITICS AND HISTORY ‘’Politics and History’’ in the fields: Gov. Gazette 1132/Β΄/27-7-04 tel. 210- 9201043 a. Politics amend. 285/Β΄/07-03-05 b. Modern and Contemporary State Budget History</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF MACEDONIA ECONOMIC & SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT ΤITLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>Gov. Gazette 786/Β΄/6-10-93 1) ECONOMICS (interdepartmental amend. Gov. Gazette 849/Β΄/12-8-98 PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 127/Β΄/7-2-02 Business Administration, Αccounting MAJOR in Information Systems amend. Gov. Gazette 272/Β΄/10-2-04 and Finance) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE replac. Gov. Gazette 1597/Β΄/11-08-08 tel. 231-0-891531 Tuition fees </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Science of Economics in 2) ECONOMICS (interdepartmental Gov. Gazette 799/Β΄/6-10-93 the fields: PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of amend. Gov. Gazette 127/Β΄/7-2-02 a. Economic Theory and Politics Business Administration, Αccounting repl. Gov. Gazette 342/Β΄/24-3-03 b. Applied Economics and Finance and Finance) amend. Gov. Gazette 423/Β΄/07-04-06 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in fields tel. 231-0-891531 State Budget relevant to the Department’s Curriculum Gov. Gazette 787/Β΄/6-10-93 replac. Gov. Gazette 73/Β΄/8-2-99 3) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1662/Β΄/13-12-01 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette 619/Β΄/20-5-03 with the Dep. of Αccounting and ‘Business Administration’ amend. Gov. Gazette 895/Β΄/01-07-05 Finance and Economics) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE amend. Gov. Gazette 1079/Β΄/08-08-06 tel. 231-0-891530 Tuition fees</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 45</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Accounting and Finance in the fields: Gov. Gazette 1566/Β΄/20-10-04 4) ΑCCOUNTING AND FINANCE i) Accounting and amend. Gov. Gazette 610/Β΄/09-04-08 tel. 231-0-891461 ii) Finance Tuition fees 231-0-891441 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the subjects of the MASTER OF SCIENCE Degree 5) ΑCCOUNTING AND FINANCE (joint interuniversity PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Αccounting and MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Finance of the Administration Faculty Gov. Gazette 877/Β΄/11-07-06 MAJOR in «Accounting and of the Lancaster University (Great Tuition fees Finance» for Business executives Britain) tel. 231-0-891461 231-0-891441 A.MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Strategic Administrative Accounting and Finance in the 6) ΑCCOUNTING AND FINANCE fields: Gov. Gazette 2054/Β΄/06-10-08 tel. 231-0-891461 I) Accounting Tuition fees 231-0-891441 ii) Finance B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the subjects of the MASTER OF SCIENCE Degree </p><p>7) APPLIED INFORMATION A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH TECHNOLOGY MAJOR in the following fields: Gov. Gazette 855/Β΄/30-6-03 (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Business 1. Computer Systems amend. Gov. Gazette 228/Β΄/20-02-06 Administration and Electronics of Τ.Ε.Ι. 2. Business Information Technology Tuition fees Western Macedonia) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 231-0-891217</p><p>Gov. Gazette 1133/Β΄/27-7-04 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1612/Β’/22-11-05 8) INTERNATIONAL AND MAJOR in International Studies in amend. Gov. Gazette 956/Β’/14-06-07 EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND the following fields : amend. Gov. Gazette 187/Β΄/07-02-08 POLITICAL STUDIES 1. European Studies and Diplomacy replac. Gov. Gazette 2051/Β΄/03-10-08 tel. 231-0- 891454, 2 2. Strategic Studies and Tuition fees International Politics</p><p>MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 9) INTERNATIONAL AND MAJOR in the field of EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND ‘’ Total Quality Management in POLITICAL STUDIES Public Services, Public (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Organizations and Public Gov. Gazette 565/Β΄/01-04-08 with the Dep. of Business Businesses Administration) Tuition fees Administration of the University of (Master of Total Quality Macedonia Economic and Social Management in Public Sciences) Administration) tel. 231-0- 891454, 2</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 46</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields : Gov. Gazette 1567/Β΄/20-10-04 10) EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL a) Continued Education amend. Gov. Gazette 956/Β΄/14-06-07 POLICY b) Special Education amend. Gov. Gazette 2054/Β΄/06-10-08 tel.231-0-891253, 891258 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the State Budget Department’s fields</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 11) BALKAN, SLAVIC AND MAJOR in Policies and Economics Gov. Gazette 1587/Β΄/17-08-07 ORIENTAL STUDIES of Contemporary Eastern and corr. Gov. Gazette 2387/Β΄/18-12-07 tel.231-0-891376 South-Εastern Europe Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in fields relevant to the PSP </p><p>JOINT DOCTORATE DEGREES</p><p>University of Macedonia Economic & Social Sciences in Gov. Gazette 1912/Β΄/29-12-06 1. cooperation with the University Νantes of France tel.231-0-891245</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 47</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF PATRA DEPARTMENT ΤΙΤLE- SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS Gov. Gazette 240/Β΄/8-4-93 amend. Gov. Gazette 472/Β΄/29-6-93 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 1) MEDICINE Gov. Gazette 371/Β΄/19-5-94 MAJOR (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation replac.Gov. Gazette 73/Β΄/8-2-99 in Medical Physics with the Dep. of Physics) corr. Gov. Gazette1288/Β΄/22-6-99 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 261-0-997550 amend. Gov. Gazette 41/Β΄/22-1-03 in Medical Physics replac.Gov. Gazette 2162/Β΄/17-10-08 State Budget A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 2) MEDICINE MAJOR in Βiomedical Technology in Gov. Gazette 638/Β΄/26-8-94 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation with the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 73/Β΄/8-2-99 the Dep. of Electrical and Computer 1. Βiomedical Electronic and amend. Gov. Gazette 71/Β΄/29-1-01 Engineering and Computer Engineering Information Technology amend. Gov. Gazette 812/Β΄/27-6-01 N.T.U.A. and Mechanical Engineering 2. Bioengineering amend. Gov. Gazette 187/Β΄/19-2-03 N.T.U.A.) 3. Clinical Engineering replac. Gov. Gazette 1737/Β΄/30-8-07 tel. 261-0-997550 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in State Budget Βiomedical Technology Gov. Gazette 868/Β΄/26-11-93 add. Gov. Gazette 234/Β΄/5-4-94 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 562/Β΄/28-6-95 MAJOR in amend. Gov. Gazette 633/Β΄/24-6-98 3) MEDICINE Applications of Basic Medical replac. Gov. Gazette 73/Β΄/8-2-99 tel. 261-0-997550 Sciences amend. Gov. Gazette 1383/Β΄/22-10-01 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE replac. Gov. Gazette 1506/Β΄/3-12-02 amend. Gov. Gazette 1737/Β΄/26-11-03 State Budget </p><p>DOCTORATE DEGREE in the fields 4) MEDICINE of Clinical and Clinicolaboratory Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/20-2-02 tel. 261-0-997550 Medical Specializations </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1630/Β΄/6-11-03 5) MEDICINE MAJOR in ‘’Information Technology of amend. Gov. Gazette 423/Β΄/07-04-06 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Biosciences’’ in the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 668/Β΄/30-4-07 with the Dep. of Biology, Pharmacy and 1. Βioinformation Technology amend. Gov. Gazette 2118/Β΄/14-10-08 Physics) 2. Νeuroinformation Technology tel. 261-0-997550 3. Medical Information Technology State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 48</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Faculty of Pharmacy and Technology’’ in the fields: a. Βioengineering Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Analysis Gov. Gazette 787/Β΄/6-10-93 b. Pharmacochemistry – Natural amend. Gov. Gazette 562/Β΄/28-6-95 6) PHARMACY Products: Design, Synthesis and amend. Gov. Gazette 1191/Β΄/27-9-00 tel. 261-0-997537 Analysis of Bioactive Compounds replac. Gov. Gazette 1525/Β΄/14-11-01 c. Molecular Pharmacology- Clinical amend. Gov. Gazette 926/Β΄/21-6-04 Pharmacy State Budget d. Pharmaceutical Βiotechnology and Βiomedicine e. Pharmaceutical Marketing B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Gov. Gazette 867/Β΄/26-11-93 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 562/Β΄/28-6-95 MAJOR in the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 1138/Β΄/22-12-97 a) Applied Physics corr. Gov. Gazette 616/Β΄/18-6-98 b) Materials Physics 7) PHYSICS amend. Gov. Gazette 849/Β΄/12-8-98 c) Theoretical, Computational Physics tel. 261-0-997471 amend. Gov. Gazette 1074/Β΄/30-8-00 and Αstrophysics amend. Gov. Gazette 1515/Β΄/14-12-00 d) Electronics and Computers amend. Gov. Gazette 1737/Β΄/26-11-03 e) Photonics – Lasers amend. Gov. Gazette 1571/Β΄/26-10-06 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget Gov. Gazette 763/Β΄/28-8-96 8) PHYSICS A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 738/Β΄/25-8-97 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation MAJOR in ‘’Polymer Science and replac. Gov. Gazette 988/Β΄/18-9-98 with the Dep. of Chemistry and Technology’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 396/Β΄/9-4-01 Chemical Engineering of Patra and B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in replac. Gov. Gazette 1465/Β΄/21-11-02 Chemistry of Ioannina) ‘’Polymer Science and Technology’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 1317/Β΄/16-9-03 tel. 261-0-997471 State Budget </p><p>9) PHYSICS (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 575/Β΄/12-5-03 with the Dep. of Medicine, Biology and MAJOR in ‘’Electronics and amend. Gov. Gazette 1476/29-9-04 Electrical and Computer Engineering Information Processing’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 1346/Β΄/01-08-07 and Information Technology) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget tel. 261-0-997471</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields : a) Chemistry of Bio-organic and Gov. Gazette 866/Β΄/26-11-93 Pharmaceutical Products amend. Gov. Gazette 762/Β΄/28-8-96 10) CHEMISTRY b) Chemistry of Advanced Technologyamend. Gov. Gazette 123/Β΄/26-2-97 tel. 261-0-997101 Materials amend. Gov. Gazette 1036/Β΄/23-8-00 c) Applied Βiochemistry- amend. Gov. Gazette 1537/Β΄/17-10-03 Βiotechnology State Budget d) Environmental Analysis B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 49</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>The PSP ‘’Medicine – Chemistry : Design and Development of 11) CHEMISTRY Gov. Gazette 1002/Β΄/24-9-98 Pharmaceutical Products‘’ awards : (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation amend. Gov. Gazette 373/Β΄/31-3-03 Α .MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH with the Dep. of Pharmacy) State Budget MAJOR in the field of Medical tel. 261-0-997101 Chemistry B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>12) CHEMISTRY (international- interuniversity PSP in Gov. Gazette 181/Β΄/12-3-97 cooperation with the Dep. of Chemistry A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 705/Β΄/6-6-01 Ιoannina and School of Biomedical MAJOR amend. Gov. Gazette 193/Β΄/20-2-03 Sciences of the University Ulster – in Food Biotechnology State Budget Great Britain) tel. 261-0-997101</p><p>Gov. Gazette 867/Β΄/26-11-93 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 628/Β΄/22-8-94 MAJOR in the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 562/Β΄/28-6-95 13) BIOLOGY a. Biological Technology amend. 474/Β΄/20-6-96 tel. 261-0-997538 b. Ecology, Management and replac. 1184/Β΄/16-11-98 Protection of Natural Environment replac. 186/Β΄/19-2-03 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE replac. 2280/Β΄/30-11-07 State Budget </p><p>14) BIOLOGY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Gov. Gazette 763/Β΄/28-8-96 MAJOR in Environmental Sciences with the Dep. of Geology, Mathematics, amend. Gov. Gazette 187/ Β΄/19-2-03 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Physics and Chemistry) State Budget Environmental Sciences tel. 261-0-997538</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’Mathematics and Modern Gov. Gazette 921/Β΄/23-12-93 Applications’’ in the fields : 15) MATHEMATICS amend. Gov. Gazette 2003/Β΄/11-11-99 a. Theoretical Mathematics tel. 261-0-997221 replac. Gov. Gazette 373/Β΄/31-3-03 b. Applied Mathematics State Budget c. Computational Mathematics – Information Technology in Εducation B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>16) MATHEMATICS (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1085/Β΄/16-10-98 with the Dep. of Electrical and MAJOR titled ‘’Mathematics for amend. Gov. Gazette 415/Β΄/26-03-07 Computer Engineering and Information Computers and Decision Making’’ State Budget Technology) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 261-0-997221</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 50</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Gov. Gazette 869/Β΄/26-11-93 Α .MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 562/Β΄/28-6-95 MAJOR in Civil Engineering in the amend. Gov. Gazette 942/Β΄/2-9-98 fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 673/Β΄/30-5-03 - Earthquake Resistant Structure amend. Gov. Gazette 880/Β΄/14-6-04 Design 17) CIVIL ENGINEERING amend. add. Gov. Gazette 423/Β΄/07- - Geotechnical Engineering tel. 261-0-997643 04-06 - Water Resources and Environment State Budget - Transportation, Construction Management and Planning B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Civil Engineering </p><p>CIVIL ENGINEERING (joint PSP in cooperation with the Universities: Pavia (Italy), Joseph MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Fourier Grenoble (France), London MAJOR in Seismical Engineering Imperial College (Great Britain), amend. add. Gov. Gazette 423/Β΄/07- and/or Technical Seismology Instituto Nazionale di Geophysica e 04-06(Er.-Mu.) Vulcanologia Rome (Italy) and the Community Joint Research Center ISPRA (Ιtaly) part of Erasmus Mundus) tel. 261-0-997643</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 870/Β΄/26-11-93 MAJOR in the fields : amend. Gov. Gazette 562/Β΄/28-6-95 1. Materials Science and Technology corr. Gov. Gazette 1062/Β΄/22-12-95 2. Εnergy and Environment 18) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING amend. Gov. Gazette 738/Β΄/25-8-97 3. Physical, Chemical and tel. 261-0-997580 replac. Gov. Gazette 1073/Β΄/14-10-98 Βiochemical Processes amend. Gov. Gazette 2003/Β΄/11-11-99 4. Process Modeling, Optimization amend. Gov. Gazette 1056/Β΄/30-7-03 and Control State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Gov. Gazette 247/Β΄/7-4-94 amend. Gov. Gazette 598/Β΄/7-7-95 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 19) COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND replac. Gov. Gazette 1212/Β΄/26-11-98 MAJOR in ‘’Computer Science and INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY replac. Gov. Gazette 1022/Β΄/24-7-03 Technology’’ tel. 261-0-997642 amend. Gov. Gazette 1660/Β΄/29-11-05 B. DOCTORATE amend. Gov. Gazette 928/Β΄/11-06-07 State Budget 20) COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Gov. Gazette 1225/Β΄/1-12-98 (PSP with the participation of A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH replac. Gov. Gazette 1014/Β΄/24-7-03 Μicroelectronics and Information MAJOR in ‘’Hardware and Software amend. Gov. Gazette 1660/Β΄/29-11-05 Technology and Telecommunication of Integrated Systems’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 928/Β΄/11-06-07 NCSR “Demokritos”) State Budget tel. 261-0-997642</p><p>Gov. Gazette 1267/Β΄/21-12-98 replac. Gov. Gazette 969/Β΄/15-7-03 21) COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1660/Β΄/29-11-05 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAJOR titled: ‘’Signal Processing and amend. Gov. Gazette 1707/Β΄/22-11-06 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Communication Systems: Theory, amend. Gov. Gazette 928/Β΄/11-06-07 with the Dep. of Physics ) Implementations, Applications’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 366/Β΄/05-03-08 tel. 261-0-997642 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE corr. Gov. Gazette 701/Β’/22-04-08 State Budget </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 51</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Gov. Gazette 248/Β΄/7-4-94 amend. Gov. Gazette 562/Β΄/28-6-95 amend. Gov. Gazette 123/Β΄/26-2-97 amend. Gov. Gazette 738/Β΄/25-8-97 22) ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER amend. Gov. Gazette 123/Β΄/18-2-98 ENGINEERING amend. Gov. Gazette 2123/Β΄/6-12-99 (ex Electrical Engineering) DOCTORATE DEGREE amend. Gov. Gazette 1383/Β΄/22-10-01 tel. 261-0-997280 amend. Gov. Gazette 794/Β΄/ 27-6-02 amend. Gov. Gazette 1067/Β΄/14-8-02 amend. Gov. Gazette 1676/Β΄/13-11-03 amend. Gov. Gazette 1476/Β’ /29-9-04 </p><p>Gov. Gazette 868/Β΄/26-11-93 23) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING amend. Gov. Gazette 562/Β΄/28-6-95 AND AERONAUTICS amend. Gov. Gazette 23/Β΄/20-1-97 DOCTORATE DEGREE (ex Mechanical Engineering) amend. Gov. Gazette 1514/Β΄/14-12-00 tel. 261-0-997192 amend. Gov. Gazette 192/Β΄/20-2-03 </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields: a. Applied and Environmental Geology Gov. Gazette 74/Β΄/3-2-94 24) GEOLOGY b. Environmental Oceanography amend. Gov. Gazette 634/Β΄/18-7-95 tel. 261-0-997516 c. Environmental and Marine amend. Gov. Gazette 1737/Β΄/26-11-03 Geochemistry State Budget d. Geology of Land Planning e. Earth Materials B. DOCTORATE in Geology</p><p>PSP PROGRAMME in ’Applied Mathematics and Physics Sciences’’ 25) GENERAL in two fields: Gov. Gazette 403/Β΄/27-2-04 (Τ) tel. 261-0-997544 a. Applied Mathematics b. Applied Physics</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Νew Trends in Business 26) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Gov. Gazette 741/Β΄/18-5-04 Administration (M.B.A.)’’ tel. 261-0-996327 State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in ’Νew Trends in Business Administration</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Gov. Gazette 741/Β΄/18-5-04 27) MATERIALS SCIENCE ‘’ Materials Science” amend. Gov. Gazette 423/Β΄/07-04-06 tel. 261-0-996358 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget in ‘’Materials Science”</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 52</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’Science of Economics’’ in the fields : 1. Applied Economics Gov. Gazette 1088/Β΄/19-7-04 28) ECONOMICS 2. Applied Μicroeconomics and amend. Gov. Gazette 928/Β΄/11-06-07 tel. 261-0-996270, 996650 Marketing State Budget 3. Financial Analysis and Management B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above fields</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Educational Sciences in the fields: Gov. Gazette 966/Β΄/31-12-93 29) EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES – a. Social Theory, Policy and Practice in amend. Gov. Gazette 584/Β΄/4-7-95 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Education b. Psychology in Education – amend. Gov. Gazette 1091/Β΄/4-12-96 Special Needs Education tel. 261-0-997672 c. Language, Art and Culture in Education replac. Gov. Gazette 42/Β΄/22-1-03 d. Natural Sciences Didactics: Curriculum, State Budget Evaluation and ICT in Education. B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Educational Sciences </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) in Educational Sciences in the fields: 1. Lifelong Education: Policies, training and Information and Communication Technologies 2. Learning Disabilities- Dyslexia 3. History of Education and Museum Gov. Gazette 785/Β΄/6-10-93 Didactics amend. Gov. Gazette 235/Β΄/30-3-95 30) ) EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES – 4. Philosophy of Education amend. Gov. Gazette 644/Β΄/26-6-98 PRIMARY EDUCATION 5. Intercultural Education and Teaching replac. Gov. Gazette 42/Β΄/22-1-03 tel. 261-0-997628 Greek as a Second or Foreign Language 6. Development and Counselling in amend. Gov. Gazette 1852/Β΄/12-09-08 Vocation State Budget 7. Special Education: Deaf and Hard-of- hearing Education 8. Curriculum and Instruction in: i) Language Teaching and ii)Teaching Mathematics and Physical Sciences B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in Educational Sciences </p><p>Gov. Gazette 1133/Β΄/27-7-04 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 31) PHILOLOGY amend. Gov. Gazette 1319/Β΄/20-09-05 MAJOR in ‘’Comparative Linguistics tel. 261-0-996195 amend. Gov. Gazette 928/Β΄/11-06-07 and Language Variation’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 366/Β΄/05-03-08 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 53</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) in Philosophy in the fields : 32) PHILOSOPHY Gov. Gazette 1548/Β΄/23-10-06 a. Ethics and Political Philosophy tel.261-0-997155 State Budget b. Epistemology and Metaphysics B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in Philosophy</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1088/Β΄/19-7-04 33) THEATRE STUDIES MAJOR in “Ancient Greek Theatre” amend. Gov. Gazette 928/Β΄/11-06-07 tel. 261-0- 997210, 996156 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the field “Urban Planning 34) ARCHITECT ENGINEERS Gov. Gazette 456/Β΄/08-04-05 and Town Transformations” tel.2610-996357 State Budget </p><p>JOINT DOCTORATE DEGREES</p><p>University of Patra in cooperation with the University of 1. Gov. Gazette 2409/Β΄/21-12-07 Barcelona, Spain tel.2610-991822,991040 </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 54</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF IOANNINA</p><p>DEPARTMENT TITLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) in the following fields: a. Mathematics (Analysis – Algebra – Geometry) b. Statistics and Business Research Gov. Gazette 787/Β΄/6-10-93 1) MATHEMATICS replac. Gov. Gazette 1788/Β΄/08-12-06 tel. 2651-0-97190 ,1 c. Applied Mathematics and State Budget Engineering d. Computational Mathematics and Information Technology e. Mathematics for Education B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in Mathematics</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields: 1. Chemical and Βiochemical Technologies in the fields: a. Clinical Βιοchemistry and Immunochemistry – Micro Βiotechnology b. Chemical, Environmental and Gov. Gazette 87/Β΄/10-2-94 Computing Technology – amend. Gov. Gazette 1161/Β΄/27-12-96 2) CHEMISTRY Simulation replac. Gov. Gazette 188/Β΄/19-2-03 tel. 2651-0-97194-5 c. New Materials Chemistry - State Budget Polymers d. Food Science and Technology e. Chemistry Analysis Techniques and Applications 2. New Technologies in Chemical Education B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Chemistry</p><p>3) CHEMISTRY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 673/Β΄/3-7-98 (interuniversity PSP in cooperation with MAJOR in ‘’Βioinorganic amend. Gov. Gazette 361/Β΄/28-3-03 the Dep. of Chemistry and Chemical Chemistry’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 751/Β΄/22-06-06 Engineering of A.U.T.H.and Chemistry B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in State Budget of the University Patra) Chemistry tel. 2651-0-97194-5</p><p>4) CHEMISTRY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation MAJOR titled: with the Dep. of Biological Applications ‘’Rural Chemistry and Organic Gov. Gazette 554/Β΄/8-5-03 and Τechnologies of the University Farming’’ in the following fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 928/Β΄/11-06-07 Ioannina and jointly with the Dep. of 1. Environmental Rural Chemistry State Budget Floriculture – Landscape Architecture, 2. Organic Farming Plant Production, Animal Production B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in fields and Ichthiocomy – Fisheries of the relevant with the Departments of Agriculture Dep. of ΤΕΙ Ηepeiros) Chemistry and Biological tel. 2651-0-97194-5 Applications and Technologies</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 55</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in 5) CHEMISTRY ‘’Food Science and Nutrition’’ in the Gov. Gazette 1737/Β΄/26-11-03 (jointly with the Dep. of Food following specializations: amend. Gov. Gazette 1404/Β΄/6-8-07 Technology and the Dep. of Nutrition of 1. Chemistry and Food Technology amend. Gov. Gazette 938/Β΄/21-05-08 ΤΕΙ Thessaloniki and the Dep. of Food 2. Nutrition State Budget Technology of TEI Athens) 3. Food Production Integrated tel. 2651-0-97194-5 Systems 4. Food Quality and Safety </p><p>6) CHEMISTRY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 979/Β’ /13-07-05 (jointly with the Dep. of Vehicles of ΤΕΙ MAJOR titled :’Environment and amend. Gov. Gazette 668/Β΄/30-4-07 Thessaloniki) New Technologies’ Own resources tel. 2651-0-97194-5 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in fields relevant to the two Departments </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in fields relating with Mental Health Professionals: Gov. Gazette 465/Β΄/29-6-93 a. Doctors b. Psychologists c. add. Gov. Gazette 531/Β΄/7-7-94 7) MEDICINE Nurses d. Social Workers e. amend. Gov. Gazette 490/Β΄/29-4-99 tel. 2651-0-97201, 97182 Occupational Therapists amend. Gov. Gazette 67/Β΄/22-01-08 f. Sociologists g. Teachers Tuition fees h. Other specializations. B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Social Psychotherapy</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 8) MEDICINE Gov. Gazette 942/Β’/2-9-98 MAJOR in the field of (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation amend. Gov. Gazette 619/Β΄/20-5-03 ‘’Βiotechnology’’ with the Dep. of Chemistry) amend. Gov. Gazette 1564/Β΄/14-11-05 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in tel. 2651-0-97201, 97182 State Budget ‘’Βiotechnology’’</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’Nursing Pathology’’ in the fields: Gov. Gazette 855/Β΄/30-6-03 9) MEDICINE a. in Nursing Care, before, during amend. Gov. Gazette 1317/Β΄/16-9-03 (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Nursing of and after endoscopy amend. Gov. Gazette 1404/Β΄/6-8-07 Health and Care Professions Dep. of b. in Nursing Care of Liver disease amend. Gov. Gazette 938/Β΄/21-05-08 Τ.Ε.Ι. Ηepeiros) patients State Budget tel. 2651-0-97201, 97182 c. in Nursing Care for addressing infectious disease and infections B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above specializations</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 56</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>10) MEDICINE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (in cooperation (previously co- MAJOR in Addressing Pain organization) with the General Gov. Gazette 442/Β΄/4-3-04 Department of Basic Medical Lessons B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in amend. Gov. Gazette 679/Β΄/30-4-07 of Faculty of Health and Caring Addressing Pain Tuition fees Professions of T.E.I. Athens) tel. 2651-0-97201, 97182</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 252/Β΄/7-4-94 11) PHYSICS MAJOR in the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 466/Β΄/20-6-96 tel. 2651-0-97192, 97193, 97490, a) Physics b) Photonics replac. Gov. Gazette 43/Β΄/22-1-03 97491 c) Materials Science State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled ‘’Αtmospheric Gov. Gazette 614/Β΄/8-8-94 Sciences and Environment” (ex amend. Gov. Gazette 1635/Β΄/20-8-99 12) PHYSICS Μeteorology and amend. Gov. Gazette 42/Β΄/22-1-03 tel. 2651-0-97192, 97193, 97490, Climatology) amend. Gov. Gazette 2381/Β’ /14-12-07 97491 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in State Budget ‘’Αtmospheric Sciences and Environment” 13) PHYSICS (in cooperation with the Dep. of A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 749/Β΄/27-8-96 Chemistry and the Laboratory of MAJOR replac. Gov. Gazette 43/Β΄/22-1-03 Medical Physics of the Medical School In New Electronic Technologies State Budget of the University Ιoannina) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 2651-0-97192, 97193, 97490, in New Electronic Technologies 97491</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1980/Β΄/31-12-03 14) PHYSICS MAJOR in amend. Gov. Gazette 1404/Β΄/6-8-07 tel. 2651-0-97192, 97193, 97490, ‘’New Technologies and Research State Budget 97491 in Teaching Physics’’</p><p>15) PHYSICS A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Gov. Gazette 1132/Β΄/27-7-04 MAJOR in Τeleinformation Technology and amend. Gov. Gazette 1404/Β΄/6-8-07 ‘’Τelecommunication Applications’’ Management of ΤΕΙ Ηepeiros) State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in tel. 2651-0-97192, 97193, 97490, « Telecommunication Applications’’ 97491</p><p>Gov. Gazette 628/Β΄/23-6-98 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1067/Β΄/14-8-02 MAJOR titled : «Information replac. Gov. Gazette 1018/Β΄/24-7-03 Technology» in the fields : amend. Gov. Gazette 272/Β΄/10-2-04 1. Computational Systems 16) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY amend. Gov. Gazette 880/Β’/29-06-05 2. Theory of Computer Science tel. 2651-0-97196 amend. Gov. Gazette 1367/Β΄/14-07-08 3. Software State Budget 4. Scientific Computations 5. Τechnologies – Applications B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 57</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1022/Β΄/24-7-03 MAJOR (SFC) in amend. Gov. Gazette 1375/Β΄/3-8-07 ‘’Economic Analysis and Finance’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 938/Β΄/21-05-08 17) ECONOMICS in the following fields : replac. Gov. Gazette 1306/Β΄/07-07-08 tel. 2651-0- 97497,8 a) Economic Analysis State Budget b) Finance and QuantitIve Methods B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD)</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: 18) ENVIRONMENTAL AND ‘’Sustainable Management for NATURAL RESOURCES Protected Areas’’ in the fields : Gov. Gazette 1022/Β΄/24-7-03 MANAGEMENT 1. Natural Environment of Protectedamend. Gov. Gazette 938/Β΄/21-05-08 (interdepartmental – interuniversity Areas Conservation and State Budget PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Management Biology of the University Patra and 2. Protected Areas Management Biology of A.U.T.H) Τechnologies tel. 2641-0- 39510, 39512 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE relating to Sustainable Management for Protected Areas</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in : a) Βyzantine History 19) HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY b) Βyzantine Archaeology and Art Gov. Gazette 482/Β΄/24-6-96 (interdepartmental PSP in ‘’Μedieval c) Medieval Greek Literature replac. Gov. Gazette 1006/Β΄/25-9-98 Studies’’ in cooperation with the d) Balkan History amend. Gov. Gazette 1578/Β΄/18-12-02 Philology Department) e) Μedieval European History State Budget tel. 2651-0-97232,1 f) Greek-Arabic Studies 2651-0-97181 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Philosophy</p><p>20) HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Gov. Gazette 926/Β΄/21-6-04 tel. 2651-0-97232,1 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 366/Β΄/05-03-08 2651-0-97181 MAJOR titled: State Budget ‘’Modern and Contemporary Greek Society: History – Popular Culture” in two fields : 1. History With specializations in: 1. Economic systems and mentality in Greek Territory (15th – 19th c.) 2. Historical Geography of the Greek and Balkan Region 3. The Greek 19th century: from the “Primitive Revolution” to Urban Modernization 4. Βalkan History 5. European History 20th c. 6. European History of Modern Times 7. Historical Demography of the Greek and Balkan Region 8. Τurkish Sciences 9. Theory, Sources and Methodology of Humanistic Studies 10. Νew and Modern History 2. Popular Culture with specializations in: Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 58</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>1. Theory and Methodology of Contemporary Greek Folklore 2. Social and Economic Structures of Traditional Society 3. Collective Mentality, Popular World View and Folk Art 4. Tradition, Collective Memory and Identities B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above fields and specializations</p><p>21) MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation MAJOR in : ‘’Materials Chemistry Gov. Gazette 1570/Β΄/20-10-04 with the Dep. of Chemistry of the and Technology’’ State Budget University Ioannina, jointly with the B. DOCTORATE DEGREE General Department Physics – in ’Materials Chemistry and Chemistry and Materials Technology of Technology’’ T.E.I. Athens) tel.2651-0-97109</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: Gov. Gazette 1640/Β΄/10-12-01 a) Classical Literature 22) PHILOLOGY amend. Gov. Gazette 1889/Β΄/14-09-07 b) Μedieval and Modern Greek tel. 2651-0-97476, 97179 State Budget Literature c) Linguistics B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>23) PHILOSOPHY, PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Gov. Gazette 738/Β΄/17-7-98 MAJOR with the Dep. of Primary Education of amend. Gov. Gazette 1465/Β΄/21-11-02 in the fields of Greek Philosophy- University Ioannina, and Philosophical State Budget Philosophy of Sciences and Social Studies of the University of B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Crete) tel. 2651-0-95676</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE in: 1. History and Sociology of Education 24) PHILOSOPHY, PEDAGOGY AND 2. Pedagogy and Psychology Gov. Gazette 314/Β’/15-3-02 PSYCHOLOGY in School State Budget tel. 2651-0-95676 3. Comparative and Intercultural Education 4. Administration and Evaluation in Education B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 59</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE in: ‘’Dyslexia: Communication in a 25) PHILOSOPHY, PEDAGOGY AND Multilingual Environment and Gov. Gazette 1023/Β΄/24-7-03 PSYCHOLOGY Technology Usage to Address it” in amend. Gov. Gazette 1404/Β΄/6-8-07 (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Speech the fields: State Budget Therapy of ΤΕΙ Patra) a. Dyslexia and Communication in a tel. 2651-0-95676 Multilingual Environment b. Dyslexia and Technology Usage to Address it B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR Gov. Gazette 159/Β’/13-2-02 26) PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION In Educational Sciences in specific State Budget tel. 2651-0-97454, 5 fields (direction) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in specific fields (direction)</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Educational Sciences Gov. Gazette 1132/Β΄/27-7-04 27) PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION WITH MAJOR in : ‘’Speech amend. Gov. Gazette 1346/Β΄/01-8-07 (jointly with the Dep. of Speech Therapy – Addressing Problems in amend. Gov. Gazette 938/Β΄/21-05-08 Therapy of ΤΕΙ Hepeiros) Oral and Written Speech (learning State Budget tel. 2651-0-97454, 5 difficulties)” B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 28) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OF MAJOR in «MBA Food Business FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL Administration» in the following PRODUCTS fields : Gov. Gazette 1485/Β΄/06-10-06 (ex Department of Agricultural a) Μarketing – Business State Budget Enterprises Administration and Administration( Management) Management) b)Total Quality Management tel. 2641-0-39543 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>29) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 383/Β΄/25-2-04 PRODUCTS MAJOR amend. Gov. Gazette 1375/Β΄/3-8-07 (ex Department of Agricultural in ‘’Certification of Agricultural amend. Gov. Gazette 938/Β΄/21-05-08 Enterprises Administration and Quality Products” State Budget Management) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (in cooperation with the Dep. of in ‘’Certification of Agricultural Environmental and Natural Resources Quality Products” Management and Medicine of the University Ιoannina) tel. 2641-0-39543</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 60</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields: a) Plastic Arts and Art Sciences 30) PLASTIC ARTS AND ART Gov. Gazette 573/Β΄/08-05-06 b) Art History /Theory – Εxhibitions SCIENCES State Budget c) Multimedia (3D-Animation,Video, tel. 2651-0-97274 Cinema, Digital Art) and d) Fine Arts B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>HAROKOPIO UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT TITLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled : ‘Applied Dietetics and Nutrition” in the fields: Gov. Gazette 1507/Β΄/9-11-01 1) DIETETICS AND NUTRITIONAL a) Clinical Nutrition amend. Gov. Gazette 1479/Β΄/27-10-05 SCIENCE b) Nutrition and Public Health amend. Gov. Gazette 1608/Β΄/17-8-07 tel. 210-9549158 c) Nutrition and Exercise Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in fields of Applied Dietetics and Nutrition</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’Sustainable Gov. Gazette 1507/Β΄/9-11-01 Development’’ in the fields: 2) HOME ECONOMICS AND replac. Gov. Gazette 383/Β΄/25-2-04 1. Local Development ECOLOGY corr. Gov. Gazette 593/Β΄/22-4-04 2. Environmental Management tel. 210-9549263 amend. Gov. Gazette 1144/Β΄/09-07-07 3. Consumer’s Education Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in fields of Sustainable Development</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled : ‘’Education and Culture” in the following fields: 1. Pedagogy Psychology and 3) HOME ECONOMICS AND Educational Process Gov. Gazette 1610/Β΄/17-8-07 ECOLOGY 2. Administration and Management Tuition fees tel. 210-9549263 of Educational Units 3. Educational and Culture B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above fields </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 61</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’Applied Geography and Space Management’’ in the fields 1. Management of Natural and Human caused Catastrophies 4) GEOGRAPHY 2. Geographical Data Management Gov. Gazette 272/Β΄/10-2-04 tel. 210-9549150-1 and Analysis Tuition fees 3. Development and Management of European Space B. DOCTORATE DEGREE In fields of Applied Geography and Space Management and relevant fields of Geography </p><p>JOINT DOCTORATE DEGREES Harokopio University in cooperation with the Université Paris XII-Val de Marne, France Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29-02-08 tel.210-9249100</p><p>DEMOCRITUS UNIVERSITY OF THRACE DEPARTMENT TITLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Physical Education in : ‘’ Exercise and Quality of Life’’ in the fields: : a) Optimalization of Sport 1) PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND Performance Gov. Gazette 240/Β΄/8-4-93 SPORTS SCIENCE b) Pedagogy and Creative Learning amend. Gov. Gazette 633/Β΄/24-6-98 (interuniversity – interdepartmental c) Prevention- Intervention - replac. Gov. Gazette 825/Β΄/2-7-02 PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Rehabilitation amend. Gov. Gazette 382/Β΄/1-4-03 Physical Education and Sports Science d) Physical Activity and Sport Tuition fees of the University Thessaly) Recreation tel. 2531-0-39633 e) Organization of Happenings for Social Contribution and Spectacles f) Greek and International Dances B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Physical Education</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 62</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR: 1. Μ.D.Ε. of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering in the fields: Ι. Μicroelectronic and Information Technology Systems ΙΙ. Communication and Satellite Telecommunication Technology Systems ΙΙΙ. Energy and Renewable Energy Gov. Gazette 495/Β΄/30-6-94 Sources Technology Systems. replac. Gov. Gazette 781/Β΄/23-6-00 2. Μ.D.Ε. in Electrical and Computer replac. Gov. Gazette 1676/Β΄/13-11-03 2) ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER Engineering in the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 573/Β΄/20-4-07 ENGINEERING Ι. Μicroelectronic and Information amend. Gov. Gazette 787/Β΄/06-05-08 tel. 2541-0-79016 Technology Systems State Budget ΙΙ. Communication and Satellite Telecommunication Technology Systems ΙΙΙ. Energy and Renewable Energy Sources Technology Systems. DOCTORATE DEGREES 1. PhD of Engineering of the Department Electrical and Computer Engineering 2. PhD of the Department Electrical and Computer Engineering </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the field: ‘’New Material and Technologies in Designing with Reinforced Concrete” in the fields: 1. Structural Works with emphasis Gov. Gazette 1190/Β΄/19-11-98 on Earthquake Resistance amend. Gov. Gazette 663/Β΄/24-5-00 3) CIVIL ENGINEERING 2. Concrete Technology and amend. Gov. Gazette 361/Β΄/28-3-03 (PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Structural Works Repair amend. Gov. Gazette 1912/Β΄/29-12-06 Environmental Engineering) 3. Structural Works Design and amend. Gov. Gazette 2472/Β΄/31-12-07 tel. 2541-0-79611 Environment Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE 1. in Engineering of the Department Civil Engineering 2. of the Department Civil Engineering 4) CIVIL ENGINEERING Gov. Gazette 1190/Β΄/19-11-98 (PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH replac. Gov. Gazette 382/Β΄/1-4-03 Environmental Engineering) MAJOR in Hydraulic Engineering in corr. Gov. Gazette 611/Β΄/19-5-03 tel. 2541-0-79619 the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 741/Β΄/18-5-04 1. Hydraulic Construction and amend. Gov. Gazette 1918/Β΄/29-19-06 Environment amend. Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29-02-08 2. Management of Water Resources Tuition fees Constructions 3. Coastal and Harbour Works 4. Hydro-information Technology 5. Hydro-energy Engineering B. DOCTORATE DEGREES</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 63</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>1. PhD in Engineering of the Department of Civil Engineers for category 1 of the graduates and 2. PhD of the Department of Civil Engineering for all other categories of graduates </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: 5) CIVIL ENGINEERING ‘Technical Systems Administration” (interdepartmental – interuniversity in the fields: PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Gov. Gazette 1023/Β΄/24-7-03 1.Information and Communication Electrical and Computer Engineering of amend. Gov. Gazette 2386/Β΄/18-12-07 Systems Administration D.U.TH. and Business Administration amend. Gov. Gazette 1095/Β΄/12-06-08 2. Construction, Infrastructure and of the University of Macedonia) Tuition fees Transport Systems Administration tel. 2541-0-79619 3. Energy, Industrial and Environmental Systems Administration </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields: 1.Private Law Gov. Gazette 1817/Β΄/29-9-99 6) LAW 2. Business Law and Labour Law amend. Gov. Gazette 1383/Β΄/22-10-01 tel. 2531-0-24565, 25206 3. Penal and Criminology Sciences amend. Gov. Gazette 1912/Β΄/29-12-06 State Budget 4. Public Law and Political Sciences 5. International Studies B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>7) LAW A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1625/Β΄/02-11-04 (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Business MAJOR in Southeastern Europe amend. Gov. Gazette 1918/Β΄/29-12-06 Administration of Τ.Ε.Ι. Κavala) Studies Tuition fees tel. 2531-0-24565, 25206 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above </p><p>Gov. Gazette 1566/Β΄/20-10-04 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1808/Β΄/12-12-06 8) MEDICINE MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29-02-08 tel. 2551-0-30921 ‘’Surgery of Liver- Bile- Pancreas” Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>9) MEDICINE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 204/Β΄/17-02-05 (jointly with the Dep. of Public Hygiene MAJOR in the field «Hygiene and Tuition fees and Nursing Α’ of the Faculty of Health safety at work” and Care Professions of TEI Athens) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 2551-0-30921</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 64</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>10) MEDICINE A.MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 226/Β΄/15-02-06 (interuniversity PSP in cooperation with MAJOR in Clinical Pharmacology – Tuition fees the Medicine Dep. of the University Therapeutics Crete) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 2551-0-30921 A.MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1877/Β΄/14-09-07 11) MEDICINE MAJOR titled «Postgraduate Tuition fees tel. 2551-0-30921 Specialization in Endourology” B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Gov. Gazette 1879/Β΄/12-09-08 A.MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 12) MEDICINE Tuition fees MAJOR in Social Psychotherapy tel. 2551-0-30921</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Educational Sciences’’ in the fields: 1. School Pedagogy and Difference Gov. Gazette 1014/Β΄/24-7-03 in Education (Intercultural amend. Gov. Gazette 1404/Β΄/6-8-07 Education, Special Education) 13) PRIMARY LEVEL EDUCATION amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 2. Teaching Natural Sciences, tel. 2551-0-30011 Tuition fees Environmental Education, New Technologies 3. Language and Culture: Theoretical and Teaching Approaches B. DOCTORATE DEGREE In the above fields</p><p>Gov. Gazette 1156/Β΄/30-7-04 14) ΕDUCATIONAL SCIENCES FOR A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH corr. Gov. Gazette 1319/Β΄/30-8-04 PRE-SCHOOL AGE MAJOR amend. Gov. Gazette 928/Β΄/11-06-07 (interdepartmental interuniversity in ‘’Socio-Cultural Education and amend. Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29-02-08 PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of Vocational Training of Animator’’ in Tuition fees Philosophy, Pedagogy, Psychology of the fields : N.K.U.A. and of Sciences for Pre- - Social and Cultural Education school Age and Educational Design of - Supportive Pre-School Education the University of the Aegean) tel. 2551-0-39623</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 573/Β΄/08-05-06 MAJOR in «International Economic 15) INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC Tuition fees and Business Relations » RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT tel.2531-0-39823-4 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE In the above</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 65</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>16) LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND Gov. Gazette 423/Β΄/07-04-06 CULTURE OF THE BLACK SEA MASTER WITH MAJOR titled : Tuition fees COUNTRIES Master of Arts in Black Sea Studies tel. 2531-0-39413</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the following fields: : Ι. Classical Literature With specializations: a. Αncient Greek Literature Gov. Gazette 1947/Β΄/30-12-05 β Latin Literature amend. Gov. Gazette 67/Β΄/22-01-08 17) GREEK PHILOLOGY c. Papyrology Tuition fees tel. 2531-0-39903 ΙΙ. Medieval – Modern Greek Literature With specializations : a. Medieval Greek Literature b. Modern Greek Literature B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) in «Sustainable Systems of Production and Gov. Gazette 1877/Β΄/14-09-07 18)ΑGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT Environment in Agriculture» Tuition fees tel.2552-0-28570, 2552-0-28574 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in «Sustainable Systems of Production and Environment in Agriculture» </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) in ‘’ Sustainable Management of the Environment and Natural Resources” in four fields: a) Sustainable Management of Mountainous Catchment Areas with Intelligent Systems and 19) FORESTRY AND MANAGEMENT Geographical Information Systems Gov. Gazette 1060/Β΄/04-08-06 OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND b) Environmental Politics and amend. Gov. Gazette 1994/Β΄/11-10-07 NATURAL RESOURCES Integrated Development of Rural Tuition fees tel. 25520-0-28571 Areas 25520-0-28474 c) Ecology and Protection of Forest EcoSystems d) Natural Environment Mapping and Studies of Environmental Consequences of Forest Techniques B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 66</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF CRETE DEPARTMENT ΤITLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS 1) HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY (PSP cooperating with the Institute for A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 362/Β΄/17-5-94 Mediterranean Studies of the MAJOR in Τurkish Studies amend. Gov. Gazette 1817/Β΄/29-9-99 Foundation for Research and B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in replac. Gov. Gazette 901/Β’ /01-07-05 Technology (Ι.Μ.S./F.R.T.)) Τurkish Studies State Budget tel. 2831-0-77337, 77372-3</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’Ancient Mediterranean World : History and Gov. Gazette 786/Β΄/6-10-93 Archaeology’’ in the fields : replac. Gov. Gazette 170/Β΄/6-3-97 a) Ancient History 2) HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY amend. Gov. Gazette 1137/Β΄/22-12-97 b) Classical Archaeology tel. 2831-0-77337, 77372-3 corr. Gov. Gazette 401/Β΄/29-4-98 c) Prehistoric Archaeology amend. Gov. Gazette 1537/Β΄/17-10-03 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget a) in Ancient History b) in Classical Archaeology c) in Prehistoric Archaeology</p><p>3) HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Gov. Gazette 786/Β΄/6-10-93 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (PSP of the Philosophy Faculty and the replac. Gov. Gazette 848/Β΄/12-8-98 MAJOR in Modern Greek and Sociology Department of the Social amend. Gov. Gazette 1465/Β΄/21-11-02 European History Sciences Faculty) State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 2831-0-77337, 77372-3</p><p>Gov. Gazette 87/Β΄/10-2-94 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 4) HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY amend. Gov. Gazette 805/Β΄/30-6-00 MAJOR in History of Art tel. 2831-0-77337, 77372-3 amend. Gov. Gazette 1393/Β΄/14-09-06 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget </p><p>A.MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 5) HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Gov. Gazette 848/Β΄/12-8-98 MAJOR in Βyzantine History or (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation amend. Gov. Gazette 1465/Β΄/21-11-02 Literature or Archaeology and with the Dep. of Philology and Physics) State Budget History of Byzantine Art tel. 2831-0-77337, 77372-3 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) in the following fields: 1. Classical Literature 2. Βyzantine Literature Gov. Gazette 865/Β΄/26-11-93 6) PHILOLOGY 3. Modern Greek Literature amend. Gov. Gazette 1737/Β΄/26-11-03 tel. 2831-0-77306 4. Linguistics replac. Gov. Gazette 1202/Β΄/13-07-07 5. History and Theory of Theatre State Budget and Cinematography B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in Literature</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 67</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Educational Sciences in the following fields and specializations : 1. Pedagogy and Teaching in Pre- School Education With specializations in: a) Theory and Action in Pre-School Education b) Language and Literacy 7) PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION in Pre-School Education Gov. Gazette 942/Β΄/30-12-93 (ex EARLY CHILDHOOD 2. Psychology Applications in Education replac. Gov. Gazette 999/Β΄/9-8-00 EDUCATION) With specializations in: a) Alternative replac. Gov. Gazette 1663/Β΄/14-11-06 tel. 2831-0-77650-1 Psycho-pedagogical Approaches State Budget b) Psycho-pedagogical Interventions for Pre-School and School Age children DOCTORATE DEGREE in Educational Sciences </p><p>Gov. Gazette 95/Β΄/14-2-94 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 2003/Β΄/11-11-99 8) PRIMARY EDUCATION MAJOR in Educational Sciences amend. Gov. Gazette 186/Β΄/19-2-03 tel. 2831-0-77594, 77606 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in State Budget Educational Sciences </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled Philosophy: 9) PHILOSOPHICAL AND SOCIAL Knowledge, Values and Society in Gov. Gazette 451/Β΄/16-6-94 STUDIES the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 1017/Β΄/11-12-95 (in cooperation with the Dep. of 1. Ancient & Byzantine Philosophy, amend. Gov. Gazette 2003/Β΄/11-11-99 Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology Knowledge and Values replac. Gov. Gazette 192/Β΄/20-2-03 of the University Ιoannina) 2. Philosophy and Modernization: State Budget tel. 2831-0-77215-6 Science and Society B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>10) PHILOSOPHICAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1195/Β΄/26-8-03 (in cooperation with the Dep. of MAJOR in ‘’Βioethics’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 1144/Β΄/09-07-07 Medicine, Biology and Sociology of the B. DOCTORATE DEGREE amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 University Crete) in ‘’Βioethics’’ State Budget tel. 2831-0-77215-6</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 68</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) titled «Civilization and Human Development» in the fields: i) Cultural Studies with emphasis on youth and quality of life ii) Developmental Psychology with 11) PHILOSOPHICAL AND SOCIAL Gov. Gazette 1360/Β΄/1-8-07 emphasis on youth and STUDIES Own resources Development during adolescence tel. 2831-0-77215-6 iii) Educational Sciences with emphasis on educational policies and Intercultural Education iv) Art and human creativity in cultural process B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields: Gov. Gazette 36/Β΄/23-1-95 1. M.Sc. in Health Psychology 12) PSYCHOLOGY amend. Gov. Gazette 1525/Β΄/14-11-01 2. M.Sc. in School Psychology tel. 2831-0-77528-9 replac. Gov. Gazette 753/Β΄/19-5-04 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget 1. Ph.D. in Health Psychology 2. Ph.D. in School Psychology</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields : Gov. Gazette 1133/Β΄/27-7-04 - Social Organization and Social amend. Gov. Gazette 573/Β΄/20-4-07 13) SOCIOLOGY Change amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 tel. 2831-0- 77465 -Culture: Social Practices and State Budget Conflicts B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Sociology</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Neurosciences in the fields: a) Cellular- Molecular Gov. Gazette 112/Β΄/18-2-94 Νeurosciences amend. Gov. Gazette 386/Β΄/24-5-94 14) MEDICINE b) Systemic- Cognitive replac. Gov. Gazette 1267/Β΄/21-12-98 tel. 281-0-394501, 394620 Neurosciences replac. Gov. Gazette 382/Β΄/1-4-03 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in State Budget Neurosciences</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Cellular and Genetic Gov. Gazette 1317/Β΄/16-9-03 15) MEDICINE Causation, Diagnostics and State Budget tel. 281-0-394501, 394620 Therapeutics of Human Disease’’ B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 69</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Public Health and in Health Services Management’’ titled: 16) MEDICINE Gov. Gazette 1537/Β΄/17-10-03 a) SFC in Public Health tel. 281-0-394501, 394620 State Budget b) SFC in Health Services Management B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in General/ Family Gov. Gazette 67/Β΄/22-01-08 17) MEDICINE Medicine and First Degree Own resources tel. 281-0-394501, 394620 Health Care B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>18) MEDICINE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (in cooperation with the Dep. of MAJOR titled: Computer Science, Physics, ‘’Brain and Mind’’ in the Brain and Gov. Gazette 1537/Β΄/17-10-03 Philosophical and Social Studies of the Mind Sciences amend. Gov. Gazette 332/Β΄/29-02-08 University Crete, Nursing and B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in State Budget Μethodology, History and Theory of the Brain and Mind Sciences Science of N.K.U.A.) tel. 281-0-394501, 394620 19) MEDICINE Gov. Gazette 753/Β΄/19-5-04 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1393/Β΄/14-09-06 with the Dep. of Mathematics , Physics MAJOR in amend. Gov. Gazette 1375/Β΄/3-8-07 and Materials Science and ‘’Optics and Vision’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 Technology) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget tel. 281-0-394501, 394620 20) BIOLOGY Gov. Gazette 121/Β΄/23-2-94 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 386/Β΄/24-4-94 with the Dep. of Medicine, the Institute MAJOR in Molecular Biology- replac. Gov. Gazette 1064/Β΄/12-10-98 of Molecular Biology and ΒiotechnologyΒiomedicine amend. Gov. Gazette 1214/Β΄/27-8-03 (ΙΜΒB) of the Foundation for Research B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in State Budget and Technology (F.R.T.) Molecular Biology- Biomedicine tel. 281-0-394400-01 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR Gov. Gazette 354/Β΄/14-4-98 21) BIOLOGY B. DOCTORATE in Plant amend. Gov. Gazette 1465/Β΄/21-11-02 tel. 281-0-394400-01 Molecular Biology and State Budget Biotechnology </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields: a) Terrestial Ecosystems / Βiological Resources Gov. Gazette 1151/Β΄/3-11-98 22) BIOLOGY b) Marine Ecosystems/ Biological corr. Gov. Gazette 1319/Β΄/31-12-98 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Resources amend. Gov. Gazette 1465/Β΄/21-11-02 with the Dep. of Biology A.U.TH.) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget tel. 281-0-394400-01 in ‘’Environmental Biology – Management of Terrestrial and Marine Biological Resources’’</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 70</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 23) BIOLOGY Gov. Gazette 471/Β΄/5-3-04 MAJOR in (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation amend. Gov. Gazette 187/Β΄/07-02-08 ‘’Protein Biotechnology’’ with the Dep. of Chemistry of the State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE University Crete) in ‘’Protein Biotechnology’’ tel. 281-0-394400-01</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: a. Physics b. Applied Physics Gov. Gazette 785/Β΄/6-10-93 c. High Energy Physics amend. Gov. Gazette 1490/Β΄/6-12-00 24) PHYSICS d. Atomic –Molecular Physics and amend. Gov. Gazette 188/Β΄/19-2-03 tel. 281-0-394100 Laser State Budget e. Condensed Matter Physics f. Αstrophysics and Space Physics B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 628/Β΄/23-6-98 25) PHYSICS MAJOR in the field of amend. Gov. Gazette 1465/Β΄/21-11-02 tel. 281-0-394100 Μicroelectronics-Οptoelectronics State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Chemistry in the following fields : a. Experimental Chemistry (Physical Chemistry, Inorganic, Gov. Gazette 865/Β΄/26-11-93 26) CHEMISTRY Βiochemistry, Οrganic, amend. Gov. Gazette 1219/Β’ /01-09-05 tel. 281-0-393679, 393600, 393677 Environmental and Αnalytical State Budget Chemistry) b. Theoretical Chemistry B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Chemistry </p><p>27) CHEMISTRY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 942/Β΄/2-9-98 (PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of MAJOR in ‘’Environmental Science amend. Gov. Gazette 43/Β΄/22-1-03 Chemical Engineering of University and Engineering’’ in the fields: amend. Gov. Gazette 2325/Β΄/07-12-07 Patra) a) Environmental Natural Sciences State Budget tel. 281-0-393679,393600,393677 b) Environmental Engineering </p><p>28) CHEMISTRY (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation with the Chemistry Dep. of the Athens A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH University & Chemical Engineering of MAJOR in the field of ‘’Applied Gov. Gazette 1132/Β΄/29-10-98 Patra University, Foundation for Molecular Spectroscopy” replac. Gov. Gazette 373/Β΄/31-3-03 Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) and National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF)) tel. 281-0-393679, 393600, 393677 29) CHEMISTRY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1151/Β΄/3-11-98 (interuniversity - interdepartmental PSP MAJOR in ‘Isolation and amend. Gov. Gazette 342/Β΄/24-3-03 in cooperation with the Dep. of Composition of Natural Products amend. Gov. Gazette 1572/Β΄/06-08-08 Medicine Crete, Chemistry Αthens, with a Biological activity’’ State Budget Chemistry A.U.TH., Chemistry Patra, Chemistry Ιoannina, Pharmacy Patra and General Department of the Agricultural University of Athens)</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 71</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p> tel. 281-0-393679,393600, 393677</p><p>30) CHEMISTRY Gov. Gazette 1570/Β΄/20-10-04 (PSP jointly with the School of A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1375/Β΄/3-8-07 Technological Applications of Τ.Ε.Ι. MAJOR on Environmental amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 Crete) Protection Technologies State Budget Tel. 281-0-393679,393600, 393677 </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’Mathematics and their Applications’’ in the fields:</p><p>31) MATHEMATICS a. Theoretical Mathematics Gov. Gazette 867/Β΄/26-11-93 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation b. Mathematical Modeling and replac. Gov. Gazette 42/Β΄/22-1-03 with the Dep. of Applied Mathematics) Scientific Computing State Budget tel. 281-0-393702, 393870 c. Finance Mathematics d. Mathematical Foundations of Information Science & Applications </p><p> e. Educational Mathematics B. DOCTORATE DEGREE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Computer Science’’ in the fields: A. Designing Microelectronic Systems B. Computer Networks and Telecommunications Gov. Gazette 866/Β΄/26-11-93 C. Parallel and Distributed Systems replac. Gov. Gazette 1694/Β΄/19-11-03 amend. Gov. Gazette 835/Β’/21-06-05 32) COMPUTER SCIENCE D. Information Systems amend. Gov. Gazette 214/Β’/22-02-07 tel. 281-0-393504 Ε. Computational and Cognitive amend. Gov. Gazette 1222/Β΄/17-07-07 Mapping and Robotics amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 F. Algorithms and System Analysis State Budget G. Βiomedical Information Technology and Technology H. Electronic Commerce Ι. Multimedia Technology B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in ‘’Computer Science’’</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 72</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) in Information Technology in the fields: A. Theoretical Fundamentals of Computer Science 33) COMPUTER SCIENCE B. Hardware and Software Systems (Greek French PSP in cooperation with C. Data, Knowledge, Software Gov. Gazette 1601/Β΄/18-11-05 the Dep. of Information Technology of Elements and Interface amend. Gov. Gazette 1610/Β΄/17-8-07 the French Universities Joseph Fourier D. Telecommunications, Computer State Budget (Grenoble I ) and Paris – Sud) Networks and Distributed Systems tel. 281-0-393504 Ε. Graphics, Computing Mapping and Robotics B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Economic Theory and Gov. Gazette 44/Β΄/22-1-02 34) ECONOMICS Policy replac. Gov. Gazette 1572/Β΄/06-08-08 tel. 2831-0-77405-06 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in State Budget Science of Economics</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled:’’Political Analysis and Political Theory’’ in the fields : Gov. Gazette 753/Β΄/19-5-04 35) POLITICAL SCIENCE 1. Political Theory and Rights amend. Gov. Gazette 1610/Β΄/17-8-07 tel. 2831-0-77450,1 2. Political Analysis and Public and State Budget European Politics B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Political Science</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields: 1. Μagnetic Materials – 36) MATERIALS SCIENCE AND Gov. Gazette 383/Β΄/25-2-04 Optoelectronics TECHNOLOGY amend. Gov. Gazette 692/Β’/23-05-05 2. Polymer and Colloid Science tel. 281-0-391469 State Budget 3. Νanotechnology 4. Βiomaterials B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRETE DEPARTMENT TITLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 868/Β΄/26-11-93 MAJOR in the fields: replac. Gov. Gazette 2065/Β΄/24-11-99 1) PRODUCTION ENGINEERING AND a. Production Systems corr. Gov. Gazette 2284/Β΄/31-12-99 MANAGEMENT b. Operational Research replac. Gov. Gazette 1843/Β΄/10-12-03 tel. 2821-0-37255 c. Organization and Management amend. Gov. Gazette 2513/Β΄/31-12-07 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 73</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the fields: Gov. Gazette 965/Β΄/31-12-93 2) MINERAL RESOURCES a. Detection of Mineral amend. Gov. Gazette 986/Β΄/9-8-00 ENGINEERING Concentrations amend. Gov. Gazette 1990/Β’/31-12-04 tel. 2821-0-37657 b. Mineral Energy Resources c. Industrial Minerals B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’ Geotechnology and Environment’’Gov. Gazette 2003/Β΄/11-11-99 3) MINERAL RESOURCES amend. Gov. Gazette 373/Β΄/31-3-03 ENGINEERING B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget tel. 2821-0-37657, 37644 in the field: ‘’ Geotechnology and Environment’’ </p><p>Gov. Gazette 870/Β΄/26-11-93 amend. Gov. Gazette 633/Β΄/24-6-98 amend. Gov. Gazette 679/Β΄/31-5-02 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 4) ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING AND replac. Gov. Gazette 1812/Β’ /07-12-04 MAJOR MSc in Electronic and COMPUTER ENGINEERING amend. Gov. Gazette 581/Β’/28-04-05 Computer Engineering (ex DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONIC amend. Gov. Gazette 410/Β΄05-04-06 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING) amend. Gov. Gazette 348/Β΄/13-03-07 PhD in Electronic and Computer tel. 2821-0-37217 amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 Engineering corr. Gov. Gazette 388/τ.Β΄/07-03-08 State Budget </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Applied Sciences and Technology’’ in the fields: 1. Applied and Computative Mathematics 2. Mechanics & Materials & Gov. Gazette 967/Β΄/31-12-93 Construction Technology 5) GENERAL amend. Gov. Gazette 739/Β΄/25-8-97 3. Applied and Technological tel. 2821-0-37304 replac. Gov. Gazette 272/Β΄/10-2-04 Physics & Laser Technology State Budget 4. Energy and Environmental Chemical Technologies 5. Social and Τechnological Development B. DOCTORATE DEGREE In the above</p><p>6) ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1006/Β΄/25-9-98 with the Dep. of Production EngineeringMAJOR in: “Environmental Quality amend. Gov. Gazette 342/Β΄/24-3-03 and Management, Mineral Resources Control and Management’’ State Budget Engineering and General Department) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 2821-0-37683</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 74</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: ‘’ Environmental and Sanitary Gov. Gazette 855/Β΄/30-6-03 7) ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Engineering’’ in the fields : amend. Gov. Gazette 2264/Β’ /27-11-07 tel. 2821-0-37683 ▪ Environment and Health and amend. Gov. Gazette 1572/Β΄/06-08-08 ▪ Management of Aquatic and State Budget Coastal Zone Resources B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Environmental Engineering</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF PIRAEUS</p><p>DEPARTMENT ΤΙTLE- SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>A. Hellenic MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR: in Business – Total Quality Management Gov. Gazette 241/Β΄/5-4-94 1) ORGANIZATION AND BUSINESS B. European MASTER OF amend. Gov. Gazette 1303/Β΄/24-6-99 ADMINISTRATION SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in amend. Gov. Gazette 1017/Β΄/2-8-02 tel. 210-4142110, 4142111, 4142112, Business – Total Quality Tuition fees 4142099, 4142092, 4142104 Management C. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Business – Total Quality Management</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Business Administration 2) ORGANIZATION AND BUSINESS B. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 246/Β΄/7-4-94 ADMINISTRATION MAJOR in Business Administration amend. Gov. Gazette 1045/Β΄/8-8-01 tel. 210-4142110, 4142111, 4142112, for Executives Tuition fees 4142099, 4142092, 4142104 C. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Organization and Business Administration</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 6/Β΄/11-1-96 3) ORGANIZATION AND BUSINESS MAJOR in : Masters in Business amend. Gov. Gazette 1303/Β΄/24-6-99 ADMINISTRATION Administration Tourism amend. Gov. Gazette 1465/Β΄/21-11-02 tel. 210-4142110, 4142111, 4142112, Management Tuition fees 4142099, 4142092, 4142104 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Business Administration</p><p>4) ORGANIZATION AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 395/Β΄/2-4-02 (in cooperation with the Sports Dep. of MAJOR in “Sports Management and Tuition fees A.U.TH.) Administration” tel. 210-4142110, 4142111, 4142112, 4142099, 4142092, 4142104</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 75</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 612/Β΄/12-7-95 MAJOR in the field : replac. Gov. Gazette 1151/Β΄/3-11-98 a) ‘’Banking and Finance” amend. Gov. Gazette 1317/Β΄/31-10-00 5) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND b)’’ Financial Analysis for amend. Gov. Gazette 355/Β΄/18-03-05 BANKING Executives” replac. Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/08-02-08 tel. 210-4142323 B. DOCTORATE in the field of Tuition fees ’Banking and Finance” (Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.))</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 6) INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT AND MAJOR in « Industrial Systems TECHNOLOGY (ex ΤΕCHNOLOGY Administration and Management” Gov. Gazette 1212/Β΄/26-11-98 AND PRODUCTION SYSTEMS) WITH MAJOR in: amend. Gov. Gazette 766/Β΄/30-04-08 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation a. Logistics Tuition fees with the Dep. of Chemical Engineering b. Energy Management and N.T.U.A.) Environmental Protection Systems tel. 210-4142094-5-8 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Gov. Gazette 1507/Β΄/9-11-01 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 226/Β΄/15-02-06 7) ECONOMICS MAJOR in the field of Economic and amend. Gov. Gazette 978/Β΄/18-06-07 tel. 210-4142300 Business Strategy Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE in the field of Economic and Business Strategy </p><p>Gov. Gazette 442/Β΄/4-3-04 8) ECONOMICS A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH replac. Gov. Gazette 198/Β΄/08-02-08 (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Business MAJOR titled: Tuition fees Administration of ΤΕΙ Piraeus) ‘’ Health Management’’ tel. 210-4142300</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Maritime Studies in the fields: Gov. Gazette 44/Β΄/22-1-02 a. Maritime Economics and Politics 9) MARITIME STUDIES amend. Gov. Gazette 1235/Β΄/23-9-02 b. Maritime Business Management tel. 210-4142540, 4142541-2 Tuition fees c. International Transportations d. Maritime Quality Management B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Maritime Studies</p><p>Gov. Gazette 44/Β΄/22-1-02 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 10) STATISTICS AND INSURANCE amend. Gov. Gazette 1495/Β΄/10-10-06 MAJOR in the field of Applied SCIENCE corr. Gov. Gazette 524/Β΄/24-03-08 Statistics tel. 210-4142083-4-5-6-7 Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 76</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) in «Αctuarial Science Gov. Gazette 1719/Β΄/24-11-06 11) STATISTICS AND INSURANCE and Risk Management» Tuition fees SCIENCE B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the tel. 210-4142083-4-5-6-7 research field of Actuarial Science and the field of Risk Management </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ΄΄Advanced Information Technology Systems΄ in the fields : a. Integrated Computer Systems Gov. Gazette 182/Β΄/30-1-04 Technology amend. Gov. Gazette 113/Β’/01-02-07 12) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY b. Network Information Systems Tuition fees tel. 210-4142263 c. Intelligent Technologies Human – Computer Communication d. Decision Support Systems B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Information Technology</p><p>MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1788/Β΄/08-12-06 13) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAJOR in Information Technology Tuition fees tel. 210-4142263</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Teaching Technology and Digital Systems” in the fields: Gov. Gazette 403/Β΄/27-2-04 14) TEACHING TECHNOLOGY AND - Electronic Learning Tuition fees DIGITAL SYSTEMS - Digital Communication and tel. 210-4142076 Networks - Network Systems B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in ‘’Teaching Technology and Digital Systems’’ </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in International and Gov. Gazette 1872/Β’ /16-12-04 15) INTERNATIONAL AND European Studies (Master in replac. Gov. Gazette 1485/Β΄/06-10-06 EUROPEAN STUDIES International and European Studies) Tuition fees tel. 210-4142394 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD in International and European Studies) </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 77</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF Α THENS DEPARTMENT ΤITLE- SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled : ‘’Βiotechnology and Applications in Agriculture’’ in the Gov. Gazette 354/Β΄/14-4-98 fields : replac. Gov. Gazette 1337/Β΄/16-10-02 1) AGRICULTURE AND a. Βioactive Products and Protein corr. Gov. Gazette 1584/Β΄/20-12-02 ΒΙΟΤΕCHNOLOGY Technology replac. Gov. Gazette 1209/Β΄/6-8-04 tel. 210-5294662 b. Molecular Ecology and Tracing Tuition fees Genetically Mutated Organisms </p><p>B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Agricultural Biotechnology</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled “Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering’’ in the fields- specializations : 1. Sustainable Management of Water Resources 2. Soil Science - Management of Soil Resources Gov. Gazette 354/Β’/14-4-98 3. Environmental Management Repl. Gov. Gazette 1234/Β΄/23-9-02 corr. Gov. Gazette 1584/Β΄/20-12-02 2) NATURAL RESOURCES 4. Applications of Geo-information add. Gov. Gazette 1327/Β΄/17-9-03 MANAGEMENT AND Technology on Natural Resources replac. Gov. Gazette 1365/Β΄/14-09-06 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 5. Irrigation Technology Tuition fees tel. 210-5294891, 5294902 6. Use of energy – Renewable Energy Sources 7. Storage and preservation of agricultural products 8. Greenhouse Environment 9. Integrated Design and Materials in Sustainable Agricultural Production and Environmental Management 10. Modern Mechanical Techniques in Agriculture B. DOCTORATE DEGREE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled ‘’Science and Modern Systems of Natural Production, Plant Protection and Landscape Architecture» WITH MAJOR in : Gov. Gazette 354/Β’/14-4-98 αντικ Gov. Gazette 1235/Β΄/23-9-02 3) CROP SCIENCE 1. Plant Protection and corr. Gov. Gazette 1584/Β΄/20-12-02 (ex CROP PRODUCTION) Environment amend. Gov. Gazette 946/Β΄/22-05-08 tel. 210-5294662 2. Horticulture and Floriculture 3. Field Crops and Plant Production Tuition fees 4. Landscape Architecture B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>· </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 78</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 4) ΑGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS MAJOR (SFC) in ‘Food and Gov. Gazette 354/Β’/14-4-98 AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Agricultural Enterprises replac. Gov. Gazette 1346/Β΄/17-10-02 (ex RURAL ECONOMY) Management and Organization ’’ corr. Gov. Gazette 1584/Β΄/20-12-02 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) replac. Gov. Gazette 664/Β΄/29-05-06 with the Dep. of Food Science and in ‘Food and Agricultural amend. Gov. Gazette 1572/Β΄/06-08-08 Technology) Enterprises Management and Tuition fees tel. 210- 5294802, 5294902, 5294891 Organization ’’</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: Gov. Gazette 1088/Β΄/19-7-04 5) ΑGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ‘’Integrated Development and amend. Gov. Gazette 275/Β’/02-03-07 AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Management of Agricultural Space’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 946/Β΄/22-05-08 (ex RURAL ECONOMY) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Tuition fees tel. 210- 5294802, 5294902, 5294891 in the field of Agricultural Economy and Development </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: “Genetics and Gov. Gazette 354/Β’/14-4-98 Improvement of Farm Animals” amend. Gov. Gazette 1392/Β΄/14-11-00 6) ANIMAL SCIENCE AND APPLIED replac. Gov. Gazette 1346/Β΄/17-10-02 HYDROBIOLOGY With specializations in: corr. Gov. Gazette 1584/Β΄/20-12-02 (ex ANIMAL PRODUCTION) - Molecular and Population amend. Gov. Gazette 774/Β΄/17-6-03 tel. 210-5294902, 5294891 Genetics Improvement of Farm replac. Gov. Gazette 1209/Β΄/6-8-04 Animals – Reproduction of Farm Tuition fees Animals – Nutrition Physiology – Breeding Farm Animals B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above specializations </p><p>7) ANIMAL SCIENCE AND APPLIED Gov. Gazette 773/Β΄/17-6-03 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH HYDROBIOLOGY amend. Gov. Gazette 191/Β΄/08-02-08 MAJOR titled: (ex ANIMAL PRODUCTION) Tuition fees ‘’Breeding Aquatic Organisms’’ tel. 210-5294902, 5294891</p><p>Gov. Gazette 354/Β’/14-4-98 repl. Gov. Gazette 1235/Β΄/23-9-02 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 8) FOOD SCIENCE AND corr. Gov. Gazette 1584/Β΄/20-12-02 MAJOR titled: ‘’Food and Human TECHNOLOGY replac. Gov. Gazette 1209/Β΄/6-8-04 Nutrition Science and Technology’’ tel. 210-5294891-2 corr. Gov. Gazette 1418/Β΄/16-9-04 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Tuition fees</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: 9) FOOD SCIENCE AND ‘’Viticulture –Οenology’’ Gov. Gazette 773/Β΄/17-6-03 TECHNOLOGY in the fields : amend. Gov. Gazette 1375/Β΄/3-8-07 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation 1. Viticulture Tuition fees with Dep. of Crop Science of A.U.A.) 2. Οenology tel. 210-5294891-2 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Viticulture or Oenology </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 79</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’Applied Sciences in Agriculture” in the fields : Gov. Gazette 383/Β΄/25-2-04 1. Geo-information Technology 10) GENERAL State Budget 2. Geological and Αtmospheric tel. 210-5294212 Environment for Designing </p><p>Infrastructure Works 3. Study and Exploitation of Natural Products B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY DEPARTMENT TITLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Modern Design and Analysis Methods in Industry” in the following fields: Gov. Gazette 628/Β΄/23-6-98 1. Εnergy Systems, Industrial amend. Gov. Gazette 1578/Β΄/18-12-02 1) MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL Processes and Antipollution amend. Gov. Gazette 394/Β’/28-03-05 ENGINEERING Technologies amend. Gov. Gazette 1447/Β΄/03-10-06 tel. 2421-0-74014 2. Engineering, Materials and Tuition fees Processes 3. Production Management and Industrial Administration B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Planning and Development in three fields : Gov. Gazette 628/Β΄/23-6-98 2) PLANNING AND REGIONAL 1. Town Planning and Development amend. Gov. Gazette 193/Β΄/20-2-03 DEVELOPMENT 2. Planning and Regional Policy amend. Gov. Gazette 1717/Β’/19-11-04 tel. 2421-0-74442 3. Spatial Analysis and Policy Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Planning and Regional Development</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 80</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 3) PLANNING AND REGIONAL MAJOR titled : DEVELOPMENT «Territorial Dynamics and Rural Gov. Gazette 1990/Β’ /31-12-04 (in cooperation with the Dep. of Planning» in Planning and State Budget Geography – Laboratoty CERAMAC of Regional Development (called the University Blaise Pascal Clermont II DYNTAR (Dynamique Territoriale et in Clermont – Ferrand (France)) Amenagement Rural). tel. 2421-0-74442,74463,74466</p><p>4) PLANNING AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Gov. Gazette 1049/Β’ /25-07-05 (Greek- French PSP in cooperation MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1912/Β΄/29-12-06 with the Demographic Studies Institute MAJOR titled : amend. Gov. Gazette 1099/Β΄/04-07-07 IEDUB of the University Montesquieu – « Population, Development, State Budget Bordeaux IV (France)) Prospective» (called PODEPRO) tel. 2421-0-4442 Electronic address: podepro.prd.uth.gr </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled «Science and Technology of Computers, Telecommunications Gov. Gazette 1031/Β΄/25-7-03 and Networks» in the fields : amend. Gov. Gazette 577/Β΄/28-04-05 a. Software Technologies and amend. Gov. Gazette 226/Β΄/15-02-06 5) COMPUTER AND Information Systems amend. Gov. Gazette 275/Β΄/02-03-07 COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING b. Telecommunications, Signals amend. Gov. Gazette 227/Β΄/14-02-08 tel. 2421-0- 74969,74975,74635 and Networks amend. Gov. Gazette 1597/Β΄/11-08-08 c. Material and Computer Tuition fees Architecture Technologies B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Science and Technology of Computers, Telecommunications and Networks </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 81</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Modern Systems of Rural Production in the Mediterranean with emphasis on 6) AGRICULTURE CROP Sustainable Production and Use of PRODUCTION AND RURAL New Technologies’’ in the fields : Gov. Gazette 1212/Β΄/26-11-98 ENVIRONMENT a. Improvement of Plants and amend. Gov. Gazette 1624/Β΄/18-8-99 (in cooperation with the Dep. of Modern Cultivation replac. Gov. Gazette 342/Β΄/24-3-03 Agriculture Animal Production and b. Modern Plant Protection Tuition fees Aquatic Environment) c. Rural Engineering- Natural tel. 2421-0-93112, 93006 Resources Management d. Fish and Aquatic Animal Production B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in Agricultural Sciences</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 7) AGRICULTURE CROP MAJOR titled: Gov. Gazette 926/Β΄/21-6-04 PRODUCTION AND RURAL ‘’Αutomation in Irrigation, Rural amend. Gov. Gazette 2064/τ.Β΄/24-10-07 ENVIRONMENT Constructions and Rural amend. Gov. Gazette 2321/τ.Β΄/06-12-07 (jointly with the Dep. of Mechanization’’ Tuition fees Αutomation of ΤΕΙ Chalkida) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the tel. 2421-0-93112, 93006 field of PSP 8) AGRICULTURE ICHTHIOLOGY A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH AND AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT MAJOR titled: Gov. Gazette 1088/Β΄/19-7-04 (ex AGRICULTURE ANIMAL ‘’Sustainable Management of replac. Gov. Gazette 1268/Β΄/24-7-07 PRODUCTION AND AQUATIC Aquatic Environment’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 ENVIRONMENT) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in fields Tuition fees - Own resources (jointly with the Dep. of Forestry and relevant with those researched by Rural Machines and Irrigation of TEI the Dep. of Agriculture, Ichthiology Larissa and the Dep. of Ichthiology – and Aquatic Environment, included Fisheries of ΤΕΙ Μesologgi) in Pr.Decree 165/2001(Ref.148) tel. 2421-0-93064, 93156</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1757/Β΄/04-09-07 9) ECONOMICS MAJOR in ‘’ Applied Economics’’ Tuition fees tel. 2421-0-74771 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Science of Economics</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) in ‘’Modern Learning Environments and Gov. Gazette 575/Β΄/12-5-03 Teaching Material Production” replac. Gov. Gazette 1912/Β΄/29-12-06 in the following fields: 10) PRIMARY EDUCATION amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 a. Modern Learning Environments tel. 2421-0-74747 State Budget and Development of Teaching Material in Applied Sciences b. Modern Learning Environments and Development of Teaching Material in Humanistic Sciences B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 11) PRIMARY EDUCATION MAJOR in ’’Education Organization Gov. Gazette 763/Β’/07-06-05 tel. 2421-0-74898 and Management’’ Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 82</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: Gov. Gazette 1133/Β΄/27-7-04 12) PEDAGOGICAL DEPARTMENT ‘’Pedagogical Games and amend. Gov. Gazette 1099/Β΄/04-07-07 PRIMARY EDUCATION Pedagogical Material for early amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 tel. 2421-0-74898 Childhood’’ Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 13) SPECIAL EDUCATION MAJOR in ’’Counseling in Special Gov. Gazette 1597/Β΄/11-8-08 tel. 2421-0-74800 Education and Education” Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Special Education” in one of the following fields : a) Education of People with Special Needs 14) SPECIAL EDUCATION Gov. Gazette 1597/Β΄/11-8-08 b) Learning Difficulties tel. 2421-0-74800 Tuition fees c) Language Development, Language Pathology and Educational Intervention B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the relevant fields addressed by PTEA</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: 15) HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY AND Gov. Gazette 753/Β΄/19-5-04 ‘’Interdisciplinary Approaches on SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY State Budget Historical, Archaeological and tel. 2421-0-74794,5 Anthropological Studies’’ B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1156/Β΄/30-7-04 16) PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette 1359/Β΄/1-8-07 SPORTS SCIENCE ‘’Exercise and Health’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 2321/Β΄/06-12-07 tel. 2431-0-47000 Tuition fees</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 17) PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND MAJOR titled: Gov. Gazette 1359/Β΄/1-8-07 SPORTS SCIENCE ‘’Psychology of Exercise’’ Tuition fees tel. 2431-0-47000 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1209/Β΄/6-8-04 MAJOR titled: 18) MEDICINE amend. Gov. Gazette 787/Β΄/06-05-08 ‘’Clinical Applications of Molecular tel. 241-0-565002,685701,685702 amend. Gov. Gazette 2264/Β΄/05-11-08 Medicine’’ in the field of State Budget Molecular Medicine</p><p>19) MEDICINE A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1660/Β΄/29-11-05 (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Medical MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) titled Applied Tuition fees Laboratories of T.E.I. Athens and Τ.Ε.Ι. Public Health and Environmental Larissa) Hygiene with a specialization in the tel. 241-0-565002 fields : a) Quality – Food Safety and Public Health b) Quality – Water Safety and Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 83</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Public Health</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 20) MEDICINE MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) in «First Degree Gov. Gazette 1713/Β΄/07-12-05 (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Nursing of Health Care» amend. Gov. Gazette 2386/Β΄/18-12-07 ΤΕΙ Larissa ) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Tuition fees tel. 241-0-565002 relevant fields A.MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 21) MEDICINE Gov. Gazette 1824/Β΄/23-12-05 MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) in «Reproduction tel. 241-0-565002 Tuition fees Biology»</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ΄΄Applied Engineering Gov. Gazette 1878/Β’/20-12-04 22) CIVIL ENGINEERING and Simulation Systems’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 2472/Β΄/31-12-07 tel. 2421-0-74178 B. DOCTORATE in the field of Tuition fees Applied Engineering and Simulation Systems </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 23) ΒΙΟCHEMISTRY AND MAJOR (SFC) in Βiotechnology- Gov. Gazette 664/Β΄/29-05-06 ΒΙΟΤΕCHNOLOGY Food and Environment Quality amend. Gov. Gazette 1099/Β΄/04-07-07 tel.241-0-565272-3 B. DOCTORATE in Βiochemistry- Tuition fees Βiotechnology</p><p>MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 24) ΒΙΟCHEMISTRY AND MAJOR (SFC) in Applications of Gov. Gazette 1300/Β΄/04-07-08 ΒΙΟΤΕCHNOLOGY Molecular Biology-Molecular Tuition fees tel.241-0-565272-3 Genetics, Diagnostic Indices</p><p>A.MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled : ΄ Aquaculture – Pathological Problems of breeding aquatic 25) VETERINARY MEDICINE organisms ΄ in the following fields: (jointly with the Dep. of Ichthiocomy- a) Aquaculture Gov. Gazette 1479/Β’/27-10-05 Fisheries of ΤΕΙ Ηepeiros) b) Pathological Problems of Tuition fees tel. 2441-0-66004 breeding aquatic organisms B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in similar fields as the above </p><p>UNIVERSITY OF THE AEGEAN DEPARTMENT TITLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 84</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in «Children’s Books and Educational Material» in the 1) PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION AND following fields: Gov. Gazette 849/Β΄/12-8-98 EDUCATIONAL DESIGN a. Children’s Books amend. Gov. Gazette 1214/Β΄/27-8-03 (ex PEDAGOGICAL DEPARTMENT of b. Educational Material replac. Gov. Gazette 978/Β΄/18-06-07 PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the Tuition fees tel. 2241-0-99115, 99182 field «Children’s Book and Educational Material»</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: 2) PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION AND ‘’Gender and the New Educational EDUCATIONAL DESIGN Gov. Gazette 1156/Β΄/30-7-04 and Working Environments of the (ex PEDAGOGICAL DEPARTMENT of amend. Gov. Gazette 339/Β΄/21-03-06 Information Society’’ PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION) Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in tel. 2241-0-99115, 99182 Studies on Gender, Education and Employment</p><p>3) PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1156/Β΄/30-7-04 EDUCATIONAL DESIGN MAJOR in amend. Gov. Gazette 214/Β΄/22-02-07 (ex PEDAGOGICAL DEPARTMENT of ‘’Environmental Education’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 198/Β΄/08-02-08 PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Tuition fees (jointly with the Dep. of Ecology and in ‘’Environmental Education’’ Environment of TEI Ionian Islands) tel. 2241-0-99115, 99182</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in «Μodels of Designing and Planning Educational Units» in 4) PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION AND the following fields : EDUCATIONAL DESIGN a. Management and Evaluation of Gov. Gazette 285/Β’/07-03-05 (ex PEDAGOGICAL DEPARTMENT of Educational Units amend. Gov. Gazette 1433/Β΄/28-09-06 PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION) b. Information and Communication Tuition fees tel. 2241-0-99115, 99182 Technologies Management B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Sciences of Education and Educational Design </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Educational Sciences 5) PRIMARY EDUCATION Gov. Gazette 863/Β΄/27-6-05 with Applications in Information tel.2241099200-11 Tuition fees Communication Technologies B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Educational Sciences </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled : ’’Social Gov. Gazette 44/Β΄/22-1-02 Anthropology and History‘’, in the amend. Gov. Gazette 1261/Β΄/08-09-06 6) SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND following fields : State Budget HISTORY a. Anthropological (ex Social Anthropology) b. Historical tel. 2251-0-36331, 36300 B. DOCTORATE in Social Anthropology and History</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 85</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Gov. Gazette 903/Β΄/4-7-03 MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 577/Β΄/28-04-05 7) SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette 113/Β΄/01-02-07 HISTORY ‘’Women and Gender : amend. Gov. Gazette 198/Β΄/08-02-08 (ex Social Anthropology) Anthropological and Historical Tuition fees tel. 2251-0-36342 Approaches’’ in the field of Women Studies and Gender Studies</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Gov. Gazette 753/Β΄/19-5-04 8) SOCIOLOGY ‘’ Research on local and Social amend. Gov. Gazette 1597/Β΄/11-08-08 tel. 2251-0-36500 Development and Cohesion ’’ Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Sociology Science </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled :’’Town and 9) SOCIOLOGY Environment. Applied and Clinical Gov. Gazette 1650/Β΄/14-8-08 tel. 2251-0-36500 Sociology’’ Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in ‘’Sociology’’</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ’European Societies and 10) SOCIOLOGY Gov. Gazette 1650/Β΄/14-08-08 European Integration’’ tel. 2251-0-36500 Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in ‘’European Political Sociology’’</p><p>Gov. Gazette 1006/Β΄/25-9-98 11) ENVIRONMENT A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH amend. Gov. Gazette 1624/Β΄/18-8-99 tel. 2251-0-36252, 36217 MAJOR in: replac. Gov. Gazette 51/Β΄/19-1-04 ’’Environmental Policy and amend. Gov. Gazette 1018/Β΄/28-07-06 Management’’ Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>ENVIRONMENT (joint PSP in cooperation with the MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Universities: Central Europe (Hungary) MAJOR titled : Lund (Sweden) and Manchester (Great ‘’ Environmental Science, Policy amend. Gov. Gazette 339/Β/21-03-06(Er.- Britain) part of the Erasmus Mundus) and Management’’ Mu.) tel. 2251-0-36252, 36217</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 86</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>12) ENVIRONMENT A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Animal MAJOR in the field of Agriculture Gov. Gazette 823/Β΄/25-6-03 Production, Floral Production and and Environment (Master of replac. Gov. Gazette 2264/Β΄/27-11-07 Floriculture – Landscape Architecture Science in Agriculture and Tuition fees of Τ.Ε.Ι. Ηepeiros) Environment) tel. 2251-0-36252, 36217 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Environmental Science </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled: ‘’Theophrastus: Environmental and Gov. Gazette 1057/Β΄/30-7-03 Ecological Engineering’’ in the amend. Gov. Gazette 214/Β΄/22-2-07 13) ENVIRONMENT fields: Tuition fees tel. 2251-0-36252, 36217 - Applied Ecology - Environmental Technology and Engineering B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Environmental Science </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’ Shipping, Transport and International Trade Ν.A.Μ.Ε.’’ in the following fields: a. Shipping Business Administration Gov. Gazette 1085/Β΄/16-10-98 14) SHIPPING, TRADE AND b. Shipping, Enterpreneurship and amend. Gov. Gazette 1317/Β΄/16-9-03 TRANSPORT Law amend. Gov. Gazette 1447/Β΄/03-10-06 tel. 2271-0-35262, 35200 c. Combined Transport and New Tuition fees Technologies d. International Economics and Finance B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the above fields</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Geography and Applied Geo-Information Technology in the fields: Gov. Gazette 53/Β΄/24-1-02 a) Applied Geo-Information amend. Gov. Gazette 577/Β’/28-04-05 15) GEOGRAPHY Technology in Human Geography amend. Gov. Gazette 1660/Β΄/29-11-05 tel. 2251-0-36432, 36400 and Spatial Design, and amend. Gov. Gazette 1597/Β΄/11-08-08 b) Applied Geo-Information Tuition fees Technology in Management of Natural Environment and Risks B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Geography</p><p>16) MARINE SCIENCES A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 379/Β΄/28-3-02 (in cooperation with the Dep. of MAJOR in replac. Gov. Gazette 1214/Β΄/27-8-03 Environment, Geography of the “ Coastal Management ” amend. Gov. Gazette 214/Β΄/22-02-07 University of the Aegean and H.C.M.R.) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Tuition fees tel. 2251-0-36800, 36802</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 87</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>17) MARINE SCIENCES ( joint Greek-French PSP in A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1393/Β΄/14-09-06 cooperation with the Dep. of MAJOR in the field of Biodiversity State Budget Environment of the University of the Conservation Aegean and the Laboratory ECOLAG B. DOCTORATE DEGREE of the University Montpellier II) tel. 2251-0-36800, 36802</p><p>MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 753/Β΄/19-5-04 MAJOR titled: 18) ΜEDITERRANEAN STUDIES amend. Gov. Gazette 1575/Β΄/15-11-05 ‘’Political, Economic and tel. 2241-0-99300 Tuition fees International Relations in the Mediterranean’’</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1212/Β΄/26-11-98 19) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MAJOR titled: ’’Tourism Planning, amend. Gov. Gazette 187/Β΄/19-2-03 (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation Management and Policy” in amend. Gov. Gazette 1769/Β΄/01-12-04 with the Dep. of Geography, Social the fields : amend. Gov. Gazette 1436/Β΄/18-10-05 Anthropology and History,and a. Touristic Development Strategy amend. Gov. Gazette 252/Β΄/27-02-07 Environment) b. Hospitality amend. Gov. Gazette 1501/Β΄/17-08-07 tel. 2271-0-35315, 35317 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Tuition fees</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Business Administration –ΜΒΑ» in the following fields : Gov. Gazette 1777/Β΄/31-12-01 a. Administration of Business amend. Gov. Gazette 1537/Β΄/17-10-03 20) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Operations amend. Gov. Gazette 692/Β’/23-05-05 tel. 2271-0-35115, 35100 b. Accounting- Auditing amend. Gov. Gazette 1261/Β΄/08-09-06 c. Human Resources Management Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Administration in the above fields </p><p>21) PRODUCT & SYSTEMS DESIGN A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH ENGINEERING MAJOR in Interactive and Industrial Gov. Gazette 1023/Β΄/24-7-03 (jointly with the Dep. of Automation of Product and Systems Design amend. Gov. Gazette 1943/Β΄/30-12-05 Τ.Ε.Ι. Thessaloniki and Textile B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Tuition fees Production of Τ.Ε.Ι. Piraeus) in Design Science tel. 2281-0-97000</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 88</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) in «Holistic 22) PRODUCT & SYSTEMS DESIGN Alternative Therapeutic Systems – Gov. Gazette 1912/Β΄/29-12-06 ENGINEERING Classical Homeopathy» Tuition fees tel. 2281-0-97000 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in «Theory, Design and Applications of Complex Systems»</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Technologies and Management of Information and Gov. Gazette 1022/Β΄/24-7-03 Communication Systems in the 23) INFORMATION AND amend. Gov. Gazette 581/Β’/28-04-05 fields : COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS amend. Gov. Gazette 1564/Β΄/14-11-05 a. Information and Communication ENGINEERING amend. Gov. Gazette 415/Β΄/26-03-07 Systems Security tel. 2273-0-82000, 82200 corr. Gov. Gazette 652/Β΄/27-04-07 b. Information Systems amend. Gov. Gazette 198/Β΄/08-02-08 Management State Budget c. Information Management d. Communication and Computer Networking Technologies B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Information and Communication Systems</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled ΄Financial Management Engineering’ in the 24) FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT Gov. Gazette 1049/Β΄/25-07-05 following two fields : ENGINEERING Tuition fees a. Financial Engineering tel.2271-0-35400 & 2 b. Management Engineering B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Financial Management Engineering</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1191/Β΄/26-8-03 MAJOR (SFC) titled : corr. Gov. Gazette 1753/Β΄/26-11-03 ‘’Cultural Information Technology amend. Gov. Gazette 577/Β’/28-04-05 and Communication’’ in the fields: 25) CULTURAL TECHNOLOGY AND amend. Gov. Gazette 144/Β΄/08-02-06 a) Μuseum Industry COMMUNICATION amend. Gov. Gazette 1877/Β΄/ 14-09-07 b) Cultural Digital Products Design tel. 2251-0-36600, 36603 Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in Cultural Information Technology and Communication </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1777/Β΄/31-12-01 MAJOR in ‘’Mathematical Modelling amend. Gov. Gazette 1843/Β΄/10-12-03 26) MATHEMATICS in Physical Sciences and New State Budget tel. 2273-0-82026, 82100 Technologies’’ B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 89</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Statistics and Actuarial – Gov. Gazette 1156/Β΄/30-7-04 Financial Mathematics’’ in the 27) STATISTICS AND ACTUARIAL amend. Gov. Gazette 1788/Β΄/20-12-05 fields: SCIENCE amend. Gov. Gazette 2409/Β΄/21-12-07 1. Statistics and Data Analysis tel. 2273-0-82024 Tuition fees 2. Αctuarial – Financial </p><p>Mathematics B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in ’’Science of Statistics and Αctuarial – Financial Mathematics’’</p><p>ΙΟΝΙAN UNIVERSITY</p><p>DEPARTMENT TITLE- SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>Gov. Gazette 1073/Β΄/14-10-98 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 1) HISTORY replac. Gov. Gazette 1690/Β΄/18-11-03 MAJOR titled:‘’Historical Research, (interdepartmental PSP in cooperation replac. Gov. Gazette 379/Β΄/06-03-08 Teaching and New Technologies’’ with the Dep. of Information Tuition fees B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Technology of the Ionian University) Modern and Contemporary Greek tel. 2661-0-87320 and European History </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: «History of Town and Building Construction after the 16th Gov. Gazette 942/Β΄/2-9-98 2) HISTORY century’’ & specifically in the fields : amend. Gov. Gazette 361/Β΄/28-3-03 tel. 2661-0-87320 1. Historical Evidence State Budget 2. General Rules and Techniques of Intervention</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 3) HISTORY MAJOR in «Μethodology of tel. 2661-0-87320 Gov. Gazette 774/Β΄/17-6-03 Criticism and Publication of amend. Gov. Gazette 415/Β΄/26-03-07 Historical Sources” State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in the same field </p><p>4) HISTORY (PSP jointly with the Dep. of Gov. Gazette 835/Β΄/21-06-05 Management of Health and Care of MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR inamend. Gov. Gazette 214/Β΄/22-02-07 ΤΕΙ Κalamata and Executives of Historical Demography amend. Gov. Gazette 379/Β΄/06-03-08 Cooperative Organizations of ΤΕΙ State Budget Μesologgi) tel. 2661-0-87320</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 90</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 5) FOREIGN LANGUAGES, MAJOR in the field TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING‘’ Translation Science » with the (interuniversity PSP in cooperation withpossibility for specialization in: the Workshop of Law, Economics, 1. Theory and Teaching of Politics and Technical Translation of Translation and Interpreting the Ionian University, the French 2. Translation and New Gov. Gazette 1151/Β΄/3-11-98 University Caen, the University Technologies replac. Gov. Gazette 1196/Β΄/26-8-03 Heriot-Watt,the European Centre of 3. Economics, Law and Politics State Budget Public Law, the Institute of Speech Translation Process, the Germanistisches Institut, B. DOCTORATE DEGREE the Universitat Bergen (Νorway) and 1. Theory and Teaching of the Translating Services of the Translation National Bank of Greece) 2. Theory and Teaching of tel. 2661-0-44145, 87206, 87227 Interpreting 3.Translation and New Technologies</p><p>6) FOREIGN LANGUAGES, A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETINGMAJOR titled: (in cooperation with the ‘Ecole ‘’ Translation Sciences – Gov. Gazette 1400/Β΄/30-9-03 Doctorale “Litteratures, Culturales et Translation Theory and Cognitive amend. Gov. Gazette 214/Β΄/22-2-07 Sciences Sociales’’ of the University Sciences’’ State Budget της Caen Bass-Normandie) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 2661-0-44145, 87206, 87227</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: 1. Information Science, Library Gov. Gazette 1309/Β΄/12-9-03 7) ARCHIVES & LIBRARY SCIENCE Management and Administration amend. Gov. Gazette 214/Β΄/22-02-07 (jointly with the Dep. of Library Science with emphasis on New Information Tuition fees - Own resources of TEI Athens) Technologies tel. 2661-0-87423 2. Information Science, Information Services in a Digital Environment B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Information Science </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in «Sonic Arts and Τechnologies» in the fields : Α1. : Composing Electro-acoustic Music Gov. Gazette 1567/Β΄/20-10-04 8) MUSIC STUDIES Α2. Electronic Μusic Technology amend. Gov. Gazette 1360/Β΄/1-8-07 tel. 2661-0-87523-4 amend. Gov. Gazette 379/Β΄/06-03-08 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Audio State Budget Arts and Technologies in the fields: Β1. Μusic Information Technology Β2. Composing Electro-acoustic Music </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 91</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR (SFC) titled: «Μusic Performance» in the fields: 1. Orchestra Conductor 2. Choir 9) ΜUSIC STUDIES Conductor 3. Soloist 4. Instrumental Gov. Gazette 640/Β’ /23-05-06 tel. 2661-0-87523-4 Performance 5. Jazz 6. Instrument Own resources Teaching 7. Chamber Music B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in «Music Performance”</p><p>JOINT DOCTORATE DEGREES</p><p>Ιonian University in cooperation with Sorbonne University Gov. Gazette 573/Β΄/20-4-07 1. (Paris IV ) of France tel.231-0-891245</p><p>2. Ιonian University in cooperation with Caen University of France Gov. Gazette 795/Β΄/07-05-08 tel.231-0-891245</p><p>ATHENS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS</p><p>DEPARTMENT ΤΙΤLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS Gov. Gazette 1239/Β΄/8-12-98 A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH replac. Gov. Gazette 1584/Β΄/20-12-02 1) MAJOR in the field of: corr. Gov. Gazette 252/Β΄/4-3-03 tel. 210-3816930 ‘Digital Arts’’’ State Budget B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 373/Β΄/24-2-04 2) SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS MAJOR titled: amend. Gov. Gazette 668/Β΄/30-4-07 tel. 210-4801229 ‘’Fine Arts’’ amend. Gov. Gazette 227/τ.Β΄/14-02-08 State Budget </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 92</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY</p><p>DEPARTMENT ΤΙΤLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 1) SCHOOL OF HUMANISTIC MAJOR: Gov. Gazette 1246/Β΄/11-12-98 STUDIES 1. Orthodox Theology Studies Gov. Gazette 1374/Β΄/25-10-02 tel. 261-0-367327, 367336, 367355, 2. Master in Education Studies Tuition fees 367340 3. Master in Teaching French 4. Master in Teaching German 5. Master in Teaching English 6. Adult Education </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in: 1. Tourism Business Administration, 2. Health Care Services Gov. Gazette 1246/Β΄/11-12-98 2) SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Management, Gov. Gazette 41/Β΄/22-1-03 tel. 261-0-367327, 367336, 367355, 3. Banking, Gov. Gazette 742/Β΄/13-6-01 367340 4. Cultural Organizations amend. Gov. Gazette 1501/Β΄/17-08-07 Management, Tuition fees 5. Master in Business Administration (MBA) 6. Management of National Health Care System </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR: 1. Waste Management 2. Environment Design of Cities and Buildings 3. Environment Design of Gov. Gazette 1246/Β΄/11-12-98 3) SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND Infrastructure Works Gov. Gazette 1317/Β΄/31-10-02 TECHNOLOGY 4. Quality Assurance Gov. Gazette 1241/Β΄/23-9-02 tel. 261-0-367327, 367336, 367355, 5. Construction Management Gov. Gazette 1241/Β΄/23-9-02 367340 6. Earthquake Engineering and amend. Gov. Gazette 717/Β΄/13-5-04 Seismic-Resistant Structures Gov. Gazette 53/Β΄/24-12-02 7. Advanced Studies in Physics Gov. Gazette 1131/Β΄/29-8-02 8. Master in Information Systems Tuition fees 9. Μaster in Natural Sciences 10. Catalysis and Environmental Protection 11. Master in Mathematics</p><p>4) SCHOOL OF APPLIED ARTS A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1246/Β΄/11-12-98 tel. 261-0-367327, 367336, 367355, MAJOR in: Tuition fees 367340 Graphic Arts - Multimedia</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 93</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN MACEDONIA DEPARTMENT ΤΙΤLE - SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR titled «Education and New Technologies» in three fields and the following specializations : a. «School Pedagogy and New Technologies» WITH MAJOR: Ι. Modern Teaching Methods Gov. Gazette 482/Β΄/31-5-95 ΙΙ. Teachers Education 1) ELEMENTARY EDUCATION OF amend. Gov. Gazette 2123/Β΄/6-12-99 III. Educational Policy THE PEDAGOGY SCHOOL FLORINA replac. Gov. Gazette 938/Β΄/28-7-00 b. «Humanistic Studies and New tel. 231-0- 991019 replac. Gov. Gazette 1660/Β΄/29-11-05 Technologies» WITH MAJOR: 2385-0-22471 State Budget Ι. Language</p><p>ΙΙ. History ΙΙΙ. Civilization c. «Applied Sciences and New Technologies» WITH MAJOR: Ι. Teaching Mathematics ΙΙ. Teaching Natural Sciences</p><p>B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in ‘’Economic and Political 2) ΒΑLKAN STUDIES Governance in Southeastern Gov. Gazette 753/Β΄/19-5-04 tel. 231-0-991017, Europe’’ replac. Gov. Gazette 2325/Β΄/07-12-07 2385-0-24752 B. DOCTORATE DEGREE State Budget in ‘’Economic and Political Governance in Southeastern Europe’’ </p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in Pedagogy in the following fields : a. Teaching Methodology and Curriculum Gov. Gazette 801/Β΄/28-5-04 3) EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION b. Cultural Studies (Structures and amend. Gov. Gazette 348/Β’/13-03-07 (FLORINA) Practices) replac. Gov. Gazette 1572/Β΄/06-08-08 tel. 231-0-991017, c. Educational Policy and State Budget 2385-0-22471 Educational Research d. Psychological and Educational Approaches of Difference e. Language and Literature in Education B. DOCTORATE DEGREE</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 94</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>4) PEDAGOGICAL DEPARTMENT A. MASTER OF SCIENCE in Gov. Gazette 1650/Β΄/14-08-08 OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ‘’Creative Writing’’ Tuition fees (FLORINA) B. DOCTORATE DEGREE tel. 231-0-991017, 2385-0-22471</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF PELOPONNESE DEPARTMENT ΤITLE- SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the field of Organization and Administration of Public Gov. Gazette 1436/Β΄/18-10-05 1) ECONOMICS Services, Public Organizations and Tuition fees tel.2710-222980 Public Businesses (Master of Public Administration)</p><p>A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH MAJOR in the following fields: i) Educational Programmes and Material: Formal, Informal and Distant Learning (Conventional and e-Methods) 2) SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL ii) European Social Politics Gov. Gazette 624/Β΄/25-4-07 POLICY iii) Health Institutions and Policies Tuition fees tel.2741-0-74991-4 iv) Social Discrimination, Immigration and Citizenship v) Politics and Administration of Higher Education B. DOCTORATE DEGREE in Social and Educational Policies</p><p>3) PHILOLOGY (interdepartmental- interuniversity A. MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH Gov. Gazette 1597/Β΄/11-8-08 PSP in cooperation with the Dep. of MAJOR in ‘’Ethics Philosophy ‘’ corr. Gov. Gazette 1841/Β΄/12-09-08 Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology B. DOCTORATE DEGREE Tuition fees of N.K.U.A.) tel.2721-0-65114-7 MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 4) TELECOMMUNICATION SCIENCE MAJOR in the field of ‘’Advanced Gov. Gazette 1661/Β΄/18-8-08 AND TECHNOLOGY Telecommunication Systems and Tuition fees tel.271-0-372163 Networks ‘’ 5) SPORTS MANAGEMENT AND A. MASTER OF SCIENCE (Μ.D.Ε.) Gov. Gazette 1112/Β΄/04-07-07 ADMINISTRATION in the field of Management and Tuition fees tel.2731-0-89658 Administration of Sports Organizations and Businesses in the fields: a) Management and Administration of Sports Organizations and </p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 95</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ TRADUCTION OFFICIELLE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION</p><p>Businesses b) Marketing of Sports Organizations and Businesses c) Management and Administration of Health Improvement Programmes B. DOCTORATE DEGREE (PhD) in Management and Administration of Sports Organizations and Businesses</p><p>INTERNATIONAL HELLENIC UNIVERSITY</p><p>DEPARTMENT TITLE- SPECIALIZATION COMMENTS</p><p>MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 1) SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) in «Business Gov. Gazette 1875/Β΄/14-09-07 MANAGEMENT Management for Executives Tuition fees tel. 231-0-474560 (Executive MBA)»</p><p>MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 2) SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND Gov. Gazette 787/Β΄/06-05-08 MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) in «Business MANAGEMENT Tuition fees Management (MSc Management)» tel. 231-0-474560</p><p>MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH 3) SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND MAJOR (Μ.D.Ε.) titled: «Banking Gov. Gazette 787/Β΄/06-05-08 MANAGEMENT and Finance) Tuition fees tel. 231-0-474560 (MSc Banking and Finance)»</p><p>Certified exact translation of the attached original in greek Athens, 08/12/2008 The translator Elena ASIMAKI</p><p>Μεταφραστική Υπηρεσία Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Αθήνα 96</p><p>Service de Traductions du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la Republique Hellenique, Athenes</p><p>HELLENIC REPUBLIC, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Translations Service</p>
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