<p> INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BHOPAL</p><p>DEPARTMENT OF MCA</p><p>COURSE FILE Session Jan – June 2010</p><p>PROGRAME : Master Of Computer Application</p><p>SEMESTER : Fourth</p><p>COURSE CODE : MCA-401</p><p>SUBJECT NAME : Artificial Intelligence</p><p>PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY:</p><p>CONTENT</p><p>1. SYLLABUS</p><p>2. LIST OF BOOKS</p><p>3. TIME TABLE</p><p>4. LECTURE PLAN</p><p>5. TUTORIAL SHEETS</p><p>6. UNIT TEST PAPER</p><p>7. MID SEM PAPER</p><p>8. PUT PAPER</p><p>9. GRADING SHEET</p><p>10. UNIVERSITY PAPER</p><p>11. ATTENDENCE SHEET</p><p>12. CLASS NOTES</p><p>13. TACTICAL PLAN Syllabus</p><p>Course No. Course Name L T P Theory Sessional Practical Total (Hrs) (Hrs) (Hrs) Marks Marks Marks Marks Max Min Max Min Max Min MCA-401 Artificial Intelligence & 3 1 - 100 40 50 30 - - 150 Applications</p><p>UNIT-I General Issues and Overview of AI The AI problems, what is an AI technique, Characteristics of AI applications. Introduction to LISP programming: Syntax and numeric functions, Basic list manipulation functions, predicates and conditionals, input output and local variables, iteration and recursion, property lists and arrays.</p><p>UNIT-II Problem Solving, Search and Control Strategies General problem solving, production systems, control strategies forward and backward chaining, exhaustive searches depth first breadth first search. Heuristic Search Techniques Hill climbing, branch and bound technique, best first search & A* algorithm, AND / OR graphs, problem reduction & AO* algorithm, constraint satisfaction problems.</p><p>UNIT-III Knowledge Representations First order predicate calculus, skolemization, resolution principle & unification, interface mechanisms, horn's clauses, semantic networks, frame systems and value inheritance, scripts, conceptual dependency.</p><p>UNIT-IV Natural Language processing Parsing techniques, context free grammer, recursive transitions nets (RNT), augmented transition nets (ATN), case and logic grammers, symantic analysis. Game playing Minimax search procedure, alpha-beta cutoffs, additional refinments. Planning Overview an example domain the block word, component of planning systems, goal stack planning, non linear planning.</p><p>UNIT-V Probabilistic Reasoning and Uncertainty Probability theory, bayes theorem and bayesian networks, certainty factor. Expert Systems Introduction to expert system and application of expert systems, various expert system shells, vidwan frame work, knowledge acquisition, case studies, MYCIN. Learning Rote learning, learning by induction, explanation based learning. REFERENCE BOOKS</p><p>1. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight “Artifical Intelligence” - Tata McGraw Hill.</p><p>2. “Artifical Intelligence” 4 ed. Pearson.</p><p>3. Dan W. Patterson “Introduction to Artifical Intelligence and Expert </p><p>Systems”, Prentice India.</p><p>4. Nils J. Nilson “Principles of Artifical Intelligence”, Narosa Publishing </p><p>House.</p><p>5. Clocksin & C.S.Melish “Programming in PROLOG”, Narosa Publishing House</p><p>6. M.Sasikumar,S.Ramani etc. “Rule based Expert System”, Narosa </p><p>Publishing House.</p><p>Institute of Science And Technology Session Jan –June- UNIT TEST -1 MCA-401</p><p>Subject: Artificial Intelligence Time :1 Hour Subject code: MCA401 Maximum Marks :20</p><p>Q-1 What is Artificial Intelligence in your term? Explain in detail with example. 10</p><p>Q-2 Write BFS and DFS algorithm.Write down its pros and corns. 10 Which is more efficient? </p><p>Institute of Science & Technology Department Of MCA Session: Jan-June Unit Test-II MCA-IV SEM</p><p>Subject Code: MCA-401 Subject: Artificial Intelligence</p><p>Time:1 Hour Max Marks:20</p><p>Q-1 Write the Algorithm of A*. 10</p><p>Q-2 What is Predicate Logic. Convert Following in Predicate Logic and Clause form. 5</p><p>(i) If X is on top of Y, Y supports X. (ii) If X is above Y and they are touching each other, X is on top of Y. (iii) A cup is above a book. (iv) A cup is touching a book.</p><p>Q-3. What is Semantic net and frames. How they are different from each other 5 Institute of Science & Technology Department Of MCA Session: Jan-June 2010 MID SEM EXAMS-I Artificial Intelligence (MCA-401) MCA-IV SEM</p><p>Note: Attempt any five questions. Max Marks: 40 All questions carry equal marks Time: 2 hrs</p><p>Q-1 What do you mean by Artificial Intelligence in your terms? Write down the characteristic of AI Problem.</p><p>Q-2 (a) What is Production System? What are the types of Production system? </p><p>(b) Explain the Forward and backward chaining.</p><p>Q-3 Explain problem state space representation of tower of honni </p><p>Q-4 (a) Write an algorithm of Hill climbing? Write its problem with its Solution.</p><p>(b) Write an algorithm of BEST FRIST Search with an example. What is the difference between Hill climbing and best firs search.</p><p>Q-5 Solve the following constraint satisfaction problem.</p><p>S E N D + M O R E M O N E Y</p><p>Q-6 What do you mean by prenix normal form and skolem function. INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, BHOPAL</p><p>SESSION JAN-JUNE, 2010</p><p>Department of MCA</p><p>Tutorial-1</p><p>Name Of Faculty: Anshu Shrivastava Sem : IV Subject: Artificial Intelligence Sub Code: MCA-401</p><p>Q1. Define artificial intelligence. Write characteristics of AI Applications.</p><p>Q2. Differentiate between LISP and other conventional programming languages.</p><p>Q 3. Write a recursive function in LISP to generate the factorial of Given Number.</p><p>Q 4. Describe all list manipulation functions. With the help of suitable Example.</p><p>Q 5. Describe the characteristic of A.I problem.</p><p>INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, BHOPAL</p><p>SESSION JAN-JUNE, 2010</p><p>Department of MCA</p><p>Tutorial-2</p><p>Name Of Faculty: Anshu Shrivastava Sem : IV Subject: Artificial Intelligence Sub Code: MCA-401</p><p>Q 1. Write A* Algorithm.</p><p>Q 2. Explain Best first search Algorithm.</p><p>Q 3. Solve following problem using constraint satisfaction.</p><p>C R O S S + R O A D S D A N G E R</p><p>Q 4. Compare Forward and Back ward chaining.</p><p>Q 5. Write algorithm of constraint satisfaction problem.</p><p>Q 6. Explain Branch and Bound search technique with any suitable Example.</p><p>Q 7. Compare Hill climbing, steepest hill climbing and Best First Search. INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, BHOPAL</p><p>SESSION JAN-JUNE, 2010</p><p>Department of MCA</p><p>Tutorial-3</p><p>Name Of Faculty: Anshu Shrivastava Sem : IV Subject: Artificial Intelligence Sub Code: MCA-401</p><p>Q1. Consider the following sentences: (i) John likes all kinds of food. (ii) Apples are food. (iii) Chicken is food. (iv) Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food. (i) Bill eats peanuts and is still alive. (ii) Sue eats everything Bill eats.</p><p>(a)Translate these sentences into predicate logic. (b) Prove that John likes peanuts using backward chaining. (c) Convert into clause form. (d) Prove John likes peanuts using resolution.</p><p>Q 2. What is Solemnization, Explain with Example? </p><p>Q 3. Define horn clause with example.</p><p>Q 4. Write down the script of movie going.</p><p>Q 5. Write down the similarity and difference between semantic net and Frames?</p><p>INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, BHOPAL</p><p>SESSION JAN-JUNE, 2010</p><p>Department of MCA</p><p>Tutorial-4</p><p>Name Of Faculty: Anshu Shrivastava Sem : IV Subject: Artificial Intelligence Sub Code: MCA-401</p><p>Q1. Describe all types of parsing techniques.</p><p>Q2. What is planning? Write its components.</p><p>Q3. Write algorithm of MINIMAX search.</p><p>Q4. What are the ATN and RNT?</p><p>Q5. What are the steps follows in natural language processing.</p><p>INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, BHOPAL</p><p>SESSION JAN-JUNE, 2010 Department of MCA</p><p>Tutorial-5</p><p>Name Of Faculty: Anshu Shrivastava Sem : IV Subject: Artificial Intelligence Sub Code: MCA-401</p><p>Q1. Explain MYSIN Expert system.</p><p>Q2. Explain the life cycle of Expert System. </p><p>Q3. What are the different types of learning, explain in detail with example.</p><p>Q4. Explain Baye’s theorem with example.</p><p>Q5.</p>
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