Announcing a new BBC ISSUE computer - the Acorn A3000 6 JUNE 1989 The A3000, Acorn's new Archimedes 6502 emulator allows access to many computer for primary and secondary edu- BBC B and Master 128 software packages cation, has been enthusiastically received (where copyright permits). On top of this, by education, software producers and the an optional PC Emulator makes it possible computer press. Since 1982, when the to run MS-DOS packages on the machine. BBC Model B was launched, Acorn has offered outstanding power, performance The A3000 retails at just £649 + VAT and ease of use to users in schools and the (educational prices are available through Inside: home. The A3000 once again leads the Acorn dealers) so that many more schools, way with its advanced RISC technology. including primary schools, will be able to Computer-designed cards bring in benefit from 32-bit technology, with the cash The new machine is like the Master 128 in powerful sound and graphics and an easy- Snaps and snippets that it incorporates its full PC-style key- to-use mouse and pointer interface. The Let the BBC Acorn User Show board and processor into a single unit. But A3000 is being used by peripheral make your day in addition the A3000 has an integral 3.5 and software developers and is available to inch floppy disc drive on the right hand LEA's for demonstration and evaluation. Two-day networking conference side of the case. The 32-bit RISC chip set The machine can be first purchased at the fixed for September has a full 1 Mbyte of fast access RAM, in BBC Acorn User Show at London's Master is the tops for special needs line with the demand for a memory ca- Alexandra Palace from 21-23 July. Excellence flourishes pacity greater than the inherent 640 Kbyte limitation of MS-DOS. An internal Mike Matson of 4mation Educational module with a user port allows Concept Resources warmly welcomes the A3000. Keyboards and Midi equipment to be con- 'I'm delighted that Acorn has launched a nected to the new machine. machine with such tremendous capabilities for the primary school. Initially 4mation There is full software compatibility with the Archimedes )00 and 400 models. The The finished artwork can be printed out, sequel to Droom — that exploits the used as templates, or displayed in a disc- machine's graphics and sound facilities based 'craft shop'. will be available for the end of the autumn term. Sherston Software is also increasing its range of software for the Archimedes Brian Kennedy of Dudley LEA recently system with an Archimedes version of conducted a survey of the Acorn Typesetter, Sherston's popular DTP Archimedes, the RM Nimbus, and package for schools. Available in machines from Atari, Commodore and November, Typesetter+ will be enhanced Apple in a reappraisal of computers in to take advantage of the power and ease of education. As a result of the findings he use of the Archimedes computer. Bill had determined to recommend the Bonham of Sherston welcomes the Archimedes 410/1 and the BBC Master as announcement of the A3000 and hopes to the mainstream computers for schools in produce Archimedes versions of Sherston's his authority. But that was before the most popular software titles. announcement of the Archimedes A3000. He will now also recommend the new Nick Evans of Resource feels that by taking machine. 'The A3000 is offered to schools the power of the Archimedes computer at a tremendously attractive price,' Brian was wary about producing software for the and the WIMP environment into primary explains. 'Other appealing features are the Archimedes series, but now that I've used schools, the A3000 will fill a gaping hole way Archimedes computers, Masters and one of the machines I can see just how in the market. 'Many software houses, like Beebs can be mixed together and will pro- great their potential is for education. It is us, were waiting for the Archimedes vide a smooth upgrade path for future the second stage in the computer revol- market to be proven. With the advent of expansion.' ution in schools. I am confident we'll see the A3000 the Archimedes-based soft- plenty of exciting software very soon.' ware should flood in.' Desktop Stories, a For further details of the Acorn A3000 story-telling environment for children please contact the Customer Services Mike is already working on a new aged 8 and above, is Resource's latest Department, Acorn Computers Ltd, Ful- Archimedes package that simulates a craft package for the primary school. Running bourn Road, Cambridge CB1 4JN, or your and design workshop and will simulate its on the Archimedes machine, it provides a local Acorn dealer (a member of a 350- users to produce three-dimensional craft- library of graphics from which children strong national network). work. Using techniques such as quilling, select pictures; they can then add text and curve stitching and embroidery, the backgrounds to build up their own story children design their products on-screen. pages. An Archimedes version of Dust — Computer-designed cards bring in the cash Enterprising youngsters at a Reading primary school produced a range of coloured Christmas cards and sold more than one thousand copies to parents, teachers and friends. Using Clares' Artisan package on an Archimedes computer, pupils at Geoffrey Field Junior School de- signed a dozen different pictures. They then set up a mini-production line, print- ing out the pictures by the hundred and sticking them onto backing card before setting up shop in the school. The project started at the beginning of the autumn term when teacher Julia Radford took in some simple commercially- his sleigh piled high with presents, were the zoom facility to produce extremely produced Christmas cards to give her chosen from the wide variety the children satisfying results. The school has just pur- pupils some ideas. She then let groups of dreamed up. chased a second program —Desktop Stories two or three pupils loose on the computer. from Resource. 'The school already has a 'First they had to learn how to draw with Commercial printing of the designs dozen Beebs and a lot of good software for the mouse and create pictures freehand. proved too expensive, instead, a standard them. We want to reserve the Archimedes Once they had mastered this basic tech- card with the school's logo on one side machines for programs that use their capa- nique they began to investigate the other and a Christmas message on the other was bilities to the full,' explains Mrs Radford. facilities. Some picked up the necessary printed at the near-by secondary school. 'Ideally, we would like to have one skills very quickly, others had a bit of Copies of the designs were printed on an Archimedes computer and colour printer difficulty controlling the mouse to start Integrex colour printer . The pupils then available for each of the four year groups.' with. But by the end of a half-day session, stuck them onto the standard cards and all the groups were ready to work on their slipped them into envelopes. Acorn is providing Geoffrey Field Junior School final design.' with a copy of the new Acorn Desktop Publisher to Since the success of this project the school help the school to assess how the program can The most effective designs, such as an has purchased two more Archimedes com- simplify the scaling of drawings and publishing of cards as well as being used for other projects with angel appearing to shepherds, a penguin puters, and a second colour printer. The text and graphics in the future. opening presents under the tree, and children have already got to grips with the Father Christmas landing on a roof with finer points of Artisan, using sprites and Snaps and Let the BBC Acorn User snippets Show make Early orders flood in for new can be networked on Acorn's low-cost Econet network, and all run the popular Beeb BBC BASIC. The R 140, Acorn's UNIX your day Just one week after the launch of the new workstation provides the link to inter- A3000 BBC computer, Acorn had re- national standards. For more details con- Children are welcome, so bring the family ceived orders for over 3,000 machines, tact Acorn or your local dealer. to this exciting computer event, the 1989 including an order for 500 machines from BBC Acorn User Show. This year the Durham Local Education Authority. This Advanced CDT facility event runs for three days: 21st, 22nd and enthusiastic response comes despite the 23rd July. The elegance of the restored fact that the A3000 will not be available available in London girls' Alexandra Palace will form the backdrop in high volume until the BBC Acorn User school for around two hundred exhibitors of soft- Show at Alexandra Palace, London, from ware and hardware related to the BBC July 21-23. David Maddox, IT and busi- Master and A3000 computers. Live broad- ness studies adviser for Durham, com- casts on Greater London Radio will whet mented on his LEA's order: 'We already your appetite for the delights in store. use a lot of Acorn machines in our schools, Daily competitions, free draws, fabulous and the new A3000 offers a powerful, cost- prizes, and appearances by celebrity guests effective route for the future. It can deliver will add to the fun of the fair. With pro- the performance required to implement duct launches, new software, informative fully the TVEI and national curriculum seminars, technical clinics, workshops and requirements.' demonstrations, there will be something for everyone to enjoy.
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