<p> September 30, 2013 MEMORANDUM TO: Principals</p><p>FROM : Pamela R. Shetley, Ed.D., Acting Director Department of Human Capital Management RE: School Leadership Skills and Characteristics Community Input Background: Last year, Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) adopted a new Board Policy, Administrative Procedure Number 4113, “to ensure that the community, including staff, parents, communit y groups and high school students (for high school principals) are involved and participate in the principal selection process.” (Enclosure 1) In an effort to gain knowledge on how to better service school communit ies, we are continuing this effort of collecting input from school communities. PGCPS would like to get you r input on a community questionnaire, “School Leadership Skills and Characteristics Community Input.” T he purpose of this questionnaire is to gather your best thinking. In essence, what do you think are the stro ngest attributes and necessary skills a principal of this unique school community should possess? This wil l in turn help us develop a leadership profile for your school. Click here to see a copy of the Community Questionnaire in English. Click here to see a copy of the Community Questionnaire in Spanish Though we do not anticipate, at this point of time, staffing changes in school-based leadership positions, we are conducting a county-wide survey in order to utilize community input regarding leadership preferen ces. In instances where there may be leadership changes, the data collected will serve as data points in i dentifying principal candidates who are most suited to meet the needs of that school community. In insta nces where there may not be leadership changes, the data collected will serve as data points that can hel p current leadership cultivate a school culture and learning community reflective of articulated need. </p><p>How to Administer the Questionnaire: Questionnaire participation is very important to ensure accurate and useful data. Enclosed, please find the following items to assist you in your questionnaire administration.</p><p>1. a staff/community letter in English and Spanish that will need to be forwarded to your staff, community and students (high school students only). The attached letter contains the Internet link s to access the input survey for your respective schools; 2. talking points for your use; and 3. a Question and Answer sheet that can accompany the questionnaire</p><p>To expedite the input process, many schools have decided to post the questionnaire on their home page and then send out a robo call to the entire school community announcing that the letter, survey links, and Q and A can be accessed from their school's website. Some schools are directly emailing the letter, as w ell - and using PTA and student leaders to assist with distribution. Please note, if community members op t to send letters or emails, instead of completing the questionnaire, please forward the information to hr.hu [email protected]. </p><p>We are excited about having 100% community involvement in this information gathering process, and loo k forward to your assistance. We are asking all schools to have questionnaires completed by 11:00 a.m. on May 3, 2013. Thank you in advance for your participation. Please forward all inquiries to Dr. Pamela S hetley at [email protected] or at 301-780-6876. </p><p>Enclosures c: Dr. Kevin Maxwell Associate Superintendents Instructional Directors Mr. Douglas Anthony Ms. Sharon Hodges Ms. Barbara Pometto Enclosure 1</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE</p><p>PRINCIPAL SELECTION PROCESS 4113</p><p>Procedure No.</p><p>November 15, 2010</p><p>Date I. PURPOSE: To provide administrative procedures for the principal selection process for Prince George’s County Public Schools.</p><p>II. POLICY: To ensure that the community, including staff, parents, community groups and high school students (for high school principals) are involved and participate in the principal selection process (Board Policy 4113).</p><p>III. BACKGROUND: The Prince George’s County Public Schools encourages parental and community interaction with local schools and recognizes the principal as the corporate head of the local school and primary link between the community and the school system. Thus, Prince George's County Public Schools ensures involvement of community groups, parents, staff and high school students (for high school principals) in principal selection through its Administrative Procedure governing this process.</p><p>IV. PROCEDURES: To ensure that community members, parents, and students are involved in the process for selecting the school principal, the following procedures must be followed:</p><p>A. All schools will participate in developing a Leadership Profile in the event the Superintendent declares a principal vacancy.</p><p>A. Information about the leadership needs of the school is collected from the community and school staff, using the School Leadership Skills and Characteristics form and existing school climate surveys.</p><p>B. The Superintendent or Superintendent’s Designee notifies, in writing, the school’s professional, student, and parent leadership organizations of the vacancy.</p><p>C. The Human Resources Office advertises the vacancy.</p><p>D. Under the direction of Human Resources, a meeting is scheduled with the community and school staff to develop a principal leadership profile and explain the principal selection process. A representative from the Area Office, Office of School Leadership, Comer Development, and/or School Improvement Office will be in attendance at this meeting.</p><p>E. A representative from the Human Resources Office will conduct the initial applicant prescreening and develop a list of candidates eligible to participate in the Principal Leadership Exercise. </p><p>F. Eligible candidates will participate in the Principal Leadership Exercise to further assist the committee in determining each candidate’s skills and abilities. G. Representatives from the Human Resources Office and Office of School Leadership will develop an eligible candidate pool based on the candidates’ credentials and score obtained on the Principal Leadership Exercise. The list will be forwarded to the Area Assistant Superintendents. </p><p>H. Area Assistant Superintendents or Designee will meet to identify school needs and review candidate profiles to determine best school/candidate fit.</p><p>I. Each respective Area Office will notify interview panel members consisting of Division Chiefs or Designee of the date, time and place of interviews.</p><p>J. Candidates to be interviewed will be selected by the committee based on their profile and the leadership needs identified by the school community and Superintendent. </p><p>K. Selected candidates will be interviewed using a structured interview process by a committee consisting of Division Chiefs and/or Designee.</p><p>L. Following the interviews of all candidates, the selection committee will provide the Superintendent with a summary document identifying areas of strengths and need for growth for each candidate. The committee will compile a list of recommended candidates for the Superintendent’s consideration.</p><p>M. A list of at least three recommended candidates, along with comments supporting the recommendations, shall be forwarded to the Superintendent for further consideration.</p><p>N. The Superintendent will make the final selection and is not required to select an individual from the recommended candidates.</p><p>O. The name of the candidate selected by the Superintendent will be forwarded to the Board of Education for approval.</p><p>P. The candidate will be notified of his or her selection after approval by the Board of Education.</p><p>V. GENERAL PROCEDURE: The Superintendent reserves the right to select a candidate outside the scope of this procedure based on the needs of the school system.</p><p>VI. RELATED PROCEDURES: None. </p><p>VII. MAINTENANCE AND UPDATE OF THESE PROCEDURES: These procedures originate with the Human Resources Office and will be updated by that office as necessary.</p><p>VIII. CANCELLATIONS AND SUPERSEDURES: This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 4113, dated April 14, 2010.</p><p>IX. EFFECTIVE DATE: November 15, 2010.</p><p>Approved by: William R. Hite Superintendent of Schools</p><p>Attachment: School Leadership Skills and Characteristics Form</p><p>Distribution: Lists 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 11</p><p>Enclosure 2</p><p>September 30, 2013</p><p>Dear Tulip Grove Elementary School Community, Parents and Staff,</p><p>Promotions and leadership changes in our school houses and central offices are a natural part of the reor ganization of our school system. Though we do not anticipate, at this point of time, staffing changes in school-bas ed leadership positions, we are conducting a county-wide survey in order to utilize community input regarding lea dership preferences. In instances that there may be leadership changes, the data collected will serve as data poin ts in identifying principal candidates who are most suited to meet the needs of that school community. In instance s where there may not be leadership changes, the data collected will serve as data points that can help current le adership cultivate a school culture and learning community reflective of articulated need. </p><p>PGCPS would like to get your input on a community questionnaire, “School Leadership Skills and Charact ers Community Input.” The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather your best thinking. In essence, what do you t hink are the strongest attributes and necessary skills a principal of this unique school community should possess? This will in turn help us develop a leadership profile for your school. This information will inform the overall decisi on making process for selecting an instructional leader in the event that your current leader changes that match th e needs of your school. In instances that there may be leadership changes, the data collected will serve as data p oints in identifying principal candidates who are most suited to meet the needs of that school community. In insta nces where there may not be leadership changes, the data collected will serve as data points that can help curre nt leadership cultivate a school culture and learning community reflective of articulated need. </p><p>Your principal or his/her designee will work with the Department of Human Capital Management and Area office staff to facilitate the distribution and collection of the questionnaire. A link to Survey Monkey (our data gath ering tool) is provided below and available from your principal or his/her designee. Please take 5-10 minutes to co mplete the questionnaire in order to provide us with your opinion. We are asking that all input be provided by 11:0 0 a.m. on October 14, 2013. Survey Monkey will not be accessible after this time. Special Note: If you do not hav e access to a computer, please contact your school’s principal or his/her designee for assistance. </p><p>We appreciate your support, insight and flexibility in completing the questionnaire in a timely manner. Ple ase feel free to provide any additional insight and information that you think will be helpful in identifying the charac teristics and attributes of leadership in your building. If you have more detailed input, the survey provides an exte nded area for you to provide any additional comments, thoughts or information. If you would like to include any a dditional information outside of this survey to be included for consideration, please feel free to email [email protected]. </p><p>We truly appreciate you taking the time to provide us with your thoughts and the Department of Human C apital Management will provide the school principal or his/her designee with a completed School Leadership Profil e once the data has been compiled from school community input.</p><p>Your immediate attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions, please co ntact your school directly.</p><p>Thank you, The Department of Human Capital Management </p><p>Survey Links: https://www.research.net/s/tulipgrovees - English https://www.research.net/s/sptulipgrovees - Spanish</p><p>Anyone who requires an auxiliary aide/service for effective communication, or the modification of a procedure/policy in order to complete this survey, please contact the school principal. Requests should be made as soon as possible.</p><p>Enclosure 3</p><p>30 septiembre 2013</p><p>Estimada comunidad, padres y personal de Tulip Grove Elementary,</p><p>Las promociones y los cambios de liderazgos en nuestras escuelas y oficinas centrales son una parte natural de la reorganización de nuestro sistema escolar. Aunque no nos anticipamos, ahora mismo, cambios de liderazgos en las escuelas, estamos haciendo un estudio para utilizar las ideas comunitarias con respecto a preferencias del liderazgo. En casos que puede haber cambios del liderazgo, los datos recogidos servirán como puntos de referencias en la identificación de los candidatos principales que son adaptados para cubrir las necesidades de esa comunidad escolar. En los casos donde no puede haber cambios del liderazgo, los datos recogidos servirán como puntos de referencias que puedan ayudar al director actual para cultivar una cultura escolar y comunidad del aprendizaje que refleja esa necesidad articulada.</p><p>PGCPS quisiera conseguir sus ideas en un cuestionario de la comunidad, “ideas de la comunidad de las habilidades y de los caracteres del liderazgo de la escuela.” El propósito de este cuestionario es coleccionar sus mejores pensamientos. Esencialmente, ¿cuales son las cualidades más fuertes y las habilidades necesarias que un director de esta escuela comunitaria única debe poseer? Esto nos ayudará a desarrollar un perfil del liderazgo para su escuela. Esta información informará al procedimiento total para seleccionar a un líder educacional, si hay un cambio del líder actual, que emparejen las necesidades de su escuela. En casos que puede haber cambios del liderazgo, los datos recogidos servirán como puntos de referencias en la identificación de los candidatos principales que son adaptados para cubrir las necesidades de esa comunidad escolar. En los casos donde no puede haber cambios del liderazgo, los datos recogidos servirán como puntos de referencias que puedan ayudar al director actual para cultivar una cultura escolar y comunidad del aprendizaje que refleja esa necesidad articulada.</p><p>Su director o su persona elegida trabajará con el departamento de "Human Capital Management" y la oficina del área para facilitar la distribución y la colección del cuestionario. Un enlace a "Survey Monkey" (nuestra herramienta para coleccionar datos) está abajo y disponible de su director o su persona elegida. Por favor tome 5-10 minutos para terminar el cuestionario para darnos su opinión. Estamos pidiendo que entregue todos sus ideas antes del 11:00 de la mañana el 14 octubre 2013. "Survey Monkey" no será accesible después de este tiempo. Nota especial: Si usted no tiene acceso a una computadora, por favor póngase en contacto con su director o su persona elegida para ayudarle.</p><p>Apreciamos su ayuda, ideas y flexibilidad en la realización del cuestionario a tiempo. Por favor siéntese libre de darnos más pensamientos e información adicional que nos ayudará en la identificación de las características y de las cualidades del liderazgo en su edificio. Si tenga más información detallada, el cuestionario tiene un área extendido para que darnos cualquiera comentario, pensamiento o información adicional. Si quisiera incluir alguna información adicional fuera de este cuestionario para consideración, por favor siéntese libre de enviarla por correo electrónico [email protected].</p><p>Le apreciamos mucho su tiempo para darnos sus pensamientos y el departamento "Human Capital Mana gement" dará al director o su persona elegida un perfil del liderazgo de su escuela una vez que los datos se han compilado de ideas de la comunidad escolar. </p><p>Se aprecia grandemente, su atención inmediata a esta materia. Si usted tiene cualquiera pregunta, por favor póngase en contacto con su escuela directamente. </p><p>Gracias, El departamento de "Human Capital Management"</p><p>Survey Links: https://www.research.net/s/tulipgrovees - English https://www.research.net/s/sptulipgrovees - Spanish</p><p>Cualquiera persona que requiere un asistente/un servicio auxiliar para la comunicación eficaz, o la modificación de un procedimiento/de una política para terminar este cuestionario, por favor póngase en contacto con el director de escuela. Se deben hacer las peticiones cuanto antes. Enclosure 4</p><p>Pamela R. Shetley, Ed.D. Acting Director of Human Capital Management</p><p>School Leadership Skills and Characters Community Input Q and A</p><p>Last year, Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) adopted Administrative Procedure Number 4113: Principal Selection Process. This new Administrative Procedure was developed, “to ensure that the community, including staff, parents, community groups and high school students (for high school principals) are involved and participate in the principal selection process.” In an effort to gain knowledge on how to better service school communities, input on principal selection is sought of from all facets of school communities. The process was developed with the input and review of multiple stakeholders all vested in the belief that the principal selection process should be inclusive of all segments of the school community, and not exclusive to solely a selection panel. </p><p>Is the current principal leaving the school or retiring?</p><p>Answer: Though we do not anticipate, at this point of time, staffing changes in school-based leadership positions, we are con ducting a county-wide survey in order to utilize community input regarding leadership preferences. In instances where there m ay be leadership changes, the data collected will serve as data points in identifying principal candidates who are most suited t o meet the needs of that school community. In instances where there may not be leadership changes, the data collected will s erve as data points that can help current leadership cultivate a school culture and learning community reflective of articulated n eed. </p><p>How can I ensure that my input will be considered in the selection of my school’s principal vacancy?</p><p>Answer: At schools where there is an expected vacancy, stakeholders are provided with documents and web links to a “School Leadership Skills and Characteristics” questionnaire to participate in the community input process. Translation of all documents is available upon request with accommodations, as well, for those with handicapping conditions. </p><p>Why are we establishing this new policy?</p><p>Answer: In the past, a small panel of select community members were allotted an opportunity to provide input into the selection of school principal where vacancies existed. Administrative Procedure 4113 was developed to broaden the input and provide a forum for all vested stake holders to provide broader input into the principal selection process. When will we know when a final decision is made for the new principal selection? </p><p>Answer: Once the window for community input has closed, all input will be collated and provided to the school community and superintendent. After review of the input, screening of potential applicants, and an interview process, the superintended will forward his recommendation for principal selection to the Board of Education for approval. </p><p>Is the questionnaire the only way that we can provide input?</p><p>Answer: Stakeholders are more than welcome to also submit additional input via phone calls, emails, letters, etc. regarding their desires for the selection of the school principal directly to [email protected]. </p><p>Our school community received the questionnaire and the new admin procedure but think there is room for improvement. Can changes be made in the input collection process or to the questionnaire?</p><p>Answer: The Department of Human Capital Management welcomes any input regarding improvements to the “School Leadership Skills and Characteristics” questionnaire/input process. All inquiries and suggestions can be forwarded to [email protected].</p><p>Enclosure 5</p><p>Pamela R. Shetley, Ed.D. Acting Director of Human Capital Management</p><p>Talking Points: School Leadership Skills and Characters Community Input</p><p>Last year, Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) adopted a new Board Policy, Administrative Procedure Number 4113. This new Administrative Procedure was developed, “to ensure that the community, including staff, parents, community groups and high school students (for high school principals) are involved and participate in the principal selection process.”</p><p>In an effort to gain knowledge on how to better service school communities, input on principal selection is sought of from all facets of school communities. The process was developed with the input and review of multiple stakeholders all vested in the belief that the principal selection process should be inclusive of all segments of the school community, and not exclusive to solely a selection panel.</p><p>Admin Procedure 4113 expands the opportunity for thousands of vested parents and community members to have input into the selection of the school principal, as opposed to a select few who serve on an interview panel.</p><p>Step 1: The Division of Human Resources, the Department of Human Capital Management, the Office of Talent Development, and the High School Consortium collectively coordinate with area offices, school principals, and/or key stakeholders to review the administrative procedure and provide them with documents and web links to begin the community input process. Stakeholders have been asked to also submit personal requests via. phone calls, emails, letters, etc. regarding desires for the selection of the school principal directly to the Director of the Department of Human Capital Management, Mr. Douglas W. Anthony. </p><p>Step 2: Each school contacts their respective community to notify them of the principal input collection of information. In some instances, schools hold stakeholder and community forums to ensure broad community input.</p><p>Step 3: A summary of community input is collated and submitted to the school principal for distribution.</p><p>Step 4: The information is used along with the six tiered screening process to a create profile of the most opportune candidate whose skills, dispositions and experiences create a best match between articulated and demonstrated school needs. Six-Tiered Screening for Principal Applicants Principal applicants are screened and thoroughly vetted, and must complete a series of screenings in order to be advanced for consideration of the principal pipeline: (1) a paper application screening, (2) review of employee references, (3) candidate completion of the Gallup, Inc. PrincipalInsight™ Screening, (4) candidate completion of the Principal Applicant Exercise, (5) candidate completion of Self Assessment Inventory, and (6) participation in a panel interview. </p><p>Step 5: Selection results are submitted to the Board of Education for approval of appointment. </p>
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