<p>10 37 pm July 20 2010 Lying Locust Queen update Sherrie Lea Laird- YOU GIVE CANADA a BAD REPUTATION! SHAME ON YOU!</p><p>Was the story of Jesus stolen from the pagan hero Attis?</p><p>“ Beware of false prophets , who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves . Matthew 7:15</p><p>NESARA ANNOUNCES their yahweh jeSUS and his second wife Asteroth . elizabeth-ii-will-make-public.html</p><p>Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall does claim to be Jesus Yahweh. Jesus Christ reach out to save US AT GLP</p><p>Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall is His New Name!</p><p>TORONTO's APOCALYPTIC WHORE-</p><p>SHERRIE LEA LAIRD finds JESUS NOT! pdf</p><p>(Add the ANTI prefix=ANTICHRIST) I am the Christ - Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall </p><p>YOU TUBE FOR this FAKE MESSIAH </p><p>Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall is His New Name! </p><p>( SERIOUS BULLSHIT WARNING) BP OWNER QUEEN ELIZABETH II WILL STEP DOWN to Reincarnated SHROUD OF TURIN! </p><p>Vatican's ANTICHRIST, Beast Bribe, UFOs, REVELATION PLOT PENDING.</p><p>NESARA, First UFO RAPTURE to MARS- ENSLAVEMENT! </p><p>NESARA and ASHTAR COMMAND will remove the Illuminati to appear as your SAVIOURS SEE NESARA DECEPTION. pdf </p><p>FALSE PROPHETS /FAKE MESSIAHS AHEAD PLAYLIST-Including but not limited to: Michael Noel Prescott, Sprm David Rockefeller, Tonya Elizabeth Stracener Kane ( Sangrailian), Pindar the Dragon Lord, Draken, Sherrie Lea Laird, Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall, Michelle Nye,.. More Children of BELIAL to follow </p><p>HUMANITY has the POWER WITHIN to be their own deliverer. </p><p>YOU MUST GET INTO BROTHERLY, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. HUMANITY MUST TAKE BACK HER/HIS POWER. WORSHIP NO ONE! </p><p>You are DIVINE. FORGIVE EACHOTHER. </p><p>LOVE ONE ANOTHER. HARM NONE </p><p>July 15 to 21 2010 </p><p>We will have our EDEN BACK SOON -Once everything is done, many of us will be called as witnesses and DAs to create a case against those responsible for our world's journey to death. The guilty will be taken to labor camps upon prison planet Titan. </p><p>GUILTY APOCALYPTIC WHORES-HIGH TREASON to HUMANITY</p><p>AGAIN ...I caught 2 Apocalyptic Whores in one day! Abyss Bound. Sangrailian Deleting Jesus comment off her page. Have something to hide LILITH? Sherrie Lea Laird Deleted it too! ALL RECORDS HERE </p><p>Sherrie Lea Laird LYING Locust Queen</p><p>Tonya Elizabeth Stracener Kane- Mother of Vampires</p><p>G.H.REES message to David Icke and his followers his-followers.html</p><p>Sherry Shriner is a DANGEROUS NWO GATEKEEPER Expose-This-Then-You-Are-Working-With-Them-Fix-This-Mess-With-Me- Don-t-Ignore-Me-Anymore-I-Am-Emailing-Everyone</p><p>Is it true that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are brothers? Jesus Christ or if you prefer his real name, Rabbi Yechoshuah, was a clear Draconian creation, sent for a specific mission of mental warfare. Lucifer is YHWH's second in command Draconian, commander of flagship Lilith. His real name is Tamil... The "Satan's" orders though come directly from YHWH himself.</p><p>Jesus (Yechoshuah) has been residing in Levan (moon) for the past 2,000 years, coordinating the religious mental warfare. It is highly possible though that his spirit has reincarnated and not for a good purpose. Ever since reptilians have been sighted upon the planet, it means that they are in a huge hurry to initiate their "predicted" (read planned) Armageddon project. I don't think they will have enough time though. ..</p><p>Olympics is about ZEUS and the War with his Uncle, the Sirian King ANU. Tiamat was destroyed and the EArth is a remnant of what was left of TIAMAT.Terra Papers 2</p><p>TO THE Unholy Men/Women who pledge their allegiance to Yaldabaoth/Yahweh/Jesus (Yechoshuah)/SAM AEL, SATANIC Secret Societies and $ $MONEY$$!</p><p>Take the Mark of the BEAST. The ABYSS is your PAYBACK. Hellfire is your JUST REWARD! </p><p>You are NOT WELCOME in EDEN!</p><p>Terra Papers 1 & 2 Playlist </p><p>YHWH and his traitor ally Sabit/Sabbath/Savvaoth/Cronus.</p><p>ORDER OUT OF CHAOS The Genealogy of Myth </p><p>PLANETARY SITUATION REVIEW This might sound crazy to some, BUT... it does connect all dots...</p><p>Earth has been colonized by the White Pelasgian race for about 3.5 million years. They made first contact with the indigenous black race (aged 4.5 billion years, born with the planet). A deal was made to give the Pelasgians the northern lands in exchange for advanced technology and communication with the other 70 billion human inhabited planets. Our solar system fell into severe siege in 11,500BC when the Draconian fleet under the command of YHWH arrived... after the galactic government supressed his revolution and destroyed his homeworld in the Alpha Draconis and E-Bootus systems through the Perseus mission</p><p>.Mongols Semi-Dragonians Genetic Creations of Draco Levaniah-Lilith and "Chosen One People" of Sin-Sion-Zion-Chin-YHWH for the task of genocide and infiltrate into the White-Andromedian-Pelasgian and Black-Indigenious Races:</p><p>Greys or Vrills (Orionids) Abductions & Genetics Masterminds-manipulators of the Draco Alliance:</p><p>The incoming fleet allied with the former system commander, Cronus (see Thesiods Theogony) and took control of the inner system. Ever since the planets (up to Saturn) have become the Draconian inner defensive perimeter. They commenced the first attempt to empose the New World Order with Atlantis, but their plans failed. Ever since, they are building up to make this planet a second homeworld, by annihilating both black and white race. The yellow race made its appearence on the planet as a cross-breed between Vrills (Grays) and traitor Croneans in 4,000BC (exactly when the scripts say that Adam appeared on Earth). After a massive genociding campaign launched by Ur of Mongolia (today's Ulan Bator) in 2,200BC (with 7 hordes) they are now preparing for their judgement day (armageddon) through the world wars (especially WW3).</p><p>-we were a planet under Sino-Mongolic occupation, which was (and still is) under the orders of the Draconian leader YHWH (Yahweh, but at times used other names such as Asmondai, Jedi, Metatron etc) and the traitor ally Cronus (which in the scripts is reffered to as Savvaoth). </p><p>-You name it, Zion, cults, religions, world wars down to ancient invasions (and legendary wars) and up to genetic experiments, clones and UFOs. Everything connected to one single master plan. That plan is the forming of a new Draconian homeworld in our solar system. This means that the black and the white race will either be totally assimilated genetically or... annihilated. And here is where Zion comes in place.</p><p>- The top of the pyramid hierarchy of the occupying forces is located in Levan (the original Draconian name of our moon). It is the flagship of the Draconian fleet. It's headquarters is operated by a 24+3 council, which YHWH (Yahweh) is the ultimate leader. Behind it lays Lilith (legends speak of that name as "the mother of demons"), the secondary flagship, ruled by Tamil, known to the scripts as Velzevul, Lucifer, Satan, Devil. Two sides of the same coin. That is why the NWO logo, the pyramid its cut-off top, comes into place. The lower pyramid is the rule structure down here on Earth (Gaia). The top part is the hierarchy council in Levan, that sees all of us down here.</p><p>-The intergalactic government of Andromeda, a defensive species of extreme intelligence (the most advanced one in our part of the Universe) set up a mission to strike at the heart of the rebellion (Star-Wars inversed). The name of it was Perseas. After the success of the fleet, the systems started to slowly be liberated from the Draconian influence. One last fleet escaped, composed of 118 war planets and 2 flagships (Levan and Lilith) and entered our solar system in 11,500BC. They pleaded for permission to disembark their populations down to Earth to survive, which was granted by the Zeus headquarters, under specific terms only in the land of Poseidon... the continent of Atlantis. The entire procedure took place from 11,000 to 10,500BC. The white race (Pelasgians, codenamed Hellenians, a healing-civilizing tribe of the Andromedians) was already present in the northern lands of the planet for 3.5 million years</p><p>-After the disembarking of the populations, the first forms of religions started to appear, worshiping the snake God named Seth. The Draconians (and their assimilated allies) turned the Pelasgians against their own kind in Europe, Esperia (today's America) and Asia. In 9,700BC they were secretly starting to mass technology and building up armies to perform a total invasion against the neighboring continents... to impose the New World Order (sound familiar?!) . freedomroad888 channel -The white race at that time though, being in its Golden Age (extreme technology) discovered the plan and the solar counsil decided to prepare for a wide scale war. </p><p>-The rage of YHWH was brutal and warned Zeus headquarters not to intervene, or he would destroy the planet. </p><p>-Cronus, the former system commander, who had joined the revolution earlier and lost to Zeus, joined YHWH and attacked the Jupiter (Zeus) Uranus coalition. The Draconians then attacked each and every inner planet, demanding its unconditional surrender.</p><p>- 1st Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde invaded south, today’s China, killing all Pelasgian (white) male population and committing massive rapes of females -In Babylon they found the city of Ur, as a tribute to the mother land (the city of Ur of Mongolia) and to honor the God Sin/Sion (Zion) of Selene (moon). In that place, Habra Khan was born (Habra Khan > Habrahan > Abraham), father of Jacob, Isaac and the genealogical line of David and Jesus Christ.</p><p>-Invaded Japan and genocided the Ionian tribes, keeping alive as slaves only the ones expert in fishing and boat building in the coast areas -Attila or ATL (meaning ATLantean) arrived and established themselves in eastern Hellas (today’s Turkey), Bulgaria, Bavaria and partly in Rumania. According to their fixed tactics, they slaughtered and genocided all the native European tribes. -captured today’s Hungary, Finland, Leetonia, Estonia and other ex USSR lands. They genocided the native Pelasgian populations</p><p>- attacked today’s China with the help of the Mongol Manchu co of ex Manjuria</p><p>-Saxons headed on to the west, entering today’s Britain and continued the Atlantean expansion project by genociding the Pelasgian tribes there . They met strong resistance in the northern highlands of Scotland and in the island of Ireland. Ever since that time, the Saxons have waged wars against those two territories. -wars, massive rapes of white and black women took place and gave birth to the white-mongols and black-mongols. </p><p>-Andromedian gene is extremely powerful and the Draconians have not managed to defeat it </p><p>-treason of our system commander Cronus (see Hesiod's Theogony), the remnants of the Alpha Draconis and E-Bootus systems entered our solar system by 11,500BC Earth time. The battle between the alliances Zeus-Uranus against Levan(moon/Selene)-Saturn(Cronus) ended with the retreat of the first coalition, to avoid the total destruction of life on Earth. One third of the Zeus-Uranus fleet (which was mainly composed of laboratories and transports) found refuge in both North and South Poles of our planet, another 1/3rd returned to the outside planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and the last third left the solar system to request reinforcements</p><p>Keep in mind that each matter dimension can effect ONLY its own and the one below it through technology. The Draconian forces have crew of 1st and 2nd dimension of matter rarification, while their high leader and commander, YHWH belongs to the 3rd. The Draconian sensor capability is limited to 3rd dimension spotting. The reptiles' high command consists of 24+3 members under the leadership of YHWH.</p><p>-millions of captured souls into the Draconian Energy Generators (that's right, just like the first episode of Matrix... those souls are being used as batteries) situation-review.html</p><p>Illuminatreee is Lilith, Pindar is Ialdabaoth Playlist sangrailian.blogspot // freedomroad888 channel</p><p>-Andromeda is the white race's homeworld. The Andromedians, codenamed Hellenians (healers of light/civilizers) colonized this planet 3.5 million years ago when they made contact with the indigenous black race and came to the agreement to populate the northern part of the planet, in exchange of advanced technology and direct communication with the other human inhabited worlds</p><p>-You need to focus upon yourself, to "Know Thyself" before you come in full balance and have the power to resist the Draconian energy and mental warfare. Our soul is a 2nd dimension entity and once you get to know it, you will be able to hear its calls.</p><p>-If at any time you need help, ask of it only from the one supreme being, the Intelligent Universal Organism... the Universe itself. Make certain that it is not for selfish reasons and your request will most likely be granted. Request aid for things that are mostly in the energy levels, which are required to empower your soul. The Andromedians are the governors of 1/3rd of the Universe, the Hera part (left) of anti- matter and inspissations (tendency to materialism). The middle part is the Apollonean Mid-Sun and the right is the Zeus part of matter and rarifications (tendency to spiritualism).</p><p>-The Yellow race appeared in 4,000 BC through the Draconian genetic labs in order to begin the operation of total world hegemony, thus to create here a new reptilian homeworld.</p><p>Note- ALEX COLLIER is a man of INTEGRITY. He is NOT A FRAUD. I know that Alex's timing is off, but everything is delayed. Perhaps our APATHY as a human race is coming back on us, since we have not learned how to treat the EARTH and its creatures properly.</p><p>Astar Command postings call Alex Collier a Fraud. </p><p>ASTAR COMMAND (ISHTAR-ISIS-LILITH/ fake EVE -Mary faction) are the NEGATIVE ETs</p><p>Galactic Federation of Light- Marduk Ra Lucifer ( Supriem David Rockefeller), his shapeshifting Reptilian Dracos/Nordic Blondes from Orion and the subservient, heartless Greys are NEGATIVE ET's that are on/in the Earth.</p><p>NESARA is the BEAST BRIBE. They are the Beware. These SUNgoD LOSER idiots will collect their deceiving minions and LEAVE. DO NOT BE ALIEN FOOD/LOOSH for these guys!</p><p>REFUSE to be ruled by these Apocalyptic terrorizing Traitors. Their RELIGIONS (RA-Legions) were created so that we would worship this male EGO goD! </p><p>WAKE UP PEOPLE! WE ARE ONE. WE ARE GALACTIC ROYALTY!</p><p>The Paa Tal</p><p>I want to talk to you about Lyrae and how the human race colonized our galaxy.Based on the age of the Suns and the planets in our galaxy,it was decided that the human life form was to be created in the Lyran system.The human race lived there for approximately 40 million years,evolving.The orientation of the human race in Lyrae was agricultural in nature.Apparently,we were very plentiful and abundant,and lived in peace.Then,one day,huge craft appeared in the sky.A large ship came out of the huge craft and approached the planet Bila,and reptilians from Alpha Draconis disembarked.Apparently,the Alpha Draconians and the Lyrans were afraid of each other.I told you before that the Alpha Draconians were apparently the first race in our galaxy to have interstellar space travel,and have had this capability for 4 billion years.Well,when the Draconians came and saw Bila,with all its abundance and food and natural resources,the Draconians wanted to control it.There was apparently a mis-communication or misunderstanding between the Draconians and Lyran humans.The Lyrans wanted to know more about the Draconians before some kind of"assistance"was offered.The Draconians mistook the communication as a refusal,and subsequently destroyed three out of 14 planets in the Lyran system.The Lyrans were basically defenseless.The planets Bila,Teka and Merck were destroyed.Over 50 million Lyran humans were killed.It is at this point in history that the Draconians began to look at humans as a food source.This is how old the struggle is between the reptilian and human races.The Draconians are the force behind the repression of human populations everywhere in this galaxy instilling fear-based belief systems and restrictive hierarchies. Ishtar Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love, procreation, and war, was the daughter and consort of the air god Anu. She was known for destroying her lovers, including a lion, stallion, and shepherd. When the love of her life, the farm god Tammuz, died, she followed him to the Underworld, but she was unable to retrieve him. Ishtar was the heir to the Sumerian goddess Inanna but was more promiscuous. She is called the Cow of Sin (a moon god). She was the wife of a human king, Sargon of Agade (MOSES). is not </p><p>Inanna Inanna was the oldest of the love goddesses of the Mesopotamian region. She was a Sumerian goddess of love and war. Although she is regarded as a virgin, Inanna is a goddess responsible for sexual love, procreation, and fertility. She gave herself to the first mythological king of Sumer, Dumuzi. She was worshipped from the third millennium B.C. and was still worshiped in the 6th century as a goddess driving a 7-lion chariot. "Matronit: The Goddess of the Kabbala," by Raphael Patai. History of Religions, Vol. 4, No. 1. (Summer, 1964), pp. 53-68.</p><p>Ishtar 666 - The Nephilim Mark of the Beast </p><p>The stone carving of the Nephilim false "goddess" Ishtar is a Cryptography of a Pyramid, Swirling Thrust and a Flying Saucer. The Number of The Beast 666 is also hidden in the stone carving. The Mark of The Beast and The Number of his name. </p><p>07 16 2010 = 8 </p><p>NASA observes the Fleet of the Draconians and Andromedians // Draconians , criminal killers of the cosmic organism </p><p>HELLEN and CHAOS years.html All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnothi seautón="Know Thyself",Medén ágan="Nothing in Excess"-Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony with Natural Laws"-Heracletos. In today's Chaos there is only one way of Order Restoration: Pan-Hellenism.</p><p>PURPOSE -AWAKEN PLANETARY HELLENES, THE WHITE- PELASGIAN ANDROMEDIAN RACE AND BLACK INDIGENOUS SIRIAN RACE OF THEIR GLORIOUS ROOTS IN HISTORY AND PREHISTORY AND TO KEEP HELLENIC NATIONAL AND PLANETARY SECURITY BY PUBLICISING ON TIME THE DRAGONIAN ENEMY STRATEGIES AND MASTER PLANS IN ORDER TO FOIL CATASTROPHES AND THE DRAGONIAN GENOCIDE MASTER PLAN WITH CODE WORD "ARMAGEDDON" UNTIL 2012 WHICH IS THE TIME LINE FOR THE INTERVENTION OF THE SUPERIOR ANDROMEDIAN STARFLEET THAT WILL COME TO FREE US FROM THE 13500 YEARS SINESE-ZIONIST-DRAGONIAN CANCEROUS MATRIX AND RESTORE US TO PRE-LUNAR GOLDEN ERA CIVILIZATION.</p><p>Apollo the Lizard Killer: Million Years Enmities between Hellenes from the Constellation of Andromeda and the Reptiles-Draco coalition</p><p>2012 and the following years will be an awakening and evolutionary leap for Gaia and humanity not a planetary destruction! Don't be alerted by 2012 sinoZionist motivated catastrophologies and Armageddonologies. readers-with.html</p><p>Suicidal attitude: USA government is cooperating with the Lunar Dragonians against the Andromedian Galactic Government</p><p>-USA Government stupidly rushing to build a forward moon base in cooperation with the lunar Dragonians in order to meet ...the alien "threat". Namely in order to try to stop the Andromedians Universal Hierarchy Judges that are about to free us from the criminal cancerous 13.500 years presence of the Lunar "Lord" who has instigated genocides that bloodbathed humanity and the White and Black Race in world wars, civil wars and riots and who is now trying to cause the terminal WWIII of the Dragonian "Armageddon" in order to completely annihilate everyone except the pure yellow Sinese saurianhumo Race.</p><p>-These collusion gangs of Dragonian Spirits, through besotted earthly priesthoods, established all the contrary Religions (888 vs 666, etc), all the contrary Political ideologies (Capitalism, Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism, Democracy, etc.), all the contrary Economical systems, and all the contrary Military pacts (NATO, Shanghai Pact, etc) of our Planet, with end purpose the division and the civil genocides of all races of our planet, and with end purpose the final Genocide of all the Human Races, Nations and States of our Planet, by the armies of the Dragonian pure yellow race Chinese and Koreans in the Chinese “Armageddon” of the Dragonian Judeo-Christian “Holy Scripture”, because according to the G.H.REES research, planet Earth became a Theater of War, as a projection of the Space War between the coalition of the “Constellation of Andromeda” and the coalition of the “Hyper Solar System of Sirius”, against the “Constellation of Draco”.</p><p>-There are attempts to connect G.H.REES with Groups of "New Age Spiritual Mediums" who communicate with the Dragonians like the "Ashtar Command of the non existent Galactic Federation of Light" posing as the returning Andromedian Dodecatheon of Zeus.</p><p>NesaRA's Descended Demonic Imposter Disasters . (cartoon shapeshifting Draconian fakes) NESARA 2010 </p><p>Cancerous entrapped reincarnation dragonian - lunar policy (cause) and Universal Hierarchy arriving Judges (effect) </p><p>The greeks & Andromedian fleet of ZEUS </p><p>CLEAN UP CANADA! WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE! Vol 2 Canada Street News Summer 2010 pdf </p><p>The Anunnaki: The Seven Great Gods “Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came ” “The Shining Ones ”</p><p>The subtitle "The Shining Ones" applies to Inanna and Utu only but "Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came" applies to all.</p><p>The Anunnaki are the pantheon of Sumerian gods. Depending where you get your information and what epics are being referenced the total number varies, but the ones most important are the seven great gods as pictured above. In the later Babylonian epics these gods have their counterparts plus the god Marduk who is the Swiss army knife of all gods. He does it all. He creates the world by defeating Tiamat, he creates the first humans, dethrones a top Sumerian god and declares Babylon as the center of the world.</p><p>Was Mary Magdalene a "Sinner," a "Queen," or both?</p><p>Mary Magdalene was a “Sinner.” She was the earthly representation of the prototypical goddess, daughter of Sin (Nanna), god of the ancient people of Mesopotamia.</p><p>Mary Magdalene was also a Queen, daughter of the King of Libya and first wife, Queen Cleopatra Selene, daughter of Marc Antony and Queen Cleopatra.</p><p>Mary Magdalene was also the wife of the rightful heir to the title of King of the Jews: Apollonius of Tyana, grandson of Jewish princess, Mariamme and her husband, Herod the Great, King of Judea. Apollonius was also the grandson of Archelaus, King of Cappadocia. - The sun-goddess was the wife of Sin and the stars were their daughters. For example, Istar was a daughter of Sin.</p><p>The Moon-god was called al- ilah, i.e. the god, which was shortened to Allah in pre-Islamic times.(Moon-god, was the greatest of all gods and the supreme deity in a pantheon of deities, Muhammad decided that Allah was not only the greatest god but the only god.) </p><p>Pictures of Adam and Eve as Dumuzi and Inanna In the biblical recasting the serpent is associated with a tree in a Yahweh's Garden of Eden. Inanna had a Holy Garden surrounded by Uruk's edin possessing a date palm and serpent just like Yahweh, and at Nippur Sumerian hymns called her nin-edin "the lady of edin/eden." She sought knowledge by eating of a tree in another hymn with her brother Utu the son-god just like Eve of Eden's garden</p><p>Hebrews are taking "great liberties" in recasting the Sumerian and Mesopotamian motifs about the origins of the earth and man into new stories with new names and locations, Yahweh being a fusion of innumerable gods and goddesses including: An/Anu (of Uruk), Enlil/Ellil (of Nippur), Enki/Ea (of Eridu); Eve being a fusion of Inanna/Ishtar (and Shamhat of Uruk); Adam being a fusion of Enkidu of Uruk, Adapa of Eridu and the innumerable Sumerian city-gardens of the gods and goddesses surrounded by edin being fused together and recast as _one_ God's Garden in Eden. </p><p>The Symbolic Marriage of Adam and Eve</p><p>An eight rayed star, represented Venus as the morning and evening star which Inanna as Venus eventually became. </p><p>Nanna / Sin Sumerian moon god -Born to Ninlil when Enlil raped her. He decides the fate of the dead.</p><p>Inanna was the offspring of Nanna ( Sin), the moon god and Ningal his wife (yes, the moon was considered male). Inanna and Utu are brother and sister - actually twins within the Sumerian pantheon. Utu is the sun god while Inanna is the Mother Earth Goddess. In The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi Utu becomes Inanna's older brother. Utu/Shamash is the Light that All Sees, and thus regarded as a god of truth, justice, and right.</p><p>SherrieLeaLaird Subscribe Name: Quantum WAKING UP! Channel Views: 54,925 Joined: April 28, 2009 Website: you can't fucking handle the truth that we know.... this link & this link and OUR GOV'T are ONE AND THE SAME!!! PROVEN</p><p>When completely INSANE people have all the money, power and press, they can shape your world into any box they like. This is what they've done. If you disagree with war and dolphin killing and Starvation...BY WAY OF MEDIA they will make you APPEAR TO BE INSANE. TRUST YOUR GUTS. THE ENTIRE NUT HOUSE IS BEING RUN BY NUTS....THEY ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS cause they are not even their own friend. The GOV't IS MENTALLY UNSTABLE...THEY ARE FIRED.</p><p>G20...RIOT GEAR COPS KILLING OLD LADY's AND DOGS because we protest their!!! And you accept this?</p><p>IF EVIL HAS INCARNATED on THIS EARTH (and we know it lets just look at one hour of news to prove this) THEN SURELY YOU CAN GET BEHIND THE NOTION THAT SO HAS THE ULITMATE GOODNESS. REINCARNATION IS REAL...FOR Einstein, for Elvis, for Joe Blow, for Britney later on...FOR MARILYN MONROE and FOR JESUS and GOD.</p><p>ALEX JONES is TELLING YOU DOCUMENTED PROOF RE YOUR GOVERNMENT and BRIAN LEONARD GOLIGHTLY MARSHALL Is TELLING YOU DOCUMENTED AND SPIRITUAL PROOF that WE ARE GOING TO HELL IN A HANDBAG unless we wake up and UNIFY!!! NOW!!! SMASH THE TV!!!</p><p>IF PEOPLE are protesting in the street you can bet your sweet ass there is a problem. COPS when you get dressed in the morning for your 'JOB" remember who it is you work for! Be clear, cause the Devil thinks you are on it's side About Me:</p><p> anybody flying FLAGS of seperatism (like Star of David) is an enemy of Earth. Stop protecting israel or any other CULT. I'm so tired of the lies. I no longer can take any of it. Label Type: Major Label Band Members: Sherrie Lea Influences: So many musicians that rocked my world turned out to be sell outs to mankind and satan worshippers. Sounds Like: it's time to DO SOMETHING about ALL of this Sheeit! Hometown: Earth! No borders! YOU CAN'T OWN LAND. GOD OWNS IT Country: Isle of Man Occupation: stickin' it to the MAN Companies: TORONTO BAD ASSES Schools: suck Hobbies: STICKIN IT TO THE MAN HARDER Report profile image violation</p><p>DELETED FIRST MESSAGE</p><p> canadastreetnews (1 second ago) </p><p>Spam </p><p>GUILTY of HIGH TREASON-off to TITAN with the whole lot of you murderers.... APT420 (2 hours ago) Spam theglastonburygirl that was for you. I also blocked you from that account too, fyi. </p><p>BrianIsYahweh (2 hours ago) Spam I more than likely blocked you months ago. My animosity towards you comes from not just ONE comment but from the thousands you've been leaving my friends. I didn't ask about you so I don't care what your background is. Your heart? It is the BRAIN that connects you to your soul! DUMBASS! </p><p>APT420 (2 hours ago) Spam theglastonburygirl that was for you. I also blocked you from that account too, fyi. </p><p>BrianIsYahweh (2 hours ago) Spam I more than likely blocked you months ago. My animosity towards you comes from not just ONE comment but from the thousands you've been leaving my friends. I didn't ask about you so I don't care what your background is. Your heart? It is the BRAIN that connects you to your soul! DUMBASS! </p><p>Jupiterconjunct (5 hours ago) Spam gbg, you have to be the most annoying person I have met on utube. You are neither interesting, nor eloquent nor bright. You are NOT even nice. Whatever your religion is, it is teaching you TO BE A ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS, so I suggest you dump it and find something that encourages you to be a good and kind person. gbg said "any way butt out and get to your own channel I'll be coming to you soon , have patience my friend. " wtf. Are you insane? WHO the heck are you to tell Sherrie's guests what to do? You're really weird. Go work on yourself. theglastonburygirl (7 hours ago) Spam How comes every one is posting on sherries page can't a girl get a word in edge ways these days? Think I'll go back to mine for a bit of peace no conspiracy theories there. theglastonburygirl (7 hours ago) Spam homohu ahh thanks:) huomhu (7 hours ago) Spam t....burygirl... I think your heart is brainwashed ;-) </p><p> theglastonburygirl (7 hours ago) Spam Ap2 c u blocked me already b4 i had the chance, u in prison man?? </p><p> theglastonburygirl (7 hours ago) Spam apt420 I have never mentioned sherries reincarnation to say anything about it. perhaps she is, and?? does that make her any better at seeing the truth than me? No I am not a Christian, I am not a Catholic, I am not a muslim MY religion is in my heart. So if u want to start condemning hearts go ahead. By the way I've been told I'm on my sixth or is it seventh reincarnation, whatever it takes to get u there in the end. any way butt out and get to your own channel I'll be coming to you soon , have patience my friend. theglastonburygirl (8 hours ago) Spam Probably shot because he was catholic and my aunt is protestant. sad the evil that people do. APT420 (8 hours ago) Spam theglastonburygirl You are a douche! Totally fucking ignorant. You have no fucking clue what it is you are trying to convey through your BULLSHIT! Sherrie is the REINCARNATE of MARYLIN MONROE. Youtube or Google her and you will be amazed. Sherrie's case is so compelling that If you understood Soul Groups or reincarnation then Sherrie could be used as proof of Yahweh. But maybe you haven't been a witness to any miracles. If you are another dipshit Christian then this info WILL NOT MATTER. Christians usually tend to enjoy staying </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 day ago) Spam oh yes Dave I saw that one Lady in Red. I like that one too! Thanks for sending me all the Mar's. She's a funny one that one..hahaahaha WOW life is frickin weird. I mean who KNEW???? not me. Why me. What's it all for. But I'm glad it does cause I got my Booboo Back (and my Glady ofcourse) I mean my Lopsy and My thirds and K will have my mum one day...IF they dont kill us via NWO oil spill! xooxo </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 day ago) Spam MegahockeyPuck Hi baby Happy Birthday, dont be bummed!!!!! Come on now. Another year better! Time is going faster than normal so you havent had time to age oxxo Time isn't real. It's man made townsendPI (1 day ago) Spam You? townsendPI (1 day ago) Spam Definitely You! MegaHockeypuck1 (1 day ago) Spam Hi baby cakes , love ya :) </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 day ago) Spam From my Zanny Zandriaz youtube n0b0dy508 (2 days ago) Spam Alex Jones is a fraud. Visit my YouTube channel for the facts. Nothing but the facts. The Truth will never lie. Jones will, though.</p><p>Too bad, too... you're a very attractive woman, wish you'd wake up and see the Truth. This Jones person you follow and defend, is a con- artist... and he has you HOOKED... too bad... </p><p>NWOResistanceMusic (2 days ago) Spam Everyone.Just to let you know I allow all video responses posted to all of my videos and promos, so if you need to network please feel free to post Obama Deception or your vids on mine. the First Amendment is alive and well in me. Have a great weekend. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (2 days ago) Spam 'A tree is measured by the quality of it's fruit' Obama Deception</p><p>Obama is Hot Shit. Literally. kbmerkel (2 days ago) Spam Hey Sweets! Nice intro to the Obama deception Hahahaaaa How are you? I haven't heard from you in a while ~hugs~ ncbookz (2 days ago) Spam here is a video you must see! =dVMd1O4cuYc</p><p> - UFO_USO Pursued By 2 Jetfighters Dives From Air To Underwater To Get Away.avi </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (2 days ago) Spam haha NC to that B. That's funny. Back to your inventions and tinkering with your....magnetic electrics xoox ncbookz (2 days ago) Spam i bought alex's video 3 times over now , just because! maybe it was this advertisement that did it </p><p>EricSerenaKnutsonCov (3 days ago) Spam say can you teach me how to put words over vids etc </p><p>EricSerenaKnutsonCov (3 days ago) Spam i at one time throw away all of my music collection , seems there are still some i see and liek for the story in them about eather love or winning for the right side , but still not sure i should listen to any modern groups , , i could say what was ment for evil we will use for good , not sure if thats a cope out thought , your thoughts please </p><p>Crankwhistle (3 days ago) Spam I noticed a comment you made on PT 3 QUEEN of ENGLAND OWNS BP OIL (documentary) when you said 'In the world of Scots...we'd grab them by the scruff of the neck and punch it outta em....I STILL believe in this way'. That's the way it was when I was growing up in Scotland and it probably still is. Nice promotional clip by the way. SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam explosive like Brian said =1oV2n37lJds&playnext_from=TL&- videos=R5YRLstYZG0&feature=sub </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam my hero's had it up to here with idiots. Let me tell your 'EGO' a little something....You are not the first one to want to leave a smart ass comment. No negative CHristians are getting in. I have met a lot of Christians and none of them were nice. slewofdamascus (3 days ago) Spam your hero banned me from commenting on his videos; so it looks like he's the one who is "done". Take care, we're all supposed to be on the same side, btw. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam Trending now to proof that the Alternate Media has power and we all did our part: google-trends/ </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam then Glastonbury girl GO and argue with ISRAEL and GOLDMAN SACHS man. You are wasting precious time. The CHURCHES are murderers. Get a clue!!! theglastonburygirl (3 days ago) Spam The first and the last, 'In heaven they are crying for all the souls they've lost. because of senseless killing, their weighing up the cost,; SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam GBG Now I know you are the Queen of England hahhahha Brians the least of our worries. he even had the oil spill cure from day one, but all along they just fucked with the Valve so they could shut it off 88 (AGAIN number obsession Rev8:8 and HH equals HAIL HITLER which is an 88...the Gulf oil spill is on the 88 degree etc... EVERYONE who hangs around Brian has their own brain. Look at all my friends with REAL personalities and REAL guts and REAL thoughts. Yet you are a zombie with OCD and only the ELITE or Mental patients have OCD....You are fixated on me...Brian causes no division except the thin line between good and evil and EVIL is outta here. Today is 888 and I'm pretty happy! theglastonburygirl (3 days ago) Spam Because I know he is not the true God that is all, no other reason, I see innocent peeople being dragged into his silly game using issues that the average people feel angry about and escalating their emmotions, the world will not recover or repair whilst he continues to create annomosiyy between fellow men. he may do good and positive things but is spoiling it by saying he is God. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam gbg have you ever clicked on the links in my side bar and looked at the holidays you've celebrated. That's right, while you were eating stuffing and cranberries someone was being tortured, burned, sodomized, raped and killed by the people who've elected themselves INTO OUR GOV'T....Just because YOUR MIND CANT believe it doesn't mean it's not happening, YET you preoccupy yourself with Sherrie digging Brian cause he's motherfocking COOL, that's why....hmmmm It seems you are consumed by support for this the queen of england perhaps. Why does it concern you so? now you've got my curiosity up </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam Haha ALY too!!! and SUe too! SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam hahaha Jupe! </p><p>AlyTennyson (3 days ago) Spam gbg, why do you feel the need to come here and SPREAD HATE... does your precious manmade bible teach you that? Oh yeah, it does, silly me for asking when I knew all along. theglastonburygirl (3 days ago) Spam jupiter- since u have blocked me. The only one causing any viruses round here is life of brian. </p><p>Jupiterconjunct (3 days ago) Spam gbg, WHY do you act like a virus? </p><p>177France (3 days ago) Spam Wow Sherrie! I like your style. What's up with these people? Love Sue theglastonburygirl (3 days ago) Spam Sometimes we take on too many burdens, I have learnt to do small things that make a difference. I have listened to the words'always entertain strangers, for there may go an angel unawares. I have learnt that I am neither, Cathholic or prestbytarian I have learnt to love my fellow man for all that he is. I have learnt that Brian Marshall is not God. theglastonburygirl (3 days ago) Spam My father lives on in me, and I in him, he is not gone, but in the very air that I breathe. SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam THECOZMIKTRUTH's video about BRIAN turned out to be wrong. So that makes him the FALSE prophet. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam Incentive PEOPLE...Incentive for me to give a fuck about your bullshit politically correct weaknesses. I dont have to be nice...What's nice got to do with anything at the moment? If you are nice to a bum or a squirrel you get screamed at by the very people that visit my site. THE NOSY KIND </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam How lovely Glastonbury that something Happened for you to change all that. Lovely Lovely. Well I see dolphins crispy and starving people and NOTHING has changed it for me. But You enjoy yourself..You've worked hard for the planet and done all you can. I'm still fighting tyranny...with or without your help. Nighty Night GB </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam That's you missing your dad. My dad is alive and well and has been both great and bad. I am NOT my Dad. I can tell you all the great things he's done that I could never do, (he's a cop) but I can also tell you bad things that he's done that I would never do either. And listen.....If anyone around me believes MEDIA...the newspaper or the Politicians, and church for that matter is NOT getting my respect EVEN IF he's my sperm donor dad. I love my Dad. But he's not getting to be a complacent fuck just cause your's died. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam "p.s you must be lucky being the bucket of fun and sunshine that you are so why say wicked things to/about other people - Gods children. There is the capacity to do good/evil in all of us" Listen FREAK Ted Bundy is one of God's Children...I'm' not god....and I dont have to fucking like him or you. theglastonburygirl (3 days ago) Spam then something happened to change all that. theglastonburygirl (3 days ago) Spam In case you think i am some holier than thou rich bitch i am not. I live my life day to day the best way i can. I do not go to church and i have not been baptised in any faith. It is in my heart. I have done bad things that I now regret, things were tough in the seventies living in english ghettos.You had to fight for survival. I could have ended up in prison if I'd carried on, i had no one to guide my life. i didn't go to school if i didn't want to. i was a very rebellious child angry at every one. theglastonburygirl (3 days ago) Spam sherrie I feel so sad that you said that about your father on the comments page. you owe your life to your parents even if you some times feel that they have let u down. This is how they said it would be, children against parents, brother against brother. My dad died when I was six years old and my heart has been broken for him since that day. You have made me very sad, theglastonburygirl (3 days ago) Spam p.s you must be lucky being the bucket of fun and sunshine that you are so why say wicked things to/about other people - Gods children. There is the capacity to do good/evil in all of us. theglastonburygirl (3 days ago) Spam just read what you wrote on blgm page, weird that me writing my comment before i had read yours on his page. To take away a persons life is a sin and crime. Everyone has to answer for their own action to the true God. The reason Brian talks about himself a lot is because he says he is God so he is only talking abot himself!! The weed, it's up to you I'm partial to the odd puff myself. SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam not all others will die. Just the elite. and so what. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam Glastonbury I've been around the block a time or two...not only are most women bitches to me....but YOU ARE ANYTHING but light...You know what I am.... I am light. EVEN though I swear at idiots on youtube...wherever I go and whatever I do, nice people flock to me and feel better having been in my presence and tell me so. I am light and smiling and bubbly wherever I go... I walk around like a child of sunshine and the only time I cry is when earth hurts and I think about the animals and my family being asleep...but you HOLY FUCK you are NOT LIGHT. theglastonburygirl (3 days ago) Spam Sherrie it is your master that goes on about hell all the time, not me, do not confuse our words. I am of the light he is of the dark. Remember according to him only his few chosen will be saved all others must die, if he gets his way. That will include yor real family and friends are you prepared to be their murderer? Just something for u to think about. love and light </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam</p><p>88 keys on a piano 36 blacks and 52 white keys (weeks of the year) same with playing cards. 4 suits 4 seasons. the pips on the cards are 365. Cards were invented for fortune telling and then people started to gamble their lives away with them so they were banned (probably this is a lie).... P.S key number 33 (MASON) is middle C on a piano....all other chords are built around this note. is the G in Masonry..GOD, GEOMETRY (sacred Geometry) or GEMATRIA. Issac newton spent more time on hebrew scripture and on Gematria than he did on the theory of Gravity and same with EINSTEIN etc. These Heb's and their black Kabbalah Sodomy Circumcision Magic and their MATH and GOD particle are creeps. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (3 days ago) Spam 88 days? oil spill capped? and 11 workers how very strange that they quickly capped it before Armeggedon...IF IT's really capped. Perhaps some feared for their souls and have repented. We shall see. areyoulookinatmepal (4 days ago) Spam thnx gurlfriend,we need a smile thru the storm. ciao bella </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (4 days ago) Spam Glastonbury if I'm destined to hell, which CLEARLY by my deeds and kindness towards all life and earth then I'm not goinb. But I suggest you stop worrying about me. I'm fine. He's great, he's harmless, you are fixated, stubborn and stuck in being wrong. richb7a (4 days ago) Spam Hi, Sherrie you have a trulyhave beautiful voiceand soul </p><p> theglastonburygirl (4 days ago) Spam Sherrie does he have to grow horns before u believe me, don't meen to annoy u, just know that u have a good heart really and want to help u. x annie46664 (4 days ago) Spam Thanks for the LAUGH! HA HA HA :) ~@nnie~ </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (4 days ago) Spam I'd smoke pot anytime I can...except it doesn't go with singing. The GOV't SELL Liquor. A poison. It kills more people in drunk driving, suicides, murder and causes more's called "SPIRITS' for a reason. WAKE UP...stop swalling everything so blindily just cause you are used to it. Question everything...</p><p>SPIRITS????wtf...Yeah demons get in alright and brothers shoot brothers over women at bars. WAKE UP douchebags. I'm sick of you weak people who don't to a crumb of research and think you can challenge the likes of me. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD CORE I AM...I'm doing circles around you fools. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (4 days ago) Spam Annie follow the abusive nay picked the easy way out. You crumbled. I dont admire that. I'm sorry I'm being blunt. I look into everything. The man who invented the machine was killed for it. Do more research. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (4 days ago) Spam Annie what research have you done? Why would they come forward and give names and addresses of BUSINESS to call. Which part offends you..that they said it and you are not going to look into it...or that you've got proof and no one is listening. I challenge everyone to a forensic test. annie46664 (4 days ago) Spam Hi my friend, OMG! I had to come here to check whether you really do support those nutters from DownUnder! I'm in shock to say the least. You shared something of theirs with me recently & because there was mention of possibly helping sick folk obviously misdiagnosed with bogus HIV & invented so-called AID$, believed that it may also cover something on Rife frequency treatment ~ and I stupidly shared it with my friends ... well, the hilarious comments (some abusive) still come by every now & again. I want nothing to do with those lunatics. I still can't believe that you listen to them ~ even 1 min of that hogwash ... but maybe you're taking the piss out of them??? Anyhow, let's not let them come between us though! OK? Love & LIGHT dear one, ~@nnie~ Durban ~ SA </p><p>EricSerenaKnutsonCov (4 days ago) Spam LMAO Oh my , LOL ,Holy my Yahweh is doing a little hanging with the prophets !!LOL That Funny , its been over 16 years since i tryed that lol . This is too Funny </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (4 days ago) Spam what FAKE book. I dont even go on FAKE BOOk..I hit share from youtube. Easy peasy. I hate face book </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (4 days ago) Spam Glaston bury if you could just let go of this Sherrie Lea Brian obsession you would be so much happier and free'r CONTROL FREAK theglastonburygirl (4 days ago) Spam if u could just let go fo this brian thing and anger i know you would feel happier. Saw a rare black swan yesterday in england, white wings underneath when it took off, not sure if it was russian or australian, rare though I think the birds are migrating - could b a sign of bad weather. Take care talk soon, got some new pics on fb. theglastonburygirl (4 days ago) Spam hi Sherrie, subscibed to your fake book cause. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (4 days ago) Spam imgid=5578&gid=407</p><p>MORE IMPORTANT PROOF plus the video on my page with the tNASA (satan) time code. SEE HOW IT SAYS MARCH 30 this is when CERN banged. This is why they said they were 'shocked and more than pleased with the results" and when asked with the results they said...Oh we have to look at the data. HOw are you shocked and suprised and pleased with results you dont know about. CERN CAUSED THIS SOLAR FLARE and they were FCKING THRILLED. I stand undisputed. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (4 days ago) Spam PROOF....Look at the date and the shape of the CME from the sun gid=407 </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (4 days ago) Spam GO TO and you will see a big picture of the sun. THIS IS THE ONE they are trying to pass as all different dates...April 3, 12, 21 etc when infact CERN did it on March 30 and I have the only video left and you should keep tube it as well this is a FAKE date in this PRESS RELEASE...CERN 666 DID this March 30 2010 at 3 ption_that_may_have_spawned_zombie_satellite_identified SherrieLeaLaird (4 days ago) Spam ncbookz they haven't tested it yet, there is no pipe left. OBAMA needs it to be stopped and he better hope and by the way it could have been stopped all along. And p.s dont speak to soon and now pray hard that it is stopped. ncbookz (4 days ago) Spam guess what the oil leak is stopped just like i said it would be zandriaaz (5 days ago) Spam I LOVED THE VID ! YOU TWO ARE REALLY CUTE !! the raccoons will absolutely have a good meal tonight, lol ! xoxooxoxooxoxooxoxoooxooxoxoxooxoxoxooxo </p><p>SheriffofLight (5 days ago) Spam MEL GIBSON IS A JESUIT. UNFORTUNATELY FOR HIM, THIS IS A TIME HE GETS HIS ASS HANDED TO HIM FOR ALL THE SHIT HE AND HIS HOMIES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR. hotdave86000 (5 days ago) Spam MEL GIBSON CONTROLLED ???? hotdave86000 (5 days ago) Spam COOL hotdave86000 (5 days ago) Spam NICE DAY !! hotdave86000 (5 days ago) Spam YEPPERS HE IS HASSLED hotdave86000 (5 days ago) Spam MEL'S BEING PICKED ON ???? hotdave86000 (5 days ago) Spam Loeus lane where is the' fault lines ???? (news reading fans buy info on un known info) theglastonburygirl (5 days ago) Spam good night x </p><p>Dreadytube (5 days ago) Spam Hey girl, what's happening? Everything cool? Hehe Hugs hotdave86000 (5 days ago) Spam NICE DAY !! 0:00 hotdave86000 (5 days ago) Spam OUR RITE TO KNOWLEDGE ??? hotdave86000 (5 days ago) Spam BY THE WAY WHERE ARE THE' MAPPED FAULT LINES IN TORONTO ??? hotdave86000 (5 days ago) Spam THE OPPOSITE OF THE NUCLEAR BOMB THE MR. FREEZE BOMB (SOLUTION FOR ICEBERG PROBLEM) (ENEMY FROZEN CITIES (CITY)) (ERUPTION FROM CANARY ISLAND MOUNTAIN VOLCANO COULD FREEZE TSUNAMI'S) (GLACIERS) (FAULT LINES) ??? hotdave86000 (5 days ago) Spam NICE DAY !! zandriaaz (5 days ago) Spam did i miss saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you SHERRIE ? i know your b-day is in july but i don't know which day. so just in case HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! whatever day it is hope u will have or had a great and fun day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) badboykillfreshout (5 days ago) Spam GCN is now called Outsourcery Limited Outsourcery proudly announced it is a Microsoft Partner Awards winner as Hosting Solutions Partner of the Year. Microsoft is owned by elitist Bill Gates who just had a meeting with Evelyn de Rothschild and Carlos Slim a few days ago Outsourcery Limited aka GCN's headquaters is in Bury, Lancashire UK the key share holders in GCN are Piers Linney and Simon Newton newton joined ING in 2000, working in the Dutch investment bank corporate finance division where he was Managing Director of Corporate Finance in 2006. Together with Piers Linney, he structured a management buyout from DSG International plc in March 2007. Simon is a major shareholder and board director of Outsourcery. The success Piers has achieved as an entrepreneur was recognised in the Power List 2010, sponsored by JP Morgan and Thomson Reuters, a comprehensive compendium of the most influential people in Britain today. </p><p>EricSerenaKnutsonCov (5 days ago) Spam You Are Wonderful , LOVE YOU </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (6 days ago) Spam I'll check out the link but dont tell me something soft and fuzzy but ugly had to die. Anyway the only real chupacabra is out faking weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ncbookz (6 days ago) Spam Chupacabra 'sightings' in Texas create stir</p><p>"I've never seen anything like it," says one animal control officer of an unusual beastly find. ncbookz (6 days ago) Spam they finally found the chupacabra! and killed it! the mystery is finally over, i am very relieved now! they were saying it was a vampire or something like a grey alien but they were wrong. here is the link </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (6 days ago) Spam what's not to love and adore about Brian Yahweh and Janelle!!!!</p><p>JC was a rebel or he wouldn't have been hung on a cross. You don't hang DOORMATS because they are doing what they are told willingly....that would send mixed messages to the slaves...You take the biggest rebel and you fucking beat him to a pulp and that my friends is how it's DONE!!!!!</p><p>REBELS til the end!!!! Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall.... and I agree, if you dont get it yet. Fuck off already...cherokee etc. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (6 days ago) Spam TO that NUTTY WINDBAG 1Kings...religious freak. I have ZERO tolerance in this eleventh hour. Go address the real issues and get off my fucking page you nut job. I'm not nice to idiots and I'm never ever ever ever GOING TO BE NICE TO FUCKING MORONIC WIMPY EARTH KILLING COMPLACENT DOLPHIN KILLING PSYCHO's.....WHAT IS THE INCENTIVE for me to put up with bullshit...animal sanctuary donations??? Give my animals something....Buy me barrels of peanuts for my outside squirrels and barrels of bird seeds if you want to spend time whining on my page and cursing me out. Fuck faces...what do you think this is? You project what MM is onto me. And I aint havin it. It was bullshit then and I aint going to live DOWN to 'fur wearing' fake man made FAME. Idiots that want to waste my time, Buy my animals something or get deleted. </p><p>177France (6 days ago) Spam Hi Sherrie, Just wanted to say sorry about Lopsy. Love and hugs Sue </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (6 days ago) Spam Google July 11 2010 storms and Haarp. You will find much </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (6 days ago) Spam In Alex Jones meaning of life at 0:24 on my main vid..Rodsufo files caught one of those things ON CAMERA. I should find it. It is UGGGG LEEEE hotdave86000 (6 days ago) Spam LOOKS O.K. !! hotdave86000 (6 days ago) Spam CHERRIE PLEASE SOME MORE MUSIC ??? hotdave86000 (6 days ago) Spam NICE DAY !! hotdave86000 (6 days ago) Spam COOL LOOK SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Thank you NC and henceforth OUR POSITION in the scheme of things..tiny little know it all ants who think we are all that and a bag of chips. WE ARE NOTHING unless we do GOOD..EGO is useless it's all in the results and DEEDS...we are to respect things more fabulous than us...I don't mean LEADERS like your BIBLE shit says...THEY ARE NOT BETTER THAN US...they just have a bigger army, bigger ego, and a real sick feces eating baby raping mean streak. WE ARE NOT TO RESPECT them, but TO KILL THEM. OUR DUTY. ncbookz (1 week ago) Spam yea the universe might have beauty but all those things will kill you! the stars would burn you up the universe wont let you breath, the wild animals will try to kill you and eat you, the clouds and storms will destroy your property, the heavy rains will drown you, the ocean and its beauty will drown you as well and not to mention the sharks in the ocean and those cute jelly fish will sting you. so all that so called gods creation beauty will definitely kill you. the tree will fall on your house, the singing birds will poop your windshield, the devils music will send you to hell with its false doctrines, so when you see the orion belt know you will never go there because if you did you would be dead. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Hi guys I wont be checking in for quite a bit. Had to private my pet vids. Jupe knows why. I'll just tell her 'Lopsy' and she will understand. I prefer to keep them private and I will try to make more happy vids and do less arguing with the demons. The demons know that I know that they know me. OBVIOUSLY since they themselves are obsessed with reincarnation...they know where any political figure or freedom fighter is. I hate not sharing my most happy and fun vids. But everytime I do it costs.</p><p>Please Creator God Protect all animals and good people on this earth. Love S FrogMan1711 (1 week ago) Spam aww sherrie got a new dog! So cute! hugging her. theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam oh and since jupitor has blocked me, tred to send her a nice email, I don't want to fall out with her, can u tell her that i have red skin: theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam Message to cherokee: Perhaps we'll smoke a peace pipe together someday soon, raving hippies that we are well me actually. theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam ps forgot to say, iam far from being a wekling as anybody who knows me will tell u. I am from Celtic stock. Irish (both sides), scottish and welsh. My grandfather on my maternal side was William Orr, which if u look it up makes me a direct descendant of william of orange, king william. (scottish born) On my fathers side we have the name saunders (welsh) and Kelly (irish.) So I guess most of us have some royal blood somewhere. However it is the Queens duty to protect the throne until the arrival of the true saviour, which is not Brian, this has been passed down though generations of royalty. theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam chill man, don't know why i wind u up so. if u had faith in the true father then u would know that he will take care of everything. He has the power to shut both the heavens and the earth., we are caretakers of his garden. you have a loud voice, my yougest daghter is like that,. always thinking she knows best. peace is the way forward, don't think i havn't fought the system before because i have. It is not about that. I have learnt to live in peace in this crazy world. you torture yourself because what u say reflects back on yourself. The word is LIVE, learn to live with each other, respect each other and help those in need. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam I just got in from a 3 hour walk with dogs...guess what Glastonbury I just want to live in peace and be a doormat and not have to go on line to spread the news. I just want to have my toast and tea and my animal sanctuary but PEOPLE like you made me have to work my fucking ass off as a freedom fighter. You owe me. And you owe others like me. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam GLastonbury....yeah yeah yeah I know.....little old ladies and men just want to live their lives and have their cups of tea. And dont bother them and dont hassle them they just want to die in peace..well guess what. OUR GENERATION is now paying for all the BILL GATES fans and the people who stood in line to watch the demonic satanic blood & money thirsty queen wave her FAKE whiter than white GLoves in her golden fucking Carriage, while she owns all land & money. All slums and lets people starve. SHe murdered Diana.FACT....Go live in peace then. Get the fuck off my back....if you want to live in peace why are you such a hypocrite. I dont like talkers. I like doer's!!! Go kiss the queens ass or polish her tea set. BOOOOOOOREEDD by WEAKLINGS...THIS IS HOW THEY DID IT. ncbookz (1 week ago) Spam luckydog theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam you listen to too many conspiracy theories. At the end of the day the average normal minded person just wants to LIVE their life in the best way they can. Do you truly believe that the Queen of England will step down for him? This would cause a world war and that's what Brian wants he does not seek peace. It does not matter the colour of your skin, or the name of you God, it is what is written in the heart. I will not write horrid things to you or try to change your mind, When Jesus walked the earth, he travelled to many countries showing people that the way forward was in peace, note he also preached to many religions too, </p><p>EricSerenaKnutsonCov (1 week ago) Spam have to wornder just what the fuck Cherokee been putting in his pipe </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Cherokee wind bag shall be you you get that OBAMA is an illegal unlawful president and the Queen is an unlawful Queen.....Does Obama look like he's going anywhere even though it's proven in a court of law that he's NOT THE PRESIDENT of the COUNTRY u.S ONLY THE GOLDMAN SACHs owned banks.</p><p>If you serve the Queen with a Notary..she HAS TO ANSWER or we win by default. AND IT CAN BE USED IN COURT...You have no idea how Brilliant Brian is and are so fuking caught in your own ego and hate. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam hahaahah Poor cherokee, no Brain, balls or guts. Congrats you are the definition of a USELESS EATER. Thanks for making the whole bunch bad, bad apple you are. cherokeesqaw (1 week ago) Spam HA HA HA HA HA .POOR BRIAN MARSHALL.NO THRONE .. SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Dave I went to answer your Birthday wishes and POOF it was gone. Maybe cause you added a link. You can re write or not. I know you gave me them so no worries. Nice of you to remember. I dont like Bdays but last nights Solar Eclipse was / is a threat to the planet so I dreaded it even more. FINGERS x'd and Quantum good thoughts </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. —Winston Churchill Never explain--your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway. —Elbert Hubbard</p><p>Do not fear your enemies. The worst they can do is kill you. Do not fear friends. At worst, they may betray you. Fear those who do not care; they neither kill nor betray, but betrayal and murder exist because of their silent consent. —Bruno Jasiensk </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you. —Eric Hoffer </p><p>OldSchoolAmerican (1 week ago) Spam Sweet very sweet voice :>)) </p><p>Shadow8888able (1 week ago) Spam The storms at 4.17 are a slap in the face letting you know that they are watching everything Yahweh does and are mocking...remember the latest videos about the Phoenix rising from the ashes of a burned America...we quoted Genesis 4:17.."And Cain knew his wife , and she conceived , and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city , after the name of his son, Enoch..."...their plan as the sons of Cain...the devil to build a city out of the ashes of America...the Genesis 4:17 is a prophecy of this time now...and is why the righteous must keep praying in the name of YahwehJesus that all of Lucifer plans will fail..Love you .Asherah </p><p>Shadow8888able (1 week ago) Spam Sherrie darling...Happy Birthday to you...Happy birthday to you...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHERRRRRIEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!....- HAAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUOOOOOOO!!!!!!!.....from Yahweh and Asherah and Trish and Mark and Jeff and Adam...all singing and miming Elvis in anticipation of you and Chris joining us here in the New Jerusalem where fun and laughter is the order of the day!! and night!!!!....more vids about to be uploaded re Easter island...keep is working however the enemy is letting us know via interference with google earth that they are scoffing and mocking us and they are keeping focus on the Ahserah </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam ncbookz (1 week ago) Spam yea i figured such. i am adding biogas videos to my web page, only real good ones i find. if you want me to build you a page with adsense where you make free money let me know. you probably could retire early if you ad adsense to your sites. you have a lot of views </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam awwww nc sweet. It's the original key so you know just singing kinda low here. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Guys WE WERE HAARPED TODAY every where. Google storms July 11 2010 unanimous that we had freak storms all about 4:17 our own time. THEY DID IT! Lets hope it was a master fail. THEY DROPPED the AIR TEMP on PURPOSE! ncbookz (1 week ago) Spam wow i was bored with the net until this video, i might not quit after all </p><p>EricSerenaKnutsonCov (1 week ago) Spam Aww your welcome Beloved , I Pray you have the best birthday ever </p><p>EricSerenaKnutsonCov (1 week ago) Spam HAPPY BIRTHDAY </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam I mean Brian said it would be am but we just had one on 4:17 PM </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam I don't know about you guys BUT WE JUST HAD A FAKE FUCKING STORM AT 4:17 pm WTF....on the money but it was am so I need to know is everyone getting HAARPED at 4:17 their own time???? I was so happy cause today was beautiful and out of no where it came. </p><p>LisaMarieWonders (1 week ago) Spam Yea! Sherry, you got the Best birthday present ever! Praise to Brian/Yahweh and Janelle/Asherah and thanks to all angels for the Quantum! Now you go and enjoy ther rest of your day sweet lady. Love you. SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Jupie, that one is a MESS!!!! what can we say. They walk amongst us and we'll never know til they open their gobs! xoxox LOVE YOU..YESS soon boo...very soon. I almost put some up tonight but I'm traumatized...Espe if they watch me and their metaphys shit! xooxxo take it out of the law touch wood! </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam OUR GOAL as with SWINE flu is to make VIRAL any thoughts of doing haarp to the ocean EXPOSED. This is how attacks at the olympics and swine flue were knocked on their asses. And if you dont understand this strategy then you dont know your enemy...they thrive in secrecy. WE ARE DOING ALL WE CAN FOR A PURPOSE..Don't t you think this is time consuming?????????? YEAH they are planning on Haarping the GULF but if we make it world known then HOW CAN THEY WHEN we all look up as YOU CAN SEE HAARP in action. SO CLUE IN PEOPLE!!! I didn't want to say it sooner. But watch your moronic selves because I have to keep my shit to my self too. We are as dangerous as they are and must beat them at their own game. And as for GLASTONBURY my song "CRY" was written for animals so dont tell me what to do. I've spent a lifetime fighting for animals and have been pulled away because of the NWO desperacy. And thanks for the Happy Birthday that is kind! xo theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam Happy birthday even if we do think differently. I hope you get all that you want. or as my mum told me; what you want and what you get is an intirely different matter. I leave u in peace. Theyv'e got a new site on here promoting peace instead of violence. you could sing a dolphin song. it's the way forward. God Bless tthe glastonbury girl xx cherokeesqaw (1 week ago) Spam BIG DAY TOMORROW SHERRIE,ITS NOT GOING TO PASS.BUT YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT.. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Haha Jupie!!!!! Perfect! anyway I had a copy and paste to put up re: July 11th Solar eclipse...It's not just Brian it's all over the web by others over the topic Easter Island and solar eclipse and those 888 statues (EASTER????? island...dont forget the enemey are obsessed with Jesus and Math) Anyway this Solar Eclipse is an important one to them....But Brian believes and has placed the message that YES they will Haarp it and I dont want to speak to soon so I wont put the rest up but I will say this....I'm not too unhappy with the results and it leads to more exposure on the demons!!!! So yay for that and lets QUANTUM PRAY for a FAILING HAARP until Haarp is in good hands to help...lets PRAY it always FAILS..... and LETS PRAY THEY ARE ALL EXPOSED FOR WHO THEY ARE AS OF THE SOLAR ECLIPSE!!!! xoxox </p><p>Jupiterconjunct (1 week ago) Spam cherokeepantiboi, I dont think you are a sqaw, so you shouldnt misrepresent yourself as such. Neither are you a true Cherokee, you are another really annoying whiteman'sbible-thumper, but thats no surprise.</p><p>First of all, please dont shout, makes you look pathetic, stupid and desperate. Second, is that what your manmade bible teaches you ... to harass other people? ... never mind, I KNOW the answer YES IT DOES! 99% of wars are fought bc of religious hatred. You are following the institution of HATRED and EVIL, no wonder you are SOOO dammm annoying, coming into Sherrie's "home" to FIGHT. </p><p>Jupiterconjunct (1 week ago) Spam bookzy, you're complaining about same ole stuff here... errr, ummm, has Sherrie missed something important? Have all satanists spontaneously combusted? Has the pope made a law to honour Earth, Animals and humans now instead of giving cart blanche on sodomizing little boys? Has elizardbitch died? Did barry o shove his big fat head in the hole in the Ocean and stop the leak? HAs Oprah fi9nally mentioned the gash in the Ocean on her effing show?</p><p>Unlike you hon, Sherrie is not a flake. She fights for whats RIGHT, whats REAL. If everything is still the same on this manmade hell Planet, why should Sherrie talk about other things? What do you want the newest fashions coming for out 2012? Wrong page bible thumper. ncbookz (1 week ago) Spam i dropped by for a second or two,, same ole stuff in here i see, let me know when you guys graduate to new stuff , later </p><p>1996rsb (1 week ago) Spam thanks for sharing this video with me Sherrie your too cool i dont know where you live but forget all the bullshit and save some soil, get some seeds, and pots because the acid oil rain is coming its already in FL thru texas in the last week more than ever, on youtube type in acid rain georgia, this lady shows her back yard after a 3 day rainfall there. buy as many cans of tuna if you like it cuz it wont be there next year. the food chain has been broken and crops in the shouth are being destroyed and its only cotton no buttwipe, no tobacco or other stuff, no fruit, acid rain kills cracks egg shells, no birds, insects down there next year, this is the beginning, and find ways to make a green house and a solar water pump, and or if your close down there run north WEST because there are web bots projecting flooding if the 20 mile gas bubble ignites in the oil spot, cuz of the volcanic for web bot stuff....god bless you ~ erika osborn kbmerkel (1 week ago) Spam OMG!! Missed you sweets my pc was hacked and fried and just got one last night! Talk about withdrawal!! UGH! Missed ya and am headed to check your vid out after I check Mom and Dad's! Love ya always! ~hugs~ SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Damn Jupie that was a treat. I couldn't sleep all night!!!! That was well worth opening the lap top for</p><p>P.s Laptops are NOT supposed to be used on laps. It says right on them. I'm currently baking my ovaries (touch wood)</p><p>OPRAH will be going up later today. WHAT A BITCH </p><p>Jupiterconjunct (1 week ago) Spam oprah winfrey on Gulf Coast Oil Spill </p><p>"I think the president is doing the best anybody can," said Winfrey, who campaigned for Obama when he ran for president. "I really don't understand what people want him to do? I think he's the president of the United States. "You're not supposed to be emotional, you're supposed to take action and get things done and make sure those things happen so I'm not sure what people want him to do," she said. oprah, you whore. barry is taking action, where? ...Not sure bitch, what peops want him to do? STOP THE DAMMM OIL GUSH, you DEMONIC satanist!</p><p>Look at the vid, (**Winfrey on oil disaster: Obama's doing best he can**) shes nervous and cant make eyecontact very well..."NO PLANS" to help gulf victims, "it will take more $ than what I have". theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam once I met aproffessional gambler too stayed with him for thirteen years for the sake of the children, glad I got rid of him theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam don't insult my intelligence child i have children older than you and grandchildren with more sense. when you have kids of your own perhaps you will grow up SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam</p><p>GOVERNMENT and CHILD CARE CALENDAR. FACT. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam ANNOUNCEMENT: Lets call a spade a spade shall we....July 11th is fast approaching even WEBBOT marks it as a BIG DAY. TOPIC BRIAN YAHWEH LEONARD GOLIGHTLY MARSHALL...a 66 year old man. An inventor, a scientist, a mathmetician, and electrician, an astronomer, an author (SEVERAL BOOKS) a FREEMAND on the LAND consultant "the STrawman Burneth"...A healer, an astrologer. A researcher. A logger. A carpenter, a Political Genius, a World Religions expert and HE KNOWS ALL THE MEASUREMENTS OF THE EARTH. He's also a prohpet, a comedian...A child of GOD and a REINCARNATED MAN from BIBLICALLY REGISTERED DAYS...just like that man that was executed for freedom from tax and slavery...same with Brian. IF you happen to know any men with this resume...hook him up with Brian and we'll have a debate or they can invent something together...until then SHUT IT!!!! You are here accomplishing zip and he is there WARNING THE WORLD of their enemies..who happen to be REAL. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Glastonbury GIrl I've had nothing but MIRACLES since I met Brian AND on top of that some IRONIC ones too...What did I go and read in Yahoo's news about your PRECIOUS OPRAH....RIGHT here. READ IT AND WEEP "What you don't know about celeb charities When it comes to how much cash goes to people in need, Oprah and Rosie rank among the worst theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam You will have your miracles, turn you back on golightly marshall and turn to the true father only he can help you he does not need u to be stuck in front of your computer sending viral emails. go tend his garden and he will show a true miracle. the miracle of life. bless you and keep safe. ps I tryed to put a pic on you tube of me at glastonbury tor but couldn't do it. instead i have created a facebook page called gwyneth maria. my God within you can clearly see the peace sign and the glowing spear. I love it and I hope you do too. theglastonburygirl x P.s and I do beleive in reincarnation xx </p><p> ncbookz (1 week ago) Spam sometimes i post stuff not because i believe it but because i know you all are interested in it, i really dont believe these things i only believe the bible and it says world without end! until the 1000 years reign of jesus and the great white throne judgement.</p><p> so dont fear people nothing will happen we are safe for 1000 years + </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam ncbooks CERN LOGO 666 They have found the god particle. They are causing spirals and holes and flares. They have to get the fuck off now. We are really leaving it to the 11th hour on the 11. My bday adds up to an 11 and it's on 7 11 WE NEED A MIRACLE </p><p>9:15 pm July 20 2010 deleted jesus comment. See 7:13 pm Deleted comment at 9:18 pm July 20 2010</p><p>WAKE UP THE SHEEPLE! distribute</p><p>July 15 to 21 2010 We will have our EDEN BACK SOON -Once everything is done, many of us will be called as witnesses and DAs to create a case against those responsible for our world's journey to death. The guilty will be taken to labor camps upon prison planet Titan. </p><p>Jupiterconjunct (1 week ago) Spam oprah winfrey on Gulf Coast Oil Spill </p><p>"I think the president is doing the best anybody can," said Winfrey, who campaigned for Obama when he ran for president. "I really don't understand what people want him to do? I think he's the president of the United States. "You're not supposed to be emotional, you're supposed to take action and get things done and make sure those things happen so I'm not sure what people want him to do," she said.</p><p> oprah, you whore. barry is taking action, where? ...Not sure bitch, what peops want him to do? STOP THE DAMMM OIL GUSH, you DEMONIC satanist!</p><p>Look at the vid, (**Winfrey on oil disaster: Obama's doing best he can**) shes nervous and cant make eyecontact very well..."NO PLANS" to help gulf victims, "it will take more $ than what I have". </p><p> theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam once I met aproffessional gambler too stayed with him for thirteen years for the sake of the children, glad I got rid of him </p><p> theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam don't insult my intelligence child i have children older than you and grandchildren with more sense. when you have kids of your own perhaps you will grow up </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam</p><p>GOVERNMENT and CHILD CARE CALENDAR. FACT. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam ANNOUNCEMENT: Lets call a spade a spade shall we....July 11th is fast approaching even WEBBOT marks it as a BIG DAY. TOPIC BRIAN YAHWEH LEONARD GOLIGHTLY MARSHALL...a 66 year old man. An inventor, a scientist, a mathmetician, and electrician, an astronomer, an author (SEVERAL BOOKS) a FREEMAND on the LAND consultant "the STrawman Burneth"...A healer, an astrologer. A researcher. A logger. A carpenter, a Political Genius, a World Religions expert and HE KNOWS ALL THE MEASUREMENTS OF THE EARTH. He's also a prohpet, a comedian...A child of GOD and a REINCARNATED MAN from BIBLICALLY REGISTERED DAYS...just like that man that was executed for freedom from tax and slavery...same with Brian. IF you happen to know any men with this resume...hook him up with Brian and we'll have a debate or they can invent something together...until then SHUT IT!!!! You are here accomplishing zip and he is there WARNING THE WORLD of their enemies..who happen to be REAL. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Glastonbury GIrl I've had nothing but MIRACLES since I met Brian AND on top of that some IRONIC ones too...What did I go and read in Yahoo's news about your PRECIOUS OPRAH....RIGHT here. READ IT AND WEEP "What you don't know about celeb charities When it comes to how much cash goes to people in need, Oprah and Rosie rank among the worst theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam You will have your miracles, turn you back on golightly marshall and turn to the true father only he can help you he does not need u to be stuck in front of your computer sending viral emails. go tend his garden and he will show a true miracle. the miracle of life. bless you and keep safe. ps I tryed to put a pic on you tube of me at glastonbury tor but couldn't do it. instead i have created a facebook page called gwyneth maria. my God within you can clearly see the peace sign and the glowing spear. I love it and I hope you do too. theglastonburygirl x P.s and I do beleive in reincarnation xx ncbookz (1 week ago) Spam sometimes i post stuff not because i believe it but because i know you all are interested in it, i really dont believe these things i only believe the bible and it says world without end! until the 1000 years reign of jesus and the great white throne judgement. so dont fear people nothing will happen we are safe for 1000 years + </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam ncbooks CERN LOGO 666 They have found the god particle. They are causing spirals and holes and flares. They have to get the fuck off now. We are really leaving it to the 11th hour on the 11. My bday adds up to an 11 and it's on 7 11 WE NEED A MIRACLE </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Glastonbury Girl why are you always wrong. Are you tired of being WRONG all the time. I mean if your GOD is so Great you'd think you would have come out OPEN MINDED, SMART, INVESTIGATIVE, NON OPINIONATED, RESEARCHED, KIND, CONSIDERATE, NON JUDGEMENTAL...ALL THE THINGS I AM...ALLL THE THINGS AND MORE that BRIAN IS..But your not Your obsessive Compulisive just like the satanic gov't...YOU HAVE OCD and that is a bad bad crippling thing to have. Your visits to my page prove you are damage goods. and the only thing you are doing is doing it in hiding. EVEN WORSE....EVERYONE KNOWS ME and know I'm for fucking real. </p><p>LisaMarieWonders (1 week ago) Spam You Talk the talk and Walk the walk, in the Truth. You are Awesome!</p><p>Love and Bigs Hugs to Sherri and Blakk. Hang in There, Paradise is just around the corner. ;-) SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam glastonbury girl you clearly have not watched any of the vids he says he's 66 and he explains why it's all happening now. YOU THINK Brian's the devil and yet you ignore the fact OBAMA is. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Wow today is my lucky Day all the wack jobs out in full force....People come running to me about all this bullshit. THere's more proof that reincarnation is REAL and that my case is real than there will ever be that its not real. I haven't had time to fully read what's been written here and may or may not come back to deal with it all as I am busy and if you didn't notice DYNACORP CEREBUS PEGASUS (GOOGLE THAT) owned by HOMELANDS, OBAMA, BP and GOLDMAN SACHS (WHO ALSO OWN UN) are going to pretend to evacuate people and take them TO FEMA..WAKE UP MOTHER FOCKERS WAKE UP. .THIS BIBLICAL SHIT IS REAL </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam oh my FUCK did you just say OPRAH WINFREY...SHE IS NWO and that's all fake ncbookz (1 week ago) Spam yes all our words are recorded even the very mundane it is clear our own words will condemn us or bless us. if we confess jesus as lord we will be blessed if we deny him we will face eternal flames theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam Here is the passage for you: Matthew 24: And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See yeee not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, tell us when shall these things be? and what be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them. Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying i am Christ; and shall deceive many. I wish you love x theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam Sherrie this is for you, you said you did not have a bible, you must use descernment in all faiths, they all lead back to the father, I know you have a good heart but you're going about it the wrong way.. why not use your talent to write a song about dolphins or whatever you're feeling. this is all distracting you from your true path. theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam those with eyes to see will see:) theglastonburygirl (1 week ago) Spam very good point indeed are our words recorded in time forever . Engraved upon the book of life? escomz (1 week ago) </p><p>Spam what about the good people that have helped alot of people, such as Oprah Winfrey and all..who had donated millions to charity and help build communities for the homeless and schools for the orphanges...? i just don't get it !!.. ncbookz (1 week ago) </p><p>Spam good point is a thought an energy field? thats a good question do our thoughts last forever or just our words? i know our words are recorded in rocks and other objects but our thoughts i wonder </p><p>OrthodoxVideos (1 week ago) </p><p>Spam </p><p>REINCARNATION: Einstein proved that matter cannot be destroyed, but that it transforms into energy. I believe that a persons collective memories may exist in an energy field perhaps near to where they were burried or lived and some people can tap into these memories. This is a more plausable theory of "past-life" memories instead of reincarnation.</p><p>EVOLUTION: was invented by ancient barbaric cultures such as the Sumerians, and revivied by Illuminati membesr Charles Darwin and Lamarck. Evolution has been used as the basis for Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Racism, Colonialism, Eugenics, Nazism and wars. Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Hitler -- all Illuminati, or financed/supported by the Illuminati. ncbookz (1 week ago) </p><p>Spam </p><p>Claimants for being Jesus Further information: Christian new religious movement * Marshall Applewhite - Applewhite posted a famous Usenet message declaring, "I, Jesus—Son of God— acknowledge on this date of September 25/26, 1995: ...".[1] This was two years before he and his Heaven's Gate cult committed suicide to rendezvous with a spaceship hiding behind the comet Hale-Bopp. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) </p><p>Spam </p><p>A solar wind stream flowing from the indicated coronal hole should hit Earth's magnetic field on or about July 11th.</p><p>The Solar and Dynamics Observatory took this extreme ultraviolet picture just hours ago. It shows the spot's magnetic canopy towering over the sun's eastern limb, heralding the appearance of the sunspot's core on July 9th or 10th. After that the active region will turn to face Earth and any further eruptions could be geo-effective. (Earthquakes) spaceweather dot c o m escomz (1 week ago) </p><p>Spam why are we being judged on the amount of money we have? why not the amount of love or goodness..? :-( escomz (1 week ago) </p><p>Spam calendar??? ... btw Janelle and Brian will be furious at me... :( ... truthfinder1078 (1 week ago) </p><p>Spam </p><p>I just saw the calendar, Horible...... </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) </p><p>Spam </p><p>Thank you Apparition!!! I'm so happy to have you on my page and Super22Mario's too!!! and all my regulars.</p><p>TREEE is clearly telling the truth after reading that calendar because they must start them early to make them do this!!!! and Brian is telling the truth too! we all are. The only ones NOT TELLING THE TRUTH is the GOVT DEMONS!!! FUk that. tomorrow I hope to be back with a song but no way to know as My heart just freezes my voice when I feel the pain of this earth and the animals!!! (people I mean when I say Earth) apparition2 (1 week ago) </p><p>Spam </p><p>Thank you for the invite. Zionist's "lucifer god" is such a certifiable loser that he has to steal bodies from warped and ugly stupid people because he cannot get one of his own. Good F*****G Riddance awaits their "Epitaph". I know in my heart that everything they have done to every single Man, Woman, Child, Dolphins and all life forms will be done to them. Divine Justice. </p><p>Mr22supermario (1 week ago) Spam now i see why i didn`t like to participate these fucking christmass and other threat days, my family hatet me for destroiing the ambiente of smiling faces to the game. now more then 10 jears i tell them, try to plant a seed in theyr minds, so they can weak up, but off all i see and hear in my direct contact with piople in my live, just one who overcame the brainwash. love sweaty and YHWH </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam NC I just came back from an amazing walk with the dogs. BUt when I come on youtube I always say I'm going to put up a new song and then I get so many emails and this one triggered me. That CALENDAR....THIS IS WHO RUNS THE GOVT...IT is A FACT </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Nc Before the nwo order I was never in a bad mood. It's not a weekly thing nc it's a daily thing now. If you read that calendar you are going to be pissed. How much they played us. I think of all the idiot poor mums and dads all over the world just fucking dying in bankers wars in ww1 and ww2 and all the clueless times they were sad and emotional over Christmas and getting together. My rage is always kicked off by something I'm sent that brings it home...that the satanic thing is real. THEY ARE DOING HUMAN & ANIMAL SACRIFICE on EVERY holiday and more read it. ncbookz (1 week ago) Spam sherrie i have studied you and once per week you get in a really bad mood, so...... we need to fix this it is a cycle i did not catch to see if it was on wednesdays or what but i think it is mid week and you loose it, so my idea is this tuesday wednesday thursday do not log into youtube or the net , let it go plant a garden or something. ok deal? later! no one careth for my soul? i care for your soul do not let it get to you just let god handle everything benytink (1 week ago) Spam Good channel cheers!!!! </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam BRIAN FUCKING LEONARD GOLIGHTLY MARSHALL IS A BREATH OF FRESH FUCKING AIR IN THESE DARK DARK HORRID TIMES. GOD HELP US ALL Acalendar.html</p><p>I'm in a bad mood after reading that CALENDAR FULLY....real bad mood that all our familys are smiling at each other and saying pass the gravy like little MINDLESS DRONES and USED UP SLAVES....PAY TO LIVE???? are you fucking kidding me....AND I'm SUPPOSED TO BE ALL LOVELY AND FLUFFY AND POSITIVE....READ THAT MOTHER FUCKING CALENDAR and TELL ME YOU should go to work or celebrate easter or Halloween or Christmas or any DAY..EVERY DAY IS TAINTED.</p><p>LOOK OUT BOYS AND GIRLS WE ARE GOING TO GET OUT OF HELL and leave a fucking mess behind THIS IS HELL ON EARTH JUST LIKE BRIAN AND JANELLE MAINTAIN.</p><p>Happy Hanukah...enjoy your Blood you freaks </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Acalendar.html SherrieLeaLaird (1 week ago) Spam Acalendar.html </p><p>Jupiterconjunct (2 weeks ago) Spam and one last thing...weird how those meanies are hating on Brian JUST BC OF A NAME. Its NOT his deeds thay hate, not his desires for Humanity, Animals and Earth, not his insightful wisdoms... nope... just the name he uses. </p><p>Hmmm, going by that twisted reasoning, good thing your name isnt Mildred, Sher. </p><p>Jupiterconjunct (2 weeks ago) Spam Such venom here lately from your house quests. Creepy what "manmade religion" does to those peops...doesnt make them better, makes them HATEFUL. No wonder we live with constant WAR!</p><p>Screw them SherrieLea... there are plenty of us who TRULY LOVE YOU, for all the goodness and love you have in your Heart and Soul! </p><p>Jupiterconjunct (2 weeks ago) Spam Sorry to say SherrieLove, but you have alot of WACKJOBS coming here lately! Haha tho... the BEST part of that is your AWESOME BRILLIANT responses to their stupid comments. Love 'em!</p><p>Sher if you are interested in some things the manmade bible brainwashes into peops... come take a look at my channel, and have a quickie read. VERY TWISTED to say the least. canadastreetnews (2 weeks ago) Spam will be accountable for every soul you seduce and steal ....I promise you. theglastonburygirl (2 weeks ago) Spam You are making the same mistakes as them. if he is God, then why does he need people to give him money theglastonburygirl (2 weeks ago) Spam I'm glad I'm not your mum, got my own kids thanks. I don't need to use violence and corruption to get my point across i have my poetry, you have your voice to sing. Both given to us by the almighty father. not blgm </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (2 weeks ago) Spam if killing is so bad, how come you are not out protestingthe bankers and the vatican and every other religious zealot who caused war. Yes killing is bad. Self defense is not killing. There's no surity the other person will die when you defend yourself, perhaps just a sore kneee. We are allowed to protect our god given bodies. Which part dont you get. Are you afraid. Better people have died. My blood being spilled for truth is the LAST of my worry's. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (2 weeks ago) Spam cont'd . See the thing is...I dont go round telling people what to do and how positive to be!!!! I tell them lets go and UNITE and win this. YOu can play with the daisies and thank me later while I help expose and eventually take out the bad guy. JUST ON SHEER will or physical will. One way or the's THEM or US. this town aint big enough for both of us. So why do you worry about me so much, is the ghost of my mummy speaking thru you. anyway Im tired now bye bye </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (2 weeks ago) Spam I dont need a book to know God, sorry and I dont need to pay for one to know him/her/ GOD is FREE and money wasn't invented when he was around. There is's called healing his earth from the thieves that have pirated it. That's my job. That's my gift to mankind..being a fighter not a doormat. We have plenty of those. and if you think I dont laugh and shine and be playful you are very wrong and very limited in your own resourses. I am like a LIGHTHOUSE light in the night....but that doesn't mean you aren't going to BUMP your own boat on to the rocks by your own doing theglastonburygirl (2 weeks ago) Spam You should wake up and see the beauty still left in the world. Destroying it with stupid plans, will not make the world any better. Take thee to a quiet place, listen to your heart and see what the father says. If you have never read a bible or any book of God then you will never be enlightened.Yes some things have been changed to suit the mass population, but there is still truth to be found within. You have to decide for yourself theglastonburygirl (2 weeks ago) Spam My father speaks to my heart and shows me descernment to see the truth. I have no religion it is inscribed on my heart by him. What ever religion people are it does not matter for ther is only one true God what ever people choose to call him by as there were different tribes from the beginning. If u don't believe in it then why are you following a master that only reads from the passages that talk about killing, from a bible that he probably stole or used for some disgusting ritual. mark my words he will be caught and punished. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (2 weeks ago) Spam ask NC I'm sure there is some 'smiteing' done in the bible...according to the bits and pieces I pick up here and there. GOd asked for a lamb to be slaughtered....that's killing!? I dont appreciate that one. Anyway, Alex Jones and Brian Marshall are the two main dudes trying to wake u up to a luciferian govt (and Alex's guests) if you dont appreciate that until the job is done, then you seriously underestimate the enemy and the unity we need to win this. But suit yourself. YOu dont even know who wrote or copy wrote your book that you are spewing forth so much that I actually felt spit land on me. STop. theglastonburygirl (2 weeks ago) Spam My God speaks of LIFE not death and killing theglastonburygirl (2 weeks ago) Spam Yes he did borrow something of mine actually. He borrowed my fathers name and made it EVIL. If I could leave comments on his main page I would, but then he's got lots of pages anyway speaking same shite that he is God. Maybe he does do some good things somewhere, but saying he is God is not one of them. you will see. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (2 weeks ago) Spam Glastonbury girl....even if I had never met would take me about 5 seconds to see who loves GOD more. The one Trying to do everything he can for 'PEOPLE" or the one going on and on and on about a person who's doing good and trying everything and telling that genius he's not doing enough. From an outsiders point of view cause I'm not religious, never read the bible....I pick the true at heart and the lover at heart to be BRIAN all the way. Look in the mirror....why are you on my page to rag on Brian...did he borrow something of yours. You should know if Brian is doing something wrong GOD's got it covered. So then be at rest and buzz off. theglastonburygirl (2 weeks ago) Spam P.S Forgot to say... Tell BLGM = BIGGEST LYING GOD MOCKER that his time is short . The eye of God is upon him and all those that proclaim him to be YAHWEH. It's about time to grow up child. theglastonburygirl (2 weeks ago) Spam you mention scum, what a laugh. I wrote a poem about that once. It's called The prophecy and was inspired by God, funny enough that mentions scum, will have to look it out and put it on my channel you can see what you think about that then can't you madame monroe. ncbookz (2 weeks ago) Spam oops 6 political persuasions </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (2 weeks ago) Spam Nc Good work!!!! </p><p> ncbookz (2 weeks ago) Spam federal reserve is a tool of the illuminati for sure and the bankers rule the world! 6 banker families! 6 major religions! 6 political leaders! 666 </p><p>EricSerenaKnutsonCov (2 weeks ago) Spam Yes Sherrie i cant thank you enofe i love and am enjoying my new page Thank you Dear Lady </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (2 weeks ago) Spam Love the new Brian and Janelle vids 'FUCK LUCIFER' Egyptian cult and feces eating satanic british german jewish freaks. </p><p>GUILTY APOCALYPTIC WHORES-HIGH TREASON to HUMANITY</p><p>AGAIN ...I caught 2 Apocalyptic Whores in one day! Abyss Bound.</p><p>Sherrie Lea Laird LYING Locust Queen</p><p>Tonya Elizabeth Stracener Kane- Mother of Vampires</p><p>G.H.REES message to David Icke and his followers his-followers.html</p><p>Sherry Shriner is a DANGEROUS NWO GATEKEEPER Expose-This-Then-You-Are-Working-With-Them-Fix-This-Mess-With-Me- Don-t-Ignore-Me-Anymore-I-Am-Emailing-Everyone</p><p>Is it true that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are brothers? Jesus Christ or if you prefer his real name, Rabbi Yechoshuah, was a clear Draconian creation, sent for a specific mission of mental warfare. Lucifer is YHWH's second in command Draconian, commander of flagship Lilith. His real name is Tamil... The "Satan's" orders though come directly from YHWH himself.</p><p>Jesus (Yechoshuah) has been residing in Levan (moon) for the past 2,000 years, coordinating the religious mental warfare. It is highly possible though that his spirit has reincarnated and not for a good purpose. Ever since reptilians have been sighted upon the planet, it means that they are in a huge hurry to initiate their "predicted" (read planned) Armageddon project. I don't think they will have enough time though. ..</p><p>OrthodoxVideos (1 day ago) Spam Hi, I'm a Christian and I have been watching these videos. I like you Treee, but have you ever heard the proverb "physician heal thyself"? You can't save other's if you don't save yourself. You are obsessed with bohemian grove, but God has not appointed you to save the world and humanity. You need to straighten your own life out. In all kindness, I think you might be suffering from somekind of paranoid delusional disorder. Even if you went to the grove, that does not mean you would change anything. There is no proof you would change anything. Lastly, you had a whole year to arrange for a trip to the grove. At the last minutes you asked for a ride. Not enough notice. But there's always next year. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 day ago) Spam Agreed thealien shit is fake now adays. Why use Aliens when Demons can fly in and out dimensionaly without aircraft. RodsUFO FILES shows demons eating chemtrails or something! huomhu (1 day ago) Spam 777ALAJE???? Pleiadian Alien Alaje Message??? Good Joke ellhnixwr33 ;-) YAHWEH created no Aliens!! </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 day ago) Spam Bill Cooper didn't live in these more trying times. I'm sure he would have united with Alex. Why is everyone driven to flippin be on me rather than writing to the scumbags in office? wtf. I'm just a girl. ellhnixwr33 (1 day ago) Spam IF YOU ARE INCARNATION OF MARILYN MONROE , I ASK FROM YOU ONLY ONE THING: DON'T MAKE AGAIN THE SAME MISTAKES LIKE THOSE IN YOUR PREVIOUS LIFE. SEE THE 777ALAJE CHANNEL IN YOUTUBE IN ORDER TO BE DEVELOPED SPIRITUALLY. </p><p>OrthodoxVideos (1 day ago) Spam I mean Bill Cooper. </p><p>OrthodoxVideos (1 day ago) Spam Bobby Cooper has better credentials than Alex Jones. </p><p>1eyednewt (1 day ago) Spam Hi Sher. Got lock out of my channel. This is my back up. The NSA and CIA had fun this weekend oun YT didn't hey. SherrieLeaLaird (1 day ago) Spam @towns I meant 'I NEED my Lopsy and Thirds' I can't talk about it though </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 day ago) Spam oh yes Dave I saw that one Lady in Red. I like that one too! Thanks for sending me all the Mar's. She's a funny one that one..hahaahaha WOW life is frickin weird. I mean who KNEW???? not me. Why me. What's it all for. But I'm glad it does cause I got my Booboo Back (and my Glady ofcourse) I mean my Lopsy and My thirds and K will have my mum one day...IF they dont kill us via NWO oil spill! xooxo </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (1 day ago) Spam MegahockeyPuck Hi baby Happy Birthday, dont be bummed!!!!! Come on now. Another year better! Time is going faster than normal so you havent had time to age oxxo Time isn't real. It's man made </p><p>RockTheOcean4me (8 hours ago) Spam Hehe, then Alex has my IP address and I had a bit of a fight with him, I got angry :-) Just watch: Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition: Our Republic is More Important Than LeBron James & Spain! 1/8 I am Dutch and I made him say that in the vid :-D theglastonburygirl (9 hours ago) Spam ha, ha,ha, ha, huomhu, are u a good witch or a bad witch, there is a diference, witch one though? SherrieLeaLaird (10 hours ago) Spam yes I noticed that too Huom.... I noticed the people that write to me obsessed with Brian seem more and more posessed themselves and can't handle 'LIGHT supporting LIGHT' Brian is Light, I am LIGHT' I didnt know light was useless like a crusty worn doormat. I thought light is an obliterator of Darkness...then I so be. huomhu (10 hours ago) Spam Glastonbury. A good place for witches? </p><p>RockTheOcean4me (11 hours ago) Spam Cool, thanks for your support. I know it is too difficult and confusing for the average YT'er. Alex also did not understand what happened. The Obama vid was still on Google while he broke their rules with his Google campaign. He did not break any YT rule. Nice to meet you and a great day,</p><p>Sharkie </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (12 hours ago) Spam @bassisgood End of the Nwo, animal rights and stopped starvation and it's yours... deal? bassisgood6969 (12 hours ago) Spam how much do you charge for blowjob? </p><p>DreadsideNubune (13 hours ago) Spam Conspiracy nut! theglastonburygirl (13 hours ago) Spam seen any good alian vids lately, oh I see thay stopped by at Glastonbury, sacred place:) </p><p>EricSerenaKnutsonCov (20 hours ago) Spam where is every one ? hope all is well with you </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (5 hours ago) Spam Consensual criminals it was from a MUCH bigger article, but I liked it. he's not talking about rapists he's talking about the crimes we perpetuate on our selves by allowing the rape murder and pillage and not saying shit with a mouthful. WE are the criminals. To me that is very clear. All the Granny's and their cups of tea and they stand in line to smile and wave at a blood drinking queen who actually runs hells angels, child porn and satanic ritual while we go out and shop (not me) but we the collective and I take my part in it when I didn't know better....years and years and years ago. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (5 hours ago) Spam Glaston, so you want me to write to Brian and tell him to unblock you. A. He does not handle the page at all. B. this is a thinking man, 24 hours a day he thinks of ways to free the planet from tyranny and demonic forces...what are you talking about. How are you EVEN offended by Brian??? If you believe he is not God then you are GREATLY covered and your God gives you a pat on the back. We are all co creators with god and we are all God and we have failed God with our hedonistic Greed. SherrieLeaLaird (6 hours ago) Spam Glastonbury who shit in your corn flakes both quotes are from people on Alex Jones page. And what are you talking about CRIMINALS with right????wtf. Where does it say that. What the hell. Explain how your mind works cause I am unable to grasp your grasping at straws. theglastonburygirl (6 hours ago) Spam p.s you should tell him to speak to me himself. then u wouldn't have to put up with me. if he wasn't such a coward and unblocked me. Then we will see who is telling the truth around here. Ther is only one God and it is not Brian. theglastonburygirl (6 hours ago) Spam umm... them quotes sound very similar to the ones in the bible but changed a little, umm, what was that your master said about bogroll..... theglastonburygirl (7 hours ago) Spam Sherrie when did sheep start laying eggs?? Why should criminals have rights? they lost theirs when they took other peoples..... and why have you put your cv on Y tube? Don't try the police force because you can't see a forgery when it hits u in the face.... </p><p>45vincentconnolly (7 hours ago) Spam Nice quotes, and great answer to bassisgood6969 lol! :) </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (7 hours ago) Spam these are not mine..these are quotes I'm finding...that one was by Arnookie SherrieLeaLaird (8 hours ago) Spam In the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control; they will be cruel and have no interest in what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. </p><p>SherrieLeaLaird (8 hours ago) Spam "We are all chickens in the same farmer's yard. What would happen if the chickens all got mad at the farmer instead of pecking each other? Remember Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds? There is a reason falcons, lions, and tigers are not raised for their eggs, milk, and meat: chickens, cows, and sheep are far more docile; they don't complain when their eggs are taken, readily cooperate when being milked, and are easily led to slaughter. There is, of course, the rare animal that does act up. It's branded a renegade, and quickly eliminated. If, however, the entire group of animals—that is, the entire species—is known for acting up when trod upon, these animals are, for the most part, left alone. If consensual criminals stood up not only for their own rights, but the rights of each other, we would have the power to keep the government from treading upon us."</p><p>If we dont stand together, we will all hang seperate' </p><p>Jupiterconjunct (2 hours ago) Spam gbg, you have to be the most annoying person I have met on utube. You are neither interesting, nor eloquent nor bright. You are NOT even nice. Whatever your religion is, it is teaching you TO BE A ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS, so I suggest you dump it and find something that encourages you to be a good and kind person. gbg said "any way butt out and get to your own channel I'll be coming to you soon , have patience my friend. " wtf. Are you insane? WHO the heck are you to tell Sherrie's guests what to do? You're really weird. Go work on yourself. theglastonburygirl (4 hours ago) Spam How comes every one is posting on sherries page can't a girl get a word in edge ways these days? Think I'll go back to mine for a bit of peace no conspiracy theories there. theglastonburygirl (4 hours ago) Spam homohu ahh thanks:) huomhu (4 hours ago) Spam t....burygirl... I think your heart is brainwashed ;-) theglastonburygirl (4 hours ago) Spam Ap2 c u blocked me already b4 i had the chance, u in prison man?? theglastonburygirl (4 hours ago) Spam apt420 I have never mentioned sherries reincarnation to say anything about it. perhaps she is, and?? does that make her any better at seeing the truth than me? No I am not a Christian, I am not a Catholic, I am not a muslim MY religion is in my heart. So if u want to start condemning hearts go ahead. By the way I've been told I'm on my sixth or is it seventh reincarnation, whatever it takes to get u there in the end. any way butt out and get to your own channel I'll be coming to you soon , have patience my friend. theglastonburygirl (5 hours ago) Spam Probably shot because he was catholic and my aunt is protestant. sad the evil that people do. </p><p>APT420 (5 hours ago) Spam theglastonburygirl You are a douche! Totally fucking ignorant. You have no fucking clue what it is you are trying to convey through your BULLSHIT! Sherrie is the REINCARNATE of MARYLIN MONROE. Youtube or Google her and you will be amazed. Sherrie's case is so compelling that If you understood Soul Groups or reincarnation then Sherrie could be used as proof of Yahweh. But maybe you haven't been a witness to any miracles. If you are another dipshit Christian then this info WILL NOT MATTER. Christians usually tend to enjoy staying brainwashed, so yeah... But anyways, other than that. You can go fuck yourself. theglastonburygirl (5 hours ago) Spam Sherrie I want to help u, i know u don't believe that I can give u nothing but my tears. theglastonburygirl (5 hours ago) Spam I don't think the queen has anything to do with the hells angels I've never seen her at the bulldog bash, oh and no i am not one either, though all bikers are not the bad asses they r made out to be. Our old grannys as you say, people like my mother and yours helped to keep our country free from tyranny like Hitler working hours doing jobs day in day out loosing their loved ones, husbands, sons ,brothers so that we could be free. where is your respect. IF the Queen is found to be satanic I will eat my doc martin. Hey I know there is emmense bad in the world but condemning people and past situations does not cure anthing only feed the fire. My uncle was shot dead in belfast, not part of any sects, a good man gone, for what... Sangrailian Deleting Jesus comment off her page. Have something to hide LILITH? Sherrie Lea Laird Deleted it too! ALL RECORDS HERE</p><p>Gulf Oil Spill IT IS A VOLCANO</p><p>A volcano of oil you think that the BP Gulf Oil Spill Problem is OVER? NOT! </p><p>Methane Gas Bubbles + Volcanoes = Massive Explosions, Tsunamis, Earth Quakes, and Black DEATH RAIN. </p><p>Thank you SATANIC NWO. Just in time for Bohemian Grove Satanic Ritual Sacrifices to Levan and Lilith</p><p> canadastreetnews (1 second ago) </p><p>Spam </p><p> </p><p> canadastreetnews (1 hour ago) Spam The incoming fleet allied with the former system commander, Cronus (see Thesiods Theogony) and took control of the inner system. Ever since the planets (up to Saturn) have become the Draconian inner defensive perimeter. They commenced the first attempt to empose the New World Order with Atlantis, but their plans failed. Ever since, they are building up to make this planet a second homeworld, by annihilating both black and white race. </p><p> canadastreetnews (1 hour ago) Spam now preparing for their judgement day (armageddon) through the world wars (especially WW3).</p><p>-we were a planet under Sino-Mongolic occupation, which was (and still is) under the orders of the Draconian leader YHWH (Yahweh, but at times used other names such as Asmondai, Jedi, Metatron etc) and the traitor ally Cronus (which in the scripts is reffered to as Savvaoth). </p><p>-You name it, Zion, cults, religions, world wars down to ancient invasions (and legendary wars) and up to genetic experiments, clones and UFOs. Everything connected to one single master plan. That plan is the forming of a new Draconian homeworld in our solar system. This means that the black and the white race will either be totally assimilated genetically or... annihilated. And here is where Zion comes in place. canadastreetnews (2 hours ago) Spam AWAKEN PLANETARY HELLENES, THE WHITE- PELASGIAN ANDROMEDIAN RACE AND BLACK INDIGENOUS SIRIAN RACE OF THEIR GLORIOUS ROOTS IN HISTORY AND PREHISTORY AND TO KEEP HELLENIC NATIONAL AND PLANETARY SECURITY BY PUBLICISING ON TIME THE DRAGONIAN ENEMY STRATEGIES AND MASTER PLANS IN ORDER TO FOIL CATASTROPHES AND THE DRAGONIAN GENOCIDE MASTER PLAN WITH CODE WORD "ARMAGEDDON" UNTIL 2012 WHICH IS THE TIME LINE FOR THE INTERVENTION OF THE SUPERIOR ANDROMEDIAN STARFLEET THAT WILL COME TO FREE US FROM THE 13500 YEARS SINESE- ZIONIST-DRAGONIAN CANCEROUS MATRIX AND RESTORE US TO PRE-LUNAR GOLDEN ERA CIVILIZATION. soloride666 (17 hours ago) Spam i dont like the angels but i dont like people sticking there noses in the things that go on in this world , especially if they are whores that only know what they are allowed to know. soloride666 (17 hours ago) Spam shut up about the angels . Thats all im going to say , keep your mouth shut bitch . OrthodoxVideos (20 hours ago) Spam To be more precise I would say grandiose belief's about oneself (savior complex) and paranoid delusions, but I am open minded and admit that I don't have all knowledge. If I am mistaken in anyway, forgive me. However, the Illuminati and Bohemian Grove absolutely do exist. One book I am looking forward to reading and recommend is "Behold a Pale Horse," by Cooper. He allegedly explains everything that is going on. As a former intelligence agent in the Navy he had access to classifed government documents. </p><p>MrAndromedan (1 day ago) Spam Tree, sort yourself out. </p><p> somewhereone (1 day ago) Spam A kind comment left by OrthodoxVideos. The kind that is not in attack mode, hate mode, or any other mode than sharing some great food for thought. Now, I have seen a shitload of comments here from attackers, shills, and just plain dipshits who can simply change the channel if they do not like what they see. BUT Noooo.. There are very specific reasons why these assholes keep bouncing to and fro. I am in an early phase of exposing the bullshit related to ALL users here whether you are guilty or not. TREEE, call teh kitteh should you need meh.. meOw.. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr </p><p>OrthodoxVideos (1 day ago) Spam Hi, I'm a Christian and I have been watching these videos. I like you Treee, but have you ever heard the proverb "physician heal thyself"? You can't save other's if you don't save yourself. You are obsessed with bohemian grove, but God has not appointed you to save the world and humanity. You need to straighten your own life out. In all kindness, I think you might be suffering from somekind of paranoid delusional disorder. Even if you went to the grove, that does not mean you would change anything. There is no proof you would change anything. Lastly, you had a whole year to arrange for a trip to the grove. At the last minutes you asked for a ride. Not enough notice. But there's always next year. </p><p>7:13 pm July 20 2010 Channel Comments (487) canadastreetnews (1 second ago) </p><p>Spam </p><p>Still HOME I deleted this just minutes ago Is it true that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are brothers? Jesus Christ or if you prefer his real name, Rabbi Yechoshuah, was a clear Draconian creation, sent for a specific mission of mental warfare. Lucifer is YHWH's second in command Draconian, commander of flagship Lilith. His real name is Tamil... The "Satan's" orders though come directly from YHWH himself.</p><p>Jesus (Yechoshuah) has been residing in Levan (moon) for the past 2,000 years, coordinating the religious mental warfare. It is highly possible though that his spirit has reincarnated and not for a good purpose. Ever since reptilians have been sighted upon the planet, it means that they are in a huge hurry to initiate their "predicted" (read planned) Armageddon project. I don't think they will have enough time though. ..http://hellenandchaos.blogsp- </p><p> canadastreetnews (4 minutes ago) Spam The incoming fleet allied with the former system commander, Cronus (see Thesiods Theogony) and took control of the inner system. Ever since the planets (up to Saturn) have become the Draconian inner defensive perimeter. They commenced the first attempt to empose the New World Order with Atlantis, but their plans failed. Ever since, they are building up to make this planet a second homeworld, by annihilating both black and white race. canadastreetnews (5 minutes ago) Spam now preparing for their judgement day (armageddon) through the world wars (especially WW3).</p><p>-we were a planet under Sino-Mongolic occupation, which was (and still is) under the orders of the Draconian leader YHWH (Yahweh, but at times used other names such as Asmondai, Jedi, Metatron etc) and the traitor ally Cronus (which in the scripts is reffered to as Savvaoth). </p><p>-You name it, Zion, cults, religions, world wars down to ancient invasions (and legendary wars) and up to genetic experiments, clones and UFOs. Everything connected to one single master plan. That plan is the forming of a new Draconian homeworld in our solar system. This means that the black and the white race will either be totally assimilated genetically or... annihilated. And here is where Zion comes in place. canadastreetnews (10 minutes ago) Spam AWAKEN PLANETARY HELLENES, THE WHITE- PELASGIAN ANDROMEDIAN RACE AND BLACK INDIGENOUS SIRIAN RACE OF THEIR GLORIOUS ROOTS IN HISTORY AND PREHISTORY AND TO KEEP HELLENIC NATIONAL AND PLANETARY SECURITY BY PUBLICISING ON TIME THE DRAGONIAN ENEMY STRATEGIES AND MASTER PLANS IN ORDER TO FOIL CATASTROPHES AND THE DRAGONIAN GENOCIDE MASTER PLAN WITH CODE WORD "ARMAGEDDON" UNTIL 2012 WHICH IS THE TIME LINE FOR THE INTERVENTION OF THE SUPERIOR ANDROMEDIAN STARFLEET THAT WILL COME TO FREE US FROM THE 13500 YEARS SINESE- ZIONIST-DRAGONIAN CANCEROUS MATRIX AND RESTORE US TO PRE-LUNAR GOLDEN ERA CIVILIZATION. soloride666 (15 hours ago) Spam i dont like the angels but i dont like people sticking there noses in the things that go on in this world , especially if they are whores that only know what they are allowed to know. soloride666 (15 hours ago) Spam shut up about the angels . Thats all im going to say , keep your mouth shut bitch . </p><p>OrthodoxVideos (18 hours ago) Spam To be more precise I would say grandiose belief's about oneself (savior complex) and paranoid delusions, but I am open minded and admit that I don't have all knowledge. If I am mistaken in anyway, forgive me. However, the Illuminati and Bohemian Grove absolutely do exist. One book I am looking forward to reading and recommend is "Behold a Pale Horse," by Cooper. He allegedly explains everything that is going on. As a former intelligence agent in the Navy he had access to classifed government documents. </p><p>MrAndromedan (1 day ago) Spam Tree, sort yourself out. </p><p> somewhereone (1 day ago) Spam A kind comment left by OrthodoxVideos. The kind that is not in attack mode, hate mode, or any other mode than sharing some great food for thought. Now, I have seen a shitload of comments here from attackers, shills, and just plain dipshits who can simply change the channel if they do not like what they see. BUT Noooo.. There are very specific reasons why these assholes keep bouncing to and fro. I am in an early phase of exposing the bullshit related to ALL users here whether you are guilty or not. TREEE, call teh kitteh should you need meh.. meOw.. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr </p><p>OrthodoxVideos (1 day ago) Spam Hi, I'm a Christian and I have been watching these videos. I like you Treee, but have you ever heard the proverb "physician heal thyself"? You can't save other's if you don't save yourself. You are obsessed with bohemian grove, but God has not appointed you to save the world and humanity. You need to straighten your own life out. In all kindness, I think you might be suffering from somekind of paranoid delusional disorder. Even if you went to the grove, that does not mean you would change anything. There is no proof you would change anything. Lastly, you had a whole year to arrange for a trip to the grove. At the last minutes you asked for a ride. Not enough notice. But there's always next year. </p><p>Recent Activity sangrailian commented on PRISM PRISION THE REPTILIAN IN QEII WAS TRAPPED IN AT MM... (10 hours ago) </p><p>"I DONT THINK SO SHERRR - I HOPE TROY REGAS BECOMES A GRAIL KING AND DOESNT ALLOW HIS BABY SON TO BE SACRIFICED- CUZ IF QE DONT GET THE BABY AND ..." more </p><p> sangrailian commented on PIX AT MM OFFICE (15 hours ago) </p><p>"THANKS EVERYONE FOR HELPING ME SAVE THE CHILDREN !!! PEOPLE YOU SUCK YOU DONT CARE NOONE DOES I CANT EVEN GET A RIDE TO BOHO - AND CHILDREN AR..." more </p><p> sangrailian uploaded a new video (1 week ago) </p><p> treee going to face the lizard queen in bohemian grove ... treee going to face the lizard queen in bohemian grove july 21 2010#1 </p><p> sangrailian uploaded a new video (1 week ago) </p><p>GEDC0012.MOV </p><p> sangrailian uploaded a new video (1 week ago) </p><p>GEDC0001.MOVbohemian grove the hlls angels and the new w... GEDC0001.MOVbohemian grove the hlls angels and the new world order - the dragons den Channel Comments (482) canadastreetnews (1 second ago) </p><p>Spam </p><p>Is it true that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are brothers? Jesus Christ or if you prefer his real name, Rabbi Yechoshuah, was a clear Draconian creation, sent for a specific mission of mental warfare. Lucifer is YHWH's second in command Draconian, commander of flagship Lilith. His real name is Tamil... The "Satan's" orders though come directly from YHWH himself. Jesus (Yechoshuah) has been residing in Levan (moon) for the past 2,000 years, coordinating the religious mental warfare. It is highly possible though that his spirit has reincarnated and not for a good purpose. Ever since reptilians have been sighted upon the planet, it means that they are in a huge hurry to initiate their "predicted" (read planned) Armageddon project. I don't think they will have enough time though. .. tion-review.html canadastreetnews (1 minute ago) Spam The incoming fleet allied with the former system commander, Cronus (see Thesiods Theogony) and took control of the inner system. Ever since the planets (up to Saturn) have become the Draconian inner defensive perimeter. They commenced the first attempt to empose the New World Order with Atlantis, but their plans failed. Ever since, they are building up to make this planet a second homeworld, by annihilating both black and white race. canadastreetnews (2 minutes ago) Spam now preparing for their judgement day (armageddon) through the world wars (especially WW3).</p><p>-we were a planet under Sino-Mongolic occupation, which was (and still is) under the orders of the Draconian leader YHWH (Yahweh, but at times used other names such as Asmondai, Jedi, Metatron etc) and the traitor ally Cronus (which in the scripts is reffered to as Savvaoth). </p><p>-You name it, Zion, cults, religions, world wars down to ancient invasions (and legendary wars) and up to genetic experiments, clones and UFOs. Everything connected to one single master plan. That plan is the forming of a new Draconian homeworld in our solar system. This means that the black and the white race will either be totally assimilated genetically or... annihilated. And here is where Zion comes in place. canadastreetnews (6 minutes ago) Spam AWAKEN PLANETARY HELLENES, THE WHITE- PELASGIAN ANDROMEDIAN RACE AND BLACK INDIGENOUS SIRIAN RACE OF THEIR GLORIOUS ROOTS IN HISTORY AND PREHISTORY AND TO KEEP HELLENIC NATIONAL AND PLANETARY SECURITY BY PUBLICISING ON TIME THE DRAGONIAN ENEMY STRATEGIES AND MASTER PLANS IN ORDER TO FOIL CATASTROPHES AND THE DRAGONIAN GENOCIDE MASTER PLAN WITH CODE WORD "ARMAGEDDON" UNTIL 2012 WHICH IS THE TIME LINE FOR THE INTERVENTION OF THE SUPERIOR ANDROMEDIAN STARFLEET THAT WILL COME TO FREE US FROM THE 13500 YEARS SINESE-ZIONIST-DRAGONIAN CANCEROUS MATRIX AND RESTORE US TO PRE- LUNAR GOLDEN ERA CIVILIZATION. soloride666 (15 hours ago) Spam i dont like the angels but i dont like people sticking there noses in the things that go on in this world , especially if they are whores that only know what they are allowed to know. soloride666 (15 hours ago) Spam shut up about the angels . Thats all im going to say , keep your mouth shut bitch . </p><p>OrthodoxVideos (18 hours ago) Spam To be more precise I would say grandiose belief's about oneself (savior complex) and paranoid delusions, but I am open minded and admit that I don't have all knowledge. If I am mistaken in anyway, forgive me. However, the Illuminati and Bohemian Grove absolutely do exist. One book I am looking forward to reading and recommend is "Behold a Pale Horse," by Cooper. He allegedly explains everything that is going on. As a former intelligence agent in the Navy he had access to classifed government documents. MrAndromedan (1 day ago) Spam Tree, sort yourself out. </p><p> somewhereone (1 day ago) Spam A kind comment left by OrthodoxVideos. The kind that is not in attack mode, hate mode, or any other mode than sharing some great food for thought. Now, I have seen a shitload of comments here from attackers, shills, and just plain dipshits who can simply change the channel if they do not like what they see. BUT Noooo.. There are very specific reasons why these assholes keep bouncing to and fro. I am in an early phase of exposing the bullshit related to ALL users here whether you are guilty or not. TREEE, call teh kitteh should you need meh.. meOw.. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr </p>

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