Year 4 History Overview, Term 1 2013

Year 4 History Overview, Term 1 2013

<p> YEAR 4 HISTORY OVERVIEW, TERM 1 2013 </p><p>UNIT TITLE: HOW DOES KNOWING ABOUT AUSTRALIA’S PAST HELP UP UNDERSTAND AUSTRALIA TODAY?</p><p>UNIT OUTLINE CONTENT ASSESSMENT (A) DESCRIPTIONS</p><p>How did life in traditional Aboriginal and Historical Knowledge and By the end of Year 4, students explain how and why life Torres Strait Islander communities reflect Understanding: changed in the past, and identify aspects of the past their connection to Country and Place and The diversity and longevity of impact on their daily lives? Australia’s first peoples and the that remained the same. They describe the experiences ways Aboriginal and/or Torres of an individual or group over time. They recognise the Strait Islander peoples are significance of events in bringing about change. connected to Country and Place LINKS TO OTHER LA’S Students sequence events and people (their lifetime) in (land, sea, waterways and chronological order to identify key dates. They pose a English skies) and the implications for range of questions about the past. They identify sources their daily lives. (ACHHK077) Visual Arts (written, physical, visual, oral), and locate information to What was life like for Aboriginal Geography answer these questions. They recognise different points and/or Torres Strait Islander of view. Students develop and present texts, including Peoples before the arrival of the narratives, using historical terms Europeans? ASSESSMENT</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services</p><p>Historical Skills Interpretation of Dreaming stories. Using 3-2-1 Chronology, terms Thinking Strategies. 1. Things I found out. and concepts. 2.Interesting things. 3. Questions I still have. 1. Sequence historical people Compare and contrast the use of Totems in and events (ACHHS081) Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples. A matching terms activity where students match Historical questions and clues with terms. research.</p><p>1.Pose a range of questions about the past. (ACHHS083)</p><p>2.Generating questions about the diversity and antiguity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples</p><p>Explanation and Communication</p><p>1. Uses a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies (ACHHS087)</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services</p><p>DEVELOPING INQUIRING AND REFLECTIVE LEARNERS</p><p>Community Contributor Effective Communicator Designer and Creator</p><p>Leader and Collaborator Active Investigator Quality Producer</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services CROSS CURRICULA PRIORITIES</p><p>Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s Engagement Catholic Ethos Islander Histories and Cultures with Asia</p><p>The overarching purpose of Catholic schools of Active engagement of inclusive curriculum This perspective requires students to develop the past, as well as the future, is to bring the practices, which reflect Aboriginal and Torres skills, knowledge and understandings related to Good News of Jesus to all who hear it. In the Strait Islander perspectives, knowledge, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia. midst of a world of educational, social and histories, cultures and spirituality. A genuine economic change the focus on the holistic commitment to Reconciliation, guided by growth of the individual remains the surest way principles of personal dignity, social justice and The curriculum provides opportunities to know, catholic school can prepare students for the equity, which reflect the Gospel message and understand and be able to: uncertainties of the future. the mission of the Church. 1. Understand ‘Asia’ Defining Features, Diocese of Cairns 2. Develop informed attitudes and values The curriculum provides opportunities to value and respect: The curriculum provides opportunities for young 3. Know about contemporary and traditional Asia people to connect their curriculum experiences 1. Traditional knowledge and practices to a living Christian faith. 4. Connect Australia and Asia 2. Culture and natural heritage 5. Communicate effectively with people of 3. Spirituality the Asian region both within and outside And to critically examine and/or challenge: Australia confidently</p><p>1. Social constructs </p><p>2. Prejudice and racism</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services Sustainability Education Social Emotional Learning Inclusive Education</p><p>Access to current information about Social and emotional competencies are integral It is by the quality of interactions and environmental issues and promotion of a to academic and work success and are the relationships that all students learn to reflective and responsive attitude towards basis of resilience, relational quality and social understand and appreciate difference, to value stewardship of the gifts of creation. capital. diversity and learn to respond with dignity and respect to all through mutually enriching interactions. The curriculum provides opportunities to reflect The curriculum provides opportunities to upon: develop: The curriculum provides equitable access for 1. The gift of creation 1. Self Awareness and/or positive interactions with students from different backgrounds and with diverse needs 2. An attitude of responsible stewardship 2. Social Awareness and abilities. And to critically examine and/or challenge: 3. Responsible Decision Making</p><p>1. The impact of human interaction with the 4. Self-Management natural, built and social environment 5. Relationship Management 2. Current environmental issues</p><p>GENERAL CAPABILITIES</p><p>Information and Critical and Creative Literacy Numeracy Communication Technology Thinking</p><p>Students become literate as they Students become numerate as they Students develop ICT competence Students develop critical and creative develop the skills to learn and develop the capacity to recognise and when they learn to: thinking as they learn to generate and communicate confidently at school and understand the role of mathematics in evaluate knowledge, ideas and </p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services to become effective individuals, the world around them and the  Investigate with ICT: using ICT to plan possibilities, and use them when community members, workers and confidence, willingness and ability to and refine information searches; to seeking new pathways or solutions. In citizens. These skills include listening, apply mathematics to their lives in locate and access different types of learning to think broadly and deeply reading, viewing, writing, speaking and ways that are constructive and data and information and to verify the students learn to use reason and creating print, visual and digital meaningful. integrity of data when investigating imagination to direct their thinking for materials accurately and purposefully questions, topics or problems different purposes. In the context of within and across all learning areas. schooling, critical and creative thinking  Create with ICT: using ICT to generate are integral to activities that require As they become numerate, students ideas, plans, processes and products reason, logic, imagination and develop and use mathematical skills to create solutions to challenges or innovation. Literacy involves students engaging related to: learning area tasks with the language and literacy As they develop critical and creative demands of each learning area.  Calculation and number  Communicate with ICT: using ICT to thinking students learn to: communicate ideas and information with others adhering to social protocols  Patterns and relationships  Pose insightful and purposeful appropriate to the communicative questions As they become literate students learn context (purpose, audience and  Proportional reasoning to: technology)  Apply logic and strategies to uncover  Spatial reasoning meaning and make reasoned  Interpret, analyse, evaluate, respond to  Operate ICT: applying technical judgments and construct increasingly complex knowledge and skills to use ICT texts (Comprehension and  Statistical literacy efficiently and to manage data and Think beyond the immediate situation composition) information when and as needed   Measurement. to consider the ‘big picture’ before focussing on the detail  Understand, use, write and produce  Apply appropriate social and ethical different types of text (Texts) protocols and practices to operate and manage ICT.  Suspend judgment about a situation to consider alternative pathways  Manage and produce grammatical patterns and structures in texts Reflect on thinking, actions and (Grammar)  processes  Make appropriate word selections and Generate and develop ideas and decode and comprehend new (basic,  specialised and technical) vocabulary possibilities (Vocabulary)</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services  Use and produce a range of visual  Analyse information logically and make materials to learn and demonstrate reasoned judgments learning (Visual information)  Evaluate ideas and create solutions and draw conclusions </p><p> Assess the feasibility, possible risks and benefits in the implementation of their ideas </p><p> Transfer their knowledge to new situations</p><p>Ethical Behaviour Personal and Social Competence Intercultural Understanding</p><p>Students develop ethical behaviour as they learn to Students develop personal and social competence Students develop intercultural understanding as they understand and act in accordance with ethical as they learn to understand and manage themselves, learn to understand themselves in relation to others. principles. This includes understanding the role of their relationships, lives, work and learning more This involves students valuing their own cultures and ethical principles, values and virtues in human life; effectively. This involves recognising and regulating beliefs and those of others, and engaging with people acting with moral integrity; acting with regard for their emotions, developing concern for and of diverse cultures in ways that recognise others; and having a desire and capacity to work for understanding of others, establishing positive commonalities and differences, create connections the common good. relationships, making responsible decisions, working and cultivate respect between people. effectively in teams and handling challenging situations constructively. As they develop ethical behaviour students learn to: As they develop intercultural understanding students learn to:  Recognise that everyday life involves consideration of As they develop personal and social competence competing values, rights, interests and social norms students learn to:  identify increasingly sophisticated characteristics of their own cultures and the cultures of others  Identify and investigate moral dimensions in issues  recognise and understand their own emotions, values and strengths, have a realistic assessment of their  recognise that their own and others’ behaviours,  Develop an increasingly complex understanding of own abilities and a well-grounded sense of self- attitudes and values are influenced by their languages ethical concepts, the status of moral knowledge and </p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services accepted values and ethical principles esteem and self-confidence (Self-awareness) and cultures </p><p> explore questions such as:  manage their emotions and behaviour, persevere in  consider what it might be like to ‘walk in another’s overcoming obstacles, set personal and academic shoes’ o What is the meaning of right and wrong and can I goals, develop self-discipline , resilience, adaptability be sure that I am right? and initiative (Self-management)  compare the experiences of others with their own, looking for commonalities and differences between o Why should I act morally?  perceive and understand other people’s emotions and their lives and seeking to understand these viewpoints, show understanding and empathy for o Is it ever morally justifiable to lie? others, identify the strengths of team members, define  reflect on how intercultural encounters have affected and accept individual and group roles and their thoughts, feelings and actions o What role should intuition, reason, emotion, duty responsibilities, be of service to others (Social or self-interest have in ethical decision making? awareness)  accept that there are different ways of seeing the world and live with that diversity  form positive relationships, manage and influence the emotions and moods of others, cooperate and  stand between cultures to facilitate understanding communicate effectively with others, work in teams, build leadership skills, make decisions, resolve conflict take responsibility for developing and improving and resist inappropriate social pressure (Social  management). relationships between people from different cultures in Australia and in the wider world </p><p> contribute to and benefit from reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. </p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services WEEKLY PLANNER</p><p>WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>GENERAL CAPABILITIES CROSS CURRICULAR PRIORITIES</p><p>CE SEL IE </p><p>Tuning In Exploring  Looking Sorting  Testing  Acting  Reflecting</p><p>TUNING IN RESOURCES</p><p>Introduce the unit Student Resources: to the students by showing History Journal Title page. indigenous artefacts or pictures of Artefacts. (Cairns Museum has resources it lends out if you have none available)</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services artefacts. e.g. Google Images spear, boomerang, dilly bag ,midden and images of Indigenous wall paintings. </p><p>Have students answer the following questions individually. ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES ACTIVITY:</p><p>Focus Questions. K,L, L, H chart</p><p>Who would have Responses to questions owned this? Construction of timeline When might this have been used?</p><p>What might this have been used for?</p><p>Who lived in </p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services Australia? </p><p>Who were the original inhabitants? </p><p>Use pictorial representation of items and list suggestions to determine students’ HISTORICAL LANGUAGE</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services Artefacts, inhabitants, Aboriginal,</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>GENERAL CAPABILITIES CROSS CURRICULAR PRIORITIES</p><p>CE SEL IE </p><p>Tuning In Exploring  Looking Sorting  Testing  Acting  Reflecting</p><p>EXPLORING RESOURCES</p><p>What did Student Resources: Australia look like 60 00 years ago? History Journal.</p><p>What is Sand tray and items. evidence? </p><p>In what ways is </p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services evidence shown? written, spoken, tangible) </p><p>How do we determine what Teacher Resources: evidence is and if is it real?</p><p>Who looks for evidence? ACTIVITY: Scootle has slides showing ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES footprints at Lake Mungo 23.000 years old. 9 Retrieval chart. ( password Feedback from groups. required) (ACHHK077)</p><p>ACTIVITY: DISCOVERY!</p><p>In learning groups, students </p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services search for items placed in containers of sand. E.g. small toys, shells, rocks. Each group has sand tray, paintbrush, tweezers. Students locate items in the sand and report back to the class about</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services HISTORICAL LANGUAGE</p><p>Evidence, archaeology, factual, primary, secondary sources.</p><p>Habitation, origin, ethnicity, </p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>GENERAL CAPABILITIES CROSS CURRICULAR PRIORITIES</p><p>CE SEL IE </p><p>Tuning Exploring  L Sorting  Testing  Acting  Reflecting In o o k i n g </p><p>LOOKING RESOURCES AND</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services SORTIN G</p><p>What evidence is Student Resources: ‘spoken’ in Aboriginal History Journal culture? 3_2_1 strategy (ACHHK077) Dreaming stories are oral evidence Teacher Resources: of history for Aboriginal Australians. Oral history as a form of evidence. Expose students Dreaming books. to different Dreaming stories in book form and on “Dust Echoes’ ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES (see link).</p><p>ACTIVITY: Compare and contrast 2 Dreaming stories to show how each story showed </p><p>Students record 1.Rules for living that the structure </p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services of the Dreaming 2. Rules for the Environment. stories give: 3. Rules for the Spiritual world. 1. Rules for living,</p><p>2. Rules for using and caring for the Environment </p><p>3. Rules for pleasing the spiritual world. </p><p>Use 3-2-1 strategy (ReadingQuest.or g)</p><p>Students choose one Dreaming Story and compare to understand diversity and summarize the story with a partner using the </p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services strategy.</p><p>3. Things you found out</p><p>2. Interesting things</p><p>1. Questions you still have.</p><p>Final discussion HISTORICAL LANGUAGE</p><p>Dreaming, culture, environment</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>GENERAL CAPABILITIES CROSS CURRICULAR PRIORITIES</p><p>CE SEL IE </p><p>Tuning In Exploring  Looking Sorting  Testing  Acting  Reflecting </p><p>LOOKING AND RESOURCES SORTIN G</p><p>HOW DID Student Resources: THE</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services ABORIGI NAL Teacher Resources: PEOPLE SHOW THEIR</p><p>CONNEC TION TO THE LAND?’</p><p>‘ The Rainbow Serpent’ is a legend about the ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES creation of the land, it is told in many Aboriginal T chart dialects. Compare and Contrast Read one of the Illustration ‘Rainbow Serpent’ stories to the students. Most tribes make reference to “The Rainbow</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services Serpent’.</p><p>Read and share part of ‘Genesis 1’ ‘The Creation Story’ from the Bible. (Abridged version recommended)</p><p>ACTIVITY:</p><p>Create a T chart comparing the HISTORICAL LANGUAGE</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>GENERAL CAPABILITIES CROSS CURRICULAR PRIORITIES</p><p>CE SEL IE </p><p>Tuning In Exploring  Looking Sorting  Testing  Acting  Reflecting</p><p>TESTING RESOURCES</p><p>Tjapukai Student Resources: Aboriginal Excursion booklet. Cultural Park. Pencils The Djabugay people (aka Poster paper Djabuganydji or Tjapukai) are a </p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services group of Aborigines who Teacher Resources: are the original custodians of Teacher resource booklet from Tjapukai mountains, gorges, lands and waters which are part of areas near the Barron Gorge and ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES surrounding areas down to Poster designed by students to demonstrate understanding of Tjapukai culture. Redlynch. Excursion to Tjapukai exposes the students to an indigenous culture in their own area.</p><p>On return the students design a poster which </p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services shows their understanding of the Tjapukai culture in the areas of shelter, food, bush medicine, HISTORICAL LANGUAGE</p><p>Dreaming, culture, ethnicity, </p><p>REFLECTION</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>GENERAL CAPABILITIES CROSS CURRICULAR PRIORITIES</p><p>CE SEL IE </p><p>Tuning In Exploring  Looking Sorting  Testing  Acting  Reflecting</p><p>ACTING RESOURCES</p><p>Week 10 will be Student Resources: revision and whole group reflection on the Teacher Resources: unit using strategies (suggested) ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services HISTORICAL LANGUAGE</p><p>REFLECTION</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>GENERAL CAPABILITIES CROSS CURRICULAR PRIORITIES</p><p>CE SEL IE </p><p>Tuning In Exploring  Looking Sorting  Testing  Acting  Reflecting</p><p>REFLECTIN RESOURCES G</p><p>Student Resources:</p><p>Teacher Resources:</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES</p><p>HISTORICAL LANGUAGE</p><p>REFLECTION</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services Educational Modifications</p><p>CLASSROOM ACCOMMODATIONS FOR WHOM</p><p>Seat near teacher</p><p>Assign student to low- distraction area</p><p>Seat near positive peer models</p><p>Use support groups / cooperative learning</p><p>Use rows instead of tables</p><p>Use learning centre</p><p>Use of time-out</p><p>Stand near student when giving instruction</p><p>Arrange classroom for safe visibility, accessibility and movement</p><p>PRESENTATION OF LESSONS FOR WHOM</p><p>Adjust work load, reduce assignments or give alternative assignments</p><p>Use visual aids with oral presentation</p><p>Teacher gives student outlines or study guides</p><p>Ensure regular lesson revisits/reviews</p><p>Highlight instructions (marker or highlighter tape)</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services Give clear behavioural objectives</p><p>Ask student to repeat instructions for clarification and understanding</p><p>Use high- impact game-like materials</p><p>Call on student often</p><p>Acknowledgment effort put forth</p><p>Give reminders for student to stay on task, monitor student is on task/topic</p><p>Use large type/font and dark ink</p><p>Keep page format simple</p><p>Use visual prompts</p><p>Divide page into clearly marked sections</p><p>Remove distractions from paper</p><p>ALTERNATIVE EVALUATION FOR WHOM PROCEDURES</p><p>Reduce number of items</p><p>Practice completely similar questions</p><p>Arrange for oral testing</p><p>Have support staff administer test</p><p>Permit student to type or use word processing</p><p>Adjust grading criteria based on individual</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services Adjusted grading option</p><p>NOTE TAKING STRATEGIES FOR WHOM</p><p>Provide student the means to record</p><p>Arrange for note taker e.g. Aide</p><p>Give student a copy of notes</p><p>Provide time for periodic review of student’s notes (written, dictated, word processed)</p><p>ORGANISATIONAL STRATEGIES FOR WHOM</p><p>Use calendar to plan assignments</p><p>Use of assignment notebook or work checklist especially diary</p><p>Daily schedule</p><p>Give time top organise desk during class</p><p>AM check-in to organise for the day</p><p>Lunch-time check-in to organise for PM</p><p>PM check-out to organise for homework</p><p>Arrange a duplicate set of classroom material for use at home</p><p>Develop parent/school contract</p><p>Training in time management</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services SUPPORT SERVICES FOR WHOM</p><p>Peer tutoring</p><p>Cross-age tutoring</p><p>Student buddy</p><p>Work with school officer</p><p>Meet with staff during available times</p><p>Teach student to monitor own behaviour</p><p>Implement behaviour contract/reward</p><p>Self advocacy/communication skill training</p><p>Conflict resolution strategies</p><p>Other ______</p><p>Adapted with permission from Positive Partnerships PD Facilitators Guide</p><p>Module 5 Support materials</p><p>Diocese of Cairns, Catholic Education Services</p>

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