<p> ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS </p><p>REVIEW OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES </p><p>This questionnaire examines the availability of statistics on energy consumption in households in the Member States. It covers surveys / administrative sources (Part A) as well as modelling activities (Part B), which may be used to make these statistics available. </p><p>In addition to questions on coverage, the questionnaire examines costs, quality and use made of the collected information.</p><p>MEMBER STATE: Finland…………………………………….</p><p>Yes No 1. Do you collect data on domestic energy consumption? X O</p><p>1.1 If not, do you plan to start collecting such data? O O</p><p>When? ………</p><p>2. If you do collect data on domestic energy consumption, do you use: survey(s) X O administrative sources X O modelling X O PART A: SURVEYS, ADMINISTRATIVE SOURCES</p><p>Part A reviews surveys and administrative sources used at national level. It examines the availability of typical information normally made available by such sources (the recommended coverage was used as benchmark), their quality and associated costs.</p><p>3. Please, give the name and a short description of each survey and administrative source used (include any planned survey, the description of which is already available). Include information on collected statistics and users at national level. Indicate how this information is used for policy definition / evaluation. Indicate additional priority user requirements and associated statistics which should be made available in future data collections to be carried out in your country. 1. Survey on Fuelwood Consumption in Small-sized dwellings (see separate description) (farms, permanent and recreational dwellings owned by households) Done by Finnish Forest Research Institute (METLA). </p><p>2. Questionnaire of Electricity Consumption (see separate description) Done annually by Finnish Energy Industries (ET) as a part of electricity statistics. Questionnaire for power distribution network companies. ‘Housing’ electricity total can be answered - partition to smaller data such as ‘electrical heating’ and ‘other electricity used by households’ is done by estimation.</p><p>3. Household Electricity Consumption 2006 (see separate description)</p><p>4. District Heating Statistics (no separate description) Done annually by Finnish Energy Industries and the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities. Questionnaire for production and distribution companies. Consumption (=sales) of district heat is classified to households and ‘other buildings’.</p><p>5. The Housing and Building Stock (see separate description) Based on register data from the Population Register Centre’s Population Information System. </p><p>6. Household Budget Survey (see separate description) </p><p>2 4. For each survey or administrative source identified in section 3, complete the following questions, please:</p><p>Source: Fuelwood Consumption in Small-sized dwellings </p><p>Yes No * Is it a survey? (If yes, go to point 1) X O * Is it an administrative source? (If yes, go to point 7) O X 1 Is the survey a panel? O X 2 Is the survey obligatory? O X 3 What is the sample size of the survey? 8 500 dwellings in year 2007 4 What is the average response rate of the survey? 51% (2007) 5 What survey format do you use? </p><p>Interview X </p><p>CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) O </p><p>CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) O</p><p>Mailed Questionnaire X (main method)</p><p>Web Questionnaire X</p><p>6 What is the total cost of the survey in Euros? 125 000 (2007) What part of the total cost is attributed to the energy section? 50 % 7 Describe the main purpose of the collection: To find out the total amount of fuelwood used in small-sized dwellings (farms, permanent and recreational dwellings) owned by private households. 8 What is the frequency of the data collection? 7-14 years; previous study on year 2007/2008</p><p>9 Since when is such data collected? 1927</p><p>10 When is the next data collection planned for? not known</p><p>11 Name of the service responsible for the data collection </p><p>Finnish Forest Research Institute</p><p>12 Who are the respondents of this survey? </p><p>Energy suppliers O Importers O Traders O Households X</p><p>13 For which regional level (NUTS level) are the data significant? NUTS 2</p><p>3 Yes No Partly</p><p>14 Type of information collected </p><p> a) Housing Stock characteristics</p><p>Type of dwelling X O</p><p>Age of the building X O</p><p>Insulation (roof, wall, window) O X (If the answer is yes, please specify)</p><p>Heated floor area of the dwelling X O</p><p> b) Household characteristics</p><p>Number of households X O </p><p>Size (number of persons per household) O X</p><p>Income O X </p><p> c) Energy Consumption / expenditure by energy commodity type</p><p>Type of energy commodities used X O O</p><p>Quantities of energy commodities used by type X O O</p><p>Expenditure of energy commodities by type O X O</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify commodity types)</p><p>Wood fuel consumption by assortments: Roundwood (split billets, forest chips) and wood residues (industrial or forest res.).</p><p> d) Fuel types used for</p><p>Space heating X O O</p><p>Hot Water X O O</p><p>Cooking X O O</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p>All three together, no division. </p><p>4 e) Space heating system</p><p>Type of heating system X O</p><p>Age of heating system O X</p><p> f) Availability of electrical appliances</p><p>Type/number O X</p><p>(If the answer is "yes" please specify types)</p><p> g) Penetration of renewable energy sources</p><p>Solar collectors (surface, type) O X O </p><p>Photovoltaic (power) O X O</p><p>Heat pumps (type, power, electricity consumption) O O X</p><p>Wood (quantity) X O O</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p>Type (ground heat pump / outdoor airheat pump) of heat pump.</p><p>Volume of energy wood used by assortment and by building type (dwelling, sauna,...).</p><p> h) Penetration of energy efficiency technologies O X O such as high efficiency lamps, appliances, etc.</p><p>(If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p> i) Please specify any other relevant statistics that are collected </p><p> and are not mentioned above:</p><p>Information where the wood is acquired.</p><p>5 15 Do you validate the data with external/additional information? O O X If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify (e.g. data from energy suppliers, heating devices sold/ installed)</p><p>Housing stock characteristics validated with information from Population Information System of Finland.</p><p>16 Do you apply automated plausibility checks? X O O</p><p>17 Do you use these data for compiling national energy balances? X O O</p><p>18 Do you publish the survey results separately? X O If "yes" how do you publish (internet, brochure, CD….) and when did you publish the most recent figures?</p><p>Published in Internet (pdf publications and database; only in Finnish). Latest in year 2009. Link: http://www.metla.fi/metinfo/tilasto/julkaisut/muutjulkaisut_index.html </p><p>19 Do you publish a Report of Methods? X O If "yes" when did you publish the most recent report?</p><p>Published (only in Finnish) in year 2009. Link: http://www.metla.fi/metinfo/tilasto/laatu/pientalopolttopuu.htm</p><p>6 Source: Questionnaire of Electricity Consumption</p><p>Yes No * Is it a survey? (If yes, go to point 1) X O * Is it an administrative source? (If yes, go to point 7) O X 1 Is the survey a panel? O X 2 Is the survey obligatory? O X 3 What is the sample size of the survey? about 90 4 What is the average response rate of the survey? 100 % 5 What survey format do you use? </p><p>Interview O </p><p>CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) O </p><p>CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) O</p><p>Mailed Questionnaire X (EMAILED)</p><p>Web Questionnaire O</p><p>6 What is the total cost of the survey in Euros? not available What part of the total cost is attributed to the energy section? 7 Describe the main purpose of the collection: To obtain quantities of electricity consumed by “industry”, “housing” and “public and commercial sector”. The questionnaire is answered by distribution net operators on base of electricity sales. From this questionnaire electricity of housing sector is divided into subcategories on base of estimation. 8 What is the frequency of the data collection? annual</p><p>9 Since when is such data collected? since 1980’s</p><p>10 When is the next data collection planned for? next year</p><p>11 Name of the service responsible for the data collection </p><p>Finnish Energy Industries</p><p>12 Who are the respondents of this survey? </p><p>Energy suppliers X Importers O Traders O Households O</p><p>13 For which regional level (NUTS level) are the data significant? NUTS 3</p><p>7 Yes No Partly</p><p>14 Type of information collected </p><p> i) Housing Stock characteristics</p><p>Type of dwelling O X</p><p>Age of the building O X</p><p>Insulation (roof, wall, window) O X (If the answer is yes, please specify)</p><p>Heated floor area of the dwelling O X</p><p> j) Household characteristics</p><p>Number of households O X </p><p>Size (number of persons per household) O X </p><p>Income O X </p><p> k) Energy Consumption / expenditure by energy commodity type</p><p>Type of energy commodities used O X O</p><p>Quantities of energy commodities used by type O X O</p><p>Expenditure of energy commodities by type O X O</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify commodity types)</p><p> l) Fuel types used for</p><p>Space heating O X O</p><p>Hot Water O X O</p><p>Cooking O X O</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p>8 m) Space heating system</p><p>Type of heating system O X</p><p>Age of heating system O X</p><p> n) Availability of electrical appliances</p><p>Type/number O X</p><p>(If the answer is "yes" please specify types)</p><p> o) Penetration of renewable energy sources</p><p>Solar collectors (surface, type) O X O </p><p>Photovoltaic (power) O X O</p><p>Heat pumps (type, power, electricity consumption) O X O</p><p>Wood (quantity) O X O</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p> p) Penetration of energy efficiency technologies O X O such as high efficiency lamps, appliances, etc.</p><p>(If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p> i) Please specify any other relevant statistics that are collected </p><p> and are not mentioned above:</p><p>15 Do you validate the data with external/additional information? X O O If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify (e.g. data from energy suppliers, heating devices sold/ installed)</p><p>The total electricity consumption is of course consistent with electricity supply figures. </p><p>9 16 Do you apply automated plausibility checks? X O O</p><p>17 Do you use these data for compiling national energy balances? X O O</p><p>18 Do you publish the survey results separately? X O If "yes" how do you publish (internet, brochure, CD….) and when did you publish the most recent figures? Link: by Finnish Energy Industries: www.energia.fi</p><p>19 Do you publish a Report of Methods? O X If "yes" when did you publish the most recent report? Link: …………………………………….</p><p>10 Source: Household Electricity Consumption 2006</p><p>Yes No * Is it a survey? (If yes, go to point 1) X O * Is it an administrative source? (If yes, go to point 7) O X 1 Is the survey a panel? O X 2 Is the survey obligatory? O X 3 What is the sample size of the survey? Number of respondents in web questionnaire 4 000, in mail survey 341. Sample size in mail survey 1 150. Results weighed and analysed for representativeness. 4 What is the average response rate of the survey? 30% 5 What survey format do you use? </p><p>Interview O </p><p>CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) O </p><p>CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) O</p><p>Mailed Questionnaire X</p><p>Web Questionnaire X</p><p>6 What is the total cost of the survey in Euros? 200 000 euros What part of the total cost is attributed to the energy section? 100% 7 Describe the main purpose of the collection: The data collection has two purposes 1) to decompose the total household electricity use to appliance categories and 2) to update information and models used for customer advice by electric utilities. In addition to survey data and its analysis the cost includes measurement and diary study of app. 100 households and the relevant analysis including model testing and weighing for representativeness. 8 What is the frequency of the data collection? irregular, latest 2006, next in 2012</p><p>9 Since when is such data collected? early 1990’s, first national 1993</p><p>10 When is the next data collection planned for? 2012</p><p>11 Name of the service responsible for the data collection Adato Energia Oy</p><p>12 Who are the respondents of this survey? </p><p>Energy suppliers O Importers O Traders O Households X</p><p>13 For which regional level (NUTS level) are the data significant? NUTS 1</p><p>11 Yes No Partly 14 Type of information collected </p><p> q) Housing Stock characteristics</p><p>Type of dwelling X O</p><p>Age of the building X O</p><p>Insulation (roof, wall, window) O X (If the answer is yes, please specify)</p><p>Heated floor area of the dwelling O X</p><p> r) Household characteristics</p><p>Number of households X O </p><p>Size (number of persons per household) X O</p><p>Income X O </p><p> s) Energy Consumption / expenditure by energy commodity type</p><p>Type of energy commodities used X O O</p><p>Quantities of energy commodities used by type O O X</p><p>Expenditure of energy commodities by type O X O</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify commodity types)</p><p>The data is supplemented by electricity consumption information from the utility records for the respective household. The households have given their consent to this.</p><p> t) Fuel types used for</p><p>Space heating O O X</p><p>Hot Water O O X</p><p>Cooking O O X</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p>This study is focussed on electricity. Some information is asked on wood use.</p><p>12 u) Space heating system</p><p>Type of heating system X O</p><p>Age of heating system O X</p><p> v) Availability of electrical appliances</p><p>Type/number X O</p><p>(If the answer is "yes" please specify types)</p><p>Cold appliances, stoves, washing machines, drying machines, TV’s and PC’s + paraphernalia, sauna stoves, ventilation and heating related equipment, floor heating, car heating, lighting related questions – not numbers of lamps as in 1993 resulted in lots of missing data w) Penetration of renewable energy sources</p><p>Solar collectors (surface, type) O O X </p><p>Photovoltaic (power) O X O</p><p>Heat pumps (type, power, electricity consumption) O O X</p><p>Wood (quantity) O O X</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p>The information of the above is collected to help modelling the use of electricity for space heating.</p><p> x) Penetration of energy efficiency technologies O X O such as high efficiency lamps, appliances, etc.</p><p>(If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p> i) Please specify any other relevant statistics that are collected </p><p> and are not mentioned above:</p><p>13 15 Do you validate the data with external/additional information? X O O If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify (e.g. data from energy suppliers, heating devices sold/ installed)</p><p>The total results are validated against other information of appliance prevalence and with total electricity consumption. In the modelling process the data is validated against auxiliary information on appliance consumptions and cross checking of answers of survey and the sub study of diaries and measurements. The back round questions of households are used to assess representativeness and create necessary strata.</p><p>16 Do you apply automated plausibility checks? O X O</p><p>17 Do you use these data for compiling national energy balances? O X O</p><p>18 Do you publish the survey results separately? X O If "yes" how do you publish (internet, brochure, CD….) and when did you publish the most recent figures? Available in Finnish. Link: http://www.adato.fi/portals/2/attachments/Adato/Kotitalouksien_sahkonkaytto_2006_r aportti.pdf</p><p>19 Do you publish a Report of Methods? O O If "yes" when did you publish the most recent report?</p><p>14 Source: The Housing and Building Stock</p><p>Yes No * Is it a survey? (If yes, go to point 1) O X * Is it an administrative source? (If yes, go to point 7) X O 1 Is the survey a panel? O O 2 Is the survey obligatory? O O 3 What is the sample size of the survey? 4 What is the average response rate of the survey? 5 What survey format do you use? </p><p>Interview O </p><p>CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) O </p><p>CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) O</p><p>Mailed Questionnaire O </p><p>Web Questionnaire O</p><p>6 What is the total cost of the survey in Euros? What part of the total cost is attributed to the energy section? 7 Describe the main purpose of the collection: National register collects basic information related to the identification of people and buildings. 8 What is the frequency of the data collection? </p><p>The Population Information System is updated continuously with construction and housing data based on notices of construction projects, which are filled out when a building permit is being applied for with regard to new construction, extensions and conversions.</p><p>9 Since when is such data collected? </p><p>The register’s knowledge base consists of data on construction and housing collected in the 1980 population census. Since 1982 the register has been updated as the previous section shows. </p><p>10 When is the next data collection planned for? See sections 8 and 9. </p><p>11 Name of the service responsible for the data collection </p><p>The Population Register Centre</p><p>12 Who are the respondents of this survey?</p><p>Energy suppliers O Importers O Traders O Households O</p><p>15 Households inform municipalities.</p><p>13 For which regional level (NUTS level) are the data significant? NUTS 3 </p><p>Yes No Partly</p><p>14 Type of information collected</p><p> y) Housing Stock characteristics</p><p>Type of dwelling X O</p><p>Age of the building X O</p><p>Insulation (roof, wall, window) O O (If the answer is yes, please specify)</p><p>Heated floor area of the dwelling O O X</p><p>Total floor area of the dwelling is collected.</p><p> z) Household characteristics</p><p>Number of households X O </p><p>Size (number of persons per household) X O </p><p>Income O X </p><p> aa) Energy Consumption / expenditure by energy commodity type</p><p>Type of energy commodities used O O X</p><p>Quantities of energy commodities used by type O X O</p><p>Expenditure of energy commodities by type O X O</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify commodity types)</p><p>Main heat source of the dwellings.</p><p> bb) Fuel types used for</p><p>Space heating O X O</p><p>Hot Water O X O</p><p>16 Cooking O X O</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p> cc) Space heating system</p><p>Type of heating system X O</p><p>Age of heating system O X</p><p> dd) Availability of electrical appliances</p><p>Type/number O X</p><p>(If the answer is "yes" please specify types)</p><p> ee) Penetration of renewable energy sources</p><p>Solar collectors (surface, type) O X O </p><p>Photovoltaic (power) O X O</p><p>Heat pumps (type, power, electricity consumption) O X O</p><p>Wood (quantity) O X O</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p> ff) Penetration of energy efficiency technologies O X O such as high efficiency lamps, appliances, etc.</p><p>(If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p> i) Please specify any other relevant statistics that are collected </p><p> and are not mentioned above:</p><p>15 Do you validate the data with external/additional information? X O O If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify (e.g. data from energy suppliers, heating devices sold/ installed)</p><p>17 The source data are corrected in two ways. Firstly, unoccupied buildings are removed from the data, as it is assumed that vacant residential buildings are not heated. Secondly, the heat source distribution is corrected based on other surveys etc. as it is known that there are data regarding this that have not been updated in the basic register.</p><p>16 Do you apply automated plausibility checks? X O O</p><p>17 Do you use these data for compiling national energy balances? O X O Model results are used.</p><p>18 Do you publish the survey results separately? O X If "yes" how do you publish (internet, brochure, CD….) and when did you publish the most recent figures?</p><p>19 Do you publish a Report of Methods? O O If "yes" when did you publish the most recent report? Link: …………………………………….</p><p>18 Source: Household Budget Survey Yes No * Is it a survey? (If yes, go to point 1) X O * Is it an administrative source? (If yes, go to point 7) O X 1 Is the survey a panel? O X 2 Is the survey obligatory? O X 3 What is the sample size of the survey? 7 658 households in 2006 4 What is the average response rate of the survey? 55% 5 What survey format do you use? </p><p>Interview X </p><p>CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) O </p><p>CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) X</p><p>Mailed Questionnaire O </p><p>Web Questionnaire O</p><p>6 What is the total cost of the survey in Euros? What part of the total cost is attributed to the energy section? 7 Describe the main purpose of the collection: Household Budget Survey produces data on changes in the consumption expenditure of households and on differences in consumption by population group. 8 What is the frequency of the data collection?</p><p>Household Budget Surveys have been carried out in 1998, 2001 and 2006. The next data collection will be made in 2012.</p><p>9 Since when is such data collected?</p><p>The data were collected for the first time in 1966. </p><p>10 When is the next data collection planned for? </p><p>The next data collection will be made in 2012. </p><p>11 Name of the service responsible for the data collection </p><p>Statistics Finland / Social Statistics</p><p>12 Who are the respondents of this survey?</p><p>Energy suppliers O Importers O Traders O Households X</p><p>13 For which regional level (NUTS level) are the data significant? NUTS 3</p><p>19 Yes No Partly 14 Type of information collected</p><p> gg) Housing Stock characteristics</p><p>Type of dwelling X O</p><p>Age of the building X O</p><p>Insulation (roof, wall, window) O X (If the answer is yes, please specify)</p><p>Heated floor area of the dwelling X O</p><p> hh) Household characteristics</p><p>Number of households X O </p><p>Size (number of persons per household) X O </p><p>Income X O </p><p> ii) Energy Consumption / expenditure by energy commodity type</p><p>Type of energy commodities used O O X</p><p>Quantities of energy commodities used by type O O X</p><p>Expenditure of energy commodities by type O O X</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify commodity types)</p><p>Expenditures on fuel oil, wood fuel, district heating, electricity and natural gas.</p><p> jj) Fuel types used for</p><p>Space heating X O O</p><p>Hot Water O X O</p><p>Cooking O O X</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p>Main heat source of the dwelling. Natural gas used for cooking.</p><p> kk) Space heating system</p><p>Type of heating system X O</p><p>Age of heating system O X</p><p> ll) Availability of electrical appliances</p><p>20 Type/number X O</p><p>(If the answer is "yes" please specify types)</p><p>Electric sauna stove, electric floor heater, air conditioning devices.</p><p> mm) Penetration of renewable energy sources</p><p>Solar collectors (surface, type) O O X </p><p>Photovoltaic (power) O X O</p><p>Heat pumps (type, power, electricity consumption) O O X</p><p>Wood (quantity) O O X</p><p>(If any of the answers is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p>Solar collectors, air-to-air heat pumps and wood as a supplementary heating system.</p><p> nn) Penetration of energy efficiency technologies O X O such as high efficiency lamps, appliances, etc.</p><p>(If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify)</p><p> i) Please specify any other relevant statistics that are collected </p><p> and are not mentioned above:</p><p>15 Do you validate the data with external/additional information? X O O If the answer is "yes" or "partly" please specify (e.g. data from energy suppliers, heating devices sold/ installed)</p><p>The data on education and income are derived from registers. 16 Do you apply automated plausibility checks? O O O 17 Do you use these data for compiling national energy balances? O X O 18 Do you publish the survey results separately? X O If "yes" how do you publish (internet, brochure, CD….) and when did you publish the most recent figures? Official results of the Survey will be published in Households’ consumption statistics. Latest release was in June 2009. 19 Do you publish a Report of Methods? O O If "yes" when did you publish the most recent report? Link: …………………………………….</p><p>21 22 PART B: MODELLING ACTIVITIES</p><p>Part B reviews modelling activities carried out at national level. The questions seek qualitative assessments and responses to a number of topics (source data, the modelling objective and methodology, etc.) related to modelling and the associated costs. Three types of modelling activities are considered, namely:</p><p>To estimate the total fuel consumption in households by type of fuel and end-use To estimate the breakdown of the fuel consumption by end-use To model electricity consumption for the different appliances </p><p>5 Please, give the name and a short description of each modelling process used:</p><p>1. Calculation model RAKLAMM (see separate description) Calculation model for Space and Water Heating. </p><p>2. Calculation model for Heat Pump Energy Statistics (see separate description)</p><p>3. Calculation model for Home Appliances (see separate description)</p><p>23 6. For each modelling process identified in Part 5 please describe:</p><p>Model Name: RAKLAMM</p><p>1 Source data:</p><p>Give an overview of the key data sets that populate the model (surveys, administrative sources, other models). For the various sources, indicate the frequency of the data collection, an estimate of the robustness of the input data, and what other uses are made of the source data. </p><p>The model uses all relevant data and creates a system which is consistent and fits the frames. The model uses data on The Housing and Building Stock (described in the Survey-part) and degree day. The model uses also data obtained from the ‘Fuelwood Consumption in Small-sized dwellings’ -survey, District Heating Statistics and Household Budget Survey (all described in the Survey-part), Natural gas -statistics (data based on deliveries) and Statistics Finland’s Income Distribution Statistics.</p><p>2 Modelling objective:</p><p>Specify the objective of the modelling process, in particular whether:</p><p> a) The modelling process is a bottom-up estimation of the total fuel consumption in households (by fuel type and end-use). Specify the fuel(s) and end-uses (space heating / cooling, hot water, cooking, lighting and electrical appliances) modelled. Indicate any other relevant statistics (see recommended coverage in part A, point 4) which are part of the modelling output process. b) The modelling process aims at providing disaggregated statistics by end-use, i.e. the breakdown of fuel consumption for space heating, space cooling, water heating, cooking, lighting and electrical appliances. c) The modelling process aims at the disaggregation of electricity consumption in households by type of appliance (oven, fridge, compact fluorescent lamps, etc.)</p><p>Model uses both bottom-up and top-down estimations. Bottom-up estimations are used on peat and electric heating. Top-down estimations on wood (about every 7th year when survey is made, intervals bottom-up), natural gas, heat pumps and district heating. </p><p>3 Modelling methodology</p><p>Please, provide a description of the modelling methodology (including a web-link to published methodological papers). Indicate any external (independent) and internal reviews and their frequencies. Indicate frequency of modelling updates to take account of new technology (i.e. more energy efficient appliances) and new sources of data. </p><p>In the model space heating is calculated as the sum of the main heating system and the supplementary systems. The cubic capacity, annual specific consumption [kWh/m3,a] </p><p>24 and the heating degree days for residential buildings are taken into account when calculating the energy consumption of the main heating system. Supplementary heating systems that partly substitute the main heat source or supplement it are taken into account with reference to the use of various supplementary heating appliances. </p><p>The consumption of energy used for heating domestic water is calculated within the same model for space heating, based on occupant numbers. The problem is that there are no precise data on the consumption of domestic water per occupant. For the purposes of the model, assumptions have been made concerning the varying consumption of domestic water per occupant among the different types of buildings and heating systems.</p><p>The model has been developed in 1997 and thoroughly revised in 2011.</p><p>4 Reconciliation with other data</p><p>Please, provide an assessment of the accuracy of the modelling process of the overall consumption in the bottom-up approach (case "a" above). Indicate how bottom-up estimates are reconciled with aggregated energy balance data (supply side). What other independent variables are used in the reconciliation process.</p><p>Provide as assessment of the accuracy in the case of the disaggregation of total fuel consumption into the various end-uses (case "b" above). What other sources of data are there to validate this element of the modelling against? </p><p>The data that is based on bottom-up approach is compared with the total consumption of that source of energy. If there is difference, the data is then corrected with expert estimation.</p><p>5 Uses of the model outputs</p><p>Please describe how the results are used to inform / monitor /evaluate national policy. Describe the way the model outputs are published (internet, brochure, CD….), their frequency and timeliness. Give links of most recent results.</p><p>Space heating data is published on annual Energy Statistics compilation. The data is also published annually as a part of the Energy consumption in housing statistics.</p><p>Link to Energy consumption in housing statistics homepage:</p><p> http://tilastokeskus.fi/til/asen/index_en.html </p><p>6 Cost Please give an estimate of the amount spent on:</p><p>25 - setting up the modelling system (if done recently) - annual cost of purchasing data to populate model or additional cost of carrying out surveys where the outputs are essential input for the modelling work - annual cost of model maintenance/development (staff, IT, etc.) - annual cost of reporting model results</p><p>Model has been revised in 2011. Annual costs are about 10 000 euros (excluding publishing).</p><p>7 Service responsible for the modelling</p><p>Please give the name of the service responsible for maintaining and operating the modelling process. Indicate whether it is produced externally under contract.</p><p>Statistics Finland / Environment and Energy</p><p>26 Model Name: Heat Pump Energy Statistics 1 Source data:</p><p>Give an overview of the key data sets that populate the model (surveys, administrative sources, other models). For the various sources, indicate the frequency of the data collection, an estimate of the robustness of the input data, and what other uses are made of the source data. </p><p>Finnish Heat Pump Association collects the data on delivered heat pumps from heat pump producers and importers. Data is collected quarterly, but published only annually.</p><p>2 Modelling objective:</p><p>Specify the objective of the modelling process, in particular whether:</p><p> d) The modelling process is a bottom-up estimation of the total fuel consumption in households (by fuel type and end-use). Specify the fuel(s) and end-uses (space heating / cooling, hot water, cooking, lighting and electrical appliances) modelled. Indicate any other relevant statistics (see recommended coverage in part A, point 4) which are part of the modelling output process. e) The modelling process aims at providing disaggregated statistics by end-use, i.e. the breakdown of fuel consumption for space heating, space cooling, water heating, cooking, lighting and electrical appliances. f) The modelling process aims at the disaggregation of electricity consumption in households by type of appliance (oven, fridge, compact fluorescent lamps, etc.)</p><p>Model is calculating amount of heat generated and electricity used with single heat pump. Model does not disaggregate energy production or usage by end use (space heating and hot water)</p><p>3 Modelling methodology</p><p>Please, provide a description of the modelling methodology (including a web-link to published methodological papers). Indicate any external (independent) and internal reviews and their frequencies. Indicate frequency of modelling updates to take account of new technology (i.e. more energy efficient appliances) and new sources of data. </p><p>Calculation model includes: - ground source heat pumps - air to air heat pumps - exhaust air heat pumps (heat recovery) Model does not include (at the moment) - air to water heat pumps</p><p>Total number of heat pump units for each year is delivered by Finnish Heat Pump Association SULPU. For each heat pump type total number of units is divided to different </p><p>27 regions and to different heating power. Heat generated by different heat pump types is calculated for normal year (30 year average). Energy generation and consumption is corrected for each year.</p><p>4 Reconciliation with other data</p><p>Please, provide an assessment of the accuracy of the modelling process of the overall consumption in the bottom-up approach (case "a" above). Indicate how bottom-up estimates are reconciled with aggregated energy balance data (supply side). What other independent variables are used in the reconciliation process.</p><p>Provide as assessment of the accuracy in the case of the disaggregation of total fuel consumption into the various end-uses (case "b" above). What other sources of data are there to validate this element of the modelling against? </p><p>5 Uses of the model outputs</p><p>Please describe how the results are used to inform / monitor /evaluate national policy. Describe the way the model outputs are published (internet, brochure, CD….), their frequency and timeliness. Give links of most recent results.</p><p>Heat pump energy data is published on annual Energy Statistics compilation. The data is also published annually as a part of the Energy consumption in housing statistics.</p><p>Link to Energy consumption in housing statistics homepage:</p><p> http://tilastokeskus.fi/til/asen/index_en.html</p><p>The data is also published in Finnish Heat Pump Association SULPU’s homepage (in finnish): http://www.sulpu.fi/index.php</p><p>6 Cost Please give an estimate of the amount spent on: - setting up the modelling system (if done recently) - annual cost of purchasing data to populate model or additional cost of carrying out surveys where the outputs are essential input for the modelling work - annual cost of model maintenance/development (staff, IT, etc.) - annual cost of reporting model results</p><p>Model has been developed in 2007. The total cost for setting up the modelling system was 4000 euros. Annual costs are around 10 000 euros.</p><p>28 7 Service responsible for the modelling</p><p>Please give the name of the service responsible for maintaining and operating the modelling process. Indicate whether it is produced externally under contract.</p><p>Finnish Heat Pump Association SULPU</p><p>29 Model Name: Home Appliances 1 Source data:</p><p>Give an overview of the key data sets that populate the model (surveys, administrative sources, other models). For the various sources, indicate the frequency of the data collection, an estimate of the robustness of the input data, and what other uses are made of the source data. </p><p>The main source used is the Survey on Household Electricity Consumption 2006 (described in the Survey-part).</p><p>2 Modelling objective:</p><p>Specify the objective of the modelling process, in particular whether:</p><p> g) The modelling process is a bottom-up estimation of the total fuel consumption in households (by fuel type and end-use). Specify the fuel(s) and end-uses (space heating / cooling, hot water, cooking, lighting and electrical appliances) modelled. Indicate any other relevant statistics (see recommended coverage in part A, point 4) which are part of the modelling output process. h) The modelling process aims at providing disaggregated statistics by end-use, i.e. the breakdown of fuel consumption for space heating, space cooling, water heating, cooking, lighting and electrical appliances. i) The modelling process aims at the disaggregation of electricity consumption in households by type of appliance (oven, fridge, compact fluorescent lamps, etc.)</p><p>The model disaggregates the consumption/use of energy by cooking, electrical appliances and lighting.</p><p>3 Modelling methodology</p><p>Please, provide a description of the modelling methodology (including a web-link to published methodological papers). Indicate any external (independent) and internal reviews and their frequencies. Indicate frequency of modelling updates to take account of new technology (i.e. more energy efficient appliances) and new sources of data. </p><p>The Survey on Household Electricity Consumption 2006 divides the consumption of electricity in dwellings very precisely into specific types of equipment. Energy used for home appliances is obtained as the product of the number of appliances and data on the consumption for each appliance. </p><p>4 Reconciliation with other data</p><p>Please, provide an assessment of the accuracy of the modelling process of the overall consumption in the bottom-up approach (case "a" above). Indicate how bottom-up estimates are reconciled with aggregated energy balance data (supply side). What other independent variables are used in the reconciliation process.</p><p>30 Provide as assessment of the accuracy in the case of the disaggregation of total fuel consumption into the various end-uses (case "b" above). What other sources of data are there to validate this element of the modelling against? </p><p>5 Uses of the model outputs</p><p>Please describe how the results are used to inform / monitor /evaluate national policy. Describe the way the model outputs are published (internet, brochure, CD….), their frequency and timeliness. Give links of most recent results.</p><p>Home appliances data is published on annual Energy Statistics compilation. The data is also published annually as a part of the Energy consumption in housing statistics.</p><p>Link to Energy consumption in housing statistics homepage: http://tilastokeskus.fi/til/asen/index_en.html</p><p>6 Cost Please give an estimate of the amount spent on: - setting up the modelling system (if done recently) - annual cost of purchasing data to populate model or additional cost of carrying out surveys where the outputs are essential input for the modelling work - annual cost of model maintenance/development (staff, IT, etc.) - annual cost of reporting model results</p><p>Model was developed in 2011.</p><p>7 Service responsible for the modelling</p><p>Please give the name of the service responsible for maintaining and operating the modelling process. Indicate whether it is produced externally under contract.</p><p>Adato Energia Oy</p><p>31</p>
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