<p>EARTHQUAKES MONTHLY - DECEMBER 2012 WORLD</p><p>Worldwide, December 2012 had 132 5.0+ magnitude earthquakes, and of those eleven registered at 6.0+ in magnitude, and two at 7.0+.</p><p>This is the first decrease in activity that we have seen following the increases over the previous six months. </p><p>December 7th was the most active day of the month with sixteen 5.0+ magnitude earthquakes occurring, with two of those being 6.0+ in magnitude, and one of those being 7.3.</p><p>That 7.3 magnitude on December 7th also happened to be the strongest earthquake of the month. It occurred off the east coast of Honshu, Japan.</p><p>M 7.3 - OFF EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 2012-12-07 08:18:24 UTC</p><p>Magnitude Mw 7.3 Region OFF EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN Date time 2012-12-07 08:18:24.0 UTC Location 37.97 N ; 143.91 E Depth 40 km Distances 266 km E Sendai (pop 1,037,562 ; local time 17:18:24.8 2012-12- 07) 235 km E Ishinomaki (pop 117,233 ; local time 17:18:24.8 2012- 12-07) 224 km SE Kesennuma (pop 59,116 ; local time 17:18:24.8 2012- 12-07)</p><p>Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist</p><p>More information at:Tsunami information at:</p><p>USGS/NEIC Denver, USA Japan Meteorological Agency Tokyo, Japan Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre Hawai, USA http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=29623 </p><p>Data from station TATO (Taipei, Taiwan)</p><p> last updated at Fri 12/07/12 01:48 MST (Fri 12/07/12 08:48 UTC)</p><p>This page is URL: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/data/Seismic_Data/telemetry_data/TA TO_24hr.html </p><p>Worldwide 6.0+ Earthquakes December 2012: Citize n Latitu Longit Regio Respo Date & de ude Depth Mag n Last update nse Time degree degree km [+] name [-] UTC s s [+]</p><p>1 2012-12-21 2012-12- 14.36 S 167.29 E 208 Mw 6.7 VANUATU 22:28:09.0 22 17:48</p><p>2012-12-17 SULAWESI, 2012-12- 0.64 S 123.93 E 20 Mw 6.1 09:16:28.0 INDONESIA 17 13:19</p><p>2012-12-15 NEW BRITAIN 2012-12- 4.67 S 152.99 E 52 mb 6.1 19:30:03.0 REGION, P.N.G. 15 19:51 NEAR ISLANDS, 2012-12-15 2012-12- 52.27 N 174.06 E 24 Mw 6.0 ALEUTIAN 04:49:29.0 15 19:19 ISLANDS</p><p>2012-12-14 OFF W. COAST OF 2012-12- 2 F 31.19 N 119.60 W 10 Mw 6.4 10:36:01.0 BAJA CALIFORNIA 14 11:47</p><p>2012-12-11 2012-12- 0.61 N 126.29 E 30 mb 6.0 MOLUCCA SEA 06:18:27.0 11 07:49</p><p>2012-12-10 2012-12- 9 V 6.58 S 129.85 E 162 Mw 7.1 BANDA SEA 16:53:10.0 10 17:28</p><p>2012-12-07 NORTH ISLAND OF 2012-12- 3 F 38.65 S 175.94 E 189 Mw 6.3 18:19:09.0 NEW ZEALAND 07 20:38 OFF EAST COAST 2012-12-07 2012-12- F 37.95 N 143.75 E 30 Mw 6.2 OF HONSHU, 08:31:14.0 07 09:26 JAPAN OFF EAST COAST 2012-12-07 2012-12- 3 V 37.92 N 144.02 E 30 Mw 7.3 OF HONSHU, 08:18:23.0 07 09:27 JAPAN Citize n Latitu Longit Regio Respo Date & de ude Depth Mag n Last update nse Time degree degree km [+] name [-] UTC s s [+]</p><p>1</p><p>2012-12-02 2012-12- 16.96 S 167.66 E 29 Mw 6.4 VANUATU 00:54:22.0 02 01:15 http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/?filter=yes</p><p>Here are the updated numbers: *(indicates totals from Oct-Dec 2004)</p><p>Month Days 5.0^ EQPD 6.0^ 7.0^ DEC 2012 31 132 4.25 11 2 NOV 2012 30 158 5.26 12 1 OCT 2012 31 152 4.9 12 1 SEP 2012 30 146 4.86 9 2 AUG 2012 31 140 4.51 13 3 JUL 2012 31 126 4.06 8 0 JUN 2012 30 120 4 10 0 MAY 2012 31 115 3.7 11 0 APR 2012 30 187 6.23 19 3 MAR 2012 31 143 4.61 13 2 FEB 2012 29 182 6.28 10 1 JAN 2012 31 173 5.58 10 2</p><p>2012 Total 366 1774 4.84 138 17</p><p>DEC 2011 31 125 4.03 8 1 NOV 2011 30 147 4.9 11 0 OCT 2011 31 134 4.32 12 2 SEP 2011 30 134 4.46 17 2 AUG 2011 31 164 5.29 14 3 JUL 2011 31 205 6.61 20 2 JUN 2011 30 172 5.73 12 1 MAY 2011 31 179 5.77 7 0 APR 2011 30 195 6.5 19 1 MAR 2011 31 577 18.61 61 4 FEB 2011 28 135 4.82 16 0 JAN 2011 31 189 6.09 15 3 2011 Total 365 2356 6.45 212 19</p><p>2012 Total 366 1774 4.84 138 17 2011 Total 365 2356 6.48 212 19 2010 Total 365 2082 5.7 174 23 2009 Total 365 1758 4.81 153 16 2008 Total 366 1639 4.47 168 13 2007 Total 365 1950 5.34 172 18 2006 Total 365 1813 4.96 126 11 2005 Total 365 2017 5.52 122 11 2004* 92 519 5.64 45 9</p><p>TOTAL 3014 15908 5.27 1310 137</p><p>CENTRAL UNITED STATES</p><p>In the Central United States Region, December 2012 had 60 recorded Earthquakes, of which three were of 3.0+ in magnitude.</p><p>With a EQPD rate of 1.93, December 2012 ranks as the fourth most active month of 2012, with only June (2.53), January (2.19), and July (1.96) as being more active for earthquake activity in this region.</p><p>The most active day of the month was December 8th, with six recorded earthquakes measuring between 1.1-2.8 in magnitude.</p><p>The strongest earthquake of the month was a 3.9 in magnitude that occurred 29km (18 miles) WSW of Cokedale, Colorado on December 4th.</p><p>Recent Earthquakes in Central US == PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center Version #7: This report supersedes any earlier reports of this event. This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.</p><p>A minor earthquake occurred at 9:15:26 AM (CST) on Tuesday, December 4, 2012 . The magnitude 3.9 event occurred 29 km (18 miles) WSW of Cokedale, CO . The hypocentral depth is 6 km ( 4 miles). </p><p>Magnitude 3.9 - local magnitude (Ml) Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 9:15:26 AM (CST) Time Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 15:15:26 (UTC) Distance from Cokedale, CO - 29 km (18 miles) WSW (244 degrees) Starkville, CO - 36 km (23 miles) WSW (255 degrees) Trinidad, CO - 40 km (25 miles) WSW (247 degrees) Pueblo, CO - 139 km (86 miles) S (191 degrees) Coordinates 37 deg. 1.7 min. N (37.028N), 104 deg. 55.1 min. W (104.918W) Depth 5.7 km (3.5 miles) Quality Poor Location Quality Nst= 89, Nph= 89, Dmin=46.8 km, Rmss=0.66 sec, Erho=2.8 km, Parameters Erzz=13 km, Gp=21.6 degrees Event ID# us2012itaj http://folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu/recenteqs/Quakes/us2012itaj.html December 2012 Earthquakes in Central US (60) Earthquakes recorded for December 2012. Times are local (CST or CDT). The most recent earthquakes are at the top of the list. Magnitude 3 and greater earthquakes are printed in bold type. The top three magnitudes greater than or equal to 3 are in red. MAG DATE LOCAL-TIME LAT LON DEPTH LOCATION y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km map 1.3 2012/12/31 11:14:26 35.958N 89.920W 0.1 3 km ( 2 mi) N of Blytheville, AR map 2.1 2012/12/31 08:53:54 35.504N 92.448W 3.9 16 km (10 mi) NNW of Damascus, AR map 1.1 2012/12/31 03:44:20 36.466N 89.496W 5.9 10 km ( 6 mi) NNW of Tiptonville, TN map 2.1 2012/12/30 00:44:16 35.494N 92.397W 0.1 14 km ( 9 mi) N of Damascus, AR map 1.0 2012/12/29 07:36:19 36.181N 89.441W 8.2 10 km ( 6 mi) SSE of Ridgely, TN map 1.3 2012/12/27 21:10:13 36.173N 89.435W 8.4 11 km ( 7 mi) SSE of Ridgely, TN map 2.2 2012/12/27 15:43:16 35.449N 92.313W 1.5 11 km ( 7 mi) NW of Quitman, AR map 1.8 2012/12/27 02:32:47 35.483N 92.412W 1.3 13 km ( 8 mi) N of Damascus, AR map 1.6 2012/12/26 21:51:40 36.555N 89.614W 5.7 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 1.5 2012/12/26 09:27:19 36.553N 89.611W 7.1 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 1.3 2012/12/26 01:35:56 36.553N 89.611W 6.3 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 1.2 2012/12/25 22:10:55 36.556N 89.610W 5.4 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 2.7 2012/12/25 10:46:09 36.999N 104.856W 5.0 26 km (16 mi) SW of Cokedale, CO map 1.0 2012/12/24 23:27:23 36.444N 89.532W 8.6 9 km ( 6 mi) NW of Tiptonville, TN map 1.8 2012/12/24 18:00:23 36.190N 89.452W 9.5 9 km ( 5 mi) SSE of Ridgely, TN map 1.4 2012/12/24 16:47:25 36.189N 89.457W 9.2 9 km ( 5 mi) SSE of Ridgely, TN map 1.5 2012/12/24 16:47:11 36.190N 89.457W 9.2 9 km ( 5 mi) SSE of Ridgely, TN map 1.4 2012/12/23 22:01:55 36.533N 89.641W 7.1 12 km ( 7 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 1.4 2012/12/23 08:21:33 34.889N 85.194W 11.5 8 km ( 5 mi) SSW of Indian Springs, GA map 0.4 2012/12/22 19:12:30 35.495N 84.534W 11.4 2 km ( 1 mi) SSE of Niota, TN map 1.9 2012/12/22 17:45:26 35.914N 91.936W 3.8 1 km ( 1 mi) SSE of Guion, AR map 2.6 2012/12/22 11:55:12 31.881N 94.394W 5.0 4 km ( 2 mi) SSW of Timpson, TX map 2.0 2012/12/21 22:54:47 35.462N 92.286W 4.0 11 km ( 7 mi) NW of Quitman, AR map 1.5 2012/12/18 18:31:14 36.512N 89.571W 8.2 9 km ( 6 mi) SSW of New Madrid, MO map 1.5 2012/12/17 09:50:20 35.733N 84.694W 19.2 15 km ( 9 mi) S of Rockwood, TN map 2.8 2012/12/16 10:46:07 36.110N 96.856W 5.0 14 km ( 9 mi) W of Yale, OK map 2.8 2012/12/15 13:51:06 35.299N 100.066W 5.0 22 km (13 mi) NE of Shamrock, TX map 1.4 2012/12/14 13:48:43 36.549N 89.630W 6.4 10 km ( 6 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 1.6 2012/12/13 22:13:11 33.498N 86.652W 10.7 7 km ( 4 mi) SE of Irondale, AL map 1.7 2012/12/13 14:56:01 33.297N 87.292W 0.1 5 km ( 3 mi) NNE of Brookwood, AL MAP 3.3 2012/12/13 13:05:52 36.952N 104.783W 8.3 26 km (16 mi) SW of Cokedale, CO map 2.5 2012/12/12 20:10:23 32.548N 97.276W 13.1 5 km ( 3 mi) SW of Rendon, TX map 1.2 2012/12/12 09:23:28 36.554N 89.614W 5.9 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 2.8 2012/12/12 08:48:28 37.091N 104.948W 5.0 30 km (18 mi) WSW of Cokedale, CO map 1.7 2012/12/12 02:45:50 35.444N 92.238W 4.4 7 km ( 4 mi) NNW of Quitman, AR MAP 3.0 2012/12/11 21:30:21 35.539N 96.286W 14.6 23 km (14 mi) NNE of Bearden, OK map 1.5 2012/12/11 20:25:57 36.550N 89.618W 5.7 9 km ( 6 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 1.7 2012/12/11 17:41:43 35.951N 91.945W 3.1 3 km ( 2 mi) N of Guion, AR map 1.3 2012/12/11 17:31:52 36.550N 89.618W 5.1 9 km ( 6 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 1.7 2012/12/09 21:54:40 43.439N 74.015W 4.3 20 km (13 mi) WSW of Warrensburg, NY</p><p> map 1.1 2012/12/08 18:44:42 36.305N 89.529W 8.4 6 km ( 4 mi) NW of Ridgely, TN map 1.2 2012/12/08 18:44:24 36.387N 89.510W 9.7 4 km ( 2 mi) WNW of Tiptonville, TN map 2.4 2012/12/08 06:29:37 36.165N 91.544W 14.1 8 km ( 5 mi) SE of Ash Flat, AR map 2.6 2012/12/08 03:05:12 35.386N 96.492W 5.0 7 km ( 4 mi) NW of Bearden, OK map 1.5 2012/12/08 01:18:50 36.657N 89.540W 8.1 8 km ( 5 mi) N of New Madrid, MO map 2.8 2012/12/08 00:16:49 32.952N 100.829W 5.0 37 km (23 mi) WNW of Rotan, TX map 2.0 2012/12/07 23:06:40 34.819N 82.927W 7.7 8 km ( 5 mi) SE of Salem, SC map 2.8 2012/12/07 13:38:38 31.871N 94.396W 5.0 5 km ( 3 mi) SW of Timpson, TX map 2.1 2012/12/07 00:15:19 36.360N 91.212W 7.8 15 km ( 9 mi) NNE of Ravenden, AR map 1.6 2012/12/06 19:16:17 36.319N 89.528W 8.9 7 km ( 4 mi) NNW of Ridgely, TN map 1.9 2012/12/06 05:16:03 35.462N 92.290W 0.1 11 km ( 7 mi) NW of Quitman, AR map 1.6 2012/12/06 04:18:52 35.448N 92.307W 2.9 11 km ( 7 mi) NW of Quitman, AR map 2.1 2012/12/05 21:20:58 36.310N 89.504W 6.4 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Ridgely, TN map 2.5 2012/12/05 17:02:57 35.702N 84.157W 20.4 5 km ( 3 mi) NNE of Greenback, TN MAP 3.5 2012/12/04 09:15:26 37.033N 104.938W 5.0 29 km (18 mi) WSW of Cokedale, CO map 1.5 2012/12/03 22:17:36 36.535N 89.637W 8.4 11 km ( 7 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO map 2.5 2012/12/03 17:45:23 35.454N 96.529W 5.0 17 km (11 mi) NW of Bearden, OK map 2.5 2012/12/03 10:26:57 35.499N 97.341W 5.0 7 km ( 5 mi) NE of Midwest City, OK map 1.7 2012/12/02 12:05:32 36.285N 83.543W 11.3 3 km ( 2 mi) W of Rutledge, TN map 1.4 2012/12/02 04:26:32 34.599N 85.357W 9.1 8 km ( 5 mi) NW of Trion, GA http://folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu/recenteqs/Quakes/quakes0.html Here are the updated numbers:</p><p>MONTH DAYS EQ EQPD 3.0^ 4.0^ DEC 2012 31 60 1.93 3 0 NOV 2012 30 46 1.53 5 1 OCT 2012 31 50 1.61 6 0 SEP 2012 30 50 1.67 8 0 AUG 2012 31 54 1.74 6 0 JUL 2012 31 61 1.96 2 0 JUN 2012 30 76 2.53 7 0 MAY 2012 31 50 1.61 6 1 APR 2012 30 48 1.6 7 1 MAR 2012 31 46 1.48 4 0 FEB 2012 29 36 1.24 4 0 JAN 2012 31 68 2.19 6 0</p><p>2012 Total 366 645 1.76 64 3</p><p>DEC 2011 31 83 2.67 9 1 NOV 2011 30 115 3.83 39 4 OCT 2011 31 112 3.61 6 1 SEP 2011 30 70 2.33 10 3</p><p>09/11-12/11 122 380 3.11 64 9</p><p>2012 Total 366 645 1.76 64 3 09/11-12/11 122 380 3.11 64 9</p><p>TOTAL 488 1025 2.1 125 12 NEW MADRID REGION There were twenty four recorded earthquakes in the New Madrid region for December 2012. December 24th was the most active day of the month with four recorded earthquakes ranging between 1.0-1.8 in magnitude. The strongest earthquake of the month was a 2.1 in magnitude that occurred 5km (3 miles) NNW of Ridgely, Tennessee on December 5th.</p><p>== PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE REPORT == Cooperative New Madrid Seismic Network</p><p>Version #A: This report supersedes any earlier reports of this event. This event has been reviewed by a seismologist. A micro earthquake occurred at 9:20:58 PM (CST) on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 . The magnitude 2.1 event occurred 5 km (3 miles) NNW of Ridgely, TN . The hypocentral depth is 6 km ( 4 miles). Magnitude 2.1 - duration magnitude (Md) </p><p>Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 9:20:58 PM (CST) Time Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 3:20:58 (UTC) </p><p>Ridgely, TN - 5 km (3 miles) NNW (344 degrees) Tiptonville, TN - 8 km (5 miles) SSW (201 degrees) Distance from Samburg, TN - 15 km (10 miles) WSW (240 degrees) Jackson, TN - 99 km (62 miles) NW (321 degrees)</p><p>Coordinates 36 deg. 18.6 min. N (36.310N), 89 deg. 30.3 min. W ( 89.504W) </p><p>Depth 6.4 km (4.0 miles) </p><p>Quality Excellent </p><p>Location Quality Nst= 22, Nph= 35, Dmin=4 km, Rmss=0.06 sec, Erho=0.4 km, Erzz=1.2 km, Parameters Gp=39.6 degrees </p><p>Event ID# nm120612a http://folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu/recenteqs/Quakes/nm120612a.html</p><p>December 2012 EQ's in New Madrid Region (24) MAG DATE LOCAL-TIME LAT LON DEPTH LOCATION y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km 1.3 2012/12/31 11:14:26 35.958N 89.920W 0.1 3 km ( 2 mi) N of Blytheville, AR 1.1 2012/12/31 03:44:20 36.466N 89.496W 5.9 10 km ( 6 mi) NNW of Tiptonville, TN 1.0 2012/12/29 07:36:19 36.181N 89.441W 8.2 10 km ( 6 mi) SSE of Ridgely, TN 1.3 2012/12/27 21:10:13 36.173N 89.435W 8.4 11 km ( 7 mi) SSE of Ridgely, TN 1.6 2012/12/26 21:51:40 36.555N 89.614W 5.7 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO 1.5 2012/12/26 09:27:19 36.553N 89.611W 7.1 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO 1.3 2012/12/26 01:35:56 36.553N 89.611W 6.3 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO 1.2 2012/12/25 22:10:55 36.556N 89.610W 5.4 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO 1.0 2012/12/24 23:27:23 36.444N 89.532W 8.6 9 km ( 6 mi) NW of Tiptonville, TN 1.8 2012/12/24 18:00:23 36.190N 89.452W 9.5 9 km ( 5 mi) SSE of Ridgely, TN 1.4 2012/12/24 16:47:25 36.189N 89.457W 9.2 9 km ( 5 mi) SSE of Ridgely, TN 1.5 2012/12/24 16:47:11 36.190N 89.457W 9.2 9 km ( 5 mi) SSE of Ridgely, TN 1.4 2012/12/23 22:01:55 36.533N 89.641W 7.1 12 km ( 7 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO 1.5 2012/12/18 18:31:14 36.512N 89.571W 8.2 9 km ( 6 mi) SSW of New Madrid, MO 1.4 2012/12/14 13:48:43 36.549N 89.630W 6.4 10 km ( 6 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO 1.2 2012/12/12 09:23:28 36.554N 89.614W 5.9 8 km ( 5 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO 1.5 2012/12/11 20:25:57 36.550N 89.618W 5.7 9 km ( 6 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO 1.3 2012/12/11 17:31:52 36.550N 89.618W 5.1 9 km ( 6 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO 1.1 2012/12/08 18:44:42 36.305N 89.529W 8.4 6 km ( 4 mi) NW of Ridgely, TN 1.2 2012/12/08 18:44:24 36.387N 89.510W 9.7 4 km ( 2 mi) WNW of Tiptonville, TN 1.5 2012/12/08 01:18:50 36.657N 89.540W 8.1 8 km ( 5 mi) N of New Madrid, MO 1.6 2012/12/06 19:16:17 36.319N 89.528W 8.9 7 km ( 4 mi) NNW of Ridgely, TN 2.1 2012/12/05 21:20:58 36.310N 89.504W 6.4 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of Ridgely, TN 1.5 2012/12/03 22:17:36 36.535N 89.637W 8.4 11 km ( 7 mi) WSW of New Madrid, MO http://folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu/recenteqs/Maps/90-36_full.html</p><p>Here are the updated numbers:</p><p>MONTH DAYS EQ EQPD DEC 2012 31 24 0.77 NOV 2012 30 20 0.66 OCT 2012 31 18 0.58 SEP 2012 30 22 0.73 AUG 2012 31 18 0.58 JUL 2012 31 21 0.67 JUN 2012 30 31 1.03 MAY 2012 31 15 0.48 APR 2012 30 15 0.5 MAR 2012 31 11 0.35 FEB 2012 29 11 0.37 JAN 2012 31 18 0.58</p><p>2012 Total 366 224 0.61</p><p>Despite all the talk about the uptick in earthquake activity, and speculation that 2012 would be very active due to the December 21st 2012 Mayan Calendar end date, 2012 actually turned out to be a below average year for 5.0+ magnitude earthquakes with a total of 1774 earthquakes for an EQPD rate of 4.84.During the study period (October 2004-present) the average EQPD rate is 5.27. 2012 had 582 fewer 5.0+ magnitude earthquakes than 2011, 74 fewer 6.0+ earthquakes, and two fewer 7.0+.</p><p>This concludes the report for December 2012.</p><p>I hope that you found this report to be interesting and look for the next Earthquakes Monthly-January 2013 coming soon. Be sure to check out all the interesting links and resources that Real Weather has to offer. Thanks for the visit. nvizabillat</p>
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