Learning-Focused Strategies

Learning-Focused Strategies

<p> Optional Instructional Tools Learning-Focused Strategies Learning Unit Planning Guide </p><p>Name: Tracy Beach</p><p>Date: BEGIN END </p><p>Unit Topic: Earth’s Atmospheric Properties and Processes 6—4.1, 2, 3, 7 Grade 6</p><p>Student Learning Map </p><p>Key Learnings: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the Earth’s atmospheric properties and processes. Key Unit Essential Question: What are the properties of and the processes that take place in the Earth’s atmosphere? Major Concepts/Skills Concept: Concept: . Concept: Concept: Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere LEQ: LEQ: LEQ: LEQ: What would happen if What mixture of gases How does the space Where is air pressure earth had no makes up the Earth’s shuttle maneuver in the greater, in the atmosphere? atmosphere today? exosphere? exosphere or in the troposphere? Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary atmosphere Nitrogen, Oxygen exosphere Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere</p><p>Concept: Concept: Concept: Concept: Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere LEQ: LEQ: LEQ: LEQ: How does the Sun Explain the water cycle What are the doldrums? How does a sea warm our skin? process? breeze form? Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Radiation, Conduction condensation, Coriolois effect Land breezes, sea evaporation breezes </p><p>Concept: Concept: Concept: Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmosphere LEQ: LEQ: LEQ: Why do most storm Explain the relationship Which wind system systems travel from between the Sun’s helped early sailors west to east in North energy, air pressure, navigate through Earth’s America? and global winds. oceans? Explain how.</p><p>DECISION 3: What is the Performance/Product or Project that is the culminating activity of this unit?</p><p>Higher order analytical and synthesis labs.</p><p>Student Assignments for the Culminating Activity: </p><p>Water and Sand Temperatures PACT Questions Answer critical thinking questions Why is the Sky Blue? Air Volume and Pressure?</p><p>Essential Question of the Culminating Activity:</p><p>What are the properties of and the processes that take place in the Earth’s atmosphere?</p><p>Paragraph Description of the Culminating Activity:</p><p>The culminating activities require higher order thinking skills necessary to perform the labs without notes, books or other resources. All work is completed using their thought processes and everything they learned from knowledge and comprehension tasks prior to reaching this level. Steps or Task Analysis of the Culminating Activity: See following page.</p><p>Water and Sand Temperatures </p><p>Problem If you ever have strolled barefoot on a beach on a very sunny day, you know that sand can be very hot. But the ocean water is always much cooler than the sand. If sand and water both absorb energy from the Sun, why do they feel so different? </p><p>Form a Hypothesis Sand and water do not change temperature at the same rate when absorbing heat energy. </p><p>Materials </p><p> sand, tap water, salt water, beakers (3), light source, thermometers (3) </p><p>Procedure </p><p>1. Obtain three beakers.</p><p>Measure 100 g each of tap water, and place it in a beaker.</p><p>Measure 100 g each of salt water, and place it in a separate beaker.</p><p>Measure 100 g each of sand, and place it in a separate beaker. 2. Place the beakers beneath the light source so that all three beakers receive the same amount of light.</p><p>3. Measure the temperature in each beaker before turning on the light source. Record the temperature in a copy of the table below. 4. Turn on the light source.</p><p>5. Record a temperature from each beaker once every minute for 15 min.</p><p>6. Record your data in a copy of the table below. You will need to add more rows! Temperature of Material (°C) </p><p>Time (min) Tap Water Sand Salt Water </p><p>0 </p><p>1 </p><p>2 </p><p>3 Analyze and Conclude </p><p>1. Graph the temperature changes for each material on the same graph.(ask me for graph paper if you don't have any)</p><p>2. Compare and contrast What differences occurred in temperature changes among the tap water, the sand, and the salt water? Which material had the highest temperature? Which had the least temperature change?</p><p>3. Describe what is happening to the air over the different materials. In which direction would the air move?</p><p>4. Think Critically Review your lab setup. Besides moving the light bulb farther from the sand, what could you have done to keep the sand from heating up? How would your results be different if you had shined the light through a jar that contained milk before it reached the materials?</p><p>5. Explain why the ocean is cooler than the sand.</p><p>Why is the Sky Blue? </p><p>You may have asked this question when you were younger. You might have received an answer that didn't make sense to you at the time. Soon, you will be able to answer the question and demonstrate it at home. </p><p>Procedure </p><p>1. Pour water into a jar until it is two-thirds full. 2. Measure the amount of milk assigned by your teacher and add it to the jar. 3. Record the color of the liquid. 4. Hold a flashlight above the jar so the light shines down into it. Look into the glass from the side. Record the color the liquid appears to be. 5. Shine the flashlight from one side of the jar and look in at the top. Record the color the liquid appears to be. 6. Compare the colors you recorded with those of other lab groups. </p><p>Analysis </p><p>1. Compare and contrast the colors you recorded with the colors of students who used less and more milk than you did. Did everyone see the same colors?</p><p>2. Explain Did the liquid actually change color? Why did it appear to be different colors?</p><p>Air Volume and Pressure </p><p>You can't always see the air in Earth's atmosphere, but air is real. Like any other form of matter, air has definite physical properties. As you work through this activity, you will observe two of the properties of air— volume and pressure. Strategy </p><p>You will demonstrate that air has volume (occupies space). You will demonstrate that air exerts pressure. </p><p>Materials </p><p> water, beaker (500-ml), bicycle pump, air mattress, meterstick </p><p>Procedure </p><p>1. Put 250 ml of water in the beaker. 2. Insert the hose of the bicycle pump so it is below the surface of the water. 3. To demonstrate that air occupies space, pump air into the water. Record your observations. Remove the pump hose. 4. To demonstrate that air exerts pressure, place the air mattress on the floor. Press the mattress flat to be sure it contains very little air. Feel the floor through the mattress. 5. Measure in centimeters the length, width, and thickness of the air mattress. Record your measurements in Table 1. 6. Inflate the mattress using the bicycle pump. Measure and record the dimensions of the mattress again. 7. Push down with your hand on one area of the inflated air mattress. Note how the dimensions of the area you are pushing on change. How does the part of the mattress surrounding your hands change?</p><p>Data and Observations Observations: </p><p>1. Air pumped into beaker:</p><p>2. Pushing down on mattress:</p><p>Table 1 Air mattress Before pumping After pumping </p><p>1. Length (cm) </p><p>2. Width (cm) </p><p>3. Thickness (cm) </p><p>Questions and Conclusions 1. What happened in the beaker of water when you pumped air into it? 2. What property of air does this demonstrate? 3. Calculate the volume of air in the air mattress. Show your work below. If you need more room, use the back of this page. 4. What happened to the thickness of the air mattress in the area where you pushed on it? 5. What happened to the area of the air mattress surrounding the area you pushed? What property of air does this show? 6. Does air exert pressure? Defend your answer. DECISION 4: Student Assessments Plan how students will indicate learning and understanding of the concepts in the unit. How will you assess learning?</p><p>Personal Agenda, individual grading, consultation and feedback, oral defense, Key Terms Test and Unit Test. I also ask the students to give me feedback on each unit such as, what they liked about the unit, what they did not like about the unit, etc. See Agenda on next page:</p><p>Earth’s Atmospheric Properties and Processes Knowledge and Comprehension Layer: maximum 84 points. You may use your book on this Layer. No talking unless your assignment has a partner or group. 2 and 3 must be completed before starting Layer. ~ means you can do this work at home. All illustrations must be done on plain paper and in color to receive credit. All partners or groups must write individual reports in their own words. _____ 1. Parent signature for review of Agenda and internet use:______[5] _____ 2.~Questions from page 312-319 1-11. [11] _____ 3.~Questions from page 321-324 and 325-329 12-20. [9] _____ 4.~Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: atmosphere, nitrogen, oxygen, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, radiation, conduction, condensation, evaporation, coriolis effect, global winds, sea breeze, and land breeze. Include color and descriptive illustrations. [7] _____ 5. Key Terms Test. date: ______[10] _____ 6. Launch Lab on page 311 (Write the think critically paragraph on a sheet of paper). [4] _____ 7.~Foldable on page 311. Include illustrations and color. [5] _____ 8. Determining if Air has Pressure. [4] _____ 9. Evaluating Sunscreens. [6] _____ 10. _____ 11. Modeling Heat Transfer. [4] _____ 12. Observing Solar Radiatioin. [4] _____ 13. Observing Evaporation and Condensation. [6] _____ 14. Visualizing Convection. [4] _____ 15. Modeling the Coriolis Effect. [4] _____ 16. Temperature of the Air. This is a project covering 5 days and requires measurements in the rock garden 3 times a day for those 5 days. You will compare your results with other student’s results. [15] _____ 17. Applying Science page 316. [4] _____ 18. Page 332 Song of the Sky Loom. Respond to the reading. [4] _____ 19.~Gizmo’s greenhouse Effect. [10] _____ 20.~Gizmo’s Details: Seasons Around the World. [10] _____ 21. Your choice from Orange Book. Must have my approval first.______[ ] _____ 22. Illustrate and define the Water Cycle. [8] _____ 23. Video Notes. Due the day after the video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes.[10] _____ 24. Answer Essential Questions. [4] _____ 25. Earth’s Atmospheric Properties and Processess Unit Test. Points do not count toward this layer. Test Date______26. Oral Quiz. Must have 80 points. Quiz stops when you miss an answer. [1-4] _____ TOTAL POINTS up to 84 must be signed off before you move into the next Layer. Thinking and Analysis Layer: maximum 16 points. There is no use of text books or notes. No talking to anyone on This layer unless you are with a partner. Do not discuss your findings with other partners/groups. You can receive up to 16 points in this Layer to achieve 100 point’s for the unit. Everything must be completed in one class period unless otherwise noted. Each partner or group must submit individual reports in their own words. _____ T1, Water and Sand Temperatures.[10] _____ T2. MAP Questions. [4] _____ T3. Answer critical thinking questions. [4] _____ T4. Why is the Sky Blue? [4] _____ T5. Air Volume and Pressure? [8] _____ TOTAL POINTS up to 100 for Earth’s Atmospheric Properties and Processess. Please write any comments or notes on the back of this sheet about the unit that you would like to bring to my attention. Ex: What did you like most about this unit, the least, any suggestions, etc. </p><p>DECISION 5: Launch Activity Launch Lab on page 311 (Write the think critically paragraph on a sheet of paper). </p><p>Unit Launch Interactive flipchart. </p><p>DECISION 6: Acquisition Lessons and Activities- (At the end of this document)</p><p>DECISION 7: What Extending/Refining Lessons/Activities will be in the Unit?</p><p>Students receive immediate feedback on all labs and work allowing me to clarify any misconceptions immediately.</p><p>HINT: The most important essential question should have thinking skills activities.</p><p>Cause/Effect Compare/Contrast Construction Support Classifying Justification Induction Deduction Evaluation Error Analysis Example to Idea Idea to Example Abstracting Analyzing Writing Prompts Perspectives</p><p>DECISION 8: Differentiating the unit What accommodations will you make to meet the varied interests, learning styles and ability levels of all students?</p><p>Personal Agendas that offer multiple activities and labs in multiple learning styles to meet student’s individual needs.</p><p>DECISION 9: Lesson/Activity Sequence and Timeline:</p><p>Personal Agenda for this unit lasts 14-16 school days. Unit test on the 15th or 17th school day. Since this is the first unit students are exposed to in this student centered learning environment, I am leaving room for additional days.</p><p>DECISION 10: Review and Revise:</p><p>Students receive immediate feedback on any misconceptions throughout the unit.</p><p>DECISION 11: What Resources or Materials will be needed for this unit?</p><p>Beakers, milk, flashlight, bicycle pump, air mattress (small), water, sand, tap water, salt water, beakers (3), light source, thermometers (3), plastic cups, ice, sunscreen bottles, pan balance, inflatable ball, meterstick, can, lamp, clamp, flashlight, globe, cardboard, turnable surface, ruler, scissors, markers. Learning-Focused Strategies ACQUISITION LESSON (EATS) Lesson Planning Form Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What would happen if earth had no atmosphere? (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Interactive flipchart, question and answer from text. STRATEGIES: ACCELERATION STRATEGIES: (focus on content maps and key vocabulary TEACHING Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard. STRATEGIES: As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising (graphic organizers) and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check PROMPTS: their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any (distributed guided misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional summarizing) materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Essential questions are answered. Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes STRATEGIES: longer than 1 day. In such a case the work is held for the student/s to begin the (ex: Ticket out the following school day. Door, 3-2-1, etc. All completed work is recorded on student’s unit agenda. I utilize the point Answer the EQ) system. Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL What mixture of gases makes up the Earth’s atmosphere today? QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Interactive flipchart. Question and answer from text. STRATEGIES: ACCELERATION STRATEGIES: (focus on content maps and key vocabulary TEACHING Differentiated. Student Centered. Multiple options to choose from in which to STRATEGIES: learn the standard. As students work I will be observing, answering questions, (graphic organizers) modeling, praising and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the PROMPTS: board and I check their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct (distributed guided any misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional summarizing) materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Essential questions are answered. Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes STRATEGIES: longer than 1 day. In such a case the work is held for the student/s to begin the (ex: Ticket out the following school day. Door, 3-2-1, etc. All completed work is recorded on student’s unit agenda. I utilize the point Answer the EQ) system. Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL How does the space shuttle maneuver in the exosphere? QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: atmosphere, nitrogen, oxygen, STRATEGIES: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, radiation, conduction, ACCELERATION condensation, evaporation, coriolis effect, global winds, sea breeze, and land breeze. STRATEGIES: Include color and descriptive illustrations. Launch Lab on page 311 (Write the think (focus on content critically paragraph on a sheet of paper), Foldable on page 311. Include illustrations and maps and key color, Determining if Air has Pressure, Evaluating Sunscreens, Modeling Heat Transfer, vocabulary Observing Solar Radiation, Observing Evaporation and Condensation, Visualizing Convection, Modeling the Coriolis Effect, Temperature of the Air, This is a project covering 5 days and requires measurements in the rock garden 3 times a day for those 5 days. Aplying Science page 316, Page 332 Song of the Sky Loom. Respond to the reading. Gizmo’s greenhouse Effect, Gizmo’s Details: Seasons Around the World, Your choice from Orange Book, Illustrate and define the Water Cycle, Video Notes. Due the day after the video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes, Answer Essential Questions, Oral Quiz. Must have 80 points. Quiz stops when you miss an answer. TEACHING Differentiated. Student centered. Multiple options to choose from in which to STRATEGIES: learn the standard. As students work I will be observing, answering questions, (graphic organizers) modeling, praising and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the PROMPTS: board and I check their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct (distributed guided any misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional summarizing) materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Essential questions are answered. Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes STRATEGIES: longer than 1 day. In such a case the work is held for the student/s to begin the (ex: Ticket out the following school day. Door, 3-2-1, etc. All completed work is recorded on student’s unit agenda. I utilize the point Answer the EQ) system. Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL Where is air pressure greater, in the exosphere or in the troposphere? QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: atmosphere, nitrogen, oxygen, STRATEGIES: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, radiation, conduction, ACCELERATION condensation, evaporation, coriolis effect, global winds, sea breeze, and land breeze. STRATEGIES: Include color and descriptive illustrations. Launch Lab on page 311 (Write the think (focus on content critically paragraph on a sheet of paper), Foldable on page 311. Include illustrations and maps and key color, Determining if Air has Pressure, Evaluating Sunscreens, Modeling Heat Transfer, vocabulary Observing Solar Radiation, Observing Evaporation and Condensation, Visualizing Convection, Modeling the Coriolis Effect, Temperature of the Air, This is a project covering 5 days and requires measurements in the rock garden 3 times a day for those 5 days. Aplying Science page 316, Page 332 Song of the Sky Loom. Respond to the reading. Gizmo’s greenhouse Effect, Gizmo’s Details: Seasons Around the World, Your choice from Orange Book, Illustrate and define the Water Cycle, Video Notes. Due the day after the video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes, Answer Essential Questions, Oral Quiz. Must have 80 points. Quiz stops when you miss an answer. TEACHING Differentiated. Student centered. Multiple options to choose from in which to STRATEGIES: learn the standard. As students work I will be observing, answering questions, (graphic organizers) modeling, praising and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the PROMPTS: board and I check their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct (distributed guided any misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional summarizing) materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Essential questions are answered. Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes STRATEGIES: longer than 1 day. In such a case the work is held for the student/s to begin the (ex: Ticket out the following school day. Door, 3-2-1, etc. All completed work is recorded on student’s unit agenda. I utilize the point Answer the EQ) system. Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL Weeks essential questions are due. QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Key Terms Test today! Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: STRATEGIES: atmosphere, nitrogen, oxygen, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ACCELERATION exosphere, radiation, conduction, condensation, evaporation, coriolis effect, global winds, STRATEGIES: sea breeze, and land breeze. Include color and descriptive illustrations. Launch Lab on (focus on content page 311 (Write the think critically paragraph on a sheet of paper), Foldable on page 311. maps and key Include illustrations and color, Determining if Air has Pressure, Evaluating Sunscreens, vocabulary Modeling Heat Transfer, Observing Solar Radiation, Observing Evaporation and Condensation, Visualizing Convection, Modeling the Coriolis Effect, Temperature of the Air, This is a project covering 5 days and requires measurements in the rock garden 3 times a day for those 5 days. Aplying Science page 316, Page 332 Song of the Sky Loom. Respond to the reading. Gizmo’s greenhouse Effect, Gizmo’s Details: Seasons Around the World, Your choice from Orange Book, Illustrate and define the Water Cycle, Video Notes. Due the day after the video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes, Answer Essential Questions, Oral Quiz. Must have 80 points. Quiz stops when you miss an answer. TEACHING Differentiated. Student centered. Multiple options to choose from in which to STRATEGIES: learn the standard. As students work I will be observing, answering questions, (graphic organizers) modeling, praising and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the PROMPTS: board and I check their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct (distributed guided any misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional summarizing) materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Essential questions are answered. Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes STRATEGIES: longer than 1 day. In such a case the work is held for the student/s to begin the (ex: Ticket out the following school day. Door, 3-2-1, etc. All completed work is recorded on student’s unit agenda. I utilize the point Answer the EQ) system. Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL How does the Sun warm our skin? QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Video Today! Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: atmosphere, STRATEGIES: nitrogen, oxygen, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, ACCELERATION radiation, conduction, condensation, evaporation, coriolis effect, global winds, sea breeze, STRATEGIES: and land breeze. Include color and descriptive illustrations. Launch Lab on page 311 (focus on content (Write the think critically paragraph on a sheet of paper), Foldable on page 311. Include maps and key illustrations and color, Determining if Air has Pressure, Evaluating Sunscreens, Modeling vocabulary Heat Transfer, Observing Solar Radiation, Observing Evaporation and Condensation, Visualizing Convection, Modeling the Coriolis Effect, Temperature of the Air, This is a project covering 5 days and requires measurements in the rock garden 3 times a day for those 5 days. Aplying Science page 316, Page 332 Song of the Sky Loom. Respond to the reading. Gizmo’s greenhouse Effect, Gizmo’s Details: Seasons Around the World, Your choice from Orange Book, Illustrate and define the Water Cycle, Video Notes. Due the day after the video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes, Answer Essential Questions, Oral Quiz. Must have 80 points. Quiz stops when you miss an answer. TEACHING Differentiated. Student centered. Multiple options to choose from in which to STRATEGIES: learn the standard. As students work I will be observing, answering questions, (graphic organizers) modeling, praising and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the PROMPTS: board and I check their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct (distributed guided any misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional summarizing) materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case STRATEGIES: the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day. (ex: Ticket out the Unit test and Key terms test are assigned and recorded on student’s Personal Door, 3-2-1, etc. Agenda. Answer the EQ) All completed work is recorded on student’s unit agenda. I utilize the point system. Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL Explain the water cycle process? QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: atmosphere, nitrogen, oxygen, STRATEGIES: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, radiation, conduction, ACCELERATION condensation, evaporation, coriolis effect, global winds, sea breeze, and land breeze. STRATEGIES: Include color and descriptive illustrations. Launch Lab on page 311 (Write the think (focus on content critically paragraph on a sheet of paper), Foldable on page 311. Include illustrations and maps and key color, Determining if Air has Pressure, Evaluating Sunscreens, Modeling Heat Transfer, vocabulary Observing Solar Radiation, Observing Evaporation and Condensation, Visualizing Convection, Modeling the Coriolis Effect, Temperature of the Air, This is a project covering 5 days and requires measurements in the rock garden 3 times a day for those 5 days. Aplying Science page 316, Page 332 Song of the Sky Loom. Respond to the reading. Gizmo’s greenhouse Effect, Gizmo’s Details: Seasons Around the World, Your choice from Orange Book, Illustrate and define the Water Cycle, Video Notes. Due the day after the video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes, Answer Essential Questions, Oral Quiz. Must have 80 points. Quiz stops when you miss an answer. TEACHING Differentiated. Student centered. Multiple options to choose from in which to STRATEGIES: learn the standard. As students work I will be observing, answering questions, (graphic organizers) modeling, praising and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the PROMPTS: board and I check their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct (distributed guided any misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional summarizing) materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case STRATEGIES: the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day. (ex: Ticket out the All completed work is recorded on student’s unit agenda. I utilize the point Door, 3-2-1, etc. system. Answer the EQ) Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL What are the doldrums? QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: atmosphere, nitrogen, STRATEGIES: oxygen, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, radiation, ACCELERATION conduction, condensation, evaporation, coriolis effect, global winds, sea breeze, and land STRATEGIES: breeze. Include color and descriptive illustrations. Launch Lab on page 311 (Write the (focus on content think critically paragraph on a sheet of paper), Foldable on page 311. Include illustrations maps and key and color, Determining if Air has Pressure, Evaluating Sunscreens, Modeling Heat vocabulary Transfer, Observing Solar Radiation, Observing Evaporation and Condensation, Visualizing Convection, Modeling the Coriolis Effect, Temperature of the Air, This is a project covering 5 days and requires measurements in the rock garden 3 times a day for those 5 days. Aplying Science page 316, Page 332 Song of the Sky Loom. Respond to the reading. Gizmo’s greenhouse Effect, Gizmo’s Details: Seasons Around the World, Your choice from Orange Book, Illustrate and define the Water Cycle, Video Notes. Due the day after the video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes, Answer Essential Questions, Oral Quiz. Must have 80 points. Quiz stops when you miss an answer. TEACHING Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard. STRATEGIES: As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising (graphic organizers) and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check PROMPTS: their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any (distributed guided misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive summarizing) sheets/Instructional materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case STRATEGIES: the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day. (ex: Ticket out the All completed work is recorded on student’s unit agenda. I utilize the point Door, 3-2-1, etc. system. Answer the EQ) Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL How does a sea breeze form? QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: atmosphere, nitrogen, oxygen, STRATEGIES: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, radiation, conduction, ACCELERATION condensation, evaporation, coriolis effect, global winds, sea breeze, and land breeze. STRATEGIES: Include color and descriptive illustrations. Launch Lab on page 311 (Write the think (focus on content critically paragraph on a sheet of paper), Foldable on page 311. Include illustrations and maps and key color, Determining if Air has Pressure, Evaluating Sunscreens, Modeling Heat Transfer, vocabulary Observing Solar Radiation, Observing Evaporation and Condensation, Visualizing Convection, Modeling the Coriolis Effect, Temperature of the Air, This is a project covering 5 days and requires measurements in the rock garden 3 times a day for those 5 days. Aplying Science page 316, Page 332 Song of the Sky Loom. Respond to the reading. Gizmo’s greenhouse Effect, Gizmo’s Details: Seasons Around the World, Your choice from Orange Book, Illustrate and define the Water Cycle, Video Notes. Due the day after the video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn in the video notes, Answer Essential Questions, Oral Quiz. Must have 80 points. Quiz stops when you miss an answer. TEACHING Differentiated. Student centered. Multiple options to choose from in which to STRATEGIES: learn the standard. As students work I will be observing, answering questions, (graphic organizers) modeling, praising and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the PROMPTS: board and I check their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct (distributed guided any misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional summarizing) materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case STRATEGIES: the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day. (ex: Ticket out the All completed work is recorded on student’s unit agenda. I utilize the point Door, 3-2-1, etc. system. Answer the EQ) Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL 2nd weeks essential questions due. QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Questions from direct instruction page 100-114 answer questions 1-12, Questions from STRATEGIES: direct instruction page 116-121 and answer questions 13-20, Copy and define Key Terms ACCELERATION in a foldable, or on index cards: Geologic Time Scale, Eras, Periods, Epochs, Organic STRATEGIES: Evolution, Species, natural selection, trilobite, Pangea, Precambrian time, Paleozoic Era, (focus on content Mass Extinction, Mesozoic Era, Cenozoic Era, Key Terms Test, Looking at the Geographic maps and key Time Scale, Look at figure 20 on page 116 and Explain in a paragraph: How might the vocabulary separation of Pangea have affected organisms living there?, Relating Evolution to Species, Changing Species, Living without thumbs, Calculating the Age of the Atlantic, Create a foldable on the three Era’s. Include illustrations and 3 facts about each, Dating Rock Layers with Fossils, to http://www.uen.org/utahlink/activities/view_activity.cgi? activity_id=3820 and research 2 of the animals listed and answer the questions on the web page for each. Include an illustration, Create a Flow Chart explaining the catastrophes leading to extinctions at the end of each. Include illustrations. Solve the practice problems of calculating Animal Extinctions on page 119. TEACHING Differentiated. Student centered. Multiple options to choose from in which to STRATEGIES: learn the standard. As students work I will be observing, answering questions, (graphic organizers) modeling, praising and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the PROMPTS: board and I check their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct (distributed guided any misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive summarizing) sheets/Instructional materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case STRATEGIES: the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day. (ex: Ticket out the All completed work is recorded on student’s unit agenda. I utilize the point Door, 3-2-1, etc. system. Answer the EQ) Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL Why do most storm systems travel from west to east in North America? QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Water and Sand Temperatures STRATEGIES: MAP Questions ACCELERATION Answer critical thinking questions Why is the Sky Blue? STRATEGIES: Air Volume and Pressure? (focus on content maps and key vocabulary TEACHING Differentiated. Student centered. Multiple options to choose from in which to STRATEGIES: learn the standard. As students work I will be observing, answering questions, (graphic organizers) modeling, praising and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the PROMPTS: board and I check their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct (distributed guided any misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive summarizing) sheets/Instructional materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case STRATEGIES: the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day. No books (ex: Ticket out the or notes may be used on this level. Door, 3-2-1, etc. Answer the EQ) Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL Explain the relationship between the Sun’s energy, air pressure, and global QUESTION: winds. (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Water and Sand Temperatures STRATEGIES: MAP Questions ACCELERATION Answer critical thinking questions Why is the Sky Blue? STRATEGIES: Air Volume and Pressure? (focus on content maps and key vocabulary TEACHING Differentiated. Student centered. Multiple options to choose from in which to STRATEGIES: learn the standard. As students work I will be observing, answering questions, (graphic organizers) modeling, praising and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the PROMPTS: board and I check their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct (distributed guided any misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive summarizing) sheets/Instructional materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case STRATEGIES: the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day. No books (ex: Ticket out the or notes may be used on this level. Door, 3-2-1, etc. Answer the EQ) Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL Which wind system helped early sailors navigate through Earth’s oceans? QUESTION: Explain how. (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Water and Sand Temperatures STRATEGIES: MAP Questions ACCELERATION Answer critical thinking questions Why is the Sky Blue? STRATEGIES: Air Volume and Pressure? (focus on content maps and key vocabulary TEACHING Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard. STRATEGIES: As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising (graphic organizers) and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check PROMPTS: their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any (distributed guided misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive summarizing) sheets/Instructional materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Grades returned next day. Students see spreadsheet of their grade summary STRATEGIES: of their unit. (ex: Ticket out the Door, 3-2-1, etc. Answer the EQ) Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL 3rd weeks essential questions due. Agenda’s due. QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING Water and Sand Temperatures STRATEGIES: MAP Questions ACCELERATION Answer critical thinking questions Why is the Sky Blue? STRATEGIES: Air Volume and Pressure? (focus on content maps and key vocabulary TEACHING Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard. STRATEGIES: As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising (graphic organizers) and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check PROMPTS: their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any (distributed guided misconceptions. practice and (Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they distributed want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive summarizing) sheets/Instructional materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench) SUMMARIZING Grades returned next day. Students see spreadsheet of their grade summary STRATEGIES: of their unit test. (ex: Ticket out the Door, 3-2-1, etc. Answer the EQ)</p><p>Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Atmospheric Properties and Processes Date of lesson: ESSENTIAL Unit Test QUESTION: (with key questions if necessary) ACTIVATING STRATEGIES: ACCELERATION STRATEGIES: (focus on content maps and key vocabulary TEACHING STRATEGIES: (graphic organizers) PROMPTS: (distributed guided practice and distributed summarizing) SUMMARIZING STRATEGIES: (ex: Ticket out the Door, 3-2-1, etc. Answer the EQ)</p>

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