6Th African Regional Meeting on the Strategic Approach

6Th African Regional Meeting on the Strategic Approach

<p> SAICM/RM/AFR.6/1/Add.1</p><p>SAICM/RM/AFR.6/1/Add.1</p><p>Distr.: General 30 January 2018 Original: English</p><p>6th African regional meeting on the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, 6-8 February 2018 Item 2 (a) of the provisional agenda* Organizational matters: adoption of the agenda</p><p>Hotel Belle Cote, Abidjan, Cocody</p><p>Annotations to the provisional agenda</p><p>1. Opening of the meeting a.i.a.a.1. The sixth Africa regional meeting on the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management will be opened by a representative of the host government at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 6 February 2018 at Hotel Belle Cote, Abidjan, Cocody. a.i.a.a.2. The opening session will continue with opening remarks from the President of the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5), the Strategic Approach Regional Focal Point for Africa and a representative from the Strategic Approach secretariat. 2. Organizational matters (a) Adoption of the agenda a.i.a.a.3. Participants may wish to adopt as its agenda, amended as appropriate, the provisional agenda set out in document SAICM/RM/AF.6/1. (b) Objectives and expected outcome of the regional meeting and regional representation in Strategic Approach related efforts. a.i.a.a.4. On 7 and 8 February, participants may wish to meet from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with a one hour lunch break and two coffee breaks – one in the morning and one in the afternoon. a.i.a.a.5. A small reception will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the venue of the meeting on 6 February following the meeting. a.i.a.a.6. As part of this agenda item, the Strategic Approach secretariat will provide an overview presentation of the overall objectives and expected outcomes of the regional meeting. a.i.a.a.7. The President of the fifth session of the International Conference will also provide her perspective on the expected outcome of the regional meeting in the context of the fifth session of the International Conference.</p><p>** SAICM/RM/AFR.6/1/rev.1 1 SAICM/RM/AFR.6/1/Add.1 3. Implementation of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management a.i.a.a.8. Paragraph 26 of the Strategic Approach’s Overarching Policy Strategy and resolution I/1 of the International Conference on Chemicals Management, on implementation arrangements, recognize that regional meetings play an essential role in the implementation of the Strategic Approach by providing a forum for reviewing progress in regional implementation; providing guidance on implementation to all stakeholders at the regional level; and enabling technical and strategic discussions and information exchange. a.i.a.a.9. Participants will have before them document SAICM/RM/AF.6/2, which sets out the report of the fifth Africa regional meeting on the Strategic Approach, held in Pretoria, South Africa on 22 November 2013. (a) Progress review on implementation of the SAICM Overall Orientation and Guidance within the region a.i.a.a.10. At its fourth session held from 28 September to 2 October 2015, the International Conference requested Strategic Approach stakeholders to report on implementation of the Overall Orientation and Guidance for achieving the 2020 goal of sound management of chemicals at the fifth session of the International Conference in 2020. a.i.a.a.11. The aim of the Overall Orientation and Guidance is to provide direction and identify approaches for all Strategic Approach stakeholders towards facilitating the achievement of the 2020 goal of sound chemicals management, including concrete elements required at the national level to achieve sound chemicals management to support the implementation of the Overarching Policy Strategy. (a.i) Setting the scene: an overview of the region a.i.a.a.12. The Regional Focal Point will provide an overview presentation on progress on Strategic Approach implementation in the region since the fourth session of the International Conference. Participants may wish to discuss and elaborate on the presentation made by the Regional Focal Point. (a.ii) Country experiences, including financial mechanism and QSP experiences a.i.a.a.13. Participants will have before them documents Update on the Quick Start Programme and its trust fund (SAICM/RM/2018/2), and Update on the Special Programme to support institutional strengthening at the national level for implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, the Minamata Convention and the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM/RM/2018/3). a.i.a.a.14. A series of country experiences will be presented under the agenda item. Presentations will be made by government representatives from Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and Lesotho (to be confirmed). A representative of the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions will provide an overview of the Conventions’ contributions to the sound management of chemicals and wastes (SAICM/IP.2/INF.4). a.i.a.a.15. Participants will then be invited to contribute to the discussion and present other experiences as appropriate. (a.iii) Information exchange on emerging policy issues a. Update from the IOMC on progress on emerging policy issues and other issues of concern a.i.a.a.16. A representative of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) will provide an overall update of the progress on emerging policy issues and other issues of concern. Following the update, participants will be invited to contribute to the discussion. SAICM/RM/AFR.6/1/Add.1 b. Discussion on country experiences and impact of emerging policy issue efforts in the region a.i.a.a.17. Several representatives will be invited to present their experiences and the impact of their work on emerging policy issues and other issues of concern, including presentations about highly hazardous pesticides and lead in paint. c. Update on the Strategic Approach GEF projects a.i.a.a.18. The secretariat will provide an update on the project preparation of the Strategic Approach GEF project. The presentation will be followed by a discussion where participants will have an opportunity to reflect on the different elements of the Strategic Approach GEF project, including aspects of Knowledge Management. (a.iv) Status of regional input to the SAICM Report on Progress, 2014-2016 a.i.a.a.19. The fourth session of the International Conference requested the secretariat to develop a third progress report, including achievements, strengths and weaknesses for the period 2014–2016 and an analysis of the 20 indicators of progress for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its third meeting (October 2018). ICCM4 also directed the Open-ended Working Group to consider the need for a report for the period 2017–2019 for consideration by ICCM5. a.i.a.a.20. Participants have before them document “Status of input to the 2014-2016 Strategic Approach report on progress” (SAICM/RM/2018/1)In order to collect the data that would form the basis of the report, an online survey was developed, building on past surveys. Every SAICM focal point received a separate e-mail with a personalized link to participate in the survey on progress. a.i.a.a.21. Limited input has been received from stakeholders to date. Participants are invited to discuss the reporting process in the region for the period 2014-2016 which is open for reporting until 31 March 2018, identify challenges they have faced in completing the survey and confirm that they will fill in the survey by the deadline. a.i.a.a.22. The results of this survey will be used as a basis to develop the progress report for 2014- 2016 to be developed by the secretariat, which will be considered by the Open-ended Working Group at its third meeting. (b) Provision of guidance on implementation (a.i) Implementation of the WHO “Roadmap to enhance health sector engagement in the strategic approach to international chemicals management towards the 2020 goal and beyond” and its implementation a.i.a.a.23. The WHO has developed the Roadmap to enhance health sector engagement in the strategic approach to international chemicals management towards the 2020 goal and beyond in accordance with WHA Resolution 69.4 and approved by the Seventieth World Health Assembly in decision WHA70(23). The Roadmap is presented in document “Road map to enhance health sector engagement in the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management towards the 2020 goal and beyond” (SAICM/IP.2/INF.2). a.i.a.a.24. The WHO will lead a discussion on health sector engagement on the sound management of chemicals and waste to 2020 and beyond. Participants may wish to discuss the participation of health sector in the Strategic Approach and also to consider how other sectors may learn from this approach. (a.ii) Update on the Global Chemicals Outlook II a.i.a.a.25. UN Environment will present the latest developments on the Global Chemicals Outlook II. Participants are invited to comment and discuss the next steps.</p><p>3 SAICM/RM/AFR.6/1/Add.1</p><p>4. Environment Sector Perspectives on the future and identification regional priorities towards and beyond 2020 a.i.a.a.26. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on developments from an environment sector perspective that could present new challenges and opportunities for the sound management of chemicals and waste in moving forward. a.i.a.a.27. A representative of UN Environment will present a thought starter presentation, including an update of relevant UN Environment Assembly 3 mandates and other concepts and initiatives that link to the sound management of chemicals and waste from an environment sector perspective. a.i.a.a.28. Participants may wish to discuss these and other recent developments in other sectors, such as the WHO Chemicals road map, and identify priorities of the region in moving forward. 5. SAICM and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 a.i.a.a.29. The fourth session of the International Conference, through resolution IV/4, initiated an intersessional process to prepare recommendations regarding the Strategic Approach and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020. The second meeting of the intersessional process will take place from 13-15 March 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden. a.i.a.a.30. The overall mandate for considering the Strategic Approach and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 is set out in resolution IV/4 of the International Conference on Chemicals management. The task of the intersessional process is to provide recommendations to the Conference at its fifth session to enable the Conference to take an informed decision on future arrangements for the Strategic Approach and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020. a.i.a.a.31. Participants are expected to prepare for this agenda item by reviewing the materials available for the second meeting of the intersessional process, available at the following link: www.saicm.org/Beyond2020/IntersessionalProcess/SecondIntersessionalmeeting/tabid/6193/language/e n-US/Default.aspx a.i.a.a.32. Furthermore, stakeholder input to the intersessional process is available in document SAICM/IP.2/INF.3. a.i.a.a.33. Discussions under this agenda item will support the region to consider the regional priorities in the beyond 2020 context to prepare for the second intersessional meeting. (a) Overview of the intersessional process</p><p> a.i.a.a.34. The secretariat will provide an update on the intersessional process, in particular the preparations for the second intersessional meeting. a.i.a.a.35. The scenario note (SAICM/IP.2/3), developed by the Bureau of the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management, sets out the proposed plan and general expectations for the second meeting of the intersessional process to consider the Strategic Approach and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020. a.i.a.a.36. Furthermore, the Co-Chairs of the intersessional process have developed document; the ‘Co-Chairs’ Overview Paper’ (SAICM/IP.2/5), to support preparations for the second intersessional meeting. This paper includes the elements brought forward at the first meeting of the intersessional process. a.i.a.a.37. Participants may wish to ask questions to the secretariat to ensure clarify on the intersessional process. (b) Regional input to the independent evaluation for 2006-2015 a.i.a.a.38. The fourth session of the International Conference, through resolution IV/4, mandated the independent evaluation of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management called for by the International Conference on Chemicals Management in its resolution IV/4. The aim of the evaluation is to provide information to enable the intersessional process to develop recommendations SAICM/RM/AFR.6/1/Add.1 and to enable the International Conference at its fifth session to take an informed decision on future arrangements for the Strategic Approach and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020. a.i.a.a.39. Presenters will have available to them document Results of the focus group discussions held with National Focal Points (NFPs) from Africa, LAC, CEE and AP regions in Brasilia, February 2017 (SAICM/RM/AF.6/3). The document provides the results of the focus group discussions held with National Focal Points (NFPs) from Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and Central and Eastern Europe in Brasilia, February 2017. a.i.a.a.40. The independent evaluator will present the draft results of the evaluation, focusing on the results from the region. a.i.a.a.41. Participants may wish to take note of the information and to provide input to the independent evaluator to inform further the evaluation. (c) Updates from the co-chairs on the second meeting of the intersessional process </p><p> a.i.a.a.42. The intersessional process is co-chaired by Ms. Leticia Reis de Carvalho (Brazil) and Mr. David Morin (Canada). a.i.a.a.43. The Co-Chairs have developed document; the ‘Co-Chairs’ Overview Paper’ (SAICM/IP.2/5), to support preparations for the second intersessional meeting. The paper includes the elements brought forward at the first meeting of the intersessional process. a.i.a.a.44. The co-chair from Brazil will be present at the meeting and will provide the co-chairs’ expectations for the second meeting, to listen to views of the region and to respond to any questions of the region. (d) Dialogue on regional perspectives a.i.a.a.45. Participants should be prepared to discuss the questions set out in the scenario note for the intersessional process (SAICM/IP.2/3). (a.i) Vision, policy principles, objectives and milestones a.i.a.a.46. To support this discussion, participants have the following documents available the IOMC plans for future actions to implement the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda (SAICM/IP.2/7) and a proposal on objectives in support of the 2030 Agenda and related milestones (SAICM/IP.2/8). a.i.a.a.47. Participants may wish to reflect upon what will be addressed beyond 2020, including the need for a statement of the overall vision, policy principles and a list of objectives with related milestones and possible targets. a.i.a.a.48. Participants will work in small discussion groups to reflect on the overall vision, policy principles, objectives and milestones. (a.ii) Implementation arrangements and governance a.i.a.a.49. Participants have a number of papers available to them to support discussions on implementation arrangements and governance, including: Gender and the sound management of chemicals and waste (SAICM/IP.2/6); Financing the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 (SAICM/IP.2/9), and Review of existing governance models of potential relevance to the sound management of chemicals and waste, including science-policy interfaces (SAICM/IP.2/10). a.i.a.a.50. Once the objectives are drafted and the independent evaluation is available, it will be possible to reflect on and consider the desired form of the future governance and implementation arrangements in greater detail. Meanwhile, stakeholders have expressed the view that, functionally, the design for an approach beyond 2020 should promote broader participation in general and encourage wider sectoral participation at all levels (national, regional and global) as an essential means of promoting impact, effectiveness, accountability, involvement and commitment. a.i.a.a.51. Participants may wish to discuss and reflect on how to identify key stakeholders in moving forward and the related implementation and governance arrangements to confront issues in moving forward. a.i.a.a.52. Participants may wish to identify other key areas for discussion under this agenda item and initiate discussions in these areas. 5 SAICM/RM/AFR.6/1/Add.1 (a.iii) Communication and engagement, securing high-level political commitment and visibility a.i.a.a.53. It has been highlighted that political commitment is an essential element of the process to ensure on-going and enhanced awareness and support, at the highest levels, to achieve the future vision beyond 2020. It should promote policy coherence at all levels and be linked to the vision and policy principles. a.i.a.a.54. Participants may wish to discuss key messages for beyond 2020 and to consider strategies and approaches for enhancing communication and engagement in moving forward. (e) Nomination of regional representatives at the second intersessional meeting a.i.a.a.55. Participants may wish to discuss the nominations for regional representatives at the second intersessional meeting to be held 13-15 March 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden. 6. Moving forward: review of regional outreach, coordination and sub regional initiatives (a) Identification of priority needs in the region to achieve by 2020 a.i.a.a.56. Participants may wish to reflect on discussions over the course of the meeting and identify core priority actions to achieve by 2020 in the regional context. (b) Promoting stakeholder engagement a.i.a.a.57. Participants may wish to reflect on discussions over the course of the meeting and identify strategies to promote stakeholder engagement. (c) Review of regional outreach, coordination and sub regional initiatives a.i.a.a.58. By its resolution II/2, the Conference encouraged Regional Focal Points to continue to play a facilitative role within the regions and requested them to report to the Conference on the outcomes of regional meetings and other regional activities during the intersessional period. a.i.a.a.59. Participants may wish to discuss a future role for the Africa Core Group and other future approaches for regional outreach and coordination to facilitate Strategic Approach implementation. 7. Preparations for the third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group a.i.a.a.60. At its fourth session, the Conference confirmed the third Open-ended Working Group, in accordance with resolution II/6, to prepare for the fifth session of the Conference in 2020 and requested the secretariat to organize the third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group. a.i.a.a.61. Participants will have before them document SAICM/IP.2/INF/1, the timetable for the intersessional process highlighting information of the confirmed and provisional dates for upcoming Strategic Approach meetings. The third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group is tentatively scheduled for February 2019. a.i.a.a.62. The secretariat will provide a brief update on the preparations for the third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group. The secretariat is inviting all stakeholders in a position to do so to make financial contributions early in support of this meeting. The secretariat also invites any interested offers to host the third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group. a.i.a.a.63. Participants may wish to reflect on the third meeting of the Open-ended Work Group and provide guidance to the secretariat on the planning and desired outcomes. 8. Other matters a.i.a.a.64. Participants may wish to discuss any other matters. 9. Closure of the meeting a.i.a.a.65. Participants will be asked to evaluate the meeting and provide input to the secretariat via an electronic survey tool. a.i.a.a.66. Closing remarks will be delivered by President of the fifth session of the International Conference and the Strategic Approach Regional Focal Point for Africa. a.i.a.a.67. It is expected that the meeting will be closed by 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, 8 February 2018. SAICM/RM/AFR.6/1/Add.1</p><p>______</p><p>7</p>

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