<p> Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne School of Education, Professional Studies Department Fall 2010</p><p>EDUC K536 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped II EDUC M501 Field Experience</p><p>Instructor: Jane M. Leatherman, PhD Office 240 F Neff Hall Office Phone: 260-481- 5742 Office Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 2:00pm to 4:00pm Or by appointment Fax: 260-481-5408 (Attention Dr. Email: [email protected] Leatherman) Tuesdays 4:30pm - 7:15 pm Class Location: NF 149</p><p>Dr. Leatherman’s Philosophy of Teaching and Learning: In this course you will participate in whole group discussions, small group discussions and activities, and activities to connect the text and research to real-life applications. An outline of the chapters’ notes is available on elearning; to serve as a guide to assist you in preparing for each class session and to allow for interaction during class. My ultimate goal is to assist you to be a nurturing, professional, educated, reflective, and responsible teacher.</p><p>Course Description: Focuses on the use of assessment information, and the development and implementation of individual educational plans for mildly handicapped children.</p><p>Textbook/Readings Required: Vaughn, S & Bos, C. S. (2009). Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problems (7th Ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.</p><p>Strichart, S. & Mangrum, C. T. (2010). Teaching and learning strategies and study skills to students with LD, ADD or special needs. Boston: Allyn and Bacon</p><p>Cross-indexing Course Objectives As the State of Indiana and the IPFW SOE have altered its certification/licensing requirements to more adequately reflect national standard, course objectives and activities are expected to reflect these changes. This syllabus reflects these sources. </p><p>Objective and Associated Standard(s): Course students will demonstrate:</p><p>1. Ability to plan, implement, evaluate, and revise remedial/intervention experiences for one pupil through case study activities. Applicable CEC Standards: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Applicable DPS Standards: 3 Conceptual Framework 3,4,5,6</p><p>EDUC K536 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped II 1 2. Knowledge of strategic teaching approaches and their interaction. Applicable CEC Standards: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Applicable DPS Standards: 4,5,6, Conceptual Framework 3,4,5,6</p><p>3. Awareness of materials and instructional strategies useful in dealing with special problems in learning. Applicable CEC Standards: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Applicable DPS Standards: 4,5,6,7 Conceptual Framework 3, 4,5,6 </p><p>4. Understanding of the response to intervention process for students at risk. Applicable CEC Standards: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 Applicable DPS Standards: 4,5,6,7 Conceptual Framework 3, 4, 5, </p><p>5. Knowledge of planning and implementation of lessons/strategies/interventions to meet students’ individual needs and goals. Applicable CEC Standards: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 Applicable DPS Standards: 4,5,6,7 Conceptual Framework 3, 4, 5, </p><p>6. Understanding of relationship between students’ behaviors and learning difficulties. Applicable CEC Standards: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Applicable DPS Standards: 4,5,6,7 Conceptual Framework 3, 4, 5, </p><p>NCATE/CEC Standards Standard 1: Foundations Special educators understand the field as an evolving and changing discipline based on philosophies, evidence-based principles and theories. relevant laws and policies, diverse and historical points of view, and human issues that have historically influenced and continue to influence the field of special education and the education and treatment of individuals with exceptional needs both in school and society. Special educators understand how these influence professional practice, including assessment, instructional planning, implementation, and program evaluation. Special educators understand how issues of human diversity can impact families, cultures, and schools, and how these complex human issues can interact with issues in the delivery of special education services. They understand the relationships of organizations of special education to the organizations and functions of schools, school systems, and other agencies. Special educators use this knowledge as a ground upon which to construct their own personal understandings and philosophies of special education.</p><p>Standard 2: Development and Characteristics of Learners Special educators know and demonstrate respect for their students first as unique human beings. Special educators understand the similarities and differences in human development and the characteristics between and among individuals with and without exceptional learning needs (ELN)'. Moreover, special educators understand how exceptional conditions can interact with the domains of human development and they use this knowledge to respond to the varying abilities and behaviors of individual's with ELN. Special educators understand how the experiences of individuals with ELN can impact families, as well as the individual's ability to learn, interact socially, and live as fulfilled contributing members of the community.</p><p>Standard 3: Individual Learning Differences Special educators understand the effects that an exceptional condition can have on an individual's learning in school </p><p>EDUC K536 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped II 2 and throughout life. Special educators understand that the beliefs, traditions, and values across and within cultures can affect relationships among and between students, their families, and the school community. Moreover, special educators are active and resourceful in seeking to understand how primary language, culture. and familial backgrounds interact with the individual's exceptional condition to impact the individual's academic and social abilities, attitudes, values, interests, and career options. The understanding of these learning differences and their possible interactions provide the foundation upon which special educators individualize instruction to provide meaningful and challenging learning for individuals with ELN.</p><p>Standard 4: Instructional Strategies Special educators posses a repertoire of evidence-based instructional strategies to individualize instruction for individuals with ELN. Special] educators select, adapt, and use these instructional strategies to promote challenging learning results in general and special curricula and to appropriately modify learning environments for individuals with ELN. They enhance the learning of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills of individuals with ELN and increase their self-awareness, self-management, self-control, self-reliance, and self-esteem. Moreover, special educators emphasize the development, maintenance, and generalization of knowledge and skills across environments, settings, and the lifespan.</p><p>Standard 5: Learning Environments and Social Interactions Special educators actively create learning environments for individuals with ELN that foster cultural understanding, safety and emotional well being, positive social interactions, and active engagement of individuals with ELN. In addition, special educators foster environments in which diversity is valued and individuals are taught to live harmoniously and productively in a culturally diverse world. Special educators shape environments to encourage the independence, self-motivation, self-direction, personal empowerment, and self-advocacy of individuals with ELN. Special educators help their general education colleagues integrate individuals with ELN in regular environments: an engage them in meaningful learning activities and interactions. Special educators use direct motivational and instructional interventions with individuals with ELN to teach them to respond effectively to current expectations. When necessary, special educators can safely intervene with individuals with ELN in crisis. Special educators coordinate all these efforts and provide guidance and direction to paraeducators and others, such as classroom volunteers and tutors.</p><p>Standard 6: Language Special educators understand typical and atypical language development and the ways in which exceptional conditions can interact with an individual's experience with and use of language. Special educators use individualized strategies to enhance language development and teach communication skills to individuals with ELN Special educators are familiar with augmentative, alternative, and assistive technologies to support and enhance communication of individuals with exceptional needs. Special educators match their communication methods to an individual’s language proficiency and cultural and linguistic differences. Special educators provide effective language models, and they use communication strategies and resources to facilitate understanding of subject matter for individuals with ELS whose primary language is not English.</p><p>Standard 7: Instructional Planning Individualized decision-making and instruction is at the center of special education practice. Special educators develop long-range individualized instructional plans anchored in both general and special curricula. In addition special educators systematically translate these individualized plans into carefully selected shorter-range goals and objectives taking into consideration an individual's abilities and needs, the learning environment, and a myriad of cultural and linguistic factors. Individualized instructional plans emphasize explicit modeling and efficient guided practice to assure acquisition and fluency through maintenance and generalization. Understanding of these factors as well as the implications of an individual's exceptional condition, guides the special educators selection, adaptation and creation of materials, and the use of powerful instructional variables. Instructional plans are modified based on ongoing analysis of the individual's learning progress. Moreover, special educators facilitate this instructional planning in a collaborative context including the individuals with exceptionalities, families, professional colleagues, and personnel from other agencies as appropriate. Special educators also develop a variety of individualized transition plans, such as transitions from preschool to elementary school and from secondary settings to a variety of postsecondary work and learning contexts. Special educators are comfortable using appropriate technologies to support instructional planning and individualized instruction.</p><p>EDUC K536 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped II 3 Standard 8: Assessment Assessment is integral to the decision-making and teaching of special educators and special educators use multiple types of assessment information for a variety of educational decisions. Special educators use the results of assessments to help identify exceptional learning needs and to develop and implement individualized instructional programs, as well as to adjust instruction in response to ongoing learning progress. Special educators understand the legal policies and ethical principles of measurement and assessment related to referral, eligibility, program planning, instruction, and placement for individuals with ELN, including those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Special educators understand measurement theory and practices for addressing issues of validity, reliability, norms, bias, and interpretation of assessment results. In addition, special educators understand the appropriate use and limitations of various types of assessments. Special educators collaborate with families and other colleagues to assure non-biased, meaningful assessments and decision-making. Special educators conduct formal and informal assessments of behavior, learning, achievement, and environments to design learning experiences that support the growth and development of individuals with ELN. Special educators use assessment information to identify supports and adaptations required for individuals with ELN to access the general curriculum and to participate in school, system, and statewide assessment programs. Special educators regularly monitor the progress of individuals with ELN in general and special curricula. Special educators use appropriate technologies to support their assessments.</p><p>Standard 9: Professional and Ethical Practice Special educators are guided by the profession's ethical and professional practice standards. Special educators practice in multiple roles and complex situations across wide age and developmental ranges. Their practice requires ongoing attention to legal matters along with serious professional and ethical considerations. Special educators engage in professional activities and participate in learning communities that benefit individuals with ELN, their families, colleagues, and their own professional growth. Special educators view themselves as lifelong learners and regularly reflect on and adjust their practice. Special educators are aware of how their own and others attitudes, behaviors, and ways of communicating can influence their practice. Special educators understand that culture and language can interact with exceptionalities, and are sensitive to the many aspects of diversity of individuals with ELN and their families. Special educators actively plan and engage in activities that foster their professional growth and keep them current with evidence-based hest practices. Special educators know their own limits of practice and practice within them.</p><p>Standard 10: Collaboration Special educators routinely and effectively collaborate with families, other educators, related service providers, and personnel from community agencies in culturally responsive ways. This collaboration assures that the needs of individuals with ELN are addressed throughout schooling. Moreover, special educators embrace their special role as advocate for individuals with ELN. Special educators promote and advocate the learning and well being of individuals with ELN across a wide range of settings and a range of different learning experiences. Special educators are viewed as specialists by a myriad of people who actively seek their collaboration to effectively include and teach individuals with ELN. Special educators are a resource to their colleagues in understanding the laws and policies relevant to Individuals with LLN. Special educators use collaboration to facilitate the successful transitions of individuals with ELN across settings and services.</p><p>DPS Standards</p><p>The educator of students with exceptional needs:</p><p>1. Is well-versed in the history, philosophy, and foundations of special education as well as in current laws and contemporary issues in the field and uses this knowledge to enhance educational opportunities for all students. 2. Is knowledgeable of human growth and development and uses this knowledge to provide meaningful learning opportunities. 3. Is competent in selecting, administering, and interpreting a variety of formal and informal assessment strategies and utilizes this information to design, implement and evaluate instruction and to guide students in self-assessment. 4. Recognizes that optimal learning relates new information to the students' prior experiences and knowledge. 5. Is cognizant of the importance of an active learning environment and designs a setting which fosters and enriching, nurturing and safe climate where diversity and risk-taking are valued. 6. Understands the developmental nature of learning and uses multiple approaches and strategies to provide a variety</p><p>EDUC K536 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped II 4 of activities and opportunities to facilitate student success. 7. Understands the importance of teaching appropriate social skills and effectively applies and models these strategies in interactions with students, families, and colleagues. 8. Understands reflective practices and the importance of ongoing professional development and applies the knowledge gained to promote both student growth and professional outreach. 9. Is aware of the need to collaborate with families, school colleagues, and the larger community to support students learnin2 and well being and actively cultivates these partnerships. 10. Demonstrates an awareness of a wide array of community resources and accesses these services to support students’ needs.</p><p>SOE Conceptual Framework (Adopted 2/9/00): A LEARNING AND LEADERSIIIP MODEL</p><p>We in the School of Education are committed to the following conceptual framework for our programs.</p><p>1. Democracy & Community Effective educators (1), such as teachers, counselors, and administrators need to be a part of a dynamic educational community as a model for the climate of community they hope to create. To do this, these educators need an understanding of the moral, cultural, social, political, and economic foundations of our society. Consequently, the SOE should foster a democratic, just, inclusive learning community among its students, faculty, and staff, and with all other stakeholders in the educational enterprise. (1 Educator is broadly defined as pre-service and in-service teachers, administrators, and counselors.)</p><p>2. Habits of Mind Effective educators realize that knowledge alone is not sufficient. They practice critical reflection in all endeavors. Within the context of a compassionate, caring community, educators foster habits of mind necessary to engage learners, such as investigating, inquiring, challenging, critiquing, questioning, and evaluating. Consequently, the SOE must integrate critical habits of mind in all aspects of the teaching/learning process. </p><p>3. Pedagogy Effective educators need to understand multiple approaches to pedagogy as well as the multiple roles of the teacher, such as facilitator, guide, role model, scholar, and motivator. Educators appreciate and are receptive to the diverse perspectives, modes of understanding, and social circumstances that they and their students bring to the educational setting. Consequently, the SOE needs to prepare educators to understand and use pedagogy creatively and thereby ensure active learning, conceptual understanding, and meaningful growth. </p><p>4. Knowledge Effective educators need to be well-grounded in the content which they expect to teach. Educators need to understand how knowledge is constructed, how the processes of inquiry are applied, how domains of knowledge are established, how disciplines can be integrated and most effectively communicated to their students. Educators also need understanding of themselves, of communities in which they intend to teach, and of students. Consequently, the SOE should immerse educators in nurturing learning communities that deepen knowledge, and encourage ongoing intellectual, emotional, and personal growth. </p><p>5. Experience Effective educators learn their craft through experiences in actual educational settings. Through on-site campus activities and field-based experiences students will observe and emulate exemplary teaching and learning. These educators will practice, collaborate, and interact with practitioners and their students. Consequently, he SOE must integrate field and/or clinical experiences that reflect the diversity of educators, students, and schools into all aspects of the curriculum, and help educators to assess and reflect on those experiences. </p><p>6. Leadership Effective educators are leaders. They have developed educational and social visions informed by historical and cultural perspectives. They strive to set the highest goals for themselves and inspire students to do likewise. Educators are enriched by the convergence of knowledge, theory, and practice as they optimistically face the educational challenges of the twenty-first century. Consequently, the SOE must provide opportunities for educators to develop as leaders in their profession and in their communities. </p><p>EDUC K536 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped II 5 Course Policies:</p><p>Professional Behavior Be respectful of your classmates and the instructor by following these expectations. 1. Do not converse with others during lecture time or while others are speaking. 2. Turn off all cell phones and pagers. Do not send text messages during class. 3. Take care of personal business before class starts, do not leave the room and return during class time. 4. If you must arrive after class has begun or leave once class has stated, please do so quietly. Arriving late or leaving early may affect your grade.</p><p>The instructor adheres to all university standards including attendance, testing, cheating/ plagiarism, withdrawals, incompletes, and other published university practices. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards of practice.</p><p>Late Assignments: Five points per calendar day will be deducted for any late assignments that have not been cleared through Dr. Leatherman. There will be no exceptions. Final projects turned in after the designated exam time may be subject to deductions of points for that assignment.</p><p>Attendance is expected at each class. Your contribution is vital to the success of the course and the learning environment for you and your classmates. Make every effort to attend each class. If you are unable to attend, you are responsible for all course content including readings, class discussions, in-class activities, and assignments. Your course grade will be affected for absences of more than 1 day during the semester. </p><p>The instructor reserves the right to change the content of the course syllabus and activities, as needed, to enhance student learning.</p><p>If you have or develop a disability, inform the course instructor. Modifications can be made. You may wish to contact Services for Students with Disabilities in WU 118 & 218 or call 481- 6657.</p><p>If you need assistance in writing, contact The Writing Center, Kettler Hall G35.</p><p>Class Requirements</p><p>All assignments must be typed double-spaced, and single-sided unless otherwise stated. A ssignments with multiple pages must be stapled together – no plastic folders. All assignments are due at class time on the due date unless otherwise noted in class. Grades for written assignments will be based on the completeness and accuracy of your information and organization, grammar, and professional writing style. The following course requirements will determine your grade: </p><p>EDUC K536 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped II 6 Assignment Descriptions:</p><p>Exams (150 points) There will be 3 exams covering the course material. The exams will be a combination of multiple choice, short answer, essay, and take-home synthesis questions. </p><p>Article Review, Strategy Demonstration, and Reflection (61 points) This assignment connects to objectives (2) Knowledge of strategic teaching approaches and their interaction, and (3) Awareness of materials and instructional strategies useful in dealing with special problems in learning. </p><p>Select a scholarly article that discusses a strategy that is covered in the text/class. Type a 3-4 page paper (1) briefly summarize the contents of the article, (2) Compare what the article says about the strategy to what the text says about the strategy, (3) Discuss how effective you have found the strategy to be and why. </p><p>Strategy Demonstration: You will demonstrate the strategy discussed in the scholarly article. Sign up for the corresponding class time. Demonstrate the strategy to your classmates. Provide your classmates with a copy of the strategy. Details will be provided.</p><p>Refection of the Paper and Demonstration After you have written the paper and completed the demonstration, then reflect on the process using the SOE Conceptual Framework. The format will be provided.</p><p>Case Study (189 Points) This assignment connects to objectives (1) Ability to plan, implement, evaluate, and revise remedial/intervention experiences for one pupil through case study activities; (5) Knowledge of planning and implementation of lessons/strategies/interventions to meet students’ individual needs and goals; and (6) Understanding of relationship between students’ behaviors and learning difficulties.</p><p>As part of the requirements you will complete 30 hours of field experience with a (1st –12th grade) student who has been diagnosed as having a Learning Disability, mild or moderate mental disabilities or an emotional disability. Develop the following: A partial Individualized Education Plan (electronically produced) Pre and post assessment measurements and explanations. 4 Lesson plans (1 Language Arts, 1 Math, 1 Social Studies and 1 Science) based on the Indiana Standards for academic subjects in the respective content areas</p><p>Reflection on case study assignment: You will choose one of the four lesson plans and reflect on that lesson using the format provided addressing the CEC Standard #4 Instructional Strategies. Details will be provided.</p><p>EDUC K536 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped II 7 Grading System: Requirements Points Exam I 50 Points Exam II 50 Points Exam III 50 Points Article Review, demonstration, and reflection 61 Points Case Study, presentation, and reflection 189 Points Total points for the course 400 Points</p><p>Course Grade Grades will be calculated using the following scale: A, A+ = 376- 400 B- = 331 – 316 D+ = 273- 261 A- = 375 – 360 C+ = 315- 302 D= 260- 248 B+ = 359- 346 C = 301 – 287 F= < 247 B = 345-332 C- = 286-274</p><p>Tentative Course Schedule Readings: Vaughn & Bos = V&B Strichart & Mangum = S&M</p><p>Date Topic Readings/Assignments Introduction to course 8/24 Introduction V&B Chapter 1</p><p>8/31 Approaches to learning and teaching V&B Chapter 2</p><p>9/7 Response to Intervention V&B Chapter 3 </p><p>9/14 Social Acceptance and Behavior V&B Chapter 4</p><p>9/21 Exam 1 Exam 1 ( V&B chapters 1-4)</p><p>9/28 Oral Language V&B Chapter 6</p><p>10/5 Reading: Phonological awareness, V&B Chapter 7 alphabetic principles S&M Chapter 9</p><p>10/12 Fall Break NO Class V&B Chapter 8 10/19 Reading: Fluency and Comprehension S&M Chapter 11 Guest speaker</p><p>EDUC K536 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped II 8 Date Topic Readings/Assignments V&B Chapter 9 10/26 Written Expression and Spelling S&M Chapter 10</p><p>11/2 Exam 2 Exam (V&B chapters 6-9; S&M Chapters 9-12 ) </p><p>LA and SS lesson plans and IEP due Present LA or SS lesson plan 11/9 V&B Chapter 10 Content area Learning and Study skills S&M Chapters 1-8 V&B Chapter 10 Content area Learning and Study skills 11/16 S&M Chapters 1-8</p><p>V&B Chapter 11 11/23 Mathematics S&M Chapter 12 Article Review and Reflection Due</p><p>11/30 Mathematics V&B Chapter 11</p><p>12/7 Mathematics Math and science lesson plans and IEP due Present Math or Science Lesson plan </p><p>12/14 Final Exam Due 5:45 pm Exam 3 (V&B Chapters 10-11 S&M 1-8,12) </p><p>EDUC K536 Assessment and Remediation of the Mildly Handicapped II 9</p>
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