<p> Matters of public importance —your Assembly @ work Non sitting and sitting weeks—20 February to 24 March 2017</p><p>Issue 2/2017</p><p>Statement of Condolence duty legislation and make a technical change to the rebate on rates for pensioners. On 23 March the Speaker made a statement concerning the incident that occurred at Westminster Parliament in London. Bills debated Government business The following bills were debated during the Includes all business items presented to the sitting week and were passed by the Assembly Assembly by the Executive including bills, without amendment. motions, and papers Commercial Arbitration Bill 2016 Bills introduced (21 March 2017) Liquor Amendment Bill 2017 Co-operatives National Law (ACT) Bill 2017 (21 March 2017) Summary: This bill will make a number of amendments to the Liquor Act 2010 and the Ministerial statements Liquor Regulation 2010 to reduce alcohol The following ministerial statements were made related harm, improve the administration of on 21 March 2017. the liquor legislation and reduce regulatory burden. The Minister for Women made a statement concerning International Women’s Day 2017. Planning, Building and Environment Legislation During the statement the minister highlighted Amendment Bill 2017 the announcement of strategies adopted by Summary: This bill will make a number of the Government to work on building a better amendments to compliance information city for women and girls with the release of the requirements contained in the Energy ACT Women’s Plan 2016-26. Efficiency (Cost of Living) Improvement Act Ms Cheyne MLA and Ms Orr MLA also made 2012. It will amend the reporting requirements statements in relation to matter. of the Conservator of Flora and Fauna contained in the Nature Conservation Act 2014. Key priorities for ACT Policing was the subject The bill also makes technical and editorial of a ministerial statement made by the amendments to Territory legislation relating to Minister for Police and Emergency Services. planning, building and the environment. During the statement the minister provided an overview of ACT Policing’s achievements. Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 The Minister for Multicultural Affairs made a Summary: This bill will amend the Duties Act statement concerning Harmony Day and 1999, the Land Tax Act 2004 and the Rates Act outlined the aims of the activities to be held in 2004. The amendments will change the the Territory to celebrate Harmony Day. method for calculating rates and land tax for residential unit subdivisions, repeal insurance Mr Steel MLA, Ms Orr MLA and Ms Cheyne without specific medical exemptions, from MLA also made statements in relation to enrolling in Territory childcare centres. Harmony Day. The Government moved an amendment during Ministerial statements on the following matters debate that included calling on the Government were made on 23 March 2017. to support inprinciple the implementation of a “No Job, No Play” policy and also continue to Extended Throughcare by the Minister for strongly argue for a nationally-consistent Corrections. approach to immunisation. The role of the ACT Government under the An amendment to the Government’s National Disability Insurance Scheme by the amendment was then moved by the ACT Greens Minister for Disability, Children and Youth. that included, among other things, calling on the The full text of the statements made by ministers Government to work collaboratively with the and members can be accessed from the Commonwealth Government to develop and Assembly Hansard site. implement a proactive public education and communication strategy especially in areas Private Members’ business influenced by anti-vaccination groups and Includes all items presented to the Assembly where coverage is low, to promote the benefits by all non-Executive Members, including bills and encourage uptake of immunisations. The and motions amendment moved by the ACT Greens was negatived following a vote of the Assembly with Motions debated the amendment moved by the Government Vacant land tax was the subject of a motion being agreed to. moved by Ms Le Couteur MLA on 22 March. The The motion, as amended, was then passed by motion included calling on the ACT Government the Assembly. to review the current taxation treatment on vacant properties and provide details around Social, economic and political equality of the number of properties that are left vacant for women in the Territory was the subject of a a period of six months or more. The motion also motion moved by Ms Cheyne MLA on 22 March. called on the Government to report back to the The motion included seeking the Assembly on issues raised in the motion by acknowledgement of the Assembly that there 21 September 2017. was a need for continued commitment to further building the social, economic and During debate an amendment was moved by political equality of women. During debate an the Government that included, among other amendment moved by the Government was things, calling on the Government to undertake agreed to. The amendment included addressing research to measure the number of long-term a number of areas to ensure further support for vacant properties in the ACT considering the women in the ACT. complexities in obtaining accurate data. An amendment moved by the Opposition sought to The amended motion was then passed by the include, in the Government’s amendment, Assembly. calling on the Government to assess whether Other motions debated on 22 March 2017 related the current ACT land tax regime provides a to: disincentive to renting vacant properties. Both Self Help Organisations United Together the Opposition and Government amendments (SHOUT)—Ms Lee MLA were agreed to by the Assembly. Penalty rates—Mr Pettersson MLA The amended motion was then passed by the Assembly. ACT Heritage Council assessments— Ms Lawder MLA Mrs Kikkert MLA moved a motion on 22 March concerning childhood vaccinations. The motion The full debate on the above motions can be included calling on the ACT Government to accessed from the Assembly Hansard site. embrace uniform “No Job, No Play” principles that would prevent unvaccinated children, Executive Members’ business Report on the ACT Legislative Assembly Election 2016 (presented by the Speaker on Includes all items presented to the Assembly 21 March) by Executive Members, including bills and motions Retrospective: Progress in the ACT between 2004 and 2013—Report by the ACT Children Motion debated and Young People Death Review Committee Community legal centres was the subject of a (presented by the Minister for Disability, motion moved by Mr Rattenbury MLA on Children and Youth on 23 March) 23 March 2017.</p><p>Petitions The motion sought to note the important role that community legal centres have within the On 21 March the following petitions were lodged justice system and called on the Federal — Government to reverse planned cuts to KFC Restaurant—O’Hanlon Place, Gold Greek community legal centres. The motion also called Village shopping centre (2)—lodged by on the Speaker to write to the Federal Attorney- Ms Le Couteur MLA and referred to the General communicating the terms of the motion. Minister for Planning and Land Management An amendment to the motion was moved by the Petition 6-17 was also referred to the Standing Opposition that sought to, among other things, Committee on Planning and Urban Renewal. highlight the funding provided by the Federal Government for frontline legal assistance A copy of the terms of the petitions can be services. The amendment was negatived after a accessed from the Assembly’s Hansard site. vote of the Assembly. On 21 March the following ministerial response The original motion was then agreed to by the to a petition was lodged— Assembly. Cannabis medicines—Safe and adequate access. Matters of public importance A copy of the response can be found here. The following matters of public importance were discussed in the Assembly this week— Committee activities The importance of income security for Committee report presented Canberra shift and weekend workers— Ms Cheyne MLA Scrutiny Committee The importance of renewal in the Woden Scrutiny Report 3 (presented 21 March) Town Centre—Ms Cheyne MLA This report contained the committee’s comments on three bills, 52 pieces of Papers presented subordinate legislation, two national The following are papers of interest that were regulations, one government response and presented during the sitting week: four regulatory impact statements. ACT Auditor-General—Report 1/2017— Committee statements Worksafe ACT’s management of its regulatory On 21 March 2017 the following committee responsibilities for the demolition of loose-fill statements were made. asbestos contaminated houses—Government response (presented by the Speaker on The chair of the Standing Committee on 21 March) Economic Development and Tourism made a statement informing the Assembly that the Final Report on the review of the Domestic committee has resolved to conduct an inquiry Adoption Process in the ACT—Government into the proposal to construct a new Canberra response (presented by the Minister for convention centre. Disability, Children and Youth on 21 March) The chair of the Standing Committee on organisations and individuals, to its inquiry into Health, Ageing and Community Services the establishment of an independent integrity informed the Assembly that the committee had commission for the ACT. resolved to conduct an inquiry into the Submissions should address some or all of the employment of people with a disability. Terms of Reference and should be lodged by The Standing Committee on Justice and close of business, Friday 19 May 2017. Further Community Safety’s consideration of statutory information on how to prepare and lodge a appointments was the subject of statement submission is available here. made by the chair of the committee. At the conclusion of the statement the chair presented the following paper: Schedule of Statutory Appointments— Justice and Community Safety—Standing 9th Assembly—Period 1 July to Committee 31 December 2016. Inquiry into 2015–16 Annual reports Committee inquiries On 7 March 2017, the Committee held its first Economic Development and Tourism—Select public hearing into referred 2015–16 annual Committee reports. The Minister for Justice, Consumer Affairs and Road Safety, Minister for Inquiry into a new convention centre for Corrections, and the Minister for Police and Canberra Emergency Services, along with officials from The Standing Committee on Economic ACT Policing; the Human Rights Commission; Development and Tourism has resolved to hold the Justice and Community Safety Directorate; an inquiry into a new convention centre for Legal Aid ACT; Office of the ACT Director of Canberra. The Committee will inquiry into: Public Prosecutions; and the Public Trustee and Guardian, appeared as witnesses. . the level of demand from business and clients for a new centre and the likely economic The proof transcript for the hearing held on impact of a new centre on Canberra; 7 March 2017 can be accessed at here. . whether the “Australia Forum” proposal has On 8 March 2017, the Committee held its the support of stakeholders; second public hearing into referred 2015–16 annual reports. The Attorney General, the A/g . the amount of work required to take the Electoral Commissioner, Minister for proposal to an investment ready stage; Regulatory Services, Minister for Corrections, . the appropriate source of funding (federal, Minister for Justice, Consumer Affairs and Road territory or private sector) for each stage of Safety and the Minister for the Prevention of the project; Domestic and Family Violence, along with . the level of priority that should be given to a officials from the Australian Electoral new convention centre in relation to other Commission; Chief Minister, Treasury and infrastructure projects in the ACT; and Economic Development Directorate; Justice and Community Safety Directorate and the . other matters arising during the course of the Sentence Administration Board, appeared as inquiry. witnesses. The committee is seeking submissions which The proof transcript for the hearing held on should be lodged by 8 May 2017. The 8 March 2017 can be accessed at here. committee intends to hold public hearings in May 2017. Planning and Urban Renewal—Standing Committee Independent Integrity Commission—Select Committee On Friday 10 March 2017 the Standing Committee on Planning and Urban Renewal On 27 February 2017, the Select Committee on held a public hearing for its inquiry into annual an Independent Integrity Commission called for reports 2015-16. The Committee heard from written submissions, from interested the Minister for Planning and Land Education activities Management and the Minister for Housing and March 2017 has been busy with a wide variety of Suburban Development, together with officers visitors to the Assembly. School students from from portfolio agencies. years 3-8 have participated in mock elections Among other things, in the course of the and role plays on the opening of a sitting day hearing questions were asked and answered with the replica mace, debating an MPI and the regarding: passage of legislation through the Assembly. . a development application process at Hume; The first of our public service seminars for 2017 . purchase of rural land by the Land has been conducted where participants learn Development Agency (LDA); about the role and function of the Assembly, . community consultation on development how Members are elected and what happens in applications (DAs); a typical sitting week. There are three more public service seminars scheduled for 2017—The . DAs under the Merit Track process and the Committee System (17 May), The Budget Process operation of the Development Application (18 July) and The Legislative Process Gateway Team; (20 October). . potential developments in Gungahlin; The public tour program has commenced . exempt DAs and responses by the ACT operation with a weekly tour offered to the Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) where public on Wednesday’s at 1.30pm for an hour. development varies from an original The tour for this week was promoted as part of proposal; seniors’ week with a number of people attending . loose-fill asbestos, including publication of a to get a behind the scenes look at the Assembly, list of affected houses, community visitors were able to stay and watch question engagement; properties not covered by the time on Wednesday, 22 March at the conclusion ACT government scheme, sales of affected of the tour. properties, and 'first right of refusal' for previous owners of affected properties; The Assembly fact sheet series has been updated and is now available on the website at . urban renewal in Northbourne Avenue; http://www.parliament.act.gov.au/learn-about- . improvements to Haig Park; the-assembly/resources/fact-sheets . the City Action Plan and the City Activation Team; Members of the Legislative Assembly for . operation of the Asset Recycling Initiative; the ACT . the City to the Lake project, including the Electorate of Brindabella acquisition of a paddleboat business and Ms Joy Burch (Australian Labor Party) buildings; . design aspects of urban renewal projects; Mr Mick Gentleman (Australian Labor Party) . purchase by the LDA of land at Glebe Park; Ms Nicole Lawder (Canberra Liberals) . the Ginninderry development; Mr Mark Parton (Canberra Liberals) . transfer and ownership of particular parcels Mr Andrew Wall (Canberra Liberals) of land in Dickson; . the balance between multiple and single Electorate of Ginninderra dwellings in new developments; Ms Yvette Berry (Australian Labor Party) . operation of the Land Release program; Ms Tara Cheyne (Australian Labor Party) . proposed development on CSIRO land; Mrs Vicki Dunne (Canberra Liberals) . public housing and affordable housing; and Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert (Canberra Liberals) . the 'salt and pepper' policy on the distribution of public housing in the ACT. Mr Gordon Ramsay (Australian Labor Party) Electorate of Kurrajong Mr Andrew Barr (Australian Labor Party) Mr Steve Doszpot (Canberra Liberals) Ms Elizabeth Lee (Canberra Liberals) Electorate of Yerrabi Mr Shane Rattenbury (ACT Greens) Mr Alistair Coe (Canberra Liberals) Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith (Australian Labor Ms Meegan Fitzharris (Australian Labor Party) Party) Mr James Milligan (Canberra Liberals) Electorate of Murrumbidgee Ms Suzanne Orr (Australian Labor Party) Ms Bec Cody (Australian Labor Party) Mr Michael Pettersson (Australian Labor Party) Mr Jeremy Hanson CSC (Canberra Liberals) Next sitting Mrs Giulia Jones (Canberra Liberals) Tuesday, 28 March 2017. Ms Caroline Le Couteur (ACT Greens) This document is produced by the Office of the Mr Chris Steel (Australian Labor Party) Legislative Assembly for information.</p>
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