<p> MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 05, 2010 AT 10:00 A.M., CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 400 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY HALLANDALE BEACH, FL 33009</p><p>1. CALL TO ORDER</p><p>Mayor Cooper called the meeting to order at 10:15 AM.</p><p>2. ROLL CALL</p><p>Commissioners London, Ross and Sanders, Vice Mayor Julian, Mayor Cooper, City Manager Good and City Attorney Jove – All Present. </p><p>3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE</p><p>Luxottica Flanders, Hallandale Elementary School Student Citizen of the Month, led the Pledge of Allegiance. </p><p>4. PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS</p><p>A. Presentation of Certificates to the Student Citizens of the Month</p><p>Luxottica Flanders was recognized as the April Student Citizen of the Month for Hallandale Elementary School.</p><p>Juan Andrade was recognized as the April Student Citizen of the Month for Gulfstream Middle School. </p><p>Jameeka Stubbs was recognized as the April Student Citizen of the Month for Hallandale Adult Community Center. </p><p>Rosanne Bagdasarian, Guidance Counselor, Hallandale Adult Community Center, provided an update on the activities at Hallandale Adult Community Center. </p><p>Betty Somerset, Exception Student Education (ESE) Support, Gulfstream Middle School, provided an update on the activities at Gulfstream Middle School. </p><p>Principal Sharon Ludwig, provided an update on the activities at Hallandale Elementary School. </p><p>B. Recognition of Hallandale High School Student Nicole Norteman, Winner of the Law Day Essay</p><p>Nicole Norteman was presented a plaque as the winner of the Law Day Essay. </p><p>C. Proclamation for Law Enforcement Memorial Day</p><p>Proclamation was presented to Chief Tom Magill, Major Ken Cowley and Captain Paul Robert. </p><p>MAY 05, 2010 1 2</p><p>D. Proclamation Proclaiming National Public Works Week May 16th - 22nd, 2010</p><p>Proclamation was presented to Bill Brant, Director, Utilities and Engineering, Earl King, Deputy Director, Utilities and Engineering, Dean Lettera, Operations Manager, Department of Public Works, Rafael Perdomo, Green Initiatives Coordinator, Utilities and Engineering and staff from the Utilities and Engineering Department and Department of Public Works. </p><p>E. Proclamation Proclaiming Arbor Day and Arbor Day Poster Awards</p><p>Students from Hallandale Elementary that won the Arbor Day Poster Contest were recognized by the City Commission and the Beautification Advisory Board and received awards. </p><p>The Proclamation was presented to Tom Operle, Assistant Superintendent Landscaping/Grounds, Department of Public Works, and to the Beautification Advisory Board. </p><p>F. Proclamation Proclaiming May 8, 2010 as Larry Bluestein Day in Recognition of his Induction into the Florida High School Athletic Association Hall of Fame</p><p>The proclamation was presented to Larry Bluestein. </p><p>G. Presentation Regarding Activities at the Villages at Gulfstream Park (Suzanne Friedman)</p><p>The report was presented by Suzanne Friedman, Development Representative, the Village of Gulfstream Park.</p><p>H. Presentation of Certificate of Achievement to Vice Mayor Bill Julian for Completion of Silver Level Leadership Training Under the National League of Cities Leadership Training Institute</p><p>A Certificate and a Plaque were presented to Vice Mayor Bill Julian. </p><p>I. Discussion of Public Works Construction Projects</p><p>Dean Lettera, Operations Manager, Department of Public Works, presented the report. </p><p>J. Presentation of the Police Department Quarterly Report</p><p>Chief Tom Magill, Police Department, presented the report. </p><p>Mayor Cooper read a written statement regarding the April 30th 2010 Special City Commission Meeting and the employment of City Manager Good. She requested that the City Commission either seek City Manager Good’s resignation or take the appropriate action to remove City Manager Good from office. </p><p>MAY 05, 2010 2 City Attorney Jove provided the steps for the removal of City Manager Good per City Charter, Section 6.04.</p><p>Mayor Cooper removed herself from the Chair, by passing the gavel to Vice Mayor Julian, and made the following motion: </p><p>MOTION BY MAYOR COOPER TO DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A RESOLUTION TO BE DISCUSSED IN A PUBLIC HEARING AT THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING. </p><p>City Manager Good provided a statement regarding his employment with the City of Hallandale Beach. </p><p>The City Commission discussed the employment of City Manager Good. </p><p>MOTION BY MAYOR COOPER, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LONDON TO DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A RESOLUTION BEGINNING THE REMOVAL PROCESS OF CITY MANAGER GOOD AND DIRECT THAT SAID RESOLUTION BE PLACED ON THE NEXT REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA; TO DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY JOVE TO DRAFT A SEVERANCE PACKAGE AGREEMENT FOR CONSIDERATION BY CITY MANAGER GOOD AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO TERMINATION PER CITY CHARTER; TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE SAID SEVERANCE PACKAGE WITH CITY MANAGER GOOD ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COMMISSION; AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE OPPORTUNITY FOR CITY MANAGER GOOD TO MEET WITH EACH COMMISSIONER INDIVIDUALLY TO DISCUSS ALL MATTERS RELATED TO CITY MANAGER GOOD’S EMPLOYMENT WITH THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH. </p><p>Commissioner London suggested an amendment to the motion to include the following language “in accordance with City Charter Division III under City Manager Section 6.04 Removal subsection 1, subsection 2 and subsection 3”. Mayor Cooper, as the maker of the motion, did not accept the amendment to the motion as it was not necessary since the Resolution will refer to the document.</p><p>Vice Mayor Julian called the question on the motion. The motion carried on a 4/1 voice vote, with Commissioner Ross voting no. </p><p>Vice Mayor Julian relinquished the chair to Mayor Cooper. </p><p>5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (to be heard at 10:15 A.M.)</p><p>Alex Favelukes, 945 NE 24th Avenue, spoke in favor of City Manager Good. Mr. Favelukes also spoke about Joe Scavo Park in support of keeping Scavo Park as open space as it exists at this time. He provided a letter to the City Clerk that he requested be provided to the City Manager and City Commission.</p><p>Judith Selz, 717 Layne Blvd., spoke about transparency in government and her concerns and comments about the operation of City government. </p><p>Csaba Kulin, 600 NE 14th Avenue, spoke in support of the termination of City Manager</p><p>MAY 05, 2010 3 4</p><p>Good and the action taken by the City Commission earlier. </p><p>Paulette Brown, 205 SW 10th Street, spoke about City Manager Good and his dedication to the City of Hallandale Beach. </p><p>Mayor Cooper recessed the meeting at 2:14 PM. </p><p>Mayor Cooper reconvened the meeting 3:16 PM. </p><p>6. CONSENT AGENDA </p><p>Vice Mayor Julian requested Item C be pulled for further discussion. </p><p>Commissioner London requested Items B and D be pulled for further discussion. </p><p>A. Pursuant to Chapter 23, Section 105, Hallandale Code of Ordinances, request authorization to award Bid #FY 2009-2010-003 – Municipal Complex Lighting Retrofit – American Recovery & Reinvestment Act 2009 (Recovery Act) – Department of Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant (DOE- EECBG) Program to lowest responsive, responsible bidder, C. Davis Electric, in the total amount of $217,210.00. This award includes the low bid of $197,464.00 plus a 10% contingency for unforeseen circumstances. (Staff: Director, Utilities & Engineering)(See Backup)CAD #015/09</p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>B. Pursuant to Chapter 23, Section 105, Award of Contracts, Request Authorization to Award RFP #FY2009-2010-006 - Machine Virtualization (VM) and Storage Area Network (SAN) to Coleman Technologies, Inc., for an Amount not to Exceed $96,154.00 (Staff: Director, Information Technology)(See Backup)BP #018/10</p><p>Ted LaMott, Director, Information Technology, provided background information on the item. </p><p>City Manager Good advised that this is also a cost savings measure and recommended approval. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LONDON, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS, TO APPROVE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 23, SECTION 105, AWARD OF CONTRACTS, THE AWARD OF RFP #FY2009-2010-006 - MACHINE VIRTUALIZATION (VM) AND STORAGE AREA NETWORK (SAN) TO COLEMAN TECHNOLOGIES, INC., FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $96,154.00; TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS; AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH THE APPROPRIATE ACCOUNTS AND MAKE EXPENDITURES AS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE PROJECT. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>C. Pursuant to Chapter 23, Section 108, Cooperative Purchasing, Request</p><p>MAY 05, 2010 4 Authorization to Award to Brunswick Commercial and Government a Marine Patrol Boat and Accessories Utilizing Florida Sheriff's Association Law Enforcement Federal Contract Purchase Program GSA Section 1122 Contract #GS-07F-011J, Total Solution for Law Enforcement, Security, Facilities Management, Fire, Rescue, Clothing, Marine Craft and Emergency/Disaster Response, for an Amount not to Exceed $101,557.83 (Staff: Police Chief)(see backup)CAD #010/09</p><p>Major Ken Cowley and Sergeant Michel Michel provided background information on the item. </p><p>City Manager Good recommended that the City Commission approve the purchase of the new Marine Patrol Boat both, for safety reasons and operations efficiency.</p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ROSS, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LONDON TO APPROVE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 23, SECTION 108, COOPERATIVE PURCHASING, THE AWARD TO BRUNSWICK COMMERCIAL AND GOVERNMENT A MARINE PATROL BOAT AND ACCESSORIES UTILIZING FLORIDA SHERIFF'S ASSOCIATION LAW ENFORCEMENT FEDERAL CONTRACT PURCHASE PROGRAM GSA SECTION 1122 CONTRACT #GS-07F-011J, TOTAL SOLUTION FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT, SECURITY, FACILITIES MANAGEMENT, FIRE, RESCUE, CLOTHING, MARINE CRAFT AND EMERGENCY/DISASTER RESPONSE, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $101,557.83; TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS; AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH THE APPROPRIATE ACCOUNTS AND TO MAKE EXPENDITURES AS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE PROJECT. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>D. Approval of Draft Minutes - Regular Meeting of February 3, 2010</p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS, TO APPROVE THE DRAFT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3, 2010. The motion carried on a 4/1 voice vote. (Commissioner London voted no). </p><p>HEARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING ITEM #3.A.</p><p>HEARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH GOLDEN ISLES SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING ITEM #3.A.</p><p>HEARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THREE ISLANDS SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING ITEM #3.A.</p><p>Mayor Cooper recessed the City Commission Meeting at 7:07 PM in order to open the Golden Isles and Three Islands Safe Neighborhood District Board of Directors and the Hallandale Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors Meetings.</p><p>Mayor Cooper reconvened the City Commission meeting at 7:13 PM. </p><p>7. PUBLIC HEARINGS (to be heard at 10:30 A.M.)</p><p>MAY 05, 2010 5 6</p><p>A. An Ordinance of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Creating Article VI in Chapter 2, Administration, Sections 2-436. Definitions, 2-437. Prohibition on Participation on Items of Personal, Financial, or Organizational Interest, 2- 438. Disclosure on Items of Personal, Financial, or Organizational Interests, 2-439. Use and Disclosure of Information Prohibited, 2-440. Contracts Related Disclosure Required, Establishing a Code of Ethics to be Followed by Elected Officials and Employees; Officials Appointed to Boards; Providing for Severability; Providing for an Effective Date (Second Reading) (Staff: City Attorney & City Clerk) (See Backup) CAD #012/07 & CAD #013/07</p><p>The City Commission Adopted on First Reading on January 6, 2010.</p><p>TO BE HEARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH ITEM #7.B.</p><p>TO BE HEARD AT 2:30 PM</p><p>City Manager Good provided background information and recommended approval. </p><p>Mayor Cooper opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no speakers, Mayor Cooper closed the Public Hearing. </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS, TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATING ARTICLE VI IN CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, SECTIONS 2-436. DEFINITIONS, 2-437. PROHIBITION ON PARTICIPATION ON ITEMS OF PERSONAL, FINANCIAL, OR ORGANIZATIONAL INTEREST, 2-438. DISCLOSURE ON ITEMS OF PERSONAL, FINANCIAL, OR ORGANIZATIONAL INTERESTS, 2-439. USE AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION PROHIBITED, 2-440. CONTRACTS RELATED DISCLOSURE REQUIRED, ESTABLISHING A CODE OF ETHICS TO BE FOLLOWED BY ELECTED OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES; OFFICIALS APPOINTED TO BOARDS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:</p><p>AYES: Commissioners Ross and Sanders, Vice Mayor Julian and Mayor Cooper</p><p>NAYS: Commissioner London</p><p>B. An Ordinance of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Adopting the Protocol Manual; Providing for Severability; Providing for an Effective Date (Second Reading)(Staff: City Attorney)(See Backup)CAD #012/07 & CAD #013/07</p><p>The City Commission Adopted on First Reading on January 6, 2010.</p><p>HEARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH ITEM #7.A.</p><p>City Attorney Jove provided background information on the item. He outlined changes to the Ordinance and Protocol Manual. </p><p>MAY 05, 2010 6 Bruce Rogow, Special Counsel, provided an overview of changes to the Protocol Manual. </p><p>The City Commission discussed the Protocol Manual and made recommendations.</p><p>Mayor Cooper requested that City Attorney Jove and Attorney Rogow have a discussion to finalize language and changes to the Protocol Ordinance and Manual and bring back for adoption once complete.</p><p>Commissioner London spoke about workshops and stated he believes this item should be discussed at a workshop prior to being considered at a City Commission Meeting. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LONDON TO TABLE THIS ITEM AND HAVE A WORKSHOP ON THIS ITEM. The motion failed due to lack of a second. </p><p>Deputy City Clerk Canada read the changes to the Protocol Manual into the records as follows: </p><p>LINE 15 AND 16 SECTION ONE OF THE ORDINANCE SHALL NOW READ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. THE PROTOCOL MANUAL IS HEREBY ADOPTED, BY ORDINANCE. </p><p>LINE 20 SECTION THREE OF THE ORDINANCE SHALL NOW READ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 3. ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE TO THE EXTENT OF SAID CONFLICT, HEREBY REPEALED.</p><p>AMEND PROTOCOL MANUAL AS FOLLOWS: </p><p>PAGE 2 PARAGRAPH ONE LINE 5 ADD THE WORD INVOLVING BETWEEN COMMISSION AND MATTERS. </p><p>PAGE 4 PARAGRAPH 1 LINE 2 ADD IF A TO THE BEGINNING OF THE LINE FOLLOWING THE WORD ATTEND.</p><p>PAGE 4 PARAGRAPH 1 LINE 2 ADD TO THE END OF THE LINE IS NECESSARY, THE CITY MANAGER MAY APPROVE,</p><p>PAGE 4 ITEM G PARAGRAPH 1 END OF LINE 16 ADD NEW SENTENCE: “FOR LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENTS THERE SHALL BE NO ADVOCACY BY CITY COMMISSIONERS.”</p><p>PAGE 8 ITEM E PARAGRAPH 1 LINE 1 ADD THE WORDS “AND CITY COMMISSION” AFTER MANAGER</p><p>ADD ITEM J UNDER SECTION 3 TITLED: “DISCLOSURE OF MEETING WITH LOBBYIST” A. TO FURTHER PROMOTE FULL AND COMPLETE TRANSPARENCY, CITY COMMISSIONERS MUST DISCLOSE ANY AND ALL LOBBYING ACTIVITY THAT KNOWINGLY OCCURS BETWEEN THEMSELVES AND INDIVIDUAL LOBBYISTS OR THEIR PRINCIPALS OR EMPLOYEES</p><p>MAY 05, 2010 7 8</p><p>OUTSIDE THEIR CITY COMMISSION OFFICES. THIS SHALL INCLUDE COMMUNICATING BY ANY FORM OF TELEPHONIC OR ELECTRONIC MEDIA. 1. THE DISCLOSURE SHALL INCLUDE THE LOBBYIST’S NAME; THE LOBBYIST’S PRINCIPAL, INCLUDING HIS OR HER EMPLOYER OR BUSINESS; THE ENTITY FOR WHICH HE OR SHE IS LOBBYING; THE DATE, TIME AND LOCATION OF THE MEETING; AND THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND SUBJECT MATTER OF THE MEETING. 2. THE DISCLOSURE SHALL BE MADE WITHIN (10) TEN BUSINESS DAYS OF THE LOBBYING ACTIVITY, BUT MUST, IN ANY EVENT, BE MADE PRIOR TO ANY VOTE ON A MATTER THAT WAS THE SUBJECT OF THE LOBBYING ACTIVITY. 3. THE DISCLOSURE SHALL BE MADE IN A LEGIBLE MANNER AND FILED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION IN A DATABASE DESIGNATED BY THE CITY MANGER, WHICH DATABASE SHALL BE SEARCHABLE BOTH IN HARDCOPY AND BY INTERNET. </p><p>PAGE 10 ITEM A PARAGRAPH 4 LINE 7 ADD THE WORD “TO” BETWEEN THE WORDS DUE AND THE. </p><p>PAGE 15 ITEM K PARAGRAPH 1 LINE 3 ADD THE WORD “ARE” BETWEEN COLLECTIVELY AND MATTERS, PARAGRAPH 2 LINE 1 ADD THE WORDS “BY A CITY COMMISSIONER” BETWEEN THE WORDS COMMISSION AND THAT, LINE 2 ADD THE WORDS “ANOTHER COMMISSIONER MOVES THE MATTER, AND” BETWEEN UNLESS AND A. </p><p>PAGE 17 ITEM D. THE WORD “CONSULTANT” IS STRICKEN AND PARAGRAPH ONE IS REWRITTEN AS FOLLOWS: “WHERE A REPORT RELATING TO CITY BUSINESS SHALL BE PRESENTED A COPY OF THE REPORT SHALL BE GIVEN TO EACH COMMISSIONER IN ADDITION TO THE COPIES PROVIDED BY STAFF. POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY COMMISSION, WITHIN 48 HOURS OF ANY MEETING WHEN A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION WILL BE PRESENTED. IF A PERSON COMES TO A MEETING WITH A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION AND THE CITY STAFF DOES NOT KNOW OF IT, THE CITY COMMISSION CAN DIRECT TO VIEW THE POWERPOINT.”</p><p>ADD ITEM I TO SECTION 8 TITLED “DELIVERY OF AGENDA TO CITY COMMISSION” THE FOLLOWING: “THE REGULAR AGENDA WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY COMMISSION NO LATER THAN THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE.”</p><p>PAGE 19 ITEM A SECTION 10 PARAGRAPH 1 ADD THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE TO THE END OF THE PARAGRAPH “FOR LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENTS THERE SHALL BE NO ADVOCACY BY CITY COMMISSIONERS.”</p><p>PAGE 20 ITEM C PARAGRAPH 3 ADD TO THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE TO THE END OF THE PARAGRAPH: “AND BE ELIGIBLE FOR SERVICE AWARDS.”</p><p>PAGE 21 ITEM C ADD PARAGRAPH 2 AS FOLLOWS: “UPON THE OPENING OF A CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT OR 6 MONTHS PRIOR TO AN ELECTION, NO CITY</p><p>MAY 05, 2010 8 COMMISSIONERS SHALL USE CITY FACILITIES OR PROPERTIES TO ADVERTISE OR PROMOTE ANY FUNCTION USING HIS/HER NAME OR LIKENESS.”</p><p>ADD ITEM J TO SECTION 8 TITLED “APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES” “THE MEETING MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, GOLDEN ISLES SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT AND THREE ISLANDS SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS, SHALL BE PROMPTLY RECORDED BY THE CITY CLERK AND SHALL BE PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL BY THE RESPECTIVE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AT THE NEXT MEETING WHERE MATTERS OTHER THAN THE APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES SHALL BE CONSIDERED.”</p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS, AS DISCUSSED AND READ, TO THE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE PROTOCOL MANUAL AND TO THE PROTOCOL MANUAL. The motion carried on a 4/1 voice cote (Commissioner London voted no). </p><p>Mayor Cooper opened the Public Hearing. </p><p>Csaba Kulin, 600 NE 14th Avenue, spoke about the Protocol and Ethics Manual. He further inquired as to when the City Commission Agenda will be placed on the City’s website. </p><p>City Manager Good advised the City Commission Agenda will be placed on the City’s website. </p><p>Seeing no other speakers, Mayor Cooper closed the Public Hearing. </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SANDERS, TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ADOPTING THE PROTOCOL MANUAL; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The motion carried on a roll call vote as follows: </p><p>AYES: Commissioners Ross and Sanders, Vice Mayor Julian and Mayor Cooper</p><p>NAYS: Commissioner London</p><p>8. CITY BUSINESS</p><p>A. Presentation by the Marine Advisory Committee (Presented by Jerry Natelson, Chair)(See Backup)</p><p>Jerry Natelson, Chair, presented the report. </p><p>Mr. Natelson advised that the Marine Advisory Committee is requesting that the meeting dates be changed to once every quarter instead of monthly. </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS, TO DIRECT THE CITY MANAGER TO EVALUATE THE CREATION DOCUMENTS FOR</p><p>MAY 05, 2010 9 10</p><p>THE MARINE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND TO BRING BACK A RESOLUTION OR ORDINANCE IF NECESSARY FOR CITY COMMISSION CONSIDERATION; IF AN ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION IS NOT NECESSARY, TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE THE APPROPRIATE ACTION TO CHANGE THE MARINE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETINGS FROM MONTHLY TO QUARTERLY. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>B. Broward County School Board Second Amended Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning.(Staff: Director, Development Services)(see backup)CMD #005/03</p><p>City Manager Good provided background information on the item. </p><p>Richard Cannone, Director, Development Services Department, provided an overview of the changes to the Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning. </p><p>Chris Akagbosu, Director, Growth Management, Broward County School Board, made a presentation. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ROSS, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SANDERS, TO APPROVE THE BROWARD COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD SECOND AMENDED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITY PLANNING; AND AUTHORIZE THE APPROPRIATE OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote.</p><p>C. Consideration of the Creation of Sergeant-At-Arms at City Commission and Other City Meetings (City Manager) (see backup) AR# 012/10</p><p>Mayor Cooper provided background information on the item. </p><p>City Manager Good advised an administrative policy will be created to implement the Sergeant-At-Arms Program. He recommended that the City Commission approve the item. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ROSS, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, TO APPROVE THE CREATION OF SERGEANT-AT-ARMS PROGRAM FOR CITY COMMISSION AND OTHER CITY MEETINGS; AND TO DIRECT THE CITY MANGER TO ESTABLISH AN ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY TO IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM. The motion carried on a 4/1 voice vote. (Commissioner London voted no). </p><p>9. COMMISSIONER REPORTS</p><p>The City Commission discussed meetings and events attended as representatives of the City. </p><p>10. OTHER</p><p>The City Commission discussed other City Business. </p><p>11. PLANNING AND SCHEDULING MEETING (to be heard in Room 257)</p><p>MAY 05, 2010 10 The City Commission discussed upcoming events, activities and meetings in the City Commission Chambers at 8:41 PM. </p><p>Mayor Cooper noted that the May 19, 2010 City Commission Meeting will start at 2:00 PM, to allow for the City Commission to attend an event honoring Marian McCann-Collie, Director, Human Services Department. </p><p>The City Commission concluded the Planning and Scheduling portion of the agenda at 8:51 PM. </p><p>There being no further business before the Commission, Mayor Cooper adjourned the meeting at 9:08 PM.</p><p>RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED,</p><p>______Mayor ATTEST:</p><p>______City Clerk</p><p>RECORDING SECRETARY: Shari Canada, Deputy City Clerk</p><p>APPROVED BY COMMISSION: ______</p><p>MAY 05, 2010 11</p>
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