<p>MINUTES OF THE LONG LAWFORD PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 11th APRIL 2017 IN THE MEMORIAL HALL, RAILWAY STREET, LONG LAWFORD</p><p>Present: Chairman Cllr. Mr S Jones (SJ) Cllr. Mr J Steed (JSt) Ms D Groves – Clerk (DG) Cllr. Mr M Walding (MW) Cllr. Mr S Fletcher (SF) Cllr. Mr D Goodwin (DG) Cllr. Mrs P Wyatt (PW) Cllr. Mrs J Slack (JS) Invited & Present: Borough Councillor Mrs S Bragg Action 01 Welcome and Apologies for absence Meeting was opened at 7.35pm. Cllr. Mr Jones offered a warm welcome to those present. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Mrs East, Borough Cllr. Mr Poole and County Cllr. Mrs Timms. 02 To Receive Police Report Police Newsletter received and circulated. It was commented that there we no Long Lawford incidents in the March Police Newsletter. 03 To Invite Members of the Public to speak on matters of concern One resident in attendance made comments about the I-Play, the height of the hedgerows and condoms being found in the King George Vth park. It was highlighted by the handyman that the condoms were “unused”, and quite possibly innocently being used as water balloons. Another resident highlighted the recent accident about her Son being knocked off his bike by a car driving on the pavement along Townsend Lane. Concerns that the problem of illegal parking and driving on the pavements on all roads surrounding the School was expressed. The Council informed that it had been very involved in robustly highlighting this to the relevant authorities; there were things in the pipeline that potentially will reduce this practice. As a direct result of the Parish Council’s intervention and with support from Borough Councillors and Warwickshire County Council when the School is expanded the disused garages at the back of the shops in Holbrook Rd will be used as a supervised dropping off point for children and whilst the number of additional parking spaces will be limited given the space available, it should help the situation. The Police are the acting authority to issue fines Cllrs. and tickets for the illegal activity and the problem has been highlighted numerous JSt SJ times to them. There is a new head teacher at the School and it is the Parish Council’s intention that a meeting is set up with her to also address the issue. 04 To Receive Declarations of Personal, Prejudicial or other Interest None declared. 05 To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14th March 2017 It was proposed by Cllr. Mr Fletcher, seconded by Cllr. Mr Walding to approve the minutes of 14th March 2017, 4 votes in favour, 1 against and 2 abstentions due to absence from the meeting. 06 To Receive progress reports on outstanding items not covered later on the Agenda a) Attendance and report by the Handyman – The new football contracts/arrangements appear to be working successfully. Two weekend matches were called off due to poor weather to protect the pitches; decision was received with no complaints. The Manager of the Junior team at Cherwell Way park informs that the pitch for the U13’s is too small and therefore only King George Vth pitch will be used for the U16’s and the senior pub side. The hedges look better cut at 85 their current height to allow sight into the park. The landscaping has also been kept down for the same safety reasons. Weed spraying has commenced with the flower beds looking better overall as a result in the extra effort being made to keep the weeds down. May to see the start of repairs to the paths network in Cherwell Way. Edges will also be tidied up. Several commented that the parks and landscaping areas were looking good. 07 To Receive County Council/Borough Council Reports Pot holes on Railway St junction have been reported. New molehills reported at Lawford Heath (Mole man has already been made aware). Borough Councillor Mrs Bragg has attended a Network Rail meeting. Residents who back onto the railway line will have vegetation removed that will be in the way of the track. This will include Ash, Sycamore, Horse Chestnut, Sweet Chestnut, Poplar species and Lime trees being removed to avoid future problems with leaves on the track. Letters outlining working times etc. will be sent out to affected residents two weeks prior to works commencing. 08 Management/Finance & Administration a) To consider the replacement of the Chains/Nuts/Bolts on the Basket Team Swing in DG King George Vth Park – Following discussions it was proposed by Cllr. Mr Goodwin, seconded by Cllr. Mrs Slack that the replacement parts be obtained, 7 votes in favour.</p><p> b) To approve the Annual Risk Assessment covering activities of Long Lawford Parish Council by having policies/procedures and regulations in place to ensure compliance with government policy to reduce risk – Following discussions it was proposed by Cllr. Mr Fletcher, seconded by Cllr. Mr Walding that the policies/procedures and regulations in place are safe to ensure compliance as stated above, 7 votes in favour. c) To consider a bus shelter at the Green – Following discussion it was agreed to shelve the idea until when it will be relevant to consider bus shelter provision at Tee Tong Road and where the two can be considered together. DG/SJ d) To report on responses for the advertised Litter Picking position – Following discussion it was proposed that the Clerk and the Chairman carry out the interviews and make the decision; if a decision cannot be reached Cllr. Mrs Slack will be asked to become involved. Proposed by Cllr. Mr Jones, seconded by Cllr. Mr Goodwin, 6 votes in favour, 1 against.</p><p>09 Recreation Grounds Nothing to report</p><p>10 Transport, Highways, Drains and Street Lighting a) The replacement of 60 SOX St Lighting Lamps to LED Lamps has been completed – for info. DG b) St Lighting column at Prentice Close/Ashman Ave – Electrical door reported as missing from column – Clerk to report as an emergency attendance. 11 To Receive Details of Financial Matters a) To Approve the monthly payments (List circulated at the Meeting)</p><p>DATE CHQ NO. ISSUED FOR TOTAL 23.3.17 2901 Petty Cash top up £250.00 3.4.17 2902 Discharge of Conditions Reports £900.00 4.4.17 2903 RBC Discharge of Conditions Fee £48.50 11.4.17 2904/5 Confidential 11.4.17 2906 HMRC £465.44 11.4.17 2907 LGPS £749.17 11.4.17 2908 Telecoms £75.00 11.4.17 2909 Petty Cash £300.00 11.4.17 2910 Bus Shelter Cleaning £312.00 11.4.17 2911 EON St Lighting Qtr. £1,811.96 86 11.4.17 2912 BT CCTV £85.44 11.4.17 2913 Hirst Signs Ltd – Dogs on Lead £384.00</p><p>Income March 2017 Nil</p><p>It was proposed by Cllr. Mr Fletcher, seconded by Cllr. Mr Goodwin to approve the monthly payments, 6 votes in favour, 1 against. 12 To Receive Details of Planning Matters</p><p>New Applications 1. R17/0483 – Certificate of lawful existing use for the change of use of land to residential curtilage. 8 The Crescent, Lawford Heath, CV23 9EW</p><p>2. R17/0438 – Erection of three new dwellings with associated access and parking Ashmoor, Coventry Rd, Long Lawford, CV23 9ED</p><p>3. R17/0425 - Erection of single storey front, side and rear extension 63 Main Street, Long Lawford, CV23 9AZ</p><p>4. R17/0413 – Conversion of two barns and erection of new car shelter at Park House Farm and formation of new access following closure of 3 existing accesses to farm – renewal of planning permission R14/0522 Park House, Little Lawford, CV23 0JJ</p><p>5. R17/0389 – Erection of one V-board totem sign and two flag advertisements (advertising residential development at Back Lane Proposed Development at Land to the North of Coventry Rd, Long Lawford, CV23 9BW</p><p>Approved Planning Applications None Refused Planning Applications None</p><p>Other Planning 1. Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – RBC (Part of Footpath R125 Long Lawford) Public Path Order 2017. The above Order has been confirmed as an unopposed Order 13 To Receive Information on minor matters and items for future Agenda Cllr. Mr Steed and Cllr. Mr Jones will arrange a meeting with the new Head teacher at the primary School 14 Confidential Items None 15 Date and Time of the Next Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Parish will be held on Tuesday 9th May at 7pm followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, Railway Street, Long Lawford. Meeting was closed at 8.33pm.</p><p>Signed: ……………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………………. Mr S Jones Chairman</p><p>87</p>
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