<p>Furnishing Training Package Victorian Purchasing Guide Version No 5.2 June 2010</p><p>LMF02 Furnishing Training Package Version No 5 This Victorian Purchasing Guide was prepared by the Curriculum Maintenance Manager Lynne Stockdale (Telephone: (03) 9564 1616 Facsimile: (03) 9564 1538) on behalf of Skills Victoria. </p><p>Purchasing Guide Version History</p><p>Purchasing Date Training Comments Guide Version Approved Package Version</p><p>V5.2 June 2010 LMF02v5 Addition of new qualification LMF40609 Certificate IV in Design of Kitchens, Bathrooms and Interior spaces.</p><p>V5.1 December LMF02v4 Replacement of sample qualifications for: 2009 • LMF31908 Certificate III in Interior Decoration (Retail Services) • LMF40408 Certificate IV in Interior Decoration • LMF50408 Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration Addition of sample program for: • LMF60208 Advanced Diploma of Interior Design</p><p>V5 September LMF02v4 This amendment includes: 2009 • a revision to LMF20309 Certificate II in Furniture Making that includes a modification of mandatory requirements and the addition of two new units • the addition of two new qualifications: – LMF32009 Certificate III in Kitchens and Bathrooms (Client Services) – LMF32109 Certificate III in Cabinet Making. This qualification replaces LMF30402 Certificate III in Furniture Making (Cabinet Making).</p><p>V4 March LMF02v3 Amendments to Versions 2 and 3 of the Training Package 2009 are incorporated into one Purchasing Guide. It includes units and qualifications in interior decoration and design and furniture design and technology, coopering, blinds and awnings, musical instrument making and repair, piano technology, floor technology, security screens and grills, stained glass and lead lighting and soft furnishing sectors</p><p>V3 July 2005 LMF02v3 Amendments made to an incorrect imported unit</p><p>V2 LMF02v2 Amendments made to nominal hours and advice that Victoria would not deliver soft furnishing qualification</p><p>V1 LMF02 Primary release</p><p>Published by the Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, Victoria. © State of Victoria 2010 This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes, subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, it is not to be used for commercial use or sale.</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 2 of 110 Requests for other use should be addressed to Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, Skills Victoria, Executive Director, Training Operations Division, PO Box 266, Melbourne, VIC 3001.</p><p>This document is available under a ‘Preserve Integrity’ licence for educational purposes see www.aesharenet.com.au/P4.</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 3 of 110 TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>VICTORIAN PURCHASING GUIDES 5 Definitions used in this Purchasing Guide 5 What are Training Packages? 6</p><p>INTRODUCTION 7 What do I need to deliver this Training Package? 7 Where do I get this Training Package? 7</p><p>REGISTRATION 7 How does a training organisation become registered? 7</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS 8</p><p>TRANSITION 10 When should new enrolments be in this Training Package? 10 What about currently enrolled students? 10</p><p>ENDORSEMENT PERIOD FOR TRAINING PACKAGES 16</p><p>UNITS OF COMPETENCY AND NOMINAL HOURS 17</p><p>Imported Units 34</p><p>SAMPLE TRAINING PROGRAMS 39 Do I have to devise a training program? 39</p><p>INDUSTRY REGULATION 106</p><p>OTHER USEFUL LINKS 107 CMM details 107 Training Packages 107 Training Package Support Materials 107</p><p>APPRENTICESHIPS AND TRAINEESHIPS 108 What qualifications in this Training Package are available as Apprenticeships and Traineeships? 108</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 4 of 110 VICTORIAN PURCHASING GUIDES</p><p>The Victorian Purchasing Guide provides information to assist Registered Training Organisations, teachers/trainers and assessors in using nationally endorsed industry Training Packages within Victoria. You can view, download or print your own copy of the Purchasing Guide from the Training Support Network (TSN) website at: http://trainingsupport.skills.vic.gov.au/ .</p><p>Definitions used in this Purchasing Guide</p><p>Term Definition</p><p>Code Nationally endorsed Training Package qualification code. Title Nationally endorsed Training Package qualification title. Unit Code Nationally endorsed Training Package unit code. Unit Title Nationally endorsed Training Package unit title. Nominal Hours The anticipated hours of supervised learning or training deemed necessary in order to adequately present the educational material. These hours are determined by the Victorian State Training Authority. Nominal hours may vary for a qualification depending on the units of competency selected. Replaced National identifier of the accredited course or Training Package qualification replaced Qualification Code by this Training Package. Replaced National title of the accredited course or Training Package qualification replaced by Qualification Title this Training Package. No New The date from which all new enrolments must be in this Training Package Enrolments In qualification and no new enrolments are to be accepted in the accredited courses or previous version of the Training Package. Scope of The scope that identifies the particular services and products that can be provided by Registration a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). A Registered Training Organisation can be registered to provide either: training delivery services, assessment and products, and issue Australian Qualifications Framework qualifications and Statements of Attainment; or assessment services and products, and issue Australian Qualifications Framework qualifications and Statements of Attainment. In addition, scope of registration is defined by Australian Qualifications Framework qualifications and/or Units of Competency.</p><p>Apprenticeships Apprenticeships and Traineeships combine practical work with structured training and Traineeships under a training contract to give people an industry relevant nationally recognised qualification.</p><p>Pre-requisite A pre-requisite is a requirement for the attainment of a particular unit or units prior to commencement of another unit of competency. </p><p>Entry Requirement Entry requirements do not form part of the qualification, but are specific to the knowledge, skills or experience required to enter and successfully undertake an education or training program. They should be expressed in terms of competency, units of competency or equivalent, and may include licensing or industry recognised standards.</p><p>Practical Practical placement refers to any structured workplace learning, including but not Placement limited to, work observation and work experience undertaken by a student as part of a course or training program. Used as a delivery strategy, it forms part of a course to enhance student learning. Practical placement does not apply for an apprentice or trainee under a registered training contract.</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 5 of 110 What are Training Packages?</p><p>Training Packages are sets of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications for recognising and assessing people's skills. A Training Package describes the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in the workplace. They do not prescribe how an individual should be trained. Teachers and trainers develop learning strategies the ‘how’ depending on learners' needs, abilities and circumstances.</p><p>Training Packages are developed by industry through National Industry Skills Councils (www.isc.org.au) or by enterprises to meet the identified training needs of specific industries or industry sectors. To gain national endorsement, developers must provide evidence of extensive consultation and support within the industry area or enterprise.</p><p>Training Packages complete a quality assurance process and are then endorsed by the National Quality Council (NQC) (http://www.nqc.tvetaustralia.com.au/) and placed on the National Training Information Service (NTIS) (www.ntis.gov.au).</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 6 of 110 LMF02 FURNISHINGTRAINING PACKAGE PURCHASING GUIDE</p><p>INTRODUCTION</p><p>If you are a teacher, trainer or assessor in a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), this Guide will assist you in using the LMF02 Furnishing Training Package Version 5. The Guide must be read in conjunction with the Training Package endorsed components (the competency standards, assessment guidelines and qualifications framework). </p><p>What do I need to deliver this Training Package?</p><p>All training delivery and assessment must be conducted by an RTO that has the Training Package qualifications or specific units of competency on its scope of registration, or that works in partnership with another Registered Training Organisation that does, under the quality arrangements outlined in the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF): AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration http://www.training.com.au/documents/aqtf2k7_ess-std-reg_final2.pdf.</p><p>You must have a copy of the endorsed components of the Training Package and be a qualified trainer or assessor in line with the requirements of the AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration.</p><p>Where do I get this Training Package?</p><p>You can purchase the Training Package from TVET Australia (www.tvetaustralia.com) or the Industry Skills Council (see ‘Links and Contacts’). In addition, you can view and download the endorsed components from the National Training Information Service (www.ntis.gov.au).</p><p>REGISTRATION</p><p>Under the AQTF 2007 (http://www.training.com.au/aqtf2007/) RTOs issue nationally recognised qualifications and Statements of Attainment in the vocational education and training sector. </p><p>To offer qualifications and Statements of Attainment from the LMF02 Furnishing Training Package Version 5, RTOs must have the Training Package qualifications and/or relevant units of competency on their scope of registration.</p><p>How does a training organisation become registered?</p><p>To gain and maintain registration, RTOs must comply with the nationally agreed standards for training organisations under the AQTF 2007 across a specified scope of qualifications.</p><p>The Victorian registering body registers training organisations and audits them for compliance with the AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration. </p><p>Applications for registration are made to the registering body in the State or Territory where you have your head office, or where you will conduct most or all of your training and assessment. Because registration is recognised nationally, you make one registration application and pay one registration fee. (However, other fees may apply, for example if the scope of registration alters.)</p><p>Details regarding registration as a Training Organisation in Victoria can be found at the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) website: http://www.vrqa.vic.gov.au/vet/vetreg/registration.htm</p><p>What are the AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration?</p><p>The AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration are the nationally agreed standards for training organisations under the Australian Quality Training Framework adopted by ministers for vocational education and training. The revised AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration and AQTF 2007 Standards for State and Territory Registering Bodies were introduced on and effective from 1 July 2007. The Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) is a set of nationally agreed standards that ensures the quality of vocational education and training products and services throughout Australia. </p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 7 of 110 There are two publications to support the development of the standards available on the training.com.au website: </p><p>AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration http://www.training.com.au/documents/aqtf2k7_ess-std-reg_final2.pdf standards for RTOs. </p><p>AQTF 2007 Users’ Guide to the Essential Standards for Registration http://www.training.com.au/documents/aqtf2k7_usr-guide-ess-std_final2.pdf users’ guide to the standards for RTOs.</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS</p><p>Code Title Range of Nominal Hours</p><p>LMF10108 Certificate I in Furnishing 111 – 295</p><p>LMF20202 Certificate II in Furniture Finishing 419 – 455</p><p>LMF20309 Certificate II in Furniture Making 244 – 562</p><p>LMF20402 Certificate II in Glass and Glazing 395 – 459</p><p>LMF20502 Certificate II in Mattress and Base Making 297 – 361</p><p>LMF20602 Certificate II in Picture Framing 407</p><p>LMF20702 Certificate II in Soft Furnishing 363 – 467</p><p>LMF20802 Certificate II in Upholstery 367 – 471</p><p>LMF20908 Certificate II in Flooring Technology 335 – 495</p><p>LMF21008 Certificate II in Blinds and Awnings 314 – 635</p><p>LMF21108 Certificate II in Security Screens and Grills 367 – 431</p><p>LMF21208 Certificate II in Stained Glass and Lead Lighting 325 – 571</p><p>LMF21308 Certificate II in Coopering 219 – 435</p><p>LMF30202 Certificate III in Furniture Finishing 787 – 823</p><p>LMF30302 Certificate III in Furniture Making 771 – 1059</p><p>LMF30502 Certificate III in Furniture Making (Wood Machining) 591 – 1363</p><p>LMF30602 Certificate III in Glass and Glazing 375 – 808</p><p>LMF30702 Certificate III in Mattress and Base Making 315 – 435</p><p>LMF30802 Certificate III in Picture Framing 791 – 827</p><p>LMF30902 Certificate III in Soft Furnishing 975 – 1143</p><p>LMF31002 Certificate III in Upholstery 839 – 999</p><p>LMF31102 Certificate III in Production Upholstery 795 – 999</p><p>LMF31208 Certificate III in Flooring Technology 543 – 1152</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 8 of 110 Code Title Range of Nominal Hours</p><p>LMF31308 Certificate III in Coopering 591 – 975</p><p>LMF31408 Certificate III in Musical Instrument Making and Repair 859 – 1755</p><p>LMF31508 Certificate III in Piano Technology 678 – 1081</p><p>LMF31608 Certificate III in Security Screens and Grills 772 – 1032</p><p>LMF31708 Certificate III in Stained Glass and Lead Lighting 739 – 1398</p><p>LMF31808 Certificate III in Blinds and Awnings 588 – 1159</p><p>LMF31908 Certificate III in Interior Decoration (Retail Services) 251 – 412</p><p>LMF32009 Certificate III in Kitchens and Bathrooms (Client 361 – 604 Services)</p><p>LMF32109 Certificate III in Cabinet Making 588 – 1468</p><p>LMF40202 Certificate IV in Furnishing Technology 651 – 1067</p><p>LMF40308 Certificate IV in Musical Instrument Making and Repair 707 – 1199</p><p>LMF40408 Certificate IV in Interior Decoration 616 – 893</p><p>LMF40508 Certificate IV in Furniture Design and Technology 642 – 1131</p><p>LMF40609 Certificate IV in Design of Kitchens, Bathrooms and 1002 – 1137 Interior Spaces</p><p>LMF50202 Diploma of Furnishing Technology 636 – 1076</p><p>LMF50308 Diploma of Stained Glass and Lead Lighting 724 – 950</p><p>LMF50408 Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration 1139 – 1855</p><p>LMF50508 Diploma of Furniture Design and Technology 941 – 1800</p><p>LMF60102 Advanced Diploma of Furnishing Management 540</p><p>LMF60208 Advanced Diploma of Interior Design 1385 – 2307</p><p>LMF60308 Advanced Diploma of Furniture Design and Technology 1272 – 2631</p><p> Nominal hour range for qualification includes the units in the qualification and their prerequisites. In addition, some qualifications have an entry requirement of specified units or their equivalent. These units have a nominal hour value that is not included in the range of nominal hours as they are outside the qualification packaging rules. Many qualifications allow for electives to be selected from other relevant endorsed Training Packages. The range of nominal hours has been calculated based on units within the LMF02 Furnishing Training Package.</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 9 of 110 TRANSITION</p><p>Transition arrangements apply where existing accredited courses, or Training Package qualifications, are replaced by qualifications from the LMF02 Furnishing Training Package Version 5.</p><p>When should new enrolments be in this Training Package? The following tables show the date from which all new enrolments must be in the LMF02 Furnishing Training Package Version 5 qualifications. From that date, you must not accept any new enrolments in the qualifications or accredited courses being replaced by the new Training Package.</p><p>What about currently enrolled students? Where possible, you should give currently enrolled students the opportunity to transfer to the most recent qualification and be mindful of your obligations under Condition 9, of the AQTF Essential Standards for Registration. The Transition Arrangements table of this Guide provides information to assist this process. When making the decision to transfer to the revised qualification, consider issues such as the proportion of the qualification that has been completed by the learner, the degree of alignment with the revised qualification and any potential advantage or disadvantage to learners.</p><p>Transition Arrangements for Version 5.2 of this Purchasing Guide</p><p>The following qualifications are equivalent to the replaced qualifications. RTOs delivering one or more of the following replaced qualifications, and units in the qualification, will be able to apply for the revised qualifications to their scope of registration by completing a self assessment and emailing/faxing back the form supplied by the VRQA. There should be no-new-enrolments in the replaced qualification after 31 December 2009.</p><p>Training Replaced Package Training Package Qualification Qualification Replaced Qualification Title Qualification Title Code Code</p><p>LMF20202 Certificate II in Furniture Finishing No Change No Change – Employability skills components added</p><p>LMF20402 Certificate II in Glass and Glazing No Change No Change – Employability skills components added</p><p>LMF20502 Certificate II in Mattress and Base No Change No Change – Employability Making skills components added</p><p>LMF20602 Certificate II in Picture Framing No Change No Change – Employability skills components added</p><p>LMF20702 Certificate II in Soft Furnishing No Change No Change – Employability skills components added. Qualification rules modified to comply with package protocols</p><p>LMF20802 Certificate II in Upholstery No Change No Change – Employability skills components added</p><p>LMF20908 Certificate II in Flooring Technology LMF20102 Certificate II in Floor Covering and Finishing</p><p>LMF30202 Certificate III in Furniture Finishing No Change No Change – Employability skills components added</p><p>LMF30302 Certificate III in Furniture Making No Change No Change – Employability skills components added</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 10 of 110 Training Replaced Package Training Package Qualification Qualification Replaced Qualification Title Qualification Title Code Code</p><p>LMF30402 Certificate III in Furniture Making LMF32109 Certificate III in Cabinet (Cabinet Making) Making</p><p>LMF30502 Certificate III in Furniture Making No Change No Change – Employability (Wood Machining) skills components added</p><p>LMF30602 Certificate III in Glass and Glazing No Change No Change – Employability skills components added</p><p>LMF30702 Certificate III in Mattress and Base No Change No Change – Employability Making skills components added</p><p>LMF30802 Certificate III in Picture Framing No Change No Change – Employability skills components added</p><p>LMF30902 Certificate III in Soft Furnishing No Change No Change – Employability skills components added. Qualification rules modified to comply with package protocols</p><p>LMF31002 Certificate III in Upholstery No Change No Change – Employability skills components added</p><p>LMF31102 Certificate III in Production No Change No Change – Employability Upholstery skills components added</p><p>LMF31208 Certificate III in Flooring LMF30102 LMF30102 Certificate III in Technology Floor Covering and Finishing</p><p>LMF40202 Certificate IV in Furnishing No Change No Change – Employability Technology skills components added</p><p>LMF50202 Diploma of Furnishing Technology No Change No Change – Employability skills components added</p><p>LMF60102 Advanced Diploma of Furnishing No Change No Change – Employability Management skills components added</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 11 of 110 The following qualifications are new qualifications. RTOs will be able to add these qualifications to their scope of registration using the standard application process.</p><p>Training Package Training Package Qualification Title Qualification Code</p><p>LMF10108 Certificate I in Furnishing</p><p>LMF21008 Certificate II in Blinds and Awnings</p><p>LMF21108 Certificate II in Security Screens and Grills</p><p>LMF21208 Certificate II in Stained Glass and Lead Lighting</p><p>LMF21308 Certificate II in Coopering</p><p>LMF31308 Certificate III in Coopering</p><p>LMF31408 Certificate III in Musical Instrument Making and Repair</p><p>LMF31508 Certificate III in Piano Technology</p><p>LMF31608 Certificate III in Security Screens and Grills</p><p>LMF31708 Certificate III in Stained Glass and Lead Lighting</p><p>LMF31808 Certificate III in Blinds and Awnings</p><p>LMF31908 Certificate III in Interior Decoration (Retail Services)</p><p>LMF32009 Certificate III in Kitchens and Bathrooms (Client Services)</p><p>LMF32109 Certificate III in Cabinet Making</p><p>LMF40308 Certificate IV in Musical Instrument Making and Repair</p><p>LMF40408 Certificate IV in Interior Decoration</p><p>LMF40508 Certificate IV in Furniture Design and Technology</p><p>LMF40609 Certificate IV in Design of Kitchens, Bathrooms and Interior spaces</p><p>LMF50308 Diploma of Stained Glass and Lead Lighting</p><p>LMF50408 Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration</p><p>LMF50508 Diploma of Furniture Design and Technology</p><p>LMF60208 Advanced Diploma of Interior Design</p><p>LMF60308 Advanced Diploma of Furniture Design and Technology </p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 12 of 110 Transition Arrangements for Version 1 of this Purchasing Guide</p><p>The following qualifications are equivalent to the replaced qualifications. RTOs will be able to add these qualifications to their scope of registration using the standard application process. There should be no-new- enrolments in the replaced qualification after 30 June 2010.</p><p>Training Replaced Package Training Package Qualification Qualification Replaced Qualification Title Qualification Title Code Code LMF20309 Certificate II in Furniture Making LMF20302 Certificate II in Furniture Making 21278VIC Certificate II in Furnishing (Cabinet Making, Wood Machining and Furniture Polishing – Preapprenticeship)</p><p>Mapping Table</p><p>The following table maps units of competency from the replaced qualification 21278VIC Certificate II in Furniture Making (Cabinet Making, Wood Machining, Furniture Polishing – Preapprenticeship) to the LMF20309 Certificate II in Furniture Making.</p><p>LMF20309 Certificate II in Furniture 21278VIC Certificate II in Making Furnishing (Cabinet Making, Wood Machining and Furniture Polishing – Preapprenticeship) Unit Code Unit Title Replaced Replaced Unit Comments Unit Code Title</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements LMFCR0003A Carry out Equivalent unit and calculations measurements and calculations LMFFM2001B Use furniture making LMFFM2001A Use furniture making Equivalent unit sector hand and power sector hand and tools power tools MSAPMSUP102A Communicate in the Communicate in the Equivalent unit LMFCR0002A workplace workplace MSAPMSUP106A Work in a team Work effectively with Equivalent unit LMFCR0004A others CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the No equivalent unit construction industry MSAPMOHS200A Work safely Follow safe working Equivalent unit LMFCR0001A policies and practices LMFFF2004B Prepare surfaces for LMFFF2004A Prepare surfaces for Equivalent unit finishing finishing LMFFF2006B Apply surface coatings LMFFF2006A Apply surface Equivalent unit by spray gun coatings by spray gun LMFFM2002B Assemble furnishing LMFFM2002A Assemble furnishing Equivalent unit components components LMFFM2003B Select and apply Select and apply Equivalent unit LMFFM2003A hardware hardware LMFFM2004B Apply sheet laminates by Apply sheet laminates Equivalent unit LMFFM2004A hand by hand LMFFM2005B Join solid timber LMFFM2005A Join solid timber Equivalent unit</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 13 of 110 LMF20309 Certificate II in Furniture 21278VIC Certificate II in Making Furnishing (Cabinet Making, Wood Machining and Furniture Polishing – Preapprenticeship) Unit Code Unit Title Replaced Replaced Unit Comments Unit Code Title</p><p>LMFFM2006B Hand make timber joints LMFFM2006A Hand make timber Equivalent unit joints LMFFM2007B Follow plans to LMFFM2007A Follow plans to Equivalent unit assemble production assemble production furniture furniture LMFFM2008B Bend and form cane No equivalent unit LMFFM2009B Construct cane furniture No equivalent unit LMFFM2010B Set up, operate and LMFFM2010A Set up, operate and Equivalent unit maintain basic static maintain basic static machines machines LMFFM2011B Apply manufactured LMFFM2011A Apply manufactured Equivalent unit board conversion board conversion techniques techniques LMFFM2012B Set up, operate and LMFFM2012A Set up, operate and Equivalent unit maintain pressure and maintain pressure and clamping machines clamping machines LMFKB2001A Prepare for cabinet No equivalent unit installation LMFKB2002A Provide assistance in No equivalent unit cabinet installation MEM16008A Interact with computing BSBCMN107A Operate a personal Equivalent unit technology computer MSACMC210A Manage the impact of No equivalent unit change on own work MSACMS200A Apply competitive No equivalent unit manufacturing practices MSACMS201A Sustain process No equivalent unit improvements MSACMT220A Apply quick changeover No equivalent unit procedures MSACMT221A Apply Just in Time (JIT) No equivalent unit procedures MSACMT230A Apply cost factors to No equivalent unit work practices MSACMT240A Apply 5S procedures in No equivalent unit a manufacturing environment MSACMT250A Monitor process No equivalent unit capability MSACMT251A Apply quality standards No equivalent unit MSACMT260A Use planning software No equivalent unit systems in manufacturing MSACMT261A Use SCADA systems in No equivalent unit manufacturing MSACMT270A Use sustainable energy No equivalent unit practices</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 14 of 110 LMF20309 Certificate II in Furniture 21278VIC Certificate II in Making Furnishing (Cabinet Making, Wood Machining and Furniture Polishing – Preapprenticeship) Unit Code Unit Title Replaced Replaced Unit Comments Unit Code Title MSACMT271A Use sustainable No equivalent unit environmental practices MSACMT280A Undertake root cause No equivalent unit analysis MSACMT281A Contribute to the No equivalent unit application of a proactive maintenance strategy MSAPMSUP201A Receive or despatch No equivalent unit goods MSAPMSUP240A Undertake minor No equivalent unit maintenance MSAPMSUP273A Handle goods LMFGN2002A Move and store Equivalent unit LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and materials and products products ABC501 Introduction to No equivalent unit furnishing industry LMFFM1001A Construct a basic No equivalent unit timber furnishing product LMFGG2002A Apply first aid No equivalent unit TDTD397C Handle dangerous No equivalent unit and hazardous goods ABC999 Industry placement No equivalent unit LMFFM3021B Set up, operate and LMFFM3021A Set up, operate and Equivalent unit maintain drilling maintain drilling machines machines LMFGN3001B Read and interpret LMFGN3001A Read and interpret Equivalent unit documents documents LMFFM3002B Construct furniture using LMFFM3002A Construct furniture Equivalent unit leg and rail method using leg and rail method LMFFM3012B Prepare cutting list from LMFFM3012A Prepare cutting list Equivalent unit plans and job from plans and job specification specification LMFFM1002A Operate basic wood No equivalent unit working machines LMFFM3020B Set up, operate and LMFFM3020A Set up, operate and Equivalent unit maintain sawing maintain sawing machines machines LMFFM3023B Set up, operate and LMFFM3023A Set up, operate and Equivalent unit maintain planing and maintain planing and finishing machines finishing machines LMFFF1001A Complete a basic No equivalent unit finishing product LMFFF2001B Use furniture finishing LMFFF2001A Use furnishing Equivalent unit sector hand and power finishing sector hand tools and power tools LMFFF2002B Dismantle/re-assemble LMFFF2002A Dismantle/reassemble Equivalent unit furniture furniture LMFFF2003B Remove surface LMFFF2003A Remove surface Equivalent unit coatings coating</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 15 of 110 LMF20309 Certificate II in Furniture 21278VIC Certificate II in Making Furnishing (Cabinet Making, Wood Machining and Furniture Polishing – Preapprenticeship) Unit Code Unit Title Replaced Replaced Unit Comments Unit Code Title LMFFF2008B Apply surface coatings LMFFF2008A Apply surface Equivalent unit by hand coatings by hand LMFFF3008B Apply traditional French LMFFF3008A Apply traditional Equivalent unit polishing techniques french polishing techniques</p><p>ENDORSEMENT PERIOD FOR TRAINING PACKAGES</p><p>There is a difference between the accreditation period of a state accredited course and the endorsement of a Training Package qualification. For Training Packages, the National Quality Council specifies a date that the review of the Training Package is to be completed. This date is not an expiry date; therefore, Training Package qualifications are current until they are replaced by qualifications in the reviewed or re-endorsed Training Package. In the case of a course, currency is for a fixed period of time determined at the time of accreditation and is recorded on the National Training Information Service (NTIS). </p><p>High Risk Work - Licensing units Victorian RTOs must have written verification from WorkSafe before applying to the VRQA for an extension to their scope of registration. This applies to units delivered as part of a qualification or where individual units only are conducted. This requirement will also apply where the units are imported into another Training Package qualification or accredited course. Learners completing the High Risk Work units will not be eligible for licensing in Victoria unless the RTO has met this requirement. RTOs should be aware that there are mandatory assessment tools for all High Risk Work units. Information about the WorkSafe approval process is available from: http://www.workcover.vic.gov.au </p><p>The following High Risk Work units may be included on an RTO’s scope of registration either as part of a qualification or individually if the RTO does not intend to deliver the qualification in full.</p><p>Construction Induction Unit Victorian RTOs must have written verification from WorkSafe to deliver and assess the unit CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry before applying for an extension to their scope of registration by following the process outlined previously for High Risk Work. Information about the WorkSafe approval process is available from: http://www.workcover.vic.gov.au </p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 16 of 110 UNITS OF COMPETENCY AND NOMINAL HOURS</p><p>RTOs are advised that there is a mapping inside the Training Package that describes the relationship between new units and superseded or replaced units from the previous version of LMF02 Furnishing Training Package. RTOs should be familiar with the mapping tables contained within the current Training Package.</p><p>You must be sure that all training and assessment leading to qualifications or Statements of Attainment from the LMF02 Furnishing Training Package is conducted against the Training Package units of competency and complies with the requirements in the assessment guidelines.</p><p>Listing of the Units of Competency and Nominal Hours</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>Blinds and Awnings</p><p>LMFBA1001A Construct a basic roll up blind 100</p><p>LMFBA2001A Use blinds and awnings sector hand and power tools 40</p><p>LMFBA2002A Set up, operate and maintain blinds and awnings sector static 50 machines</p><p>LMFBA2003A Construct Holland-style blinds 16</p><p>LMFBA2004A Select and apply blinds and awnings hardware and fixings 24</p><p>LMFBA2005A Construct roll up and pull down style blinds and awnings 80</p><p>LMFBA2006A Construct vertical style blinds 50</p><p>LMFBA2007A Construct textiles for canopy style awnings 40</p><p>LMFBA2008A Construct plastic and timber Venetian-style blinds 50</p><p>LMFBA2009A Construct aluminium Venetian-style blinds 50</p><p>LMFBA2010A Construct metal louvre and canopy hooded style awnings 60</p><p>LMFBA2011A Construct aluminium roll up style awnings 60</p><p>LMFBA3001A Install interior blinds 60</p><p>LMFBA3002A Install exterior blinds and awnings 60</p><p>LMFBA3003A Install timber shutters 60</p><p>LMFBA3004A Construct folding arm style awnings 24</p><p>LMFBA3005A Construct framework for canopy style awnings 20</p><p>LMFBA3006A Construct pleated style blinds 40</p><p>LMFBA3007A Construct wood weave style blinds 40</p><p>LMFBA3008A Construct pelmets 40</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 17 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFBA3009A Provide advice to customers on blinds and awnings 40</p><p>LMFBA4001A Assess suitability of blinds or awnings 40</p><p>Coopering</p><p>LMFCP2001A Use coopering sector hand and power tools 40</p><p>LMFCP2002A Produce barrels using non-fired processes 80</p><p>LMFCP3001A Apply product and material knowledge to coopering operations 80</p><p>LMFCP3002A Select and season timber for coopering production 40</p><p>LMFCP3003A Produce barrels using fired processes 40</p><p>LMFCP3004A Maintain and repair barrels 40</p><p>Core and Generic</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>Flooring Technology</p><p>LMFFL1001A Complete simple floor covering installation 100</p><p>LMFFL2001A Use flooring technology sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFFL2002A Receive and prepare floor covering materials for installation 8</p><p>LMFFL2003A Select, operate and maintain floor covering cutting machine 8</p><p>LMFFL2004A Moisture test timber and concrete 16</p><p>LMFFL2101A Remove existing floor coverings 32</p><p>LMFFL2102A Prepare, select and apply smoothing and patching compounds 24</p><p>LMFFL2103A Select and apply appropriate compounds and additives 24</p><p>LMFFL2104A Prepare concrete sub-floors using wet cleaning methods 24</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 18 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFFL2105A Select, prepare and apply moisture barriers and damp proof 40 membranes to concrete sub-floors</p><p>LMFFL2106A Prepare walls for coverings 8</p><p>LMFFL2107A Select, operate and maintain grinding equipment 24</p><p>LMFFL2108A Select, operate and maintain shot blasting equipment 24</p><p>LMFFL2109A Select, operate and maintain demolition equipment 16</p><p>LMFFL2110A Select, operate and maintain scarifying equipment 24</p><p>LMFFL2111A Coarse sand timber flooring 24</p><p>LMFFL2112A Install hard underlays 32</p><p>LMFFL2201A Install carpet cushion/underlays and gripper accessories 40</p><p>LMFFL2202A Install unpatterned tufted and bonded carpet floor coverings 96</p><p>LMFFL2203A Install carpet tiles using standard installation procedures 40</p><p>LMFFL2204A Install unpatterned tufted and bonded carpet floor coverings to stairs 56</p><p>LMFFL2301A Install lay flat vinyl floor coverings 40</p><p>LMFFL2302A Install resilient tiles using standard installation procedures 40</p><p>LMFFL2501A Install laminate and engineered timber flooring 40</p><p>LMFFL2502A Install impact and sound absorption underlay 8</p><p>LMFFL2503A Nail strip timber flooring 40</p><p>LMFFL2504A Install expansion joints 24</p><p>LMFFL2505A Install mouldings and edge trims to timber flooring 32</p><p>LMFFL3001B Plan and cost flooring technology work 24</p><p>LMFFL3002A Establish and maintain a safe flooring technology work environment 8</p><p>LMFFL3101A Inspect sub-floors 24</p><p>LMFFL3102A Prepare, select and apply screed to concrete sub-floors 24</p><p>LMFFL3201A Install carpet tiles using custom designs 40</p><p>LMFFL3202A Install adhesive fixed carpet floor coverings 80</p><p>LMFFL3203A Install commercial carpet floor coverings 48</p><p>LMFFL3204A Install patterned carpet floor coverings 56</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 19 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFFL3205A Install custom design carpet and decorative finishes 40</p><p>LMFFL3206A Install synthetic textile floor coverings to sports facilities 80</p><p>LMFFL3207A Install carpet floor coverings to custom design stairs 56</p><p>LMFFL3301A Install linoleum floor coverings 40</p><p>LMFFL3302A Install commercial vinyl floor coverings 40</p><p>LMFFL3303A Install resilient floor coverings using custom designs and decorative 40 finishes</p><p>LMFFL3304A Install resilient tiles using custom design and decorative finishes 40</p><p>LMFFL3305A Install rubber floor coverings 40</p><p>LMFFL3306A Install resilient sheet to walls 24</p><p>LMFFL3307A Install resilient sheet to bench and counter tops 24</p><p>LMFFL3308A Install anti-static resilient floor coverings 20</p><p>LMFFL3309A Install conductive resilient floor coverings 20</p><p>LMFFL3310A Cut and install resilient floor coverings to stairs 32</p><p>LMFFL3401A Mix and apply epoxy and seamless floor coverings 32</p><p>LMFFL3402A Apply solvent based coatings to timber flooring 16</p><p>LMFFL3403A Apply water-based coatings to timber flooring 16</p><p>LMFFL3404A Apply oil-based coatings to timber flooring 16</p><p>LMFFL3405A Apply composite based coatings 16</p><p>LMFFL3406A Apply emulsion wax 16</p><p>LMFFL3407A Apply stains and fillers 16</p><p>LMFFL3501A Adapt and apply custom designs to timber flooring 40</p><p>LMFFL3502A Cut and install timber flooring materials to stairs 40</p><p>LMFFL3503A Install direct stick timber flooring 56</p><p>LMFFL3504A Inspect defective timber flooring 40</p><p>LMFFL3505A Install block parquetry flooring 32</p><p>LMFFL3506A Install cork tiles 48</p><p>LMFFL3507A Install patterned parquetry flooring 32</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 20 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFFL3508A Install mosaic parquetry flooring 32</p><p>LMFFL3509A Install sprung timber flooring 56</p><p>LMFFL3510A Install strip timber flooring onto battens 32</p><p>LMFFL3511A Install strip timber flooring onto plywood 32</p><p>LMFFL3512A Repair timber flooring 24</p><p>LMFFL3513A Maintain timber, laminate and engineered flooring 24</p><p>LMFFL3601A Fine sand timber flooring 24</p><p>LMFFL3602A Edge sand timber flooring 16</p><p>LMFFL3603A Sand cork flooring 16</p><p>LMFFL3604A Sand and fill parquetry flooring 16</p><p>LMFFL3605A Apply finishes to cork flooring 24</p><p>Furniture Design</p><p>LMFDN4001B Produce drawings from design concepts 64</p><p>LMFDN4002B Produce line and component production drawings 64</p><p>LMFDN4003B Produce patterns and/or templates 36</p><p>LMFDN4004B Design, construct and test jigs 80</p><p>LMFDN4005B Work within a furniture design team 54</p><p>LMFDN5001B Generate and transfer complex computer-aided drawings and 72 specifications</p><p>LMFDN5006B Manage furniture design 100</p><p>Furniture Finishing</p><p>LMFFF1001B Complete a basic furniture finishing product 100</p><p>LMFFF2001B Use furniture finishing sector hand and power tools 48</p><p>LMFFF2002B Dismantle/re-assemble furniture 56</p><p>LMFFF2003B Remove surface coatings 40</p><p>LMFFF2004B Prepare surfaces for finishing 24</p><p>LMFFF2005B Maintain spray equipment and booth 24</p><p>LMFFF2006B Apply surface coatings by spray gun 60</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 21 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFFF2007B Apply stains, fillers and bleach 52</p><p>LMFFF2008B Apply surface coatings by hand 40</p><p>LMFFF3001B Match and make up colours 52</p><p>LMFFF3002B Set up, operate and maintain mechanical coatings systems 40</p><p>LMFFF3003B Apply plural component coatings 52</p><p>LMFFF3004B Apply soft rubber techniques 20</p><p>LMFFF3005B Enhance finishes 24</p><p>LMFFF3006B Repair and touch up surfaces 40</p><p>LMFFF3007B Apply graining and decorative finishes 40</p><p>LMFFF3008B Apply traditional French polishing techniques 60</p><p>LMFFF3009B Set up, operate and maintain CNC coating systems 40</p><p>Furniture Making</p><p>LMFFM1001B Construct a basic timber furnishing product 100</p><p>LMFFM1002B Operate basic woodworking machines 100</p><p>LMFFM2001B Use furniture making sector hand and power tools 40</p><p>LMFFM2002B Assemble furnishing components 20</p><p>LMFFM2003B Select and apply hardware 16</p><p>LMFFM2004B Apply sheet laminates by hand 8</p><p>LMFFM2005B Join solid timber 8</p><p>LMFFM2006B Hand make timber joints 40</p><p>LMFFM2007B Follow plans to assemble production furniture 16</p><p>LMFFM2008B Bend and form cane 60</p><p>LMFFM2009B Construct cane furniture 100</p><p>LMFFM2010B Set up, operate and maintain basic static machines 56</p><p>LMFFM2011B Apply manufactured board conversion techniques 16</p><p>LMFFM2012B Set up, operate and maintain pressure and clamping machines 20</p><p>LMFFM3001B Construct chair and couch frames 64</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 22 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFFM3002B Construct furniture using leg and rail method 64</p><p>LMFFM3003B Produce angled and curved furniture using manufactured board 64</p><p>LMFFM3004B Produce angled and curved furniture using solid timber 64</p><p>LMFFM3005B Fabricate custom furniture 64</p><p>LMFFM3006B Install furnishing products 24</p><p>LMFFM3007B Prepare and apply decorative surfaces for furniture 24</p><p>LMFFM3010B Select timbers for furniture production 8</p><p>LMFFM3011B Produce manual and computer-aided production drawings 60</p><p>LMFFM3012B Prepare cutting list from plans and job specifications 16</p><p>LMFFM3013B Measure and draw site layout for manufactured furniture products 16</p><p>LMFFM3020B Set up, operate and maintain sawing machines 24</p><p>LMFFM3021B Set up, operate and maintain drilling machines 24</p><p>LMFFM3022B Set up, operate and maintain joining machines 52</p><p>LMFFM3023B Set up, operate and maintain planing and finishing machines 40</p><p>LMFFM3024B Set up, operate and maintain multi-head planing and moulding 60 machines</p><p>LMFFM3025B Set up, operate and maintain routing and shaping machines 60</p><p>LMFFM3026B Set up, operate and maintain mechanical wood turning lathes 60</p><p>LMFFM3027B Set up, operate and maintain automated edge banding machines 60</p><p>LMFFM3028B Fabricate synthetic solid surface products 40</p><p>LMFFM3030B Set up, operate and maintain CNC sizing machines 60</p><p>LMFFM3031B Set up, operate and maintain CNC machining and processing centres 80</p><p>LMFFM3032B Produce and maintain cutting tools 40</p><p>LMFFM3033B Construct jigs and fixtures 40</p><p>LMFFM4005A Hand carve wood to custom design 60</p><p>LMFFM4006A Construct joints for custom furniture 40</p><p>LMFFM4007A Produce curved and shaped components for custom furniture 64</p><p>LMFFM4008A Produce veneered components for custom furniture 64</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 23 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>Furniture Technology</p><p>LMFFT4001B Coordinate on-site installation of furnishing products 40</p><p>LMFFT4002B Customise stock lines 54</p><p>LMFFT4003B Organise production processes 60</p><p>LMFFT4004B Establish and monitor production inventory requirements 36</p><p>LMFFT4005B Install and commission CNC software 20</p><p>LMFFT4006B Construct prototypes and samples 160</p><p>LMFFT4007B Sample, inspect and test products to specifications 36</p><p>LMFFT4008B Interpret and use workplace information 54</p><p>LMFFT4009A Match furnishing style/materials to customer requirements 24</p><p>LMFFT4010B Identify and calculate production costs 36</p><p>LMFFT4011B Purchase materials and consumables 36</p><p>LMFFT4012A Prepare a tender submission 40</p><p>LMFFT5001B Evaluate and select production materials and equipment 40</p><p>LMFFT5002B Establish and develop production processes and area layout 54</p><p>LMFFT5003B Manage installation and commissioning of equipment 20</p><p>LMFFT5004B Develop and document procedures and specifications 54</p><p>LMFFT5005B Organise enterprise maintenance programs 60</p><p>LMFFT5006B Plan production 54</p><p>LMFFT5010B Optimise CNC operations 60</p><p>LMFFT5011B Develop, trial and evaluate prototypes 108</p><p>LMFFT5012B Determine production feasibility of designs 36</p><p>LMFFT5013B Develop products and related processes 54</p><p>LMFFT5014B Establish and monitor business information systems 44</p><p>LMFFT5015B Establish and implement contracts for external goods or services 44</p><p>LMFFT5016B Establish customer contracts 40</p><p>LMFFT6001B Research and evaluate products, materials and processes 80</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 24 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>Glass and Glazing</p><p>LMFGG1001B Complete a basic glass and glazing project 100</p><p>LMFGG2001B Use glass and glazing sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFGG2002B Apply First Aid 8</p><p>LMFGG2003B Operate glass freefall rack and table 8</p><p>LMFGG2004B Process thin glass by hand 64</p><p>LMFGG2005B Move glass sheets by hand 8</p><p>LMFGG2006B Move single glass sheets by mechanical means 16</p><p>LMFGG2007B Process glass by basic machines 48</p><p>LMFGG2008B Glaze/reglaze residential windows and doors 72</p><p>LMFGG2009B Fabricate and assemble metal frames 48</p><p>LMFGG2010B Fabricate and install insect and security screens 44</p><p>LMFGG3001B Store and handle glass 20</p><p>LMFGG3002B Assess glass and glazing requirements 24</p><p>LMFGG3003B Move block/bulk glass sheet by mechanical means 28</p><p>LMFGG3004B Process thick glass by hand 73</p><p>LMFGG3005B Process glass by semi-automatic and automatic machines 56</p><p>LMFGG3006B Apply film to glass 48</p><p>LMFGG3007B Form glass 40</p><p>LMFGG3008B Apply patterns and designs to glass 32</p><p>LMFGG3009B Set up and operate glass laminating equipment 60</p><p>LMFGG3010B Set up and operate glass toughening equipment 60</p><p>LMFGG3011B Set up and operate glass silvering equipment 60</p><p>LMFGG3012B Set up and operate insulated glass unit manufacturing equipment 60</p><p>LMFGG3013B Construct and repair leadlight panels 56</p><p>LMFGG3014B Prepare and install mirrors 32</p><p>LMFGG3015B Fabricate and install shower screens and wardrobe doors 24</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 25 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFGG3016B Fabricate and install residential windows and doors 40</p><p>LMFGG3017B Fabricate and install commercial glazing 40</p><p>LMFGG3018B Prepare and install architectural engineered glazing 40</p><p>LMFGG3019B Conduct commercial and structural glazing 40</p><p>Mattress Base</p><p>LMFMB1001B Complete a basic mattress and base product 100</p><p>LMFMB2001B Use mattress and base sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFMB2002B Prepare and assemble base unit 20</p><p>LMFMB2003B Assemble mattress components 40</p><p>LMFMB2004B Cut mattress and base fabrics 40</p><p>LMFMB3001B Assemble springs for mattresses 20</p><p>LMFMB3002B Make springs for mattresses and bases 40</p><p>LMFMB3003B Set up, operate and maintain a tape edging machine 20</p><p>LMFMB3004B Set up, operate and maintain a quilting machine 80</p><p>Musical Instruments</p><p>LMFMI3001A Assemble instrument components 48</p><p>LMFMI3002A Construct and apply decorative treatments and finishes to musical 30 instruments</p><p>LMFMI3003A Manufacture acoustic guitars 80</p><p>LMFMI3004A Manufacture brass instruments 320</p><p>LMFMI3005A Manufacture electric guitars 80</p><p>LMFMI3006A Manufacture percussion instruments 80</p><p>LMFMI3007A Manufacture special stringed instruments 80</p><p>LMFMI3008A Manufacture stringed instruments 260</p><p>LMFMI3009A Repair brass instruments 56</p><p>LMFMI3010A Repair percussion instruments 40</p><p>LMFMI3011A Repair woodwind instruments 40</p><p>LMFMI4001A Repair acoustic guitars 80</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 26 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFMI4002A Repair electric guitars 80</p><p>LMFMI4003A Repair special stringed instruments 80</p><p>LMFMI4004A Repair stringed instruments 100</p><p>Piano Technology</p><p>LMFPT3001A Develop knowledge of piano industry 12</p><p>LMFPT3002A Select materials for piano repair and manufacture 15</p><p>LMFPT3003A Repair upright and grand piano action, keys and pedals 50</p><p>LMFPT3004A Rebuild upright and grand piano action, keys and pedals 90</p><p>LMFPT3005A Re-string and re-pin a piano 40</p><p>LMFPT3006A Regulate action, keys and pedals of upright pianos 50</p><p>LMFPT3007A Regulate actions, keys and pedals of grand pianos 40</p><p>LMFPT3008A Understand piano tuning theory and basic acoustics 30</p><p>LMFPT3009A Develop control of tuning hammers 30</p><p>LMFPT3010A Pitch raise 30</p><p>LMFPT3011A Tune unisons aurally to a beatless condition 60</p><p>LMFPT3012A Tune octaves aurally to appropriate stretch 60</p><p>LMFPT3013A Tune a temperament octave to produce an equally tempered scale 60</p><p>LMFPT3014A Tune a piano aurally and/or electronically within time and accuracy 90 constraints</p><p>LMFPT3015A Voice a piano 40</p><p>LMFPT3016A Provide advice to customers on piano tuning and repair 20</p><p>Security Screens</p><p>LMFSS2001A Use security screens and grills hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFSS2002A Rectify faults in product 30</p><p>LMFSS2003A Prepare product for Australian Standards testing 20</p><p>LMFSS2004A Undertake surface preparation 30</p><p>LMFSS3001A Install security screens and grills 60</p><p>LMFSS3002A Apply patterns and designs to security screens and grills 24</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 27 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFSS3003A Resolve quality and compliance issues 16</p><p>Soft Furnishing</p><p>LMFSF1001B Produce basic soft furnishing accessories 100</p><p>LMFSF2001B Cut single layer fabrics 40</p><p>LMFSF2002B Machine sew materials 48</p><p>LMFSF2003B Machine sew using specific techniques 60</p><p>LMFSF2004B Hand sew soft furnishings 16</p><p>LMFSF2005B Operate a steam press 16</p><p>LMFSF2006B Calculate fabric quantities for window coverings 56</p><p>LMFSF2007B Construct unlined curtains/drapes 48</p><p>LMFSF2008B Construct lined curtains/drapes 40</p><p>LMFSF2009B Construct padded pelmets 40</p><p>LMFSF2010B Make up tracks for window coverings 24</p><p>LMFSF2011B Fit and adjust curtain hardware 48</p><p>LMFSF2012B Fit and adjust interior blinds 24</p><p>LMFSF2013B Dress windows 24</p><p>LMFSF2014B Use soft furnishing sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFSF3001B Operate drop cutting machines 24</p><p>LMFSF3002B Use automated curtain pleating equipment 24</p><p>LMFSF3003B Follow patterns to produce window toppings 40</p><p>LMFSF3004B Construct roman style blinds 56</p><p>LMFSF3005B Construct Austrian/festoon style blinds 56</p><p>LMFSF3006B Chemically join textiles 24</p><p>LMFSF3007B Lay out patterns and cut fabrics 40</p><p>LMFSF3008B Measure up and calculate fabric quantities for window coverings 56</p><p>LMFSF3009B Manufacture bedspreads 60</p><p>LMFSF3010B Manufacture bed linen and table cloths 48</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 28 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFSF3011B Advise customers on interior decoration 52</p><p>LMFSF3012B Install motorised curtains and blind 60</p><p>LMFSF3013B Follow patterns to produce soft furnishing accessories 40</p><p>LMFSF3014B Provide technical advice to customers 48</p><p>Stained Glass and Leadlight</p><p>LMFSL2001A Assemble lead light and stained glass components 112</p><p>LMFSL3001A Apply product and material knowledge to production operations 50</p><p>LMFSL3002A Paint glass 128</p><p>LMFSL3003A Fire glass 80</p><p>LMFSL3004A Protect stained glass and lead lighting 40</p><p>LMFSL3005A Fabricate and install residential lead light and stained glass windows 80 and doors</p><p>LMFSL3006A Prepare and install architectural engineered lead light and stained 80 glass</p><p>LMFSL5001A Assess conservation requirements 80</p><p>LMFSL5002A Remove heritage lead light and stained glass 80</p><p>LMFSL5003A Conserve heritage lead light and stained glass 80</p><p>LMFSL5004A Install heritage lead light and stained glass 80</p><p>LMFSL5005A Apply innovation in contemporary lead light and stained glass 80</p><p>Upholstery</p><p>LMFUP1001B Complete a basic upholstery project 100</p><p>LMFUP2001B Use upholstery sector hand and power tools 48</p><p>LMFUP2002B Fit upholstery components 36</p><p>LMFUP2003B Apply contemporary foundations to upholstered furniture 48</p><p>LMFUP2004B Machine sew upholstery final cover materials (basic) 36</p><p>LMFUP2005B Develop cutting plan and cut single layer upholstery fabric 36</p><p>LMFUP2006B Dismantle/reassemble furniture for upholstering 48</p><p>LMFUP3001B Apply traditional foundations to upholstered furniture 64</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 29 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFUP3002B Fit and apply final cover materials to furniture using basic technique 48</p><p>LMFUP3003A Fit and apply final cover materials to furniture using decorative 60 technique</p><p>LMFUP3004B Lay out patterns and cut leather 24</p><p>LMFUP3005B Machine sew upholstery final cover materials (complex) 24</p><p>LMFUP3006B Fit and apply leather to furniture 24</p><p>LMFUP3007B Manufacture and fit loose covers 48</p><p>LMFUP3008B Apply finishing techniques to upholstered furniture 24</p><p>LMFUP3009B Develop cutting plan and cut multiple layer upholstery fabric 24</p><p>LMFUP3010B Cut, sew and fit skirts to upholstered furniture 28</p><p>LMFUP3011B Cut, sew and fit or fill cushions 48</p><p>LMFUP3012B Apply marine sewing and installation techniques 60</p><p>LMFUP3013B Cut and sew canvas and acrylics 60</p><p>LMFUP3014B Set up, operate and maintain CNC cutting machines 100</p><p>Interior Design and Decoration</p><p>LMFID1001A Plan the decoration of a simple space 100</p><p>LMFID3002A Source and specify decoration products 20</p><p>LMFID3005A Style a retail display 36</p><p>LMFID4001A Research, analyse and apply colour for interior spaces 80</p><p>LMFID4002A Decorate residential interiors 80</p><p>LMFID4003A Prepare a materials board for client presentation 20</p><p>LMFID4004A Research and recommend furniture and accessories 36</p><p>LMFID4005A Research and recommend soft furnishings for interiors 50</p><p>LMFID4006A Research and recommend hard materials and finishes for interiors 54</p><p>LMFID4007A Identify materials, construction techniques and methods used in 54 building interiors</p><p>LMFID4008A Assess interior light and recommend light fittings 36</p><p>LMFID4009A Research architectural styles and movements 36</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 30 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFID4010A Research interior decoration and design influences 36</p><p>LMFID4011A Determine occupational health and safety implications of interior 10 effects</p><p>LMFID5001A Design residential interiors 108</p><p>LMFID5002A Develop a decoration proposal for a complex site 108</p><p>LMFID5003A Evaluate site for interior design brief 40</p><p>LMFID5004A Specify structural elements, systems and services for interior spaces 72</p><p>LMFID5005A Explore and apply creative design methodology to interior space 60</p><p>LMFID5006A Design interior lighting 36</p><p>LMFID5007A Decorate for events 40</p><p>LMFID5008A Design interiors for people with disabilities and the elderly 108</p><p>LMFID5009A Research and recommend colour and applied finishes 40</p><p>LMFID5010A Provide interior styling service 36</p><p>LMFID5011A Specify soft furnishings for complete interior solution 54</p><p>LMFID5012A Research and recommend artwork 36</p><p>LMFID5013A Design for small to medium scale commercial or institutional interiors 108</p><p>LMFID5014A Use CAD applications to complete models and documentation for 80 interior design projects</p><p>LMFID5015A Decorate interiors for restoration projects 80</p><p>LMFID6001A Resolve complex spatial problems through modelling 54</p><p>LMFID6002A Apply 3D visualisation techniques to represent interior designs 54</p><p>LMFID6003A Design for large scale commercial or institutional interiors 108</p><p>LMFID6004A Design interiors for hospitality environments 108</p><p>LMFID6005A Design for retail interiors 108</p><p>LMFID6006A Design for conservation and restoration projects 108</p><p>LMFID6007A Select and instruct contractors and consultants 40</p><p>LMFID6008A Evaluate design project outcomes 36</p><p>LMFID6009A Produce digital presentations for commercial projects 72</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 31 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>Furniture Design and Technology</p><p>LMFFDT4001A Apply finishing techniques to custom furniture 54</p><p>LMFFDT4002A Assemble custom furniture 108</p><p>LMFFDT4003A Assess and record the lifecycle of a furniture product 36</p><p>LMFFDT4004A Assess environmental impact of a design 36</p><p>LMFFDT4005A Construct and evaluate furniture prototypes and samples 108</p><p>LMFFDT4006A Establish and maintain a safe furniture making work environment 40</p><p>LMFFDT4007A Establish the design brief 36</p><p>LMFFDT4008A Determine occupational health and safety implications of furniture 40 designs</p><p>LMFFDT4009A Prepare and present furniture design information 18</p><p>LMFFDT4010A Produce and evaluate developmental furniture models to scale 20</p><p>LMFFDT4011A Set up, operate and maintain basic static woodworking machines 54</p><p>LMFFDT4012A Produce ideation drawings 54</p><p>LMFFDT4013A Research and select furniture finishes 18</p><p>LMFFDT4014A Research and select furniture materials and technology 72</p><p>LMFFDT4015A Research furniture styles and movements 30</p><p>LMFFDT4016A Select, use and maintain hand tools for the creation of custom 54 furniture</p><p>LMFFDT4017A Set up and operate a wood turning lathe to produce off-centre work 60</p><p>LMFFDT4018A Produce templates and jigs for custom made furniture 54</p><p>LMFFDT5001A Apply ergonomics, anthropometrics and proxemic considerations to a 108 product</p><p>LMFFDT5002A Apply resources sustainably 36</p><p>LMFFDT5003A Assess and resolve technical integrity of a design 60</p><p>LMFFDT5004A Develop self as a furniture designer 72</p><p>LMFFDT5005A Construct custom furniture using advanced techniques 198</p><p>LMFFDT5007A Design a batch or limited production item of furniture 30</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 32 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>LMFFDT5008A Design a furniture product using high volume technology services 30 (HVTS) in production</p><p>LMFFDT5009A Design a one-off item of furniture 30</p><p>LMFFDT5010A Research and recommend alternative manufacturing processes 27</p><p>LMFFDT5011A Research and recommend machine technology for furniture 54 production</p><p>LMFFDT5013A Evaluate furniture design proposals and concepts 60</p><p>LMFFDT6001A Assess economic impact of a design 36</p><p>LMFFDT6002A Design for mass production 108</p><p>LMFFDT6003A Evaluate and participate in design industry networks 72</p><p>LMFFDT6004A Investigate legal requirements for designs 36</p><p>LMFFDT6005A Work collaboratively on a design project 54</p><p>Kitchens and Bathrooms</p><p>LMFKB2001A Prepare for cabinet installation 12</p><p>LMFKB2002A Provide assistance in cabinet installation 12</p><p>LMFKB3001A Identify processes in kitchen and bathroom projects 80</p><p>LMFKB3002A Determine requirements for installation of cabinets 46</p><p>LMFKB3003A Check and measure fit of cabinets 20</p><p>LMFKB3004A Conduct on-site adjustments to cabinets and components 16</p><p>LMFKB3005A Fabricate cabinets for the built-in environment 80</p><p>LMFKB3006A Install fitted cabinets and components 35</p><p>LMFKB3007A Provide advice on cabinet design features 40</p><p>LMFKB3008A Identify cabinet construction and installation methods 22</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 33 of 110 Imported Units</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>BCGBC4037A Prepare drawing for heritage works 40</p><p>BCGCM3001B Operate elevated work platforms 32</p><p>BSBCCO304A Provide sales solutions to customers 40</p><p>BSBCMM301A Process customer complaints 30</p><p>BSBCMN207A Prepare and process financial/business documents 40</p><p>BSBCMN208A Deliver a service to customers 20</p><p>BSBCMN301A Exercise initiative in a business environment 20</p><p>BSBCMN306A Produce business documents 80</p><p>BSBCMN307A Maintain business resources 20</p><p>BSBCMN309A Recommend products and services 20</p><p>BSBCMN310A Deliver and monitor a service to customers 35</p><p>BSBCMN410A Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies 40</p><p>BSBCMN411A Monitor a safe workplace 50</p><p>BSBCUS301A Delivery and monitor a service to customers 35</p><p>BSBDES201A Follow a design process 40</p><p>BSBDES202A Evaluate the nature of design in a specific industry context 30</p><p>BSBDES301A Explore the use of colour 40</p><p>BSBDES305A Source and apply information on the history and theory of design 65</p><p>BSBFIA301A Maintain financial records 60</p><p>BSBFLM309A Support continuous improvement systems and processes 40</p><p>BSBFLM312A Contribute to team effectiveness 40</p><p>BSBFLM404A Lead work teams 50</p><p>BSBINM601A Manage knowledge and information 80</p><p>BSBMGT601A Contribute to strategic direction 60</p><p>BSBMGT602A Contribute to the development and implementation of strategic 60 plans</p><p>BSBMGT603A Review and develop business plans 60</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 34 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>BSBMGT604A Manage business operations 60</p><p>BSBMGT605A Provide leadership across the organisation 60</p><p>BSBMGT605B Provide leadership across the organisation 60</p><p>BSBMGT606A Manage customer focus 60</p><p>BSBMGT607A Manage knowledge and information 60</p><p>BSBMGT608A Manage innovation and continuous improvement 60</p><p>BSBMGT608B Manage innovation and continuous improvement 70</p><p>BSBMGT609A Manage risk 60</p><p>BSBMGT610A Manage environmental management systems 40</p><p>BSBMGT616A Develop and implement strategic plans 80</p><p>BSBMGT617A Develop and implement a business plan 60</p><p>BSBRKG304A Maintain business records 30</p><p>BSBRSK501A Manage risk 60</p><p>BSBSBM401A Establish business and legal requirements 50</p><p>BSBSBM402A Undertake financial planning 50</p><p>BSBSBM403A Promote the business 50</p><p>BSBSBM404A Undertake business planning 60</p><p>BSBSBM405A Monitor and manage business operations 50</p><p>BSBSBM406A Manage finances 50</p><p>BSBSBM407A Manage a small team 40</p><p>BSBSLS301A Develop product knowledge 30</p><p>BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability 50</p><p>BSBWOR502A Ensure team effectiveness 60</p><p>CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry 6</p><p>CULMS010A Contribute to the preservation of cultural material 50</p><p>CUVCOR04A Originate concept for own work and conduct critical discourse 60</p><p>CUVCOR07A Use drawing techniques to represent the object or idea 50</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 35 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>CUVCOR08A Produce drawings to represent and communicate the concept 60</p><p>CUVCOR09A Select and apply drawing techniques and media to represent and 80 communicate the concept</p><p>CUVDES01A Apply colour theory in response to a brief 30</p><p>CUVDSP07A Research and apply techniques for graphic design 50</p><p>CUVDSP11A Research and apply techniques for graphic design 50</p><p>CUVDSP15A Research and apply techniques for application to spatial design 50</p><p>CUVDSP15A Research and apply techniques for application to spatial design 50</p><p>CUVICS04A Originate and develop a concept 60</p><p>CUVVSP01A Produce calligraphy 50</p><p>CUVVSP02A Research and experiment with techniques to produce calligraphy 50</p><p>CUVVSP14A Apply techniques to produce drawings 50</p><p>CUVVSP15A Produce drawings 50</p><p>LMTPRTF06BA Weld plastic materials 60</p><p>LMTTF3004A Perform advanced welding of plastic materials 60</p><p>MCMT230A Apply cost factors to work practices 40</p><p>MCMT231A Interpret product cost in terms of customer requirements 30</p><p>MCMT432A Analyse manual handling processes 50</p><p>MEM05003B Perform soft soldering 20</p><p>MEM05007C Perform manual heating and thermal cutting 20</p><p>MEM05012C Perform routine manual metal arc welding 20</p><p>MEM05050B Perform routine gas metal arc welding 20</p><p>MEM06001B Perform hand forging 40</p><p>MEM18001C Use hand tools 20</p><p>MSACMC210A Manage the impact of change on own work 40</p><p>MSACMS200A Apply competitive manufacturing practices 40</p><p>MSACMS201A Sustain process improvements 40</p><p>MSACMT220A Apply quick changeover procedures 40</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 36 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>MSACMT221A Apply Just in Time (JIT) procedures 30</p><p>MSACMT240A Apply 5S procedures in a manufacturing environment 40</p><p>MSACMT250A Monitor process capability 30</p><p>MSACMT251A Apply quality standards 30</p><p>MSACMT260A Use planning software systems in manufacturing 40</p><p>MSACMT261A Use SCADA systems in manufacturing 30</p><p>MSACMT270A Use sustainable energy practices 30</p><p>MSACMT271A Use sustainable environmental practices 30</p><p>MSACMT280A Undertake root cause analysis 50</p><p>MSACMT281A Contribute to the application of a proactive maintenance strategy 30</p><p>MSAPMOHS200A Work safely 30</p><p>MSAPMOPS363A Organise on-site work 30</p><p>MSAPMPER200B Work in accordance with an issued permit 20</p><p>MSAPMSUP102A Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>MSAPMSUP106A Work in a team 40</p><p>MSAPMSUP201A Receive or despatch goods 20</p><p>MSAPMSUP240A Undertake minor maintenance 30</p><p>MSAPMSUP273A Handle goods 20</p><p>MSAPMSUP390A Use structured problem solving tools 40</p><p>SIRRRPK010A Recommend home and home improvement products and services 35</p><p>SIRXINV002A Maintain and order stock 35</p><p>SIRXSLS004A Build relationships with customers 35</p><p>TDTA1197B Package goods 20</p><p>TDTA1397B Receive goods 20</p><p>TDTA1697A Use inventory systems to organise stock control 30</p><p>TDTA2197B Despatch stock 20</p><p>TDTD1097B Operate a forklift 40</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 37 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Nominal Hours</p><p>TDTD297A Use manual handling equipment 20</p><p>TDTD297A Use manual handling equipment 20</p><p>TDTD397C Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 38 of 110 SAMPLE TRAINING PROGRAMS</p><p>Training Packages allow for flexibility in delivery strategies. You are encouraged to address the requirements of specific enterprises, industry sectors and individuals while maintaining nationally agreed standards. Sample training programs are examples provided to help you to see the potential flexibility of the Training Package. In no way are they mandatory. They are not offered as the preferred or only way to deliver the training they simply show one possible option.</p><p>Do I have to devise a training program?</p><p>Under the AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration, each Registered Training Organisation must devise and implement strategies for training delivery and assessment for every qualification (or part of a qualification) it provides. </p><p>In devising training programs, you must carefully analyse the qualification packaging rules in the Training Package to ensure the training covers all the required competencies and any pre-requisites. Then, depending on factors such as your region, State or Territory of operation, training pathways, learner and industry needs, you can select the most appropriate electives for inclusion.</p><p>The following sample training programs are for qualifications in the LMF02 Furnishing Training Package. To view more sample training programs go to Australian Apprenticeships Training Information Service (www.aatinfo.com.au) and follow the links to ‘Sample Training Programs’.</p><p>Occupation / Prepatory qualification for work in the furniture industry Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate I in Furnishing</p><p>Qualification Code LMF10108</p><p>Description Provides a pathway to furnishing occupations</p><p>Notes Specialist and elective units for this qualification should be selected to suit specific occupations in the furnishing industry.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFFM1001B Construct a basic timber furnishing product 100</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFF2001B Use furniture finishing sector hand and power tools 48</p><p>Total Hours 243</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 39 of 110 Occupation / Process Worker (Furniture Finishing) Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate II in Furniture Furnishing</p><p>Qualification Code LMF20202</p><p>Description Appropriate for a process worker in the Furniture Finishing sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFFF2001B Use furniture finishing sector hand and power tools 48</p><p>LMFFF2003B Remove surface coatings 40</p><p>LMFFF2004B Prepare surfaces for finishing 24</p><p>LMFFF2007B Apply stains, fillers and bleach 52</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFF2005B Maintain spray equipment and booth 24</p><p>LMFFF2006B Apply surface coatings by spray gun 60</p><p>LMFFF2008B Apply surface coatings by hand 40</p><p>Total Hours 423</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 40 of 110 Occupation / Installers of kitchen, bathroom and other fitted cabinets Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate II in Furniture Making</p><p>Qualification Code LMF20309</p><p>Description Appropriate for kitchen, bathroom and other fitted cabinets installers in the Furniture Making sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>MSAPMSUP102A Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>MSAPMSUP106A Work in a team 40</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFFM2001B Use furniture making hand and power tools 40</p><p>MSAPMOHS200A Work safely 30</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFKB2001A Prepare for cabinet installation 12</p><p>LMFKB2002A Provide assistance in cabinet installation 12</p><p>LMFFM2002B Assemble furnishing components 20</p><p>LMFFM2003B Select and apply hardware 16</p><p>LMFFM2007B Follow plans to assemble production furniture 16</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFKB3008A Identify cabinet construction and installation methods 22</p><p>MSAPMSUP240A Undertake minor maintenance 30</p><p>Total Hours 278</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 41 of 110 Occupation / Flat Glass Worker Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate II in Glass and Glazing</p><p>Qualification Code LMF20402</p><p>Description Appropriate for a process worker in the Flat Glass sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFGG2001B Use glass and glazing sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFGG2002B Apply first aid 8</p><p>LMFGG2003B Operate glass freefall rack and table 8</p><p>LMFGG2004B Process thin glass by hand 64</p><p>LMFGG2005B Move glass sheets by hand 8</p><p>LMFGG2007B Process glass by basic machines 48</p><p>LMFGG2008B Glaze/reglaze residential windows and doors 72</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFGG2009B Fabricate and assemble metal frames 48</p><p>LMFGG2010B Fabricate and install insect and security screens 44</p><p>Total Hours 451</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 42 of 110 Occupation / Mattress and Base Making Worker Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate II in Mattress and Base Making</p><p>Qualification Code LMF20502</p><p>Description Appropriate for a process worker in the Mattress and Base Making sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFMB2001B Use mattress and base sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFMB2002B Prepare and assemble base unit 20</p><p>LMFMB2003B Assemble mattress components 40</p><p>LMFMB2004B Cut mattress and base fabrics 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFSF2002B Machine sew materials 48</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>LMFMB3001B Assemble springs for mattresses 20</p><p>LMFUP2002B Fit upholstery components 36</p><p>Total Hours 371</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 43 of 110 Occupation / Process Worker (Picture Framing) Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate II in Picture Framing</p><p>Qualification Code LMF20602</p><p>Description Appropriate for a process worker in the Picture Framing sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFPF2001B Use picture framing sector hand and power tools 28</p><p>LMFPF2002B Cut mouldings to length 40</p><p>LMFPF2003B Join mouldings 28</p><p>LMFPF2005B Cut mat boards 44</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFPF2004B Mount artwork 52</p><p>LMFPF2006B Cut and handle glazing materials for framing 24</p><p>LMFPF2007B Assemble artwork package (basic) 40</p><p>LMFPF2008B Recognise and repair finishes of framing materials 44</p><p>Total Hours 395</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 44 of 110 Occupation / Process Worker (Upholstery) Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate II in Upholstery</p><p>Qualification Code LMF20802</p><p>Description Appropriate for a process worker in the Upholstery sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFUP2001B Use upholstery sector hand and power tools 48</p><p>LMFUP2002B Fit upholstery components 36</p><p>LMFUP2003B Apply contemporary foundations to upholstered furniture 48</p><p>LMFUP2006B Dismantle/reassemble furniture for upholstery 48</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFUP2004B Machine sew upholstery final cover materials (basic) 36</p><p>LMFUP2005B Develop cutting plan and cut single layer upholstery fabric 36</p><p>LMFUP3002B Fit and apply final cover materials to furniture using basic 48 techniques</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>TLID2907 Prepare articles for delivery 10</p><p>Total Hours 421</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 45 of 110 Occupation / Floor Covering and Finishing Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate II in Flooring Technology</p><p>Qualification Code LMF20908</p><p>Description Appropriate for a worker in the floor covering and furnishing industry.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFFL2001A Use flooring technology sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFFL2002A Receive and prepare floor covering materials for installation 8</p><p>LMFFL2003A Select, operate and maintain floor covering cutting machine 8</p><p>LMFFL2004A Moisture test timber and concrete 16</p><p>LMFFL2101A Remove existing floor coverings 32</p><p>LMFFL2102A Prepare, select and apply smoothing and patching compounds 24</p><p>LMFFL2103A Select and apply appropriate compounds and additives 24</p><p>LMFFL3101A Inspect sub-floors 24</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Total Hours 327</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 46 of 110 Occupation / Blinds and Awnings Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate II in Blinds and Awnings</p><p>Qualification Code LMF21008</p><p>Description Appropriate for a worker who assists with the manufacture of blinds and awnings.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFBA2001A Use blinds and awnings sector hand and power tools 40</p><p>LMFBA2004A Select and apply blinds and awnings hardware and fixings 24</p><p>LMFBA2005A Construct roll up and pull down style blinds and awnings 80</p><p>LMFSF2001B Cut single layer fabrics 40</p><p>LMFSF2002B Machine sew materials 48</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>Electives</p><p>Set up, operate and maintain blinds and awnings sector static LMFBA2002A machines 50</p><p>LMFBA2006A Construct vertical style blinds 50</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>Total Hours 467</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 47 of 110 Occupation / Security Screens and Grills Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate II in Security Screens and Grills</p><p>Qualification Code LMF21108</p><p>Description Appropriate for a worker who assists in the installation of security screens and grills.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFSS2001A Use security screens and grills hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFSS2002A Rectify faults in product 30</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>LMFSS2004A Undertake surface preparation 30</p><p>LMFGG2001B Use glass and glazing hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFGG2002B Apply First Aid 8</p><p>LMFGG2008B Glaze/re-glaze residential windows and doors 72</p><p>LMFFM2010B Set up, operate and maintain basic static machines 56</p><p>Total Hours 419</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 48 of 110 Occupation / Stained Glass and Lead Lighting Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate II in Stained Glass and Lead Lighting</p><p>Qualification Code LMF21208</p><p>Description Appropriate for a worker who assists in the assembly of stained glass and lead lighting.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFSL2001A Assemble lead light and stained glass components 112</p><p>LMFGG2001B Use glass and glazing hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFGG2002B Apply First Aid 8</p><p>LMFGG2005B Move glass sheets by hand 8</p><p>MEM05003B Perform soft soldering 20</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFM3033B Construct jigs and fixtures 40</p><p>LMFGG3013B Construct and repair leadlight and stained glass panels 56</p><p>CUVCOR07B Use drawing techniques to represent the object or idea 50</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Total Hours 485</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 49 of 110 Occupation / Coopering Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate II in Coopering</p><p>Qualification Code LMF21308</p><p>Description Appropriate for a worker who assists with the production and repair of barrels.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFCP2001A Use coopering sector hand and power tools 40</p><p>LMFCP2002A Produce barrels using non-fired processes 80</p><p>LMFFM2006B Hand make timber joints 40</p><p>LMFFM2010B Set up, operate and maintain basic static machines 56</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFM2003B Select and apply hardware 16</p><p>LMFFF2004B Prepare surfaces for finishing 24</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>TDTD297A Use manual handling equipment 20</p><p>Total Hours 387</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 50 of 110 Occupation / Furniture Finisher Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Furniture Finishing</p><p>Qualification Code LMF30202</p><p>Description Appropriate person for a tradesperson working in the Furniture Finishing sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFFF2001B Use furniture finishing sector hand and power tools 48</p><p>LMFFF2002B Dismantle/reassemble furniture 56</p><p>LMFFF2003B Remove surface coatings 40</p><p>LMFFF2004B Prepare surfaces for finishing 24</p><p>LMFFF2005B Maintain spray equipment and booth 24</p><p>LMFFF2006B Apply surface coatings by spray gun 60</p><p>LMFFF2007B Apply stains, fillers and bleach 52</p><p>LMFFF3001B Match and make up colours 52</p><p>LMFFF3003B Apply plural component coatings 52</p><p>LMFFF3004B Apply soft rubber techniques 20</p><p>LMFFF3006B Repair and touch up surfaces 40</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFF2008B Apply surface coatings by hand 40</p><p>LMFFF3002B Set up, operate and maintain mechanical coatings systems 40</p><p>LMFFF3007B Apply graining and decorative finishes 40</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 51 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFFF3008B Apply traditional French polishing techniques 60</p><p>Total Hours 823</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 52 of 110 Occupation / Furniture Maker Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Furniture Making</p><p>Qualification Code LMF30302</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Furniture Making sector making freestanding furniture.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFFM2001B Use furniture making sector hand and power tools 40</p><p>LMFFM2002B Assemble furnishing components 20</p><p>LMFFM2006B Hand make timber joints 40</p><p>LMFFM2010B Set up, operate and maintain basic static machines 56</p><p>LMFFM2011B Apply manufactured board conversion techniques 16</p><p>LMFFM3011B Produce manual and computer-aided production drawings 60</p><p>LMFFF2004B Prepare surfaces for finishing 24</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>LMFFM2003B Select and apply hardware 16</p><p>LMFFM2007B Follow plans to assemble production furniture 16</p><p>LMFFM3002B Construct furniture using leg and rail method 64</p><p>LMFFM3004B Produce angled and curved furniture using solid timber 64</p><p>LMFFM3005B Fabricate custom furniture 64</p><p>LMFFM3007B Prepare and apply decorative surfaces for furniture 24</p><p>LMFFM3010B Select timbers for furniture production 8</p><p>LMFFM3012B Prepare cutting list from plans and job specifications 16</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 53 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFFM3020B Set up, operate and maintain sawing machines 24</p><p>LMFFM3021B Set up, operate and maintain drilling machines 24</p><p>LMFFM3025B Set up, operate and maintain routing and shaping machines 60</p><p>LMFFM3031B Set up, operate and maintain CNC machining and processing 80 centres</p><p>LMFFM3033B Construct jigs and fixtures 40</p><p>Total Hours 931</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 54 of 110 Occupation / Wood Machinist Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Furniture Making (Wood Machining)</p><p>Qualification Code LMF30502</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Furniture Making (Wood Machinist) sector using panel products.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFFM2001B Use furniture making sector hand and power tools 40</p><p>LMFFM2002B Assemble furnishing components 20</p><p>LMFFM2006B Hand make timber joints 40</p><p>LMFFM2010B Set up, operate and maintain basic static machines 56</p><p>LMFFM2011B Apply manufactured board conversion techniques 16</p><p>LMFFM3011B Produce manual and computer-aided production drawings 60</p><p>LMFFM3012B Prepare cutting list from plans and job specifications 16</p><p>LMFFM3020B Set up, operate and maintain sawing machines 24</p><p>LMFFM3021B Set up, operate and maintain drilling machines 24</p><p>LMFFM3022B Set up, operate and maintain joining machines 52</p><p>LMFFM3023B Set up, operate and maintain planning and finishing machines 40</p><p>LMFFM3025B Set up, operate and maintain routing and shaping machines 60</p><p>LMFFM3033B Construct jigs and fixtures 40</p><p>LMFFF2004B Prepare surfaces for finishing 24</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 55 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFM3027B Set up, operate and maintain automated edge banding 60 machines</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>LMFFM3030B Set up, operate and maintain CNC sizing machines 60</p><p>LMFFM3031B Set up, operate and maintain CNC machining and processing 80 centres</p><p>LMFFM3032B Produce and maintain cutting tools 40</p><p>Total Hours 943</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 56 of 110 Occupation / Glass and Glazing Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Glass and Glazing</p><p>Qualification Code LMF30602</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Glass and Glazing sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFGG2001B Use glass and glazing sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFGG2002B Apply First Aid 8</p><p>LMFGG2003B Operate glass freefall rack and table 8</p><p>LMFGG2004B Process thin glass by hand 64</p><p>LMFGG2005B Move glass sheets by hand 8</p><p>LMFGG2007B Process glass by basic machines 48</p><p>LMFGG2008B Glaze/reglaze residential windows and doors 72</p><p>LMFGG3002B Assess glass and glazing requirements 24</p><p>LMFGG3004B Process thick glass by hand 73</p><p>LMFGG2006B Move single glass sheets by mechanical means 16</p><p>LMFGG3003B Move block/bulk glass sheet by mechanical means 28</p><p>LMFGG3005B Process glass by semi-automatic and automatic machines 56</p><p>LMFGG3008B Apply patterns and designs to glass 32</p><p>LMFGG3013B Construct and repair leadlight panels 56</p><p>LMFGG3014B Prepare and install mirrors 32</p><p>LMFGG3015B Fabricate and install shower screens and wardrobe doors 24</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 57 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFGG3017B Fabricate and install commercial glazing 40</p><p>LMFGG3018B Prepare and install architectural engineered glazing 40</p><p>LMFGG3019B Conduct commercial and structural glazing 40</p><p>Total Hours 820</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 58 of 110 Occupation / Mattress and Base Maker Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Mattress and Base Making</p><p>Qualification Code LMF30702</p><p>Description Appropriate for tradesperson working in the Mattress and Base Making sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFMB2001B Use mattress and base sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFMB2002B Prepare and assemble base unit 20</p><p>LMFMB2003B Assemble mattress components 40</p><p>LMFMB2004B Cut mattress and base fabrics 40</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFT4003B Organise production processes 60</p><p>LMFMB3004B Set up, operate and maintain a quilting machine 80</p><p>LMFSF2002B Machine sew materials 48</p><p>LMFUP3002B Fit and apply final cover materials to furniture using basic 48 techniques</p><p>LMFUP3005B Machine sew upholstery final cover materials (complex) 24</p><p>Total Hours 591</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 59 of 110 Occupation / Picture Framer Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Picture Framing</p><p>Qualification Code LMF30802</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Picture Framing sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFPF2001B Use picture framing sector hand and power tools 40</p><p>LMFPF2002B Cut mouldings to length 28</p><p>LMFPF2003B Join mouldings 40</p><p>LMFPF2004B Mount artwork 52</p><p>LMFPF2005B Cut mat boards 44</p><p>LMFPF2006B Cut and handle glazing materials for framing 24</p><p>LMFPF2007B Assemble artwork package (basic) 40</p><p>LMFPF3001B De-frame artwork 32</p><p>LMFPF3005B Recognise and handle artwork for framing 60</p><p>LMFPF3006B Prepare design requirements for framing 48</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFPF2008B Recognise and repair finishes of framing materials 44</p><p>LMFPF3002B Decorate mat boards 48</p><p>LMFPF3003B Set up and operate CNC machines 60</p><p>LMFPF3004B Prepare textiles for framing 60</p><p>LMFPF3008B Assemble artwork package (complex) 60</p><p>LMFPF3009B Install artwork 28</p><p>Total Hours 803</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 60 of 110 Occupation / Upholsterer Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Upholstery</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31002</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Upholstery sector (general).</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFUP2001B Use upholstery sector hand and power tools 48</p><p>LMFUP2002B Fit upholstery components 36</p><p>LMFUP2003B Apply contemporary foundations to upholstered furniture 48</p><p>LMFUP2004B Machine sew upholstery final cover materials (basic) 36</p><p>LMFUP2005B Develop cutting plan and cut single layer upholstery fabric 36</p><p>LMFUP2006B Dismantle/reassemble furniture for upholstering 48</p><p>LMFUP3001B Apply traditional foundations to upholstered furniture 64</p><p>LMFUP3002B Fit and apply final cover materials to furniture using basic 48 techniques</p><p>LMFUP3006B Fit and apply leather to furniture 24</p><p>LMFUP3008B Apply finishing techniques to upholstered furniture 24</p><p>LMFUP3010B Cut, sew and fit skirts to upholstered furniture 28</p><p>LMFUP3011B Cut, sew and fit or fill cushions 48</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 61 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFUP3003B Fit and apply final cover materials to furniture using decorative 60 techniques</p><p>LMFUP3004B Lay out patterns and cut leather 24</p><p>LMFUP3005B Machine sew upholstery final cover materials (complex) 24</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>LMFFT4009B Match furnishing style/materials to customer requirements 24</p><p>Total Hours 811</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 62 of 110 Occupation / Production Upholsterer Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Production Upholstery</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31102</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Upholstery sector (production).</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFUP2001B Use upholstery sector hand and power tools 48</p><p>LMFUP2002B Fit upholstery components 36</p><p>LMFUP2003B Apply contemporary foundations to upholstered furniture 48</p><p>LMFUP2004B Machine sew upholstery final cover materials (basic) 36</p><p>LMFUP2005B Develop cutting plan and cut single layer upholstery fabric 36</p><p>LMFUP2006B Dismantle/reassemble furniture for upholstering 48</p><p>LMFUP3002B Fit and apply final cover materials to furniture using basic 48 techniques</p><p>LMFUP3006B Fit and apply leather to furniture 24</p><p>LMFUP3008B Apply finishing techniques to upholstered furniture 24</p><p>LMFUP3011B Cut, sew and fit or fill cushions 48</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>LMFUP3003B Fit and apply final cover materials to furniture using decorative 60 techniques</p><p>LMFUP3005B Machine sew upholstery final cover materials (complex) 24</p><p>LMFUP3009B Develop cutting plan and cut multiple layer upholstery fabric 24</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 63 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFUP3004B Lay out patterns and cut leather 24</p><p>LMFUP3013B Cut and sew canvas and acrylics 60</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>Total Hours 779</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 64 of 110 Occupation / Carpet Installer Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Flooring Technology</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31208</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Floor Covering and Finishing sector (carpet).</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFFL2001A Use flooring technology sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFFL2002A Receive and prepare floor covering materials for installation 8</p><p>LMFFL3001A Plan and cost flooring technology work 24</p><p>LMFFL3002A Establish and maintain a safe flooring technology work 8 environment</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFL2003A Select, operate and maintain floor covering cutting machine 8</p><p>LMFFL2004A Moisture test timber and concrete floors 16</p><p>LMFFL2101A Remove existing floor coverings 32</p><p>LMFFL2102A Prepare, select and apply smoothing and patching compounds 24</p><p>LMFFL2103A Select and apply appropriate compounds and additives 24</p><p>LMFFL2112A Install hard underlays 32</p><p>LMFFL2201A Install carpet cushion/underlays and gripper accessories 40</p><p>LMFFL2202A Install unpatterned tufted and bonded carpet floor coverings 96</p><p>LMFFL2203A Install carpet tiles using standard installation procedures 40</p><p>LMFFL2204A Install unpatterned tufted and bonded carpet floor coverings to 56 stairs</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 65 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFFL3101A Inspect sub-floors 24</p><p>LMFFL3202A Install adhesive fixed carpet floor coverings 80</p><p>LMFFL3203A Install commercial carpet floor coverings 48</p><p>LMFFL3204A Install patterned carpet floor coverings 56</p><p>LMFFL3205A Install custom design carpet and decorative finishes 40</p><p>Total Hours 871</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 66 of 110 Occupation / Resilient Floor Installer Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Flooring Technology</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31208</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Floor Covering and Finishing sector (resilient).</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFFL2001A Use flooring technology sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFFL2002A Receive and prepare floor covering materials for installation 8</p><p>LMFFL3001A Plan and cost flooring technology work 24</p><p>LMFFL3002A Establish and maintain a safe flooring technology work 8 environment</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFL2004A Moisture test timber and concrete floors 16</p><p>LMFFL2101A Remove existing floor coverings 32</p><p>LMFFL2102A Prepare, select and apply smoothing and patching compounds 24</p><p>LMFFL2103A Select and apply appropriate compounds and additives 24</p><p>LMFFL2112A Install hard underlays 32</p><p>LMFFL2301A Install lay flat vinyl floor coverings 40</p><p>LMFFL2302A Install resilient tiles using standard installation procedures 40</p><p>LMFFL3101A Inspect sub-floors 24</p><p>LMFFL3301A Install linoleum floor coverings 40</p><p>LMFFL3302A Install commercial vinyl floor coverings 40</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 67 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFFL3306A Install resilient sheet to walls 24</p><p>LMFFL3307A Install resilient sheet to bench and countertops 24</p><p>LMFFL3308A Install anti-static resilient floor coverings 20</p><p>LMFFL3309A Install conductive resilient floor coverings 20</p><p>LMFFL3310A Cut and install resilient floor coverings to stairs 32</p><p>Total Hours 687</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 68 of 110 Occupation / Timber Floor Installation Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Flooring Technology</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31208</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Floor Covering and Finishing sector (timber).</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFFL2001A Use flooring technology sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFFL2002A Receive and prepare floor covering materials for installation 8</p><p>LMFFL3001A Plan and cost flooring technology work 24</p><p>LMFFL3002A Establish and maintain a safe flooring technology work 8 environment</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFL2004A Moisture test timber and concrete floors 16</p><p>LMFFL2101A Remove existing floor coverings 32</p><p>LMFFL2102A Prepare, select and apply smoothing and patching compounds 24</p><p>LMFFL2103A Select and apply appropriate compounds and additives 24</p><p>LMFFL2112A Install hard underlays 32</p><p>LMFFL3101A Inspect sub-floors 24</p><p>LMFFL3501A Adapt and apply custom designs to timber flooring 40</p><p>LMFFL3502A Cut and install timber flooring to stairs 40</p><p>LMFFL3503A Install direct stick timber flooring 56</p><p>LMFFL3504A Detect defective timber flooring 40</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 69 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFFL3505A Install block parquetry flooring 32</p><p>LMFFL3506A Install cork tiles 48</p><p>LMFFL3507A Install patterned parquetry 32</p><p>LMFFL3508A Install sheet mosaic parquetry 32</p><p>LMFFL3509A Install sprung timber flooring 56</p><p>LMFFL3510A Install strip timber flooring onto battens 32</p><p>LMFFL3511A Install strip flooring onto plywood 32</p><p>LMFFL3512A Repair timber flooring 24</p><p>LMFFL3513A Maintain timber, laminate and engineered flooring 24</p><p>Total Hours 895</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 70 of 110 Occupation / Timber Floor Sanding Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Flooring Technology</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31208</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Floor Covering and Finishing sector (sanding).</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFFL2001A Use flooring technology sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFFL2002A Receive and prepare floor covering materials for installation 8</p><p>LMFFL3001A Plan and cost flooring technology work 24</p><p>LMFFL3002A Establish and maintain a safe flooring technology work 8 environment</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFL2004A Moisture test timber and concrete floors 16</p><p>LMFFL2101A Remove existing floor coverings 32</p><p>LMFFL2102A Prepare, select and apply smoothing and patching compounds 24</p><p>LMFFL2103A Select and apply appropriate compounds and additives 24</p><p>LMFFL2111A Coarse sand timber flooring 24</p><p>LMFFL2112A Install hard underlays 32</p><p>LMFFL3101A Inspect sub-floors 24</p><p>LMFFL3601A Fine sand timber flooring onto battens 24</p><p>LMFFL3602A Edge sand timber flooring 16</p><p>LMFFL3603A Sand cork flooring 16</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 71 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFFL3604A Sand and fill parquetry flooring 16</p><p>LMFFL3605A Apply finishes to cork flooring 24</p><p>Total Hours 527</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 72 of 110 Occupation / Timber Floor Coating Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Flooring Technology</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31208</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Floor Covering and Finishing sector (timber coating).</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFFL2001A Use flooring technology sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFFL2002A Receive and prepare floor covering materials for installation 8</p><p>LMFFL3001A Plan and cost flooring technology work 24</p><p>LMFFL3002A Establish and maintain a safe flooring technology work 8 environment</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFL2004A Moisture test timber and concrete floors 16</p><p>LMFFL2101A Remove existing floor coverings 32</p><p>LMFFL2102A Prepare, select and apply smoothing and patching compounds 24</p><p>LMFFL2103A Select and apply appropriate compounds and additives 24</p><p>LMFFL2112A Install hard underlays 32</p><p>LMFFL3101A Inspect sub-floors 24</p><p>LMFFL3202A Install adhesive fixed carpet floor coverings 80</p><p>LMFFL3203A Install commercial carpet floor coverings 48</p><p>LMFFL3204A Install patterned carpet floor coverings 56</p><p>LMFFL3205A Install custom design carpet and decorative finishes 40</p><p>LMFFF3001A Match and make up colours 52</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 73 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFFL3402A Apply solvent based coatings to timber floors 16</p><p>LMFFL3403A Apply water based coatings to timber floors 16</p><p>LMFFL3404A Apply oil based coatings to timber floors 16</p><p>LMFFL3405A Apply composite based coatings 16</p><p>LMFFL3406A Apply emulsion wax coatings 16</p><p>LMFFL3407A Apply stains and fillers 16</p><p>Total Hours 779</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 74 of 110 Occupation / Coopering Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Coopering</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31308</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working as a cooper.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFCP2001A Use coopering sector hand and power tools 40</p><p>LMFCP2002A Produce barrels using non-fired processes 80</p><p>LMFCP3001A Apply product and material knowledge to coopering operations 80</p><p>LMFCP3002A Select and season timber for coopering production 40</p><p>LMFCP3003A Produce barrels using fired processes 40</p><p>LMFFM2006B Hand make timber joints 40</p><p>LMFFM2010B Set up, operate and maintain basic static machines 56</p><p>LMFFM2012B Set up, operate and maintain pressure and clamping machines 20</p><p>LMFFM3020B Set up, operate and maintain sawing machines 24</p><p>LMFFM3022B Set up, operate and maintain joining machines 52</p><p>LMFFM3033B Construct jigs and fixtures 40</p><p>LMFGG2002B Apply First Aid 8</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>TDTD397D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFCP3004A Maintain and repair barrels 40</p><p>LMFFF2004B Prepare surfaces for finishing 24</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 75 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFFM2003B Select and apply hardware 16</p><p>LMFFM3023B Set up, operate and maintain planing and finishing machines 40</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>Total Hours 831</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 76 of 110 Occupation / Musical Instrument Making and Repair Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Musical Instrument Making and Repair</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31408</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in musical instrument making and repair sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFMI3001A Assemble instrument components 48</p><p>LMFFF2001B Use furniture finishing sector hand and power tools 48</p><p>LMFFM3033B Construct jigs and fixtures 40</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFMI3003A Manufacture acoustic guitars 80</p><p>LMFMI3002A Construct and apply decorative treatments and finishes to 30 musical instruments</p><p>LMFMI3009A Repair brass instruments 56</p><p>LMFMI3010A Repair percussion instruments 40</p><p>LMFMI3011A Repair woodwind instruments 40</p><p>LMFFF2007B Apply stains, fillers and bleach 52</p><p>LMFFF2008B Apply surface coatings by hand 40</p><p>LMFFM2010B Set up, operate and maintain basic static machines 56</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>CUVCOR08B Produce drawings to represent and communicate the concept 60</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFMI3005A Manufacture electric guitars 80</p><p>LMFMI3007A Manufacture special stringed instruments 80</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 77 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFMI3008A Manufacture stringed instruments 260</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>LMFFM2006B Hand make timber joints 40</p><p>Total Hours 1241</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 78 of 110 Occupation / Security Screens and Grills Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Security Screens and Grills</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31608</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson who makes and installs security screens and grills.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>BSBRKG304A Maintain business records 30</p><p>BSBCMN301A Exercise initiative in a business environment 20</p><p>BSBCMN309A Recommend products and services 20</p><p>BSBFLM309A Support continuous improvement systems and processes 40</p><p>BSBSLS301A Develop product knowledge 30</p><p>LMFSS2001A Use security screens and grills hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFSS2002A Rectify faults in product 30</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>LMFSS3001A Install security screens and grills 60</p><p>LMFSS3002A Apply patterns and designs to security screens and grills 24</p><p>LMFSS3003A Resolve quality and compliance issues 16</p><p>LMFSS2003A Prepare product for Australian Standards testing 20</p><p>LMFSS2004A Undertake surface preparation 30</p><p>LMFGG2001B Use glass and glazing sector hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFGG2002B Apply First Aid 8</p><p>LMFGG2008B Glaze/reglaze residential windows and doors 72</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 79 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFFM2010B Set up, operate and maintain basic static machines 56</p><p>Electives</p><p>TDTD397C Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>LMFFM3033B Construct jigs and fixtures 40</p><p>LMFCP3001A Apply product and material knowledge to coopering operations 80</p><p>Total Hours 879</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 80 of 110 Occupation / Stained Glass Assembly and Repair Work Function Qualification Title Certificate III in Stained Glass and Lead Lighting</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31708</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the stained glass assembly and repair sector. Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFSL2001A Assemble lead light and stained glass components 112</p><p>LMFGG2001B Use glass and glazing hand and power tools 56</p><p>LMFGG2002B Apply First Aid 8</p><p>LMFGG2005B Move glass sheets by hand 8</p><p>MEM05003B Perform soft soldering 20</p><p>LMFGG2007B Process glass by basic machines 48</p><p>LMFGG3013B Construct and repair leadlight and stained glass panels 56</p><p>LMFGG3004B Process thick glass by hand 73</p><p>LMFGG3006B Apply firm to glass 48</p><p>LMFFM3033B Construct jigs and fixtures 40</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>TLID307D Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFSL3002A Paint glass 128</p><p>LMFSL3003A Fire glass 80</p><p>LMFSL3004A Protect stained glass and lead lighting 40</p><p>LMFSL3006A Prepare and install architectural engineered stained glass and 80 lead lighting</p><p>CUVCOR07A Use drawing techniques to represent the object or idea 50</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 81 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFGG3007B Form glass 40</p><p>LMFGG3008B Apply patterns and designs to glass 32</p><p>CUVCOR08A Produce drawings to represent and communicate the concept 60</p><p>Total Hours 1138</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 82 of 110 Occupation / Blinds and Awnings Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Blinds and Awnings</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31808</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson who makes and installs blinds and awnings.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFBA2001A Use blinds and awnings sector hand and power tools 40</p><p>Set up, operate and maintain blinds and awnings sector static LMFBA2002A machines 50</p><p>LMFBA2004A Select and apply blinds and awnings hardware and fixings 24</p><p>LMFBA2005A Construct roll up and pull down style blinds and awnings 80</p><p>LMFBA2006A Construct vertical style blinds 50</p><p>LMFBA2007A Construct textiles for canopy style awnings 40</p><p>LMFBA3001A Install interior blinds 60</p><p>LMFBA3002A Install exterior blinds and awnings 60</p><p>LMFSF2001B Cut single layer fabrics 40</p><p>LMFSF2002B Machine sew materials 48</p><p>LMFGN2002B Move and store materials and products 16</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>BSBCMN310A Deliver and monitor a service to customers 35</p><p>TDTA1197B Package goods 20</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFBA3008A Construct pelmets 40</p><p>LMFBA3009A Provide advice to customers on blinds and awnings 40</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 83 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>BSBCMN208A Deliver a service to customers 20</p><p>TDTD397B Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 40</p><p>Total Hours 854</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 84 of 110 Occupation / Interior Design Retail Employee Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Interior Decoration (Retail Services)</p><p>Qualification Code LMF31908</p><p>Description Appropriate for sales assistant working in an interior retail operation providing product information to assist a customer purchase products for use in interior decoration.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>MSAPMOHS200A Work safely 30</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>BSBDES202A Evaluate the nature of design in a specific industry context 30</p><p>BSBDES301A Explore the use of colour 40</p><p>CUFDIG304A Create visual design components 30</p><p>SIRXSLS004A Build relationships with customers 35</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFID3002A Source and specify decoration products 20</p><p>LMFID3005A Style a retail display 36</p><p>LMFSF3011B Advise customers on interior decoration 52</p><p>LMFSF2006B Calculate fabric quantities for window coverings 56</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFID4010A Research interior decoration and design influences 36</p><p>Total Hours 420</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 85 of 110 Occupation / Technical sales and advice Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Kitchens and Bathrooms (Client Services)</p><p>Qualification Code LMF32009</p><p>Description Appropriate for sales assistant working in an interior retail operation providing technical product and sales information to assist a customer purchase kitchen and bathroom products.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>MSAPMOHS200A Work safely 30</p><p>MEM16006A Organise and communicate information 20</p><p>BSBDES202A Evaluate the nature of design in a specific industry context 30</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>LMFKB3001A Identify processes in kitchen and bathroom projects 80</p><p>LMFKB3007A Provide advice on cabinet design features 40</p><p>BSBCUS301A Deliver and monitor a service to customers 35</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFKB3008A Identify cabinet construction and installation methods 22</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>SIRRRPK010A Recommend home and home improvement products and 35 services</p><p>Electives</p><p>CUVCOR09B Select and apply drawing techniques and media to represent 80 and communicate the concept</p><p>BSBFIA301A Maintain financial records 60</p><p>Total Hours 472</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 86 of 110 Occupation / Cabinet Makers Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Cabinet Making</p><p>Qualification Code LMF32109</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Cabinet Making sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>MSAPMSUP102A Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>MSAPMSUP106A Work in a team 40</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFFM2001B Use furniture making hand and power tools 40</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry 6</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFFF2004B Prepare surfaces for finishing 24</p><p>LMFFM2002B Assemble furnishing components 20</p><p>LMFFM2003B Select and apply hardware 16</p><p>LMFFM2005B Join solid timber 8</p><p>LMFFM2006B Hand make timber joints 40</p><p>LMFFM2010B Set up, operate and maintain basic static machines 56</p><p>LMFFM2011B Apply manufactured board conversion techniques 16</p><p>LMFFM3002B Construct furniture using leg and rail method 64</p><p>LMFFM3005B Fabricate custom furniture 64</p><p>LMFFM3006B Install furnishing products 24</p><p>LMFFM3011B Produce manual and computer-aided production drawings 60</p><p>LMFFM3012B Prepare a cutting list from plans and specifications 16</p><p>LMFFM3020B Set up, operate and maintain sawing machines 24</p><p>LMFFM3027B Set up, operate and maintain automated edge banding 60 machines</p><p>LMFFM3030B Set up, operate and maintain CNC sizing machines 60</p><p>LMFFM3031B Set up, operate and maintain CNC machining and processing 80 centres</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 87 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours BSBCUS301A Deliver and monitor a service to customers 35</p><p>Elective units</p><p>LMFFM3003B Produce angled and curved furniture using manufactured board 64</p><p>LMFFM3007B Prepare and apply decorative surfaces for furniture 24</p><p>LMFFM3010B Select timbers for furniture production 8</p><p>Total Hours 929</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 88 of 110 Occupation / Kitchen and Bathroom Cabinet Makers and Installers Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate III in Cabinet Making</p><p>Qualification Code LMF32109</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson working in the Furniture Making (Cabinet Making) sector making kitchen and bathroom furniture.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>MSAPMSUP102A Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>MSAPMSUP106A Work in a team 40</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFFM2001B Use furniture making hand and power tools 40</p><p>LMFGN3001B Read and interpret work documents 24</p><p>CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry 6</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFKB3001A Identify processes in kitchen and bathroom projects 80</p><p>LMFKB3002A Determine requirements for installation of cabinets 46</p><p>LMFKB3003A Check and measure fit of cabinets 20</p><p>LMFKB3004A Conduct on-site adjustments to cabinets and components 16</p><p>LMFKB3005A Fabricate cabinets for the built-in environment 80</p><p>LMFKB2001A Prepare for cabinet installation 12</p><p>LMFKB3006A Install fitted cabinets and components 35</p><p>LMFFM2003B Select and apply hardware 16</p><p>LMFFM2010B Set up, operate and maintain basic static machines 56</p><p>LMFFM2011B Apply manufactured board conversion techniques 16</p><p>LMFFM3030B Set up, operate and maintain CNC sizing machines 60</p><p>LMFFM3031B Set up, operate and maintain CNC machining and processing 80 centres</p><p>LMFGN3002B Estimate and cost job 16</p><p>LMFFM3011B Produce manual and computer-aided production drawings 60</p><p>LMFFM3012B Prepare a cutting list from plans and specifications 16</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 89 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFFM3013B Measure and draw site layout for manufactured furniture 16 products</p><p>LMFFM3020B Set up, operate and maintain sawing machines 24</p><p>BSBCUS301A Deliver and monitor a service to customers 35</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFM3003B Produce angled and curved furniture using manufactured board 64</p><p>LMFFM3027B Set up, operate and maintain automated edge banding 60 machines</p><p>LMFFT4001B Coordinate on-site installation 40</p><p>Total Hours 998</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 90 of 110 Occupation / Technical Supervisor Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate IV in Furnishing Technology</p><p>Qualification Code LMF40202</p><p>Description Appropriate for a person working in the furnishing industry in a technical supervisory position.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFCR0001B Follow safe working policies and practices 40</p><p>LMFCR0002B Communicate in the workplace 20</p><p>LMFCR0003B Carry out measurements and calculations 20</p><p>LMFCR0004B Work effectively with others 15</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFFT4001B Coordinate on-site installation of furnishing products 40</p><p>LMFFT4002B Customise stock lines 54</p><p>LMFFT4003B Organise production processes 60</p><p>LMFFT4004B Establish and monitor production inventory requirements 36</p><p>LMFFT4006B Construct prototypes and samples 160</p><p>LMFFT4007B Sample, inspect and test products to specifications 36</p><p>LMFFT4008B Interpret and use workplace information 54</p><p>LMFFT4010B Identify and calculate production costs 36</p><p>LMFFT4011B Purchase materials and consumables 36</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFT4005B Install and commission CNC software 20</p><p>LMFDN4001B Produce drawings from design concepts 64</p><p>LMFDN4002B Produce line and component production drawings 64</p><p>LMFDN4003B Produce patterns and/or templates 36</p><p>LMFDN4005B Work with a furniture design team 54</p><p>Total Hours 845</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 91 of 110 Occupation / Furniture Design Employee Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate IV in Furnishing Design and Technology</p><p>Qualification Code LMF40508</p><p>Description Appropriate for first-time member of a design team within a furniture design consultancy, business and/or enterprise involved in designing furniture for volume production.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>BSBDES401A Generate design solutions 60</p><p>LMFFDT4007A Establish the design brief 36</p><p>LMFFDT4012A Produce ideation drawings 54</p><p>LMFFDT4014A Research and select furniture materials and technology 72</p><p>LMFFDT4015A Research furniture styles and movements 30</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>Determine occupational health and safety implications of 40 LMFFDT4008A furniture designs</p><p>Electives</p><p>BSBDES303A Explore and apply creative design process to 3D forms 50</p><p>BSBCRT403A Explore the history and social impact of creativity 50</p><p>BSBDES403A Develop and extend design skills and practice 30</p><p>CUFDIG303A Produce and prepare photo images 20</p><p>Select and apply drawing techniques and media to represent 80 CUVCOR09B and communicate the concept</p><p>LMFFDT4003A Assess and record the lifecycle of a furniture product 36</p><p>LMFFDT4004A Assess environmental impact of a design 36</p><p>LMFFDT4005A Construct and evaluate furniture prototypes and samples 108</p><p>LMFFDT4013A Research and select furniture finishes 18</p><p>MEM16013A Operate in a self-directed team 20</p><p>Use computer aided drafting systems to produce basic 40 MEM30001A engineered drawings</p><p>MEM30004A Use CAD to create and display 3D models 40</p><p>Total Hours 820</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 92 of 110 Occupation / Interior Decoration Assistant Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate IV in Interior Decoration</p><p>Qualification Code LMF40408</p><p>Description Appropriate for Interior Decoration Assistant, Interior Decoration/Colour Scheme/Colour Coordinator or Consultant, or interior decoration and/or soft furnishing retail/wholesale staff member.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>BSBDES302A Explore and apply the creative design process to 2D forms 50</p><p>BSBDES303A Explore and apply creative design process to 3D forms 50</p><p>CUVCOR09B Select and apply drawing techniques and media to represent 80 and communicate the concept</p><p>CUVCRS04B Produce technical drawings 50</p><p>LMFID4001A Research, analyse and apply colour for interior spaces 80</p><p>LMFID4002A Decorate residential interiors 80</p><p>LMFID4011A Determine occupational health and safety implications of interior 10 effects</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>CUFDIG303A Produce and prepare photo images 20</p><p>CUVCRS03B Produce computer-aided drawings 50</p><p>LMFID4004A Research and recommend furniture and accessories 36</p><p>LMFID4005A Research and recommend soft furnishings for interiors 50</p><p>LMFID4006A Research and recommend hard materials and finishes for 54 interiors</p><p>LMFID4007A Identify materials, construction techniques and methods used in 54 building interiors</p><p>LMFID4008A Assess interior light and recommend light fittings 36</p><p>LMFID4009A Research architectural styles and movements 36</p><p>LMFID4010A Research interior decoration and design influences 36</p><p>Electives</p><p>BSBWOR204A Use business technology 20</p><p>MEM16006A Organise and communicate information 20</p><p>Total Hours 812</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 93 of 110 Occupation / Designers of kitchens, bathrooms and interior spaces Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Certificate IV in Design of Kitchens, Bathrooms and Interior Spaces</p><p>Qualification Code LMF40609</p><p>Description Appropriate for a tradesperson who designs kitchens, bathrooms and other interior spaces that typically feature built-in cabinetry and furniture</p><p>Notes For advice on how to choose electives alternative to those listed below, please refer to the LMF02v3 Furnishing Training Package qualifications and general structuring rules</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>LMFKB3001A Identify processes in kitchen and bathroom projects 80</p><p>LMFKB3008A Identify cabinet construction and installation methods 22</p><p>LMFKB4003A Identify and document services required to support fitted 72 furniture designs </p><p>LMFKB4006A Prepare quotation and contract documentation for design project 84</p><p>LMFKB4007A Design ancillary residential cabinetry 72</p><p>LMFID4007A Identify materials, construction techniques and methods used in 54 building interiors</p><p>LMFFM3013B Measure and draw site layout for manufactured furniture 16 products</p><p>LMFDN4001B Produce drawings from design concepts 64</p><p>LMFID4001A Research, analyse and apply colour for interior spaces 80</p><p>LMFID5005A Explore and apply creative design methodology to interior space 60</p><p>BSBDES401A Generate design solutions 60</p><p>MSAENV272A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices 30</p><p>CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry 6</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFKB4001A Determine spatial planning considerations for kitchen designs 84</p><p>LMFKB4002A Research and recommend materials, components and finishes 60 for kitchen designs </p><p>LMFKB4004A Determine spatial planning considerations for bathroom design 60</p><p>LMFKB4005A Research and recommend materials, components and finishes 48 for bathroom designs </p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 94 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFKB4008A Determine layout for laundry components 60</p><p>BSBCUS402A Address customer needs 50</p><p>CUVDSP04B Research and apply the history and theory of design to design 65 practice</p><p>Total Hours 1127</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 95 of 110 Occupation / Technical Manager Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Diploma of Furnishing Technology</p><p>Qualification Code LMF50202</p><p>Description Appropriate for a person working in the furnishing industry in a technical middle management position.</p><p>Notes The fourteen (14) units required to complete this qualification are in addition to the 18 units required for the LMF40202 Certificate IV in Furnishing Technology.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFFT5002B Establish and develop production processes and area layout 54</p><p>LMFFT5004B Develop and document procedures and specifications 54</p><p>LMFFT5006B Plan production 54</p><p>LMFFT5010B Optimise CNC operations 60</p><p>LMFFT5011B Develop, trial and evaluate prototypes 108</p><p>LMFFT5012B Determine production feasibility of designs 36</p><p>LMFFT5013B Develop products and related processes 54</p><p>LMFFT5014B Establish and monitor business information systems 44</p><p>LMFFT5015B Establish and implement contracts for external goods or services 44</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFT5003B Manage installation and commissioning of equipment 20</p><p>LMFFT5005B Organise enterprise maintenance programs 60</p><p>LMFDN5001B Generate and transfer complex computer-aided drawings and 72 specifications</p><p>LMFDN5006B Manage furniture design 100</p><p>BSBWOR502A Ensure team effectiveness 60</p><p>Total Hours 820</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 96 of 110 Occupation / Technical Manager Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Diploma of Stained Glass and Lead Lighting</p><p>Qualification Code LMF50308</p><p>Description Appropriate for a person working in the furnishing industry in a technical middle management position in the stained glass and lead lighting sector.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFSL5001A Assess conservation requirements 80</p><p>LMFSL5002A Remove heritage lead light and stained glass 80</p><p>LMFSL5003A Conserve heritage lead light and stained glass 80</p><p>LMFSL5004A Install heritage lead light and stained glass 80</p><p>LMFSL5005A Apply innovation in contemporary lead light and stained glass 80</p><p>CULMS010A Contribute to the preservation of cultural material 50</p><p>CUVCOR04A Originate concept for own work and conduct critical discourse 60</p><p>CUVCOR09A Select and apply drawing techniques and media to represent 80 and communicate the concept</p><p>CUVICS04A Originate and develop a concept 80</p><p>LMFDN4001B Produce drawings from design concepts 64</p><p>LMFDN5001B Generate and transfer complex computer-aided drawings and 72 specifications</p><p>BSBSBM401A Establish business and legal requirements 50</p><p>BSBSBM404A Undertake business planning 60</p><p>BSBSBM406A Manage finances 50</p><p>BSBSBM407A Manage a small team 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>BSBCRT402A Collaborate in a creative process 40</p><p>BSBCRT501A Originate and develop concepts 30</p><p>BSBDES501A Implement design solutions 60</p><p>LMFFT5011B Develop, trial and evaluate prototypes 108</p><p>Total Hours 1244</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 97 of 110 Occupation / Interior Design or Decoration Consultant Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration</p><p>Qualification Code LMF50408</p><p>Description Appropriate for a Consultant or Design Manager within an Interior Decoration or Design Consultancy or business</p><p>Notes The structure of this course takes into account entry via Certificate IV Interior Decoration and requires 10 units to achieve the Diploma qualification. These units must include: • three Mandatory units not previously selected from Group 1</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>BSBDES502A Establish, negotiate and refine a design brief 65</p><p>LMFID5002A Develop a decoration proposal for a complex site 108</p><p>LMFID5003A Evaluate site for interior design brief 40</p><p>Electives specialist</p><p>CUFANM303A Create 3D digital models 75</p><p>LMFID5004A Specify structural elements, systems and services for interior 72 spaces</p><p>LMFIFDT5002A Apply resources sustainably 36</p><p>BSBSMB405A Monitor and manage small business operations 50</p><p>LMFID5011A Specify soft furnishings for complete interior solution 54</p><p>LMFID5014A Use CAD applications to complete models and documentation 80 for interior design projects</p><p>LMFID5013A Design for small to medium scale commercial or institutional 108 interiors</p><p>Electives specialist units Group 2B</p><p>BSBCRT401A Articulate, present and debate ideas 40</p><p>BSBMGT402A Implement operational plan 40</p><p>BSBSMB405A Monitor and manage small business operations 45</p><p>BSBWOR204A Use business technology 20</p><p>CUVCOR08B Produce drawings to represent and communicate the concept 60</p><p>CUVCRS03B Produce computer aided drawings 50</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 98 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>CUVDSP11A Research and apply techniques for illustrative work 50</p><p>CUVDSP15A Research and apply techniques for application to spatial design 50</p><p>MEM16006A Organise and communicate information 20</p><p>Elective units The balance of units, up to a maximum of three (3) units, may be selected from any combination of: • units listed within Diploma of Interior Design & Decoration* • a maximum of two (2) units from any LMF Certificate IV or Advanced Diploma qualification • one (1) unit from any other nationally endorsed Training Package where it is available at Diploma level in its original Training Package. * Units from Diploma of Interior Design & Decoration qualification are listed in this sample training program</p><p>LMFID5008A Design interiors for people with disabilities and the elderly 108</p><p>LMFID5013A Design for small to medium scale commercial or institutional 108 interiors</p><p>MSAENV472A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work 40 practices</p><p>Total Hours 1524</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 99 of 110 Occupation / Fine Furniture Maker Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Diploma of Furniture Design and Technology</p><p>Qualification Code LMF50508</p><p>Description Appropriate for self-employed Fine Furniture Maker working in cooperation with other furniture designers and/or fine furniture makers in the design and production of individual fine furniture for display or custom production.</p><p>Notes If the Certificate IV in Furniture Design and Technology has been achieved, only seven (7) additional units must be completed to achieve the Diploma qualification. This must include: • two (2) Mandatory units from Group 1 not previously selected • four (4) Specialist units from Group 2 • one (1) Elective unit from Group 4 not previously selected.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>BSBDES401A Generate design solutions 60</p><p>LMFFDT4007A Establish the design brief 36</p><p>LMFFDT4012A Produce ideation drawings 54</p><p>LMFFDT4014A Research and select furniture materials and technology 72</p><p>LMFFDT4015A Research furniture styles and movements 30</p><p>LMFFDT5004A Develop self as a furniture designer 72</p><p>LMFFDT5013A Evaluate furniture design proposals and concepts 60</p><p>Specialist units</p><p>LMFFDT4006A Establish and maintain a safe furniture making work environment 40</p><p>Electives</p><p>LMFFDT5001A Apply ergonomics, anthropometrics and proxemic considerations 108 to a product</p><p>LMFFDT5003A Assess and resolve technical integrity of a design 60</p><p>LMFFDT5005A Construct custom furniture using advanced techniques 198</p><p>LMFFDT5011A Research and recommend machine technology for furniture 54 production</p><p>BSBMKG501B Evaluate marketing opportunities 70</p><p>BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning 50</p><p>BSBSMB407A Manage a small team 40</p><p>LMFFDT4001A Apply finishing techniques to custom furniture 54</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 100 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>LMFFDT4002A Assemble custom furniture 108</p><p>LMFFDT4005A Construct and evaluate furniture prototypes and samples 108</p><p>LMFFM4006A Construct joints for custom furniture 40</p><p>LMFFM4007A Produce curved and shaped components for custom furniture 64</p><p>LMFFDT4011A Set up, operate and maintain basic static woodworking 54 machines</p><p>LMFFDT4016A Select, use and maintain hand tools for the creation of custom 54 furniture</p><p>LMFFDT4017A Set up and operate a wood turning lathe to produce off-centre 60 work</p><p>LMFFDT4018A Produce templates and jigs for custom made furniture 54</p><p>LMFFT4010B Identify and calculate production costs 36</p><p>Total Hours 1704</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 101 of 110 Occupation / Manager Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Advanced Diploma of Furnishing Management</p><p>Qualification Code LMF60102</p><p>Description Appropriate for a person working in the furnishing industry in a middle/senior management position.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFFT6001B Research and evaluate materials, products and processes 80</p><p>Electives</p><p>BSBMGT616A Develop and implement strategic plans 80</p><p>BSBMGT617A Develop and implement a business plan 60</p><p>BSBMGT605B Provide leadership across the organisation 60</p><p>BSBINM607B Manage knowledge and information 80</p><p>BSBMGT608B Manage innovation and continuous improvement 70</p><p>BSBRSK501A Manage risk 60</p><p>BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability 50</p><p>Total Hours 540</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 102 of 110 Occupation / Design Manager Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Advanced Diploma of Furniture Design and Technology</p><p>Qualification Code LMF60308</p><p>Description Appropriate for a Consultant or Design Manager within a Furniture Design or Furniture Design/Fine Furniture Making business.</p><p>Notes If the Diploma of Furniture Design and Technology has been achieved, only ten (10) additional units must be completed to achieve the Advanced Diploma qualification. This must include: • one (1) additional Mandatory core unit from Group 1 not previously selected • a minimum of six (6) Specialist units from Group 2 • three (3) Elective units from Group 4 not previously selected.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>BSBDES401A Generate design solutions 60</p><p>BSBDES601A Manage design realisation 50</p><p>LMFFDT4007A Establish the design brief 36</p><p>LMFFDT4012A Produce ideation drawings 54</p><p>LMFFDT4014A Research and select furniture materials and technology 72</p><p>LMFFDT4015A Research furniture styles and movements 30</p><p>LMFFDT5004A Develop self as a furniture designer 72</p><p>LMFFDT5013A Evaluate furniture design proposals and concepts 60</p><p>Specialist unit</p><p>LMFFDT4008A Determine occupational health and safety implications of 40 furniture designs</p><p>Elective sector specialist units</p><p>BSBMGT617A Develop and implement a business plan 60</p><p>LMFFDT6001A Assess economic impact of a design 36</p><p>LMFFDT6002A Design for mass production 108</p><p>LMFFDT6003A Evaluate and participate in design industry networks 72</p><p>LMFFDT6004A Investigate legal requirements for designs 36</p><p>LMFFDT6005A Work collaboratively on a design project 54</p><p>Other elective specialist nits</p><p>BSBCRT401A Articulate, present and debate ideas 40</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 103 of 110 Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>BSBCRT501A Originate and develop concepts 30</p><p>BSBPMG510A Manage projects 60</p><p>BSBSMB403A Market the small business 50</p><p>BSBSMB404A Undertake small business planning 50</p><p>BSBSMB407A Manage a small team 40</p><p>CUFDIG303A Produce and prepare photo images 20</p><p>LMFDN5001B Generate and transfer complex computer-aided drawings and 72 specifications</p><p>LMFDN5006B Manage furniture design 100</p><p>LMFFDT5001A Apply ergonomics, anthropometrics and proxemic considerations 108 to a product</p><p>LMFFDT5002A Apply resources sustainably 36</p><p>LMFFDT4003A Assess and record the lifecycle of a furniture product 36</p><p>LMFFDT4004A Assess environmental impact of a design 36</p><p>LMFFDT4005A Construct and evaluate furniture prototypes and samples 108</p><p>LMFFDT4013A Research and select furniture finishes 18</p><p>MEM30024A Participate in quality assurance techniques 30</p><p>MEM30004A Use CAD to create and display 3D models 40</p><p>MSACMT430A Improve cost factors in work practices 50</p><p>MSACMT230A Apply cost factors to work practices 40</p><p>PSPPROC602B Direct the management of contracts 60</p><p>Total Hours 1864</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 104 of 110 Occupation / Interior Designer Practitioner Work Function</p><p>Qualification Title Advanced Diploma of Interior Design</p><p>Qualification Code LMF60208</p><p>Description Appropriate for Interior Design Professional working in a Consulting or an employed capacity as a Senior Designer providing creative and technical solutions for built interior environments that could also include media, arts, building restoration, event design and exhibitions.</p><p>Notes The structure of this course takes into account entry via the Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration and requires ten units to achieve the Advanced Diploma qualification. This must include: • four (4) Mandatory core units not previously selected from Group 1 • a minimum of five (5) Specialist units from Group 2A.</p><p>Unit Code Unit Title Hours</p><p>Core</p><p>BSBDES601A Manage design realisation 50</p><p>LMFID5001A Design residential interiors 108</p><p>LMFID6001A Resolve complex spatial problems through modelling 54</p><p>LMFID6002A Apply 3D visualisation techniques to represent interior designs 54</p><p>Elective specialist units Group 2A</p><p>LMFFDT6003A Evaluate and participate in design industry networks 72</p><p>LMFFDT6004A Investigate legal requirements for designs 36</p><p>LMFID6003A Design for large scale commercial or institutional interiors 108</p><p>LMFID6007A Select and instruct contractors and consultants 40</p><p>LMFID6009A Produce digital presentations for commercial projects 72</p><p>Elective specialist units Group 2B</p><p>BSBPMG510A Manage projects 60</p><p>Total Hours 618</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 105 of 110 INDUSTRY REGULATION</p><p>Every Registered Training Organisation must be aware of and observe any licensing, legislative or regulatory requirements that affect the delivery of training or issuance of qualifications under Training Packages. </p><p>Information on some regulatory requirements can also be obtained from the Training and Occupational Licensing Matrix on the Training Support Network website http://trainingsupport.skills.vic.gov.au/default.cfm.</p><p>LINKS AND CONTACTS</p><p>While you must use the endorsed components of the Training Package when providing training and assessment, you can select and devise delivery and assessment strategies to suit your needs (in conjunction with industry, as applicable). You may select off-the-shelf resources that help your delivery and assessment, or design and develop your own. A wide range of contacts, tools and resources are available to assist you.</p><p>The Manufacturing Skills Australia Industry Skills Council can provide you with information about the Training Package. You can also purchase copies of the Training Package and support materials. Search the ISC www.mskills.com.au, telephone 02 9955 5500.</p><p>The National Training Information Service (www.ntis.gov.au) provides comprehensive information on endorsed Training Packages, as well as details of accredited courses and Registered Training Organisations.</p><p>TVET Australia has a range of products you can purchase to assist in delivering this Training Package. View the online catalogue at www.tvetaustralia.com.au or telephone TVET Australia on (03) 9832 8100. For orders or enquiries contact [email protected] .</p><p>The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) provides a range of services and resources to assist in delivery of Training Packages. Search the website: http://www.deewr.gov.au/ for links to a range of relevant resources and publications.</p><p>The Australian Apprenticeships Training Information Service provides a single point of contact to coordinate information to Australian Apprenticeships Centres (AACs) on the range, availability and relevance of the new national Training Packages. The Australian Apprenticeships Information Service website is at www.aatinfo.com.au. In addition, the Call Centre for Australian Apprenticeships Information Service is staffed during business hours on 1800 338 022. For specific information about Apprenticeships and Traineeships, go to www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au and http://www.skills.vic.gov.au/corporate/publications/brochures_and_fact_sheets/apprenticeships-and- traineeships-in-victoria-industry-guides.</p><p>Skills Victoria, formerly known as the Office of Training and Tertiary Education (OTTE), is responsible for the implementation of vocational education and training in Victoria, including Apprenticeships and Traineeships, and provides a range of support and information. </p><p>In Victoria, the Industry Training Board or Industry Advisory Body covers the LMF02 Furnishing Training Package and can support you in its delivery, including directing you to resources and other relevant products. </p><p>Industry Training Board: ForestWorks Contact Person: Sharyn Wright Telephone: (03) 9321 3510 Address: 559A Queensberry Street, North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051 Email: [email protected] Website: www.forestworks.com.au </p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 106 of 110 OTHER USEFUL LINKS</p><p>CMM details</p><p>For information and advice on this Purchasing Guide and associated delivery and assessment in Victoria contact: Lynne Stockdale CMM, Furnishing, Water and Civil Construction Holmesglen PO Box 42, HOLMESGLEN, VIC, 3148 Telephone: (03) 9564 1616 Facsimile: (03) 9564 1538 Email: [email protected] Website: Training Support Network (http://trainingsupport.skills.vic.gov.au/cmminf.cfm)</p><p>Training Packages</p><p>You can search the National Training Information Service website (www.ntis.gov.au) and view and download the endorsed Training Package components.</p><p>Training Package Support Materials</p><p>There are many generic and specific materials to support you in delivering training and assessing outcomes with Training Packages. For example, www.training.com.au is a very useful site which provides access to:</p><p> Resources Supporting Adult Literacy and Numeracy, Access, Equity and Diversity and the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 107 of 110 APPRENTICESHIPS AND TRAINEESHIPS</p><p>What qualifications in this Training Package are available as Apprenticeships and Traineeships?</p><p>State and Territory Governments allocate funding for Training Package qualifications under Apprenticeships and Traineeships on the basis of criteria such as strategic priorities, expected industry demand, budgetary capacity and identified skill shortages. So, while a range of qualifications is available in the LMF02 Furnishing Training Package, not all will be determined to be available as an apprenticeship or traineeship pathway. </p><p>The information in the following table will help you determine whether a qualification is available as an apprenticeship or traineeship.</p><p>Registered Training Organisations with the LMF02 Furnishing Training Package qualifications or units of competency on their scope of registration may be eligible for government funding to deliver some or all of the Training Package qualifications. If you require further information about government funded training or seek to identify RTOs with a current Victorian State Government contract for funded training, go to: http://www.skills.vic.gov.au/corporate/providers/training_organisations/funding.</p><p>MAXIMUM PROBATIONARY LEVEL STATE NOMINAL PERIOD OF DURATION (DAYS) REGUL CODE TITLE (MONTHS) ATION (1) (2)</p><p>Full Part Full Part Time Time Time Time LMF20202 Certificate II in Furniture Finishing 18 36 30 91 T B</p><p>LMF20309 Certificate II in Furniture Making 18 36 30 91 T B</p><p>LMF20402 Certificate II in Glass and Glazing 18 36 30 91 T B</p><p>LMF20502 Certificate II in Mattress and Base Making 18 36 30 91 T B</p><p>LMF20602 Certificate II in Picture Framing 18 36 30 91 T B</p><p>LMF20702 Certificate II in Soft Furnishing 18 36 30 91 T B</p><p>LMF20802 Certificate II in Upholstery 18 36 30 91 T B</p><p>LMF20908 Certificate II in Flooring Technology 18 36 30 91 T B</p><p>LMF21008 Certificate II in Blinds and Awnings 18 36 30 91 T B</p><p>LMF21108 Certificate II in Security Screens and Grills 18 36 30 91 T B</p><p>LMF21208 Certificate II in Stained Glass and Lead 18 36 30 91 T B Lighting</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 108 of 110 MAXIMUM PROBATIONARY LEVEL STATE NOMINAL PERIOD OF DURATION (DAYS) REGUL CODE TITLE (MONTHS) ATION (1) (2)</p><p>Full Part Full Part Time Time Time Time LMF30202 Certificate III in Furniture Finishing 48 72 91 91 A N/A</p><p>LMF30302 Certificate III in Furniture Making 48 72 91 91 A N/A</p><p>LMF30502 Certificate III in Furniture Making (Wood 48 72 91 91 A N/A Machining)</p><p>LMF30602 Certificate III in Glass and Glazing 48 72 91 91 A N/A</p><p>LMF30702 Certificate III in Mattress and Base 48 72 91 91 A N/A Making</p><p>LMF30802 Certificate III in Picture Framing 48 72 91 91 A N/A</p><p>LMF30902 Certificate III in Soft Furnishing 48 72 91 91 A N/A</p><p>LMF31002 Certificate III in Upholstery 48 72 91 91 A N/A</p><p>LMF31102 Certificate III in Production Upholstery 48 72 91 91 A N/A</p><p>LMF31208 Certificate III in Floor Technology 48 72 91 91 A N/A</p><p>LMF31408 Certificate III in Musical Instrument 48 72 91 91 A N/A Making and Repair</p><p>LMF31508 Certificate III in Piano Technology 48 72 91 91 A N/A</p><p>LMF31608 Certificate III in Security Screens and 48 72 91 91 A N/A Grills</p><p>LMF31708 Certificate III in Stained Glass and Lead 48 72 91 91 A N/A Lighting</p><p>LMF31808 Certificate III in Blinds and Awnings 48 72 91 91 A N/A</p><p>LMF32009 Certificate III in Kitchens and Bathrooms 24 36 30 91 T N/A (Client Services)</p><p>LMF32109 Certificate III in Cabinet Making 48 72 91 91 A N/A</p><p>LMF40308 Certificate IV in Musical Instrument 24 36 30 91 T N/A Making and Repair</p><p>LMF40609 Certificate IV in Design of Kitchens, 24 36 30 91 T N/A Bathrooms and Interior Spaces</p><p>LMF50308 Diploma of Stained Glass and Lead 48 72 30 91 T N/A Lighting</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 109 of 110 Credit applies for completion of the following pre-apprenticeship and/or traineeship programs: </p><p>Pre-apprenticeship course/qualification or Apprenticeship or Traineeship qualification Duration Credit Traineeship (Months) (4)</p><p>21278VIC Certificate II in LMF30402 Certificate III in Furniture Making 12 months Furnishing (Cabinet Making, (Cabinet Making) Wood Machining and Furniture Polishing – Preapprenticeship)</p><p>21273VIC Certificate II in LMF30602 Certificate III in Glass and Glazing 12 months Furnishing (Preapprenticeship – Flat Glass Working)</p><p>21246VIC Certificate II in LMF31002 Certificate II in Upholstery 12 months Furnishing (Preapprenticeship – Upholstery)</p><p>LMF20309 Certificate II in LMF30402 Certificate III in Furniture Making 6 months Furniture Making (Cabinet Making)</p><p>NOTE: (1) These Maximum Durations assume that the apprentice has not gained a lower level qualification prior to entering the Training Contract. For example:</p><p>If a full time apprentice entered a Certificate IV after gaining a Certificate III, then the duration of the Training Contract would be substantially shorter than the maximum listed above. The time for the negotiated band of selected units would be incorporated in the Training Contract signed by the apprentice, trainee, employer and RTO.</p><p>(2) Level of regulation which applies: A applies generally to apprenticeships in traditional trade areas. T applies to traineeships.</p><p>(3) Trainees undertaking a Certificate IV traineeship will receive the relevant weekly wage rate for Certificate III trainees at wage levels A, B or C as applicable with the addition of 3.8 percent of that wage rate.</p><p>(4) Pre–Apprenticeships An approved pre-apprenticeship is a qualification that has an automatic training credit and duration credit into the training contract. The RTO will advise the apprentice and employer of the training credit on the agreed training plan. The employer and apprentice will receive written confirmation of the duration credit from Skills Victoria when the Training Contract is registered. </p><p>Note for ‘Workplace Based Training’</p><p>Where the qualification is at Certificate III or above, apprentice/trainees must be withdrawn from routine work duties for a minimum of three hours per week (pro rata for part-time apprentices/trainees) for planned training, averaged over a 4-week cycle.</p><p>Where apprentices/trainees are undertaking workplace training at Certificate levels I and II, they must be withdrawn from routine work duties for a minimum of 1.5 hours per week, averaged over a two-month cycle for the purpose of undertaking structured training/learning activities. This release must occur periodically. </p><p>The training undertaken during the period of release must include a focus on the compliance and regulatory units and the units concentrating on generic skills. Up to 40 hours of this training may be transferred, to be delivered in one or more blocks during the first three months of the training program.</p><p>VPG_LMF02_V5.2 Page 110 of 110</p>
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