Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church s2

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church s2

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O</p><p>S</p><p>R</p><p>E</p><p>N</p><p>.</p><p>M M</p><p>P</p><p>P</p><p>O</p><p>O</p><p>I</p><p>R</p><p>T</p><p>S</p><p>N</p><p>O</p><p>T</p><p>N</p><p>T</p><p>F</p><p>A</p><p>O</p><p>I</p><p>O</p><p>G</p><p>T</p><p>.</p><p>H</p><p>2</p><p>E</p><p>O</p><p>0</p><p>P</p><p>R</p><p>4</p><p>A</p><p>G</p><p>I</p><p>.</p><p>D</p><p>1 Table of Contents</p><p>Pastor’s Page------3 Holy Week Schedule------4 Snow Emergency Church Council President------5 Kids BLAST, Card Ministry------6 Altar Guild, Noisy Offering, Fellowship/Sew Day, </p><p>Lenten Mid-week Schedule------7 Washington Elementary Chili Festival</p><p>Birthdays/Anniversaries, The “Over 50” Club------8</p><p>LIFT Update, Souper Bowl Sunday------9 LIFT Internship, ChristCare------10 Thank you…, FLCW Calendar------11</p><p>2016 Church Council President : Larry Leow Vice-President: Christian Tooman Secretary: Niki Wasserman Treasurer : Sandie Reed Elder: Noelle Leutenegger, Randy Brown Trustees : Bill Fox, Dave Kocsis, Arnie Seeger Deacons: Scott Miarer, Steve Harder, Mike Tooman, Pete Davis Endowment: Randy Koch, Ray Vogel, Gary Overmeyer, Dave Kocsis, Denny Fahle 2016 Budget approved LIFT Assoc. Member approved</p><p>2 The Messenger</p><p>Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church FEBRUARY 2016 PASTOR’S PAGE Well, here we are just a few weeks away from taking our Lenten walk. It begins with Ash Wednesday on February 10, 2016. Again, starting with our worship on February 17 we will begin with a light meal at 6:00p.m., with worship to follow at 7:00p.m. Our mid-week Lenten theme will be “The Body of Christ.” A series of services that takes the time to consider seriously our Lord’s humanity, the human body in which He wrought our salvation. The sermon will be in dialog form. I am in need of two people each night to present the message. The sign- up sheet is on the middle hallway bulletin board. </p><p>Here is the following schedule we will keep: February 10 Ash Wednesday (the imposition of ashes and celebration of Holy Communion) 7:00p.m. Worship “The Ears of Christ” February 17 6:00p.m.–meal provided by the Adult 2 Sunday School Class. 7:00p.m. – Worship – “The Feet of Christ” February 24 6:00p.m. – meal provided by the Church Council 7:00p.m. – Worship – “The Eyes of Christ” March 2 6:00p.m.–meal provided by the Adult 3 Sunday School Class 7:00p.m. – Worship – “The Heart of Christ” March 9 6:00p.m. – meal provided by the Women of the Church 7:00p.m. – Worship – “The Hands of Christ” March 16 6:00p.m.–meal provided by the Music & Worship Committee 7:00p.m. – Worship – “The Mouth of Christ” NOTE: We need two readers for each service. WE ALSO NEED A READER FOR EACH SERVICE.</p><p>God’s blessings on your Lenten Walk 2016. Pastor Bob 3 HOLY WEEK SERVICES</p><p>March 20 – Palm Sunday worship. The young people will march around our Church Sanctuary, waving their Palms to the opening hymn. Holy Communion will be celebrated.</p><p>March 24 – Maundy Thursday at 7:00p.m. Holy Communion will be celebrated. At the end of the service the chancel area will be stripped of all its furnishings. Symbolically, Christ, stripped of his power and glory is now in the hands of His captors. We will leave in silence.</p><p>March 25 – Good Friday service. Two Worship Opportunities (1) 12Noon – 3:00p.m. At Grace Lutheran Church, Come and leave as you choose. (2) 7:00p.m. At Faith, We will do a Tenebrae service.</p><p>March 27 – Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 a.m. – Breakfast will follow the service. 10:00 a.m. - Traditional Easter Service Bells and Choir – Holy Communion</p><p>PLEASE BE REMINDED IF SANDUSKY COUNTY IS UNDER A WEATHER LEVEL 2 OR HIGHER, ALL SUNDAY SERVICES AND/OR WEEKDAY EVENTS/ACTIVITIES/MEETINGS WILL BE CANCELLED.</p><p>THE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE here at Faith is looking into organizing a trip to Toledo to watch a Walleye game on March 13. Please see the notice in the narthex and sign up if interested.</p><p>4 FROM THE CHURCH COUNCIL PRESIDENT’S DESK: </p><p>The annual church meeting was held this past Sunday with a very good attendance. Various committee reports were presented and the congregation was updated as to events that had occurred this past year. I am proud to announce that our current fund, after struggling most of the year, ended with a positive $2,100 balance. Thanks to everyone for their support.</p><p>At our November council meeting it was approved to make a donation to the Fremont Hispanic Ministry. I want to assure everyone that none of this was funded with the current fund. Approximately 2/3 of the contribution came from the Thrivent Dedicated Fund and 1/3 came from the Kroger Dedicated Fund.</p><p>Ray Vogel volunteered to fill the open Trustee position and he was voted onto Council at our January meeting. Thanks Ray.</p><p>Thanks to all who have volunteered their time and/or talents to assist this church this past year and who continue to do so for the current year. I will not attempt to name you individually, but you know who you are and your support of this church makes it what it is.</p><p>Lenten services will begin February 10th and continue through March 16th. Easter will be celebrated on March 27th. Watch your bulletins for updates and I hope to see you at our Lenten services.</p><p>I encourage everyone to pick up a copy of the Annual report in the office and read it. If there are items you have questions about, please contact me or a member of the committee that your question relates to. All committees are listed in the annual report.</p><p>God Bless All of You</p><p>Larry A. Leow, Church Council President</p><p>5 Kids B.L.A.S.T. (Bible Learning and Sharing Together) All children ages 3 through 11 are once again invited to attend Kids B.L.A.S.T. on Saturday, February 6, 2016, from 10:00 AM until 11:30 AM. The story of Joseph will be discussed. A light snack will be provided. Any questions may be directed to Jackie Seibert at 419-665-4124.</p><p>CARD MINISTRY We’ll be going into our 6th year of making and sending cards to our members for various occasions. We also send cards monthly to military members. In order to expand this ministry we need your help. Come, join us the second Tuesday of the month at 6 pm. We also work on cards the first and third Thursdays from 9 -3. No experience required. Just a desire to reach out to others with God’s love.</p><p>The 2016 altar work schedule for January, began with Kim & Jim Smith and Brenda Tooman serving. Thank you ladies and gentleman! For the month of February, Rachel Thornhill, Letty Rusch and Mary Lou Cooper will handle the work schedule. To the many who helped in any way in 2015, we thank you too! -Mary Lou Cooper, Chair</p><p>FELLOWSHIP & SERVICE SEW DAY Come out and join the fun. We meet the first and third Thursdays of the month and begin at 9:00 am and end at 3:00 pm, but come and leave whenever you wish. We work on quilts, health kits and sewing kits. Greeting cards are made and are available for purchase in Lounge for a donation. Come join the fun! </p><p>NOISY OFFERING UPDATE - “Change for Change” The Noisy Offering ($145.73) was collected on Jan. 17, 2016, and given so Children from our Companion Parish of Bumila Lutheran Church have the opportunity to attend school in the Mpwapwa Region. Thank you for your support of the children of our sister congregation in Bumila, Tanzania. The next Noisy Offering will be Feb. 21, 2016, at both worship services.</p><p>6 LENTEN MID WEEK SCHEDULE</p><p>LENTEN BIBLE STUDY TO BEGIN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2016 PASTOR BOB WILL BEGIN a 6-week Lenten Study beginning Monday, February 8. We will meet every Monday (Feb. 8-March 14), from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. You will receive a resource book with each Monday’s topic and discussion. Please sign-up on the sign-up sheet found on the middle hallway bulletin board. </p><p>Each Wednesday evening you are encouraged to join us for a light dinner (6:00 pm) prior our 7:00 pm worship service. Come and join us for these light meals.</p><p>Our Lenten mid-week theme is “The Body of Christ.” A series of services that takes the time to consider seriously our Lord’s humanity, the human body in which he wrought our salvation. February 10-Ash Wednesday – “ The Feet of Christ” February 17 – “The Hands of Christ” Lenten meal host: Adult 2 Sunday School Class. February 24 – “The Ears of Christ” Lenten meal host : Church Council March 2 – “The Eyes of Christ” Lenten meal host: Adult 3 Sunday School Class. March 9 – “The Mouth of Christ” Lenten meal host: Women of the Church March 16 – “The Heart of Christ” Lenten meal host: Music & Worship Committee</p><p>THE ANNUAL 60 TH WASHINGTON CHILI FESTIVAL is approaching fast! The Chili Festival allows the P.T.O. to support activities that benefit programs and services for the students and staff of Washington Elementary in Lindsey, OH. Please direct any questions to Jackie Seibert.The Chili Festival will be on Saturday, February, 27 th , 2016, from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the school located at 109 W. Lincoln Street, Lindsey. There will be Door Prizes, Bingo Prize Bags, Basket Raffle and of course Chili. Plan to attend and support the School and the Students.</p><p>7 FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 2016 3---Lilly (Overmyer) Reihl 5---Aron Mooney 6---Mary Burmeister, Steven Fox, Michael Roach Sr., Jack Smith 7---Evan McBride, Ron Root 8---Cody Foos, Matthew Reed, Douglas Wagner 9---Derek McDonald 13- Lauren Gazdecki, Bob Krumnow 15- Marcia Ackerman, Marcie Ackerman, Justin Reed, Jackie Seibert 16- Bonnie Overmyer, Sadie Pollard 17- Peyton Brothers, Bailey Druckenmiller 18- Martha Wise 20- James Bolen, Pete Davis, Gladys Hazzard, Randy Pollock 21- James Nord 22- Amanda (Brown) Conti, Minnie Weber 24- Arnie Seeger 26- Emmalyn Gallatin 27- Peggy Koch</p><p>The Over “50” Club-Happy Anniversary</p><p>Feb. 6, 1960 Ken & Gloria Root 56 years Feb. 8, 1953 Ron & Nancy Root 63 years Feb. 12, 1961 Jack & Phyllis Pollock 55 years Feb. 23. 1952 Lester & Emmalyn Gallatin 64 years Feb. 26, 1965 Gil & Pat Root 51 years</p><p>Faith Filled Travelers - 2016 Trips Planned June 13-18, 2016 – Excitement Plus – New York, New York July 13, 2016 – International Tour of Cleveland – Part II August 10-12, 2016 – SAMSON – Lancaster, PA See the bulletin board for more details or contact Yvonne at 419-307-1774</p><p>8 THE LIFT AGREEMENT has been approved by Grace Lutheran Church, Fremont, St. Mark Lutheran Church, Fremont and St. John’s Lutheran Church, Fremont; and Trinity Lutheran Church, Fremont. Faith Lutheran Church, Fremont has agreed to join as an Associate Member. LIFT DAY CAMPS AND VBS SET FOR SUMMER  Mark your calendars for LIFT Day Camps and VBS next summer. Fremont Eastside Vacation Bible School (VBS) will be held at St. Mark Lutheran on June 26-30, 2016.  A Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (LOMO) Day Camp will be at Faith Lutheran on July 10-15, 2016.  A large VBS among Grace, St. John’s and Faith will also be held at Faith on July 24-28, 2016.  Finally, Fremont Eastside LOMO Day Camp will be held at St. Mark Lutheran on July 31-August 5, 2016. VBS will be focused on preschool through sixth grade, and the LOMO camps will be focused on children entering or leaving grades 4-6. There is a planning team to help set the details. Staff from LOMO will need places to stay those weeks, so anyone with an extra room is invited to consider hosting. Our hope is to make this day camp and VBS an outreach to the community and an inspiration for participation for Lutheran camping. Paid internships for young adults desiring to help with this and earn a valuable job experience will also be available. Stay tuned for more details!</p><p>LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR DAY SPRING EVENT is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 2016. WATCH your bulletin for more information and opportunities to volunteer.</p><p>SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY is February 7 th Plan to wear your favorite team’s colors that day. The “Soup Bowl” offering will be collected after each worship service. The offering will be given to Sandusky County Food Pantry.</p><p>9 2016 LIFT INTERNSHIP POSITIONS AVAILABLE! For the Summer of 2016 LIFT has received a grant from the ELCA for our Faith Building Blocks Program. This will be a very busy and wonderful faith forming summer for our children. Part of this new summer program will be the hiring of four LIFT Interns to help us run the following:  An Eastside Vacation Bible School (VBS) at St. Mark Lutheran on June 26-30, 2016.  A LOMO Day camp at Faith Lutheran on July 10-15, 2016  Ice Cream Social/Block Party on July 19, 2016  A Westside VBS at Faith on July 24-28, 2016.  An Eastside LOMO day camp on July 31-Aug 5, 2015  An Eastside Back to School Giveaway for needed supplies/uniforms and backpacks on August 13, 2016 as well as one at St. Johns If you are between the ages of 18 and 24 and like to work with the children of our congregations, we invite you to apply! These full-time positions will begin after school is out and will end by mid-August. Go to to learn more about this exciting position. The job description and application is available online. If you have further questions, please contact Kerri Hosing at [email protected] or Pastor Jody Rice at [email protected]. </p><p>CHRISTCARE NEWS Our Saturday morning group will begin a new study starting February 27. The topic is “Living for Jesus”, another Women of Faith study, meaningful for men as well. Come join the conversation and fellowship. Come for this 12 week study. </p><p>Come and discover or maybe rediscover how to be: alive, hidden, and rooted on Him. Come, walk, trust, be complete and strong in Him. Come, rejoice and be refreshed in Him. Come, be bold in Him. Hope in Him. Glory in Him. We meet from 9-10:30 Sign-up sheet is on the ChristCare bulletin board in the coat area. See Noelle with any questions. Hope to see you there.</p><p>10 WE WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU so very much to so many of our wonderful church Family, to Pastor Bob, Yvonne Vogel, Randy Brown, Barb Kocsis for communion. To the Ladies of the Church, you know who you are, for the visits, the gifts, the beautiful large poinsettia, the cute snowmen and candy, for the Prayers and good wishes and to Linda Woessner for the hugs. They really do help. Thanks Again. Bill & Pat Copley</p><p>FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN NEWS FLCW BAKE SALE , February 14, 2016 in the Fellowship Hall between Services and after the 10:30 service. Everyone is welcome to Bake & Share a favorite recipe, cookies, cakes, pies, bars, breads or snacks.</p><p>SPRING OUTING June 4th, 2016-A Look into Our History. Guided tour of Hayes Library & Museum, tour of Sandusky Co. Jail & Dungeon, visit Sandusky Co. Historical Society & Lunch.</p><p>SUMMER OUTING July 9th or 16th-The Light of Lake Erie. Tour Marblehead Lighthouse, Winery, Shopping, Lunch</p><p>“ DANCING WITH GOD”-SPIRITUAL GATHERING FOR CHRISTIAN WOMEN June 17-18, 2016 at Holiday Inn French Quarter. Hosted by the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church from the six synods of Region 6.</p><p>FALL GENERAL MEETING September 13, 2016-The Fun of Aprons. Laura Lamalie presentation of history, use and fun of aprons.</p><p>DECEMBER GENERAL MEETING December 6th or 13th-Christmas Comedy. Will McDaniel, comedian & illusionist will present program with Christmas Theme.</p><p>Please check the FLCW bulletin board for more details and contact information. FLCW (Faith Lutheran Church Women) has changed their monthly meeting date to the first Monday of each month beginning Feb 1, 2016, at the home of Cinda Jones beginning at 6:30 p.m. </p><p>11 Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church 1187 CR 128l; Fremont, OH 43420</p><p>Pastor: Rev. Robert Young 1225 CR 128; Fremont, OH 419-334-2351 (parsonage) 419-559-9905 (cell) Email: [email protected] </p><p>Church Office: 419-332-6820</p><p>Email: [email protected] Website:</p><p>Office Hours: Secretary schedule – Tuesday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Pastor’s office schedule – Hours vary Monday through Thursday 9:00 am-12:00 pm</p><p>Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion Celebrated: 1st and 3rd Sundays Sunday Church School for all ages: 9:15 a.m.</p><p>Newsletter Articles Due: 3rd Sunday of the Month</p><p>Mission Statement: Faith Lutheran Church exists to gather the people to worship and praise God, to equip them in faith, and to send them into the world to make a difference in His name.</p><p>12 13</p>

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