<p> Ms Coll/Nevins Allan Nevins Papers, 1912-1992 96.5 linear ft. (ca.40,700 items in 207 boxes, 73 volumes & 8 oversize items)</p><p>Biography/History: Nevins, Joseph Allan May 20 1890 Mar. 5 1971 historian and educator. He attended the University of Illinois where he earned a B. A. 1912 and an M. A. in English 1913 Nevins moved to New York to work as a journalist in 1913. While working as a journalist Nevins found time to write books on history. </p><p>In 1928 Nevins accepted a position teaching history at Columbia University. In 1931 he was appointed Dewitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University. He was also the Harmsworth Professor of American History at Oxford University in 1940 1941 and 1964 1965 </p><p>Nevins was a quite prolific writer producing more than 50 books and scores of articles. He produced biographies of Henry White, Grover Cleveland, Abram Hewitt, Hamilton Fish, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, and and Herbert Lehman.</p><p>Summary: Approximately 12,000 letters to Allan Nevins from various correspondents including James Truslow Adams, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Willa Cather, Mrs. Grover Cleveland, Van Wyck Brooks, Robert Frost, Newton D. Baker, Archibald MacLeish, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Carl Sandburg, and Henry Wallace; notes and typescripts for Nevins books including Emergence of Lincoln, The Ordeal of Democracy, Rockefeller, and History and Historians, with notes by editor Ray A. Billington; miscellaneous transcripts, clippings, newspapers, and photographs. Also, autograph letters and manuscripts by presidents, Civil War figures, financiers, politicians, and authors. There are also the Brand Whitlock World War I Diaries and letters to him by such people as Herbert Hoover, Gen. John J. Pershing, and others</p><p>Finding Aids: Contents list, 16 pages</p><p>Restrictions on Access: Available for faculty, students, and researchers engaged in publication projects.</p><p>Restrictions on Use: Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Librarian for Rare Books and Manuscripts.</p><p>Provenance: Gift of Allan Nevins, 1953 & 1954. Bequest of Alan Nevins, 1971 Gift of Anne Nevins Loftis & Meredith Nevins Mayer, 1982 Gift of Meredith Nevins Mayer, 1992</p><p>Processing History: Processed by Henry Rowen 3/2000</p><p>Physical Location: In sequence</p><p>RLIN ID: NYCR89-A647 Allan Nevins 2</p><p>Historical Correspondence</p><p>In Boxes 1-6 of the collection</p><p>Adams, Charles Francis Benzon, E.I.S.</p><p>Adams, Henry Birren, Joseph P.</p><p>Adams, Jane Black, Alexander</p><p>Ade, George Blaine, James G.</p><p>Albert, King of Belgium Blair, Sherman</p><p>Albert I, King of the Belgians Bliss, Tasker H.</p><p>Allen, Margaret V. Bok, Edward William</p><p>Alliot, Hector Boker, George H.</p><p>Ames, Oakes Briggs, William H.</p><p>Anderson, Henry James Broat, J.B.</p><p>Arnot, N.D. Brown, Lewellen A.</p><p>Arschot Schoonhoven, Guil1aume Bryan, William Jennings</p><p>Asquith, Herbert Henry Bryant, William Cullen</p><p>Astor, Henry Bryce, James MICROFILM</p><p>Athlone, 1st Earl of Bynum, William D.</p><p>Atkins, John DeWitt Clinton Cadwalder, John L.</p><p>Babcock, O.E. Canda, Charles J.</p><p>Baker, Newton D. Carnegie, Andrew</p><p>Bancroft, George Carter, James Coolidge</p><p>Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter Chamberlain, Daniel Henry</p><p>Barnum, William H. Childs, George W., et al.</p><p>Beard, Charles A. Claroye, Ida B. (Mrs. W. D.)</p><p>Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant Clemenceau, Georges</p><p>Belford, R.J. Cleveland, Grover</p><p>Benton, Thomas Hart Clews, Henry Allan Nevins 3</p><p>Cobb, Howell Dewey, John</p><p>Cockran, William Bourke Dewitt, Charles</p><p>Colfax, Schuyler DeWolf, Philip</p><p>Conkling, Roscoe / Di Wiart, Mme. Carton</p><p>Commager, Henry S. Dix, John A.</p><p>Cooke, Jay Dodge, William Earl</p><p>Cooper, Edward A. Duer, William A.</p><p>Cooper, Peter Dunbar, Paul Laurence</p><p>Cooper, Peter & Cyrus H. Field Dunne, Mary Kate</p><p>Cooper & Hewitt Eames, Emma</p><p>Cattenet, F. Ebbets, William Henry</p><p>Coxa, Cleveland Edmunds, George F.</p><p>Creel, George Elisabeth, Queen of Belgium</p><p>Crey, Marie de Eisenhower, Dwight David</p><p>Curzon, George Nathaniel, Lord Einstein, Albert</p><p>Cushing, Caleb Einstein, Margot</p><p>Dana, Charles A. Evarts, William M.</p><p>Dana, Richard Henry Evvard, John M., et al.</p><p>Darrow, Clarence S. Ewing, W.G.</p><p>Dart, Matilda S. Fesseden, William P.</p><p>David, Sgt. Robert B. Field, Cyrus</p><p>Davie, George M. Field, Wlater T.</p><p>Davis, Jefferson Fish, Hamilton</p><p>Davis, John Chandler Bancroft Fish, Stuyvesant</p><p>Davis, John W. Fisk, James, Jr.</p><p>Davis, Robert H. Flagler, Henry M.</p><p>Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel Flagler, D.W.</p><p>Denstan, Charles Flexner, Abraham</p><p>Depew, Chauncey M. Ford, Worthington C. Allan Nevins 4</p><p>Fox, G.A. Hanna, Marcus Alonzo</p><p>Frederic, Harold Harison, William H., Jr.</p><p>Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore Harper, William</p><p>Frémont, Elizabeth Benton Hartnell, Mary E.</p><p>Frémont, Francis P. Hay, John</p><p>Frémont, Jack Hay, Lucy (Mrs. Logan)</p><p>Frémont, Jessie Benton Hendrix, Joseph C.</p><p>Frémont, John Charles Herbert, Hilary A.</p><p>Frémont, John Charles, Jr. Herrick, Myron T.</p><p>Frémont, Sally A. Hewitt, Abram S.</p><p>Frenzel, John P. Hewitt, John</p><p>Frost, Robert Hill, David B.</p><p>Fuller, Henry Blake Hitchcock, J.S.</p><p>Garland, Hamilin Humphrey, Hubert Horatio</p><p>Gentry, Mary (Mrs. Thomas Benton) Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood</p><p>Gibson, Hugh Hodgson, Richard</p><p>Gilson, S.D. Holmon, William S.</p><p>Godwin, Parke Hoover, Herbert</p><p>Gompters, Samuel Houdini, Harry</p><p>Gould, Jay House, Edward M.</p><p>Grant, Thomson V. Howells, Abby</p><p>Grant, Ulysses S. Howells, Mildred</p><p>Greeley, Horace Howells, William Dean</p><p>Green, Andrew H. Hubbard, Gardner G.</p><p>Green, Anne Bosworth Hudson, Joseph</p><p>Grenier, G.C. Huntington, J.W.</p><p>Grosvenor, Victor Alexander, Earl of (1853-1884) Hunton, Eppa</p><p>Guard, William Hurst, Fannie</p><p>Guthrie, James Jaffrey, Robert Allan Nevins 5</p><p>Jehay, F. van den Steen de, Comtesse McClellan, George B.</p><p>Johnson, Lyndon Baines McClure, T.C.</p><p>Johnson, Reverdy McCutcheon, John T.</p><p>Johnson, Tom McKain, Emma Jane</p><p>Johnston, William Marbury, F.F.</p><p>Jones, E.B. March, Alden</p><p>Jones, Samuel M. Marshall, Thomas R.</p><p>Jowett, Benjamin Martin, William J.</p><p>Julian, George W. Masefield, John</p><p>Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antione Jules Masters, Edgar Lee</p><p>Kendall, Amos Meade, Robert D.</p><p>Kennedy, John F. Mencken, Henry Louis</p><p>Kerr, Sophie Mercier, Désiré-Joseph, Cardinal</p><p>Ketchum, Hiram Merriam, Kibtie</p><p>Knap, Charles Milner, Alfred</p><p>Lament, Daniel Scott Milner, Alfred</p><p>Lansing, Robert Mitchell, Henry S.</p><p>Lee, Arthur Hamilton, Vicsount Lee of Fareham Morgan, J. Pierpont</p><p>Lindbergh, Charles A. Morrow, William</p><p>Lindsay, Vachel Morton, Levi P.</p><p>Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel Motley, J.L.</p><p>Lindsey, Ben B. Nicholson, Meredith</p><p>Lipton, Sir Thomas Nimitz, Chester William</p><p>Lodge, Henry Cabot Nordhoff, Charles</p><p>Lossing, Benson J. Morton, Levi P.</p><p>Low, Seth Orendorff, S.</p><p>Lummis, Charles F. Ottendorf, Oswald</p><p>McAdoo, William Gibbs Page, Thomas Nelson</p><p>Mac Arthur, Robert Stuart Paine, Albert Bigelow Allan Nevins 6</p><p>Palmer, Loren Seward, William</p><p>Peabody, Elisabeth P. Seymour, Horatio</p><p>Pershing, John J. Sherman, John</p><p>Phillips, William Silliman, Benjamin</p><p>Pinchot, Clifford Smith, Henry H.</p><p>Pitkin, Timothy Smith, Marshall</p><p>Pound, Ezra Sothern, Julia Marlowe</p><p>Pratt, Orvill G. Sparks, William A.J.</p><p>Pritchett, Henry S. Stahl, John M.</p><p>Putnam, Herbert Stanford, Fannie E.</p><p>Randall Samuel J. Stanton, Edwin M.</p><p>Rhodes, James Ford Stefansson, Vilhjalmur</p><p>Richey-Borrodaile corres. Stephens, Alexander H.</p><p>Riley, James Whitcomb Steffens, Lincoln</p><p>Robeson, George M. Stetson, Francis Lynde</p><p>Roebling, John A. Stevenson, Adlai Ewing</p><p>Roosevelt, Theodore Stewart, Alexander T.</p><p>Root, Elihu Storrs, Richard Salter</p><p>Rose, Sir John Strachey, Evelyn John St. Lee</p><p>Rose, Wickliffe Straus, Isidor</p><p>Ross, Nathaniel Sutter, John</p><p>Rowse, A.L. Swan, Benjamin L.</p><p>Sadler & Sands Sykes, W.L.</p><p>Salisbury, James Edward Hubert Taft, Abby</p><p>Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of Taylor, Fred</p><p>Schurz, Carl Thomson, J. Edgar</p><p>Scott, William H. Thornton, Edward</p><p>Seelye, Julius H. Thornton, W.A.</p><p>Seymour, Charles Thruston, R.C. Ballard Allan Nevins 7</p><p>Thurman, Allen Granberry Whitlock, Brand</p><p>Tilden, Samuel J. Whitney, Eli</p><p>Towne, Charles Hanson Whitney, Henrietta F.</p><p>Tree, Herbert (Beerbohm) Whittier, John Greenleaf</p><p>Treichel, Charles Wilcox, Charles G. Finney</p><p>Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley Williams, James H.</p><p>Tucker, Beverley Williams, John L.B.</p><p>Tuthill, Anna B. Wilson, Edith Bolling (Mrs. Woodrow)</p><p>Underwood, John Cox Wilson, Henry</p><p>Underwood, Warner Lewis,Underwood, Warner Wilson, Woodrow Lewis Wise, H.A. Utley, George B. Wister, Owen Van Dyke, Henry Wood, Eugene Van Meter, Lt. L.M. Wood, Fernando Wallace, Henry Agard</p><p>Walsh, Richard J.</p><p>Ward, William</p><p>Warren, N.W.</p><p>Washbourne, Elihu</p><p>Watkins, Gora B.</p><p>Watson, P.H.</p><p>Webster, Daniel</p><p>Webster, Sidney</p><p>Weed, Thurlow</p><p>Weitenkampf, Frank</p><p>Welles, Gideon</p><p>Wharton, Edith</p><p>Wheeler, E.J.</p><p>White, George</p><p>White, William Allen Allan Nevins 8</p><p>Professional Correspondence</p><p>In Boxes 18-31 of the collection</p><p>Acheson, Dean Benton, William</p><p>Adamic, Louis Bercovici, Konrad</p><p>Adams, Charles Francis Bergman, Lewis</p><p>Adams, J. Donald Bingham, Millicent Todd</p><p>Adams, Samuel Hopkins Björkman, Edwin August</p><p>Agar, Herbert Bliven, Bruce</p><p>Alden, Raymond M. Boorstin, Daniel J.</p><p>Allen, Hervey Bowen, Catherine Drinker</p><p>Anderson, Maxwell Bowers, Claude G.</p><p>Angell, Normal Boynton, Genry Walcott</p><p>Arvin, Newton Bradford, Gamaliel</p><p>Astor, Nancy, Viscountess Braithwaite, William Stanley</p><p>Atkinson, Brooks Brodie, Fawn M.</p><p>Auchincloss, Louis Brogan, Denis William</p><p>Auerbach, Joseph S. Bromfield, Louis</p><p>Baker, Newton D. Brooks, Cleanth, Jr.</p><p>Baker, Ray Stannard Brooks, Van Wyck</p><p>Bancroft, Frederic Brucker, William Hepburn</p><p>Baruch, Bernard M. Bunche, Ralph J.</p><p>Beard, Charles A. Burnett, Whit</p><p>Becker, Carl Butler, Nicholas Murray</p><p>Benedict, Ruth Byrd, Richard E.</p><p>Benét, Stephen Vincent Cain, James M.</p><p>Benét, William Rose Calverton, Victor Francis</p><p>Benton, Thomas Hart Canby, Henry Deidel Allan Nevins 9</p><p>Cane, Melville Duffus, R.L.</p><p>Carmer, Carl Dulles, Foster Rhea</p><p>Cather, Willa S. MICROFILM Duveen, Joseph</p><p>Chase, Mary Ellen Eaton, W.P.</p><p>Cherne, Leo Edel, Leon</p><p>Chute, Marchette Eden, Anthony, Earl of Avon</p><p>Colum, Mary M. (Mrs. Padraic Colum) Eisenhower, Dwight David</p><p>Colum, Padraic Eisenhower, Mamie</p><p>Colvin, Sir Sidney Eisenhower, Milton S.</p><p>Commager, Henry S. Erskine, John</p><p>Connally, John B. Evans, Ernestine</p><p>Connelly, Marc Farrand, Beatrix</p><p>Cortissoz, Royal MICROFILM Farley, James A.</p><p>Costain, Thomas B. Farrar, John</p><p>Cousins, Norman Farrell, James T.</p><p>Cowley, Malcolm Fast, Howard</p><p>Craven, Avery C Ferber, Edna</p><p>Creel, George Finley, John Huston</p><p>Daniels, Jonathan Worth Fish, Hamilton, Jr.</p><p>Daniels, Josephus Fish, Stuyvesant</p><p>Davis, Elmer Fisher, Dorothy Canfield</p><p>De Voto, Bernard Flexner, Abraham</p><p>Dewey, Thomas E. Foote, Shelby</p><p>Dippel, Philip Jr. Ford, Worthington C.</p><p>Dirksen, Everett McKinley Frankfurter, Felix</p><p>Dobie, J. Frank Franke, William Birrell</p><p>Dos Passos, John Franklin, Fabian</p><p>Douglas, Paul H. Franklin, Margaret Ladd</p><p>Dreyfuss, Henry Frost, Robert Allan Nevins 10</p><p>Galbraith, John Kenneth Humphrey, Hubert H.</p><p>Gannett, lewis Hutchins, Robert</p><p>Ghent, William James Husley, Julian</p><p>Gibbs, Norman H. Irwin, Will</p><p>Gildersleeve, Virginia C. Isaacs, Stanley M.</p><p>Green, Paul Ives, Irving N.</p><p>Grew, Joseph C. Joad, C.E.M.</p><p>Hand, Learned Johnson, Lyndon Baines</p><p>Hansen, Harry Johnson, Robert Underwood</p><p>Harriman, Averell Johnston, Eric</p><p>Harriman, Mary H. Jones, Howard Mumford</p><p>Harriman, W.R. Josephson, Matthew</p><p>Hazlitt, Henry Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antione Jules</p><p>Hellman, Dillian Kalternborn, Hans V.</p><p>Henderson, Archibald Kazin, Alfred</p><p>Herring, Pendleton Kellogg, Vernon Lyman</p><p>Hersey, John Kennan, George</p><p>Heubsch, Ben W. Kennedy Ethel Skakel (Mrs. Robert F.)</p><p>Hicks, Cranville Kennedy, John Fitzgerald</p><p>Hill, Frank Ernest Kennedy, Joseph P.</p><p>Hillyer, Robert Kennedy, Robert Francis</p><p>Holt Keynes, John Maynard</p><p>Henry Knight, Goodwin J.</p><p>Hoover, Herbert Knollenberg, Bernhard</p><p>House, Edward Mandell Knoof, Alfred A.</p><p>Howe, M.A. DeWolfe Knopf, Blanche W.</p><p>Hughes, Charles Evans Komroff, Manuel</p><p>Hulbert, Murray Krock, Arthur</p><p>Hull, Cordell Krutch, Joseph Wood Allan Nevins 11</p><p>Kuchel, Thomas H. Moore, Marianne C.</p><p>Kandon, Alf M. Moore, Merill</p><p>La Farge, Oliver More, Paul E.</p><p>La Follette, Fola Morgan, J. Pierpont</p><p>Lasky, Melvin J. Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.</p><p>Leach, Margaret Kernochan Morison, Samuel Eliot</p><p>Lehman, Edith Altschul Morley, Christopher</p><p>Lehman, Herbert H. Morley, Frank Vigor</p><p>Lerner, Max Murrow, Edward R.</p><p>Lilienthal, David E. Myers, Gustavus</p><p>Lindbergh, Charles A. Nathan, Robert</p><p>Lippman, Walter Neuberger, Richard</p><p>Liverright, Horace B. Newton, A. Edward</p><p>Longone, Pierre Nicolay, Helen</p><p>Lord, Chester S. Niebuhr, Reinhold</p><p>Lovemann, Amy Nixon, Thelma Catherine Ryan (Mrs. Richard Mulhouse) Low, Will H. Nock, Albert Jay Lowell, Amy North, Sterling Lowell, Robert O'Connor, Flannery McClure, Samuel Sidney Ogden, Rollo MacLeish, Archibald M. Orton, Vrest Macmillan, Harold Overton, Grant Masters, Edgar Lee Parsons, Geoffrey Matthews, Brander Pepper, George Wharton McCutcheon, John T. Perkins, Dexter McFee, William Perkins, Frances Menninger, Karl Perkins, Maxwell E. Meyner, Robert B. Piston, Walter Moore, Douglas Prendergast, William A. Allan Nevins 12</p><p>Pulitzer, Joseph Sorensen, Theodore C.</p><p>Putnam, George Haven Stefanson, Vilhjalmur</p><p>Ransom, John Crowe Steffens, Lincoln</p><p>Roberts, Kenneth Stevens, Roger</p><p>Rockefeller, David Stevenson, Adlai Ewing</p><p>Rockefeller, John D., Jr. Stone, Irving</p><p>Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich Stout, Rex</p><p>Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Street, Julian</p><p>Roosevelt, Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Delano Sullivan, Mark</p><p>Roosevelt, Nicholas Sulzberger, Arthur Hays</p><p>Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. Taft, Henry W.</p><p>Root, Elihu Taft, Robert A.</p><p>Rothermere, Esmond Cecil Harmsworth, 2nd Tarbell, Ida M. Viscount of Hemstead Tawney, Richard Henry Rowse, Alfred Leslie Teasdale, Sara Sadlair, Michael E. Thomas, Lowell Sandburg, Carl Thomas, Norman Schlesinger, Arthur M. Thorndike, Ashley Horace Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. Towne, Charles Hanson Schulberg, Budd Toynbee, Arnold Joseph Schwengel, Fred Delbert Trevelyan, George Macaulay Seldes, Gilbert Trilling, Lionel Sessions, Roger Truman, Harry S. Seymour, Charles Turner, Frederick J. Sherman, Stuart P. Untermeyer, Louis Sherwood, Robert E. Van Doren, Carl Shotwell, James T. Van Doren, Irita Sinclair, Upton Van Doren, Mark Sitwell, Edith Van Dyke, Henry Smith, Margaret Chase Allan Nevins 13</p><p>Van Loon, Hendrik Willem Wescott, Glenway</p><p>Villard, Oswald Garrison Wheelock, John Hall</p><p>Wagner Robert F. White, Sallie L.</p><p>Wallace, Henry Agard White, William Allen</p><p>Wallace, Irving Wickard, Claude R.</p><p>Walling, Anna Strunsky Wilson, Edmund</p><p>Warde, Beatrice L. Winter, Ella (Mrs. Lincoln Steffens)</p><p>Warren, Robert Penn Winterick, John T.</p><p>Webb, Walter Prescott Wyeth, Andrew</p><p>Wedgwood, Josiah Clement Yarboroug, Ralph W.</p><p>Welles, Sumner Young, Stark</p><p>Books</p><p>Manuscripts, Diaries etc.</p><p>Box 7 Manuscripts</p><p>Box 8 Whitlock, Brand Diaries Vols. 1-13 1915-Jan. 1918</p><p>Note: 8</p><p>Box 9 Whitlock, Brand Diaries Vols. l4-25 Feb. l915-1921</p><p>Box 10 Fish, Hamilton Diplomatic Crafts: Instruction and notes Vol. I: Argentina - Italy March 5, 1873-June 30, 1874 </p><p>Box 11 Fish, Hamilton Diplomatic Crafts: Instruction and notes Vol. 2: Spain - Venezuela July 1, 1874-October 31, 1876</p><p>Box 12 Harry Truman Memoirs Vols. 1-2 </p><p>Box 13 Harry Truman Allan Nevins 14</p><p>Memoirs Vols. 3-4 </p><p>Box 14 Carl Sandburg Always the Young Strangers [advance mimeographed copy]</p><p>Box 15 Upton Sinclair Lanny Budd Rides Again [advance mimeographed copy]</p><p>Box 16 Brand Whitlock Misc.</p><p>Box 17 Misc. uncataloged : A.S. Hewitt; Peter Cooper; Cleveland, Grover; Chester, Arthur; William T. Coggeshall; Post Wheeler-Hallie E. Rivers Wedding Book</p><p>Hone, Philip Memoirs 3 loose volumes Note: vols. 17, 18, 19 </p><p>Memoir and letters of George W. Strong to John N. Lloyd and miscellaneous letters from George W. Strong to and from others (than Mr. Lloyd) and from them to him 1 loose-leaf binder (loose)</p><p>Books</p><p>Strongbox of Brand Whitlock</p><p>1 large soft-cover book entitled "Declaration of Independence - Evolution of the Text" Washington, D.C., Library of Congress 1943</p><p>Box 32 Diaries Box 33 & 34b Biographical and personal (contain some photographs) Box 34a & 34b Oxford visit1965</p><p>National Book Award [n.p.] 1971 (Given 13 Aprl 1972) Note: On top of diaries, Box 32</p><p>Jose Rizal National Centennial Commission - Manila (Scrapbook of photos) Note: On top of Diaries, Box 32</p><p>Box 35 Transcript of essays for History and Historians with notes by Roy A. Billington, editor Note: Gift of Mrs. Allan Nevins</p><p>Box 36 Civil War Lectures Note: Gift, 1973</p><p>Box 37 Misc. Essays and Lectures (used by R.A. Billington)</p><p>Box 38 Misc. notes and reflections: Articles, printed material and Manuscript of "The Free Negro in New York" (used by R.A. Billington) Allan Nevins 15</p><p>Box 39 - 80 Correspondence chronologically arranged [v.p.] 1912-1975</p><p>Box 81 & 82 Correspondence Files</p><p>Box 83 Miscellaneous Correspondence Box 84 Subject Correspondence; letters to family; letters from A. Nevins Box 85 Adlai Stevenson Correspondence, James T. Farrell Correspondence, Subject Correspondence Box 86 American Academy of Arts and Letters Box 87 & 88 Civil War Centennial Commission Box 89 - 91 The American States During the Revolution: Notes and Manuscripts Box 92 & 93 The American States During and After the Revolution: Notes and Manuscripts Box 94 Ford Manuscript Box 95 - 100 Ford Biography Box 101 - 105 Cleveland Box 106 Cleveland Notes Box 107 Cleveland Box 108-123 Rockefeller Notes</p><p>2 flat pictures (on top of above)</p><p>Scrapbook of clippings</p><p>Box 124-125 Rockefeller Manuscript Box 126-133 Rockefeller notes Box 134-139 Standard Oil Box 140-148 Emergence of Lincoln notes Box 149-153 Ordeal of Union notes; Book reviews, 149 Box 154 Ordeal of the Union Manuscript Box 155 Ordeal of the Union Vol. 7 Ms. notes and drafts Box 156 Ordeal of the Union Vol. 7 Notes an Ms. (Chap. 9-13) Box 157-160 Ordeal of the Union Vols. 7 and 8 Box 161 Ordeal of the Union Vol. 8 Ms. Box 162 Ordeal of the Union Vol. 8 Misc. notes and drafts (Chap. 8-14) Box 163 Ordeal of the Union Vol. 8 Misc. notes and drafts (Chap. 1-7) Box 164-165 War for the Union Ms. Box 166-169 Civil War notes Box 170 Newspaper clippings on Civil War Box 171 Newspaper clippings on Civil War period Box 172 Civil War notes Box 173 Newspaper on Civil War Box 174 Gateway to History Manuscript Box 174-177 Fremont materials revised edition (proposed) 1973; Royalties,1927 ed. Box 178-179 Hamilton Fish materials Box 181 Nevins writings on Hamilton Fish Box 182 Hamilton Fish Box 183-184 Thos. J. Brady scrapbooks Box 185-186 Franklin Roosevelt scrapbooks Box 187 Printed materials by Nevins Box 188 Printed materials by and about Nevins [MICROFILM] Box 189-190 Misc. writings Box 191-194 James Truslow Adams material Box 195 Brand Whitlock materials Box 196 Grover Cleveland materials Box 197 Rockefeller materials Box 198 Dudley materials Box 199-200 Dissertations and writings by Nevins' students; List of CU students Box 201 Microfilm Allan Nevins 16</p><p>Box 202 Railroad notes: M.L. Daly's Union Democrat's Diary Box 203 Misc. notes, clippings, printed materials Misc. unidentified manuscripts Box 204 Memorabilia (awards, certificates, degrees) 1982 Gift</p><p>Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, photographs, obituaries, memorials, and scrapbooks. Included are three letters from Van Wyck brooks and one letter from Willa Cather.</p><p>Box 205 : 1. Two AN letters (2) to Roland Baines written while abroad, 1912 2. Xerox of letter to AN from Ashley Thorndike, September 1, 1913, inviting AN to accept an instructorship in English Department, Columbia. 3. Cablegrams (5) sent by AN from England, 1940 (while he was Harmsworth professor at Oxford). 4. ANs description of an evening with Vishinsky, undated letter to Pete and Barbara Long. 5. AN letter to Pete and Barbara Long concerning work on volumes 8 and 9 of Ordeal. Undated but probably 1969. 6. Letters from Lillian Bean to AN (2) (included with other Bean letters) 7. AN letter to Norman Cousins concerning possible reviewing work after his stroke. (1969?) 8. Letter from Henry Commager to Anne Loftis, March, 1992. 9. Publication: ”The City of Mansoul“ an address of AN delivered on Founders Day, 1956, at Huntington Library. Publ. May, 1956. 10. Letters (25) to Mary Richardson Nevins: A. A.L. Rouse (2) B. Herbert Nicholson (1) C. Henry Commager (18) D. Lillian Bean (3) E. Louis Starr (2) F. E.M. flier (1) 11. Letter from Lillian Bean to Joseph G.E. Hopkins, editor, Scribners 1970. 12. A collection of photographs (41), 1930s to l971.</p><p>Oversize Material</p><p>Flat Box 340 Two scrapbooks of newspaper clippings; Two scrapbooks of newspaper clippings</p><p>Flat Box 340 Two scrapbooks of newspaper clippings Photo Album: "Dr. Allan Nevins, Personal Rep. of Pres. Kennedy to the Rizal Centennial Celebration..."</p><p>Flat Box 341 One scrapbook of newspaper clippings; memorabilia</p><p>Flat Box 342 Scrapbook (disbound)</p>
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