<p> 1</p><p>MEETING OF COTTINGHAM PARISH COUNCIL HELD AT 9 THE COTTAGES, MARKET GREEN, COTTINGHAM 7.30PM ON THURSDAY 21 JULY 2016</p><p>PRESENT: Councillors A Abel (Chair), K Casson, D Hardwick, M Harness, R Jump, H Kay, S Kind, D McLaren and A.Wright Clerk: Jo Sims Deputy Clerk; Tina White</p><p>The Chairman reminded members of the public of the guidance regarding recording of meetings and drew their attention to the written policy displayed on the noticeboard.</p><p>2591 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 2591.1 Cllr Kind declared a personal interest in Minute 2609 2591.2 Cllr Harness declared a personal interest in Minute 2610</p><p>Resolved: That these declarations of interest were noted.</p><p>2592 TO RECEIVE AND ACCEPT APOLOGIES Cllrs W Knight and D. Sloan</p><p>Resolved: That these apologies were accepted.</p><p>2593 TO RECEIVE REPORT FROM LOCAL POLICING TEAM The Police were not in attendance but did submit a report as follows: Allotments – one person charged to court and other offenders will do community resolution by working on the allotments; Cottingham, along with other areas, were experiencing acquisitive crime, sheds and garages been targeted. Residents was to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the Police. </p><p>Resolved: That this information be noted.</p><p>2594 TO CONFIRM, ADOPT AND SIGN THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON: 2594.1 Thursday 16 June 2016</p><p>Resolved: That the minutes be confirmed and signed as a true record. The Parish Council Office: 9 The Cottages, Market Green, Cottingham, East Yorkshire HU16 5QG Tel: 01482 847623 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cottinghamparishcouncil.org.uk Chairman: Councillor Ann Abel Tel: 01482 875489 Clerk: Jo Sims Deputy Clerk: Tina White 2 Resolved: That the minutes be adopted.</p><p>2595 TO CONFIRM, ADOPT AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE FINANCE & ASSET MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE HELD ON:- 2595.1 Tuesday 12 July 2016</p><p>Resolved: That the minutes be confirmed and signed as a true record. Resolved: That the minutes be adopted.</p><p>2596 TO CONFIRM ADOPT AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE COTTINGHAM DAY COMMITTEE HELD ON:- 2596.1 Tuesday 21 June 2016</p><p>Resolved: That the minutes be confirmed and signed as a true record. Resolved: That the minutes be adopted.</p><p>2597 TO CONFIRM ADOPT AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON:- 2597.1 Tuesday 5 July 2016</p><p>Resolved: That the minutes be confirmed and signed as a true record. Resolved: That the minutes be adopted.</p><p>2598 TO APPROVE A RESPONSE TO ERYC PROPOSAL TO FOOTWAY/CYCLEWAY LINK BETWEEN SNUFF MILL LANE AND HORNBEAM WALK The Chair referred to a letter from ERYC regarding a proposal to the footway/cycleway link between Snuff Mill Lane and Hornbeam Walk that had been previously circulated to Cllrs.</p><p>Resolved: On a unanimous vote, this proposal was approved. The Clerk was to notify ERYC accordingly.</p><p>2599 TO APPROVE A COURSE OF ACTION REGARDING THE YOUTH PROVISION IN COTTINGHAM The Chair explained that unfortunately Mr P. Jackson was unable to attend this evening and therefore this Agenda item had to be postponed.</p><p>Resolved: The Clerk was to include this item on the Agenda for the next Parish Council meeting in September 2016.</p><p>2600 TO APPROVE A COURSE OF ACTION REGARDING STORAGE OF GARDEN EQUIPMENT The Chair reported that following on from the written request made by the Parish Council to the Darby & Joan Club for continuation of storing our garden equipment in their garage, the Darby and Joan had approved that we were able to remain in there. The anticipated rental costs were maximum £15.00 per month. The Parish Council Office: 9 The Cottages, Market Green, Cottingham, East Yorkshire HU16 5QG Tel: 01482 847623 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cottinghamparishcouncil.org.uk Chairman: Councillor Ann Abel Tel: 01482 875489 Clerk: Jo Sims Deputy Clerk: Tina White 3</p><p>Resolved: On a unanimous vote, it was approved that the Parish Council would pay a maximum of £15.00 per month rental for the storage of our gardening equipment in the Darby & Joan garage. A tenancy agreement was to be drawn up by Darby & Joan and this agreement was to be reviewed on an annual basis with them.</p><p>2601 TO APPROVE A COURSE OF ACTION REGARDING THE REQUEST FROM SKIDBY PARISH COUNCIL FOR MEETING REGARDING EPPLEWORTH TRAVELLER SITE. The Chair referred to a letter received requesting a meeting between Skidby Parish Council and Cottingham Parish Council regarding the Eppleworth Traveller Site. </p><p>Resolved: On a unanimous decision it was agreed that the Cllr Hardwick and Cllr McLaren would meet with Skidby Parish Council at their next Full Parish Council meeting. The Clerk was to organise accordingly.</p><p>2602 TO APPROVE A RESPONSE TO ERYC REGARDING THE PROPOSED ALTERATIONS TO THE TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER FOR GREEN LANE. The Chair referred to the ERYC proposed alterations to the traffic regulation order for Green Lane, which had previously been circulated to all Councillors. Cllr Jump reported that 53% of residents had responded, with 61% of these supporting the proposal. All Cllrs agreed that this proposal was not addressing the problem as a whole and this would need addressing in the future.</p><p>Resolved: On a unanimous decision, it was agreed that the Clerk was to write to ERYC stating that they reluctantly agree to the proposal. However, we do not feel that it is the best use of the money as it is only a partial scheme and does not address the problem as a whole. The Clerk was instructed to also note that the Parish Council was disappointed that a meeting was not arranged to discuss in more detail. </p><p>2603 TO APPROVE A DONATION FROM DEE PHILLIPS ON COTTINGHAM MEMORIAL GARDENS The Chair referred to a request that she had received from Dee Philips who wished to donate a permanent fixture in Cottingham. The Chairman requested that Cllrs put forward proposals to her directly. Cllr Hardwick suggested the erection of replica guns on the West Green and Cllr Casson suggested WW1 artwork on seating in the Memorial Gardens. </p><p>Resolved: On a unanimous decision it was approved that Cllrs were requested to contact Cllr Abel directly with suggestions and Cllr Abel was to progress this matter and report back to a future meeting. The Clerk was to investigate Heritage Funding for the guns on West Green.</p><p>2604 TO APPOINT 1 COUNCILLOR AS A MEMBER OF THE COTTINGHAM DAY COMMITTEE FOLLOWING THE RESIGNATION OF CLLR HARNESS Cllr Harness informed the Committee that he wished to resign from the Committee due to personal reasons. Cllr Abel and Cllr Wright thanked Cllr Harness for his hard work on the Committee. </p><p>The Parish Council Office: 9 The Cottages, Market Green, Cottingham, East Yorkshire HU16 5QG Tel: 01482 847623 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cottinghamparishcouncil.org.uk Chairman: Councillor Ann Abel Tel: 01482 875489 Clerk: Jo Sims Deputy Clerk: Tina White 4 Resolved: On a unanimous decision, it was approved that Cllr Kind was to be appointed as Cllr on the Cottingham Day Committee.</p><p>2605 TO APPROVE A RESPONSE TO THE ERYC PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER 16/02293/TCA – YEW, FELL AS BLOCKING STREET LIGHT. HOLLY, FELL AS BLOCKING STREET LIGHT. PURPLE BEECH X2; FELL DUE TO RECENT SHEDDING OF LIMBS AND FAULTS IN CROWN AT HULL UNIVERSITY, THWAITE STREET FOR MR JOE GARNER.</p><p>Resolved: On a unanimous decision, it was approved that the Committee did not wish to see any healthy trees felled and therefore requested that the first two trees were not felled but crown lifted/reduced. The remaining trees the Committee were happy to go with the ERYC case Officer’s recommendation. However, they asked that all work carried out should be to the British Standards.</p><p>2606 TO APPROVE A RESPONSE TO THE ERYC PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER 16/02069/PAD – DISPLAY OF 2 INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FASCIA SIGNS, 1 EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FASCIA SIGN, 1 INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED TOTEM SIGN, 2 NON-ILLUMINATED AREAS OF SIGNWRITING, 2 NON- ILLUMINATED TRANSOM SIGNS, 2 NON-ILLUMINATED CAR PARK SINGS AND 3 NON-ILLUMINATED POST SIGNS AT THE WEST BULLS FOR MITCHELLS & BUTLERS.</p><p>Resolved: On a show of hands vote with one abstention, the Committee recommended that this application be approved.</p><p>2607 TO APPROVE A RESPONSE TO THE ERYC PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER 16/02017/PLF – ALTERATIONS TO ROOF TO CREATE ADDITIONAL LIVING ACCOMMODATION INCORPORATING CONSTRUCTION OF DORMER WINDOW AND SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION TO REAR AT 30 CANADA DRIVE FOR MS C. HALL.</p><p>Resolved: On a show of hands vote with one abstention, the Committee recommended that this application be approved.</p><p>2608 TO APPROVE A RESPONSE TO THE ERYC PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER 16/02292/TCA – SYCAMORES X 4, FELL DUE TO EXCESSIVE GROWTH AND OVERHANGING PROPERTY AT 9 SANDRINGHAM CLOSE FOR MR TONY LUKE.</p><p>Resolved: On a show of hands vote the Committee unanimously recommended that this application be approved.</p><p>2609 TO APPROVE A RESPONSE TO THE ERYC PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER 16/02273/TCA – TPO CHERRY; FELL, PROMINENT TREE BUT WITH NUMEROUS WEAK POINTS. T218 PINE; FELL AS DEAD, T392 HOLLY, FELL LARGE TREE IN DECLINE, T474 HOLLY; FELL, LARGE TREE IN DECLINE AT COTTINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL. The Parish Council Office: 9 The Cottages, Market Green, Cottingham, East Yorkshire HU16 5QG Tel: 01482 847623 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cottinghamparishcouncil.org.uk Chairman: Councillor Ann Abel Tel: 01482 875489 Clerk: Jo Sims Deputy Clerk: Tina White 5</p><p>Cllr Kind declared a personal interest in this application as he was a Governor of the school.</p><p>Resolved: On a show of hands the Committee unanimously recommended that this application be approved. However, the Committee requested that more suitable trees are planted in their place.</p><p>2610 TO APPROVE A RESPONSE TO THE ERYC PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER DC/16/01330/PLF/WESTES/TR FOR AMENDED PLANS FOR ERECTION OF 3 INDUSTRIAL UNITS AT LAND EAST OF OAK VILLA, DUNSWELL ROAD FOR MR MARTYN WILD. Cllr Harness declared a Personal Interest in this application.</p><p>Resolved: On a show of hands vote with one abstention the Committee recommended that this application be refused on the following grounds – overbearing sense of enclosure; industrialisation of the site. Following on from the Parish Council’s comments on the previous application, they do not feel that their condition that was previously stated was met. The drainage must meet with the Local Lead Flood Authority and Environment Agency’s recommendations. Should the ERYC Planning Officer not agree with this recommendation, then it was agreed that this application should go before the ERYC Planning Committee.</p><p>2611 TO APPROVE A RESPONSE TO THE ERYC PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER 16/02182/VAR – VARIATION OF CONDITION 9 OF PLANNING APPLICATION REFERENCE 15/02009/REM ON THE SITE OF BROWSHOLME HARLAND WAY FOR MR PHIL BRAMLEY.</p><p>Resolved: On a show of hands vote with one abstention, the Committee recommended that this application be approved.</p><p>2612 REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS 2612.1 TRAVEL UPDATE Cllr Harness reported that ERYC have undertaken a review of the funding provided for the bus services within the ERYC. They are withdrawing some funding to bus routes from 1 April 2017 and this may have an impact on the services provided if Stagecoach and EYMS decide that they are not viable. Details of these routes will be displayed on the Parish Council website and in the Parish Council Office.</p><p>Resolved: That this information be noted.</p><p>2613 TO RECEIVE REPORT FROM ERYC WARD COUNCILLOR Cllr Mathieson reported as follows: The response from the ERYC bus consultation was very low despite a large amount of work by the ERYC. Recommend that residents still take part in the consultation; The planning application for the Library/Multi-service area has been amended slightly and will be submitted for approval shortly. As yet, there isn’t a confirmed date. All staff will multi-task for both the customer services and library provision.</p><p>The Parish Council Office: 9 The Cottages, Market Green, Cottingham, East Yorkshire HU16 5QG Tel: 01482 847623 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cottinghamparishcouncil.org.uk Chairman: Councillor Ann Abel Tel: 01482 875489 Clerk: Jo Sims Deputy Clerk: Tina White 6 Repairs are being undertaken for footpaths within Cottingham. ERYC have previously been concentrating on very low usage rural footpaths as these have been neglected in the past but are now starting to concentrate on heavier use rural footpaths. ERYC have started carrying out work to the bollards in Hallgate.</p><p>Resolved: That this information be noted;</p><p>2614 CORRESPONDENCE SINCE THE LAST MEETING 2614.1 Cottingham Neighbourhood Watch had now opened a bank account and therefore the Parish Council Grant of £200 was to be awarded. 2614.2 The purchase of Cottingham Memorial Gardens had now been completed and the gardens were now owned by the Parish Council. The fees incurred were £1 for the purchase, £500 for ERYC solicitors and £750 for our Solicitors 2614.3 HSBC had written to the Parish Council informing us that it was their intention to close the Cottingham Branch on 7 October 2016.</p><p>Resolved: That this information be noted; That the Clerk organise for £200 grant payment to be presented to Cottingham Watch.</p><p>2615 MEMBERS’ POINTS OF INFORMATION AND AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING 2615.1 Cllr Jump requested that consideration is given to a planter being installed on Eppleworth Road. Cllr Jump and Cllr Abel to meet with Iain Sugden and report back to next meeting. 2615.2 Cllr Jump reported that funding had now been obtained for COPFAS of £21.5million. Planning is scheduled for end of August, procurement will start November 2016 enabling works starting in January 2017, with completion expected by January 2019. 2615.3 Cllr Kind reported that Cottingham High School had met with the developers regarding the proposed building work on Harland Way. They had requested that the developers install turning circles in order to make it safe for their children and they were awaiting feedback from them. 2615.4 Cllr Hardwick reported that he had attended a public consultation regarding a proposed back-up generator installation on Park Lane. This installation would be fed from the main gas main and would be erected on a site of approximately 3-4 acres of land. Expression of concern was noted for the noise pollution but the developers would erect these generators in sound proof buildings and possibly only 2 properties would be affected. Cllr Abel will forward all the information that she has received regarding this proposed site to all Cllrs and this will be discussed fully when a formal planning application has been received. 2615.5 Prior to the next meeting of the Full Parish Council taking place on 22 September 2016 there will be a presentation by Cllr Medini and Phil Jackson regarding Youth Provision. 2615.6 Street naming to be included on the Agenda for the Planning Meeting taking place in September 2016, date yet to be confirmed.</p><p>The Parish Council Office: 9 The Cottages, Market Green, Cottingham, East Yorkshire HU16 5QG Tel: 01482 847623 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cottinghamparishcouncil.org.uk Chairman: Councillor Ann Abel Tel: 01482 875489 Clerk: Jo Sims Deputy Clerk: Tina White 7 Cllr Abel thanked the Cottingham Day Committee for all their hard work on the recent Cottingham Day 2016 which had taken place in July. She also thanked the Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Cllr Harness for their support with the recent Social Evening which had proved an excellent success. Cllr Kind expressed his gratitude to the Deputy Clerk, Tina White, for her hard work with the parade on Cottingham Day which had received very positive feedback. </p><p>PART 2: Private Session</p><p>2616 PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSION TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960 Resolved: That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.</p><p>Councillors were reminded that the next meeting of the Parish Council would take place at 7.30pm on Thursday 22 September 2016 in the Parish Council Offices.</p><p>There was no other business and the Meeting closed at 9.20pm.</p><p>Signed ………………..……………………………………. Chairman of the Cottingham Parish Council</p><p>The Parish Council Office: 9 The Cottages, Market Green, Cottingham, East Yorkshire HU16 5QG Tel: 01482 847623 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cottinghamparishcouncil.org.uk Chairman: Councillor Ann Abel Tel: 01482 875489 Clerk: Jo Sims Deputy Clerk: Tina White</p>
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