<p>WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL</p><p>MAJOR EMERGENCY PLAN</p><p>December 2005</p><p>C O N T E N T S Paragraph Section Page</p><p>1. Definitions 2 - 3</p><p>2. Purpose of Plan 3</p><p>3. Initiative 3</p><p>4. Scope of Plan 3 – 4</p><p>5 - 8 Area of Operation of Plan 4</p><p>9. Activation of the Major Emergency Plan 4</p><p>10 – 12 Local Authority Activation Procedures 4 – 5</p><p>13 - 14 Response to Activation of Plan 5</p><p>14 (A) Local Authority 5 - 6</p><p>14 (B) Health Board 6</p><p>14 (C) Garda Siochana 7</p><p>15 – 23 Control of Operations 8 – 9</p><p>24 - 25 Convenor 9</p><p>26 – 28 Co-Ordination 10</p><p>29 – 30 Demobilisation 11</p><p>31. Communications 11</p><p>32. Press and Information 12</p><p>33. Identification of Local Authority Personnel and Vehicles 13</p><p>34 Exercises 13 </p><p>35. Validity & Liaison Committee 13 Appendix 1 List of Local Authority Persons/OfficersAuthorised to Activate the Plan 14 Appendix 2 Activation of Major Emergency Plan : Persons to Notify 15 – 16 Appendix 3 Procedure for Requesting Assistance From Defence Forces 17 Appendix 4 Site Layout of a Major Emergency 18 Appendix 5 Telephone and Details at Enniscorthy Co-Ordination Centre 19 Suggested Information to be Supplied on activation of the Major Emergency Plan 20</p><p>2</p><p>W E X F O R D C O U N T Y C O U N C I L</p><p>M A J O R E M E R G E N C Y P L A N</p><p>DEFINITIONS</p><p>1. Following are the definitions of terms used in this Plan:-</p><p>MAJOR EMERGENCY is any event which, typically with little or no warning, causes or threatens:-</p><p>- death or injury, or,</p><p>- serious disruption of essential services, or</p><p>- damage to property beyond the normal capabilities of the Gardai, Local Authority (including fire authority) and Health Services.</p><p>CONTROLLER OF OPERATIONS is defined in paragraphs 15 to 17. His/Her functions are outlined in paragraph 18.</p><p>References in this plan to the Controller of Operations shall, unless the contact requires otherwise, refer to the local authority Controller of Operations.</p><p>THE CONVENOR is the one of their number nominated by the Controllers of Operations of the Gardai, Health Board and Local Authority to act as Convenor for co-ordination purposes. </p><p>The functions of the Convenor are described in paragraphs 24 and 25.</p><p>CO-ORDINATING GROUP is defined in paragraph 26 and its functions are outlined in paragraph 28. The Group shall normally be located at the Council Chambers, County Hall, Wexford. The County Manager shall be the local authority representative on the Co- ordinating Group.</p><p>HOLDING AREA (see Appendix 4 ) is the area to which local authority services will report on arrival at the site of the emergency and from which they will be deployed. It will be located inside the perimeter of the incident site as secured by the Gardai and should be well upwind of the incident. Each emergency service will have it own Holding Area.</p><p>CONTROL AREA (see Appendix 4) is the place at the site of the emergency from which the Controller of Operations provides overall control and direction and co-ordinates the activities of all local authority services responding to the emergency. It will be located as close to the incident as safety permits taking account of the nature of the incident, communication facilities, terrain etc. Each emergency service will have its own Control Area.</p><p>3</p><p>DANGER AREA (see Appendix 4) arises where there is a definite risk to rescue personnel because, for example, of the need for special equipment such as B.A., protective clothing etc. The need for and extent of such an area will be decided upon by the Senior Fire Officer present following consultation with the various controllers and will depend on the nature of the incident. In view of the danger the activities of all agencies in the Danger Area will be under the overall control and direction of the designated Fire Officer, subject only to the persons in charge of those agencies continuing to exercise operational control over their own activities.</p><p>PURPOSE OF PLAN</p><p>2. The purpose of this plan, which is the local authority element of the Major Emergency Plan, is in the event of such an emergency:-</p><p>(a) to outline generally the procedures to be followed and the functions to be undertaken by the local authority services, and </p><p>(b) to co-ordinate the procedures to be followed and functions to be undertaken by the local authority, with those of the Health Board, Gardai and any other agencies responding to the emergency.</p><p>The Major Emergency Plan is the combined co-ordinated plans of the Local Authority, Health Board and Gardai in the area where the emergency occurs.</p><p>INITIATIVE</p><p>3. The plan sets out the basis for a co-ordinated response to a major emergency and the different roles and functions to be performed by the various agencies. The fact that procedures have been specified in the plan shall not restrict the use of initiative or commonsense by individual officers in the circumstances of a particular emergency.</p><p>SCOPE OF PLAN</p><p>4. This plan provides for a co-ordinated response to major emergencies arising, for example, from fires, explosions, gas releases, transportation accidents, spillages of dangerous substances etc. The types of emergency normally resulting from oil supply crises, E.S.B. blackouts, industrial disputes etc. are of a different nature and are not catered for in this plan. It is recognized, however, that such emergencies could result in a situation, such as a major gas explosion, requiring activation of the Major Emergency Plan.</p><p>This plan shall consist of three distinct parts</p><p>- the plan proper is intended to provide uniform procedures in relation to those matters which can be standarised nationally e.g. activation of plan, control of operations, allocation of functions, etc.</p><p>- the Appendices, illustrations of which are attached to this plan, are specific to each local authority and certain information relevant to the are of operation of the plan;</p><p>4</p><p>- the pre-determined arrangements of each local authority service (fire, sanitary services, environmental control etc.) in relation to specific incidents or hazards which shall form part of and be consistent with the plan.</p><p>This plan complies with the European Communities (Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2000.</p><p>AREA OF OPERATION OF PLAN</p><p>5. This plan applies to the functional area of Wexford County Council (including Urban Areas).</p><p>6. The other agencies responsible for emergency services in this area are:-</p><p>(a) South Eastern Health Board. (b) Wexford Garda District</p><p>Other public agencies also have specific emergency plans which apply to particular premises or locations. These Agencies are included in the Emergency Telephone List.</p><p>The procedure for Activation of the Major Emergency Plan is set out in paragraph 11.</p><p>7. Assistance may be provided, where required, by other agencies such as the Defence forces, Civil Defence, Red Cross etc. (See Emergency Telephone List). The procedure for requesting the assistance of the Defence Forces is outlined in Appendix 3.</p><p>8. Installations subject to the European Communities (Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations, 2000, and to which this plan applies and other hazardous installations covered by the Plan are listed in the Emergency Telephone List.</p><p>ACTIVATION OF THE MAJOR EMERGENCY PLAN</p><p>9. The Major Emergency Plan shall be activated by whichever of the following agencies first becomes aware of the major emergency:-</p><p>- Local Authority - Wexford Gardai - South Eastern Health Board</p><p>LOCAL AUTHORITY ACTIVATION PROCEDURES</p><p>10. The Senior Officer on duty of whichever local authority service is the first to become aware that a major emergency has occurred or is imminent shall immediately recommend activation of the Major Emergency Plan. A list of the persons/officers who are authorised to activate the Plan is given in Appendix 1.</p><p>11. The Officer activating the plan shall arrange for the immediate notification of Local Authority, Health Board and Garda Services and any other agencies likely to be required to respond to the emergency.</p><p>5</p><p>All messages shall begin with the following statement:-</p><p>“This is ………………………………………(give name and service), A MAJOR EMERGENCY HAS OCCURRED/ IS IMMINENT AT ………..(give location) THE MAJOR EMERGENCY PLAN IS NOW IN OPERATION”.</p><p>The procedures for standing down the plan are outlined in paragraphs 29-30.</p><p>12. When reporting a major emergency or notifying local authority services and other agencies that the plan is being activated all available, essential and relevant information should be provided. Appendix 2 contains a guide which should be consulted.</p><p>RESPONSE TO ACTIVATION OF PLAN</p><p>13. When this plan has been activated each local authority service requested shall respond in accordance with its own pre-determined arrangements.</p><p>14. The functions of the Local Authority, the Gardai and Health Board in the event of a major emergency are in accordance with those set out in the agreed Framework for Co-Ordinated Response to Major Emergency issued by the Inter-Departmental Committee on Emergency Preparations and are outlined below.</p><p>A. LOCAL AUTHORITY</p><p>14.1 Local Authority services shall carry out their functions in accordance with the provisions of the plan. In addition, the fire service shall operate in accordance with brigade orders and other local authority services in accordance with their operational instructions.</p><p>14.2 The local authority shall carry out the following functions:-</p><p>(a) Activation of the plan (see paragraph 10 of the plan);</p><p>(b) Extinction of fires;</p><p>(c) Containment, neutralization and clearance of chemical spills and emissions;</p><p>(d) Protection and rescue of persons and property;</p><p>(e) Maintenance of local authority services (e.g. roads, fire cover, protection of water supplies) during the emergency;</p><p>(f) Provision of access to the site of the emergency*;</p><p>(g) Forensic support for Gardai;</p><p>(h) Advice on evacuation;</p><p>(i) Accommodation and welfare of evacuees and persons displaced by the emergency;</p><p>6</p><p>(j) Site clearance, demolition, clean-up operations, removal and disposal of debris;**</p><p>(k) Provision of food and rest facilities for personnel responding to the emergency;</p><p>(l) Control and direction of activities of all agencies within the “Danger Area” at an emergency (see paragraph 20 of the plan);</p><p>(m) Paticipation in the Co-Ordinating Group (see paragraph 26 of plan).</p><p>* securing the site and control of access is a function of the Gardai.</p><p>** this should be done in consultation with Gardai to avoid the possible unnecessary destruction of evidence.</p><p>B. HEALTH BOARD</p><p>14.3 All Health Board services shall carry out their functions in accordance with the provisions if the plan. In addition they shall operate in accordance with their own operational instructions.</p><p>14.4 The Health Board shall carry out the following functions:-</p><p>(a) Activation of the plan (see paragraph 9 of the plan);</p><p>(b) Provision of all health services;</p><p>(c) Provision of medical advice and assistance;</p><p>(d) Assessment of casualties and determination of priorities for their evacuation;</p><p>(e) Casualty evacuation and ambulance transport;</p><p>(f) Certification of the dead and provision of forensic support for the Gardai;</p><p>(g) Provision of first aid together with basic life support and treatment at the scene if required;</p><p>(h) Provision of hospital treatment including psychiatric assistance;</p><p>(i) Provision of community, medical and welfare services;</p><p>(j) Participation in Co-Ordinating Group (see paragraph 26 of the Plan).</p><p>7</p><p>C. GARDA SIOCHANA</p><p>14.5 The Gardai shall carry out their functions in accordance with the provisions of the plan. In addition they shall operate in accordance with their own codified instructions. </p><p>14.6 The Gardai shall carry out the following functions:-</p><p>(a) Activation of the plan (see paragraph 9 of the plan);</p><p>(b) Maintenance of law and order;</p><p>(c) Evacuation;</p><p>(d) Traffic and crowd control;</p><p>(e) Preservation of scene and collection of evidence*;</p><p>(f) Arrangements in respect of the dead;</p><p>(g) Provision of a casualty information service at the site;</p><p>(h) Establishment at the site of an information center for use by the agencies responding to the emergency;</p><p>(i) Request Telecom Eireann to provide an emergency telephone service, if necessary, in accordance with pre-determined arrangements;</p><p>(j) Securing the site and layout thereof (see paragraph 19 and Appendix 4 of plan) and controlling access thereto;</p><p>(k) Exercise of certain local authority functions pending a local authority response to emergency (see paragraph 23 of plan);</p><p>(l) Informing the public as necessary and on the advice of the competent authorities of actual or potential disasters arising from the emergency;</p><p>(m) Participation in Co-Ordinating Group (see paragraph 26 of the plan).</p><p>* precedence should only be given to this activity where it will not interfere with the activities of agencies responding to an emergency which are concerned with the protection of life and the prevention and treatment of casualties.</p><p>8</p><p>CONTROL OF OPERATIONS</p><p>15. Control of local authority services at the site of the emergency shall be exercised by the Chief Fire Officer or designated alternate (see also paragraph 22). If the Controller considers, because of the circumstances at a particular emergency, that some other person should have control at that emergency, he should, after agreement with the designated local authority representative on the Co-Ordinating Group transfer control accordingly. </p><p>In the event that the Chief Fire Officer is the “Officer in Charge”, or that the emergency may require substantial environmental, water services and/or civil engineering plant/ equipment/staff input, an appropriate Senior Engineer may be more suited to the Controller of Operations role. </p><p>16. The transfer of the function of Controller of Operations shall be accompanied by a formal statement e.g. “You are now in control of local authority operations” and the time of transfer shall be logged by both the person relinquishing control and the person assuming control.</p><p>17. The County Manager may designate some other person to be Controller of Operations or may order the transfer of this function from one person to another.</p><p>18. The functions of the Controller of Operations shall, subject to any direction of the County Manager, be:-</p><p>(a) to provide overall control and direction and to co-ordinate the activities of all local authority services at the site of the emergency, subject to paragraphs 20 and 21;</p><p>(b) to require the attendance of such local authority services as are needed;</p><p>(c) to arrange in conjunction with the controllers of other agencies if available, for the establishment of Holding Areas to which the various services will report on arrival at the site of the emergency and from which they will be deployed e.g. the local authority services will report to the local authority holding area;</p><p>(d) to set up a control area, incorporating a communications centre at the site. This communication centre should not be confused with the information centre to be established by the Gardai.</p><p>(e) to nominate a Local Authority Site Information Officer</p><p>(f) to ensure secure communications with – </p><p> a. local authority services at the site, and; b. other agencies responding to the emergency at the site;</p><p>(g) to arrange for the provision of food and rest facilities for all agencies responding to the emergency;</p><p>(h) to requisition any equipment he deems necessary to deal with the incident. (See Annual Contracts for lists of available plant equipment and supplies);</p><p>9</p><p>(i) to seek such advice as he requires (See Emergency Telephone List under “Government and Other Agencies and Private Concerns” for possible sources of advice);</p><p>(j) to brief the designated local authority representative on the Co-Ordinating group on the handling of the emergency; (k) to maintain a log of the incident at the site.</p><p>19. The recommended layout of the site of a major emergency will be in accordance with the layout in Appendix 4 or in accordance with an alternative layout agreed by the Controller of Operations with the controllers of the other agencies. Arrangements for securing the perimeter of the site are the responsibility of the Gardai. Local authority services arriving at the perimeter of the site will be directed by the Gardai to the local authority Holding Area to await deployment.</p><p>20. The activities of all agencies within the “Danger Area” shall be under the overall control and direction of “Officer in Charge” of the Fire Service. However, the persons in charge of the activities of these agencies shall, subject to the above, continue to exercise operational control over their agencies’ activities.</p><p>21. The head of each local authority service shall exercise operational control over his own service subject to the overall control and direction of the Controller of Operations.</p><p>22. Pending the arrival of the Controller of Operations at the site of the emergency, his function shall be exercised (a) where the fire service has responded, by the senior officer present or;</p><p>(b) where the fire service has not responded but some other local authority service has responded by the senior officer of that service present.</p><p>23. In the absence of any local authority response, the senior Garda present will exercise certain local authority functions as outlined in paragraph 14 (A) LOCAL AUTHORITY.</p><p>24. CONVENOR The functions of the person nominated as Convenor shall be to ensure:- (i) Adequate liaison and co-ordination between the Controllers on site; and</p><p>(ii) sharing of key information.</p><p>25. Areas for co-ordination by the Controllers include the agreement of strategies and plans of action in response to the specific emergency and</p><p>1. exchange of information on the nature of the situation faced; 2. identification of priorities; 3. review of important safety issues; 4. co-operation on traffic arrangements; 5. designation of Ambulance loading points; 6. establishment of communications; 7. location and establishment of Holding Areas; 8. operation of holding areas; 9. maintenance of logs; 10. requests for assistance; 11. standing down operations.</p><p>10</p><p>CO-ORDINATION</p><p>26. The Co-Ordinating Group comprising senior representatives of the Local Authority, Health Board and Gardai may be called together at the discretion of any of the group at any time following activation of the plan. The Co-Ordinating Group may request the participation of representatives of other agencies as appropriate. Once established the Co-Ordinating Group shall be located at the Council Offices, Machinery Yard, Kilcannon, Enniscorthy, or at some other location agreed by it.</p><p>27. The representatives on the Co-Ordinating Group are named in the accompanying Emergency Telephone List. The local authority representative will be assisted in carrying out his functions by appropriate back-up staff as indicated in the Emergency Telephone List.</p><p>28. The functions of the Co-Ordinating Group (who would not get involved in the detailed on- site response to the emergency) shall be:-</p><p>(a) to ensure that personnel and equipment are mobilized as per each agency’s plan;</p><p>(b) to monitor the activities of the agencies responding to the emergency;</p><p>(c) to maintain liaison between the agencies responding to the emergency, but excluding communications arrangements between agencies at the site of the emergency which are the function of the Controller of Operations;</p><p>(d) to advise on, assist in and arrange for the mobilization of additional resources as required including relief crews, and to arrange as necessary back-up facilities for the agencies responding to the emergency;</p><p>(e) through the representatives of the agencies on the Group, to give directions and policy decisions, where considered necessary or when requested by agencies responding to the emergency;</p><p>(f) to establish effective communications with the site of the emergency;</p><p>(g) to inform Government Departments as appropriate;</p><p>(h) to facilitate the distribution of information to the news media and the general public.</p><p>11</p><p>DEMOBILISATION</p><p>29. This plan may be stood down in any of the following ways depending on the particular circumstances.</p><p>1. It may be stood down - </p><p>(a) when an emergency which was imminent does not actually occur, by the person who activated the plan in accordance with paragraphs 9 to 12;</p><p>(b) by the Controller of Operations in respect of local authority activities at the site of the emergency or;</p><p>(c) by the designated local authority representative on the Co-Ordinating Group in respect of local authority activities other than those at the site.</p><p>2. The plan may be stood down generally following agreement by other agencies responding to to the emergency or in respect of all or certain local authority services following consultation with the other agencies.</p><p>3. When a response is no longer required from any agency, service, contractor or individual requested to provide assistance by the local authority and following consultation with other agencies, where appropriate, the Controller of Operations (in respect of activities at the site) or the designated local authority representative on the Co-Ordinating Group shall ensure that they are immediately informed.</p><p>30. The following additional provisions apply to demobilization:-</p><p>- before standing down this plan as provided in paragraph 29 the Controller of Operations shall advise the local authority representative on the Co-Ordinating Group;</p><p>- even after this plan has been stood down, certain local authority services may be required to continue carrying out activities related to the emergency and in such circumstances full control shall revert to the heads of those services.</p><p>COMMUNICATIONS</p><p>31. The following steps shall be taken to ensure good communication:-</p><p>(a) at the site of a major emergency the communications centre shall, where possible, be located in the control area (Appendix 4).</p><p>*This communications centre should not be confused with the Information Centre which will be established by the Gardai to keep relatives, the media and the general public informed.</p><p>(b) The Controller of Operations shall ensure secure communications with:- (a) Local authority services at the site, and , (b) Other agencies responding to the emergency at the site.</p><p>(c) The agencies responding to the emergency shall communicate in accordance with pre- arranged procedures;</p><p>12</p><p>(d) During a major emergency, the heads of local authority services shall keep the Controller of Operations briefed on their activities and he shall brief the designated local authority representative on the Co-Ordinating Group.</p><p>PRESS AND INFORMATION</p><p>32. To facilitate the dissemination of information to the news media and to the general public the local authority shall appoint:-</p><p>(a) A Local Authority Information Officer (Emergency Site). (b) A Local Authority Information Officer (Co-Ordinating Group Headquarters).</p><p>The name, address and telephone number of the Co-ordinating Group Information Officers is detailed in the Co-ordinating Group section of the Emergency Telephone List. The duties and responsibilities in relation to a major emergency of both officers are detailed hereunder.</p><p>FUNCTIONS OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITY INFORMATION OFFICERS IN A MAJOR EMERGENCY AND ARRANGEMENTS FOR BROADCAST OF WARNINGS BY R.T.E. IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS a) Emergency Site Information Officer</p><p>The duties of the emergency site information officer, nominated by the Controller of Operations, may include the following, as determined by the Controller of Operations:</p><p> Establish and maintain firm communications with the Controller of Operations Establish and maintain firm communications routes with the Coordination Group Information Officer Establish and maintain firm communications with other emergency agencies as required Maintain incident log for Controller of Operations Collate / distribute information as required by Controller of Operations b) Co-ordinating Group Headquarters Information Officer</p><p>On being notified that this plan has been activated the Designated Local Authority Information Officer (Headquarters) shall travel immediately to the Co-Ordinating Group Headquarters.</p><p>Under the general direction of the designated local authority representative on the Co-Ordinating Group and in co-ordination with the other agencies responding to the emergency, he shall:-</p><p>- act as the sole channel of information on behalf of the local authority, (he may arrange interviews, briefings etc. for other personnel).</p><p>- provide an information service for the general public via an emergency telephone line and/or the location of public information offices;</p><p>- where practicable retain copies of all information obtained, announcements made and publicity issued.</p><p>13</p><p>ARRANGEMENTS FOR BROADCAST OF WARNING BY R.T.E. IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS</p><p>R.T.E. News Room, South East Radio, Today FM and Beat FM may be contacted round-the-clock (see Emergency Telephone List).</p><p>IDENTIFICATION OF LOCAL AUTHORITY PERSONNEL AND VEHICLES</p><p>33. All local authority personnel responding to an emergency shall wear (or carry) the form of identification issued to them and shall ensure that their vehicles are adequately identified. Where identification is not permanently retained on the person or vehicle, it should be obtained from the local authority Holding Area (see Appendix 4).</p><p>EXERCISES</p><p>34. Where an exercise to test the assumptions of and procedures laid down in this plan is held, messages activating the plan (paragraph 11) shall be preceded by the statement:- “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”</p><p>VALIDITY & LIAISON COMMITTEE</p><p>35. This plan was issued on _16 th December 2004 _, and is valid until 31 st December, 2005 or such earlier date as may result from a review of the Plan.</p><p>The annual meeting of the local authority emergency planning group to appraise and update this plan will be held between October and December each year.</p><p>The Liaison Committee, whose members are detailed in the Major Emergency Telephone List, shall meet annually during November/December to review the Co-Ordination of Emergency Planning.</p><p>The designated local authority Officer i.e. the County Secretary shall be responsible for:-</p><p>- distribution of the plan to all persons/agencies on the distribution list;</p><p>- receiving details of changes to the appendices and notifying all persons/agencies on the distribution lists;</p><p>- convening and servicing a meeting of the Local Authority Emergency Planning Group to review the effectiveness of the plan following its activation or following an exercise;</p><p>- convening the meetings of the Co-Ordinating Group to review the co-ordination emergency planning (unless otherwise agreed locally).</p><p>Any amendments to the appendices should be notified immediately to this Designated Officer.</p><p>14</p><p>APPENDIX 3</p><p>CONTACT OFFICERS IN DEFENCE FORCES AND PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING ASSISTANCE</p><p>CONTACT OFFICERS : See Emergency Telephone List</p><p>PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING ASSISTANCE FROM DEFENCE FORCE</p><p>The following is the procedure for requesting assistance from the Defence Forces:-</p><p>(a) Where time is critical, contact should be made with the Garda Authorities, who will then contact appropriate military post, and the Department of Defence should be notified as soon as possible.</p><p>(b) Where time is not critical the request should be made through the Department of the Environment and Local Government (for local authorities) or other relevant Government Departments (other agencies) to the Secretary Department of Defence, Parkgate, Dublin 8.</p><p>The following arrangements should be made locally in relation to (a):</p><p>(i) The local agencies should each designate a Senior Official who would filter and pass on the request for assistance to the Garda Authorities.</p><p>(ii) Discussions between designated officials and local senior military personnel should be held on a regular basis.</p><p>The County Secretary shall be the person to filter and pass on requests for assistance to the Garda Authorities.</p><p>CAUTION: Appendices have a shorter period of validity than the Plan. Check the validity date to ensure that you are using current copy.</p><p>15 APPENDIX 4</p><p>EGRESS FROM ACCESS TO SITE SITE Garda secure perimeter of site WIND DIRECTION and regulate access to site</p><p>Ambulance Service Local Other Garda Press and and Emergency Authority Agencies Casualty Information Medical Services Services Information Services Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area</p><p>Temporary Mortuary H O L D IN G AREA Canteen</p><p>Local Authority Services</p><p>CONTROL AREA</p><p>G a r d d n C a a O N e c l ty T i a l R v c a r i u O e d s In view L S e a A M ) e C t Distance R c y . n n l i A E c c o of the Danger la n n E A e i P to be decided u ( R b g n A r e o no personnel should m e ic ti L A by Senior Fire m v c O r e E e ll R enter beyond the S o T C N Brigade Officer O perimeter of the danger C in consulation with area unless agreed by the other agencies Senior Fire Brigade Officer</p><p>DANGER AREA</p><p>Fire Service and Rescue Personnel wearing BA and protective clothing where appropriate.</p><p>All activities in this area are under the conrol of the Senior Fire Officer</p><p>DOWNWIND DANGER AND EVACUATION AREA</p><p>18</p><p>APPENDIX 5 Major Emergency Centre Enniscorthy District Office & Machinery Headquarters Old Dublin Road Enniscorthy 054 33212 Telephone System</p><p>EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER: 054 32390</p><p>The following analogue phones have been installed to facilitate a major emergency</p><p>Room Agency No Extension No.’s Direct Line No.’s</p><p>Meeting Co-Ordination 3 574, 575, 576 32374, 32375, 32376 Room 1 Room Direct Line for Hunting Facility – 32301 (When this number is rang, all three phones will ring, if one is engaged the call will go to the two remaining phones and so on)</p><p>Meeting Gardai 3 571, 572, 573 32371, 32372, 32373 Room 2 Direct Line for Hunting Facility – 32302 (When this number is rang, all three phones will ring, if one is engaged the call will go to the two remaining phones and so on)</p><p>Meeting Ambulance 1 570 32370 Room 3</p><p>Support Army 1 531 32351 Office – Room 5 Recepti 6 admin. staff 6 577, 578, 579, 32377, 32378, 32379, 32380, 32381, 32382 on taking calls 580, 581, 582</p><p>Note: The emergency number will by-pass the switchboard (054 33212) and all six phones will ring, i.e. 578, 579, 580, 581, 582. If one of the six phones is engaged the remaining five phones will ring and so on.</p><p>All the phones above have an incoming and outgoing line.</p><p>KEYHOLDERS: J.C. Security (John Carr & Andrew Carr) 087 2993598 (1st Contact No) 054 47691 (2nd Contact No) SUGGESTED INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED ON ACTIVATION OF THE MAJOR EMERGENCY PLAN</p><p>NOTE: THIS LIST IS INTENDED FOR USE ONLY AS A GUIDE AND IS NOT MEANT TO BE COMPREHENSIVE NOR IS IT MEANT TO PRECLUDE </p><p>17</p><p>INITIATIVE ON THE PART OF THE USER.</p><p>1. Brief description of incident: e.g. Fire, Explosion, Chemical Spill.</p><p>2. Location: Full details of location of incident site.</p><p>3. Route to Site* : Full details of safe route to be taken to incident site.</p><p>4. Areas Affected*: Details of resources required (i) immediately and (ii) in the short-term.</p><p>5. Resources Required: Details of resources required (i) immediately and (ii) in the short term.</p><p>6. Contact telephone numbers: Means of communication with person activating the plan and with personnel on site (e.g. telephone number, etc.) (See Emergency Telephone List).</p><p>7. Any other information relevant to the particular incident.</p><p>*Both details of the safe route to the site and the areas affected by the emergency may be influenced by wind direction.</p><p>CAUTION: Appendices have a shorter period of validity than the Plan. Check the validity date to ensure that you are using current copy.</p><p>18</p><p>SUGGESTED INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED ON ACTIVATION OF THE MAJOR EMERGENCY PLAN</p><p>NOTE: THIS LIST IS INTENDED FOR USE ONLY AS A GUIDE AND IS NOT MEANT TO BE COMPREHENSIVE NOR IS IT MEANT TO PRECLUDE INITIATIVE ON THE PART OF THE USER.</p><p>1. Brief description of incident: e.g. Fire, Explosion, Chemical Spill.</p><p>2. Location: Full details of location of incident site.</p><p>3. Route to Site* : Full details of safe route to be taken to incident site.</p><p>4. Areas Affected*: Details of resources required (i) immediately and (ii) in the short-term.</p><p>5. Resources Required: Details of resources required (i) immediately and (ii) in the short term.</p><p>6. Contact telephone numbers: Means of communication with person activating the plan and with personnel on site (e.g. telephone number, etc.) (See Emergency Telephone List).</p><p>7. Any other information relevant to the particular incident.</p><p>*Both details of the safe route to the site and the areas affected by the emergency may be influenced by wind direction.</p><p>CAUTION: Appendices have a shorter period of validity than the Plan. Check the validity date to ensure that you are using current copy.</p><p>19</p>
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