OSU Extended Campus Academic Report for 2005-2006

OSU Extended Campus Academic Report for 2005-2006

<p>ACADEMIC REPORT FOR 2005-2006 August 1, 2006</p><p>OSU Extended Campus Academic Report for 2005-2006</p><p>The goals of the OSU Extended Campus have been developed to support and complement the overarching institutional goals of Oregon State University. The rapidly changing educational needs of a growing “non-residential” population of P-Lifelong learners and economic trends that forecast a continuing and permanent decline in state funding for higher education have focused the mission of Ecampus on two critical elements of Oregon State University’s changing future: the development of an infrastructure and relevant inventory of academic programs that will serve and support the needs of the growing OSU non-resident, non-traditional, P-12, and Summer Session student body; and the generation of revenue sources that will support the academic partners of Ecampus and help mitigate the impacts of the loss of state funding. </p><p>Ecampus Vision</p><p>Through leadership, service, and partnerships, Ecampus extends OSU’s programs of excellence to diverse learners of all ages.</p><p>1. 2005-2006 Highlights </p><p> a. Programmatic achievements</p><p>Initiatives in support of student engagement and success </p><p> Ecampus developed an online orientation for newly admitted students.  Ecampus enhanced the following orientation website features: o Course demo for students to sample Ecampus courses: http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/ecampus/coursedemo/ o “Check your computer” to ensure computer systems of students meet the minimum standards for a course o “Ask Ecampus” webpage with links to a searchable knowledge base, live chat, forum, Beaver Chat Forum, and online tutoring o “Planning Your Degree” webpage with additional information on Degree Partnerships o “Starting Your Course” webpage o “Resources and Services” webpage (info and/or links to Library Services, Disability Services, Career Services, Health Services, Email Accounts, Learning Centers, Academic Success)  Ecampus is also working with the Academic Success Center and START to design an online OSU orientation to be implemented by winter 2007  Facilitated communication between advisors and degree-seeking distance students to improve the retention and success of OSU distance education students. </p><p>2  In collaboration with college program advisors, Ecampus created fill-able PDF Advising Guides for degree programs in: General Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, and Natural Resources, all available on the Ecampus website. A draft guide for Liberal Studies has been created and is under review by the CLA advisors.  Ecampus worked in partnership with the Department of Geosciences to jointly hire a Geosciences Program Coordinator and advisor for students in the distance programs.  Ecampus is now a voting member on the Academic Advising Council.  Ecampus maintains membership on the Student Success Council.  Ecampus worked in partnership with Enrollment Services to create the new OSU Admissions Communications Plan.  Working in partnership with Enrollment Services to determine how to advise Degree Partnership students.  Member of the OSU Degree Partnership Program (DPP) core planning and implementation team. Worked in partnership with Enrollment Services and central administration to define pathways for Oregon community college students to complete OSU online degrees.</p><p>Major research/scholarship initiatives </p><p>N/A for FY 05-06</p><p>Major outreach/engagement initiatives </p><p>Extended Campus  Oregon Tribal College: Outreach efforts have focused on the Native American community with multiple visits to each of the nine Tribes to promote the new Oregon Tribal College concept and presentations to regional and national Indian conferences. These efforts include assisting Burns Paiute Tribe with language teacher licensing, technology donation for Siletz, early childhood education staff inventory of needs and plans for delivery at Warm Springs and wireless broadband deployment into Celilo Village. Additional outreach includes the investigation of developing a partnership with the Hatfield School of Government at PSU which may lead to OSU and PSU sharing courses and the Small Business Development Center network in Oregon to promote leadership.  A Taste of College (ATOC): Program dates: June 25 through July 7, 2006. ATOC is a two-week residential preview of college for high school sophomore, junior, and senior level students. Participants experience university life, visit and explore OSU colleges/departments and degrees, and earn two college credits while learning strategies for succeeding in university level academic programs.  Expanded Options Program (XOP): Currently under development. Oregon Senate Bill 300, passed in 2005, provides opportunities for high school identified juniors and seniors to take post-secondary classes sponsored by public school districts. XOP manages the process for high schools to send identified students to OSU. A revised admissions and billing system is being developed to meet the needs of this program. XOP supports high schools as their students go through the admissions, registration, billing, and grading processes.  OSU K-12 Online: OSU Extended Campus hosts OSU K-12 Online which provides high school and Integrated Thematic Middle School Units courses to students around the world. A majority of these courses are offered online, however some are offered as a </p><p>3 combination of online with videoconferencing. Over 150 high school and middle school learners participated in OSU K-12 online courses in 2005-06.  Siletz Valley Early College Academy (SVECA): OSU/Extended Campus is continuing to work with the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians and has contracted with the school to help create and provide courses for the Siletz Valley Early College Academy. This charter school will open in September 2006, with a major portion of the curriculum online. Approximately 45 new and/or revised courses are being created through OSU K- 12 Online, making over 75 courses available to SVECA. These courses will have Native American cultural relevance imbedded in the curriculum, and will meet both the Native American Content Standards and the Oregon Content Standards. Over 200 Siletz K-12 students are expected to participate in these OSU designed, developed, and delivered online courses.  Hispanic Project: OSU/Extended Campus is working with Intel Latino Network, WSU and the Department of Education to create more opportunities for Mexican, Latino and Hispanic students of all ages in Oregon. This Pre-K through a lifetime project will involve content of courses being translated into Spanish to be offered online.  GEAR UP Grant Proposal – Campus Wide Pre-College Outreach Programs: The Extended Campus P-12 Outreach Programs is assisting in a Federal GEAR UP grant proposal that will allow us to engage a cohort of students, starting with 6th and 7th graders, in many college awareness and preparation activities, as well as online foreign language courses.  Financial Aid: - OSU Extended Campus allocated $250,000 for eligible degree-seeking Distance Education students, through the Office of Financial Aid in fiscal year 06.  Ecampus Graduation Stipend: OSU Extended Campus provided a travel stipend to our distance education non-resident students to enable them to attend graduation on the OSU campus.  Faculty and Staff Presentations: Ecampus provided funding for faculty and staff distance education presentations at national and international professional meetings (see attached matrix under Professional Development for specific presentation titles).  Human Resources for Pharmacists: Non-credit online program to teach pharmacists HR skills and laws. Developed in partnership with the College of Pharmacy.  Degree Partnership Program: Established collaborative partnerships with 13 community colleges creating multiple pathways for dual-enrolled students to complete their OSU degrees. Provided .5 funding for Community College Degree Partnerships position (i.e., Bob Bontrager, Director of Partnership Programs).  OSU Community Food Drive: OSU Libraries/Ecampus won 1st place this year in the group category of 51-99 employees. Ecampus raised a total of $3,695 + 96lbs. food donated, which provided 22,270 pounds worth of donations.  New Portland Based Offices: Ecampus has relocated its Portland offices to a new downtown facility shared with the OSU Foundation and Extension Services. It is anticipated that this new location will provide greater access and visibility of OSU to Portland area institutions, businesses, and the public. It is also expected that this new shared space will create better working relationships between Ecampus and Extension Services to serve the Portland metropolitan region.</p><p>Summer Session  Summer Session supports the following community outreach/engagements: o Free noon concerts every Wednesday from June through September; and free Summer Film Series every Friday from June through August. OSU Summer Theater presentations open to the public.</p><p>4 o Partnership with the College of Education to offer eleven Teacher/Counselor Educator courses on the Wilsonville, Clackamas Community College site. o Establish self-sustaining Summer Session programs in three new geographical areas within the state of Oregon (Portland Metro, Oregon Coast, and Central Oregon) o Collaborated with the HMSC to offer more than 18 undergraduate, graduate credit courses and professional workshops at the Oregon coast. o Created OSU Online Summer Session Orientation webpage http://summer.oregonstate.edu/orientationfor students looking to familiarize themselves with Summer Session.</p><p>National/International impact of programs and initiatives Ecampus:  Ecampus online courses and programs reached students in every U.S. state and 27 foreign countries.  Ecampus for the first time offered a full year sequence of foreign language study in the Arabic language.  Ecampus worked in partnership with the College of Agricultural Sciences to facilitate a new graduate certificate in Sustainable Natural Resources, a focus of which is to attract international students and students from other locations within the U.S. into the program.  Continued collaboration with the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) to jointly teach agriculture courses at OSU and UBA in Agriculture.  In cooperation with International Programs Office, Ecampus entered into a partnership with University of Nizwa, Oman and initial conversations with Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, and three new China education initiatives.  SOC 204 taught by Olga Rowe and Rebecca Warner brought together students from OSU and eight different countries including Romania, Serbia and Mongolia at the American University in Bulgaria using OSU Blackboard and Ecampus support.  PS 449 taught by Brent Steel at American University in Bulgaria and through Ecampus (Fall Quarter 2005) via Blackboard; 17 Bulgarian students and 15 OSU students participated.</p><p>2005-06 Unduplicated headcounts of students enrolled in Ecampus section 400 courses. Total Unduplicated Headcount 5939 Students residing in Oregon 4922 U.S. Non-Oregon 932 Int'l Total 85</p><p>Summer Session provided outreach opportunities (extending the OSU Summer Session programs beyond the Corvallis campus) to a variety of locations throughout the state, nation and the world including:  (Oregon) Bend, Fort Yamhill, Portland, Redmond, Wallowa, Wilsonville.  (Nationally) New York, Idaho.  (International) Central Mexico, Ecuador, Europe.  In a collaborative effort, Summer Session and International Education & Outreach offered study abroad courses in New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, and Antarctica. </p><p>5 2005 Unduplicated headcounts of students enrolled in Summer Session. Total Unduplicated Headcount 5337 Students residing in Oregon 3983 U.S. Non-Oregon 954 Int'l Total 400</p><p> b. Faculty recognition and awards (faculty and instructors who teach for the Extended Campus and in Extended Campus facilitated programs). </p><p> Leonard Friedman, Top Professor (2005). Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society, Oregon State University/ Association of University Programs in Health Administration, 2005 Board Chair  Dawn Wright, 2005: Milton Harris Award for Excellence in Basic Research, OSU College of Science/ Dawn Wright, a professor in the Department of Geosciences at Oregon State University and international expert on geographic information systems, has received the Education Award from the Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs.  Susan Shaw, Director of Women Studies, received the first Robert J. Frank Research, Scholarship and Creativity Award. Shaw, who is known for publishing cutting edge scholarship that is widely accessible both within and beyond academia, recently published Girls Rock! 50 Years of Women Making Music, co-written with Tisa Lewis and Mina Carson. The book came out with great acclaim and a proposal for a follow-up book is under review at several presses. Shaw is currently working on a book about Southern Baptist women entitled Competent Before God.  CLA Master Teachers. Six faculty were chosen from among the College’s best educators to teach freshman discovery courses – groups of 20 freshmen taking courses linked together by content. Faculty selected for the honor include Frank Bernieri, Psychology; Courtney Campbell, Philosophy; Anuncia Escala, Foreign Languages and Literatures; Sally Gallagher, Sociology; Paul Kopperman, History; and Robert Sahr, Political Science.  Christian Stehr, Professor of German, was recently invited to write articles for two publications. “‘Luther’ starring Joseph Fiennes, Alfred Molina, and Sir Peter Ustinov-- Pleased Protestants and Catholics?” was featured in the Swiss American Historical Society Review 41.1. “Der Spielfilm ‘Luther’ erzählt mehr als ein Mythos” was included in ProMedia 9.2. ProMedia is a prominent journal of media communications based in Berlin, Germany.  Steven Zielke, Director of Choral Studies, will teach and conduct at the University of Tubingen this February. In particular, he will be conducting two performances of Ralph Vaughan Williams’ “Dona Nobis Pacem” with the University of Tubingen's Academic Choir and Orchestra. </p><p>6  Marloes Bakker Award Winning Student (Marloes is a grad student in Geosciences who teaches for Ecampus as a TA under Gordon Matzke. She’s from the Netherlands)  Donna Champeau - Women of Achievement award c. Student recognition and awards AAUW Senior Women-Tarri Christopher is a senior from Hillsboro, Oregon studying Natural Resources with a minor in Fish and Wildlife Studies. Tarri holds a 3.83 GPA and has completed many of her classes through the OSU Ecampus program. Tarri has successfully balanced her family (including two children), leading Girl Scouts, volunteering with the Tualatin Riverkeepers, and her studies. Tarri recently found time to complete the Master Gardeners Program through the OSU/ Washington County Extension Office.</p><p>2. Strategic Plan Implementation</p><p> a. Focus for 2005-2006: Enhancing student success, increasing research and outreach, and enhancing diversity and community </p><p> o Research. Although no research activity was funded during FY 05-06, work has been done on designing a research agenda for FY 06-07. Research directly related to distance education methodologies, learning theory, applications of technology to learning, etc. will be proposed for faculty application for funding. The emphasis of the research agenda will be on submission of work to juried journals, invited presentations, and development of new applications and their implementation/assessment. A proposal is being considered for the development of an online professional journal for distance education. o Research Grants. Ecampus will be granting and supporting up to five research grants FY 06-07. The grants will be between $2,500 and $5,000 and are intended to provide support for faculty research and scholarship (e.g., publishing) in the area of distance education, outreach, teaching and learning online, new teaching and learning technologies, and other areas to be determined. o Outreach. . The most significant outreach activity of the past FY has been the association and partnership with the Siletz Valley Early College Academy. This outreach/partnership has resulted in the development of a curriculum for Native American K-12 students in the context of a charter school initiative undertaken by the Siletz community. . Additionally, OSU Summer Session worked with the Hatfield Marine Science Center to implement a successful marine biology program on the campus in Newport. . The work undertaken in collaboration with the College of Pharmacy in the development of the online “HR for Pharmacists” training program is resulting in a significant impact on that professional population and positive feedback from the industry. That program is slated to expand significantly during this coming year and the core program is to be modified to meet the HR training needs of other professions. . Extended Campus continues to collaborate with community colleges that are OSU Degree Partnership Program institutions in the development of services supporting that program. Efforts are underway with Blue Mountain Community College and Clackamas Community College to develop programs on their campuses. Extended Campus Summer Session has worked with the</p><p>7 College of Education and Clackamas Community College to deliver programs on the Wilsonville campus of CCC to allow professionals in the area to be involved with OSU programs in their own geographic locations. </p><p>For each focus area, list the initiatives undertaken and the outcome at the end of the year (include international dimensions within diversity)</p><p>1. Goal: Develop a comprehensive enrollment management plan aligned with campus that includes policies and marketing strategies that encourage participation by a diverse educational community</p><p> Diversity Action Plan: At the beginning of the 05-06 academic year, the Ecampus Diversity Task Force, with input from Ecampus staff, put together the Ecampus Diversity Action Plan using the template suggested by the Office of Community and Diversity. Over the next six months, the plan was reviewed by members of the C2D Task Force, and Ecampus was visited by Terryl Ross to review the plan and make suggestions for its improvement. This resulted in a revised draft of the DAP, with focus on five priority areas for Ecampus: Distance Education, Outreach, Ecampus Climate, Curriculum, and Student Services. One of the primary goals of the plan was to encourage all members of staff to seek ways to demonstrate a commitment to enhancing diversity on campus, since this wording is now universal in all position descriptions and is therefore part of everyone’s yearly evaluation. Staff was encouraged to attend the Diversity Book Club, serve on C2D, volunteer to be on the Diversity Task Force, become involved in multicultural events and the Diversity Summit. Finally, the Task Force drafted and presented to staff the Diversity Survey, to gauge the climate within Ecampus. Out of a staff of 35, 26 participated in the survey, a 74% participation rate. The results of the survey were rolled out at the All Staff meeting in July, following which staff broke into groups and brainstormed next steps for Ecampus and its staff to address some of the issues that surfaced from the survey. These recommendations were appended to the Diversity Action Plan, which is now on the C2D BlackBoard site.  The Diversity Update has become a regular feature of the Ecampus All-Staff Meetings, in order to keep all staff informed of internal initiatives as well as diversity activities on campus.  Presentations to Ecampus staff were given by Larry Roper, Mitch Wilkinson, Terryl Ross, and others who are involved in enhancing diversity both on campus and within the wider community.  Enrollment Coordinator: This .5 position became full-time in May, 2006, and continues to work with Oregon community colleges and the Degree Partnership Program Coordinator, also funded by Ecampus to broaden the base of enrollments.  Access Grants and Scholarships: See above information on $250,000 Financial Aid establishment by Extended Campus for distance education degree-seeking students.  Oregon Tribal College: See above.  International Programs: Representatives from Ecampus participated in the planning and discussion regarding the new OSU programs in China, in collaboration with International Programs.  Institutional Representative: The Dean and Associate Deans of OSU Extended Campus acted as institutional representative for OSU with the following national organizations: Council on Extension, Continuing Education, and Public Service; </p><p>8 Western Cooperative for Educational Technology; University Continuing Education Association; American Distance Education Consortium; Pacific Telecommunications Council.</p><p>Summer Session Ethnic Enrollments - Summer term ’05-’06 and on-campus combined Ethnic Enrollment figures:</p><p> American Indian – decrease 1.2%  Asian/Pacific Islander – increase 13.4%  African American/Black – decrease 1.5%  Hispanic – increase 7%</p><p>7% increase in combined, Ecampus Summer Session and Distance Education program ethnic enrollments over ’04-’05.</p><p>Provide a brief self-assessment of the unit efforts in the three areas: what worked; areas that need improvement; major barriers (see #5 below) b. Summarize major unit activities during 2005-2006 that helped promote one or more of the five thematic areas.</p><p> Ecampus has contributed to the promotion of the thematic areas through its extensive partnerships with the colleges and departments which have focused primarily on the development of new distance delivered and summer session academic programs and outreach. These partnerships have had a direct impact on OSU building and maintaining a strong curriculum and basic inquiry in the arts and sciences to over 7,500 students throughout Oregon and worldwide that would not be able to participate in the programs of the university without these partnerships. These partnerships have resulted in the following undergraduate degree programs in arts and science: Liberal Studies, Natural Resources, Environmental Science, General Agriculture, and General Science. This included the two interdisciplinary curricular programs of Natural Resources and Environmental Science which are facilitated and participated in by the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Forestry, Science, and Liberal Arts. </p><p> The Extended Campus has also worked in partnership with the College of Health and Human Sciences to develop and deliver a distance (outreach) program in Health Care Administration and Leadership. This program has been delivered to over 200 Oregon Health Care Administrators throughout the state. This unique program has focused on the management and development of leadership characteristics for individuals in public health services. The program was delivered as a hybrid model (1/2 online and 1/2 face-to-face) in partnership with the following Oregon Medical facilities and hospitals: Samaritan Health Services, St. Charles Medical Center – Bend, Asante Health Systems – Medford.</p><p> Ecampus has also contributed to the development of new university curriculum dedicated to managing natural resources. There is new distance education graduate certificate program in Sustainable Natural Resources. Also our BS and </p><p>9 minor in Natural Resources is enrolled in by students from throughout Oregon and beyond. </p><p> b. Summarize major accomplishments for 2005-2006 in support of the OSU Capital Campaign </p><p>Support of OSU Capital Campaign-The Dean, faculty, and staff stay informed regarding the campaign and support the efforts of other units on campus where ever possible in the pursuit/achievement of their goals for the campaign. Since none of the initiatives proposed by Extended Campus were accepted for inclusion in the campaign, efforts to develop “campaign related” activities such as increased scholarships for non-traditional students and funding for program development are being undertaken by Extended Campus outside the structure of the campaign. Proposals and groundwork related to acquiring funding for a multi-use facility to house Extended Campus and related campus operations have been terminated due to the rejection of the concept by the Foundation staff. Although repeated inquiries have been made and promises of collaboration/support offered, Extended Campus has been unable to establish any viable working relationship with the Foundation. </p><p>3. Other initiatives and their outcomes (e.g., Faculty/Staff Professional Development Activities) </p><p>See attached “Ecampus Professional Development Activities FY 05-06.</p><p>4. Scorecard a. Performance on college-level metrics (Institutional Research will provide you with an initial set of college/unit metrics for 2004-2005 for your review) </p><p>See attached “College-level Metrics for Ecampus”</p><p> b. Leveraging resources: Initiatives to leverage state resources </p><p>Collaboration with community colleges. Perhaps the most significant effort undertaken by Extended Campus to leverage state resources was undertaken in partnership with the community colleges through the Degree Partnership Program. The development of a seamless programmatic relationship with the community colleges is resulting in providing increased access for students throughout the state. The ability of these students to pursue their lower division academic requirements at the community college level is resulting in increased efficiency in allocation of state student loan funding while providing a clear “pathway” to a credential from a major university such as OSU.</p><p>Training programs for state agencies. Discussions have been conducted by the Extended Campus Manager of Outreach and Professional Programs during this past FY with multiple state agencies regarding development of training programs for their employees. A focus of these discussions has been on having the educational institutions (OSU Extended Campus) with expertise in this arena, provide employee training and education, avoiding the cost of a duplicated training infrastructure among agencies. As these discussions proceed, the plan is to develop a “training academy” for state employees with an inventory segmented by agency.</p><p>Extension Services – County and State. Discussion and planning are ongoing with OSU Extension Services for the development of partnerships, collaborative programs, and delivery </p><p>10 strategies that will take advantage of the physical ubiquity of Extension throughout the state and the delivery infrastructure and focus of Extended Campus. An MOU was signed with Extension for the development of the Master Gardener Program offered online. An additional element of the program is the development of an industry-approved “certificate” that is projected to produce additional revenue for Extension and provide an economic development incentive program for the nursery industry. This relationship with OSU Extension is intended to be expanded and further developed during FY 06-07.</p><p>Telecom systems – WiFi. The Manager of Outreach and Professional programs is a member of the Governor’s Telecommunications Council. In this role he has been involved in the initiatives related to the development of community WiFi systems in small rural communities. The presence of these broad-band systems will also permit the delivery of OSU Extended Campus programs to communities that did not previously have broadband access. This private- sector initiative, supported by state start-up funding, will result in increased capacity for OSU to deliver programs and services to rural communities. </p><p>Initiatives to improve administrative efficiencies Physical space analysis and allocation with Facilities Planning resulted in more equitable and efficient use of space in the Valley Library, while still allowing for “limited” growth on the part of Ecampus.</p><p>Extended Campus has integrated many of its operational processes and procedures into the mainstream of OSU by working collaboratively and closely with Admissions, Registrar, DPP, Enrollment Management, Student Success Center, Affirmative Action, Extension, Financial Aid, International Programs, IS/Central Web, and the colleges.</p><p>Online student and faculty satisfaction surveys developed and implemented for the past three years have shown significant improvements in student and faculty support. This year, the Deans Office Survey and the Diversity Survey provided input and recommendations from staff on improving communications and meeting the goals of the mission statements in both the Strategic Plan and the Diversity Action Plan.</p><p>In addition to bi-weekly Leadership Team meetings attended by the Dean’s Office and the Directors of Ecampus, the Directors have instituted the Directors Meeting, also bi-weekly, in order to improve communication among units and to strategize on goals.</p><p>5. Assessment of your 2005-2006 Priorities Provide a brief assessment of your 2005-2006 priorities, including a self-assessment of what worked and what did not, and lessons learned. </p><p>What worked:</p><p>Enhancing student success:</p><p> Extended Campus developed and provided an online orientation for newly admitted students.  Ecampus worked with colleges and departments to establish a more efficient communication processes between advisors and degree-seeking distance students. This resulted in improvements in the retention and success of OSU distance education students. </p><p>11  Ecampus improved visibility and marketing of online services and programs. Growth in number of website “hits” and uses of website increased by over 110% from 2004-05.  Ecampus addressed online instructor issues through increased, consistent communication, provision of training opportunities, enhancement of individual instructor technical abilities, and increased fluency in Blackboard course design and management.  Extended Campus worked with the Office of OSU Financial Aid to implement a DE financial aid fund ($250,000) for distance degree-seeking students. The fund was available for distance students in beginning in Fall 2005.  Ecampus worked with the IT Accessibility Committee and the Faculty Senate Distance Education Committee in development of accessibility guidelines and goals for online programs, websites, and all instructional materials. These guidelines are now included in all online course design and online student services.  Ecampus has applied the EBAM financial model and the 20% incentive funding for the development of three new OSU distance education programs. These are: Bachelors degree in General Science, a minor in Writing, and a graduate certificate in Sustainable Natural Resources. </p><p>Increasing research/scholarship and outreach:</p><p> Extended campus initiated collaboration with individual departments to build online teaching expertise, and assist in development of grants for funding and research in online teaching.  Ecampus refined the “best practices” based course development and instituted its incorporation into all online courses designed through Ecampus.</p><p>Increasing Enrollment:</p><p>Both Ecampus Distance Education and Summer Session met target growth goals for 05-06. Actual growth rates were:</p><p>Distance Education: +26% Summer Session: +8%</p><p>Enhancing diversity and community</p><p> Ecampus representatives participated in the OSU C2D Task Force and its subcommittees, and worked to increase accessibility of OSU degrees to rural community colleges and tribal communities. Ecampus provided summer programs targeted to students from economically distressed areas of Oregon, and implemented phase I of the Oregon Tribal College. Ecampus also provided access grants and scholarships to distance degree-seeking students. Extended Campus completed its Diversity Action Plan and conducted an orientation for Extended Campus faculty and staff.</p><p>What didn’t work : </p><p> Although the core issues have been identified and collaboration has been established, Ecampus did not succeed in our goal to work with the Student Success Center to establish an OSU Testing Center(s) (on-campus and virtual). This is still an ongoing effort by the OSU Student Success Center.</p><p>12  Some progress was made in working with colleges to identify and build programs based on student needs for Distance Education/Online programs. However, programs identified for development and inclusion in the course inventory have lagged behind expectations. Plans for 06-07 appear to be more in line with projected inventory development plans.  Ecampus worked with IS to improve reliability of Blackboard, but addition of Blackboard support staff and upgrading to latest version were not achieved in the timeline established. This is progressing, however, and should be implemented in 05-06.  Fundraising activities of the Dean’s office did not meet expectations. Lack of support from the Foundation was part of the problem, but not significant. The primary issue is the “age” of Extended Campus, the small alumni base, and the “shared” nature of the programs offered through the unit. This was also partially a result of the fiscal restraints placed on the institution as a whole and the need for Extended Campus to focus much of its energy on increased revenue production.  Although invited presentations at national conferences by Ecampus faculty and staff increased significantly, the publication of juried journal articles and related research activity did not meet goals. The funding of faculty research during 05-06 should address this issue. </p><p>Lessons learned :  The relationships with the academic colleges and departments have improved significantly and continue to improve. Extended Campus is now viewed by the colleges and departments as a true partner in providing access to off-campus students.  There is an increasing dependence on the revenue generated through the Extended Campus programs – Online and Summer Session.  The Degree Partnership Program (DPP) with the community colleges is a significant part of OSU’s future provision of access to Oregon students. Ecampus is a key factor in making this partnership program work. This creation of “multiple pathways” to degree attainment is a fundamental part of the OSU DPP/Ecampus initiatives.</p><p>6. Proposed Priorities for 2006-2007 </p><p>1. Add four new OSU distance education programs 2. Increase distance education student credit hours by 12% 3. Increase summer session student credit hours by 6% 4. Increase non-credit programs by 200% 5. Increase non-credit program enrollments (both face-to-face and online) to 500 6. Initiate a program of sponsored faculty research 7. Increase faculty training and education opportunities/activities in distance education both individual/corporately by 100%. 8. Review and update the Extended Campus strategic plan 9. Advance the tribal college initiative to the implementation stage 10. Increase corporate and state employee training activities/initiatives by 200% 11. Expand DPP program “pathways” and integrated services. 12. Expand Summer Session Community College programs 13. Expand and formalize the program development/delivery relationship with OSU Extension</p><p>13 3. Other initiatives and their outcomes - Ecampus Professional Development Activities FY 05-06</p><p>Name Position Professional Development Activities Committee (OSU and Ecampus) Participation Alvarez, Communication Terry Center Specialist Bailey, Course Coordinator Advanced MS Word (Ed2Go); Mistake Free Vickie Grammar and Proof Reading </p><p>Babcock Director, Business UCEA West Treasurer 2005-2006 HR Committee Carol Services Attended and financial manager of UCEA West 2005 Regional Conference in Portland, Oregon Attended UCEA 2006 Annual Conference San Diego, CA. Regional meeting financial report presented. Attendance at OSCPA Strategic Leadership Forum May 8 & 9, 2006. 2006 Chair of Benton-Linn area Oregon Society of CPA's (OSCPA). Attended 2006 OSCPA Governmental Accounting and Auditing Conference in Eugene, Oregon. OSCPA training on fraud and internal control issues, Corvallis, Oregon.</p><p>Martin Director, Summer Director of Western Association of Summer Diversity Task Force Barry Session Session Administrators (WASSA) Infectious Diseases Chair of WASSA Resolution and Programs Response Team; Committee E.E. Wilson Presented at the WASSA Newcomer's Scholarship Workshop: Summer Session Research Committee (September 2005) Presented at the WASSA Annual Conference: Summer Financial Aid Round Table (September 2005) Chair of the North American Association of Summer Sessions (NAASS) Theresa Neil Research Fund CommitteeChair of the NAASS Quality and Research Committee Presented at the NAASS Annual Conference: Summer Special Events (November 2005)Oregon State University Degree Partnership Summit (May 2006) </p><p>14 Name Position Professional Development Activities Committee (OSU and Ecampus) Participation Cavalier, Web Design Attended occasional .NET training sessions at Ian Specialist BSG (about ASP.NET, Visual Studio, databases, data modeling, etc.) with Mark Clements and Steve Landis Attended, setup Summer Session display and computer equipment, and staffed booth: SeaFest 2005 at HMSC (6/25/2005) Attended WebVisions 2005 Conference in Portland: "Convergence {Finally}" (7/15/2005) Attended, setup Extended Campus and Summer Session displays and computer equipment, and staffed booths: University Day 2005 on campus (9/20/2005) Attended, coordinated transport and maintenance of all audio-visual materials, served as technical/computer support during all conference sessions: UCEA West 2005 Regional Conference in Portland (9/28-30/2005) Attended "Four Technologies That Will Transform PR: The Strategic Use of Blogs, Wikis, RSS, and Podcasts" webcast (10/27/2005) Attended Adobe InDesign CS2 Workshops at Printing & Mailing (12/14 and 12/19/2005) Completed professional development course: QuickSkills "Introduction to Flash MX 2004" (six-week course started 11/9/2005) Attended IPN Internet Marketing Workshop in Portland: "Six Superb Online Selling Success Stories: Merchants and Entrepreneurs Large and Small Share Secrets of Online Success" (3/14/2006) Attended Advanced Adobe InDesign CS2 Workshop at Printing & Mailing (5/19/2006)</p><p>Caughey, CC Pathways Attended last fall's WCET conference in Portland. Mary Coordinator Participated in the PSU Sylvania Evening/Weekend College Task Force Attended and presented at the Degree Partnership Summit at OSU, May 18 &19, “Pathways through Distance Education.”</p><p>15 Name Position Professional Development Activities Committee (OSU and Ecampus) Participation Enos, P12 Online Oregon Indian Education Association Conference Siletz Valley Early Rianne Data Warehouse Training College Academy Outlook Management/Training Textbook Committee Saifer Driver Training Admissions Undergraduate Multicultural Debrief National Resources Digital Library Training Welcoming Diversity Workshop Fisher, Director, PD&T April 20, 2005, Workshop on Assessments Staff Meeting Planning Dianna August 2-5, Distance Learning Conference, Blackboard Tech Group Madison, WI Chair Faculty Senate August 23rd – Copyright workshop Diversity Council (until 2007)</p><p>Folz, Amy Student Services Banner and Data Warehouse training Committed 2 Diversity Assistant CMS, Knowledgebase, LiveChat, and Forums & Diversity Book Club training Service Ethic Sub-group Blackboard and Online Tutoring Pride Planning, presentations/training including hosting two BSG Survey Tool training events during Pride Training to do transcript reviews Week Attended the Multicultural Recruitment Debrief held by Admissions Attended George Kuh's presentations about student success and retention </p><p>Lamley, Assistant Distance Learning Administrators Conf. ‘05 Juanita Professor/Coordinat Presentation: or of Continuing ‘Online Pedagogy,” Distance Learning Professional Administrators national conference, Jekyll Development. Island, Georgia, June 5, 2006 </p><p>Lehto, DSS (new Cindy employee)</p><p>Lind, Admin Assistant Quickskills Online Grammar Lorrie Presentation: *WCET Logue, Web Systems Presentation: Comprehensive Student Service Social Affairs Gayle Analyst Models for Online Learners, WCET conference, Committee; Staff San Francisco Meeting Planning</p><p>16 Name Position Professional Development Activities Committee (OSU and Ecampus) Participation Misner Receptionist Ed2Go Excel Mandy</p><p>Minear, Director, Presentations: Academic Advising Paula Department and UCEA West, Sept 30, 2005 "De Rerum Natura: Council (voting Student Services Surveying the Beast" member) Degree Partnership Summit, May 19th, 2006 Faculty Senate (voting "Pathways through Online Education" member) Student Success Council (voting member) Ecampus Intake Team </p><p>Merickel, Associate Dean UCEA, Institutional Representative Diversity Task Force Mark UCEA West, National Board Representative UCEA Commission on Futures and Markets, Commissioner UCEA Futures and Markets Committee on Multilevel, Multiyear Planning, Chair UCEA West 2004 International-Regional Conference Program, Co-Chair OSU Curriculum Council, member OSU Academic Regulations Committee, Member OSU Administrator Computer Users Group (ACUG), Member OSU AISAC, MemberFebruary 17, 2006 “Building Airplanes in the Sky: Pedagogy and Technology Trends in University Distance and Continuing Education.” Community College Leadership Program – Lecture Series. Silver Falls, OR.</p><p>UCEA Futures & Markets Commission Research: 2005-2006 Trend Analysis for Continuing Education Institutions in the US. May 31, 2006. University Continuing Education Association.</p><p>Merickel, M., Cillay, D., Moore, J., Sederberg, L., & Sener, J. (June 13, 2005). The Impact of Course Design on Quality. National University Telecommunications Network (NUTN) Conference. San Francisco, CA.</p><p>17 Name Position Professional Development Activities Committee (OSU and Ecampus) Participation Bill Dean UCEA, UCEA Commission on Learning, FS Distance Education McCaugha Instruction, and Technology, Vice Chair; Committee; Campus Art n WCET Steering Committee; Committee ADEC Program Panel; NASULGC, CECEPS;</p><p>Presentations: “Digital Web Services,” All ADEC Meeting, Washington, DC, 2006; </p><p>“Covering Your Bases: Financial Decisions for Today and Tomorrow,” UCEA Management Seminar, Sarasota, Florida, 2006; </p><p>“Future Challenges In Distance Education,” NUTN Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, 2005 McMath- Communication Creating Effective Policy & Procedure Manuals Social Affairs Walton, Center Coordinator and Handbooks Committee; Search Moina Committee, Student Hiring Smart for OSU Svcs. Spec. Moore, High School Banner Basics (3/7/06); Precollege Programs Dave Programs Specialist Committee SIS Banner (3/8/06); SIS Data Warehouse (4/12/06); Data Warehouse Q&A (4/26/06) Powell, Assistant to the Oregon Women in Higher Education Conference Social Affairs Maurine Director, Summer Degree courses: (OSU) MTH 111, 241 & 245 Committee, Session (LBCC) ENG104, WR227. AOP Member IDRT Committee Summer Session Advisor "Thank You" Lunch</p><p>Dual-Partnership Program Summit / Student-Panel Q&A Session</p><p>Journey to Leadership Alumni Presentations</p><p>Cooperative Learning Groups: CLG-Access; CLG-Adv Reports; CLG-FIS/HRIS; CLG-SIS; CLG-Outlook; CLG-MS Office</p><p>18 Name Position Professional Development Activities Committee (OSU and Ecampus) Participation Richardson, Accountant 1/20/05 attended a demonstration of Higher Staff Meeting Planning Helen (Purchasing Agent Markets to see how Notre Dame streamlined their 2) purchasing processes. 2/9/05 CECN Luncheon on The Ethical Implications of Planning Events and Applicable Oregon state laws – speaker: Patrick Hearn, Executive Director of the Oregon Government Standards & Practices Commission. 2/28/05 attended OSU Event Planners/Tradeshow. 3/23/05 Standard First Aid With Adult CPR 4/4/05 attended informational meeting on “Smarthinking” 4/15/05 CECN Lunch Meeting “Planning Events at OSU – Minding Our Own Business” . 5/18/05 attended annual informational meeting of Community Network to discuss services, fees, changes and directions for the upcoming year. 8/16/05 The Conference for Women “How to communicate like a pro,” “Conflict management skills especially for women,” “Keep your emotions from running the show,” “Personalize your work space to feed your spirit,” “How to keep difficult people from ruining your day.” Sept. 28-30 UCEA conference; attended Awards Luncheon and “Squeezing Gold from Grapes- Franchising Successful Programs.” 10/6/05 “Creating Effective Policy & Procedure Manuals and Handbooks” presented by Gary Hunter, Policy Analyst , OHR 10/26/05 attended Outlook Training/Email Management sponsored by CN. Pelroy, Accountant HR Committee Carlene Shadley, Manager, CE Presentation on the Oregon Tribal College to Link the Oregon Indian Education Association in Portland* Presentation on the Oregon Tribal College to the American Indian Rights and Resources Organization in Sacramento* February 7th, 2006 - Presentation on Oregon Tribal College to Res, a nationwide conference of 2000 Indian economic development leaders, Las Vegas. October 18th, 2005 - Presentation on the Oregon Tribal College to Chancellor of OUS February 27th - Presentation on the Oregon Tribal College to the Yakima Indian Nation Economic Development Committee</p><p>19 Name Position Professional Development Activities Committee (OSU and Ecampus) Participation Templeton Director, MarketingUCEA member Diversity Task Force , Lisa & Communications AMA member Ecampus Intake Team UCEA West Awards Committee, Judge Lead; Attended and presented at 90th annual UCEA Faculty Senate, convention in Boston OSU Media Buying Coordinator of UCEA West Regional Conference, RFP Committee, Portland Oregon Numerous search Adult Education courses committees</p><p>John Web Systems UCEA Distance Learning Community of Diversity Task Force; Thompson Coordinator Practice(Chair of Membership) C2D; Diversity Round Attended 90th annual UCEA convention in Boston Table (and presented on SEO/SEM) OSU C2D Committee OSU DAM Committee Attended WebVisions 2005 in Portland</p><p>Wallace, Marketing and Undergrad courses in Writing & New Media Linda Publications Managing Multiple Projects - Skillpath Seminars - Coordinator Portland, OR In-Design workshops (2) - OSU Printing & Mailing - on-campus, spring 06 A Guide to Tribal Outreach - UCEA conference session - Sept. 2005 – Portland Set up and staffed Ecampus display at Seafest (6/05) and OSU Day in Salem (3/05)</p><p>Williams, Assistant to the UCEA Member, Food Drive; MWHR Workshops; HR Committee; Sarah Dean UCEA West Conference in Portland; Banner Diversity Task Force; Basics; Journey into Leadership Staff Meeting Planning, Social Affairs; C2D; Ecampus Representative to the Diversity Round Table Yee, Victor PD&T NMC 481 - OSU Post Production Class Staff Meeting Planning Journey Into Leadership Smarthinking Webinar SIS Banner SIS Data Warehouse Various Books on Final Cut Pro 5 (Self Learning)</p><p>4a. Scorecard – Extended Campus</p><p>20</p><p>Metri Actuals (AY/FY) College Targets</p><p> c # 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2007-08</p><p>Goal 1: Provide Outstanding Academic Programs 2004-05 Themes: Increase research and outreach Increase diversity </p><p>Expenditures from Grants and Contracts, and $1,034,50 1.1 Other Sources 6 $2,931 $15,471 Aug-06 1.2 Invention Disclosures 0 0 0 Jan-07 % of Faculty, Staff, and Students Comfortable with 1.3 Climate for Diversity N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A % of U.S. Minority Students of Total College 1.4 Enrollment 10.9 11.6 11.8 12.7 Student Credit Hours for Distance/Online and 1.x.1 Summer Session 63,631 67,682 77,143 1.x.2 Program Inventory-Undergrad/Grad 13 18 18 </p><p>Goal 2: Improve the Teaching and Learning Environment 2004-05 Themes: Improve student success and retention Increase diversity </p><p>2.1 First Year Retention Rate (% Within University) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.2 6-Year Graduation Rate (% Within University) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.3 Undergraduate Degrees Awarded N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.4 Graduate Degrees Awarded N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A % of Seniors Participating in Student Engagement 2.5 Activities / Number of Respondents N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Student Primary Major to Faculty FTE Ratio / 2.6 Student Course to Faculty FTE Ratio N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.x.1 Average Length to Degree Completion (years) 3.6 3.8 2.75 2.x.2 Satisfaction Rate per Course (%) N/A 84.5 </p><p>Goal 3: Increase Revenues </p><p>12 / 2 / 3.1 Awards from Grants and Contracts (# / $) ($134,177) 0 / $0 $20,000 0 / $0 3.2 Private Giving Revenue - - - TBA N/A</p><p>"N/A" -- Not Applicable "TBA" -- Awaiting data requested from OSU unit.</p><p>= Data Requested = Please Verify</p><p>21</p>

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