THE: BLACKBU JULY 1961 Here's a �eally worth while concelslon which allow. double tu relief for husband and wife. Annual Interest up to £15 in the Ordinary Department of the Trustee Savings Bank is FREE OF INCOME TAX - both husband and wife are entitled to this relief-£30 in all. � � /tt;tk � tk. TRUSTEE SAVINGS BANK Head Office: LORD STREET WEST, BLACKBURN Local Branches: 50 HIGHER EANAM - 71 BANK TOP GRANVILLE ROAD IT'S A NEW IF BICYCLE YOU WANT consult ANELAYS The Cycle Specialists Accredited dealers for:- RALEIGH . B.S.A. DA WES RUDGE . SUNBEAM . PHILLIPS HERCULES Over 200 Cycles to choose from and any Model available on H.P. term. SUDELL ROSS and C 88 I{JNG STREET BLACKBURN Tel. 49247/8 41 BLACKBURN ROAD, ACCRINGTON And at LANCASTER 00000000000000000000000000000 CATON & DUCKWORTH LIMITED CONTRACTORS • • JOINERY BRICKWORK MASONRY SLATING CONCRETING OUR WORKS ARE FULLY EQUIPPED TO HANDLE ALL KINDS OF BUILDING. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SUBMIT PRICES FOR BUILDING OR ARCHITECTURAL WORK ON RECEIPT OF DRAWINGS REPAIRS IN ANY BRANCH OF THE TRADE. Telephone 6289 Blad:burn 00000000000000000000000000000 Established 1878 Telephone 6537 CHARLES KNOWLES (PENS) LTD. Commercial Stationers • FOUNTAIN PENS Largest stock ill the district WATERMAN, PARKER, CONW AY.STEW A RT, SHEAFFER. BALL PENS PARKER, BIRO, SCROLL, SCRIPTO, WATERMAN, PLATIGNUM. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, &c. AGENT BY APPOINTMENT FOR ORDNANCE SURVEY MAPS England and Wales . I inch and t inch Blackburn District . 6 inch and 25 inch • THE PEN SHOP DARWEN STREET 72 BLACKBURN SAVE by all means but still- BE SMART IS THE DUTY OF EVERYONE to practise economy in all "hin�s T But there is no need to depress yourself by wearing shabby­ Iooklng clothes. By using our expert Dry-Cleaning Service you can be smartly dressed with the absolute minimum of expense Frocks coats and suits that seem hopeless will be returned to you unbelievably fresh. carefully restored and fit for months of smart wear Take advantage of this fine service. *Our vanmen collect and dt!liver weekly in your district. Kindly request them to call. HAYDOCK BROS. LIMITED Dyers and Cleaners RAMSGREAVE LAUNDRY, BLACKBURN Telephone 48087 Receiving Office: 38 Preston New Road. Blackburn. ,-- ---------------------------' EASTHAMS A.RTISTS IN FLOWERS • 33 OAR WEN ST. Phones: Day 4008 - Night. 21747 BLACKBURN BOOKS MUSIC H. L. BAXTER LTD. H. ... M. FIELDING 72 KING WILLIAM ST. BLACKBURN TEL. 6551 STATIONERY SCHOOL BAGS, Etc, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ICA\./LV/E/�lr High Class DECORATOR Full range of . Contemporary Traditional Washable WaIlpal'ers by "Sandersol1s" "Shand Kydd" " J OM Line" "Crown," etc., etc. ALSO LARGE SELECfION OF HAND PRINTED WALLPAPERS AD work personally supervised :: Suggestions submitted Estimates given Residence: "NORTH VIEW," (off 108 Pleck�ate Rd.) B1ackburn Phone 6843 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I THE e0MVLETE LADIES' 0UTFITTER • E. STONEHOUSE, LTD. 11 King William Street Blackburn T.l. 5512 Whatever Su((ck B((r you may choose REDMAN�S i. the one for VOlt to u.e. PARTIES are our speciality. Let us know your requirements * We are at your service * 30 VICTORIA ST. - BLACKBURN THOMAS SHIRLEY WASTE PAPER, RAG and METAL MERCHANT • CANTERBURY STREET BLACKBURN • CASH BUYERS OF RAGS, SCRAP METALS and WASTE PAPERS ""'0 more illfo /he Special Gr.lde In11 rC'ceil'C' at le(l.1I £160 (lhOH' the figures quoted. THE PROSPECTS ARE EXCELLENT Promotion is based solely on merit. and every assistance is givcn to those who show that they have the necessary character and capacity so that they may qualify for early responsibility. A high proportion of present-day entrants will achieve managerial status. many of them III their 30's, and for the..,e the minimum salary v.ill be £1,600 a year, with the certainty of rising to higher figures. The highest posts arc lHlcd from within the Ban]... ilnd those who gel to the top wiJl enjoy a range of If you want work that is remuneration which would satisfy cven interesting; if you like the most <lmbitious. meeting people; if you • AND TH E PENSION IS rREE arc interested in business The Bank's Pension Scheme is enurely and public affairs then you will have non-contributory and full service many opportunities to satisfy your brings a pension equal to two-thirds inclinations in the Midland Bank. The of final salary. Bnnk provide.. a great variety of banking services through an organisa­ WHAT DO WE REQUIRE or YOU? tion which comprises more than 2,280 A sound educational background. of branche� in the cities. towns and course, including a good G.CE. villages of England and Wales and the Those with passes at "A" level (or Channel Islands. It has, too. offices at who have a degree) will be entitled the leadll1g airports. at the Ocean to exemptions in certain subjects in Tcrmlmll. Southampton. and in the examinations of the Institute of scveral of the Cunard liners. There is Bankers and may also qualify for no lack of variety in service with the leave for study for their professional Midl;.md! qualifications. SALARIES ARE GOOD Interviews can be arranged at centres The basic 'Salary scale compares throughout the country. Write in the favourably with that in any similar first instance to field. Examples are: �1IJl:mm:iIll:lll==� Minimum Annual Remuneration Age Provinces Central London El 17 £290 £350 TheSlaD'Mana geni Ha �� E ffi M�;D I Poultry. Londoll, E.Cl tl Bu( (hest!figures are Oll/Y basic. El ery �• IOIllI!! II/a/l of promIse is el/rol/wlted alld iJ E helfJed to delelop hH ra!('II/\. mu/ ,"me � � _____ dU�iJiJiJiJP'iJp.a�p.p.�a����B r * FOR HOUSE AND STEAM COAL THOMAS W ALSH LTD. F uei S peciaiists TAYLOR STREET SIDINGS - BLACKBURN Telephone 5368 Bliockburn HOLDEN & DA VIES LTD. HAULAGE CONTRACTORS BLACKBURN • DAILY GOODS SERVICE TO AND FROM LIVERPOOL AND MANCHESTER. TeI. 44239 - 6814 and BJakewater 42592 �5lS1SISlSl5lSl51.51S'51 OLD BLACKBURNIANS � TIES SCARVES CRAVATS CRESTED LINKS � o � "IhelL (l tfJise 'nail finds good clothes he I1tfllfes (I nole 0/ the supplier <rasb & <ro. of course We invite you lO inspect our large selection of clothing by the following leading makers DAKS CHESTER BARRIE GlSl51 • SUMRIE CO. CASH & 53 KING WILLlAM STREET, BLACKBURN Telephone 5855 SS St. James St., Bumley. Telepbone 3073 26 Manchester Rd., Nelson. Telepbone 2601 Co",I'/ete Gentlemen's Outfitters 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�III' MULLARD BLACKBURN WORKS LIMITED AND ITS ASSOCIATED COMPANIF.S offer excellent careers in Electronics to Grammar School boys. There are two methods of entry;- (a) Direct from school via tbe Student Apprentices hip Scheme. (b) From the Universiles afler Graduation. Training for managerial posts is an essential feature of MuIlard policy, and takes the form of organised courses within the Works. supplemented by attendance at short residential courses or conferences. outside. Full details of conditions and current vacancies can be obtained from the WORKS PERSONNEL OFFICER MuIlard Blackburn Works. Ltd. Philips Road Blackburn Lancashire factories- Blackburn. Fleetwood, Lytbam. Padiham Simonstone )o'lthport. Waterfoot. London aud Svulh- Mitcham. Wandsworth, Southampton. Salford. Whyteleaf. Hove. '11: i 1111111111111111 fill 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I1 1111111111111111111111111111111' FOR ... ove,. fresh pies and savou.ries delightful tea time confectionery delicious fresh cream cakes weekend gatellltX «Iul party cc,kes high standards of hygiene cou.rteous and efficient service for . shopping with confidence- CONFECTIONERS <�� PA STRVC OOK S Ollice: CROSSFIELD STREET BAKERY, BLACKBURN Telephone 5495 PRESTS LTD. Baket·s of fine bread and Confectionery Our Pattipan Specialities include MOl" - Ma Malt Fruit Loaf and PaUipan Ready-cooked Puddings We distribute to over 3000 shops in the North West of England PRESTS LTO - LIMEFIELO - BLACK8URN Tel. 4328-' WALPAMUR QUALITY PAINTS ensurt! pcrfcuion of finish. Thl!Y inc\utlr: Walpamur Water Paint, the most popular of Hat finishes, Duradio Enamel Paint for a durable high gloss and Darwcn Satin Finish. steam proof and ideal fm kitchen... and bathrooms. 1 n the full range arc paints, Lnamcls and varnishes to meet even' conccivahh: need. IRE W ALPAM UR CO L TD DARWEN & LONDON W 606 LIGH TBOWN AND BR ACE WELL LIMITED. * Dispensing Chemists * All Photographic Supplie5 GRANVILLE RD. PHARMACY Telephone No. 7222 BLACKBURN Telephone 6277 Henry Hesmondhalgh CCea :Blender and Coffee noaster 68 NORTHGA TE BLACKBURN Groceries -- Provisions The Burnc-Jones window.. presented to the School by Mr. Henrv Whittakcr in commemoration of Mr. Arthur Holden·s headmastership. 468 '(tbe 18lachburnian JULY, 1961 No. 124 MAGAZINE COMMITIEE President: The Headmaster. Chairman: Mr. B. Davies. :Treasurer: Mr. F. Bury. Committee: Mr. G. F. Eastwood; Mr. W. H. Proctor; A. Ashton; R. H. Bamber; D. M. Child; R. Davenport; E. 1. Matthews; 1. K. Pi per; F. J. Seed; N. Whalley. Editor: D. E. Ambrose. DISCE PRODESSE JEbitorial HENRY WHITTAKER It is with deep regret that we record the death on April 13th of Mr. Henry Whittaker, O.B.E., F.S.A., Chairman of Governors J of the School since 950. I t was only' in our last issue that there appeared a full and eloquent account of Mr. Whittaker' long connection with the School, and his great services to it. This was contained in the speech delivered by His Honour 1 udge Walmsley on the occasion of the presentation to Mr. Whittaker of his portrait by the Old Blackburnians Association. A reproduction of this por­ trait appeared in the same issue. On April 17th, at the opening A sembly of term, the Head­ master delivered the following tribute to M r. Whittaker: " Our coming together today for this new term is overshadowed by sorrow and a great sense of loss. You will all know that the Chairman of Governors, Mr. Henry Whittaker, died last Thursday. " Some of you had met him personally; all of you are aware that the School, and all we who are members of it, owe a very great debt of gratitude to Mr.
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