<p> By-Laws of the Illinois Zeta Chapter of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity</p><p>I. Meetings A. Regular meetings 1. Shall be held weekly on Sundays at 7 PM. 2. Shall be held at a location determined and reserved by the HOD. 3. Can be changed by super-majority vote one week in advance. B. Special meetings 1. Shall be called and held upon the notice required by the National Fraternity By- Laws (Article VI, Section 9, Clause 2)To build bridges with all parties with a vested interest in our Greek community at large, each chapter specifically, and the University and beyond. 2. Can be called and held by the GP with 24 hours advanced notice in times of emergencies. C. Pledge meetings 1. Shall be held weekly. 2. Additional meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Fraternity Education Committee 3. Shall be held at a location determined by the Fraternity Education Committee D. Order of Business 1. The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows: a. Chapter Opening Ceremony b. Roll Call c. Words from the Chaplain d. Reading and Approval of the Minutes e. Officer Reports f. Committee Reports g. Old Business h. New Business i. Pledge Discussion j. Roll Call k. Words for the Good of the Fraternity l. Chapter Closing Ceremony 2. The order of business at special meetings shall be as follows: a. Chapter Opening Ceremony b. Roll Call c. Statement of Special Business d. Consideration of responses to situation e. Decision of action in response to situation f. Roll Call g. Chapter Closing Ceremony E. Quorum 1. A majority of the undergraduate members of the Chapter who are in good standing, as defined by the Chapter’s governance committee. 2. Quorum must be achieved in order to conduct business. F. Voting 1. Only undergraduate members who are in good standing, as defined by the Chapter’s governance committee, shall be entitled to vote. 2. Votes may only be cast by eligible undergraduate members as defined by Article I, Section F, Line 1 of the By-Laws of Illinois Zeta G. Procedural and Substitute Votes 1. Shall be passed with a simple majority vote Clause 1. The exception is in relation to anything of financial matters. All matters of this nature that are brought to a vote need to be passed by a super-majority. 2. Shall be by sign, unless a vote by roll call is requested H. Time Allotment of Regular Meetings 1. GP: 4 minutes 2. VGP: 4 minutes 3. P: 3 minutes 4. AG: 2 minutes 5. BG: 1 minute 6. SG: 1 minute</p><p>6 7. HOD: 1 minute 8. PHU: 1 minute 9. HI: 1 minute 10. Committee Chairs: 1 minute (For further explanation, see Article VII, Section 1, Clause 1 of the National Fraternity’s By-Laws) Clause 1. If a committee chairperson or chapter officer needs more than the one minute provided, he must see the GP or VGP before the meeting has begun. 11. New and Old Business: Shall be at the discretion of the GP</p><p>II. Elections A. Petition for Membership 1. Shall be elected at any regular meeting 2. Shall be by secret ballot 3. A unanimous affirmative vote shall be necessary for election Clause 1. Election can also be authorized by the Executive Council 4. No candidate shall be eligible for initiation until all of the following have been met: a. Requirements of the By-Laws of General Fraternity b. Scholastic requirements of the University c. DePaul’s Interfraternity Council d. Undergraduates must possess talent, ambition, and good moral character e. Currently enrolled full-time as defined by DePaul University f. Good academic and disciplinary standing as defined by DePaul University 5. The final vote shall occur prior to the eighth week of any candidate’s pledgeship. 6. After this vote, the candidate will be initiated pending proof from DePaul University that the candidate’s quarterly GPA is at least 2.5. B. Officers 1. Shall be elected annually through majority vote by those undergraduates eligible to vote and not otherwise 2. Nominations shall be held during the ninth week of the academic Winter quarter 3. Elections shall be held during the tenth week of the academic Winter quarter 4. Installation of officers shall be held on the same day of elections if possible 5. No member shall be elected as an officer or delegate until his initiation has been reported to the Executive Director together with the proper fees remitted, nor if he has not met the financial obligations to the Chapter as defined by the same. 6. Elections of officers shall be by secret ballot, as required by the General Fraternity’s By-Laws 7. Nominations will be accepted on the day of elections C. Vacancies 1. Whenever a permanent vacancy shall occur in any office, it shall be filled by election at the next meeting Clause 1. By majority vote, the GP can appoint any Brother eligible to hold an office to the vacant position. D. Delegates to Councils 1. Delegates to Councils shall be elected at least four weeks prior to the convening of the council. No member shall serve as a delegate until his initiation has been reported to the Executive Director together with the proper fees remitted, nor if he has not met his financial obligation as defined by the Chapter 2. At the regular meeting immediately preceding any council, the official delegate shall submit to the Chapter if his report for such approval.</p><p>III. Officers A. Chain of Command 1. -In the event that the GP or presiding officer is unable or unwilling to perform his duties expected and required herein, the order of succession shall be the following: a. VGP b. AG c. BG 2. GP a. Shall be the presiding officer of the Chapter b. Shall have the powers and duties as defined by the manual of Phi Kappa Psi 3. VGP a. Shall perform the duties of the GP in his absence or inability to act 6 b. Shall administer all Chapter Oaths, except at trials conducted by the Chapter c. Shall be the official Chapter liaison between the Chapter and the Chapter Advisor d. Shall hold the official copy of the By-Laws of the Illinois Zeta Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi e. Shall be responsible for the appointment of committee heads with the approval of the GP. He shall have one week to appoint a Brother to each committee chair from the date he is sworn into office. 4. AG a. Shall be the presiding officer in the absence or inability to act of both the GP and VGP b. Shall be the Corresponding Secretary of the Chapter c. Shall be the Chapter’s correspondent for The Shield, and shall furnish a communication from the Chapter for publication in each issue thereof d. Shall acknowledge receipt of all communication promptly upon their receipt, and shall report the matters therein contained to the Chapter at its next regular meeting, notifying the Correspondent promptly of the action of the Chapter thereon. When the action of the Chapter thereon is final, he shall present at each subsequent regular meeting of the CHapter until it is finally disposed. e. Shall preserve copies of all communication sent by him, and keep the same properly posted and indexed f. Shall send all communication, the non-receipt of which might subject the Chapter to a penalty, by registered mail g. Shall be responsible for approving all publication, including flyers, posters, and all paraphernalia sent out by the Chapter 5. BG a. Shall be the presiding officer in the absence or inability to act of the GP, VGP, and the AG b. Shall be the recording secretary of the Chapter and shall keep a full, accurate, and complete recording of all proceedings of the Chapter c. Shall be the custodian of the Seal, records, and archives of the Chapter, and shall keep the same in a place designated by the Chapter d. Meeting minutes shall be posted no less than 48 hours after the meeting has been held e. Shall keep the Constitution up to date and make any changes the Chapter mandates 6. P a. Shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Chapter; he shall deposit all funds, upon their receipt by him, in a bank to be designated by the Finance Committee in an account under the name of the Chapter. b. Shall be responsible for paying all bills and liabilities in a prompt fashion c. Shall keep a receipt book, from which he shall give a receipt for all money received by him, entering on the stub the name, date, amount, and purpose for which it was paid d. Shall record all fines all fines at the time of imposition, and all remission of fines when made by proper authority e. Shall present a written statement of his receipts and expenditures for the preceding month at the first regular meeting of each month, together with a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Chapter f. Shall file a financial report by the by 15th of each month for the previous month with the proper officer of the General Fraternity (Executive Director, Archon, and Director of Chapter Finance), on the form provided by the Executive Council g. Shall keep a general ledger containing journal entries detailing all financial transactions of the Chapter in accordance with FASB and GAAP roles and procedures h. Shall be personally responsible for all fines incurred by the Chapter due to filing any later reports to the national headquarters or governing body i. Shall be responsible for providing each member of the fraternity with a statement of his account by the first of every month, either by hand carry or U.S. Postal Service, received no later than the fifth of the month j. Any expenditures of Chapter funds must have prior approval by the Chapter. However, petty cash may be dispensed by the P without specific approval by the Chapter as long as it does not exceed $50. In 6 addition the amount dispensed in petty cash will not exceed $300 per academic year, at dispersals not exceeding $50. Dispersals must be in accordance with the current budget. 7. SG a. Shall be the Chapter’s historian, and shall have custody of the library, scrap book, photographs, and similar properties of the Chapter b. Shall keep the Chapter history complete and shall ad hitherto at the end of each year covering the matters of historic interest of the preceding year c. Shall keep a scrap book in which he shall preserve all published matters concerning the Fraternity, the Chapter, or any member or alumnus thereof, which may come to his notice d. Shall keep a card index of all the alumni and undergraduate members of the Chapter, upon which shall be recorded such information about the members as the Chapter may direct. e. Shall obtain and preserve a complete file of The Shield, as far as possible, and keep the same up to date by adding thereto the current volume, properly bound, as soon as completed 8. HOD a. Shall be the messenger of the presiding officer b. Shall be the Custodian of chapter regalia, and hall or meeting place, and shall have the same suitably prepared for each meeting at least fifteen minutes in advance thereof c. Shall collect voting ballots and be the custodian of the same thereof d. Shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining a proper Phone- Free line of communication whenever necessary e. Will be responsible for the maintenance and updating of the Chapter’s voice-mail messaging system f. Shall be responsible for the Chapter’s events calendar, hard copy and digital, and shall display the hard copy at every regular meeting 9. PHU a. Shall be the guard of the entrance to the Chapter Hall during all meetings of the Chapter b. Shall be the official Parliamentarian c. Shall overlook the collection of all fines d. Shall be responsible for providing at each regular Chapter meeting a list of all outstanding fines e. Shall be responsible for updating the Code of Conduct annually and having every Brother sign it at a time determined by the GP 10. HI a. Shall be the Chaplain of the Chapter and perform the duties thereof as stated in the Manual of Phi Kappa Psi. b. Shall be responsible for maintaining the Chapter’s ritual equipment and insuring there is a complete set at all times</p><p>IV. Committees A. Governance Committee 1. Shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Chapter, and shall be chaired by the VGP and composed of the following: a. GP b. P c. Phu d. Grievance Chair e. BG f. Undergraduate responsible for updating these By-Laws 2. Shall pay particular attention to the relations of the Chapter with the University and with the other Fraternities, and each member of the Chapter with his fellow students 3. Shall certify to the Grievance committee the name of any member failing to maintain proper standing in the Chapter, the University, or the Community 4. No records, archives, or other Chapter property shall be removed from the Chapter without the Governance Committee’s consent and approval. 5. An appeal shall lie from the decision of any officer or committee to the Governance Committee, and its decision shall be conclusive. The committee is subject to the limitation of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of the General Fraternity</p><p>6 6. Shall define the financial obligation which the undergraduate members must meet to constitute a member in good standing entitled to vote at Chapter meetings 7. Shall assist the PHU in updating the Code of Conduct for the Chapter. 8. Shall be responsible for properly updating the By-Laws as legislation is passed. 9. Shall be responsible for reviewing and assessing the By-Laws at the end of each academic quarter 10. Shall be responsible for defining the minimum requirements of all Brothers’ participation in Chapter operations 11. Shall meet with the Executive Board once a week while the Chapter is under any investigation or probation by IFC or the University 12. Based upon the discretion of the committee, governance shall determine bad standing for any individual based on the following: a. Report(s) from the P with unpaid dues or failure to comply with an approve payment plan as defined in Article V, Section A. b. Report(s) from the PHU with unpaid fines as defined in Article V, Section A. c. Report(s) from the BG with unacceptable attendance to chapter meetings as defined in Article V, Section B. d. Report(s) from the Grievance chair with any unfulfilled grievances. 13. Shall be responsible for upholding those in bad standing to the following sanctions: a. Voting privileges are taken away. b. The privilege of holding a committee head or officer position shall be taken away. c. Attendance at any brotherhood, social, or recruitment event must be approved by the GP. B. Membership Committee 1. Shall consist of at least three undergraduate members 2. Shall seek advisement from alumni regarding recruitment events 3. Shall supervise all recruitment and control of all the details thereon 4. No Chapter funds for recruitment purposes shall be spent without the approval of the Membership and Finance Committees 5. Shall be responsible for a database of potential recruits available to the Chapter, including name and contact information for each potential recruit 6. Shall be responsible for actively participating in any recruitment efforts by the IFC 7. Shall be responsible for the attendance of Brothers at any University Orientation tables provided by the IFC 8. If deemed necessary by the Chapter, the Membership Committee shall be responsible for arranging assistance from Headquarters staff C. Grievance Committee 1. Shall consist of at least three undergraduate members 2. Reserves the power to reduce or remit all fines or penalties imposed by the Chapter upon satisfactory cause shown in writing within one week after the imposition thereof 3. Shall submit in writing the decision to the P 4. Shall take official recognition of absence, without excuse, of any officer from two consecutive meetings of the chapter 5. Shall take official recognition of absence, without excuse, of any member of a committee from two consecutive meetings of that committee 6. Unless a satisfactory excuse for the absences are filed in writing to the Grievance Committee by such officer or committee member within one week thereafter, the Grievance Committee shall declare such office or committee seat vacant 7. All proposals by the Grievance Committee shall be voted on at the next regular Chapter meeting and approved with no less than a majority vote of the Chapter D. Scholarship Committee 1. Shall consist of at least three undergraduate members 2. Shall be responsible for the academic achievement of each member of the Chapter, with the assistance of the faculty advisor 3. Upon the end of every academic quarter, all Chapter members shall release to only the Chairman his consent for a Chapter wide grade release 4. The Chairman is only authorized to receive the current quality points and associated GPA, and the cumulative quality points and GPA. Any other materials must be destroyed immediately upon receipt.</p><p>6 5. Shall be responsible for defining the guidelines for academic probation of all Chapter members that do not have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 6. Shall be responsible for updating the Chapter’s overall GPA on a quarterly basis, and shall report said information at the first regular Chapter meeting of each quarter. 7. Shall compose a master schedule consisting of each Brother’s class schedule, including location and time E. Alumni/Public Relations Committee 1. Shall consist of the SG and at least three undergraduate members 2. Shall be responsible for releasing the quarterly newsletter consisting of the Chapter’s events to both the Chapter and the alumni members 3. Shall be responsible for the recruitment and retention of of the members of the Alumni Boards, Alumni Corporation, and all members of the Alumni related to the Illinois Zeta Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi 4. Shall submit a report at the last regular Chapter meeting of every quarter of all alumni events in the preceding quarter 5. Shall be responsible for keeping an updated list of all alumni in the Chicagoland area. The Chair will update this list within two weeks of an alumnus’ departure 6. Shall supervise and be responsible for the maintaining of a positive public image of the Chapter 7. The webmaster, to be appointed by the GP, shall be part of this committee 8. Shall be responsible for at least biweekly maintenance of the Illinois Zeta web page. 9. The web page shall include, but will not be limited to, the following pages: a. The Creed of Phi Kappa Psi b. The History of Illinois Zeta and Phi Kappa Psi c. Rush information at DePaul d. The newsletter for Illinois Zeta e. Member Directory (for all current members’ e-mail addresses) f. Other Chapter Links g. Calendar of Events 10. The Chair shall be responsible for the production and mailing of a quarterly alumni newsletter to be called The Illinois Zetan. The Chair may request the submission of articles from Brothers outside the committee, though his committee will be responsible for the majority of material in the newsletter. F. Social Committee 1. Shall consist of at least three undergraduate members 2. Shall be responsible for coordinating any and all advertisements and publicity for the Chapter’s sponsored events (i.e. mixers, Formal, and other Fraternity sponsored parties). 3. Final approval of all promotions must be given by two of the following: GP, VGP, AG, BG, or the Alumni/Public Relations Committee Chairman G. Finance Committee 1. Shall consist of the P and at least three undergraduate members 2. Shall be responsible for developing a quarterly and annual budget for the Chapter and presenting it to the Chapter for approval at the first regular meeting of every quarter 3. Shall budget 15% of the quarterly income into a bad debt account. After said quarter, remaining funds in the bad debt account will be immediately transferred to the account for Formal or another Fraternity sponsored event of similar character 4. Funds shall not be spent toward the Chapter or any of its committees without an approved budget that has been passed by a super-majority vote of the Brothers eligible to vote 5. Shall be responsible for taking books and records to a Certified Public Accountant or like service during the month of February for audit and review. Shall take any steps necessary to obtain a letter of sound financial position for said CPA 6. Shall be responsible for providing a financial overview of all the accounts of the Chapter at every regular Chapter meeting which will include, but is not limited to accounts receivable, accounts payable, and current states of all budgeted items 7. Shall be responsible for taking all members that in bad financial standing to the Grievance Committee 8. Shall be responsible for providing to the House Corporation, upon written request of said House Corporation, all copies of financial overview given to the Chapter, within two weeks of the request</p><p>6 9. Shall appoint one committee member to be responsible for SAF-B funding applications and hearings H. Fraternity Education Committee 1. Shall consist of at least four undergraduate members, one from each class enrolled at the university 2. Shall be responsible, along with the Fraternity Educator, for developing a program for Fraternity Education as well as a program for the pledge period 3. The Fraternity Educator, after being reviewed by the Committee, shall submit a written Fraternity Education Program to the National Headquarters, as well as the IFC 4. Shall include a calendar of events that is accessible to all members 5. Shall be responsible for pairing pledges with Big Brothers based on the pledges’ preference, Brothers’ eligibility, and the Committee’s judgment 6. A Brother will not be eligible to receive a Little Brother if he has not fulfilled his recruitment obligations I. Philanthropy Committee 1. Shall consist of at least three undergraduate members 2. Shall be responsible for coordinating all community service projects done by the Chapter 3. Shall be responsible for coordinating service projects to accumulate at least 10 hours of service per Brother quarterly 4. Shall be responsible for coordinating philanthropic projects to accumulate at least $15 of donations per Brother quarterly J. Interfraternity Council Representation Committee 1. The IFC Representative shall be appointed by the GP, pending the Chapter’s approval 2. Shall be responsible for attending all IFC meetings or designating an alternative in his absence 3. Shall be responsible for coordinating Chapter attendance at all IFC meetings and forums, and shall be personally responsible for the absences at all IFC events requiring the participation of the IFC representative 4. Shall report to the Chapter at every regular meeting any business conducted at the IFC meeting and all matters pertaining to the Chapter at such meetings 5. He or his agents shall not conduct any business with the approval of the GP, VGP, AG, BG, or the Chapter K. Appointment 1. Chairmen for all standing committees shall be appointed by the VGP no later than one week after his installation, subject to the approval of the Chapter by majority vote L. Common Committee Procedures 1. All committee chairmen shall submit a committee minutes recording form concerning each of the their meetings, and shall submit copies of said minutes to the VGP and BG at the next regular meeting of the Chapter. 2. Committees are required to meet weekly unless excused from said meetings M. Committees will not be eligible for funding from the Chapter if they have not properly submitted a budget request form to the Finance Committee N. Any committee that would like to bring up an issue to be voted on by the rest of the Chapter at a regular Chapter meeting must provide a fully-typed, hard copy of his proposal. (The proposal should include the Committee’s name, recommendations, and be signed and dated.) If the proposal is voted on and not affirmed the said proposal will be sent back to its committee for further deliberation and revision</p><p>V. Dues and Penalties A. Fees and Dues 1. Dues for immediately initiated members in the Fall shall be $575 ($300 for dues to the Chapter and $275 for initiation) paid in one of the following two options: a. One payment of $575 due at the second Chapter meeting following Initiation b. One payment of $300 due at the second Chapter meeting following Initiation and one payment of $275 due at the second Chapter meeting of the Spring quarter. 2. Dues for immediately initiated members in the Winter shall be $325 ($50 for dues to the Chapter and $275 for initiation) paid in one installment at the second Chapter meeting following Initiation</p><p>6 3. The Chapter dues of $700 for members shall be paid with one of the following two options: a. One payment of $630 due at the second Chapter meeting of the Fall quarter b. Two payments of $350, one due at the second Chapter meeting of the Fall quarter and one due at the second Chapter meeting of the Winter quarter 4. The Chapter dues for pledges shall be $50 during the pledge period, payable at intervals to be determined by the P 5. The cost of all special obligations, occurring irregularly, shall be met by special assessments agreed by at least two-thirds majority vote of the eligible members of the Chapter, not quorum, and laid as such assessments may occur 6. All fines must be paid or appealed to the Finance Committee no later than two weeks after the fine is incurred 7. Members may pre-pay their dues for the full academic year up to two weeks into the Fall Quarter for a 10% discount on the total amount. 8. The member with the highest GPA from the previous academic year will get two- thirds of his annual dues waived by the Chapter for the current academic year a. Clause 1. In the event of a tie between two or more brothers for the highest GPA, then only one-third of each brother's annual dues will be waived for the current academic year 9. The Chapter shall pay 50% of the initiation fee for all pledges who achieves a 3.7 GPA or higher during the quarter in which they pledge themselves to the Fraternity B. Exclusions 1. Any deviation from the previously mentioned subsections of this article must be approved by the Finance Committee 2. Attendance and Conduct Penalties 3. Unexcused absences from the first roll call is punishable by a $5.00 fine 4. Unexcused absences from the first and second roll calls are punishable by a $10.00 fine 5. Any member who has two unexcused absences from Chapter meetings in one quarter is punishable by a $20.00 fine and loss of committee chair position and office held 6. Any member who has three unexcused absences from Chapter meetings in one quarter is punishable by a $30.00 fine and an automatic membership review 7. Neglect of duty (not limited to, but shall include failure to turn in reports to the VGP and BG on time and unexcused absences from a meeting) by any officer or committee head shall be punishable by a fine of $5.00 8. Failure of a member to observe proper rules of decorum and conduct shall be punishable by a fine of $1.00 9. An excused absence will be classified as anyone who: a. Is in class b. Has special circumstances approved by the GP 10. Any officer or committee chair who has not paid fines from an unexcused absence within one week of the fine being incurred will lose their right to speak during Chapter meetings until the fine is paid in full to the P 11. In addition to penalties herein prescribed, every member guilty of an offense against the Chapter or violation of the By-Laws may be duly tried, and upon conviction, may be subject to further punishment as the Chapter or the Executive Council may determine C. Academic Performance Penalties 1. Any member whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.5 shall adhere to the following: a. Meet with the Scholarship Chair at least twice during the current academic quarter b. Submit the syllabi of his classes to the Scholarship Chair, who will monitor the academic progress of the members in question c. Resign from office held. i. Clause 1. In order to waive this, it must be a two-thirds vote 2. Any member whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 shall adhere to the following in addition to the terms in the previous subsection: a. Meet with the VGP at least twice during the current quarter to explain his academic progress b. Immediately be placed on academic probation consisting of suspension of all social events</p><p>6 3. Any member who maintains a cumulative GPA below 2.0 for two consecutive quarters shall adhere to the following in addition to the terms in the previous two subsections: a. Meet with the Executive Board during the current quarter to explain his academic progress b. Shall be brought up for an automatic membership review by the Chapter at its next meeting 4. Any member whose quarterly GPA falls below 2.5 shall adhere to the following: a. Meet with the Scholarship Chair at least twice during the current academic quarter b. Submit the syllabi of his classes to the Scholarship Chair, who will monitor the academic progress of the members in question 5. Any member who maintains a quarterly GPA below 2.5 for two consecutive quarters shall adhere to the following in addition to the terms in the previous subsection: a. Resign from office held. i. Clause 1. In order to waive this, it must be a two-thirds vote b. Meet with the VGP at least twice during the current quarter to explain his academic progress c. Immediately be placed on academic probation consisting of suspension of all social events 6. Any member who maintains a quarterly GPA below 2.5 for three consecutive quarters shall adhere to the following in addition to the terms in the previous two subsections: a. Shall be brought up for an automatic membership review by the Chapter at its next meeting 7. Any member whose quarterly or cumulative GPA is less than 2.5 but greater than or equal to 2.0 is required to complete a minimum of 3 study hours per week 8. Any member whose quarterly or cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 is required to complete a minimum of 6 study hours per week</p><p>VI. Decorum A. Meetings 1. All officers shall be addressed by their titles, with the prefix Brother; other members by their last name with the same prefix 2. Members shall conduct themselves in an orderly fashion and dignified manner and shall refrain from private conversation 3. No member shall leave his seat except for the purpose of speaking without the GP’s permission 4. All members are to address the Chapter at the beginning of their statement with, “Brother GP and assembled Brothers” 5. The most updated version of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary procedure the Chapter shall adhere to B. Code of Conduct 1. Gambling in any illegal form shall not be permitted in the gathering place of the members of the Chapter 2. Any members found violating Federal, State, or University laws regarding the possession, sale, or use of illegal drugs or alcohol, upon being verified by the Grievance Committee, shall be subject to immediate punishment by expulsion, suspension, monetary fine, denial of Chapter or social privileges, or any combination thereof 3. All members will refrain from speaking out against the Chapter until all members of the Chapter have been availed of the problem and an attempt has been made to rectify and reconcile all sides on the matter 4. All members are subject to the general Student Code of Conduct of DePaul University as noted in the Student Handbook 5. All members have the absolute right to institute Article I of the Rules of the Fraternity VII. Insignia A. Badges 1. Only members of the Chapter in good standing shall wear the Chapter active badge 1. The Chapter active badge shall only be worn when properly attired in a collared shirt A. Greek Letters</p><p>6 1. Pledges shall not wear Greek letters representing the “Phi”, “Kappa”, or “Psi” 1. Nobody shall wear the letters of the Fraternity in a situation that would violate the Code of Conduct 2. Only those who have been lavaliered or are considered sweethearts (i.e. mothers, sisters, etc...) shall be allowed to wear the letters of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity 3. The title lavalier shall only be bestowed upon a woman by gesture of a member in good standing of the Fraternity and said gesture shall not require an affirmative vote of the Chapter. It shall nevertheless command the respect and reverence due to its recipient Article VIII Reading A. Reading 1. These By-Laws shall be read in full length at the first regular meeting after the election of the officers B. Repeal and Amendment 1. These By-Laws may be amended or repealed at any meeting of the Chapter by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the Chapter eligible to vote as defined by the Chapter provided there is written notice presented to the Chapter at the preceding regular meeting Article IX Miscellaneaous A. Parliamentary 1. The session of all Chapter meetings shall be opened and closed in due form 1. All officers (except those of the Alumni Association and Club) shall take the prescribed Oath of Office before entering upon their duties 2. The discussion of political or religious topics is strictly prohibited at all meetings and correspondences of the Fraternity 3. All resolutions being presented shall be typed A. Founder’s Day 1. February 19th of each year shall be known throughout the Fraternity as “Founder’s Day”, and shall be observed by the Chapter, Alumni Association and Club with the appropriate commemorative ceremonies B. Fraternity Documents 1. Copies of any instruments or papers on file with the Chapter shall be certified by its BG, or acting BG under the seal of the Chapter 1. Copies of any instruments of papers on file with the Executive Council shall be certified by the Executive Director of the Fraternity and sealed with the seal of the Fraternity Article X Default A. Default 1. In all cases of interpretation and explication, items not expressed in the Illinois Zeta Chapter By-Laws can be referred to the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity.Executive Board</p><p>6</p>
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