Methacton School District s2

Methacton School District s2

<p> METHACTON SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Work Session Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 20, 2009 Woodland Elementary School</p><p>I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 PM</p><p>II. OPENING CEREMONY</p><p>III. ATTENDANCE</p><p>BOARD OF LATE SCHOOL DIRECTORS PRESENT ABSENT ARRIVAL Mrs. Marijane Barbone, President X Mr. Dan Sattler, Vice President X Dr. Winifred S. Hayes X Mr. Howard Jones X Mr. John P. Lynch X Ms. Joyce E. Petrauskas X Mr. Grant T. Schanbacher X Mr. Michael J. Simeone X Mr. James T. Van Horn X</p><p>NON-VOTING MEMBERS Dr. Timothy J. Quinn, Superintendent X</p><p>OTHERS Mr. Paul R. Koehler, Board Treasurer Dr. Jane E. Martin, Assistant Superintendent Mr. Denis J. McCall, Director of Business Services Ms. Elizabeth Caskey – Student Representative Ms. Megan Patrylak – Student Representative Ms. Vidula Joshi – Student Representative Ms. Emily Laird – Student Representative</p><p>IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND EXECUTIVE SESSIONS – Mrs. Marijane Barbone</p><p>Mrs. Barbone announced an executive session was held prior to the meeting to discuss a legal matter and personnel matters. An executive session was also held during the Board Retreat on January 13, 2009 and the same legal matter discussed this evening was discussed on the 13th. January 20, 2009 Work Session Meeting Minutes</p><p>V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Mrs. Marijane Barbone It should be noted that public notice was given for this meeting in accordance with Act 84 of 1986.</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the agenda as indicated.</p><p>Motion: Mr. Sattler Second: Ms. Petrauskas Vote: 9-0 Result: Approved</p><p>VI. RECOGNITION OF GUESTS AND SCHEDULED SPEAKERS – Dr. Timothy Quinn</p><p>A. School Board Recognition – January 20, 2009 B. Post Construction Update – January 20, 2009 – Dr. Quinn C. Home and School Report – January 27, 2009 – Worcester Elementary School</p><p>Following the Post Construction Update, Mr. Simeone commented on the Board’s decision to move forward on the building project despite some opposition and are now more comfortable and reassured that we’ll meet the needs and there will be no empty classrooms. Mr. Sattler commented on the great presentation showing full utilization of our space, programmatic changes and removing the modulars once the projects are finished </p><p>VII. REPORTS</p><p>A. CURRICULUM AND FEDERAL PROGRAMS - Dr. Jane E. Martin</p><p>Dr. Martin gave a report.</p><p>B. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES </p><p>1. The Methacton High School field hockey team won Methacton’s first Pioneer Athletic Conference Championship.</p><p>2. The Methacton High School girls’ volleyball team ended their season with a 61-2 record qualifying them to compete in the District play-offs where they won the program’s first District One playoff game.</p><p>3. The following athletes have earned All-League Honors for the 2008-2009 fall sports season:</p><p>Boys’ Cross-Country First Team: Brandon Mash Zach Musselman</p><p>Girls’ Cross-Country First Team: Shannon Palmer</p><p>Boys’ Soccer</p><p>Page 2 of 10 January 20, 2009 Work Session Meeting Minutes</p><p>First Team: Rick Griffith Second Team: Scott Shelton Field Hockey First Team: Rose Germano Brit Grzywacz Tori Lindsey Olivia Burgese Second Team: Maria Numerato Honorable Mention: Katie Cleaver</p><p>Girls’ Soccer First Team: Nicole Battista Second Team: Jeannine Mason Honorable Mention: Alyssa Armando Alicia Melnick</p><p>Golf Second Team: Zach Hill Honorable Mention: Anthony Gambone Hans Gureck Girls’ Tennis Singles First Team: Corrine Sanft Honorable Mention: Jacy Wang Barbara Cushing Doubles Second Team: Yumeng Liao Ritu Saxena</p><p>Football Offense First Team: Tim Smith Second Team: Steve Capizzi Mike He Honorable Mention: James McHugh Patrick McMichael Defense First Team: Tim Smith Second Team: Mike He</p><p>C. SUPERINTENDENT – Dr. Timothy J. Quinn</p><p>Dr. Quinn gave a report.</p><p>VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON BOARD ACTION ITEM – Mrs. Marijane Barbone</p><p>No Public Comment.</p><p>Page 3 of 10 January 20, 2009 Work Session Meeting Minutes</p><p>IX. ITEM FOR BOARD ACTION – Dr. Timothy J. Quinn</p><p>A. PERSONNEL</p><p>1. CHANGE OF STATUS – ADMINISTRATIVE</p><p> a. Approve a change of status for Lana Sampson, from assistant principal to acting principal at Arcola Intermediate School. Salary to reflect an additional stipend of $1,000 per month. Effective February 2, 2009 for approximately twelve (12) weeks.</p><p>May I have a motion to approve the change of status as presented.</p><p>Motion: Mr. Simeone Second: Dr. Hayes Vote: 9-0 Result: Approved</p><p>X. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION</p><p>THE MINUTES SHALL NOTE THAT PUBLIC NOTICE WAS GIVEN FOR THIS MEETING IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACT 84 OF 1986. NOTICES AND ADVISEMENTS OF THESE MEETINGS WILL CARRY THE INTENT THAT LIMITED BUSINESS MAY BE CONDUCTED ON ANY SCHEDULED MEETING DATE.</p><p>A. CONSENT AGENDA – Dr. Timothy Quinn</p><p>1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES </p><p>Copies of the minutes of the reorganization meeting and the minutes of the combined work session and regular meeting held December 2, 2008 were forwarded in advance to all members of the Board of School Directors.</p><p>2. FISCAL ITEMS</p><p> a. BILLS (Placeholder)</p><p>The bills that will be presented for Board approval are chargeable against the funds and accounts indicated. The list of bills recommended for approval will be provided prior to the regular meeting.</p><p>3. SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATIONS ON PERSONNEL ISSUES:</p><p> a. RESIGNATIONS - ADMINISTRATIVE</p><p>1) Accept the resignation of Kathy Cornelius-Pace, special education supervisor. Effective February 27, 2009.</p><p>Page 4 of 10 January 20, 2009 Work Session Meeting Minutes</p><p> b. RESIGNATIONS – CLASSIFIED</p><p>1) Accept the resignation of Wilfred Keulder, bus driver. Effective January 7, 2009.</p><p> c. EMPLOYMENT – SUPPLEMENTAL</p><p>1) Approve a supplemental contract in the amount of $1,208.40 for Steve Savitz, electric car club sponsor, for the 2008-2009 school year.</p><p>2) Approve supplemental contracts in the total amount of $1,355.70 for the following mentors effective the second semester of the 2008-2009 school year:</p><p> a) Gail Bell in the amount of $451.90. b) Janet Kane in the amount of $451.90. c) Kelly Sherrock in the amount of $451.90.</p><p>3) Approve supplemental contracts in the total amount of $11,281.62 for the following winter coaches effective for the 2008- 2009 school year:</p><p> a) Ahmed Elghawy, Methacton High School assistant wrestling coach in the amount of $3,302.96.</p><p> b) Dominick Falvo, Methacton High School indoor band assistant color guard director in the amount of $1,398.52.</p><p> c) Rick Smith, Methacton High School JV wrestling coach in the amount of $4,888.38.</p><p> d) Jason Welsh, Methacton High School marching band fourth assistant in the amount of $1,691.76.</p><p> d. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO CLASSIFIED SUBSTITUTE LIST</p><p>1) ADDITIONS</p><p> a) Diane Ahern b) Barbara Brasher c) Amy Conser d) Jacqueline Flaherty-Bailey e) Jill Margiotti f) Christine Redington g) Cathy Sikora</p><p>Page 5 of 10 January 20, 2009 Work Session Meeting Minutes</p><p> h) Carolyn Valerio</p><p>END OF CONSENT AGENDA</p><p>B. FISCAL – Mr. Denis McCall</p><p>Presentation of the Budget – January 27, 2009 – Mr. McCall</p><p>1. TREASURER’S REPORT (Placeholder)</p><p>It will be recommended that the Board approve the treasurer’s reports for the months of November and December. The treasurer’s reports will be provided prior to the regular meeting.</p><p>2. MCIU BUDGET FOR 2009-2010</p><p>Approve the 2009-2010 budget for Montgomery County Intermediate Unit in the amount of $8,035,746: District Budget Contribution General Administration $ 950,127 $ 0 Curriculum and Staff Development $2,797,633 $ 3,477 State and Federal Legislative Services $ 260,388 $ 5,496 Technology and Information Services $4,027,598 $64,325______Total $8,035,746 $73,298</p><p>3. NORTH MONTCO TECHNICAL CAREER CENTER BUDGET FOR 2009-2010</p><p>Approve the proposed 2009-10 North Montco Technical Career Center budget in the amount of $7,848,170 with $1,030,405 being Methacton’s share reflecting a 7.36 % increase over last year.</p><p>4. EMS AND OCCUPATION PRIVILEGE TAX COLLECTOR</p><p>Approve the Agreement and associated Resolutions with H.A. Berkheimer, Inc. appointing them to collect the 2009 EMS and Occupation Privilege Tax.</p><p>5. ANNUAL FINANCIAL AND SINGLE AUDIT</p><p>Approve Major & Mastro, LLC to conduct the audit of Methacton’s annual financial and single audit statement in the amount of $17,000, $17,500 and $18,000 for three years, June 30, 2009 through June 30, 2011.</p><p>6. JUNE 30, 2008 YEAR-END AUDIT</p><p>Accept the Financial Statements and Single Audit for the year-ending June 30, 2008 from Major & Mastro, LLC.</p><p>7. INTERMEDIATE UNITS TRANSPORTATION STUDY</p><p>Page 6 of 10 January 20, 2009 Work Session Meeting Minutes</p><p>Approve the cost of $3,034 for Methacton School District’s share of the Montgomery and Bucks County Intermediate Unit’s Transportation Study. </p><p>8. BUS PURCHASE </p><p>Approve the advertising of bus bid specifications for the bus purchase from the Capital Reserve Fund in an amount not to exceed $275,000.</p><p>9. DUMP TRUCK PURCHASE</p><p>Approve the purchase of a dump truck from the Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $58,726.</p><p>10. RESOLUTION FOR TAX COLLECTOR COMPENSATION (Placeholder)</p><p>C. PERSONNEL – Mr. Robert Harney</p><p>1. EMPLOYMENT – LONG-TERM SUBSTITUTE – PROFESSIONAL</p><p> a. Approve the employment of Jennifer Roth, long-term substitute grade three instructor at Worcester Elementary School. Salary: $41,000 (prorated) based on Bachelors, Step 1. Effective approximately December 22, 2008 through April 14, 2009.</p><p> b. Approve an extension for Kelly Aspinall, long-term substitute grade two instructor at Audubon Elementary School. Salary: $41,000 (prorated) based on Bachelors, Step 1. Effective for the remainder of the 2008-09 school year.</p><p> c. Approve an extension for Rebecca Bouboulis, long-term substitute grade two instructor at Worcester Elementary School. Salary: $41,500 (prorated) based on Bachelors +15, Step 1. Effective for the second semester of the 2008-09 school year.</p><p> d. Approve an extension for Lauren Reese, long-term substitute special education instructor at Arcola Intermediate School. Salary: $41,300 (prorated) based on Bachelors, Step 1. Effective through March 30, 2009.</p><p> e. Approve an extension for Danielle Smith, long-term substitute school psychologist district-wide. Salary: $55,384 (prorated) based on Masters +30, Step 7.5. Effective for the remainder of the 2008-09 school year.</p><p>2. EMPLOYMENT – LONG-TERM SUBSTITUTE – CLASSIFIED </p><p> a. Approve an extension for Doris Jackson, long-term substitute instructional assistant at Woodland Elementary School. Hourly rate of $13.70. Effective for the second semester of the 2008-09 school year.</p><p>Page 7 of 10 January 20, 2009 Work Session Meeting Minutes</p><p>3. UNCOMPENSATED LEAVE – PROFESSIONAL</p><p> a. Shannon Clark, grade two instructor at Audubon Elementary School. Extended for the remainder of the 2008-09 school year. b. Alison Cowley, grade eight science instructor at Arcola Intermediate School. Effective, following a period of disability, approximately March 23, 2009 through the end of the 2008-2009 school year.</p><p> c. Donna Laurion, school psychologist at Eagleville Elementary School. Effective December 22, 2008 through the end of the 2008-2009 school year.</p><p> d. Katherine Niewinski, grade five instructor at Worcester Elementary School. Effective approximately January 27, 2009 through the end of the 2008-09 school year.</p><p> e. Lindsey Stutz, special education instructor at Arcola Intermediate School. Extended through March 30, 2009.</p><p> f. Krista Wagner, .5 kindergarten instructor at Arrowhead Elementary School. Effective, following a period of disability, approximately March 27, 2009 through the end of the 2008-2009 school year.</p><p>4. UNCOMPENSATED LEAVE – CLASSIFIED</p><p> a. Sarah Reid, personal care assistant at Woodland Elementary School. Effective December 16, 2008 for approximately two weeks.</p><p>D. POLICY AND PROGRAM – Dr. Jane Martin</p><p>1. BOARD POLICY REVISIONS – SECOND READING</p><p> a. Board Policy #209.2 – Severe Allergy/Anaphylaxis – New b. Board Policy #210 – Use of Medications c. Board Policy #246 – Student Wellness d. Board Policy #903 – Public Participation in Board Meetings</p><p>2. INSTRUCTIONAL CALENDAR FOR 2009-2010</p><p>Approve the instructional calendar for 2009-2010.</p><p>3. ACT 80 DAYS FOR 2008-2009</p><p>Approve the two dates of March 10, 2009 and April 27, 2009 as additional Act 80 days on the 2008-2009 instructional calendar. </p><p>E. OTHER – Dr. Timothy Quinn</p><p>1. TEAM CHILDREN </p><p>Page 8 of 10 January 20, 2009 Work Session Meeting Minutes</p><p>Approve the donation of eligible district computers to Team Children, a non- profit provider servicing the distribution of refurbished computers to students and families in the Methacton School District.</p><p>XI. INFORMATION ITEMS </p><p>A. DATES FOR BOARD MEMBERS’ CALENDARS – Mrs. Marijane Barbone</p><p>January 20, 2009 Finance Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m. Woodland Board Work Session 7:30 p.m. Woodland January 27, 2009 Property Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m. High School Regular Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. High School February 17, 2009 Finance Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m. High School Board Work Session 7:30 p.m. High School February 24, 2009 Property Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m. High School Board Work Session 7:30 p.m. High School</p><p>B. ADVISEMENTS – Dr. Timothy Quinn</p><p>1. BOARD POLICY REVISIONS – FIRST READING</p><p>The following board policies have been reviewed by the Policy Committee and are scheduled for board approval in February:</p><p> a. Board Policy #204 – Attendance b. Board Policy #626 – Federal Fiscal - New c. Board Policy #801 – Public Records d. Board Policy #810.2 – Transportation e. Board Policy #916 – Volunteers</p><p>Mr. Sattler referred to some questions he had regarding the policies. Dr. Hayes confirmed receipt of the questions and the committee will take them under advisement making any revisions for a first reading next week.</p><p>2. TRANSFERS - CLASSIFIED</p><p> a. Andre Jackson, custodian, from Worcester Elementary School to Woodland Elementary School. Effective December 11, 2008.</p><p> b. Daniel Lasorda, head custodian, from Woodland Elementary School to Eagleville Elementary School. Effective December 1, 2008.</p><p> c. Mark Nave, custodian, from Methacton High School to Worcester Elementary School. Effective January 14, 2009.</p><p>3. STAFF ACHIEVEMENTS</p><p> a. Mary Ellen Caldwell, music instructor at Arcola Intermediate School, has been selected as the recipient of the 2008-2009 PMEA District Citation of Excellence Award.</p><p>Page 9 of 10 January 20, 2009 Work Session Meeting Minutes</p><p>XII. OLD BUSINESS</p><p>Mrs. Barbone reported that Dr. Mollick since July 2007 has submitted 24 Right to Know requests for information. Each request has multiple items. Of those 24, 23 have been made available and none have been picked up to-date. Legal costs to-date with Dr. Mollick total $23,423.90 for the 2007 case, $8927.50 for the 2008 case and $3,763.00 for 2009.</p><p>XIII. NEW BUSINESS</p><p>No New Business.</p><p>XIV. COURTESY OF THE FLOOR</p><p>John Andrews, Lower Providence  Tax Increase  Enrollment</p><p>Carol Staats, Worcester  Good Presentation  Concerned with over $40,000 in legal fees</p><p>Mr. Van Horn questioned what the latest projection was percentage-wise for a tax increase. Mr. McCall responded 7.38%.</p><p>XV. COORDINATOR OF COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES – Mrs. Angela Linch - January 27, 2009</p><p>XVI. ADJOURNMENT</p><p>On a motion made by Mr. Sattler and seconded by Mr. Jones, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.</p><p>Page 10 of 10</p>

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