<p> Auburn United Methodist Church Mission Policy Table of Contents</p><p>I. Purpose of Auburn United Methodist Church Mission Program A. Definition B. Mandate C. Vision</p><p>II. Objective, Guidelines and Revision of the Policies of the Auburn United Methodist Church Mission Program A. Objective B. Guidelines C. Revisions</p><p>III. Structure of the Auburn United Methodist Church Mission Committees A. Committee Structure B. Qualifications for Selection and Service C. Officers of the Mission Committee D. Committee Meetings E. Responsibilities of the Mission Committee</p><p>IV. Guidelines for Expenditure of AUMC Mission Funds A. WAM Budget B. Team Budget</p><p>V. Reception of Funds A. Regular tithes and offerings B. Love offerings C. Unrestricted gifts D. Class gifts E. Unapproved missionaries F. Memorial </p><p>VI. Short Term Mission Team Guidelines A. Team Leaders B. Types of Teams C. Team size D. Team Time Lines E. Prayer Partners</p><p>January 2013 Policies of AUMC Mission Program</p><p>I. Purpose of Auburn United Methodist Church Mission Program</p><p>A. Definition - Mission shall be defined as any endeavor to fulfill the "Great Commission" of Christ together with functions which lead to this end, including service, evangelizing, discipling, church planting, and aiding in church development outside our local congregation.</p><p>B. Mandate - We accept as our mandate for involvement in missions our Lord's instructions as recorded in Scripture.</p><p>1. The Great Commission -- Matthew 28: 19-20): 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." 2. The Promise of Harvesters -- Luke 10:2: 2He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” 3 The Method of Financial Support -- 1 Corinthians 16:2: 2On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made. 2 Corinthians 9:7: 7Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 4. The believer's personal responsibility -- Acts 1:8: 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Romans 1:14-16: 14I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. 15That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are at Rome. 16I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 5. The need for full-time Christian workers -- Romans 10:15: 15And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"</p><p>C. Vision -- The Work Area on Mission offers AUMC members the opportunity to serve on domestic and international mission teams with the following objectives:</p><p>1. Build relationships -- among mission team members, members of AUMC and those who we serve in mission 2. Partner in Service -- to provide mission team members, as representatives of AUMC, and the people to whom we reach out the experience of serving together as partners in God’s mission 3. Evangelism -- provide team members opportunities for sharing their Christian faith through our presence, caring service and witness 4. Experiential learning -- provides team members unique cross-cultural experiences and meaningful Christian education opportunities and enables team members and our church to participate in “hands on” mission experiences 5. To build commitment to and leadership in our Church through mission activities</p><p>January 2013 II. Objective, Guidelines and Revision of the Policies of the Auburn United Methodist Church Mission Program</p><p>A. Objective -- The objective of this mission policy is to assist the church's mission committees in defining the specific responsibilities of the church, missioners, and the committees.</p><p>1. For the benefit of objectivity, efficiency, continuity, and consistency. 2. To facilitate accountability and communication to church leadership, the congregation, missioners, missionaries, and agencies. 3. In order to build confidence and cohesiveness within the total church ministry.</p><p>B. Guidelines - The policies of the mission committee shall be used as guidelines to assist in administration of the mission committees’ responsibilities and are not intended to frustrate the Spirit's work within our congregation in directing us toward ministry in the world.</p><p>C. Revision - Revisions of the mission policy and its procedures shall continue as an ongoing function of the Work Area on Mission and its associated committees. Periodically a review shall take place at the discretion of the pastor, Director of Mission Ministries or the Work Area on Mission chairperson. All revisions, in order to be put into effect must be approved by the Work Area on Mission.</p><p>III. Structure of the Auburn United Methodist Church Work Area on Mission and Mission Committees</p><p>A. Committee Structure- To better address and accommodate a variety of mission’s opportunities, the Work Area on Mission (WAM) will have at least two standing committees: (1) International Mission Committee (IMC) and (2) National and Disaster Relief Committee (NDRC). Each committee will meet separately to explore, develop and promote mission and outreach efforts in its area of responsibility. The International Mission Committee will have the responsibility for all congregational mission activities outside US borders. The National and Disaster Relief will have the responsibility for local (in cooperation with the Church and Community Work Area and other appropriate AUMC Work Areas or Committees), regional and national mission and disaster relief activities. </p><p>Each committee will be comprised of volunteer members, the chair and vice-chair of the WAM, the Director of Mission Ministries and/or other appropriate AUMC staff representative(s). The chair of the Church and Community Work Area (or a designated representative) will be invited to participate as a voting member of the NDRC. Each committee will elect a chair and vice- chair following the same guidelines and schedule below. </p><p>The Work Area on Mission will be comprised of the chairs and vice-chairs of the IMC and NDRC committees, the Director of Mission Ministries, other appropriate AUMC staff representative(s) and at-large members from the congregation. AUMC members may serve on one or both committees and on the WAM, as they choose. Each committee is expected to meet as needed to plan, direct and accomplish committee goals, but no less than once per quarter. The WAM will meet at least quarterly, or more often, as required. Each committee will submit financial requests to the WAM. A single unified budget will be submitted annually through the WAM to the Council on Ministries.</p><p>January 2013 The structure and responsibilities of each committee and the WAM will be periodically reviewed and modified, as needed, by a majority vote of the WAM. Other standing or short- term committees may be formed by the WAM as needs or opportunities arise.</p><p>B. Qualifications for Selection and Service</p><p>1. Member (or affiliate) in good standing of the Auburn United Methodist Church 2. Sufficiently interested in missions to dedicate the time required. 3. Spiritual maturity and vision for world evangelism. 4. Willingness to abide by the mission policy of Auburn United Methodist Church. 5. All AUMC Team Leaders are required to serve on the respective committees. 6. Officer positions will be filled with non-AUMC staff when possible and appropriate.</p><p>C. Officers of the Mission Committees (WAM, IMC and NDRC)</p><p>1. Election - The WAM and each mission committee shall elect from its membership a chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary. These officers are to be elected at the last meeting of the church administrative year to start their term at the beginning of the next administrative year. Officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year and may be re- elected to succeed themselves as long as they are members of the Work Area or committee. It is recommended that no one should hold the office of chairperson unless they have previously served at least one (1) year on the WAM or the specific committee.</p><p>2. Duties a. Chairperson - chairperson shall, in consultation with the Director of Mission Ministries, develop an appropriate agenda and preside at all meetings of their committee. They shall represent the WAM or mission committee before the larger church body. The chairperson of the WAM shall be responsible for maintaining communication between the mission committees and church staff, and shall also be responsible for presenting a mission report at the annual meeting of the church.</p><p> b. Vice-chairperson. The vice-chairperson shall provide consultation and support the chairperson in execution of their duties and shall preside over meetings when the chairperson is unavailable. If the Chairperson is unable to continue their duties during an administrative year (as determined by the Director of Mission Ministries), the vice- chairperson shall assume the duties of the chairperson and a new vice-chairperson will be elected.</p><p> c. Secretary - The secretary shall keep the record, or minutes of each meeting of their respective mission committee. The secretary will perform the duties pertaining to this office, including correspondence with missionaries and mission agencies, if directed by the WAM, mission committee or the congregation. </p><p>D. Committee Meetings - The WAM and mission committees will meet at least quarterly unless it be determined by the officers of the committee that there is not sufficient business at hand to warrant having a meeting.</p><p>E. Responsibilities of the Mission Committees</p><p>1. To stimulate intercessory prayer within the congregation for international and national mission activities and evangelism, for our missioners and for our supported missionaries and mission and service agencies/organizations. 2. To educate and inspire the congregation in the field of international and national Mission. January 2013 3. To help inspire, recruit, and send out volunteers for missionary service from this congregation. 4. To steward the funds allocated to missions. 5. To serve as a liaison between the church and related or supported missionary and service organizations, boards, agencies, associations, and missionaries. 6. To periodically review and update AUMC’s mission policy. 7. To implement additions to and deletions from the missionary support list. 8. To establish goals to be used as an incentive to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Goals shall be established periodically and must be significant, achievable, measurable, and manageable. 9. Each mission committee will establish an annual budget according to priorities that reflect AUMC’s mission’s strategy as determined by the WAM and the Director of Mission Ministries. Mission funds shall be distributed in accordance with the WAM-approved Guidelines for Expenditure of AUMC Mission Funds.</p><p>IV. Guidelines for Expenditure of AUMC Mission Funds</p><p>A. WAM Budget -- It is the policy of AUMC’s Work Area on Mission to utilize budgeted and other funds allocated for missions to support only the following activities:</p><p>1. AUMC-sponsored domestic and international mission projects approved by the Work Area on Mission (WAM). In support of United Methodist Volunteers in Mission and in recognition of the United Methodist Church as a connectional church, all domestic and international mission trips should work with UMVIM approved projects. The NDRC, IMC or a potential team leader may request a waiver of this policy to work with non-UMVIM approved projects by presenting a written request with justification to the appropriate committee (NDRC or IMC) for approval. The request is then forwarded to the Work Area on Mission for consideration, which may approve or deny the request. If denied, no AUMC mission funds may be spent on the project and any team that is sent to the project is not considered an official AUMC mission team. 2. Development of mission projects, including airfare and other travel costs, for WAM, IMC or NDRC members or AUMC staff, for the purpose of evaluating the suitability of potential AUMC mission’s projects and travel/project logistics. The Work Area on Mission must approve mission development trips. 3. Scholarships to assist AUMC members participating in an AUMC-sponsored mission trip in accordance with the Participants Funding Guidelines. A Scholarship Assistance Form must be submitted to the team leader. 4. Scholarships to assist AUMC members who wish to participate in a non-AUMC- sponsored mission trip, as long as those trips align with the mandate and vision of the WAM, financial accountability is verified and organization is vetted. A statement of need letter must provide a brief background of the applicant; outline the purpose of the mission trip in what manner the applicant will serve on the trip, some indication of the applicant’s financial need and a statement of the applicant’s personal goals/reasons for participating in the mission trip. WAM may request additional information, as needed. WAM may also request a written or verbal report upon completion of the trip. 5. Assistance, if needed, to non-AUMC members invited to participate in an AUMC- sponsored mission trip when the invitee provides skills needed on the team. 6. Scholarships are available to Team Leaders and Program Staff as incentive for participation. 7. Support of missionaries primarily serving under the United Methodist Church’s General Board of Global Ministries. However, non-GBGM missionaries may also be considered as</p><p>January 2013 long as their ministry aligns with the mandate and vision of the WAM and financial accountability is verified. 8. WAM-approved special projects that directly support, enhance or meet the goals of AUMC’s mission program. A detailed project proposal must be submitted to the WAM for review and periodic detailed reports must be submitted to the WAM for approved projects. 9. Other line items as outlined in approved AUMC Work Area on Mission budget.</p><p>For activities 3 and 4, above, approved assistance will be limited by funds available. Applications for scholarships and assistance must be reviewed and approved by a majority of the Work Area on Mission present prior to funds being committed. </p><p>Request for assistance for activity 5 should come from the designated team leader or WAM Chairperson to the WAM for approval, given funds are available. Examples include, but are not limited to, medical personnel, persons with specific technical skills, and translators, when those persons are not available from the AUMC membership for the specific trip.</p><p>B. Team Budget</p><p>1. Individual team members - Participants are encouraged to pay (or raise) the entire participants trip costs, with a minimum of half. If you are unable to meet this request of paying or raising at least half of the cost, scholarship assistance is available. Scholarship Assistance Forms can be obtained from your Team Leader or the Mission Director. </p><p>2. Vaccinations, passports and visa(s) (if needed), -- team members are responsible for obtaining the required vaccinations, passport, and visa(s) (if needed) at their own expense, and are required to provide copies of vaccination records, visa(s) and passport to their team leader.</p><p>3. Team expenses that will be covered from the International budget if not donated (teams should diligently try to get items donated)</p><p> a) Medications for clinic-$1500</p><p> b) Reading and sunglasses-$600</p><p> c) Christian Bible School & sports ministry supplies-$600</p><p> d) Bibles & tracts-$250</p><p> e) Construction materials-$2500</p><p>If a monetary amount greater than the above guidelines are expected or required for a specific trip or project, the team leader must submit a proposal, with justification, through the IC to the WAM for consideration. If the WAM does not approve the additional amount, the budget must be reduced or team members are responsible for any costs above the guidelines. This proposal should be submitted to the IC no less than two months prior to the beginning of the trip or project.</p><p>January 2013 V. Reception of Funds - The Work Area on Mission will derive funds or accept gifts in the following manner.</p><p>A. A portion from the regular tithes and offerings shall be incorporated in the annual budget process of Auburn United Methodist Church, as submitted by the WAM and approved or modified by the Council on Ministries. B. Love offerings and special designated offerings shall be sought and accepted from time to time in order to meet specific needs. However, fundraisers which are intended to target the entire congregation must obtain prior approval from AUMC’s Fundraising Committee. C. Unrestricted gifts (earmarked for Mission but without a specific missionary or project designated) shall be deposited into the Adult Mission account and utilized as per Guidelines for Expenditure of AUMC Mission Funds. D. Committee approved Sunday School class or other group gifts shall be forwarded to the Adult Mission account and expended as designated by the contributors, or if undesignated, as per Guidelines for Expenditure of AUMC Mission Funds. E. While it is not the practice of AUMC to serve as a conduit for funds for missionaries, mission agencies, or projects not previously approved by the WAM, on occasion a request may be made of the Finance Office to process such requests. At that time, prior to any actual deposit of funds, consultation will take place with the Director of Mission Ministries and/or Church Administrator to determine the origination and appropriateness of request. The church reserves the right to approve or disapprove any request to ensure the gift is meeting the goals, guidelines and policies of AUMC’s mission program and not jeopardizing the church’s 501c3 status. If necessary, the WAM may be called upon to determine the appropriateness of allowing such funds to flow through Auburn United Methodist Church. If support is allowed to flow through AUMC and the donor discontinues support of the missionary, board or project, the church is not obligated and may or may not continue said support, as determined by the WAM. F. All funds received from legacies, memorial, or special unrestricted gifts may be accepted and dispersed by the WAM as per Guidelines for Expenditure of AUMC Mission Funds.</p><p>VI. Short Term Mission Team Guidelines</p><p>A. Team Leaders – All Team Leaders must go through UMVIM Leader Training prior to leading any AUMC Mission trip and be approved by WAM. Team leaders are also required to attend IMC meetings if their trip is international or NDRC meetings if domestic.</p><p>B. Types of Teams -- Whether domestic or international, teams will typically fall into one of the three categories below and each will abide by the Mission Policy, the Participant Funding Guidelines and the Personal Covenant. Team participation is contingent upon team leader approval. If approved by the Team Leader, participants under the age of 19 need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or appoint temporary guardianship to a responsible adult for the purpose of this trip.</p><p>1. Congregational Teams are open to the general congregation of Auburn United Methodist Church. Though these teams are “open” to the congregation, a spot on a team is not guaranteed. See the “Participants Guidelines”.</p><p>January 2013 2. Ministry Teams are groups from a specific ministry area of AUMC (singles, college, music, etc, but excluding youth ministry sponsored trips). At the discretion of the director of that ministry area the team may be opened to a limited number of team members outside that ministry. The qualifications and financial obligations for ministry team members are the same as for congregational team members, but may be modified by the ministry staff person, with approval of the WAM. See “Participants Guidelines”.</p><p>3. Exploratory Teams are small teams (typically 1-3 members) sent to a prospective location to gather data for the feasibility or to make preparations for future ministry or congregational teams. Members of this team are selected by the WAM and/or the Director of Mission Ministries. Qualifications for these teams are much higher than for standard mission teams. Team members must have a proven history of competent mission service and/or a specific skill that is needed to evaluate the prospective location or project. These qualifications are in addition to those described in the “Participant Guide”.</p><p>C. Team size – Congregational team size should be limited to twenty (20) total members, except in specific circumstances that must be approved by both the IMC and the WAM. The reason for this is to foster teambuilding, fellowship and accountability. It also eases stress on the team leader and team as a whole during travel and on location. Ministry teams may exceed this limit but extra care should be given to ensure the above team characteristics are met and should be done only in consultation with and approval of the Director of Mission Ministries.</p><p>D. Team Time Lines -- The time line described below should be followed when possible for international trips and domestic trips other than disaster relief and local mission activities. It is understood that circumstances at both AUMC and /or the host ministry may require a shorter time line, but team leaders are encouraged to plan ahead as much as possible for the benefit of the host ministry, AUMC and participating mission team members. This will clearly and well in advance set the expectations of the team members. These expectations should be strongly considered by applicants when applying for a team. It is the responsibility of the team leader to establish the exact dates in the time line, to communicate these dates to team members, to plan and oversee the meetings and activities in the timeline and to get all paperwork, payments and other requested information to the Director of Mission Ministries on time.</p><p>1. Destinations of teams – Nine-twelve (9-12) months before departure. This will include contacting the host, registering with UMVIM, setting the budget and identifying the Team Leader and needed team members.</p><p>2. Applications, with $100 (non-refundable) deposit – Four (4) months before departure. It is preferred that the applications be submitted in electronic form. The application is available on the AUMC website. Forms that require a signature can be printed by the applicant and submitted if the applicant does not have online signature capabilities.</p><p>January 2013 3. Follow up packet-- immediately after acceptance by the team leader. This packet is also available on line. A color image (scanned) of a valid passport should also be included.</p><p>4. The required minimum of half of the participants cost of the trip or a Scholarship Assistance Form – 6 weeks before departure. </p><p>5. The team leader shall determine and communicate to the team members the dates and duration of each team meeting. Team meetings are important to convey important trip and cultural information to team members, prepare for the planned project(s) of the trip and to build team unity prior to the trip. Team members are expected to attend as many team meetings as possible. If a team member does not attend a sufficient number of team meetings, the team leader may, at their discretion, remove the team member for the team. The removed team member will be responsible for any costs already incurred (e.g. non- refundable deposits, non-refundable airfare tickets, etc.) </p><p>6. If a mission trip is canceled due to circumstances beyond the mission team’s control, then all monies paid will be reapplied to the next scheduled mission team’s trip. If a team member, who was planning on traveling with the original mission team, cannot travel on the next scheduled mission trip, all monies paid will applied to a future AUMC mission trip. </p><p>If the team member is not able to participate in any future AUMC mission trips and requests reimbursement for payments made to AUMC, a refund of the participant’s payments will be processed and a revised contribution statement will be issued, if necessary. This can only transpire if the mission trip was cancelled by Auburn United Methodist Church, thus creating a lack of fulfillment on behalf of the church and the participant is then and only then entitled to a refund opportunity.</p><p>7. If a team member must remove themselves from a mission trip due to health issues, family issues or other appropriate reasons (must be approved by team leader and WAM), any payments they have made, above the expenses incurred by AUMC at that time, may be applied to a future mission trip. For example: If a team member must drop out after airline tickets have been purchased, but another member is added to go in their place, then the only expense the church would incur is the cost to change the name of the airfare ticket, which would be deducted from the amount the participant had paid (or had donated) and the remaining amount may be applied to a future trip in which the member desires to participate. Likewise, if the church is not able to utilize the airfare ticket then the member will be responsible for the expense the church incurs for the full amount of the ticket which will be deducted from any payments/donations received prior to calculating any remaining amount which may be applied to a future trip. Due to the charitable contribution nature of mission payments/donations, no payments or donations are refundable, except under the rare situation that AUMC is responsible for cancelling a trip, thus not fulfilling their obligation in which the payment/donation was given. If the team member withdraws for an unapproved reason, as determined by WAM, the mission committee reserves the right to not apply any of the member’s payments/donations to future trips.</p><p>January 2013 E. Prayer Partners -- As prayer is an integral part of all of AUMC’s activities, each team is strongly encouraged to develop prayer partners that will be in prayer for the team during team preparation, team travel and while the team is in mission. Details and procedures are left to each team leader, who may wish to consult with the Director of Mission Ministries.</p><p>January 2013</p>
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