<p> Name ______Per. ______Date ______</p><p>AP BIOLOGY WINTER BREAK PACKET (175 pts.) READING: ___ 1. Read Ch. 22: pg. 452-467 ___ 2. Read Ch. 23: pg. 468-486 h !</p><p> c ___ 3. Read Ch. 24: pg. 487-506 t</p><p> a ___ 4. AP BIO WORKBOOK: pg. 151-163 n e</p><p> e ___ 5. Article: Under Your Skin</p><p> f f m</p><p> o WORK-IN THIS ORDER: (approximately 10-12 hours of work) n ___ 1. “Evolution Web Activities” Worksheet (50 pts.) g k</p><p> i ___ 2. Reading Guide Ch. 22 (15 pts.) c s</p><p> e s ___ 3. Reading Guide Ch. 23 + CD Rom Activity (20 pts.) a</p><p> h ___ 4. Reading Guide Ch. 24 + CD Rom Activity (20 pts.)</p><p>C ___ 5. AP Bio Workbook Assignment (all 5 parts) (40 pts.) ___ 6. Article: Under Your Skin + Questions (10 pts.) ___ 7. Quiz Review: Outline Topics + Flashcards (20 pts.) : l l u e o y w</p><p> s t d p n e a c t s n r o e C d</p><p> n 5 u : e s v I have completed the AP Biology Winter Break Packet IN FULL. n a o</p><p> h Student Signature: ______i</p><p> t l s Parent Signature: ______l e i t u s</p><p>Q</p><p> u 5 o y</p><p>Happy Holidays! EVOLUTION WEB ACTIVITIES</p><p>ACTIVITY 1: PBS Video Series - Evolution </p><p> http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/</p><p>Goal: For this activity, students will view 7 video clips about evolution at the PBS site, after each clip a short paragraph will be written that answers a question about the topic covered in the clip. Grading is based on thoughtfulness and clarity (see rubric below). </p><p>1. Go to: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/ 2. Click on “For Students” 3. Click on “Evolving Ideas”</p><p>Instructions: </p><p>There are 7 Short Videos to watch on this page, open the videos using the QUICKTIME link and watch, take notes as you watch the clips and feel free to play them again. </p><p>For each video segment, you have one question to answer. Please write your answers in paragraph form, pay attention to grammar and punctuation. </p><p>Video 1 - Isn't Evolution Just a Theory?</p><p>Is it correct to say the evolution is JUST a theory? Defend your answer.</p><p>Video 2 - Who was Charles Darwin?</p><p>Why was Darwin considered to be a "revolutionary"?</p><p>Page 2 of 22 Video 3 - How Do We Know Evolution Happens?</p><p>Describe the transitional fossils associated with whale evolution. Include specific examples of these fossils and explain why they are considered to be whale ancestors?</p><p>Video 4 - How Does Evolution Really Work?</p><p>Describe the process of natural selection and how it affects hummingbird populations. </p><p>Video 5 - Did Humans Evolve?</p><p>Explain how DNA sequences are used to provide evidence of common ancestry.</p><p>Page 3 of 22 Video 6 - Why Does Evolution Matter Now?</p><p>Why is the theory of evolution an important theory in for doctors and the field of medicine? How does the theory affect the way illnesses and treatments are approached?</p><p>Video 7 - Why Is Evolution Controversial Anyway?</p><p>Many mainstream religions (including Catholicism) do not find a conflict between faith and evolution. Describe how a person can reconcile what the bible says with what science says and include your own views about whether you think a person can believe in God (and the bible) and also understand the Theory of Evolution.</p><p>ACTIVITY 2: Survival of the Sneakiest </p><p> http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/sneakermales_01 1. Read the comic strip. </p><p>2. Answer the following questions:</p><p>1. When it comes to crickets, what does fitness mean?</p><p>2. Is calling good or bad for a cricket's fitness?</p><p>3. Give some examples of selection at work in this cricket story.</p><p>4. How does selection favor calling? How does selection favor not calling? </p><p>Page 4 of 22 ACTIVITY 3: Homology vs. Analogy http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/0_0_0/similarity_hs_01 Questions</p><p>1. a) In the image, which pair represents an analogy and which a homology?</p><p> b) Define homology:</p><p> c) Define analogy: </p><p>2. What is a tetrapod?</p><p>3. What are the six bones found in all tetrapod legs?</p><p>4. Identify these limbs (to what animal do they belong)?</p><p>5. What did the common ancestor of all modern tetrapods look like? </p><p>6. Side Trip: "not just anatomy." - How are a bird and a crocodile homologous? </p><p>7. Similar structures that evolved independently are called ______.</p><p>8. a) What is the difference between a marsupial and a placental? b) What is Smilodon? c) What is Thylacosmilus,</p><p>9. Describe how two unrelated flowers could evolve to have a similar appearance?</p><p>10. Are similarities between sharks and dolphins homologous or analogous? </p><p>11. What is morphology?</p><p>12. What three criteria are used to determine whether something is a homology or analogy? Page 5 of 22 13. Fill in the blanks of the primate tree. </p><p>14. Considering all of the evidence, are the "wings" (actually flaps of skin stretched between the legs) of sugar gliders and flying squirrels homologous or analogous structures? Explain why you would conclude this.</p><p>15. Sidetrip: See more examples of homology and examples of analogy. a) How are a venus fly trap and a pitcher plant homologous? b) How are barnacles and limpets alike? How can these similarities be explained?</p><p>Page 6 of 22 Activity 4: Where are you really from?</p><p> http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/big-idea/02/queens-genes</p><p>1. Read the article.</p><p>Write a one paragraph reflection on where you are from based on your reading and the figure above.</p><p>Page 7 of 22 Activity 5: Understanding Evolution - The Arthropod Story http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/_0_0/arthropods_toc_01</p><p>Directions: Click through the table of contents #1-6. 1. List the five main groups of arthropods. 2. Sheer Numbers … a) How many insects exist for every human? ______b) If all the ants on the earth formed a chain, how many times could the earth be circled? ____ c) What are the most abundant animals in the ocean? ______3. Habitat and Distribution a) What arthropod lives more than a mile below the ocean? ______b) What is the largest centipede species? ______c) What arthropod lives at high altitudes? ______d) What arthropod can withstand heats of over 140 º? ______4. Ecological Niches a) What type of arthropod is a farmer? ______b) Where does the parasitic arthropod Cymothoa exigua live? ______c) What type of arthropod cleans fish scales of parasites? ______5. What are the five branches of the arthropod tree? 6. List the five characteristic of arthropods. 7. a) Describe bilateral symmetry. ______b) Check those that are bilaterally symmetrical. ___ millipede ____jellyfish _____scorpion 8. a) Segments are grouped into larger sets, such as the abdomen and the ______b) Check those that are segmented. ___onychophoran ____ mouse ___jellyfish ____moth 9.a) What substance is the exoskeleton made from? ______b) Check those with an exoskeleton ____ mouse _____moth _____ jellyfish _____millipede 10. a) Side Trip: Support Systems. Name the three types of support systems found in the animal kingdom. ______b) Which one is possessed by humans? ______c) What kind of skeleton does an earthworm have? ______11. a) What does the word "arthropod" mean? ______b) Check those that have jointed appendages. millipede ___ moth ____ onychophoran ___ mouse ____ jellyfish 12. a) Name five ways in which limbs can be specialized. b) Which have many pairs of limbs? ____ mouse ___ moth ____ millipede_____scorpion</p><p>Page 8 of 22 13. Based on these data, check all of the following animals that are arthropods. scorpion moth onychophoran mouse millipede jelly</p><p>14. A Closer Look at the Arthropod Branches a) How many body parts do insects have? ______How many pairs of legs ______b) How many body parts do chelicerates have? ______How many pairs of legs ______Do chelicerates have antenna? ______c) Do crustaceans have antenna? ______Give two examples of crustaceans. ______d) Give two examples of myriapods: ______e) Name the 3 lobes of the trilobite body: ______15. a) How long ago was the Cambrian period?______b) What is the "Cambrian Explosion" ______16. Sanctacaris a) Nickname ______b) Is it part of the arthropod lineage? ______c) Sanctacaris added as a branch to what part of the tree ______17. Opabinia a) How did it acquire food? ______b) Is it part of the arthropod lineage? ______c) Opabinia lacks what namesake trait of arthropods? ______18. Pikaia a) Is it part of the arthropod lineage? ______b) Pikaia was probably what type of animal? ______19. Hallucigenia a) Is it part of the arthropod lineage? ______b) Hallucigenia added as a branch to what part of the tree ______20. Naraoia a) Is it part of the arthropod lineage? ______b Naraoia added as a branch to what part of the tree ______21. a) How long did trilobites lives? ______b) When did the mass extinction occur that killed the trilobites? ______</p><p>Page 9 of 22 22. a) How is a trilobite like a pill bug? ______b) What were the spines on the trilobite used for? ______23. Crustaceans: Living Toolboxes. For each tool, describe how the appendage of an arthropod is similar. Crowbar ______Paddle ______Broom ______Leaf blower ______Clamp ______Sledgehammer ______24. Sidetrip: Little Mutations with Big Effects. What is a HOX gene? What can happen if this gene is mutated?</p><p>25. Describe two ways the legs of arthropods are adapted for different purposes. 26. Sidetrip: Extreme adaptations: Eating with your feet. Sketch the head of an insect and label the mouthparts 27. a) What is an evolutionary constraint?______b) What are three constraints on arthropods? ______28. Why does molting limit an arthropod's size? ______29. How does strength limit the arthropod's size? ______30. a) How do insects get oxygen? ______b) How does this limit their size? ______</p><p>Congratulations! You have finished your Evolution Web Activities! For 5 pts. extra credit: Who is Lucy? Why is Lucy significant? (You can search the internet)</p><p>Page 10 of 22 AP Biology Guided Reading Chapter 22 Name ______</p><p>1. What were the two major points of Darwin’s publication “The Origin of Species”?</p><p>2. Define the following terms: a. Natural selection</p><p> b. Evolutionary adaptation</p><p> c. Evolution</p><p> d. Taxonomy</p><p>3. Detail the impact/position/contribution to evolutionary theory and include a perspective of time in the following: a. Aristotle</p><p> b. Linnaeus</p><p> c. Cuvier</p><p> d. Lyell</p><p> e. Lamarck</p><p> f. Malthus</p><p> g. Hutton</p><p>4. How does catastrophism relate to the ideas of gradualism?</p><p>Page 11 of 22 5. How did the Voyage of the Beagle impact Darwin’s research?</p><p>6. How did Alfred Wallace impact Darwin in his work?</p><p>7. What part did adaptation play in Darwin’s thinking?</p><p>8. What did Darwin mean by descent with modification?</p><p>9. What did Mayr take from Darwin’s work – summarize the observations and inferences.</p><p>10. How did the concept of artificial selection impact Darwin’s ideas?</p><p>11. What three word phrase summarizes Darwin’s mechanism of evolution?</p><p>12. Explain the evolution of Drug Resistance in bacteria in terms of natural selection.</p><p>13. Define the following terms:</p><p>Page 12 of 22 a. Homologous structures</p><p> b. Vestigial structures</p><p> c. Analogous structures</p><p>14. What is biogeography and why is it important to the study of evolution?</p><p>15. How do the fossil record and sedimentary rock provide evidence to evolution?</p><p>Page 13 of 22 AP Biology Guided Reading Chapter 23 Name ______</p><p>1. What is the smallest unit of evolution and why is this important to understand?</p><p>2. Define the following terms: a. Microevolution</p><p> b. Population</p><p> c. Population genetics</p><p> d. Gene pool</p><p>3. What is the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem and why does it appear to be an apparent contradiction to evolution?</p><p>4. What is Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?</p><p>5. Use the blank diagram below to relate the H-W equation to a Punnett square.</p><p>Page 14 of 22 6. What are the five conditions for H-W equilibrium to maintained?</p><p>7. How can the H-W equation be used to today in terms of human health?</p><p>8. What are the two broad processes that make evolution possible?</p><p>9. What is the impact of the following: a. Point mutation</p><p> b. Gene duplication</p><p> c. Sexual recombination</p><p>10. What is the relationship between mutation rates and generation span?</p><p>11. Define the following: a. Genetic drift</p><p> b. Bottleneck effect</p><p> c. Founder effect</p><p> d. Gene flow</p><p>12. Why would we discuss adaptive evolution and what role does natural selection play?</p><p>13. Give examples of phenotypical variation that is not inheritable.</p><p>14. Explain the terms phenotypic polymorphism and genetic polymorphism in common terms giving an example from your own experience. I will be looking for a reasonable answer for this question – points will be deducted if not answered.</p><p>Page 15 of 22 15. How do we measure genetic variation?</p><p>16. How can very small differences in nucleotide sequences lead to such diversity in the human population?</p><p>17. What is geographic variation and how does the term cline relate?</p><p>18. What is different about the terms fitness and relative fitness?</p><p>19. Why is it said that evolution acts on phenotypes and not genotypes?</p><p>20. Use the diagram below to differentiate between the modes of selection.</p><p>21. Why does diploidy preserve genetic variation?</p><p>22. How does balancing natural selection relate to the term balanced polymorphism?</p><p>23. Define and give an example of the following: a. Heterozygote advantage</p><p>Page 16 of 22 b. Frequency dependent selection</p><p> c. Neutral variation</p><p> d. Sexual dimorphism</p><p> e. Intrasexual selection</p><p> f. Intersexual selection</p><p>24. What are the limitations to Natural Selection?</p><p>25. Complete text Investigation 23.2 “How can the frequency of alleles be calculated?” found on disc or through online text under Concept 23.2 heading – type your completed data table with headings and answer questions 1-4 of the activity using complete sentences that EXPRESS a complete thought. This means that a sentence “the number is….” Would be unacceptable because it does not stand alone. Without this assignment only half credit will be given.</p><p>Page 17 of 22 AP Biology Guided Reading Chapter 24 Name ______</p><p>1. Define the following terms: a. Speciation</p><p> b. Anagenesis</p><p> c. Cladogenesis</p><p>2. What is the biological species concept?</p><p>3. What are the differences between prezygotic and postzygotic barriers to reproduction?</p><p>4. Figure 24.4 pg. 490-491</p><p>Prezygotic Barriers Definition Example</p><p>1. Habitat Isolation</p><p>2. Temporal Isolation</p><p>3. Behavioral Isolation</p><p>4. Mechanical Isolation</p><p>5. Gametic Isolation</p><p>Page 18 of 22 Postzygotic Definition Example Barriers 1. Reduced Hybrid Viability</p><p>2. Reduced Hybrid Fertility</p><p>3. Hybrid Breakdown</p><p>5. Detail these other definitions of species: a. Morphological species concept</p><p> b. Paleontological species concept</p><p> c. Ecological species concept</p><p> d. Phylogenetic species concept</p><p>6. What is the basis for allopatric speciation?</p><p>7. What does sympatric speciation mean?</p><p>8. What is the difference between autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy? </p><p>9. In what types of organisms are polyploidy speciation more common and why do you think this occurs?</p><p>Page 19 of 22 10. What is adaptive radiation and why do island chains tend to be discussed often with this topic?</p><p>11. Compare and contrast the models of punctuated equilibrium to gradualism as models for the rate of evolution. Does one have to exclude the other?</p><p>12. Define the following terms: a. Heterochrony</p><p> b. Allometric growth</p><p> c. Paedomorphosis</p><p> d. Homeotic genes</p><p>13. What impact have the Hox genes had on vertebrates?</p><p>14. How does the evolution of the horse exemplify the concept that evolution is driven by the interactions of the organism and its environment?</p><p>15. Complete text Investigation 24.4 “How do new species arise from genetic isolation” found on disc or through online text under Concept 24.4 heading – type your completed data table with headings and answer questions 1-7 of the activity using complete sentences that EXPRESS a complete thought. This means that a sentence “the number is….” Would be unacceptable because it does not stand alone. Without this assignment only half credit will be given.</p><p>Page 20 of 22 AP BIO WORKBOOK ASSIGNMENT DO IN THIS ORDER:</p><p>PART 1. AP Workbook-Read pgs. 151-163 PART 2. Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper or type them.</p><p>1) How does Lamarck’s view of the mechanism of evolution differ from Darwin’s? 2) List 5 examples of evidence for evolution. 3) Explain the difference between structures that are homologous and those that are analogous; and how this relates to evolution. 4) Explain the role of adaptations, variation, time, reproductive success, and heritability in evolution. 5) Summarize the key points of evolution in 1 paragraph MAX. 6) Explain how mutations and sexual reproduction produce genetic variation. 7) What is the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium? List the 5 conditions for the Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium. 8) How do you use the Hardy-Weinberg equation to calculate allelic frequencies and to test whether a population is evolving? 9) Explain: natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow. 10) How is genetic variation preserved in a population? 11) Why CAN’T natural selection produce perfect organisms? 12) Contrast microevolution and macroevolution. 13) Explain the biological species concept. 14) Differentiate between prezygotic and postzygotic barriers, and give examples of each. 15) Compare/contrast allopatric and sympatric speciation. 16) How can autopolyploid and allopolyploid chromosomal change lead to sympatric speciation? 17) Describe two different tempos of speciation: punctuated equilibrium and gradualism. 18) Can individuals evolve? 19) Describe the conditions of the Earth that made the origin of life (prok and euk) possible. 20) Describe the two methods of dating rocks and fossils. 21) List 4 key pieces of evidence for the Endosymbiosis hypothesis. 22) How does continental drift support the current distribution of species? 23) How can major changes in body form result from changes in the sequence and regulation of developmental genes?</p><p>PART 3. Complete MC Questions #1-20 (pg. 164-166) ON A SEPARATE SHEET. PART 4. Check Answers (pg. 167-168) PART 5. FRQ: </p><p>1) Microevolution is the change in the gene pool from one generation to the next. a) Describe 3 ways in which microevolution can take place. b) Describe the difference between microevolution and macroevolution.</p><p>Page 21 of 22 UNDER YOUR SKIN ARTICLE</p><p>*Article can be found at: http://www.explorebiology.com/documents/Muse-SkinColor1.pdf</p><p>1. When we studied Darwin’s finches, we learned that they evolved from one ancestor group, but had changed enough over time to become different species. The world population of humans has a lot of variation — like the variation in skin color. Groups of humans with different skin colors can even be mapped to specific geographical regions. Are these differences enough to call these different groups of humans, different species or even different races? Explain your answer using evidence in the article. ______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>2. List and explain three ways that humans have evolved in the last 50,000 years a. ______</p><p>______</p><p>______b. ______</p><p>______</p><p>______c. ______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Page 22 of 22</p>
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