<p> Bridge to Terabithia By Katherine Paterson</p><p>(Place Student Drawn Picture Here)</p><p>Student Name ______R4.A.2.6.1 Genre______PA Department of Education Assessment Anchors Taught:</p><p>R4.A.1.1.1 Identify and/or interpret meaning of multiple-meaning words used in text.</p><p>R4.A.1.1.2 Identify and/or interpret a synonym or antonym of a word used in text.</p><p>R4.A.1.2.1 Identify how the meaning of a word is changed when an affix is added; identify the meaning of a word from the text with an affix.</p><p>R4.A.1.2.2 Define and/or apply how the meaning of words or phrases changes when using context clues given in explanatory sentences.</p><p>R4.A.1.3.1 Make inferences and draw conclusions based on information from text.</p><p>R4.A.1.4.1 Identify and/or explain stated or implied main ideas and relevant supporting details from text.</p><p>R4.A.1.5.1 Summarize the key details and events of a fictional text.</p><p>R4.A.2.1.1 Identify and or interpret the meaning of content-specific words used in text.</p><p>R4.A.2.3.1 Make inferences and/or draw conclusions based on information from text.</p><p>R4.A.2.6.1 Identify the genre of text.</p><p>R4.B.1.1.1 Identify, explain, interpret, compare, and/or describe components of fiction and literary nonfiction.</p><p>R4.B.1.2.1 Identify, explain, interpret, compare, and/or describe connections between texts.</p><p>R4.B.2.1.2 Identify, explain, and or interpret examples of similes in text.</p><p>R5.B.2.1.4 Identify, interpret, and/or describe examples of metaphors in text. Name ______Due Date ______</p><p>Bridge to Terabithia - Chapter 1</p><p>R4.B.1.1.1 1. Where do most of the events in this passage take place? ______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>R4.A.1.1.1 2. Read the sentences from the passage.</p><p>“One time last year Jesse had won. Not just the first heat but the whole shebang.”</p><p>Which meaning of the word heat is used in the passage? </p><p>A. sharp flavor, produced by strong spices B. C. the police D. E. a hot condition of the atmosphere F. G. a division of a race or other contest H. I. R4.A.1.1.2 3. Reread the sentences from the passage. J. K. “One time last year Jesse had won. Not just the first heat but the whole shebang.” L. M. Following are synonyms for shebang. Which does not make sense in the sentence? N. O. kit and caboodle S. ball of wax P. T. Q. contraption U. nine yards R. V. R4.A.1.4.1 4. What is the main reason Jesse Oliver Aarons, Jr. gets up early to every morning to run? W. ______X. Y. ______Z. R4.A.1.4.1 5. What does Jesse hope May Belle will do? AA. ______AB. AC. ______AD. AE. R4.A.1.4.1 6. Why? Explain. AF. AG. ______AH. AI. ______AJ. AK. R4.A.1.3.1 7. How does Jesse most likely feel about his older sisters? AL. AM.A. angry, because they make fun of him. AN. AO. B. happy, because he gets to go school shopping with them. AP. AQ. C. disappointed, because they get out of doing chores. AR. AS. D. jealous, because he wants new school clothes too. AT. AU. R4.A.1.4.1 8. What news does May Belle tell Jesse that he later said “…was probably the biggest thing in his life, and he had shrugged it off as nothing.”? AV. AW. ______AX. AY. ______AZ. BA. ______BB. BC. BD. BE. BF. BG. BH. BI. BJ. BK. BL. Name ______Due Date ______BM. BN. Bridge to Terabithia - Chapter 2 BO. BP. R4.A.1.4.1 1. Where does Jesse keep his drawing pad and pencils? BQ. BR. A. in the barn with Miss BV. C. in Terabithia Bessie BW. BS. BX. D. the shelf above the stove BT. B. under his mattress so Brenda won’t find it BU. BY. R4.B.1.1.1 2. Which word best describes his Dad’s attitude toward Jesse’s dream of being an artist when he grows up? BZ. CD. CA. E. disappointed CE. G. angry CB. CF. CC. F. pleased CG. H. saddened CH. CI. R4.B.1.2.1 3. How do Jesse’s Dad’s and Miss Edmund’s feelings about Jesse being an artist differ? CJ. Use at least 1example for each character from the passage to support your answer. CK. CL. Dad:______CM. CN. ______CO. CP. Miss Edmunds:______CQ. CR. ______CS. CT. R5.B.2.1.4 4. Which line from the passage contains a metaphor? CU. A. “She could play the guitar like a regular recording star…” CV. CW.B. “…she would laugh like a live audience on TV.” CX. CY. C. “He kept the knowledge of it buried inside himself like a pirate treasure.” CZ. DA. D. “Jess… saw her as a beautiful wild creature who had been caught for a moment in that dirty old cage of a schoolhouse…” DB. DC. R4.B.2.1.2 5. Which line from the passage does not contain a simile? DD. DE. A. “She could play the guitar like a regular recording star…” DF. DG. B. “… that was OK, but Lark Creek was the backwash of fashion.” DH. DI. C. “He paused in midair like a stop-action TV shot and turned, almost losing his balance…” DJ. DK. D. “He kept the knowledge of it buried inside himself like a pirate treasure.” DL. DM. DN. DO. DP. DQ. DR. DS. DT. DU. DV. DW. DX. DY. DZ. EA. EB. EC. ED. EE. EF. EG. EH. EI. EJ. EK. EL. EM. EN. EO. EP. EQ. ER. Name ______Due Date ______ES. ET. Bridge to Terabithia - Chapter 3 EU. R4.B.2.1.2 1. Read the sentences from the passage. EV. EW. “Leslie was still dressed in the faded cutoffs and the blue undershirt. She had sneakers on her feet but no socks. Surprise swooshed up from the class like steam from a released radiator cap. They were all sitting there primly dressed in their spring Sunday best. Even Jess wore his one pair of corduroys and an ironed shirt.” EX. EY. Which line from the passage contains a simile? EZ. FA. A. “Leslie was still dressed in the faded cutoffs…” FB. FC. B. “She had sneakers on her feet but no socks.” FD. FE. C. “Surprise swooshed up from the class like steam from a released radiator cap.” FF. FG. D. “They were all sitting there primly dressed in their spring Sunday best.” FH. R4.A.2.1.1 2. Read the sentences from the passage. FI. FJ. “For a minute he thought Gary was going to sock him, and he stiffened. He mustn’t let Fulcher suspect that he was scared of a little belt in the mouth. FK. FL. What do the words sock and belt most likely mean? FM. FN. E. hit or punch FR. G. strip or part of a tire FO. FP. F. clothing FS. FQ. FT. H. playing dress up FU. R4.B.2.1.2 3. Read the sentences from the passage. FV. “The boys quivered on the edges of their seats like moths fighting to be freed of cocoons. Would she never let them go?” FW. FX. In these sentences, the author helps us to picture the boys by using: FY. FZ. A. alliteration B. a simile C. an adverb D. a metaphor GA. R4.B.2.1.2 4. Why does the author compare the boys quivering on the edges of their seats to moths fighting to be freed of cocoons? GB. GC. E. The author, Katherine Paterson, dislikes boys. GD. GE. F. The younger boys were shaking because they were scared of Gary Fulcher. GF. GG. G. The boys were unable to sit still due to the excitement of waiting for recess. GH. GI. H. The boys were afraid Leslie Burke would win the race. GJ. GK. R4.A.1.5.1 5. Who took charge of organizing the runners for each heat? GL. GM.A. Miss Bessie GQ. C. Jesse Aarons GN. GR. GO. B. Leslie Burke GS. D. Gary Fulcher GP. GT. R4.A.2.3.1 6. Why did Jess ask Leslie, “Wanna run?”? GU. GV. E. Jesse was worried that if he didn’t ask, Gary might think he was afraid of losing to a girl. GW. GX. F. Miss Bessie warned the boys that they had to allow the girls to race too. GY. GZ. G. Jess bet Gary Fulcher his drawing pad that he would win against Leslie. HA. HB. H. May Belle and her friends were going to tell Mr. Turner, the principal. HC. HD. R4.A.2.3.1 7. Why didn’t Gary Fulcher want to let Leslie race in the finals? HE. HF. A. Gary wanted to beat up Jesse Aarons instead. HG. HH. B. Mrs. Myers favored Leslie Burke over the other girls. HI. HJ. C. The recess bell had already rung and Gary didn’t want to get in trouble. HK. HL. D. Gary was afraid of losing to a girl. HM. HN. HP. R4.A.1.5.1 HO. HQ. 8. Who won the final heat of the race? HR. HS. A. Jimmy Mitchell HW. C. Jesse Aarons HT. HX. HU. B. Leslie Burke HY. D. Gary Fulcher HV. HZ. R4.A.2.3.1 IA. 9. What is the main reason Jesse avoided Leslie that first day of school? IB. IC. E. He is afraid of what his classmates might think because Leslie is so different. ID. IE. F. He thinks all girls are a pain like his sisters. IF. IG. G. Jesse was trying to concentrate on the race. IH. II. H. Leslie said he was “…the only kid in the whole …school …worth shooting.” IJ. IK. R4.A.1.3.1 10.Read the sentences from the passage. IL. IM. “She ran as though it was her nature. It reminded him of the flight of wild ducks in the autumn.” IN. IO. The author used the words “flight of wild ducks” to describe Leslie’s running as… IP. IQ. A. loud and noisy IU. C. like a horse’s trot IR. IV. IS. B. slow and peaceful IW. D. smooth and beautiful IT. IX. JJ. IY. JK. IZ. JL. JA. JM. JB. JN. JC. JO. JD. JP. JE. JQ. JF. JR. JG. JS. JH. JT. JI. JU. JV. JW. Name ______Due Date ______JX. JY. JZ. Bridge to Terabithia - Chapter 4 KA. R4.A.1.2.1 1. Read the sentence from the passage. KB. KC. “My parents are reassessing their value structure.” KD. KE. As used in the passage, what does the word reassessing mean? KF. KI. B. think again about what KG. A. impose another tax is important KH. KJ. KK. C. evaluate KM.D. to straighten up KL. KN. R4.A.1.2.2 2. Read the sentences from the passage. KO. “…the power of Leslie’s words drew Jess with her under the dark water. Suddenly he could hardly breathe. …He was choking and sweating. He tried to push down his panic.” KP. KQ. In the passage, the word drew means… KR. KS. E. picked a card from the KV. G. made a picture of pack KW. KT. F. sucked in his breath KX. H. pulled or dragged KU. KY. R4.A.1.3.1 3. When Mrs. Myers reads Leslie’s hobby report on scuba diving, Jess feels… KZ. LA. A. …upset when everyone laughs at the report. LB. LC. B. …panicky, as if he were drowning. LD. LE. C. …manly, like his dad. LF. LG. D. …excited, because Leslie has invited him to scuba dive with her sometime. LH. LI. LJ. LK. LL. R4.A.2.3.1 4. What is the main reason Jess looked forward to Fridays? LM. LN. A. The races were over. LR. C. He enjoyed singing in LO. music class. LP. B. Leslie was in his music LS. class. LT. D. He liked Miss Edmunds. LQ. LU. LV. LW.R4.B.2.1.2 5. Which line from the passage uses a simile to tell how Jess feels when Miss Edmunds looks at him? ______LX. LY. ______LZ. MA. ______MB. MC. ______MD. ME.R4.A.1.4.1 6. What contributes to Leslie’s problems in the passage? MF. MG.E. She dresses differently than the other students. MH. MI. F. She can’t do the homework because she doesn’t own a television. MJ. MK.G. She sits in Janice Avery’s seat on the bus. ML. MM. H. all of the above MN. MO.R4.B.1.2.1 7. Which word best describes how Jess’ mother and dad feel about him spending much of his time playing with his new friend, Leslie? MP. MQ.A. happy MU.C. surprised MR. MV. MS. B. relieved MW. D. worried MT. MX. MY. MZ. NA. NB. R4.B.1.1.1 8. In your own words, summarize how Jess changes from the beginning of this passage to the end? Use at least three examples from the passage to support your response. NC. ND. 8a.) Beginning: ______NE. NF. ______NG. ______NH. NI. 8b.) Middle: ______NJ. NK. ______NL. NM. ______NN. NO. 8c.) End: ______NP. NQ. ______NR. NS. ______NT. NU. NV. 8d.) Summary: ______NW. NX. ______NY. NZ. ______OA. OB. ______OC. OD. OE. OF. OG. OH. OI. OJ. OK. Name ______Due Date ______OL. OM. ON. Bridge to Terabithia - Chapter 5 OO. OP. R4.A.1.3.1 1. Explain how Jesse and Leslie attempted to comfort May Belle when they crossed their hearts on the playground. OQ. A. They promised to beat Janice Avery to a million pieces. OR. OS. B. They promised to figure out a way to get back at Janice. OT. OU. C. They decided to trip Janice Avery on the bus. OV. OW. D. Waited outside the girl’s room and made Janice give them her milk money. OX. R4.A.1.3.1 2. In Bridge to Terabithia, Janice Avery, Wilma Dean, and Bobby Sue Henshaw are compared to… OY. OZ. E. Twinkies PD. PA. PE. H. none of the PB. F. parapets above PC. G. Giants PF. R4.A.1.1.2 3. Reread the sentences from the passage. PG. PH. “Leslie waited, and when he looked up, she continued in a moony voice, “‘Meet me behind the school this afternoon after school… I want to walk home and talk about US’… my darling. Love and kisses, Willard Hughes.’” PI. PJ. Which synonym for moony best fits this sentence? PK. PL. spacey PP. shadowy PM. PQ. PN. dreamy PR. misty PO. PS. PW. PT. PX. PU. PY. PV. PZ. QA. R4.A.1.3.1 4. Explain how Jesse and Leslie got revenge on Janice Avery. List at least three details from the passage to support your response. QB. QC. 1.______QD. QE. ______QF. QG. 2.______QH. QI. ______QJ. QK. 3.______QL. QM. ______QN. QO. ______QP. QQ. ______QR. QS. ______QT. QU. QV. QW. QX. QY. QZ. RA. RB. RC. RD. RE. RF. RG. RH. RI.</p>
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