JANUARY 2007 MONDAY 1 (19 Dec.) Martyr Boniface at Tarsus in Cilicia (+290), and Righteous Aglae (Aglaida) of Rome. Martyrs Elias, Probus, and Ares, in Cilicia (+308). Martyrs Polyeuctus at Caeasarea in Cappadocia, and Timothy the deacon. St. Boniface the Merciful, bishop of Ferentino (VI cent.). St. Gregory, archbishop of Omirits (+c. 552). St. Elias, wonderworker of the Kyiv Caves (+c. 1188). Heb. 11, 17-23, 27-31 Mk. 9, 42 - 10, 1 TUESDAY 2 (20 Dec.) Prefestive of the Nativity of Christ. Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer, bishop of Antioch (+107). St. Philogonius, bishop of Antioch (+c. 323). St.Daniel, archbishop of Serbia (+1338). Venerable Ignatius, archimandrite of the Kyiv Caves (+1435). Heb. 4, 14 – 5, 10 Mt. 5, 14-19 WEDNESDAY 3 (21 Dec.) Virgin-martyr Juliana and with her 500 men and 130 women in Nicomedia (+304). Martyr Themistocles of Myra and Lycia (+251). Repose of St. Peter, metropolitan of Kyiv and all- Rus’-Ukraine (1326). Heb. 7, 26 – 8, 2 Lk. 6, 17-23 THURSDAY 4 (22 Dec.) Great-martyr Anastasia, and her teacher Chrysogonus, and with them martyrs Theodota, Evodias, Eutychianus, and others who suffered under Diocletian (+c. 304). Gal. 3, 23-29 Lk. 7, 36-50 FRIDAY 5 (23 Dec.) Holy ten martyrs of Crete: Theodulus, Euporus, Gelasius, Eunychius, Zoticus, Pompeius, Agathopusus, Basilidus and Evarestes (III cent.).St. Niphon, bishop of Cyprus (IV cent.). St. Paul, bishop of Neo-Caesaraea (IV cent.). 1 January 2007 The Royal Hours: First Hour: Micah 5, 2-4 Heb. 1, 1-12 Mt. 1, 18-25 Third Hour: Baruch 3, 36 – 4, 4 Gal. 3, 23-29 Lk. 2, 1-20 Sixth Hour: Is. 7, 10-16; 8, 1-4, 8-10 Heb. 1, 10 – 2, 3 Mt. 2, 1-12 Ninth Hour: Is. 9, 6-7 Heb. 2, 11-18 Mt. 2, 13-23 SATURDAY 6 (24 Dec.) Saturday before the Nativity of Christ. Eve of the Nativity of Christ. End of the Philipian (Pre-Nativity) Fast. Nun-martyr Eugenia of Rome, and with her mrtyrs Philip her father, Protus, Hyacinth and Claudia (+c. 262). St. Nicholas the monk of Bulgaria (IX cent.). St. Antioch, monk of Palestine. St. Aphrodisius. Saturday before Nativity: Gal. 3, 8-12 Lk. 13, 18-29 Eve of the Nativity: Gal. 3, 15-22 Mt. 13, 31-36 SUNDAY 7 (25 Dec.) 30TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. Tone 5 THE NATIVITY ACCORDING TO THE FLESH OF OUR LORD, GOD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. The Adoration of the Magi: Melchior, Caspar, and Balthasar. Matins: Mt. 1, 18-25 Liturgy of St. Basil the Great: Gal. 4, 4-7 Mt. 1, 1-12 From 7 (25 Dec.) - 18 (5th) January Wednesdays and Fridays are fast-free days. MONDAY 8 (26 Dec.) 31st week after Pentecost. Post-feast of the Nativity. Synaxis of the Most Holy Birth-Giver of God. Commemoration of the Righteous Joseph the Betrothed, David the King and James the brother of the Lord. Euthymius, bishop of Sardis (+c. 840). Venerable Constantine of Synnada (VIII cent.). Heb. 2, 11-18 Gal. 1, 11-19 Mt. 2, 13-23 TUESDAY 9 (27 Dec.) Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen (+34). St. Theodore Graptus (“the Branded”), Confessor, brother of St. Theophanes the Hymnographer (+c.840). St. Theodore, archbishop of Constantinople (+c. 686). Acts 6, 8-15; 7, 1-5, 47-50 Mt. 21, 33-42 WEDNESDAY 10 (28 Dec.) The 20,000 martyrs of Nicomedia, including: Zeno, Dorotheus, Indes, Gorgonius, Peter, Euthymius, and the virgins, Agape, Domna, and Theophila (+302). Apostle of the Seventy Nicanor the deacon (+34). St. Babylas of Tarsus in Cilicia. Rom. 8, 3-9 Lk. 10, 19-21 2 January 2007 THURSDAY 11 (29 Dec.) The 14,000 infants (Holy Innocents) slain by Herod at Bethlehem (+1). St. Marcellus, abbot of the monastery of the Unsleeping Ones (+485). St. Thaddeus, Confessor, of the Studion (+818). St. Benjamin, monk of Nitria in Egypt. St. Athenodorus, disciple of St. Pachomius the Great. St. George, bishop of Nicomedia. St. Mark the Grave-digger of the Kyiv Caves. Sts. Theophilus and John of the Kyiv Caves (XI – XII cent.). 2 Cor. 5, 15-21 Mt. 2, 13-23 FRIDAY 12 (30 Dec.) Virgin-martyr Anysia at Thessalonica (285-305). Hieromartyr Zoticus, Keeper of Orphans (IV cent.). Apostle of the Seventy Timon, the deacon (I cent.). Martyr Phileterus of Nicomedia (+311). Venerable Theodora, nun of Caeasaraea in Cappadocia (VIII cent.). Venerable Theodora, nun of Constantinople (+940). Heb. 7, 26 – 8, 2 Jn. 10, 9-16 SATURDAY 13 (31 Dec.) Saturday after the Nativity of Christ and before the Theophany. Apodosis (final day) of the Nativity of Christ. Venerable Melania the Younger, nun of Rome (+439). St. Peter Mohyla, metropolitan of Kyiv (+1647). St. Gelasius, monk of Palestine. St. Gaius, monk. Saturday after the Nativity of Christ: 1 Tim. 6, 11-16 Mt. 12, 15-21 Saturday before Theophany: 1 Tim. 3, 14 – 4, 5 Mt. 3, 1-11 SUNDAY 14 (1st)31ST SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. Tone 6 SUNDAY AFTER THE NATIVITY OF CHRIST. SUNDAY BEFORE THE THEOPHANY THE CIRCUMCISION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. St. Basil the Great, archbishop of Caeasaraea in Cappadocia (+379). Martyr Basil of Ancyra (+c. 362). St. Emilia, mother of St. Basil the Great (IV cent.). Matins: Jn. 20, 19-31 Liturgy of St. Basil the Great Sunday before Theophany – 2 Tim. 4, 5-8 Mk. 1, 1-8 Circumcision: Col. 2, 8-12 Lk. 2, 20-21, 40-52 Saint: Heb. 7, 26 – 8, 2 Lk. 6, 17-23 MONDAY 15 (2nd) 32nd week after Pentecost. Forefeast of the Theophany. Venerable Sylvester, pope of Rome (+335). Hieromartyr Theogenes (+c. 320). Venerable Sylvester of the Kyiv Caves (XII cent.). Righteous Juiliana of Lazarevo (+1604). Matins: Mt. 11, 27-30 Liturgy: Gal. 5, 22 – 6, 2 Lk. 6, 17-23 3 January 2007 TUESDAY 16 (3rd) Prophet Malachi (400 B.C.). Martyr Gordius at Caeasaraea in Cappadocia (IV cent.). James 3, 1-10 Mk. 11, 11-23 WEDNESDAY 17 (4th) Synaxis of the Seventy Apostles: James the brother of the Lord, Mark the Evangelist, Luke the Evangelist, Cleopas, Barnabus, Justus, Thaddaeus, Ananias, Stephen the archdeacon: Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, and Parmenas of the seven deacons; Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Onesimus, Epaphras, Archippus, Silas, Silvanus, Crescens, Crispus, Epenetus, Andronicus, Stachys, Ampilias, Urban, Narcissus, Apelles, Aristobolus, Herodion, Agabus, Rufus, Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobus, Hermas, Linus, Gaius, Philologus, Lucius, Jason, Sosipater, Olympas, Teritus, Erastus, Quartus, Euodias, Onesiphorus, Clement, Sosthenes, Apollos, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Carpus, Quadratus, Mark called John, Zenas, Aristarchus, Pudens, Trophimus, Mark, Artemas, Aquila, Fortunatus, and Achaicus. Venerable Theoctistus, abbot at Cucomao in Sicily (+800). Martyr Zosimus the Hermit, and Martyr Athanasius the Commentarisius - superintendent of prisoners (III-IV cent.). St. Eustathius I, archbishop of Serbia (+c. 1285). Venerable Aquilius, deacon of the Kyiv Caves (XIV cent. ). Rom. 8, 2-13 Lk. 10, 1-15 THURSDAY 18 (5th) Eve of the Theophany. Fast day. Martyrs Theopemptus, bishop of Nicomedia, and Theonas (+303). Venerable Synclectica of Alexandria (+c. 350). Prophet Micah (IX cent. B.C.). Virgin Apollinaria of Egypt (+c. 470). Venn. Foristirius and Minas (VI cent.). Venerable Gregory of Crete, monk (+c. 820). The Royal Hours: First Hour: Is. 35, 1-10 Acts 13, 25-32 Mt. 3, 1-11 Third Hour: Is. 1, 16-21 Acts 19, 1-8 Mk. 1, 1-8 Sixth Hour: Is. 12, 3-6 Rom. 6, 3-11 Mk. 1, 9-15 Ninth Hour: Is. 49, 8-15 Titus 2, 11-14 Mt. 3, 13-17 Vesper Liturgy of St. Basil the Great: (1) Gen 1, 1-13 (2) Ex. 14, 15-18, 21-23, 27-29 (3) Ex. 15, 22-27; 16, 1 (4) Joshua 3, 7-8, 15-17 (5) II Kings 2, 6-14 (6) II Kings 5, 9-14 (7) Is. 1, 16-20 (8) Gen. 32, 1-10 (9) Ex. 2, 5-10 (10) Judges 6, 36-40 (11) I Kings 18, 30-39 (12) II Kings 2, 19-22 (13) Is. 49, 8-15 I Cor. 9, 19-27 Lk. 3, 1-18 Great Sanctification of waters takes place in the church building: 1 Cor. 10, 1-4 Mk. 1, 9-11 4 January 2007 FRIDAY 19 (6th) THE HOLY THEOPHANY. THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD, GOD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. Matins: Mk. 1, 9-11 Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: Titus 2, 11-14 Mt. 3, 13-17 Procession & Sanctification of water outdoors: 1 Cor. 10, 1-4 Mk.1, 9-11 SATURDAY 20 (7th) Saturday after the Theophany. Postfestive of the Theophany. Synaxis of the Holy Glorious Prophet and Baptist John. Saturday after the Theophany: Eph. 6, 10-17 Mt. 4, 1-11 Forerunner: Acts 19, 1-8 Jn. 1, 29-34 SUNDAY 21 (8th)32ND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. Tone 7 SUNDAY AFTER THE THEOPHANY. Venn. George the Chozebite, and Emilian the Confessor, bishop of Cyzicus (IX cent.). Venerable Domnica of Constntinople (+c. 474). Hieromartyr Carterius, presbyter of Caeasaraea in Cappadocia (+304). Martyrs Theophilus and Helladius (IV cent.). Venerable Elias the Hermit of Egypt (IV cent.). Venerable Gregory, wonderworker of the Kyiv Caves (XII-XIV cent.). Venerable Paisius of Uglich (+1504). Matins: Jn. 21, 1-14 Liturgy: Sunday after the Theophany – Eph. 4, 7-13 Mt. 4, 12-17 32nd Sunday – 1 Tim. 4, 9-15 Lk. 19, 1-10 MONDAY 22 (9th)33rd week after Pentecost. Martyr Polyeuctus of Melitene in Armenia (+259). Prophet Shemaiah (X cent. B.C.). St. Peter, bishop of Sebaste in Armenia, and brother of St. Basil the Great (IV cent.). Venerable Eustratius the Wonderworker (IX cent.). 1 Pet. 2, 21 – 3, 9 Mk. 12, 13-17 TUESDAY 23 (10th) St.
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