Section 00000 - Section Title

Section 00000 - Section Title

<p>NOTE IF THE GUIDE SPECIFICATION CONVENTIONS PAGE DOES NOT APPEAR CLICK ON SHOW/HIDE ICON ON MENU BAR OR CHOOSE TOOLS ON MENU BAR, CLICK OPTIONS, VIEW TAB, UNDER FORMATTING MARKS, CHECK HID- DEN TEXT (delete this note before printing)</p><p>SECTION 01027</p><p>FISCAL MATTERS AND RELATED DATA</p><p>PART 1 - GENERAL</p><p>0.1 GENERAL</p><p>0.1.1. Section Includes: Submittals Funding Construction Versus Equipment Elements Unusually Severe Weather Modification Procedures</p><p>0.2 RELATED SECTIONS</p><p>0.2.1. All contract documents and contract modifications made part of the contract by inclusion or reference apply to this section.</p><p>0.2.2. Specific Reference: Division 1 Section 01020 “Notice to Proceed.” Division 1 Section 01300 “Administrative Requirements.” Division 1 Section 01310 “Critical Path Method Schedule [And Phasing Plan].” Division 1 Section 01312 “Information Management.” Division 1 Section 01400 “Quality Control.” Division 1 Section 01500 “Mobilization and Temporary Controls.” Division 1 Section 01720 “[Phase Turn Over and ]Contract Closeout.”</p><p>0.3 SUBMITTALS</p><p>0.3.1. Refer to specification section 01300 –Administrative Requirements for procedures.</p><p>0.3.2. Submittal action by reviewer:</p><p> R: Review each submittal, mark to indicate action taken, and return. I: Submittal is for information or record purposes only. No action will occur.</p><p><insert project name and location> June 2010 FISCAL MATTERS AND RELATED DATA 01027-1 0.3.3. Submittal requirements for this section are as follows:</p><p>Action Division 1 Reference Submittal Section Para. R 01027 Fiscal 0.6 AF 3052 (Modifications) (one returned) Matters & Related Data</p><p>0.4 FUNDING</p><p>0.4.1. Elements of Work: The Government may fund different elements of the Work from different funding sources. Identify and segregate costs of the different elements of the work when preparing the critical path method (CPM) construction schedule and contract modification proposals.</p><p>0.5 CONSTRUCTION VERSUS EQUIPMENT ELEMENTS</p><p>0.5.1. Refer to the attachment at the end of this section for identification of building components and process equipment.</p><p>0.5.2. Use this attachment and the other specifically identified funded work requirements as it relates to CLIN allocation and as an aid in developing the schedule of values, the contractor’s critical path method construction schedule, applications for payment, and contract modification proposals.</p><p>0.6 MODIFICATION PROCEDURES</p><p>0.6.1. Supplemental Instructions</p><p> From time to time during progress of the Work the Contracting Officer may issue supplemental instructions which interpret the Contract Documents or order minor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Should the Contractor consider that these instructions or minor change requires a change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time, he shall comply with F.A.R. notice requirements, and then submit an itemized proposal to the Contracting Officer prior to proceeding with the Work. If the government agrees to entitlement and the proposal is satisfactory and in proper order, a Contract Modification for that event will supersede the supplemental instructions.</p><p>0.6.2. Proposal Requests.</p><p> From time to time during progress of the Work, the Contracting Officer may issue a proposal request for an itemized quotation for a potential change in the work that affects the Contract Sum or Contract Time. This is not a direction to proceed with the changes described therein.</p><p>0.6.3. Governments right to change:</p><p>0.6.4. Without invalidating the contract and without notice to any surety, the Contracting Officer may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions, or revisions in the work, within the general scope of the contract</p><p>0.6.5. Modification Requests:</p><p> Owner-initiated proposal requests: The Contracting Officer will issue a detailed description of proposed changes in the work that will require adjustment to the contract sum or contract time. If necessary, the description will include supplemental or revised drawings and specifications. Proposal requests issued by the Contracting Officer are for information only. Do not consider them an instruction either to accelerate or stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change. <insert project name and location> June 2010 FISCAL MATTERS AND RELATED DATA 01027-2 Contractor-initiated proposals: When differing or unforeseen conditions require modifications to the contract, the contractor may propose changes by submitting a request for change to the Contracting Officer. Comply with F.A.R. notice requirements. Include a statement outlining the reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Indicate the effect of the proposed change on the contract sum or schedule by including a detailed cost proposal and the CPM construction schedule depicting affected critical path changes.</p><p>0.6.6. Allowances: </p><p> Allowance adjustment: For unit cost allowance adjustment, base each modification proposal on the difference between the actual unit purchase amount and the unit allowance, multiplied by the final measurement of work-in-place. Where applicable, include reasonable allowances for cutting losses, tolerances, mixing wastes, normal product imperfections, and similar margins. Unless specifically directed otherwise, include furnishing and installing the allowance item, inclusive of any testing or start-up requirements, in the allowance cost. Notify the Contracting Officer or representative at least 24 hours in advance of installing allowance based items. Coordinate with the Contracting Officer’s representative who must be present for witness and certification of the quantity installed. Submit proposals for increased costs because of a change in scope or nature of the allowance described in the contract documents, whether for the purchase order unit amount or the contractor's handling, labor, installation, overhead, and profit. Submit proposals within 10 days of receipt of the modification or directive authorizing work to proceed. The Contracting Officer will reject claims submitted later than 10 days after the event giving rise to the claim. There is no change to the contractor's indirect expense for selection of higher or lower-priced materials or systems of the same scope and nature as originally indicated.</p><p>0.6.7. Differing site conditions: Refer to F.A.R 52.236-2</p><p> Promptly, and before disturbing such conditions (except in an emergency), notify the Contracting Officer. Comply with written F.A.R. notice requirements. The Contracting Officer will not allow any claim for additional compensation by the contractor under this clause unless the contractor first gives notice required by this contract. a. Promptly is defined as “without delay.” In the event the Contracting Officer and the contractor are unable to reach an agreement concerning an alleged differing site condition, keep an accurate and detailed record which will indicate the actual cost of the work done under the alleged differing site condition. Failure to keep such record precludes the contractor’s recovery of alleged differing site conditions. Contractor must give the Contracting Officer the opportunity to supervise and check the keeping of such record.</p><p>0.6.8. Errors or Omissions:</p><p> Promptly, and substantially before work scheduled on such conditions (except in an emergency), notify the Contracting Officer in writing of:</p><p> a. The discovery of an error, omission, or some other conflict with the contract documents that materially affect the intended use of the facility.</p><p> The Contracting Officer’s Representative will promptly investigate the conditions and will notify the Contracting Officer who will provide the contractor with instruction. </p><p><insert project name and location> June 2010 FISCAL MATTERS AND RELATED DATA 01027-3 0.6.9. Proposal preparation:</p><p> Include a detailed list of quantities of required products, labor, hours, rates, and unit costs, with the total amount of purchases.</p><p> a. State proposed change in the Contract Sum, if any. b. State proposed change in the Contract Time of completion supported by a fragnet. c. Clearly describe other changes in the Work, if any, required by the proposed change. d. Include full backup data such as subcontractors’ letter of proposal or similar information. List and include applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. Comply with paragraphs of this contract that address substitution. Within 10 days of receipt of a proposal request, on AF 3052, submit the proposal of cost necessary to execute the change, including time impact related costs, to the Contracting Officer’s Representative for review. Refer to Specification Division 1 Section 01310 (Critical Path Method Schedule[ and Phasing Plan]”) for required schedule related attachments to the proposal.</p><p> The Contracting Officer will negotiate maximum mark-ups allowed in proposal cost estimates. Use the modification numbering sequence established by the Contracting Officer to identify the various proposed modifications and approved modifications. Instruct any subcontractor to comply with above requirements when the cost proposal includes a quotation from a subcontractor. Review subcontractors’ cost and time proposals for legitimacy and reasonableness. Do not forward any illegitimate or unreasonable proposals to the Contracting Officer. Upon the Contracting Officer’s approval of a modification proposal, the Contracting Officer will issue a modification for the contractor’s signature. The Contract Modification will become effective upon execution by the Contracting Officer and contractor.</p><p>0.6.10. Processing Proposal Requests</p><p> Make written reply to the Contracting Officer in response to each proposal request. </p><p> a. Submit response in single copy and simultaneously e-mail the Contracting Officer and Contracting Officer’s Representative a duplicate PDF version.</p><p> When the Contracting Officer and the Contractor have agreed upon a change, or when the Contracting Officer directs that cost or credit be determined in accordance with the provisions of the contract, the Contracting Officer will issue a Contract Modification to the Contractor.</p><p>0.6.11. Processing Contract Modifications</p><p> The Contract Modification will describe the change or changes, will refer to the proposal requests or supplemental instruction involved, and contain the Contracting Officer’s signature. The Contracting Officer will issue the Contract Modification to the Contractor.</p><p> a. Promptly sign and return to the Contracting Officer and electronically transmit a duplicate scanned copy bearing both signatures to the Contracting Officer.</p><p>PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used)</p><p>PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used)</p><p><insert project name and location> June 2010 FISCAL MATTERS AND RELATED DATA 01027-4 CONSTRUCTION VERSUS EQUIPMENT ELEMENTS Refer to Schedule “B” attachment to Standard Form 1442, “Solicitation, Offer, and Award,” for CLINs applicable to this project</p><p>CONSTRUCTION</p><p>BUILDING SITE WORK . normal building construction, including founda- . site clearing. tions, slab and structural elements, roofing, walls and partitions. . grading and drainage improvements. . normal architectural finishes, both interior and . Improvements for parking, circulation, walks, exterior. and receiving areas, including lighting more than 5' outside building lines. . plumbing, including sinks, toilets, and other fix- tures . Traffic safety devices, controls and other im- provements. . utility meters. . landscaping. . fire protection and alarm systems. . retention ponds, environmental mitigation. . electrical power & lighting to the building and equipment, including power to all equipment . site demolition. such as balers, material handling equipment, charger units, processing equipment, etc. (but . utilities more than 5' outside building lines and NOT to refrigerated equipment). associated costs of extending utilities to the site. . fire extinguisher cabinets  berms and force protection barriers . toilet partitions  exterior protective bollards and guard railsfenc- . toilet and bath accessories ing and other screening . building demolition (including foundation, and all building systems to 5’ line . utilities 5' or less from building lines</p><p> entry/exit automatic doors and associated ap- purtenances to include electrical connections</p><p> overhead warehouse/receiving/shipping doors and door operating systems</p><p> HVAC systems and associated appurtenances, including associated platforms and electrical connections, except systems serving the commissary sales area</p><p> loading dock levelers and dock accessories in- cluding electrical connections</p><p> trash chutes and conveyors, including associat- ed doors and connections for compactors and storage containers.</p><p><insert project name and location> June 2010 FISCAL MATTERS AND RELATED DATA 01027-5 Article I. EQUIPMENT</p><p>GENERAL SALES AREA MEAT DEPARTMENT</p><p>. all refrigerated and non-refrigerated display cas- . tables, freestanding. es and shelving. . conveyors. . island merchandisers. . slicers. . aisle markers and decor . saws. . carts (carryout, grocery, stocking, etc.). . grinders. . cash registers and associated equipment. . scales . scanning equipment. . labelers. . scales. . wrappers. . checkout stands and lane number lights. . fat testers. . queuing directors. . platters and trays. . pizza carts and tables. . tenderizers. . plant and floral display units. . molders. . mass merchandising pedestals. . carts . merchandise demonstration tables. . mixers.  equipment and wall protective bollards and rails . patty machines.  sales area HVAC systems and appurtenances STAGING AND RECEIVING BAKERY/DELI . bumper guards. . reach-in freezers and coolers. . dock seals. . shelving. . storage racks. . ovens. . materials handling equipment. . oven/proofer. . chargers. . retarders. . forklifts. . glazing and icing centers. . pallet jacks. . mixers. . order selectors.</p><p>FURNITURE AND FIXTURES . balers. . systems furniture. . compactors. . modular seating units. . sweepers and scrubbers. . desks. . file cabinets. . refrigerators. . microwave ovens.</p><p><insert project name and location> June 2010 FISCAL MATTERS AND RELATED DATA 01027-6 EQUIPMENT, continued</p><p>DAIRY DEPARTMENT PROCESSING AREAS</p><p>. roll-in dairy milk bossy carts . ice machines. . Insulated curtains . wire rack shelving for refrigerated walk-in units.  Glass door merchandisers and accessories . garbage disposal units.</p><p>PRODUCT REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS . work tables . walk-in coolers and freezer enclosures. . scales. . refrigerated unit doors, seals, strips, and heater elements. OTHER</p><p>. electrical power tie-in to all refrigerated sys- . telephone, intercom, public address and other tems. in-store communications systems. . plumbing tie-ins to all refrigerated equipment. . background music systems. . condenser units. . emergency generators and transfer switches . compressor units. . safe. . blowers and exhaust systems. . sales area marketing décor, including all de- partmental and store signage . refrigeration system controls and monitoring de- vices. . lockers . refrigeration lines . protective bollards and rails in product storage and transfer areas . Electrical Service from panel to compressor system . security systems (duress and intrusion)</p><p> all prewiring and connection junctions for IT systems. . closed circuit television (CCTV) systems.</p><p> Key cabinets and cipher locking systems</p><p><insert project name and location> June 2010 FISCAL MATTERS AND RELATED DATA 01027-7 FACILITY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS ASSO- CIATED WITH BUILDING RENOVATION AND REMODELING, INCLUDING REPAIRS BY RE- PLACEMENT:</p><p>. architectural building finishes for repair of walls, ceilings, and flooring (exterior and interi- or) . roofing. . repainting. . patching, reconstruction, or overlay of deterio- rated pavements. . repair by replacement of utility systems inside and outside the building. . domestic hot water systems. . structural systems, including upgrades for code compliance. . site systems, including drainage, landscaping, paving and striping. . communications systems, internal and exter- nal. . closed circuit television (CCTV) systems. . public address (PA) systems.</p><p>THIS FUNDING CATEGORY INCLUDES ADDITION- AL ITEMS THAT ARE CLASSIFIED AS EQUIP- MENT WHEN PART OF AN ALTERATION, RENO- VATION, REMODELING AND/OR REFRIGERATION UPGRADE PROJECT. . loading dock levelers and dock accessories, in- cluding electrical connections. . HVAC systems and appurtenances, including special platforms and electrical connections . specialty lighting systems for product merchan- dising. . entry/exit automatic doors and associated appur- tenances, including electrical connections. . overhead warehouse/receiving/shipping doors and door operating systems. . trash chutes and conveyors, including associated connections for compactors and storage contain- ers. END OF SECTION</p><p><insert project name and location> June 2010 FISCAL MATTERS AND RELATED DATA 01027-8</p>

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