<p> ExecutivExecutivee SummarySummary</p><p>Ergonomic Lifting Study: Using Intelligent Assist Devices to Increase Productivity & Reduce Product Damage</p><p>The Study The following summary is based on a study performed by the Rochester Institute of Technology. The complete study is available by contacting Gorbel at (800) 821-0086 or at ww w .gorbel.com/gforce/study.</p><p>The study compared the performance of Gorbel’s G-Force® Intelligent Lifting Device to manual lifting, an air balancer with pendant control, a variable frequency chain hoist, an electric balancer and an air balancer with electric controls.</p><p>The study focused on performance of these devices in the following applications: High Cycle Applications • Productivity • Energy expenditure</p><p>Precision Placements • Productivity • Energy expenditure • Potential for product damage</p><p>Quick Change in Direction (Inertia Management) • Handling force required to reverse direction • Handling force required to raise and lower the load</p><p>The subjects simulated high cycle and precision placement, tasks typically performed with lifting devices. Subjects were instructed to work as fast as reasonably possible while keeping their heart rate in a target region of 45-55% of their maximum heart rate, which is considered to be a safe working pace. ® 2 energy between The average performed addition activity themultiple) (METS), Energy energy Medics Energy Energy 45-55% working wore while average Figure Productivity energy expendedenergy illustrate the This times many house T Hig • High device. and between The Hig</p><p> energy G-Force® more On G-Force® Operators o Manual</p><p> test the numbers numbers</p><p> average,</p><p> p</p><p> a h h main</p><p> alletizing expended</p><p> or</p><p> number</p><p> energy</p><p> heart 1: Number exceeds expenditure each the was system was the</p><p>Cycle</p><p> of within to Cycl Cycl energy number</p><p> which among Expenditure factory</p><p> t manual energy their number the</p><p> aining</p><p> li</p><p> required</p><p> in than</p><p> in as</p><p> measured measured</p><p> were extent energy li f rate</p><p> ting</p><p> blue f</p><p> achieved blue</p><p> manual</p><p> ting</p><p> a</p><p> five than they</p><p> with are that application</p><p> e</p><p> e maximum</p><p> expenditure.</p><p> the safe</p><p> was of the</p><p>Conclusions:</p><p> expended with</p><p> monitor</p><p> a (in of</p><p> on </p><p>68% on</p><p>T T</p><p> li </p><p> li device</p><p> of</p><p> a</p><p> each to li</p><p> required cons f for</p><p> measured f could resting expenditure</p><p> li</p><p> ting. </p><p> ft est the</p><p> ting est</p><p>Figur li Figur order Figur Figur measure</p><p> ft the simulated. and s</p><p>Palletizing which f</p><p> with</p><p> s the</p><p> in through ting li each</p><p> more at</p><p> p achieved</p><p> f t li</p><p> devices, ting ant articular</p><p> t Me least</p><p> f</p><p> to</p><p> e e comfor e ained Figure in e in</p><p> with heart each other ting was</p><p> to</p><p>2 2 me 1 1 </p><p> devices.</p><p> insure different a t</p><p> a subject </p><p> work</p><p> abolic show show s productive</p><p> required </p><p> the ten</p><p> breath high</p><p> of </p><p> t t</p><p> p use 78% amount ay devices. abolic </p><p> studied</p><p> rate.</p><p> with articular with</p><p> for li t methods.</p><p>Each</p><p> how able</p><p>2 G-Force®</p><p>Li f</p><p> subjec</p><p> minute the ting load. within the</p><p> they</p><p> cycle shows of Equivalen f</p><p> a</p><p> the during t</p><p>1</p><p> each</p><p> li s</p><p> more by difference difference</p><p> difference difference cer rate. far a</p><p> device. f range</p><p> ting subject</p><p> shows</p><p>78% to</p><p>G-Force®</p><p> li</p><p>Sensor of were t</p><p>Subjec breath safe f s </p><p> t</p><p>(as application,</p><p> ting period. ain </p><p> with</p><p> show and device the</p><p> devices li In</p><p> f of energy ting.</p><p> a</p><p> t ergonomic</p><p> the s the li</p><p> t f the s ted</p><p> could workload a</p><p> a</p><p>45 expenditure typical</p><p>25 30 35 40</p><p>20 10 li METS 15 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 lb. 1.0 increase 5 0 f ting 0 G-Force</p><p>Gorbel weight G-Force Gorbel</p><p> associated</p><p>22.6 p 2.85 p alletizing arameters). ’</p><p> s ® ’ the</p><p> s ® from Figure Figure Balancer Electric</p><p> number Balancer than expende fewer 16.3 Electric energy 39% (Normalized li</p><p> more</p><p>3.01 ft High one 6% with application d s</p><p>2: 1:</p><p>A position G-Force® Number repeated Cycle w/Electric</p><p>Balancer Controls verage of w/Electric 7% fewer Balancer expende 17.0 Controls</p><p>33% energy Air li for li ft 3.06 f Air s more d t</p><p>Applications s</p><p>Energy that</p><p> possible of to Energy</p><p> manual</p><p> w/Pendant Palletizing a</p><p>Balancer Control one</p><p> w/Pendant</p><p>Expenditure) 124% position li fewer Balancer 10.1 and 8% Air Control expende ft energy s 3.08</p><p>Air Expended, might more d</p><p> while</p><p> li the f ting Frequency</p><p>V 3’ Li</p><p>Frequency Chain find</p><p> ariable Hoist fewer</p><p>13.0 main expende 74% V li ft energy away other and fts Chain more ariable Hoist 0.7% s 2.87 d</p><p> in</p><p> t</p><p> to main aining complete li</p><p> a heart 75% minutes as f could</p><p> subjec ting</p><p> ware- li Manual expende</p><p> energy t</p><p> ain Manual more f N/A</p><p>78% of rates. 5.08 ting &</p><p> d</p><p> not</p><p> the the t still safe</p><p> s</p><p> of 10</p><p> devices. • Operators were 68% more productive with the G-Force® while exerting approximately the same energy as the other lifting devices.</p><p>1Visit our website at ww w .gorbel.com/gforce/study for further explanation of this and other components of this study.</p><p> resul li the energy Medics Energy Energy percen in damage threshold the times load t A Force of they load. each shows Figure Productivity each between The and between The was a was simulate Many Precisio the other The Precisio arget f Manual damage The the Operators</p><p> ting</p><p> force the their</p><p>G-Force®. five number blue the blue blue</p><p> t p placement. were</p><p>G-Force®</p><p> li s. device</p><p> in G-Force® articular the</p><p>Subjec study</p><p> f measured precision t force</p><p> ting the</p><p> ag other</p><p>3: Number 3: expenditure maximum of</p><p> measuring system was</p><p> the li the</p><p> numbers numbers this numbers</p><p> im</p><p> f</p><p>Expenditure this, ting li</p><p> e</p><p> weight</p><p> were</p><p> the working</p><p>Placement</p><p> methods average f</p><p> p number energy</p><p> o ting</p><p> of is act li measured plate simulation. were while f</p><p> t</p><p> f</p><p> li s n</p><p> n devices,</p><p> ting subjec li load 67.5 f im</p><p> ft ting</p><p> counted wore</p><p> that</p><p> threshold placement</p><p> than s</p><p> required on in in in Placemen was Placemen p of the A</p><p> expended</p><p> methods. tha heart that</p><p> act of 51%</p><p> main</p><p>Figur</p><p>Figur Figur Figur to within</p><p> system </p><p> device. Figur damage</p><p>Figur o</p><p> the number lbs. lbs. than for measured</p><p> t li f peak</p><p> t a</p><p> damage s</p><p> ft with</p><p>2.5 forces Precisio</p><p> exce </p><p> measured</p><p> s subjec</p><p> heart picked</p><p> through each t load</p><p> e e more e e</p><p> rate.</p><p> aining for e e achieved</p><p>Figure</p><p>See</p><p> the 3 4 3 the 4</p><p> times</p><p>5 5 for an</p><p> im with integrated</p><p> the show show eded applications</p><p> show each</p><p> of im</p><p> was</p><p> the</p><p> exceeding subject. p rate safe other the Figure t average</p><p> productive s</p><p> act up</p><p> p li breath a n</p><p>G-Force® other</p><p> use</p><p> ft act load performed</p><p> the</p><p> the 4 less</p><p> with the that cons t s Placemen t device. computed</p><p>45 the</p><p> monitor a</p><p> force</p><p> shows range at</p><p>T T</p><p> difference </p><p>45 threshold likelihood</p><p> devices.</p><p> of difference as</p><p> lb.</p><p> t</p><p> the est 5 est force</p><p> ained threshold.</p><p> likely produc t into</p><p> by</p><p>In</p><p> ant</p><p> a lb. com of</p><p> fo</p><p> load</p><p> of</p><p> com require that </p><p>G-Force®</p><p>Sensor</p><p> addition of r</p><p> breath</p><p> the </p><p>70% The The to weight the work </p><p> with the each p</p><p> at manual</p><p>45-55% t with with p ared</p><p> to and </p><p> insure used of ared</p><p>Li</p><p> t im of s.</p><p> ft the </p><p> placing p to 1.5 s </p><p> and to act. to</p><p> placed</p><p> a 20% 30% 40% 50%</p><p>10% METS 60% load 10 20 35 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 15 30 1.0 25 0 5 0 0 G-Force</p><p>Figure Gorbel G-Force it Gorbel Gorbel Figure</p><p> as 14.0 on 2.41 15.3%</p><p>Figure gently a ’</p><p>’ s ’ ®</p><p>4: s s</p><p>® ® t 5: able</p><p>Balancer</p><p>Electric Percen damag Balancer Electric</p><p>Electric expende A 2 likely energy li fewer</p><p>41% 9.9 31.1% x more as vg. 2.75 ft 3: 14% loa</p><p> more s top d</p><p> d e Number</p><p> to possible th Energy t</p><p> age t Air e e Air arget Air w/Electric Controls w/Electric damag</p><p>Controls</p><p> expende 1.7</p><p>Balancer likel energy Balancer fewer 10.7 of 2.85 Balancer more 31% 26.5% li 18% load x</p><p> fts</p><p> d of more</p><p>Expended, y</p><p>3’ Li e to to</p><p> the</p><p>Precision ft awa prevent s</p><p>Exceeding Ai</p><p>Air w/Pendant Ai w/Pendant y r Control expende</p><p>2.5 r Control . .</p><p> energy Balancer fewer the damage likel</p><p>Balancer 76% more li 7.9 2.88 Balancer</p><p>37.8% 20% x ft Underneath</p><p> d Precision more load</p><p> s</p><p> y damage Placement to </p><p>Force Chain Frequency Chain expende Frequency V energy fewer V 1.26% V 59% ariable 2.38 li less 8.8 ariable</p><p>60.2%</p><p> fts ariable d to Placement</p><p>Hoist</p><p>Threshold</p><p> the Li Hoist the exceeding ft subjec 3.3 t</p><p> complete None mor s dam- ag o heart</p><p> minutes t expended 2.2 li load. damag arget x likely f mor Manual Manual ting Manual e 70% load x 34.4% load 4.10 N/A energy</p><p> t more of s rates.</p><p> e t could w/o e</p><p> likely the e</p><p> o th</p><p> safe of the 10 T e o</p><p>3 3</p><p> more energy than the lifting devices. G-Force® Balancer w/Electric w/Pendant Frequency Controls Control Chain Hoist</p><p>Precision Placement Conclusions: • Operators were 51% more productive with the G-Force®. • G-Force® was an average of 2.5 times less likely to damage the load than the other devices. • Manual lifting required 70% more energy than the lifting devices. 4 Inertia Management Test The final part of the study measured the handling forces involved in overcoming the inertia required to change the direction of a load being raised or lowered.</p><p>Reversing Load Direction Figure 6: Force (in pounds) to Reverse Direction The force required to change load direction from 30 down to up and from up to down was measured for 8.6x more the G-Force®, the electronic balancer and the air force 25 balancer with electric controls. The average force required required to change directions is shown in Figure 6: 20 Force to Reverse Direction. 2.9x more 15 31.2 The numbers in blue on Figure 6 show the difference force required between the force required to reverse direction with the G-Force® compared to the force required with the other 10 devices.</p><p>5 10.5 G-Force® required an average of 5.8 times</p><p>3.6 less handling force to reverse load direction 0 than the other devices studied in this test. Gorbel’s Electric Air Balancer with G-Force® Balancer Electric Controls</p><p>Inertia Management Conclusions: Compared to the electric balancer and air balancer with electric controls, G-Force® required: • An average of 5.8 times less handling force to reverse load direction</p><p>Study Conclusions High Cycle Applications: • G-Force® and other lifting devices require 78% less energy expenditure than manual lifting. And while maintaining the same average energy expenditure as the other lifting devices, operators were 68% more productive with G-Force®. Precision Placement Applications: • G-Force® and the other lifting devices require 70% less energy than manual lifting. G-Force® excelled above the other lifting devices by being 51% more productive and 2.5 times less likely to damage the load. Inertia Management: • G-Force® requires the least amount of handling force to reverse load direction - saving your operators from the damaging physical strain these direction changes can have on their bodies.</p><p>For More Information • For the full 23 page study, call us toll free at (800) 821-0086 (US and Canada) or (585) 924-6262 • To request a free G-Force® color brochure or to arrange a local demonstration, call (800) 821-0086 or (585) 924-6262</p><p>Gorbel Inc. Phone: 800-821-0086 600 Fishers Run Fax: 800-828-1808 Fishers, NY 14453 E-mail: [email protected] http://ww w .gorbel.com</p><p>© Gorbel 2006 All Rights Reserved</p>
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