<p> Annual Report 2008</p><p>I. Section/SIG Name: Section on Practice Management</p><p>II. Chair-Elect Contact Information</p><p>Individual Completing this report: Marcia Ditmyer, PhD, MBA, MS Section office held: Chair-Elect Phone: (702) 774-2646 Fax: (800) 549-8707 Email: [email protected] Date: May 9, 2008</p><p>III. 2007/2008 Section/SIG Activities/Accomplishments</p><p>1. Provided Student Awards in Practice Management</p><p>The Section continued the student awards in practice administration. This award, funded entirely by the American Academy of Dental Practice Administration, consists of a certificate of merit. The awards are coordinated nationally by Dr. Keith Dickey. The award recognizes the top student(s) in practice administration at each school. This award raises the awareness of practice administration as a knowledge-based discipline. Forty-seven students from 43 schools received the award in 2008.</p><p>2. Annual Session Program was co-sponsored this year with the Section on Comprehensive Care and General Dentistry. The forum session was entitled: “Team and Group Leaders: How Do We Attract and Nurture Them?” Thirty-five (35) total participants attending the session. </p><p>3. Planning of Section Program in 2009: It was decided to organize a symposium or program regarding corporate influence in practice management instruction in dental schools.</p><p>4. The section name was officially changed by a vote of the House of Delegates from Section on Practice Administration to Section on Practice Management in keeping with the terminology of the new competencies. </p><p>5. Project Pool Study on Evaluation of Administrators in Dental Colleges. Two articles appeared in the JDE, one workshop was held in New Orleans, and another one was held in Dallas at the current convention. </p><p>6. Community of Interest for Faculty was updated. To keep the COI viable and active, need to have at least 10 to 20 items posted per year. Items have been submitted; however the section is still looking for items such as assignments, case studies, syllabus, and articles that can be used to supplement the courses. Dave is the </p><p>1 Annual Report 2008</p><p> gatekeeper at this time and requested materials be sent to him.</p><p>7. ADA/ADEA Joint Venture in Practice Management: </p><p>The development of 8-12 modules that address practice management competencies will be conducted in conjunction with ADA. Karen Hart informed Dr. Valachovic on our intentions to collaborate on modules that can complement the competencies for the new dentist relating to practice management. This will be moving forward. IV. Membership and Attendance</p><p>Admin/ Full- Part-Time/ Retire Student - Student – Student None TOTAL Staff Time Adjunct d Allied Prof. Post- - Pre- Selecte Faculty Faculty Doct. Doct. d Member Member Practice 44 65 29 2 16 12 325 74 567 Mgt.</p><p>Thirteen (13) members signed in and participated in the member forum, including a visit from Ms. Hart, an ADA representative. </p><p>Thirty-five (35) total participants attended the jointly sponsored program. </p><p>V. Section Structure COUNCILOR 1st Term 2nd Term Beginning Term Date: 3-08</p><p>Name ______David G. Dunning, Ph.D., M.A. _ Title ______Professor Department __Oral Biology Institution Name___University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry Phone: __402-472-1325_ Fax: _402-472-2551_____ Email: [email protected]</p><p>CHAIR Name ______Dunn Cumby, D.D.S., M.P.H. Title __ Chair Department ___Dental Services Administration_____ Institution Name__University of Oklahoma, College of Dentistry Phone: __405-271-4949_____ Fax: ____405-271-4789______Email: [email protected]______</p><p>2 Annual Report 2008</p><p>CHAIR-ELECT Name ______Marcia Ditmyer, Ph.D., MBA, MS___ Title ____Assistant Professor___ Department Clinical Sciences and Professional Studies______Institution Name___University of Nevada Las Vegas_ Phone: ______702-774-2646____ Fax: ___702-774-2721______Email: [email protected]______</p><p>SECRETARY Name ___Brian Lange, Ph.D., M.S.______Title _____Professor______Department _____Oral Biology______Institution Name____University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry_____ Phone: _____402-472-1274_____ Fax: ______402-472-2551_____ Email: [email protected]______</p><p>VI. Financial Status</p><p>A. Current Section Balance: $5885.04 B. There are no organizations that award monetary awards. The Student Award in Practice Management is awarded by the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DENTAL PRACTICE ADMINISTATION and the award includes only a certificate of recognition but no monetary gift. </p><p>VII. Section Communications</p><p>Electronic: E-mail and Fax are commonly used among members of the Section.</p><p>Conference calls among the officers are used to distribute information and plan meetings.</p><p>Print: The Section Newsletter (Appendix A) was sent via the list serve and was also posted on the ADEA website under the Section’s area. This newsletter announces the annual program and other events and projects.</p><p>Meetings: A meeting of the Council of Sections was held in Dallas, TX in April. Med-Ed Portal was introduced. Round table discussions centered on how improvements can be made in communication.</p><p>VIII. Meeting Minutes</p><p>Appendix B</p><p>3 Annual Report 2008</p><p>IX. Section Program Evaluation Summary</p><p>The forum session was entitled: “Team and Group Leaders: How Do We Attract and Nurture Them?”</p><p>Statistical evaluation information is as follows: - 100% reported the factor most influencing their decision to attend was the topic. - Responses ranged from 3.0 to 4.0 on a 5.0 scale - Items with 3.0 response average included: - I obtained information and ideas that will be useful in my work - The presenter(s)’ achieved the learning objectives stated - Items with 4.0 response average included: - Session content matched time and format - Presenter(s) engaged the audience - Handouts and resource material was relevant and useful - Overall, satisfied with the learning experience - Presenter(s)’ demonstrated subject matter expertise - Presenter(s)’ organized the session well - Presenter(s)’ effectively used audio and visual aids</p><p>X. Feedback to the Administrative Board</p><p>Section membership stands at 567. The COI should help with communication with the new section members. Joint venture with ADA on the development of 8-12 modules that will address practice management competencies; this will be moving forward with anticipation of a section program in 2009 meeting. </p><p>4 APPENDIX A</p><p>Annual Report 2008</p><p>Section on Practice Administration March 2008</p><p>Annual Section Program ADEA 2008 Conference in Dallas Texas SECTION ON PRACTICE ADMINISTRATION 2007-2008 Officers The Officers of the Practice Councilor Dr. Dave Dunning Administration Section would like to University of Nebraska Medical Center invite you to attend a collaborative College of Dentistry 40th and Holdrege Streets Section Program with the Section on Lincoln, NE 68583-0754 Phone: 402-472-1325 Comprehensive Care and General Fax: 402-472-5290 Email: [email protected] Dentistry entitled: Team and Group Leaders: How Do We Attract and Chair Dr. Richard Callan Nurture Them?, presented on Medical College of Georgia Phone: 706-721-2811 Monday, March 31, 2008 at Fax: 706-721-8349 Email: [email protected] 10:45am to 12:15pm.</p><p>Chair-Elect Dr. Dunn Cumby University of Oklahoma 1001 Stanton L. Young Blvd. R. 55 P.O. Box 26901 Oklahoma City, OK 73190 Phone: 405-271-4919 Fax: 405-271-4789 Email: [email protected]</p><p>Secretary Dr. Marcia Ditmyer University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine 1001 Shadow Lane, MS 7410 Las Vegas, NV 89106 Phone: 702-774-2646 Fax: 702-774-2647 Email: [email protected] Member Forum</p><p>The Member Forum of the Practice Administration Section will be held on Monday, March 31, 2008 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm</p><p>5 Annual Report 2008</p><p>Councilor Report 2008</p><p>I attended ADEA's Fall Meeting in Nashville in late October. This was a joint meeting of the councils of students, faculty, sections and academic affairs assistant/associate deans. Highlights included:</p><p>1. several excellent sessions on academic integrity and professionalism</p><p>2. a tour of Meharry's Medical College School of Dentistry</p><p>3. two Council of Sections meetings which included discussions about enhancing the planning process and program for ADEA's annual session.</p><p>4. Council of Sections approval to change our section's name from "Practice Administration" to "Practice Management." The rationale for this is to keep current with the language of CODA and the emerging competencies from the Commission on Change and Innovation.</p><p>I continue to work on developing a Community of Interest for faculty teaching practice management. We need additional instructional materials (such as case studies, power point presentations, etc.) submitted for possible inclusion on ourADEA web site. If you would like to submit materials, please email me at [email protected]</p><p>Best regards,</p><p>Dave Dunning, Councilor Fax: 402-472-5290 Email: [email protected]</p><p>Message From Chair The subject of Practice Management has experienced increase interest over this past year, within both ADEA and the ADA alike. This, of course, is good news for those of us dedicated to the mission of improving our graduate's ability to understand and apply the principles so critical to their success as private practitioners. We look forward to the continued development of programs dedicated to this purpose. Keeping in line with that theme, this would be a good time to remind everyone of our "Community of Interest" located on ADEA's web site. This is a great opportunity for us to share our resources with each other; hoping not only to improve upon the programs we have already developed, but also to keep each of us abreast of current activities within our "community". You can be a part of this excellent opportunity by using the information already posted on the page and by offering your own contributions. We all have so much to gain through our collective knowledge, not to mention the potential benefit to our future colleagues. As we all take a serious look at the direction of dental education and the prospects for the future, we must consider how the subject of Practice Management will ultimately fit into the picture. Professionalism and Ethics are topics that are essential to future of every dental practice, as to the profession itself. We look forward to our Section Program (Team and Group Leaders: How Do We Attract and Nurture Them?) to be held in conjunction with the section on Comprehensive Care and General Dentistry. The program will be on Monday, March 31st from 10:45 - 12:15. We will be having our Members Forum immediately following that program. Hope to see everyone there.</p><p>Richard S. Callan Chair Practice Management Section</p><p>6 Annual Report 2008</p><p>A Message from the Chair Elect</p><p>A constant statement from recent dental school graduates is that they did not receive enough information about running a dental practice while they were in dental school. It seems as if this is an afterthought that occurs after graduation when they realize how much they need the information presented in dental practice administration. While they are in dental school there is tremendous pressure on the student's time as they frantically work to finish their clinical requirements for graduation. On one level most of the students are simply trying to graduate while on another level some students are engrossed in the ongoing challenge graduate at the top of their classes and have the high grade point averages in order to be competitive for the few available slots in the dental specialty internship programs. These pressures combine to test the ethics of the students as has been seen in the well-publicized cheating scandals at some of the dental schools. These pressures also force the students to focus on little else including, practice administration. Fewer and fewer dental students are opening their own practices immediately after graduation. Most either associate with someone or enter some type of residency program. This creates challenges for those who teach dental practice administration. These professors need to address the immediate needs of the students who plan on opening a private practice immediately after dental school and to address the delayed needs of those who may not enter private practice for two or three years after graduation. To present the information in such a manner that it can be packaged and stored by the students in a format that they can easily retrieve it when they actually need it is a tremendous task. Dr. David Willis of the University of Louisville had continued to help in this area through his revised The Dental Practice: A Management Simulation interactive dental practice management program. His efforts should serve as a challenge to others who teach practice administration to work collectively to improve our discipline and to share their innovations with the dental community. The dental supply companies further complicate the area of Dental Practice Administration by using practice management as a hook to get to the dental students in order to sell them their products. Furthermore many private practitioners believe that they can teach someone how to manage a practice if they have one. There is a tremendous difference between being able to teach at this level and being able to do. This section has as its purpose to provide collegial support and facilitate communication among teachers of dental practice administration through an exchange of information and to act as a forum for discussion and support of the teaching of practice administration. I would like to encourage the members of this section to continue to help make our purpose a reality and in the process continue to develop the discipline of dental practice administration.</p><p>See you in Dallas, Dunn H. Cumby , DDS, MPH dunn -cumby @ ouhsc.edu 405-271-4919 University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry</p><p>WELCOME NEW SECTION MEMBERS!</p><p>You may be receiving this newsletter for the first time if you recently took advantage of ADEA's open membership. We extend a warm welcome to everyone, especially to our new section members! The Section on Practice Administration seeks to advance the depth and breadth of instruction related to practice management in dental schools.</p><p>We share experiences and resources in our endeavor to advocate for students and faculty in this vital area of education. We are striving to "close the gap" of the commonly expressed need by students to have more exposure to practice management.</p><p>We cordially invite your participation in our quest.</p><p>7 Annual Report 2008</p><p>American Academy Dental Practice Administration Endowment & Foundation 2007 Graduating Dental Student Awards Recipients</p><p>A l b e r t a ( C a n a d a ) F a r i d a S a h e r A r i z o n a ( S t i l l U n i v e r s i t y ) S t e v e n R i c h a r d s o n B a y l o r S e a n H e n g M a B o s t o n J a l p a H a r v a d a n D a v e B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a ( C a n a d a ) K e l l y M a n d e v i l l e U C L A R o b e r t C h a d R o w a n C a s e W e s t e r n R e s e r v e C y n t h i a A n n G r e g o r y C o l o r a d o B r o c k C h a r l e s M c K i n l e y C o n n e c t i c u t B e n j a m i n M u r r a y C r e i g h to n T h e r e s a K . T u c k e r D e t r o i t /M e r c y R u c h i k a K h e t a r p a l F l o r i d a J o s h u a D . B e l o f G e o r g i a D a v i d L e e S e t t e l H o w a r d J e r e m y E . H a d i b e I l l i n o i s T a r a A . C u l l i g a n I n d i a n a C a r r i e C a v a n a u g h F l e t c h e r I o w a ( t i e ) R y a n H u s s o n g N i c h o l e E d w a r d s K e n t u c k y ( t i e ) J e f f r e y L u c a s B o w e n A v i s M a r i e M e d i n a L a v a l ( C a n a d a ) M a r t i n G a b o u r y L o u i s v i l l e T h o m a s N a t h a n B o w l e s M a r y l a n d B r i a n D a v i d P e y s e r M a r q u e t t e B e n j a m i n M e e r M o n t r e a l K a r i n e J o d o u i n M i n n e s o t a G e o f f A r c h i b a l d M c G i l l ( C a n a d a ) Y o h a n n A z u e l o s U M K C ( 3 - w a y t i e ) T u a n N . D o T h o m a s M . D a r n a l l E l a i n e B . L a m N e b r a s k a A a r o n L . M c C o r m i c k N e w J e r s e y Z i p o r a G e l e r n t e r N Y U J a r e d S . R e r c y z N e w Y o r k S U N Y B u f f a l o R i c h a r d P . W o l f g r a m m , I I N e v a d a S h a e l a n D . M c D o n o u g h N O V A J e n n i f e r B o y a j i a n O h i o S t a t e K y l e S . E b e r h a r d t O k l a h o m a B e n j a m i n J . B o w m a n P a c i f i c K e v i n T . D e u t s c h P e n n s y l v a n i a P a d m a R a m a n P u e r t o R i c o M o n i c a P a c h e c o S o u t h e r n I l l i n o i s M i c h a e l D . L a s k T e x a s , H o u s t o n G a b r i e l E . S h a h w a n T e x a s , S a n A n t o n i o D e r e k M i l l e r T u f t s R i c h a r d D . G i l m o r e W a s h i n g t o n T i f f a n y B a s s W e s t V i r g i n i a K r i s t i n M a r i e S a v i l l e </p><p>Nomination for Section Secretary</p><p>The officers of the section are pleased to recommend Dr. Brian Lange for the position of secretary of our section. Dr. Lange has been on the faculty of the College of Dentistry, University of Nebraska Medical Center, for 33 years, teaching and conducting research in behavioral science and practice management. He currently holds the position of Professor in the Department of Oral Biology and directs the college's extra-mural program. He served for eighteen years as the chair of Dental Practice Management and three years as Director of the college's Continuing Education Program.</p><p>Dr. Lange previously served as an officer in our section in the 1990's as secretary, vice-chair and chair. APPENDIXThus, he B understands and is committed to serve the section. Brian and his wife, Anne, have been married for 39 years and are blessed with two daughters and one granddaughter.</p><p>Dr.Dave Dunning ([email protected]) 402-472-1325.</p><p>Section on Practice Management 8 Annual Report 2008</p><p>Business Meeting Minutes Dallas, TX March 31, 2008 Meeting began: 12:30pm Meeting adjourned: 1:30pm</p><p>In Attendance: Mert N. Aksee Miles Beach Rick Callan Dunn Cumby Marcia Ditmyer Dave Dunning Danny Hanna Elsbeth Kalenderian Brian Lange David Nielsen Dave Willis Nanci Yokom Karen Hart, ADA</p><p>The meeting was called to order at 12:30pm by Rick Callan, Chair. Introductions were made of participants of the meeting.</p><p>Thirteen members signed in and participated in the meeting, including a visit from Ms. Hart, the ADA representative. </p><p>Minutes from the previous meeting were approved as distributed. </p><p>Annual Session Program was co-sponsored this year with the Section on Comprehensive Care and General Dentistry. The forum session was entitled: “Team and Group Leaders: How Do We Attract and Nurture Them?” Thirty-five (35) total participants attending the session. </p><p>Opening remarks were given by Rick Callan (Chair), Dave Dunning (Councilor), and Dunn Cumby (Chair-elect). Remarks were made regarding the community of interest. More participation was encouraged, along with ideas of how to use the Community of Interest. More information about the COI’s was held in Old Business. </p><p> Dave reported on the fall interim meeting, whose topic was ‘academic integrity and ethics’. </p><p> It was also announced that the section name will officially be changed from Section on Practice Administration to Section on Practice Management in keeping with the terminology of the new competencies. </p><p> The Section Financial report was passed out. The Section currently has $5,883.04. Dave indicated he requested from the Council on Sections a full list of those who are members of the Section on Practice Management. He has requested this 9 Annual Report 2008</p><p> before and hasn’t received it. Other sections expressed their concern and were told that a list will be provided. </p><p>OLD BUSINESS A report was made by Dave Dunning on Project Pool Study on Evaluation of Administrators in Dental Colleges. Two articles appeared in the JDE, one workshop was held in New Orleans, and another one was held in Dallas at the current convention. . </p><p> Community of Interest for Faculty Update discussion was held. Dave indicated that the section is committed to submitting materials to be made for use teaching practice management. To keep the COI viable and active, need to have at least 10 to 20 items posted per year. The question regarding whether the material will be open access to all those was asked. The submitting materials need to identify whether they would like the information submitted to be considered open access and used freely by others, or whether restrictions should be made. Looking for items such as assignments, case studies, syllabus, and articles that can be used to supplement the courses. </p><p>Dave is the gatekeeper at this time regarding access to the COI. If assignments, exams items, and other teaching tools are posted, members expressed their concern regarding student access. If such items are posted, students will not be given access to the COI. </p><p>Also discussed was the relationship between the COI and Med-Ed Portal. Links could be made between the two resources; however test items and assignments would likely not be appropriate for Med-Ed Portal. </p><p>New Business</p><p> Election of Section Secretary. Nominee: Dr. Brian Lange. Vote was taken and Brian will be the secretary of the upcoming year.</p><p> Request was made for a formal announcement from ADA/ADEA to create modules that would address the new competencies and have them available for all dental schools to access. </p><p> Discussion was asked about conducting a survey of what has been taught within Practice Management and who teaches those courses in the schools. Asked to look into developing a working program or faculty development workshop on practice management simulations. </p><p>10 Annual Report 2008</p><p> There was a request by Dan Kingsbury to announce his website that has been made available for dental educators. A discussion followed regarding concerns about outside speakers and acknowledgement of products and services that have not been peer- reviewed. This issue grew into a discussion regarding Corporate sponsors that have access to students. It was the general consensus that this is getting out of hand and that Faculty and Administrators should be notified prior to any Corporate sponsors coming to the school. </p><p> Planning of Section Program in 2009: It was decided to organize a symposium or program regarding corporate influence in practice management instruction in dental schools. ADA/ADEA Joint Venture in Practice Management: Lengthy discussion regarding the development of 8-12 modules that address the competencies. It was agreed that it would be best to work together with the blessing of ADEA and ADA to draft a report and move forward. Dave Willis’s virtual practice simulations could be added. This could be the foundation for the 2009 section program. This could be a ‘template’ for addressing the competencies, including resources for faculty use. This template could be used by both experienced and new instructors with information while still allowing for academic freedom. With the expected approval of the new competencies, 7 of the 60 will be on Practice Management which will reflect about 15% of the curriculum. Karen Hart was asked to address the ADA about forming this partnership and moving forward with this project. More to follow. </p><p>Motion: "The Section on Practice Management recommends that the ADA recognize a formal relationship with the ADEA Section on Practice Management regarding a joint effort to develop learning modules addressing the new practice management competencies and to make these modules available to all dental schools."</p><p>Meeting was adjourned at 1:30pm.</p><p>Respectfully submitted by: Marcia Ditmyer, Secretary</p><p>11</p>
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