<p>NCFE Entry Level 3 Maths Qualification Suite</p><p>Learner’s Evidence Tracking Log (LETL)</p><p>Issue 1, February 2014</p><p>Learner name: ...... Centre number: ...... Centre name: ...... </p><p>Signatures Learner: ...... Date: ...... Tutor/Assessor: ...... Date: ...... Internal Moderator*: ...... Date: ...... External Moderator*: ...... Date: ...... * For completion if part, or all, of the evidence has been sampled by the Internal and/or External Moderator </p><p>Contents</p><p>Overview What you need to cover...... 1 Tracking your evidence...... 5 How your evidence is checked...... 5 How to get your certificate...... 6 Opportunities for further education and training...... 6</p><p>Planning and tracking your assessment Completing your Learner’s Evidence Tracking Log...... 7 Example unit...... 8 Unit templates...... 9</p><p>Additional Information Additional support requirements...... 40 Appeals or complaints...... 40 Malpractice...... 40</p><p>About NCFE...... 41 Overview</p><p>Thank you for choosing an NCFE Entry Level 3 Maths qualification. This Learner’s Evidence Tracking Log is yours to keep and is a place to record your progress. The NCFE Entry Level 3 Maths qualification suite has been accredited by the regulators for England, Wales and Northern Ireland1 and is part of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). </p><p>Your centre may have advertised these qualifications with a different or shortened name. Please be aware your final certificate will state one of the following qualification titles:</p><p> NCFE Entry Level Certificate in Maths (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Using number (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Using measurement, shape and space (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Handling data (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Working with numbers up to 1,000 (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Calculating with numbers – addition and subtraction (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Calculating with numbers – multiplication and division (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Simple algebra (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Understanding fractions (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Understanding decimals (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Calculations with money (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Understanding time and temperature (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Calculating length, weight and capacity (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Understanding properties of shapes and positional vocabulary (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Extract and compare information (Entry 3) NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Record and present information (Entry 3). </p><p>What you need to cover Each qualification in this suite is made up of a set of learning outcomes and assessment criteria that describe what you need to be able to do, and the things you need to know, to achieve your qualification. </p><p>The suite is made up of one Certificate, 3 themed Awards and 12 single-unit Awards.</p><p>1 The qualifications regulators (‘regulators’) are Ofqual in England and Northern Ireland and the Welsh Government in Wales. </p><p>1 To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Certificate in Maths: Entry 3, you are required to successfully complete 12 mandatory units: Working with numbers up to 1,000 (Y/505/3452) Calculating with numbers – addition and subtraction (D/505/3453) Calculating with numbers – multiplication and division (K/505/3455) Simple algebra (M/505/3456) Understanding fractions (T/505/3457) Understanding decimals (A/505/3458) Calculations with money (F/505/3459) Understanding time and temperature (T/505/3460) Calculating length, weight and capacity (A/505/3461) Understanding properties of shapes and positional vocabulary (F/505/3462) Extract and compare information (J/505/3463) Record and present information (L/505/3464). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Using number (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete 6 mandatory units: Working with numbers up to 1,000 (Y/505/3452) Calculating with numbers – addition and subtraction (D/505/3453) Calculating with numbers – multiplication and division (K/505/3455) Simple algebra (M/505/3456) Understanding fractions (T/505/3457) Understanding decimals (A/505/3458). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Using measurement, shape and space (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete 4 mandatory units: Calculations with money (F/505/3459) Understanding time and temperature (T/505/3460) Calculating length, weight and capacity (A/505/3461) Understanding properties of shapes and positional vocabulary (F/505/3462). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Handling data (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete 2 mandatory units: </p><p>2 Extract and compare information (J/505/3463) Record and present information (L/505/3464). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Working with numbers up to 1,000 (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: Working with numbers up to 1,000 (Y/505/3452). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Calculating with numbers – addition and subtraction (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: Calculating with numbers – addition and subtraction (D/505/3453). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Calculating with numbers – multiplication and division (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: Calculating with numbers – multiplication and division (K/505/3455). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Simple algebra (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: Simple algebra (M/505/3456). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Understanding fractions (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: Understanding fractions (T/505/3457). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Understanding decimals (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: Understanding decimals (A/505/3458). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Calculations with money (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: Calculations with money (F/505/3459). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Understanding time and temperature (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: Understanding time and temperature (T/505/3460). To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Calculating length, weight and capacity (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: </p><p>3 Calculating length, weight and capacity (A/505/3461). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Understanding properties of shapes and positional vocabulary (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: Understanding properties of shapes and positional vocabulary (F/505/3462). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Extract and compare information (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: Extract and compare information (J/505/3463). </p><p>To be awarded the NCFE Entry Level Award in Maths: Record and present information (Entry 3), you are required to successfully complete one mandatory unit: Record and present information (L/505/3464). </p><p>Blank unit templates are provided at the end of this document to record the unit(s) that you study for your chosen qualification.</p><p>4 Overview</p><p>Tracking your evidence</p><p>During your course your Tutor/Assessor will ask you to carry out work either in the classroom, in your workplace or at home, which you’ll keep as evidence of your learning. </p><p>The work you produce (evidence) will be assessed by your Tutor/Assessor to make sure you’ve covered everything in sufficient detail. Your evidence could be made up of a combination of:</p><p> written work or class notes products or samples of practical work case studies simulated activities or role play work placement diaries learning logs video or audio recordings other appropriate formats suggested by your Tutor/Assessor.</p><p>When all your evidence is gathered together in a file or folder, this becomes your portfolio.</p><p>Your centre and Assessor may have systems that they use to plan and monitor your assessment. These may be computer-based (eg using ‘e-portfolio’ software) or paper-based (using forms or checklists). These systems are designed to show how each piece of evidence meets which learning outcomes and assessment criteria. </p><p>How your evidence is checked</p><p>After your Tutor/Assessor has assessed your work, another member of staff – the Internal Moderator – will review it. An External Moderator from NCFE will visit your centre. The External Moderator’s role is to make sure your work has been assessed to NCFE’s requirements. They’ll do this by checking a sample of candidates’ portfolios – which may include yours. They may also wish to talk to you about the content of the course and the work you’re doing. </p><p>5 Overview</p><p>How to get your certificate </p><p>Once you’ve built up your portfolio of evidence and your Tutor/Assessor and the Internal and External Moderators are satisfied it meets the standards, you’ll be awarded the qualification.</p><p>Your centre will send us a signed certificate claim form when they and the External Moderator have signed off your completed portfolio. We will send your certificate to your centre within one working day of receiving the claim form. Your centre will either forward the certificate to your home address, or tell you that it’s available for you to collect.</p><p>Opportunities for further education and training After successfully completing this qualification, you may like to go on to further study in the same or a similar subject. This might include:</p><p> NCFE Level 1 Certificate in Maths NCFE Level 1 Awards in Maths NCFE Functional Skills Qualification in Maths at Level 1 GCSE Maths. </p><p>These qualifications may also be useful to those studying qualifications in the following sectors: </p><p> Preparation for Life and Work Arts, Media and Publishing Leisure, Travel and Tourism Health, Public Services and Care Business and Administration. </p><p>The above qualifications can be purchased separately. More information on these qualifications can be found on the qualification finder section on our website www.ncfe.org.uk/QualificationFinder.aspx</p><p>6 Planning and tracking your assessment</p><p>Completing your Learner’s Evidence Tracking Log</p><p>This section of the log will help you keep track of the work you’ve done and the work you still need to do to finish your portfolio. </p><p>It will also help your Tutor/Assessor and Internal and External Moderators find their way around your portfolio so they can assess it or check it. Your Tutor/Assessor will make sure you’re completing your log correctly.</p><p>Overleaf is a sample page to show you how to complete this log. Use the columns to write down what evidence you’ve put in your portfolio and to show your Tutor/Assessor and the Internal and External Moderators where it’s located.</p><p>You and your Tutor/Assessor and/or an independent witness must sign and date the individual pieces of work in your portfolio. Once you’ve completed your portfolio, your Tutor/Assessor will sign the front of the log, to show that they’re satisfied you’ve completed it correctly.</p><p>7 Planning and tracking your assessment</p><p>Example unit</p><p>8 Unit 01 Working with whole numbers up to 1,000 (Y/505/3452)</p><p>You will: Know numbers up to 1,000 </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Identify values of 3-digit numbers in numerical and word format</p><p>1.2 Identify place values for each digit in 3- digit numbers</p><p>1.3 Identify when a 3-digit number is odd or even</p><p>9 Unit 01 Working with whole numbers up to 1,000 (Y/505/3452) (cont’d)</p><p>You will: Be able to count in tens and hundreds</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 2.1 Identify numbers of items counting on in tens and hundreds from 10 to 1,000</p><p>2.2 Count back in tens and hundreds from 1,000 to 10</p><p>10 Unit 01 Working with whole numbers up to 1,000 (Y/505/3452) (cont’d)</p><p>You will: Be able to approximate by rounding</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 3.1 Round numbers to the nearest ten and hundred</p><p>11 Unit 02 Calculating with numbers – addition and subtraction (D/505/3453)</p><p>You will: Be able to calculate using addition </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Identify the place value when adding 3- digit numbers</p><p>1.2 Add 3-digit numbers with totals up to 1,000, using different methods</p><p>1.3 Use estimation to check that answers are realistic</p><p>12 Unit 02 Calculating with numbers – addition and subtraction (D/505/3453) (cont’d)</p><p>You will: Be able to calculate using subtraction</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 2.1 Identify the place value when subtracting 3-digit numbers</p><p>2.2 Subtract pairs of 3-digit numbers, using different methods</p><p>2.3 Use addition to check accuracy of results</p><p>13 Unit 02 Calculating with numbers – addition and subtraction (D/505/3453) (cont’d)</p><p>You will: Understand symbols and words used in calculations </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 3.1 Recognise and use appropriate vocabulary and symbols for addition and subtraction</p><p>14 Unit 03 Calculating with numbers – multiplication and division (K/505/3455)</p><p>You will: Be able to calculate using multiplication </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Multiply 2-digit whole numbers by single- digit whole numbers</p><p>1.2 Use addition to check answers to problems involving multiplication</p><p>1.3 Use knowledge of multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 in calculations</p><p>1.4 Use estimation to check that answers are realistic</p><p>15 Unit 03 Calculating with numbers – multiplication and division (K/505/3455) (cont’d)</p><p>You will: Be able to calculate using division</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 2.1 Divide 2-digit whole numbers by single- digit whole numbers</p><p>2.2 Use multiplication to check accuracy of results</p><p>16 Unit 03 Calculating with numbers – multiplication and division (K/505/3455) (cont’d)</p><p>You will: Understand words and symbols used in calculations</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 3.1 Recognise and use appropriate vocabulary and symbols for multiplication and division</p><p>17 Unit 04 Simple algebra (M/505/3456) </p><p>You will: Understand the use of algebra </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Identify the numeracy elements in a simple word problem</p><p>1.2 Use algebra to solve simple word problems</p><p>1.3 Check results of calculations</p><p>18 Unit 05 Understanding fractions (T/505/3457)</p><p>You will: Know common fractions </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Identify common fractions written in words and figures</p><p>1.2 Write common fractions in words and figures</p><p>19 Unit 05 Understanding fractions (T/505/3457) (cont’d)</p><p>You will: Be able to use common fractions</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 2.1 Find fractions of quantities of items</p><p>2.2 Match common fractions of the same Value</p><p>20 Unit 06 Understanding decimals (A/505/3458)</p><p>You will: Know about decimals </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Identify the use of decimals in everyday situations</p><p>1.2 Identify the purpose of the decimal point in common measures</p><p>1.3 Use decimal places to identify the units of common measure</p><p>21 Unit 06 Understanding decimals (A/505/3458)</p><p>You will: Understand decimals</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 2.1 Use a calculator to solve problems which include whole numbers and decimals</p><p>2.2 Use decimal places to add and subtract decimals in column format</p><p>22 Unit 07 Calculations with money (F/505/3459) You will: Understand money in decimal notation </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Write amounts of money in columns, using correct value places</p><p>1.2 Add columns of money to find totals, using correct value places</p><p>1.3 Check totals with and without a calculator</p><p>23 Unit 07 Calculations with money (F/505/3459) (cont’d) You will: Be able to subtract sums of money</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 2.1 Calculate change from different purchases, with and without a calculator</p><p>2.2 Check answers, with and without a calculator</p><p>24 Unit 07 Calculations with money (F/505/3459) (cont’d) You will: Be able to calculate costs</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 3.1 Work out costs for purchasing multiple Items</p><p>3.2 Work out costs for simple budgets</p><p>3.3 Estimate costs using rounding</p><p>3.4 Check costs with and without a calculator</p><p>25 Unit 08 Understanding time and temperature (T/505/3460) You will: Understand the different formats used to show, measure and record time </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Read and record time in 12-hour and 24-hour formats</p><p>1.2 Read and record dates using a range of popular formats</p><p>26 Unit 08 Understanding time and temperature (T/505/3460) (cont’d) You will: Be able to measure time</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 2.1 Measure time in 12-hour and 24-hour formats</p><p>2.2 Identify measures of time using popular formats</p><p>27 Unit 08 Understanding time and temperature (T/505/3460) (cont’d) You will: Understand temperature scales</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 3.1 Identify the standard temperature scale</p><p>3.2 Read and record temperature using different units and instruments</p><p>3.3 Measure temperature using different instruments</p><p>3.4 Compare temperature differences in everyday situations</p><p>28 Unit 09 Calculating length, weight and capacity (A/505/3461) </p><p>You will: Know the units used for measuring distances </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Identify and use common formats for measuring distances</p><p>29 Unit 09 Calculating length, weight and capacity (A/505/3461) (cont’d) </p><p>You will: Understand simple scales used to measure length</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 2.1 Read and compare units used to measure length</p><p>2.2 Estimate and measure length</p><p>30 Unit 09 Calculating length, weight and capacity (A/505/3461) (cont’d) You will: Understand simple scales used to measure weight</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 3.1 Read and compare units used to measure weight</p><p>3.2 Estimate and measure items and their weights</p><p>31 Unit 09 Calculating length, weight and capacity (A/505/3461) (cont’d) </p><p>You will: Understand simple scales used to measure capacity</p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 4.1 Read and compare units used to measure capacity</p><p>4.2 Estimate and measure capacity</p><p>32 Unit 10 Understanding properties of shapes and positional vocabulary (F/505/3462)</p><p>You will: Understand the properties of 2-dimensional (2D) shapes </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes</p><p>1.2 Identify 2D shapes with similar properties</p><p>33 Unit 10 Understanding properties of shapes and positional vocabulary (F/505/3462) (cont’d)</p><p>You will: Understand the properties of 3-dimensional (3D) shapes </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 2.1 Identify lines of symmetry in 3D shapes</p><p>2.2 Identify 3D shapes with similar properties</p><p>2.3 Identify and find the perimeter of everyday items in practical tasks</p><p>34 Unit 10 Understanding properties of shapes and positional vocabulary (F/505/3462) (cont’d)</p><p>You will: Understand positional vocabulary </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 3.1 Follow directions to arrive at a set destination</p><p>3.2 Use compass points to indicate and find a destination</p><p>35 Unit 11 Extract and compare information (J/505/3463)</p><p>You will: Be able to use information from lists, tables, diagrams and tally charts </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Identify the purpose of titles, labels and keys</p><p>1.2 Identify numerical values or scales in lists, tables, diagrams and tally charts</p><p>1.3 Find specific numerical details in lists, tables, diagrams and tally charts</p><p>36 Unit 11 Extract and compare information (J/505/3463) (cont’d)</p><p>You will: Understand the need to compare numerical information </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 2.1 Find numerical information in a bar or pie chart</p><p>2.2 Compare numerical information and state findings</p><p>37 Unit 12 Record and present information (L/505/3464)</p><p>You will: Be able to record numerical information </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 1.1 Identify the purpose of recording numerical information</p><p>1.2 Identify categories in preparation for recording numerical information</p><p>1.3 Record numerical information</p><p>38 Unit 12 Record and present information (L/505/3464) (cont’d)</p><p>You will: Be able to present data to inform others </p><p>What you’ve done Location/Portfolio Link to Evidence IM/EM signature (if You can: to show this page number Requirements sampled) 2.1 Use different ways to present data, for others to use</p><p>2.2 Label all information appropriately</p><p>Additional information</p><p>39 NCFE is a leading provider of nationally recognised qualifications and is committed to delivering exceptional customer service. We’re based in Newcastle upon Tyne. If you’d like to know more about us, please visit our website www.ncfe.org.uk.</p><p>Additional support requirements NCFE recognises that you might require additional support in order to achieve your qualification. This might be if you’ve got a permanent or temporary disability, medical condition or specific learning need. </p><p>Your Tutor/Assessor will discuss the most appropriate method of support to meet your needs and may need to notify NCFE of the support they’re going to give you. This could include facilities to support reading or writing needs, hearing, visual or physical impairment; facilities to support a medical condition or temporary injury; or facilities to support you if your first language isn’t English.</p><p>For more information your Tutor/Assessor will be able to provide you with a full copy of NCFE’s Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Policy, or you can download it from www.ncfe.org.uk.</p><p>Appeals or complaints If you’ve got any queries or problems with your qualification you should first talk to your Tutor/Assessor, the Internal Moderator or another member of staff at your centre. If you’ve got a complaint about the way your work has been assessed, or the support you’ve been given, use your centre’s own appeals or grievance policy (ask your Tutor/Assessor for a copy).</p><p>For more information your Tutor/Assessor will be able to provide you with a full copy of NCFE’s Appeals and Enquiries about Results Policy, or you can download it from www.ncfe.org.uk. </p><p>Malpractice ‘Malpractice’ is used to describe something a person does when they intentionally mislead somebody – for example, if they copy somebody else’s work and pass it off as their own. If we’re notified about a suspected case of malpractice, we’ll work with the centre to find out if and why it’s happened and what we can do to sort it out.</p><p>If your centre suspects that you’ve been involved in malpractice, we won’t be able to issue your certificate during the investigation. If we prove that malpractice has happened, you may have part of your assessment disallowed or, in serious cases, your final results may be void. This means you won’t receive a certificate or, if we’ve already issued you one, we’ll ask that you return it straight away.</p><p>For more information your Tutor/Assessor will be able to provide you with a full copy of NCFE’s Malpractice Policy, or you can download Additional it from information www.ncfe.org.uk. </p><p>40 Enquiries Any enquiries relating to this qualification should be addressed to:</p><p>NCFE Q6 Quorum Business Park Benton Lane Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 8BT</p><p>Tel: 0191 239 8000 Fax: 0191 239 8001 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ncfe.org.uk </p><p>Equal opportunities NCFE fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and opposes all unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of ability, age, colour, culture, disability, domestic circumstances, employment status, gender, marital status, nationality, political orientation, racial origin, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and social background.</p><p>NCFE aims to ensure that equality of opportunity is promoted and that unlawful or unfair discrimination, whether direct or indirect, is eliminated both in its own employment practices and in access to its qualifications.</p><p>You can download a copy of NCFE’s Equal Opportunities Policy from www.ncfe.org.uk. </p><p>Data protection NCFE is registered under the Data Protection Act and is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards when handling personal information.</p><p>NCFE is a registered charity (Registered Charity No. 1034808) and a company limited by guarantee (Company No. 2896700). All the material in this publication is copyright. All information contained in this publication is correct at the time of printing.</p><p>41</p>
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