17402 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 1, 1971 a program of recreational development, re­ H.R. 8815. A bill to amend the Child Nutri­ By Mr. SA'ITERFIELD: forestation and conservation management, tion Act of 1966 to make the school break­ H.J. Res. 671. Joint resolution proposing and for other purpo,ses; to the Committee on fast program permanent, and for other pur­ an amendment to the Constitution of the Education and Labor. poses; to the Committee on Education and United States relative to equal rights for men By Mr. PETTIS: Labor. and women; to the Committee on the Judici­ H.R. 8807. A bill to amend the Railroad By Mr. SAYLOR (for himself, Mr. ary. Unemployment Insurance Act to provide that HOSMER, Mr. SKUBITZ, Mr. McCLURE, By Mr. SEIBERLING (for himself, Mr. the receipt of military retirement pay shall Mr. DON H. CLAUSEN, Mr. LLOYD, Mr. HALPERN, Mr. BEGICH, Mr. GUDE, Mr. not cause benefits under that act to be DELLENBACK, Mr. SEBELIUS, Mr. MC­ FORSYTHE, Mr. WILLIAM D. FORD, diminished; to the Committee on Interstate KEVITT, and Mr. C6RnovA): Mrs. GRASSO, Mr. MIKVA, and Mr. and Foreign Commerce. H .R . 8816. A bill to provide for the estab­ ANDERSON of Illinois) : By Mr. QUll.aLEN: lishment of the Gateway National Recreation H.J. Res. 672. Joint resolution &.uthorizing H.R. 8808. A bill to equalize civil service Area in the States of New York and New the President to call an international con­ retirement annuities and for other pur­ Jersey, and for other purposes; to the Com­ ference to study the problems with respect poses; to the Committee on Post Office and mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. to the development and use of supersonic Civil Service. By Mr. SIKES: aircraft; to the Committee on Interstate and H.R. 8809. A bill to amend section 8338, H.R. 8817. A bill to further cooperative Foreign Commerce. title 5, United States Code, to correct in­ forestry programs administered by the Sec­ By Mr. WHITEHURST: equities applicable to those employees or retary of Agriculture and for other purpo_ses; H.J. Res. 673. Joint resolution to proclaim members separated from service with title to to the Committee on Agriculture. the last Friday in April as Arbor Day; to the deferred annuities, and for other purposes; By Mr. THOMPSON of Georgia: Committee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on Post Office and Civil H.R. 8818. A bill to amend the National Service. Labor Relations Act to make certain second­ By Mr. REID of New York: ary boycotts, regardless of motive, an unfair MEMORIALS H.R. 8810. A bill to amend title 10 of the labor practice, and for other purposes; to the United States Code to prohibit the discharge Committee on Education and Labor. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memorials or release from active duty '.from the Armed H.R. 8819. A bill to amend section 44:91 were presented and referred as follows: Forces of persons who are addicted to nar­ of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to 200. By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the cotics or dangerous drugs; to the Committee provide that the weight portion of the excise Senate of the Commonwealth of Massachu­ on Armed Services. tax on the use of civil aircraft shall apply setts, relative to the persecution of Soviet H.R. 8811. A bill to expand eligibility for to piston-engined aircraft only if they have Jews; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the treatment of addiction to narcotics by a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 201. Also, memorial of the Legislature of the Veterans' Administration; to the Com­ more than 4,000 pounds; to the Committee the State of Oklahoma, relative to the devel­ mittee on Veterans' Affairs. on Ways and Means. opment of Oklahoma's water resources; to H.R. 8812. A bill to amend title II of the By Mr. THOMPSON of New Jersey: the Committee on Interior and Insular Social Security Act to provide for purposes H .R. 8820. A bill for the relief of Soviet Affairs. of the provisions thereof relating to deduc­ Jews; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 202. Also, memorial of the Legislature of tions from benefits on account of excesG By Mr. WATTS: the State of Alabama, relative to the post­ earnings, there be disregarded, in certain H.R. 8821. A bill relating to the treatment humous restoration of Robert E. Lee's citi­ cases, income derived from the sale of cer­ of certain stock options for purposes of the zenship; to the Committee on the Judiciary. tain copyrights, literary, musical, or artistic 50-percent maximum tax on earned income; compositions, letters or memorandums, or to the Committee on Ways and Means. similar property; to the Committee on Ways By Mr. ANDREWS of Alabama: PRIVATE BILLS and Means. H.R. 8825. A bill making appropriations for the legislative branch for the fiscal year Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H.R. 8813. A bill to amend title II of the ending June 30, 1972, and for other purposes. bills and resolutions were introduced and Social Security Act so as to remove the limi­ By Mr. BINGHAM: tation upon the amount of outside income referred severally as follows: H.J. Res. 669. Joint resolution to limit the By Mr. ADDABBO: which an individual may earn while re­ authority of the President of the United H.R. 8822. A bill for the relief of Ester Dina ceiving benefits thereunder; to the Com­ States to intervene abroad or to make war mittee on Ways and Means. Bursztyn; to the Committee on the Judiciary. in the absence of a congressional declaration By Mr. BROTZMAN: By Mr. RODINO (for himself, Mr. of war; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. H.R. 8823. A bill for the relief of Stanis­ RYAN, Mr. EILBERG, Mr. FLOWERS and By Mr. PEPPER: lav M. Voukovitch; to the Committee on the Mr. SEIBERLING) : H.J. Res. 670. Joint resolution authorizing Judiciary. H.R. 8814. A bill to make additional immi­ the President of the United States to issue a By Mr. MATSUNAGA: grant visas availaible for immigrants from proclamation designating the week begin­ H.R. 8824. A bill for the relief of Jesus certain foreign countries, and for other pur­ ning October 10, 1971, as "National Records Tagle Kangleon and his wife, Solita Alconcel poses; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Management Week"; to the Committee on Kangleon; to the Committee on the Judi­ By Mr.RYAN: the Judiciary. ciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS REASON ON HIS SIDE There being no objection, the editorial cant source of the ore in the entire world is was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, the Soviet Union. Since the U.S. invoked as follows: sanctions against Rhodesia, the Soviets have HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. taken advantage of their monopoly position OF VIRGINIA [From the Richmond News Leader, to raise their price of chrome to more than April 5, 1971] IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES twice their competitive, pre-sanction price. REASON ON Hrs SIDE Consequently, money that used to go to Tuesday, June 1, 1971 Virginia's senior Senator, Harry F. Byrd, companies in Rhodesia for $35 a ton, now is Mr. BYRD of Virginia. Mr. President, Jr., has a talent for zeroing in on a double being channeled to the Soviets at $75 a ton. the April 5 edition of the Richmond News standard with the precision of an expert The situation is ridiculous, and Senator Leader included an excellent editorial on bombardier. He believes that this nation's Byrd knows it. So a week ago he introduced policy on trade with Rhodesia is one of the a bihl ·to allow the importation of chrome ore the subject of the prohibition against im­ most yawning double standards languishing from Rhodesia (a similar biU sponsored by portation of chrome ore from Rhodesia. around Washington today, and in recent 25 Congressmen has been introduced in the Chrome ore is a material vital to na­ weeks he has been firing away at it. He has House). Under the Senator's proposal, the tional defense, and the United States reason on his side. President could not prohibit imports of a presently receives most of its supply from Sena.tor Byrd hopes that the Nixon Ad­ strategic material from a Free-World coun­ the Soviet Union. I have introduced ministration will drop all of the anti­ try, if the same material is allowed into the legislation which would end the present Rho<iesia economic sanctions that went into U.S. from a Communist naition. Ohrome ore ban on importing chrome from Rhodesia, effect January 5, 1967. But he realizes that is a straitegic material. It is a necessary com­ the lifting of those sanctions is unlikely. So ponent of stainless steel, and it is critical in The editorial supports their position. his particular complaint is that the United the manufacture of engines for missiles and I ask unanimous consent that the edi­ · States depends on the Soviet for chrome jets. torial, "Reason on His Side," be printed ore. Rhodesia is the major Free World pro­ Under present American policy, the United in the Extensions of Remarks. ducer of chrome ore; the only other signifi- Staites is dependent on the Soviets for June 1, 1971 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 17403 chrome: Last year alone, the Soviets coined ministration is responding to the real to strive to get another-and to my mind a cool $28 million from American purchases. needs of this Nation or to its own short­ more accurate-vieWPoint to the Presi­ E ven so, American industry is suffering a term political ends.
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