THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2016 Tel 052 617 2500 email: [email protected] Vol 21 Issue 16 Aerobics with Celine Age 50 + On Your Toes Fethard Road LifeEasyCovLifeer •PCoverensions Clonmel Guaranteed Life Cover Mon@7 Lumpup Sumto €2Inves5,000tments Tues@7 *NoMedical [email protected] Busines*NoHsTealransactedth Questiowithns all T: 086 1657684 leading Insurance Companies. Follow Aerobics with Celine on Facebook John Carew Investments Ltd. “StAnne’s”, The Quay,Clonmel Tel: 052 6127627 Challenge yourself! John Carew Investments Ltd. is regulated by the Central Bank Of Ireland Locals offer feedback on what the River Suir means to them Great turnouts and lively RiverSuir catchment, in- sion on theSuir into water cide with publicconsulta- discussions were the order cluding at Newcastle Com- qualityand other natural tions by the Office of Public munity Hall, Golden water issues, and explore op- Works (OPW) on the Catch- of the day at the recent Community Hall, Anner portunities that the Suir and ment Flood Risk Assessment community meetings on Hotel Thurles, Cahir House its tributaries can provide and Management (CFRAM) ‘what does the River Suir Hotel, FethardCommunity local communities. s tudy. means to you?’. Hall, and Kildalton College These meetings were or- The meeting in Newcastle P i l tow n . ganised by the Local Au- openedwith apresentation Locals came together at six The evening meetings thority Waters and by Dr. Fran Igoe whO gave the locations throughout the aimed to Open out the discus- Communities Office to coin- background to anew ap- proachtO themanagementof our natural waters, which in- clude rivers, lakes, ground- ENJOYING THE FESTIVAL water, estuaries, thecoast and wetlands. The import- ance of the RiverSuir from a European perspective was ex- plained, including why it was selected as a Special Area Of Conservationon accountof the myriad of wildlife it sup- p O rt s . The meetings were then opened to the floor and at- tendees were invited to con- tribute on the benefitsand issues from a local per- spective. Discussions ranged from sewage present in the river and excessive vegetation growth to access restrictions for walkers and the potential for river based tourism. Following this discussion there wasan overview of the structure and role of the na- tional Waters and Com- munities Office and the draft River Basin Management Pictured are Orla, Noah, Jack, Ruby and Molly O' Neill and Sarah and Anna Kiely enjoying the entertainment at Plan which will be available MICHAEL last Sunday's Family Fun Day in Denis Burke Park, Clonmel. Up to 10,0000 people attended the outing, which brought the town's sixth annual Busking Festival and Festival Cluain Meala to a wonderful finale. Continued on Page 2 ORMOND LTD MAHERS Gutters - Fascia - Soffit - PHARMACY Gutter Cleaning 7O’Connell St Clonmel • Te l(052) 612 1205 Sunday INSULATION €650 GRANT Buffet €11.50 Adults €6.50 Child Cavity Wall - Attic Insulation FLAT ROOF SPECIALISTS HALF Firestone Rubber Roofing Systems PRICE ON Tel: Michael SELECTED (087) 7983033 | (052) 6122193 LINES Web: michaelormondltd.com Email: [email protected] 2SOUTH TIPP TODAY www.southtipptoday.ie Th ursday, August 1 1, 20 1 6 Have you got news for South Tipp Today? N EWS Email [email protected] Local students offer advice ahead of Leaving Certificate results day Ahead of the Leaving Certi- studying the subjects they students to think carefully places facilityon thecollege ficate results coming out on love in college. about accepting an offer for a website. Don’t panicor worry “You will go above and course that they don't have if youdon’t receive an offer at Wednesday next, August 17, beyond what you thought you their heart fully set on. all as some people forget to ac- and CAO round one offers were capable of. Putthe time “Choose the course you’re cept theiroffers and these the following Monday, Au- and effort into class when you going to accept wisely. Ifyou will be offered to other applic- get to college, but also re- d o n’t receive offers in sub- a nt s ,” the Legal Studies at gust 22, local third level stu- Joanne O’Herlihy says students will member to enjoy it, meet sequent rounds, you may WIT adds. dents share some advice to only discover their true potential in people with the same in- apply through available c o l l eg e. those considering taking the terests as youand youwill next step in their education. love yourcollege experience,” Joanne O’Herlihy from she continues. Clonmel says the Leaving Cashel’s Lauren Hayde ad- Certificate issomething she vises students not to stress struggled with, and it was about results day. only when she went to Water- “Results time can be very ford Institute of Technology Lauren Hayde encoruages worrying, but if it all goes (WIT) to study Design Visual students to consider their options good on the daygreat, butif Communications that she got c a re f u l l y. not don’t panic. If youdon’t to explore morecreative and get the points you were practical areas tailored to her hoping toachieve, don’t beat i nte re s t s . school. Itgets so much easier yourself up about it. You “The one thing Iwish to study and put thework never knowhow the CAO will people told me is that when hours in because it becomes go, and you may get your offer you get to college you are fo- your passion,” Joanne ex- or youmay not.There are cusing all your energy into plains. other options, likegoing back something youlove, rather Joanne believes students to repeat,” she suggests. than across so many different will only discover their true Lauren says it’s vital to ac- The 2 Johnnies performed their song ‘Shane Long’at Cahir Park AFC when an FAI delegation came to visit subjects like youdid in potential once they start cept an offer if it's what you recently. Pictured are Johnny McMahon and Johnny B. O’Brien with FAI CEO John Delaney. See FAI Festival of want to do, butencourages Football special from page 15-17. More community meetings on River Suir to take place Continued from front page p re s e ntat i o n . for groups to network and by the Waters and Com- consider theflood relief between the different A keyobjective ofthe work together throughout munities Office to therel- measures being proposed by g roup s . nationally forpublic con- meetings was to explorethe the wider catchment,” D r. evant public authorities and theOPW CFRAM study as There was broad agree- sultation from December potential for community in- Igoe emphasised: feedback will be givento the there may also be opportun- ment that an annual event 2016 to June 2017. volvement in the manage- It was stressed that there community from where the ities forproposed workstobe should be organised for the In Cahir the meeting ment of the RiverSuir are opportunities to improve issue was raised. designed in such a way that River Suir showcasing the started witha shortwork- catchment. It was acknow- not just waterquality and All issues will be compiled there is additional com- work carried out by com- shop by Dr. Craig Bullockof ledged at the meetings that wildlifehabitats butalso for aRiver Suir Catchment munity benefits. For example munities throughout the UCD whoexplained his re- there is great work being un- amenity and tourism value, submission to the draft ‘R i ve r river walks, viewing points or river catchment. This search into the ‘e c o s y s te m dertaken by groups such as whilst still dealing with Basin ManagementPlan’in canoe access incorporated meeting is now being planned s e r v ic e s’ provided by Irish Workmans Boat Club in flooding issues. December 2016. The River into proposed flood manage- for Ardfinnan on Sunday, rivers. Ecosystem services es- Clonmel, numerousangling Some of the issuesraised Basin ManagementPlan will ment options. September 25th . sentially arethe rangeof be- clubs, River Rescue, and Tidy at the meetings will require outline theissues affecting The overall attendance at Further River Suir catch- nefits we derive fromnature. Towns committees right major infrastructural invest- the status or quality of our theevening meetings ex- ment meetings will take place Thus in the contextofrivers throughout the catchment. ment, suchas providing new natural waters and putfor- ceeded expectations and the in late August/ early these include water supply “What is needed is long or upgraded wastewater ward a programme of discussions continued long Septemberin Clonmel, Car- for drinking, farming and in- term support forthe excel- treatment facilities. measure fordealing with after the meetings had form- rick on Suir,Tipperary, Tem- dustry,fishing, amenity, and lent work being carried out by However, other issuescan be them over thefollowingfour ally ended as people chatted plemore, Ballymacarbry, tourism. The biology ofthe local communities, encour- solved with local effort and yea r s . over acup oftea.This Portlaw and Waterford. river and how it deals with agement formore people to some with minimal cost. In the interim local com- provided the opportunity for Stay up to date with devel- waste and nutrientswas also get involved and reconnect All issues raised at the munities and local author- networking and sharing of opments by visiting www.wa- touched upon during this with the river, and ultimately meetings will be forwarded ities arebeing urgedto experiences ofthe river te r s a n d c o m mu n i t ie s . i e. BUSY BEES Follow us on Facebook NOW AT BUSY BEES PRE SCHOOL RATHKEEVIN 22 FREE ECCE PRE SCHOOL PLACES NATIONAL NOWAVAILABLE FOR SEPTEMBER 2016 SCHOOL FOR THE GREATER CLONMEL/GRANGE/ RATHKEEVIN/ POWERSTOWNAREA Visa Cards NOWENROLLING accepted Buffet Lunch th For School Going Kids, Also Drop off from 7.30am available Starting 19 August After School Collections until 6.15pm Friday, Saturday 5-9pm and Sunday Our Pre School will link with Rathkeevin National School's Calender and close with the school.
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