March 27, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1813 music is spreading further across the firm foundation of friendship through their angle now, so I suppose people are going to country each day, their roots remain teenage years, which continues to benefit be surprised. Some people want every record grounded in eastern Kentucky. them to this day. ‘‘When you know someone to sound the same, but once your fans think I ask that my Senate colleagues join as long as we have, you know each other’s they know you, you are done. You won’t dynamics,’’ says Jamerson. ‘‘He is like a grow as musicians if they think they have me in recognizing the success of Sundy brother to me. It’s gratifying to do this you figured out.’’ Best and wishing them well with the whole music thing alongside someone you ‘‘We definitely have a vision of where we recent release of their new album, have known for so long.’’ want to be,’’ says Bentley, who with Bring Up the Sun. After high school, the pair’s goal to play Jamerson played more than 190 dates out on Kentucky Monthly recently pub- sports often competed with the draw they the road in 2013. ‘‘I would never have ex- lished an article chronicling the rise of shared to ultimately pursue a music career. pected to be where we are today just one Sundy Best. I ask unanimous consent ‘‘Music was the one passion that I always year ago. I think 2014 is going to be another that the full article be printed in the had, but looking back, I am glad my parents growth year for us. A lot of people still don’t talked me into getting a college degree,’’ know who we are, so we want to definitely RECORD. says Jamerson, who was on the Pikeville continue to play new markets. We are ex- There being no objection, the article College football team. ‘‘The people I met and cited to see what happens with this new was ordered to be printed in the the experiences I had in college made me the record and then determine what happens RECORD as follows: person I am now. That’s where songs come next.’’ [From Kentucky Monthly, Feb. 25, 2014] from. You need perspective and life lessons No matter where their musical journey as a writer.’’ might still yet lead them, one thing is for THE BEST MEN WIN The end of college (Bentley attended and sure: These two will continue to give credit (By Tricia Despres) played basketball for Centre) brought the be- where credit is due. When kids grow up with something to ginning of the duo’s quick, yet organic, as- ‘‘You hear people all the time talking prove, they can become stubborn and a bit cent to musical success. After their joint about how they are Texas proud or Georgia hardheaded. But when those kids grow up to move to Lexington and a brief stint working proud or even Tennessee proud,’’ says Bent- be adults who want to make a living as musi- at the local cable company, the two began ley. ‘‘When you are from eastern Kentucky, cians . well, they just might become su- performing at patio parties, restaurants and you are automatically proud. You can be perstars. clubs, often playing four-hour sets each anywhere in the world, and if you meet So goes the story of Sundy Best. night. A regular gig at Lexington’s Redmon’s someone from eastern Kentucky, you are im- Blending an eclectic mix of acoustic guitar helped the two establish a growing fan base mediately friends. Plus, they are the craziest with the beat of the cajo´ n drum and the com- eager to find out more about the band. fans ever. We love Nashville and all, but we pelling vocals of Nick Jamerson and Kris ‘‘Thank goodness for social media,’’ says would just rather stay right here in Ken- Bentley, Sundy Best looks as if they are Bentley, who cut his musical teeth trying to tucky. The people here have been the biggest about to embark on a career many others are emulate the songs of artists such as Bob driving factor in our career, and we can often left to dream about. Just last year, the Seger and Tom Petty. ‘‘Good ol’ Facebook never be too thankful.’’ Kentucky-based duo released a deluxe was the only way to connect to our fans and ‘‘Before I moved to Lexington, my whole version of their album Door Without a tell them where we were going to be every life had been spent living in eastern Ken- Screen and watched as it landed in the Top night. We would always have 20 or 30 people tucky. I had never had a chance to miss liv- 10 on iTunes. The video for their single from eastern Kentucky who knew us from ing in the country. And as we have begun ‘‘Home (I Wanna Go)’’ reached the top of when we played sports drive up on a touring more, I now know it was something CMT Pure’s fan-voted poll for multiple weeknight to see us perform. Seeing that I myself took for granted,’’ says Jamerson. weeks. A brand-new album in 2014 is sure to kind of support when we were just out there ‘‘We love Kentucky and will always want to help the duo prove to the rest of the world playing cover songs was a huge boost to our carry that flag . but we can’t wait to that, sometimes, the underdogs win. confidence.’’ spread the word to everyone else, too.’’ ‘‘Growing up, I always seemed to have a Then, Sundy Best recorded the song that f chip on my shoulder,’’ says Jamerson. ‘‘As a would change their career: ‘‘Home (I Wanna kid who loved playing sports, I was smaller Go).’’ ‘‘That song took off right around the SYRIAN WAR CRIME TRIBUNAL than anyone else, so I always had something same time when the winter had set in and Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, Sen- to prove in everything that I did. It was the the patio gigs had shut down,’’ recalls Bent- attitude I would ultimately have with every- ley. ‘‘Once people heard that song, the whole ators RUBIO, MURPHY, KAINE, and I re- thing in my life. I was just always super thing just grew. People knew we were serious cently introduced in the Senate a con- competitive.’’ about doing music.’’ current resolution on the need for the It was an attitude Jamerson seemed to in- In 2012, the duo recorded some of their investigation and prosecution of war herit from his close-knit family. ‘‘Three of songs that they self-produced with friend and crimes, crimes against humanity, and my grandparents had a college degree, filmmaker Coleman Saunders, and independ- genocide committed by any groups in- which, coming from a small mining town in ently released Door Without a Screen. volved in civil war in Syria. Congress- Kentucky, was not at all common,’’ he re- Last year, they were asked to play the calls. ‘‘I mean, my grandmother could build jewel of all venues: the Grand Ole Opry. ‘‘As man CHRIS SMITH has introduced the anything. Being around those kinds of people a musician and performer, I don’t think I House version of this concurrent reso- all my life and seeing how driven and suc- will ever be the same,’’ says Jamerson. ‘‘I lution. It calls for President Obama to cessful they were . it definitely made an cried when I found out we were playing have our Ambassador to the U.N. use impression on me.’’ there. It was like being at church and feeling the influence and vote of the United As a 5-foot-10 kid basketball player from something on your heart and you don’t know States to promote the establishment of Prestonsburg, Bentley also was up against what it is. We had been touring all year, so a Syrian war crimes tribunal. The need his share of obstacles, none of which he sharing it with our families was an unbeliev- is stark. Quite simply, the terrible hadn’t learned to conquer during his child- able feeling. I mean, what else could top hood years growing up within the sacred that? I was watching Netflix the other night crimes being committed in the civil walls of the church, hence the name Sundy and they were doing a two-day concert spe- war in Syria call out for justice. As Best. ‘‘I would play drums every Sunday cial on Neil Young and were showing this such, the U.N. should establish a tri- with my dad and brother,’’ recalls Bentley, concert he did at the Ryman Auditorium, bunal similar to the ones created in re- describing himself as a good kid who ‘‘put and I mean, he was walking through the sponse to the charges of war crimes, Mom through the wringer . church really same doors we did when we were playing crimes against humanity, and genocide was the only outlet to get out there and do there for the Grand Ole Opry. Every time we in the former Yugoslavia, Sierra music, especially in eastern Kentucky.’’ get the chance to play there, it ends up being Leone, and Rwanda. Besides sports and a childhood spent with- quite the spiritual experience.’’ in the church, the two also shared a musical The year 2014 brings Sundy Best fans the As the Syrian conflict entered its foundation formed within their homes, often much-anticipated new album Bring Up the fourth year this month, the horrific vi- spending countless hours listening to a di- Sun, a collection of songs that just might olence there continues unabated.
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