<p> Bylaws of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey 2013</p><p>1 Article I - Organization Name</p><p>The organization, a not for profit corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and 501(c)3 of the United States Tax Code shall be known as Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey, Inc. (MEB) and may be comprised of any amateur hockey club, skating team, clinic or class as may be necessary to attain the objectives as stated in Article II below. Article IA - Official Colors</p><p>The official colors of MEB will be Navy Blue and Gold or Gold and Navy Blue. The Board of Directors may, from time to time, adopt team logos and team nicknames.</p><p>Article II - Objectives</p><p>Section 1</p><p>The objectives of this organization shall be to demonstrate to all children, parents, and supporters of the organization the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, and respect for authority. The players, coaches and parents shall keep in mind at all times that victory is secondary to the personal development of future adults.</p><p>Section 2</p><p>This objective will be achieved by providing supervised competition and instruction in Figure Skating and Ice Hockey. The directors, coaches, and instructors of this organization shall bear in mind at all times that the safety of the children is of prime importance,while adhering to all USA hockey rules and regulations. Article III - Membership</p><p>Section 1 - Eligibility</p><p>Membership in this organization is open to any person sincerely interested in fulfilling the objectives as defined in Article II of these By-Laws.</p><p>Section 2 - Function of Membership</p><p>Members are expected to attend all General Membership Meetings of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey and to carry out faithfully any obligations that they undertake in connection with any particular Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey activity.</p><p>2 The General Membership Shall:</p><p>A) Propose policy matters, rules, and regulations that would enhance the objectives and purpose of this organization. B) Propose any suggestions that would benefit the management of this organization. C) Propose local rules for governing of the learn to skate, clinic or the house league.</p><p>Section 3 - Termination of Membership</p><p>Membership may be terminated by resignation or action of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, by a majority vote of the Board at any constituted meeting, shall have the authority to discipline or terminate any active member when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interest of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey and League Membership. Article IV - Board of Directors</p><p>Section 1 - General</p><p>The membership of MEB shall be governed by a President and Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of a total of seven (7) members elected by the Head Coaches and eligible members of the organization. Four (4) Board members will be elected in seasons ending in even years and three (3) Board members will be elected in seasons ending in odd years. Board members shall be elected to serve a two (2) year term. The term of office shall commence on the 1st day of August following the election. </p><p>Section 1A - Voting</p><p>A) Head Coaches are eligible to nominate and elect members to the Board of Directors. Head Coaches will elect one (1) member each year. Eligible Head Coaches are defined as those that attend 50% of the Coaches meetings unless excused by the Director of Coaches. Voting by proxy is not allowed. B) General members that are eligible can nominate and elect members to the Board of Directors. General members will elect two (2) members to the board of directors in odd years and (3) members to the board of directors in even years. Eligible voters are defined as members registered as attending three (3) out of five (5) General Meetings and not more than 30 days late with payment of tuition or other fees. C) The Nominee(s) receiving the majority of the votes will be declared the winner(s) and will serve a two (2) year term. The Board of Directors shall meet within thirty (30) days after the election of the new Board members and elect from the Board, an Executive Committee consisting of: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and </p><p>3 Secretary. This shall be the order of succession in the event of any temporary absence of an officer. D) Nominees from the same household are prohibited from serving simultaneously on the Board of Directors. E) Individuals recognized by USA Hockey as student coaches, that are eligible may cast ballots in the general membership elections. Eligible student coaches are defined as members registered as attending three (3) out of five (5) General Meetings and not more than 30 days late with payment of tuition or other fees.</p><p>Section 2 - Powers and Duties</p><p>A) The Board of Directors, except as otherwise herein provided, shall be vested with, and shall exercise powers and authority of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey, including the power to pledge, encumber, and mortgage assets of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey. B) Each year the Board shall solicit applications for coaching positions for the following year. These applications must be submitted to the Board by the end of March. The Board will review the applications and conduct interviews. The Board of Directors, by a majority of those present and voting, will select the coaches for each team. Any member of the Board of Directors who is a candidate for a head coaching position is precluded from participating in the selection of said coach. Appointments will be made after tryouts. Any applicant not appointed will be notified and given a hearing, if so requested, before public announcements are made. C) The coaches shall submit the name of their assistant coaches and team managers, after teams have been chosen for approval by the Board. D) The Board has the authority to remove from office any member of the Board of Directors, any Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager, or player by a 2/3 vote, for violation of these By-Laws, league rules, USA Hockey, and Massachusetts Hockey rules. The party involved may request a hearing in writing within seven (7) days of notice of removal. E) The Board shall also appoint all necessary officers and any positions which may be required to fulfill the functions of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey. F) The Board shall approve the leagues in which the teams participate as well as all tournaments, overnight trips, and special or tournament teams. G) The Board shall set the cost per player at all levels, including registrations, practice ice, and league games. H) The Board of Directors shall provide a financial report from the Treasurer which shows all income and expenses of Malden East Boston Youth Hockey for the previous season, including the current balance in all checking and investment accounts.</p><p>Section 3 - Vacancies</p><p>If vacancies occur on the Board for any reason, the remaining Board of Directors will fill the vacancy (ies) from the current membership. The fulfillment will be for the remaining </p><p>4 term of the vacant position. The Board of Directors must inform the membership of vacancy (ies) and applications will be accepted up until seven (7) days from the date of posting of the vacancy (ies). The Board of Directors must vote on vacated position(s) within seven (7) days after the applications are received.</p><p>Section 4 - Attendance at the Board of Directors Meetings</p><p>Members of the Board of Directors will attend each meeting of the Board. Any member who misses three (3) consecutive Board Meetings without notifying the Secretary or any Officer and not having a valid reason will be terminated from the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors can ask for the resignation of any Board member due to lack of performance.</p><p>Section 5 - Quorum of the Board of Directors</p><p>The presence in person of a majority (4) of the members of the Board shall be necessary to constitute a quorum of the Board in order to conduct the business of the Board. Article V - Executive Committee</p><p>Section 1 - Duties</p><p>A) President: He or she shall be responsible for preserving the objectives of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey. The President, as Chief Executive Officer of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey, shall supervise Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey affairs and activities and shall make an annual report thereon to the general membership and shall be Chairman of the Board of Directors. The President shall preside over the meetings of the general membership and the Board of Directors. The President or such other officers as he may designate in writing, shall have the power to make and execute for and in the name of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey, contracts which have received the prior approval of the Board. B) Vice President: In case of absence or disability of the President, and provided he or she is authorized by the President or the Board to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President and when so acting, shall have the power of that office. The Vice President shall also perform the duties of the Ice Coordinator. The Vice-President shall be the designated representative to District 10 of Massachusetts Hockey. The Vice-President or his/her designee shall represent the Board of Directors at District 10 meetings. C) Secretary - Clerk: The Secretary-Clerk shall be responsible for recording the activities of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey and maintaining appropriate file, mailing list, and necessary records. He/She shall perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth, and all such other duties as are customarily incidental to the office of Secretary-Clerk or as may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors. He/She shall give notice of all meetings of Malden / East Boston Youth</p><p>5 Hockey, Board of Directors, and Committees. He/She shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board and the Executive Committee and cause them to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose. He/She shall conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meetings and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes, and resolutions not otherwise committed. He/She shall notify Directors, Officers, and Committee Members of their election or appointment. He/She shall take attendance and record voting at all meetings. D) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall perform such duties as are customarily incidental to the office of Treasurer or as may be assigned to him/her by the Board. He/She shall receive any and all moneys and deposit the same in a depository approved by the Board. The term of the Treasurer will be extended to the month of July in order to facilitate the financial management of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey and to assure completion of the required tax forms required of MEB, and shall report in detail as directed by the Board on the financial conditions of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey. He/She shall provide at each General Membership Meeting balance sheets for all those attending. The Treasurer shall appoint a Purchasing Agent </p><p>Article VI - Special Assignments and Responsibilities</p><p>The Board of Directors will delegate special assignments and responsibilities to individual Board Members. A) Director of Clinic: The Clinic Director will coordinate the clinic and instructional hockey program so as to insure an equal opportunity for each youth within the program. The Clinic Directors duties include attending all practice sessions as scheduled an assign a qualified individual in his/her absence. B) Fundraising Director: It shall be the responsibility of the Fundraising Director to organize and oversee all activities and events sponsored by the program with the goal of generating revenue for MEB. All funds raised will be dedicated to achieving the goals of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey. C) Director of Coaches and Grievance:: It shall be the duty of the Coaching Director to coordinate tryouts and player evaluations, to preside over regular coaches meetings, inform coaches of any changes in league rules and develop and enforce a Code of Conduct for all players, parents and members. Should the Board of Directors receive a written grievance from a player, parent or coach, the Grievance Director shall investigate the complaint and attempt to resolve the same. In the event that the matter is not resolved, the Grievance Director will chair a committee of three (3) members to serve Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey grievance panel. The panel shall investigate the complaint by interview and/or hearing and make recommendation to the Board for final disposition, including any disciplinary action that may be warranted. D) Appointed Coordinators: The Board of Directors may appoint Coordinators or Committees as it may deem necessary. For illustrative purposes such committees may include Banquet, Snack Bar, Purchasing, Sponsorship, newsletter; this list is </p><p>6 not exclusive or exhaustive. Coordinators and/or Committee Chairperson will submit monthly reports at scheduled Board of Directors meetings.</p><p>Article VII - Financial Policy</p><p>The Board of Directors shall decide all matters pertaining to the financing of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey, and it shall be the permanent policy to place all income in a common Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey treasury, directing the expenditure of same in such a manner as will give no individual team an advantage over the others as to equipment, ice facilities, or financial assessments. </p><p>Section 1 – Tuition</p><p>Tuition and payment due dates for participation shall be determined on an annual basis by the Board of Directors. Any player who has an outstanding balance from the previous season will not be allowed to participate in tryouts. The Board of Directors may review any hardship request.</p><p>Section 2 - Bonding</p><p>Bonding of the Treasurer and President shall be designated by the Board of Directors. The expense of said bond will be borne by Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey.</p><p>Section 3 – Purchasing</p><p>The Treasurer or the duly appointed Purchasing Committee or Agent shall obtain a minimum of two (2) quotes on equipment and/or supplies that are more than $250.00. All purchases in excess of $250.00 shall require prior approval of the Board of Directors.</p><p>Section 4 - Cash Accounts</p><p>The Treasurer shall manage all bank accounts. In the event of Treasurer absence, the President will manage all bank accounts.</p><p>Section 5 - Ownership of Assets</p><p>This being a non-profit organization with no specific legal entity, the ownership of assets rests with the current membership. In the event of a dissolution of the group or suspension of its functions, disposition of all net assets shall be decided by a 2/3 vote of the entire membership.</p><p>7 Section 6 - Contributions</p><p>The Board shall not permit the contribution of funds from either private or public sources or property to individual teams or groups, but shall solicit the same for the common treasury of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey, thereby discouraging favoritism and endeavoring to equalize the benefits of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey. In the event that an individual team qualifies for an official sanctioned State, Regional or National Tournament, the Board, with approval by 75% of the Board of Directors, may permit the solicitation in the name of MEB by the tournament bound team. Funds raised will be recorded and disbursed through the Treasurer of MEB with the balance after expenses being placed in the common treasury. The following shall be defined as expenses:</p><p>A) State Championship Bound Teams - Funds raised shall be used for Tournament fee only. B) Regional and National Championship Teams - Funds raised shall be used for Tournament fee, lodging, and transportation (other than private).</p><p>Section 7 - Fundraising</p><p>The Board of Directors will authorize two (2) fundraisers a year with incentives to lower individual bills. </p><p>Section 8 - Injury or Illness</p><p>Any player under a physicians care and cannot participate in MEB activities for thirty (30) days or more will be eligible for a pro-rated refund. Before a player returns to play, he/she must have a medical clearance in the form of a letter from his/her treating physician.</p><p>Section 9 - Fiscal Period</p><p>The fiscal period /administrative year shall be one (1) year beginning on August 1 and ending on July 31. Article VIII - Meetings</p><p>Section 1 – General Membership Meetings</p><p>General Membership Meetings of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey shall be held five (5) times a season, September through May. The May meeting shall be designated the Annual Business Meeting at which time elections to the Board of Directors for the following administrative year will be held. </p><p>8 Section 2 - Special Meetings</p><p>Special Meetings (Board or General Membership) may be called by the President at any time or upon written request to the President by at least three (3) members of the Board of Directors. The President shall call a special meeting to consider a specific subject. No business other than that specified in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted.</p><p>Section 3 - Board of Directors Meetings</p><p>Board of Directors Meetings shall be held monthly between the months of August to May. The Board of Directors shall meet once during the month of June and are not required to meet during the month of July.</p><p>Section 4 – Parliamentary Procedure</p><p>All General Membership and Board of Director Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted parliamentary procedure. Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Procedure shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable. Article IX - Teams</p><p>Section 1 - Team Organization</p><p>Each team in Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey, Inc. shall have the following organization positions: A) Head Coach: The Head Coach is responsible for the team’s activities, staying within the framework of the By-Laws of Malden / East Boston Youth Hockey as determined by the Executive Committee. The Head Coach may not enter additional leagues, Tournaments, or incur additional expense without the approval of the Executive Committee. B) Assistant Coach: The Assistant Coach shall work under the direction of the Head Coach and fill in as the head of the team when the Head Coach cannot be present. C) Team Manager/Fund Raising Liaison: The Team Manager will serve as the liaison between the team and the Fundraising Director. He/she will also be responsible for the administration of the team including keeping of ice and game records, team registrations, schedules, and assisting in publicity functions for the team. D) Qualification: All Coaches (Head and Assistant) shall be approved by the Board of Directors, who shall formulate standards of character and leadership for coaches in accordance with the objectives of MEB and shall be guided by said standards in the election of coaches. All coaches must have appropriate USA </p><p>9 Hockey Certification before date set for their District Play-downs and no later than December 1st. E) Decorum: Coaches shall exhibit exemplary personal standard of behavior and shall be guided by the objectives of MEB in their conduct and coaching responsibilities. The Board of Directors shall have the power to remove a head coach or assistant coach for cause, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors. </p><p>Section 2 - Team Rosters</p><p>A) Each team will consist of at least thirteen (13) players and one (1) goaltender provided there are a sufficient number of players available. The player’s forms provided by USA Hockey will be completed for each team. This form will be the official roster for a team. Exceptions to the number of players are to be decided by the Board of Directors. All teams shall follow USA Hockey regulations. B) Any Coach needing to temporarily supplement his/her roster due to absence must contact the Head Coach of the team that player(s) are rostered on before said player(s) are allowed to play. C) The Executive Committee must be notified and must approve, before a player from a lower level team who, when skating for a higher level team, approaches the number of games which would cause a permanent roster change. D) Team rosters must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to its submission to the District. There will be no change in team rosters after the roster has been submitted to the District without the approval of the Board of Directors. Article X - Player Eligibility</p><p>Section 1 - Player Guidelines</p><p>Any player who owes money to MEB or is under suspension may be ruled ineligible and /or suspended by the Board of Directors.</p><p>Section 2 </p><p>Any child residing in Malden or East Boston may register for participation into the MEB program at the age requirement set forth by the Board of Directors.</p><p>Section 3</p><p>All applications are to be reviewed by the Board of Directors, and the Board can rule applicants ineligible under the guidelines set forth by the Board of Directors.</p><p>10 Section 4</p><p>Any child who resides outside Malden or East Boston and applies for participation in the MEB program must secure the proper releases from their home program and from USA Hockey.</p><p>Section 5</p><p>A) Any child who registers must attend tryouts at their age specific level and must skate at their age specific level, unless they apply for a hearing and receive approval to change their age specific level by the Board of Directors and USA Hockey (if necessary). The approval will only be considered for medical or safety concerns. The Board may ask skaters to “play up a level” if it determines that it is in the best interest of the program and the Board believes that the skater may play at that level without any increase in risk of harm. B) Any child who registers, tries out, and is assigned to a team may participate at the same time on a select and or club team program provided there is no interference with Malden games, tournaments, or practices. Disciplinary action will be taken by the Board if the skater chooses a select game over a Malden / East Boston event.</p><p>Section 6</p><p>A) Tryouts: Tryouts will be held in the Spring for the following season’s teams. Tryouts will consist of two (2) sessions per level. Total ratings will be based on both sessions. Independent graders will be used when it is financially feasible. B) Attendance: Players not attending without a justifiable reason will receive a score of zero. A player may be excused from a tryout with prior permission from the Board of Directors. The player request must be made to the Board in writing prior to the tryouts. Any excused player will receive a pro-rated score based on their session attended. Request will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and only be granted for extraordinary circumstances. C) Team Selections: Grades will be tabulated and placed on a list in order. For a team with 13 skaters or more, the first ten (10) players on the list will be placed on the “A” Team. The remainder of the team will be selected by the coach, with approval by the Board of Directors. Selection will be from players listed eleven (11) through roster size plus two (2). For teams with rosters of 12 skaters, the first nine (9) players will be placed on the “A” Team. The remainder of the team will be selected by the coach, with approval by the Board of Directors. Selection will be from players listed ten (10) through roster size plus two (2). For teams with rosters of 11 skaters, the first eight (8) players will be placed on the “A” Team. The remainder of the team will be selected by the coach, with approval by the Board of Directors. Selection will be from players listed nine (9) through </p><p>11 roster size plus two (2). For teams with rosters of 10 or 11 skaters, the first seven (7) players will be placed on the “A” Team. The remainder of the team will be selected by the coach, with approval by the Board of Directors. Selection will be from players listed eight (8) through roster size plus two (2). Goaltenders shall be chosen as follows. The top rated goaltender shall be placed on the A Team. If the Coach wishes to carry a second goaltender, selection will be from goaltenders listed two (2) and three (3) with approval from the Board of Directors.</p><p>Final tryout results, without names, will be posted at the Annual Business Meeting. No Player is permanently assigned to a team until two (2) weeks before the end of parity. During parity the Head Coach will be allowed to try-out any players on the next lower level. The Head Coach may move three players prior to the submission of the final roster to the District. Any roster change made by the Head Coach must be approved by the Board of Directors.</p><p>Article XI – Amendments to By-Laws</p><p>These By-Laws or any section thereof may be amended or repealed by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors at any duly constituted meeting.</p><p>Any member of the Board of Directors will receive notice of said meeting at least fourteen (14) days prior stating its purpose and the nature of the proposed changes.</p><p>Any member of MEBYH may receive a copy of the By-Laws upon written request.</p><p>12</p>
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