<p>Rother District Council</p><p>PLANNING COMMITTEE 19 June 2008</p><p>Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held at the Town Hall, Bexhill-on-Sea on Thursday 19 June 2008 at 9.30 am.</p><p>Committee Members present: Councillors B. Kentfield (Chairman), C.N. Ramus, (Vice Chairman), M.S. Forster, Mrs J.P. Gadd (ex-officio), Mrs B.A. George, G.E.S. Hearn, Mrs S.I. Holmes, Mrs J.M. Hughes, P.G. Lendon, Mrs W.M. Miers, R.E. Parren, D.W.L.M. Vereker and Mrs D.C. Williams.</p><p>Other Members present: Councillor R.V. Elliston.</p><p>Advisory Officers in attendance: Acting Head of Planning, Team Leader (East) Development Control, Team Leader (West) Development Control and Democratic Services Officer. </p><p>Also present: 16 members of the public and a member of the local Press.</p><p>PL08/13. MINUTES</p><p>The Chairman was authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 22 May 2008 as a correct record of the proceedings.</p><p>PL08/14. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE</p><p>An apology for absence was received from Councillor P.R. Douart.</p><p>DECISIONS TAKEN UNDER DELEGATED POWERS</p><p>PL08/15. PLANNING APPLICATIONS</p><p>Outline planning permissions are granted subject to approval by the Council of reserved matters before any development is commenced, which are layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping. Unless otherwise stated, every planning permission or outline planning permission is granted subject to the development beginning within 3 years from the date of the permission. In regard to outline permissions, reserved matters application for approval must be made within three years from the date of the grant of outline permission; and the development to which the permission relates must begin no later than whichever is the later of the following dates: the expiration of three years from the date of the grant of outline permission or, the expiration of two years from the final approval of the reserved matters, or in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matters to be approved.</p><p>1 In certain circumstances the Planning Committee will indicate that it is only prepared to grant or refuse planning permission if, or unless, certain amendments to a proposal are undertaken or subject to completion of outstanding consultations. In these circumstances the Head of Planning can be given delegated authority to issue the decision of the Planning Committee once the requirements of the Committee have been satisfactorily complied with. A delegated decision does not mean that planning permission or refusal will automatically be issued. If there are consultation objections, difficulties, or negotiations are not satisfactorily concluded, then the application will have to be reported back to the Planning Committee or reported via the internal-only electronic notified ‘D’ system by means of providing further information for elected Members. This delegation also allows the Head of Planning to negotiate and amend applications, conditions, reasons for refusal and notes commensurate with the instructions of the Committee. Any applications which are considered prior to the expiry of the consultation reply period are automatically delegated for a decision.</p><p>RESOLVED: That the planning applications be determined as shown in Appendix A attached hereto.</p><p>PL08/16. PLANNING OBLIGATIONS</p><p>RESOLVED: That in relation to the applications below:</p><p> a) the Interim Solicitor be authorised to prepare a Planning Obligation under the provisions of Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in respect of the matters indicated; and b) power be delegated to the Head of Planning, exercisable upon execution of the Obligation to the satisfaction of the Interim Solicitor, to grant permission subject to the conditions stated.</p><p>(1) RR/2008/1321/P FAIRLIGHT WARREN FARM, COMMANDERS WALK DEMOLITION OF EXISTING HOUSE, BARNS AND OUTBUILDINGS AND ERECTION OF NEW 5 BED DETACHED DWELLING AND INCREASED RESIDENTIAL CURTILAGE Mr B Walker</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 17 June 2008 </p><p>RESOLVED: Subject to the completion of a Section 106 Obligation to (1) remove the existing bungalow prior to occupation of the new dwelling; and (2) remove the existing barn and other outbuilding prior to occupation of the new dwelling, the decision be delegated to the Head of Planning to grant full planning permission subject to the following conditions: 1. CD1A. 2. CD4C (Landscaping). Insert (b) Reason: Insert (a), GD1(iv), S1(j).</p><p>2 3. CD4A (Hard landscaping). Delete “soft”. Insert: (b)(c)(d)(e)(f) Reason: As condition 2. 4. All hard and soft landscaping works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. The works shall be carried out prior to the occupation of the dwelling or in accordance with a programme agreed in writing by the local planning authority. Any tree or shrub dying within 5 years of planting shall be replaced with a tree or shrub of the same species. Reason: As Condition 2. 5. CD4I (Floodlighting). 6. The building shall not be occupied until it has been provided with foul and surface water drainage arrangements first agreed in writing by the local planning authority. Reason: As CD6A. 7. CD9M (Restrictions on PD). Reason: The local planning authority is accepting an enlargement of the curtilage and larger replacement dwelling as an overall benefit for this edge of village site, but any further buildings or extensions will need to be looked at critically in view of the position of the site within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and defined strategic gap having regard to Policies DS4 and GD1 of the Rother District Local Plan and Policies S1, EN2 and EN3 of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011. 8. The development shall not be occupied until the parking areas have been provided in accordance with the approved plans and the areas shall thereafter be retained only for the parking of motor vehicles. Reason: To ensure an adequate level of off street parking to serve the development in the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policey TR3 of the Rother District Local Plan and Policy TR3 of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011. 9. CD7T (Waste recycling bins) insert ‘b’. Note: ND7</p><p>REASONS FOR GRANTING PERMISSION: The larger replacement dwelling and increase to the residential curtilage has been critically assessed having regard to Policies DS5, GD1, HG9 and HG10 of the Rother District Local Plan and Policies S1, EN2 and EN3 of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011. The replacement dwelling, while of a greater size and contemporary style, will be more in character with the mixed style of dwellings in the Fairlight area than the plain bungalow existing at present which contributes nothing to the character of the area. It can therefore be justified in terms of the exception in Policy HG10. The increased curtilage into an open field is modest in relation to the overall site and while this encroaches into the countryside area there is an overall benefit to be gained by the removal of two redundant agricultural buildings.</p><p>3 As a comprehensive scheme the development can be a positive change to this edge of village site viewed from wider parts of Fairlight and the Hastings Country Park.</p><p>View application/correspondence</p><p>PL08/17. ENFORCEMENT MATTERS</p><p>The following enforcement matters were reported:</p><p>1) Rye – Land between Watchbell Street to the rear of the properties fronting the A259 (South Undercliff/Strand) Condition of the land.</p><p>RESOLVED: That, </p><p>1) subject to being satisfied evidentially, the Interim Solicitor to the Council be authorised to issue the appropriate notice under Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990; and</p><p>2) the Amenity section be authorised to carry out default work to achieve compliance with the notice under Section 219 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Compliance Period: One month</p><p>2) Hurst Green – 1 Swiftsden Cottages, London Road – Land north west of – The erection of a timber building for residential purpses.</p><p>RESOLVED: That, subject to being satisfied evidentially, the Interim Solicitor to the Council be authorised to issue the appropriate planning enforcement notice and take any other steps necessary including legal action under sections 179 and 181 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990. Compliance Period: Three months</p><p>PL08/18. APPEALS </p><p>RESOLVED: That the report be noted.</p><p>PL08/19. TREE MATTER</p><p>The following tree matter was reported:</p><p>Northiam – Pelham Cottage, Ewhurst</p><p>RESOLVED: That the District of Rother (Pelham Cottage, Ewhurst Lane, Northiam) Tree Preservation Order 2008 be CONFIRMED in respect of one oak tree (T1) situated in the front garden of Pelham Cottage, Ewhurst Lane, Northiam.</p><p>4 PL08/20. REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMITTEE PROCEDURES RELATING TO SECTION 215 NOTICES.</p><p>Members considered the report of the Director of Services in which changes were proposed to deal with procedures relating to Section 215 Notices. A number of changes had already been implemented in regard to the way in which the Committee operated and these would be reviewed after six months.</p><p>Consideration was given to dealing with any Section 215 notices under delegation, albeit any contentious items should still come before the Planning Committee. This would enable Notices to be issued much more quickly and would assist in underpinning executive priorities 09 and 18, ’Improving the Sense of Place’. It was considered essential for Members to be informed of proposals for Section 215 Notices affecting their Wards prior to issuing notices.</p><p>RESOLVED: That delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning, the Development Control Manager and the Principal Planning Officer (Appeals and Enforcement) to authorise the Interim Solicitor to the Council or Legal Services Manager to issue Notices under Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and to take any other steps necessary including legal action under Section 216 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, subject to Ward Members being notified prior to the issue of Section 215 notices.</p><p>PL08/21. DATE FOR SITE INSPECTIONS – Tuesday 15 July 2008 at 8.30am departing from the Town Hall, Bexhill.</p><p>CHAIRMAN</p><p>The meeting closed at 11.50 am pl080619.cmt</p><p>5 PLANNING COMMITTEE 19 JUNE 2008 APPENDIX A (RO = Reversed by Officer; RM = Reversed by Member)</p><p>RR/2008/769/P BEXHILL SACKVILLE APARTMENTS, DE LA WARR PARADE PROPOSED CHANGE OF USE TO CONVERT A REDUNDANT HOTEL WING INTO 9 NO. SELF CONTAINED FLATS Sackville Estates</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 07 May 2008 </p><p>DECISION: GRANT (FULL PLANNING) </p><p>REASONS FOR GRANTING PERMISSION: The applicant has demonstrated that the use of the hotel rooms for self-catering units would not be a viable option and that re-use as serviced rooms would not be practical because of fire safety requirements and the need for access through communal lounge areas of the adjacent residential apartments. Members having visited the site took the view that retention of tourist accommodation was not possible and the proposals did not conflict with Policy EM9 of the Rother District Local Plan. The proposal will not adversely affect the character and appearance of the area and residential amenities of the adjacent apartments and complies with Policy GD1 of the Rother District Local Plan.</p><p>View application/correspondence</p><p>(Councillor Mrs Williams declared a personal interest in this matter in so far as she is the local Ward Councillor for Sackville and has attended social events and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, remained in the room during consideration thereof).</p><p>(Councillor Mrs Gadd declared a personal interest in this matter in so far as she has attended social events at the applicant’s hotel and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, remained in the room during consideration thereof). ______</p><p>RR/2008/1067/P BEXHILL 4-5 DEVONSHIRE SQUARE, WALKERS COCKTAILS VARIATION OF CONDITION 4 IMPOSED UPON PLANNING PERMISSION RR/2000/1231/P TO ALLOW PREMISES TO OPEN AS PERMITTED BY PREMISES LICENCE AND OF CONDITION 5 TO HAVE NO LINE/ AMPLIFIED SOUND/ MUSIC AFTER MIDNIGHT AND BEFORE 10.00 HOURS AND TO REMOVE AUDIBILITY TEST REQUIREMENT. Mr G Walker</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 01 July 2008 </p><p>DECISION: REFUSE (FULL PLANNING) 1. The proposed variation of Conditions 4 and 5 imposed upon RR/2000/1231/P would potentially lead to an increase in noise disturbance within the vicinity of the premises and surrounding area late into the evening/ early morning, adversely affecting many residential properties. It would not be possible to control noise disturbance off site and by reason of this potential disturbance upon the neighbouring residential occupiers, the application conflicts with</p><p>6 Policy S1(f) contained within the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011 and Policy GD1(ii) contained within the Deposit Rother District Local Plan. View application/correspondence ______</p><p>RR/2008/1350/P BEXHILL LINK COTTAGE – SITE OF, GATELANDS DRIVE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPRISING OF 3 NO. 3 BED DETACHED CHALET STYLE BUNGALOWS WITH INTEGRAL SINGLE GARAGES AND ASSOCIATED EXTERNAL LANDSCAPING. Trustees of the G W Larkin 1992 Settlement Statutory 8 week date: 08 July 2008 </p><p>DECISION: WITHDRAWN</p><p>View application/correspondence ______</p><p>RR/2008/1268/P BATTLE BLACK CAT BARN, KANE HYTHE ROAD ERECTION OF SINGLE STOREY REAR LEAN-TO EXTENSION TO PROVIDE A NEW KITCHEN Mrs J Faith</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 20 June 2008 </p><p>RR/2008/1269/L BATTLE BLACK CAT BARN, KANE HYTHE ROAD ERECTION OF SINGLE STOREY REAR LEAN-TO EXTENSION TO PROVIDE A NEW KITCHEN Mrs J Faith</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 20 June 2008 </p><p>DECISIONS: RR/2008/1268/P: GRANT (FULL PLANNING) 1. CD9H (External materials). Insert A-a, Insert B-b. Notes: i. ND4 (Adherence to approved plans) ii. ND6 (Attention drawn to requirements of Listed Building Consent)</p><p>REASONS FOR GRANTING PERMISSION: The proposed extension is considered to be of an appropriate design, scale and form that will neither adversely affect the character of the building nor impact upon the amenities of the area or nearby properties. The development therefore complies with Policies HG8 and GD1 of the Rother District Local Plan, Policies S1(j)(m) and EN2 of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011.</p><p>View application/correspondence</p><p>RR/2008/1269/L: GRANT (LISTED BUILDING CONSENT) 1. CD9H (External materials). Insert A-a, Insert B-b. 2. The existing sole plate shown to be retained upon the approved plan No.327.05 shall be retained in situ and any hidden historic timber framing revealed during the course of the formation of the new opening between the extension and the barn shall be retained in situ while the local planning 7 authority is notified and given the opportunity to inspect. Any such features shall be retained and/or recorded in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Reason: To ensure that special regard is paid to the interests of protecting the special architectural and historic character of the Listed Building in accordance with Policy GD1(viii) of the Rother District Local Plan and Policy S1(m) of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011. Notes: i. ND4 (Adherence to approved plans) ii. ND6 (Attention drawn to requirements of Listed Building Consent)</p><p>REASONS FOR GRANTING CONSENT: The proposed extension is considered to be of an appropriate design, scale and form that will neither adversely affect the character of the building nor impact upon the amenities of the area or nearby properties. The development therefore complies with Policies HG8 and GD1 of the Rother District Local Plan, Policies S1(j)(m) and EN2 of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011.</p><p>View application/correspondence ______</p><p>RM RR/2008/1030/P PENHURST MANOR HOUSE DEMOLISH EXISTING WORKSHOP, TOOL SHED AND WOOD SHED AND BUILD NEW SINGLE STOREY BUILDING WITH 2 BEDROOMS WITH EN-SUITE BATHROOMS AND A MEETING ROOM TO PROVIDE DISABLED ACCOMMODATION. Mr R Hann</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 10 June 2008 </p><p>RR/2008/1261/L PENHURST MANOR HOUSE DEMOLISH EXISTING WORKSHOP, TOOL SHED AND WOOD SHED Mr R Hann</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 10 June 2008 DECISIONS: RR/2008/1030/P: REFUSE FULL PLANNING) DELEGATED (UNLESS SATISFACTORY AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED) 1. The proposed development, by reason of its contemporary design, materials and appearance would be an alien intrusion into the setting of the group of important listed buildings. In addition the Victorian tool shed makes an important contribution to the setting of the listed buildings and should be retained. The development would result in significant harm to the special architectural and historical character of the listed buildings and their setting. It therefore conflicts with the provisions of Section 66 of the Town & Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 which indicates that special regard shall be given to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting. Moreover, the proposal conflicts with Policy S1(m) of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011 and Policy GD1(v)(viii) of the Rother District Local Plan.</p><p>View application/correspondence</p><p>8 RR/2008/1261/L: REFUSE (LISTED BUILDING CONSENT) DELEGATED (UNLESS SATISFACTORY AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED) 1. The proposed development, by reason of its contemporary design, materials and appearance would be an alien intrusion into the setting of the group of important listed buildings. In addition the Victorian tool shed makes an important contribution to the setting of the listed buildings and should be retained. The development would result in significant harm to the special architectural and historical character of the listed buildings and their setting. It therefore conflicts with the provisions of Section 66 of the Town & Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 which indicates that special regard shall be given to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting. Moreover, the proposal conflicts with Policy S1(m) of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011 and Policy GD1(v)(viii) of the Rother District Local Plan.</p><p>View application/correspondence ______</p><p>RR/2007/909/O BODIAM PARK FARM, JUNCTION ROAD USE OF MAIN SITE AS A TOURING CARAVAN/CAMPING SITE (130 PITCHES) THROUGHOUT SEASON; USE OF CENTRAL AREAS AND ROADWAY AS SITE ACCESS; USE OF CENTRAL AREAS FOR ANCILLARY GAMES/ RECREATION; USE OF CENTRAL AREAS AND MAIN SITE FOR VISITORS CAR PARKING; USE BY VISITORS OF SANITARY BLOCK, ELECTRICITY AND WATER SUPPLY WITHIN CENTRAL AREA AND MAIN SITE: AS FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE SCHEDULE, DEFINITIONS AND AMENDED SITE PLAN - PLAN 1A CONTAINED IN THE APPLICATION Mr R Bailey</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 28 May 2007 </p><p>DECISION: DEFERRED FOR SITE INSPECTION</p><p>View application/correspondence ______</p><p>RR/2008/1633/P BREDE WHITEOAKS, CACKLE STREET DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUNGALOW AND GARAGE AND ERECTION OF TWO, TWO STOREY 3 BEDROOM HOUSES WITH CAR PARKING, ACCESS AND LANDSCAPING. Gemselect Ltd</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 25 July 2008 </p><p>DECISION: GRANT (FULL PLANNING) DELEGATED (EXPIRY OF CONSULTATION PERIOD) 1. CD1A (Time limit). 2. CD9H (Materials). insert b. details; c. dwellings. 3. CD4C (Landscaping). Amended – “hard and soft landscaping“. Insert a. and b. Reason: Insert c. adding “and to preserve the amenities of the adjoining properties”; GD1 (ii)(iv)(v) and S1(f).</p><p>9 4. CD4D (Landscaping – implementation). Reason: (As in 3 above). 5. CD4G (Boundary treatment). Insert b. Reason: (As in 3 above). 6. CD6B (Drainage). Amended “… scheme for the provision of surface water drainage works, including all hard surfaced areas such as patios, parking and turning areas, has been submitted …” 7. The new access shall be in the position shown on the submitted plan (number 620/2/4) and laid out and constructed in accordance with the attached HT407. Reason: As in CD3A. 8. The dwellings shall not be occupied until the existing access shown on the submitted plan has been stopped up and the kerb and/or footway and/or verge reinstated in accordance with details submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority and the access shall not thereafter be re-opened. Reason: (As in 7 above). 9. The dwellings shall not be occupied until the parking areas have been provided in accordance with the approved plans and the areas shall thereafter be retained for that use and shall not be used other than for the parking of motor vehicles. Reason: (As in 7 above). 10. The dwellings shall not be occupied until the turning space for vehicles has been provided and constructed in accordance with the approved plans and the turning space shall thereafter be retained for that use and shall not be used for any other purpose. Reason: (As in 7 above).</p><p>REASONS FOR GRANTING PERMISSION: The proposed development is of an appropriate layout, scale and design and will not adversely affect the character of the area or the amenities of the adjoining properties and therefore complies with Policies GD1(ii)(iii)(iv)(v) and HG4 of the Rother District Local Plan and Policies S1(d)(f)(j), EN2 and EN3 of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011. View application/correspondence ______</p><p>RM RR/2008/1246/P UDIMORE FLOAT FARM, FLOAT LANE ERECTION OF GENERAL PURPOSE FARM BUILDING FOR STORAGE S & R Corke</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 04 July 2008</p><p>DECISION: REFUSE (FULL PLANNING) DELEGATED (PENDING WITHDRAWAL OF THE APPLICATION) 1. The site lies within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, where Policies S1(j), EN1, EN2 and EN3 of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011 and Policy GD1(v) of the Rother District Local Plan indicate that development will be carefully controlled to protect the character of the area. It is considered that the proposal does not meet this objective, and would have a harmful effect on the rural character of the area. In addition the proposed development would be detrimental to the residential amenities of the adjoining property Float Farm Oast and be contrary to Policy GD1(ii) of the Rother District Local Plan.</p><p>10 View application/correspondence ______</p><p>RR/2008/1159/P WESTFIELD WESTFIELD GARAGE, MAIN ROAD APPROVAL OF RESERVED MATTERS PURSUANT TO OUTLINE RR/2004/1092/P FOR DEMOLITION OF WESTFIELD GARAGE AND CONSTRUCTION OF 3 NOS 3 BED TERRACED HOUSES, ONE B1 TWO STOREY BUILDING WITH ASSOCIATED PARKING AND ACCESS ROAD. RETENTION OF WESTAWAYS AS LIVE/WORK UNIT. Mr Wilkins</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 03 June 2008</p><p>DECISION: DEFER (TO NEGOTIATE AMENDED PLANS) </p><p>View application/correspondence ______</p><p>RR/2007/3602/P ICKLESHAM ST THOMAS C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL, FRIARS ROAD, WINCHELSEA. CHANGE OF USE OF LAND AND HARDSURFACING OF GRASS/MUDDY AREA TO FORM PARKING AREA. Mrs Westhead</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 21 May 2008</p><p>DECISION: GRANT (FULL PLANNING) DELEGATED (RECEIPT AND CONSULTATION ON AMENDED PLAN) 1. CD1A (Time limit on commencement). 2. Measures to protect existing trees. 3. Details of the surfacing of the parking areas. 4. Soft landscaping scheme. 5. Archaeological watching brief.</p><p>REASONS FOR GRANTING PERMISSION: The Planning Committee considered, and were prepared to accept, a modified scheme with a more limited area of hardstanding for car parking and with additional grassed areas provided in front of the school fence and at the entrance to ‘Greyfriars’. Having regard to up to date advice in relation to tree protection and from the County Archaeologist, and subject to appropriate conditions in respect of tree protection, final hard surfacing and soft landscaping arrangements and an archaeological watching brief, the limited area of car parking would not harm the character or appearance of the Conservation Area or be detrimental to local residents. As such the revised scheme would accord with Policy S1(f)(j)(m) of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011, Policy GD1(ii)(iv)(v)(viii) of the Rother District Local Plan and Government advice contained within Planning Policy Guidance Note 16: Archaeology and Planning, part B, Paras 23, 27, 29 and 30.</p><p>View application/correspondence ______</p><p>RR/2007/3600/P TICEHURST THE RECREATION GROUND BASKETBALL POST AND SKATE AREA EQUIPMENT INCLUDING RAMPS (RETROSPECTIVE APPLICATION)</p><p>11 Ticehurst Parish Council</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 11 March 2008 </p><p>DECISION: GRANT (FULL PLANNING) 1. The multi-use games court (skateboard facilities and basketball hoop) shall not be used other than between the hours of 0900 hours and sunset or 2030 hours, whichever occurs first. Within one month from the date of this permission, unless otherwise agreed in writing, specific proposals for the management of the facility to prevent use outside these hours, together with a timetable for implementing the proposals shall be submitted for the consideration and agreement of the local planning authority. Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of the properties in the vicinity of the site and to comply with Policy S1 of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011 and Policy GD1 of the Rother District Local Plan.</p><p>REASONS FOR GRANTING PERMISSION: Whilst the hardstanding already has the benefit of planning permission, the installation of the additional equipment comprising the basketball post/hoop and the five items of skateboard equipment has the potential to intensify the use. The principal consideration is the impact of the use on neighbouring residential amenity. The Council’s Environmental Health Division has been consulted on the application and considers that the proposal does have the potential to increase noise generated from the site. To minimise any potential impact the Division considers that the hours of use condition is necessary. The application is in accordance with Policy S1(a)(b) of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011 and Policy GD1(ii) of the Rother District Local Plan</p><p>View application/correspondence</p><p>______</p><p>RR/2008/848/P TICEHURST WARRENS COACHES LTD, HIGH STREET DEMOLITION OF COACHWORKS, OFFICE AND 4 BUNGALOWS AND CONSTRUCTION OF 25 EXTRA CARE APARTMENTS, ON-SITE CARE FACILITY A1 RETAIL, AND ASSOCIATED ACCESS AND PROVISION OF 35 PARKING SPACES. Mr G Reeve-Wing</p><p>Statutory 13 week date: 02 July 2008 </p><p>DECISION: REFUSE (FULL PLANNING) 1. With the exception of the four existing bungalows and their curtilages the application relates to a site currently or last in employment creating use. The proposed use of this part of the site conflicts with Policy EM2 of the Rother District Local Plan in that proposals to change the use of existing buildings or develop sites currently or last in employment generating use will generally be resisted. It has not been satisfactorily demonstrated that all means of retaining this land in business use have been fully explored or that the continued use of the land for business purposes would perpetuate serious harm to residential amenities. In the event that it is demonstrated that there is no prospect of its continued use for business purposes, Policy EM2 of the Rother District Local Plan indicates that consideration will be given to a mixed use in accordance</p><p>12 with Policy EM1 and the criteria of Policies DS1 and GD1. The development proposal conflicts with the Policy in that it fails to promote an appropriate mixed use development having particular regard to the overall policy objective of retaining and making the best use of employment land. 2. The application is for a predominantly residential scheme that if approved would result in the significant loss of rural employment land that is within an existing settlement. The proposed development conflicts with Policy E5 of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011 which states that the loss of suitably located industrial and commercial sites to other uses will be resisted. 3. Notwithstanding the policy objections to the principle of this development, the proposal fails to provide any units of affordable housing. Under Policy HG1 of the Rother District Local Plan affordable housing is required “on housing or mixed use development sites”. The proposed development is in substance a “housing or mixed use development” and Policy HG1 applies. Moreover, the local planning authority does not accept that the proposed development falls within Use Class C2 “residential institutions”. Regardless of the level of care provision indicated in the application, the scheme proposed in the application is a housing based model in which all the flats will be for sale. The application conflicts with Policy HG1 of the Rother District Local Plan. 4. The scale of the proposed development would result in a building of excessive bulk on the site; compounded by a design and external appearance that was suburban in character, the development would be out of keeping with this village location within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The development would be harmful to the appearance and established character of High Street, including the historic vernacular properties within the Ticehurst Conservation Area. The development is contrary to Policies S1(f)(j), S8(c) and EN2 of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991- 2011 and Policy GD1(iv)(v) of the Rother District Local Plan. 5. The proposed development is out of keeping with neighbouring dwellings and would unreasonably harm the living conditions of the occupiers of those properties. Specifically, in terms of overlooking, loss of privacy, and an oppressive outlook in the case of 1 and 4 Hillbury Gardens; and in terms of disturbance and nuisance from the use of the adjacent parking area in the case of Northlands Villa. The development conflicts with Policy S1(b)(f) of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011 and Policy GD1(ii) of the Rother District Local Plan. 6. It has not been demonstrated that the amount of assisted living accommodation proposed reflects demand locally. The development would not meet the Government’s sustainable development objectives, including reducing the need to travel, and furthermore, is likely to increase pressure on local health resources and social care resources. The development conflicts with Policy S1(c)(q) of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011.</p><p>View application/correspondence ______</p><p>COUNCILLOR C.N. RAMUS IN THE CHAIR</p><p>RR/2008/1425/P ETCHINGHAM GREENBANKS, HIGH STREET</p><p>13 DEMOLITION OF PART OF EXISTING DWELLING, ALTERATIONS/EXTENSION TO EXISTING, ERECTION OF ONE DETACHED DWELLING AND GARAGE WITH PARKING ON SIDE GARDEN. Cedar Grange Equity Limited</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 18 July 2008 </p><p>DECISION: DEFERRED FOR SITE INSPECTION AND CONSULTATION ON AMENDED PLANS</p><p>View application/correspondence</p><p>(Councillor Kentfield declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this matter in so far as the neighbour of the applicant is a personal friend and in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, left the room during consideration thereof). ______</p><p>COUNCILLOR B. KENTFIELD IN THE CHAIR</p><p>RR/2008/1271/P FAIRLIGHT THE FINCHES, SHEPHERDS WAY REVISED DWELLING TO PLOT 1 (APPROVED UNDER PLANNING PERMISSION RR/2006/2515/P) INCORPORATING AN ATTACHED GARAGE WITH GARDEN ROOM BELOW. Mr M King Statutory 8 week date: 17 June 2008 </p><p>DECISION: REFUSE (FULL PLANNING) 1. While the plot is adequate in size to satisfactorily accommodate the two dwellings as approved in application RR/2006/2515/P. The construction of a garage with accommodation below represents an increase in footprint and mass of the dwelling on plot one and decreases the separation currently afforded to the dwellings. This results in a poor relationship between the dwellings and an undesirable cramped form of development on a plot of this size. As such the proposal is contrary to the objectives of Policies GD1(iv) and HG4(i) of the Rother District Local Plan, and Policy S1 of the East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011.</p><p>View application/correspondence ______</p><p>RR/2008/1321/P FAIRLIGHT WARREN FARM, COMMANDERS WALK DEMOLITION OF EXISTING HOUSE, BARNS AND OUTBUILDINGS AND ERECTION OF NEW 5 BED DETACHED DWELLING AND INCREASED RESIDENTIAL CURTILAGE Mr B Walker</p><p>Statutory 8 week date: 17 June 2008 </p><p>See Minute PL08/16 (1). – oo0oo –</p><p>14</p>
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