<p> IB HISTORY HL 2012-2013 REGIONAL FOCUS, AMERICAS ROUTE 2: 20TH CENTURY WORLD HISTORY PRESCRIBED SUBJECT 3-COMMUNISM IN CRISIS 1975-1989 Topic 1-Causes, Practices and Effects of Wars Topic 5-The Cold War</p><p>Mrs. Giordano a/k/a “Mrs. G.” Room 906 [email protected] 863-471-5500 ext. 265</p><p>Course Description This course is designed to provide students with the analytic skills and knowledge required to understand History of the Americas from 1760-2000 focusing on 20th Century topics for HL Prescribed Subject 3, Communism in Crisis will focus on Causes, Practices and Effects of War and The Cold War. Students will learn to assess historical materials as to their relevance to a given interpretative problem, to weigh the evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarships, to arrive at conclusions on the basis of informed judgments and to present these conclusions with articulate reasoning, supported by persuasive evidence. During the course of extensive research in preparation for the Internal Assessment Research Paper, students will learn to evaluate sources as to their origin, purpose, value and limitations, together with mastery of the Turabian citation method. The course is taught on a college level and it requires a substantial amount of reading and preparation for every class. As the International Baccalaureate examination covers a vast amount of information and requires critical analytical and writing skills, passage of the exam is not anticipated apart from asserted individual effort by the student on a continual basis. Historiography: Specific units will include discussion and written analysis of relevant historical scholarship, differing and changing interpretations of events over time and the impact of various historians on those who succeed them.</p><p>SL Topics covered in year 1 to be reviewed for IB examination: Nation Building Challenges Independence Movements: (US, Latin America and Canada) United States Civil War, Causes, Course and Effects 184-1877 Mexican Revolution, 1910-1940</p><p>Aspects of History of the Americas Topics Covered in Year Two, HL Causes, Practices and Effects of War The Second World War and the Americas, 1929-39 The Cold War and the Americas, 1945-1981 Communism in Crisis 1975-1989</p><p>Texts: 20th Century World History, Cannon, Oxford Press 2009 20th Century World History, The Cold War, Rogers and Thomas, Pearson 2008 The Cold War, A New History, Gaddis, Penguin Books, 2005 http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/modsbook.asp http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/</p><p>Grading will be as follows: Quizzes and Tests - 40%; historical essays – 40%; and Exams – 20%. All essays, except those written in class must be typed (double- spaced). Essays will be graded on a rubric designed to measure the following factors: content; use of documentary and supporting evidence; grammar; spelling and depth of analysis. Multiple choice and essay questions will be of the type used in the IB exam. Grading Scale: 90-100 A 80-90 B 70-80 C 60-70 D 0-60 F</p><p>*Acceptance of assigned work after due date is at the sole discretion of the instructor and if accepted will be subject to an 11 point penalty per day for each day after due date.</p><p>Academic Ethics Policy The faculty of SHS is committed to a policy of honesty in academic affairs. Conduct for which you may be subject to administrative and/or disciplinary penalties, up to and including suspension or expulsion, include: 1. Dishonesty consisting of cheating of any kind with respect to examinations, course assignments, or illegal possession of examination papers. If you help another to cheat, you will be subject to the same penalties as the student assisted. 2. Plagiarism consisting of the deliberate use and appropriation of another’s work without indentifying the source and the passing off such work as your own. If you fail to give full credit for ideas or materials taken from another, you have plagiarized. Consequences of cheating or plagiarism: The first offense of willful plagiarism or cheating (verified by the instructor) will result in a grade of "F" (0 value) for the specific assignment. All instances of plagiarism and other forms of cheating will be referred to the appropriate instructional supervisor and/or Dean. </p><p>All of the assigned readings should be completed by the beginning of the week during which they will be discussed. Readings from other sources, will either be read and discussed in class or copies of readings will be distributed and assigned as directed. Test dates will be announced in advance, with weekly quizzes over the readings, vocabulary and class discussion. Assignments may be omitted, substituted or added as scheduling allows.</p><p>SEMESTER ONE WEEK ONE-TWO 8/20-9/2/2012: Review and Internal Assessment</p><p>WORLD WAR I 1914-1918 Review, discussion and quiz over summer assignment Reading: 20th Century World History, Cannon, Oxford Press 2009 p.203-215 http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/, America at War, WWI-all readings http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/modsbook.asp, WWI, all readings The Economics of Prohibition Prohibition Personal Stories First draft of Internal Assessment (PARTS A, B, C, and F) due August 31 </p><p>WEEK THREE-SIX 9/4-9/28 Reading: 20th Century World History, Cannon, Oxford Press 2009 p. 13-75 Kennedy, Bailey: Chapters 29, 30 Wilsonianism, Idealism, Pragmatism Woodrow Wilson, The Old Order Changeth Foreign Policy Compare/Contrast Chart-Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson DBQ#9-The US as a World Power Woodrow Wilson, The Fourteen Points World War I Chart Federal Reserve Act 1913 Roberts, Toward Renewal</p><p>PEACE AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 1918-1936 VERSAILLES PEACE TREATY LEAGUE OF NATIONS INTERNATIONAL POLICIES OF EUROPE INTERNATIONAL POLICIES OF UNITED STATES RISE AND ROLE OF FACISM IN GLOBAL RELATIONS</p><p>Draft of Internal Assessment D and E, due 9/14 Unit Test 9/27 Final Draft of Internal Assessment Due 10/5</p><p>Debate: Reducing Arms Guarantees Peace League of Nations Scorecard and Quiz</p><p>WEEK SEVEN 10/1-10/5 THE GREAT DEPRESSION Reading: http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/database/subtitles.cfm?titleID=69 all sections 20th Century World History, Cannon, Oxford Press 2009 p. 263-267 The Great Depression http://www.english.illinois.edu/maps/depression/depression.htm Kennedy, Bailey: Chapters 33, 34 Franklin Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address N.L.R.B. versus Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation New Deal Programs and Laws Chart Free response question-effects on the US had Roosevelt’s New Deal Legislation never been passed? Franklin Roosevelt, The Quarantine speech Franklin Roosevelt, The Four Freedoms speech Case Study: Alphabet Agencies/First and Second New Deal Great Depression Game Debate: Cause of Great Depression Role of government in relief Unit Test 10/5</p><p>WEEK EIGHT-ELEVEN 10/9-11/2 Reading http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/database/subtitles.cfm?titleID=75 all sections Adolph, Hitler, Mein Kampf Hitler Data Base: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/nca_v4menu.asp Hitler's Rise to Power http://www2.dsu.nodak.edu/users/dmeier/Holocaust/hitler.html</p><p>WORLD WAR II 1939-1945 ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL FACTORS LEADERSHIP WAR IN EUROPE WAR IN PACIFIC UNITED STATES INVOLVEMENT CANADIAN INVOLVEMENT LATIN AMERICAN INVOLVMENT Case Study: Pearl Harbor Debate: Drop the Bomb? Road to WWII: http://www.schoolhistory.co.uk/games/fling/roadtowar/index.shtml WWII game: http://www.history.com/interactives/wwii-experience Unit Test 11/5</p><p>WEEK TWELVE –THIRTEEN 11/5-11/16 Reading: http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/database/subtitles.cfm?titleID=68 http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/database/subtitles.cfm?titleID=65 all sections 20th Century World History, Cannon, Oxford Press 2009 p. 263-298 POST WWII UNITED NATIONS THE MARSHALL PLAN UNITED STATES 1960-1976 LEADERSHIP Kennedy and Johnson Nixon/Ford SOVIET UNION LEADERSHIP-Krushchev (1958-1964) Breshnev (1964-1982) Debate: The Marshall Plan-US/Soviet Stop Disasters Game/UN Read content on http://cyberschoolbus.un.org/dnp/sub1.asp?ipage=overview Answer questions: http://cyberschoolbus.un.org/dnp/sub1.asp?ipage=discussion Unit Test 11/15</p><p>THANKSGIVING BREAK 11/19-23</p><p>WEEK FOURTEEN-SIXTEEN 11/26-12/19 ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF AUTHORITARIAN AND SINGLE PARTY STATES Reading: 20th Century World History, Chapter 6, p. 325-368 Reading: http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/database/subtitles.cfm?titleID=66 all sections POST WWII UNITED STATES LEADERSHIP Carter Reagan Clinton The Bushes MOVEMENTS Women’s Rights Civil Rights Native Americans Latinos Globalism Reading: 20th Century World History, Chapter 9, p. 451-503</p><p>POST WWII CANADA AND LATIN AMERICA 1945-2000 Reading: http://www.canadiana.ca/citm/themes/constitution/constitution15_e.html all sections http://www.canadiana.ca/citm/themes/constitution/constitution15_e.html all sections CANADA 1945-2000 Renewal and the Modern Constitution CASTRO, CUBA AND THE CRISIS POST-PERON ARGENTINA ECONOMIC, MILITARY AND RELIGIOUS INFLUENCES Unit Test 12/18 CHRISTMAS BREAK</p><p>WEEK SEVENTEEN AND EIGHTEEN 1/8/-1/18/2013 THE COLD WAR Reading: 20th Century World History p.451-503 http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/database/subtitles.cfm?titleID=71 all sections The Communist Manifesto, Marx & Engels Mao's Little Red Book The Writing of Stalin http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/subject/index.htm The Writings of Castro http://www.marxists.org/history/cuba/archive/castro/ ORIGINS Political, Economic, Military, Ideological FOREIGN POLICY, The Cold War, Chapter 1, 2, 3 & 4 GERMANY’S ROLE, The Cold War, Chapter 8 IMPACT ON ARM’S RACE IMPACT ON UNITED NATIONS, The Cold War, Chapters 14 & 15 CHINESE REVOLUTION, The Cold War Chapters 11, 12 Deng/Mao Handout CHINA-Mao (1949-1976) Deng Xiaoping (1978-1992) KOREAN WAR, The Cold War, Chapters 5, 6 & 7 CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS VIETNAM WAR</p><p>MID-TERM EXAMS JANUARY 15-18, 2013 IB exam essay format</p><p>SEMESTER TWO WEEK ONE-FOUR 1/23-2/17 CONTINUE-THE COLD WAR Unit Test 2/21</p><p>WEEK FIVE-TEN 2/22-4/5 COMMUNISM IN CRISIS 1976-1991 Reading: 20th Century World History p.141-202 CAUSES AND EFFECTS Political, Economic, Military, Ideological DÉTENTE HUMAN RIGHTS SECOND COLD WAR GORBACHEV COLLAPSE OF SOVIET UNION POST-SOVIET STATES POST-MAO CHINA Case Study: Economic Demise of the Soviet Union Economic Rise of China Unit Test 3/7</p><p>SPRING BREAK MARCH 11-15, 2013</p><p>WEEK ELEVEN-FOURTEEN 4/8-5/3 CAUSES PRACTICES AND EFFECTS OF WARS 1900-2000 Reading: 20th Century World History p.203-262 Sun Tsu, The Art of War Alfred T. Mahan, Mahan on Naval Warfare Protest Song and Propaganda Focus War Review Chart</p><p>REVIEW</p><p>IB HISTORY HL PAPER 1 & PAPER 2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 8. 2013 IB HISTORY HL PAPER 3 THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2013 </p><p>ASSESSMENTS A variety of assessments and analytical strategies such as: study questions; unit projects; cartoon, map and primary source analysis; debate; role playing exercises; historical research papers; free response essay questions; documents based essay questions; past IB examination papers; quizzes; unit tests; mid-term exams and final exams will be used to demonstrate mastery of content and skills.</p><p>IB HISTORY ROUTE 2, TWENTIETH CENTURY WORLD HISTORY ASSESSMENT:</p><p>INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 20% EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT 80%</p><p>EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT 80%</p><p>PAPER 1 20% Document based paper on a prescribed 20th century topic Section A: 4 questions on prescribed subject 1 Section B: 4 questions on prescribed subject 2 Section C: 4 questions on prescribed subject 3</p><p>PAPER 2 25% An essay based on the 20th century world history topics 30 questions-5 questions for each of the six 20th century topics 2 questions-each from a different topic Maximum mark per question = 20 Maximum mark for the paper = 40</p><p>PAPER 3 35% Five separate essays based on the regional option of the Americas Each exam paper has 25 questions from which 3 must be answered Maximum mark per question = 20 Maximum mark for the paper = 60 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 20%</p><p>A historical investigation that is internally assessed and externally moderated. Paper is required to be 1500-2000 words.</p><p>Timeline for the Historical Investigation Introduction and explanation of assessment: 3rd quarter, year 1 Research Question finalized: 4th quarter, year 1 Research and Rough Draft due: 1st quarter, year 2 Paper submitted: 2nd quarter, year 2</p><p>The assessment is based on the following: Criterion A: Plan of Investigation Criterion B: Summary of Evidence Criterion C: Evaluation of Sources Criterion D: Analysis Criterion E: Conclusion Criterion F: Sources and Word Limit</p>
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