52 Tarnard Drive, Braeside, Victoria 3195

52 Tarnard Drive, Braeside, Victoria 3195

<p> 2009</p><p>CHELTENHAM YOUTH CLUB</p><p>WAG HANDBOOK</p><p>52 Tarnard Drive, Braeside, Victoria 3195 Tel 03 9590 9300 Fax 03 9590 9322 [email protected] 2</p><p>CONTENTS</p><p>2. Contents 3. Welcome to the CYC WAG Program 4. WAG Staff 5. WAG Apparatus 6. Gym mix Levels State Stream Competitive Program 7. National Stream Competitive Program 8. Private Classes Training Uniforms Competitive Uniforms 9. Level 1-3 Competition Information 10. Level 4-10 State Stream Competition Information 11. Level 4-6 National Stream Competition Information 12. Level 7-10 National Stream Competition Information 13. National Clubs Championships Level Award Tests 14. Competition Etiquette Competition Fees Athlete Withdrawl 15. Competition Basics 16. Medical Services 16. Gymnastic Merchandise Information 17. Calendar of Events 18. Code of Conduct – Athlete 19. Code of Conduct – Parent 20. Code of Conduct – Coach 22. Disciplinary Action for Breach of the Code of Conduct 24. An Appropriate Piece of Literature 3</p><p>WELCOME TO THE CYC WAG PROGRAM</p><p>Welcome to the Cheltenham Youth Club WAG Program. Cheltenham Youth Club was founded in 1956, and has since provided a range of activities and sporting pursuits for the active youth of our community. </p><p>The CYC WAG aims are:</p><p> To provide a wide range of gymnastic classes, to suit all gymnastic abilities, from beginner to International Gymnastics. Furthermore, assists suitable pathways for individuals.  To provide an active, safe and healthy environment where all gymnasts can achieve, and learn correct gymnastics skills.  To provide as many opportunities as possible for gymnasts to perform through a variety of ways. [ie. Competitions, Displays, Parent Viewing Days.]  To provide opportunities for growth and learning, being challenged and to succeed.  To improve physical and mental well being.  And above all, TO HAVE FUN!!!</p><p>WHY WAG GYMNASTICS</p><p>Women's Artistic Gymnastics is the perfect sport to teach your daughter co-ordination and confidence, develop creativity and contribute to her general health and fitness. </p><p>Women's Artistic Gymnastics: </p><p> Enhances co-ordination and agility, for body awareness and balance  Develops posture and confident body movement  Enhances creativity and builds self-confidence, for sport and life  Develops strength and flexibility, for life's constant challenges  Develops healthy minds and bodies for now and later life 4</p><p>WAG STAFF</p><p>HEIDI AMUNDSON WAG Program Manager WAG Level 2 NCAS Coach Senior First Aid Qualified International and gymnastics experience</p><p>JILL WARD WAG Level 2 NCAS Coach Senior First Aid Qualified</p><p>DEBBIE WARDEN WAG Level 2 NCAS Coach WAG Level 2 Judge Senior First Aid Qualified</p><p>KATHERINE THOMAS Level 2 Coach Level 2 Judge First Aid Personal Trainer</p><p>CAROLINE CARTER (KINDERGYM PROGRAM MANAGER) Kindergym Qualification WAG Level 1 NCAS Coach Sports Aerobics Senior First Aid Qualified</p><p>TALIA ALT WAG Level 1 NCAS Coach First Aid </p><p>ARGI KETSITSIDIS WAG Level 1 NCAS Coach Level 1 & 2 Judge</p><p>CASSIE LAWRENCE CAROLYN IRWIN WAG Level 1 NCAS Coach CIT First Aid Level 1</p><p>NATALIE QUARRIER GENEVIEVE MAYES CIT</p><p>PAIGE RIX CIT</p><p>JADE NORTHCOTE</p><p>***ALL SENIOR COACHES HAVE WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECKS*** 5 WAG PROGRAM FOR APPARATUS</p><p>Vault: The vault is used by both WAG and MAG athletes, to perform a vault:</p><p>1. The gymnast runs down a runway, which is padded and carpeted (the run) 2. Hurdles onto a springboard and springs onto the vault with her hands (the preflight) 3. Performs the actual vault, which may be as simple as handstand flat back or as complicated as executing several twists and flips in the air 4. Lands on the mat on the other side of the apparatus (the post flight) </p><p>Uneven Bars: The uneven bars are used only by WAG gymnasts. To perform a routine on the uneven bars, the gymnast:</p><p>1. Mounts the apparatus. Depending on the skills of the gymnast and level of competition, the mount may be as simple as a pullover or as complicated as a flip onto the bar. 2. Performs the actual routine, which will include swings, circles and, at the higher levels of competition, giant swings, handstands and release elements (skills in which the gymnast lets go of the bar and re-grasps it). The gymnast will also be expected to demonstrate at least one bar change, i.e. moving from the low bar to the high bar or vice versa. 3. Dismounts the apparatus and lands on the mat. </p><p>Balance Beam: The balance beam is 125 cm (about 4'5") high, 5 meters long, and 10 cm (4") wide. It is only used by female gymnasts. To perform a balance beam routine, the gymnast:</p><p>1. Mounts the apparatus. Depending on the level of competition, this mount may be as simple as climbing up on the beam, or as complicated as a flip. 2. Performs a routine lasting between 1 minute and 1 minute 30 seconds, depending on the level of competition. The choreography of the routine typically includes acrobatic elements, turns, leaps and dance poses performed singularly or in combination. 3. Dismounts the apparatus.</p><p>Floor Exercise: In gymnastics, the floor refers to a specially prepared sprung surface 12 meters by 12 meters. It is used by both male and female gymnasts. In women's artistic gymnastics, floor exercise routines last between 70 and 90 seconds. The routine is choreographed in advance, and is composed of acrobatic and dance elements. This event, above all others, allows the gymnast to express her personality through her dance and musical style.</p><p>Junior levels are taught preparatory skills to achieve appropriate body awareness for more difficult skills in higher levels. Many of these skills are not developed on actual apparatus.</p><p>Each gymnast is an individual and what is suitable for one child is not always the best option for another. This should be considered when friends join the gym. 6</p><p>GYM MIX (GENERAL GYMNASTICS PROGRAM 2009)</p><p>Gym Mix will be the new name for General Gym in 2009, and has been developed through Gymnastics Victoria. This incorporates a variety of events. Gym Mix is a non competitive class.</p><p>The General Gymnastics Program is a Recreational based program for children wishing to participate once per week. (ages 9 +) </p><p>LEVELS PROGRAMS</p><p>CYC has an internal levels system where gymnasts can work their way through the levels and be rewarded with certificates and CYC level badges on passing each level. At least two internal competitions and displays will be scheduled throughout the year. Skills testing will be conducted at the end of each term to ensure gymnasts are training at correct levels.</p><p> Gymnasts must be able to perform the minimum requirements for that level before being rewarded with the CYC level badge and certificate.  Gymnasts must demonstrate discipline, dedication and motivation at all times. The WAG program Manager can at any time place a gymnast into another class if their attitude is not for the well being of their current class. </p><p>Gymnasts will be required to enroll for the specified hours for their level. </p><p>STATE STREAM COMPETITIVE PROGRAM</p><p>The State Stream Competitive program is for athletes who due to other demands can only train a certain amount of hours (max 10) per week. At Level 4 – 8 (max 12 hours) per week. These gymnasts train between one and three sessions per week and generally compete in local and state competitions. They may also have the opportunity to compete at National Clubs in the National Program.</p><p> Gymnasts will be expected to fully commit to the minimum number of training sessions and hours for that level.  Gymnasts will be expected to commit to their competition schedule, which will be finalized as soon as Gymnastics Australia and Gymnastics Victoria have submitted it.  Gymnasts must be able to perform the above level minimum requirements before being entered into a Level Award Test for that level.  Gymnasts will only be entered into competitions if they have successfully passed that level and / or can successfully perform the minimum requirements for that level.  Gymnasts must demonstrate discipline, dedication and motivation at all times. The WAG program Manager can at any time place a gymnast into another class if there attitude is not for the well being of their current class. </p><p>Gymnasts will be required to enroll for the specified hours for their level. 7</p><p>NATIONAL STREAM COMPETITIVE PROGRAM</p><p>The National Stream Competitive program is for talented gymnasts aiming for National Competitions. These gymnasts train between two and six sessions per week, and may have the opportunity to compete in State Championships, National Championships, International Levels Challenge, National Clubs ).</p><p> Gymnasts will be expected to fully commit to all training sessions, where they must attend the required minimum hours.  Gymnasts will be expected to commit to their competition schedule, which will be finalized as soon as Gymnastics Australia and Gymnastics Victoria have submitted it.  Gymnasts must be able to perform the above level minimum requirements before being entered into a Level Award Test for that level.  Gymnasts will only be entered into competitions if they have successfully passed that level and / or can successfully perform the minimum requirements for that level.  Gymnasts will only be entered into Trials for National Championships if they have reached the qualification score set out by the CYC WAG program Manager.  Gymnasts must demonstrate discipline, dedication and motivation at all times. The WAG program Manager can at any time place a gymnast into another class if there attitude is not for the well being of their current class. 8</p><p>PRIVATE CLASSES</p><p>We have Senior Coaches who are available for Private Tuition on any apparatus that gymnasts feel they need additional work on. This is often the case during competition season. If you would like to book a private lesson with a senior coach, please see your class coach for advisement on what area your daughter needs additional training. It is the Club policy that gymnasts do not receive private lessons from their regular coach. If you would like to book a private lesson, please do so at the office. Costs of private lessons start at $65 an hour.</p><p>TRAINING UNIFORMS</p><p>It is mandatory that at all training sessions, gymnasts wear appropriate clothing. This should be a leotard or crop top, with leggings or bike shorts. In the winter months, a long sleeve leotard and long leggings are more appropriate. Hair must also be neatly tied up when attending training.</p><p>Training Leotards can be any design and can be purchased from the following outlets: AMCO Gymnastics 9561 6110 (Mulgrave) Stretchmates 9553 4204 (Moorabbin) Other outlets are available for more information please contact our office.</p><p>COMPETITION UNIFORMS</p><p>Competitive Level 1-3 CYC Short Sleeve Leotard [Available from Amco] approx $ 70.00 TBC CYC Club Tracksuit [Available from the office at CYC] approx $ 60.00 (Jacket $45) CYC Polo Shirt approx $ 30.00/35.00</p><p>Competitive State & National Stream Level 4 – 10 CYC Long sleeve Leotard [Available from Amco] approx $195.00 CYC Club Tracksuit [Available from the office at CYC] approx $ 95.00 jkt only CYC Polo shirt approx $30/35size dependant</p><p>All club leotards must be ordered, and measured up through AMCO at least 6 weeks prior to your first competition. Payments are to be made directly to AMCO. Factory 2/2 Garden Rd, Clayton 9561 6110 [open Monday to Friday 9-5.00pm or call to make an appointment if outside these times.]</p><p>Some second hand tracksuits and leotards may be available for purchase. Please check with the CYC office. 9</p><p>LEVEL 1-3 COMPETITION INFORMATION</p><p>The level 1-3 Competition season will be held during late Term 2 and early Term 3. Gymnasts from all levels will be invited to compete in at least 1-2 competitions outside of the club. We generally try to keep gymnasts with their own training group and coaches for competitions, but this is not always possible, depending on the number of entries. Most Level 1-3 Competitions are team competitions only. Generally no scores will be shown at these competitions, so please do not ask your coach. The idea of competing at level 1-3 is to gain valuable competition experience, and to have lots of fun. There will be no focus on winning or results. </p><p>There are 3 divisions at level 1-3. These are as follows :</p><p>Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Division A [International Stream] Open hours Open hours Open hours Division B [National Stream] Max 5 hours Max 8 hours Max 10 hours Division C [State Stream] Max 3 hours Max 5 hours Max 6 hours</p><p> Team sizes are 5 with 3 scores to count.  All gymnasts must be 5 years old by the date of competition.  If entering State Pennant, Level 1 gymnasts must be Under 9 years old as of the 1st January 2009.  No gymnast who competes at State Pennant is eligible for Level 4 – 10 Victorian Championships.  Gymnasts must be able to perform the minimum requirements for that level if they wish to compete.  Competition Fees usually range from $50 - $80, depending on which competition it is.  All gymnasts will be expected to compete in the competitions chosen by their coaches/WAG Program Manager. 10</p><p>LEVEL 4 – 10 STATE STREAM COMPETITION INFORMATION</p><p>The level 4 - 10 State Stream Competition season will be held during Term 3 and Term 4, with Victorian Championships Team Competition and Individual qualifiers held during October and Victorian Championships Individual Finals held during November. All gymnasts will have the opportunity to compete in at least 2 - 4 competitions throughout this competition season. We generally try to keep gymnasts with their own training group and coaches for competitions, but this is not always possible, depending on the number of entries. Most Level 4 -10 Competitions are team and individual competitions. Please always be encouraging towards your daughter regardless of the results. History shows that a happy athlete is a successful athlete. The idea of competing at any level is to gain valuable competition experience, and to have lots of fun. The focus on winning or results will be minimal. </p><p>State Stream Competitions give gymnasts an opportunity to compete against other athletes from other clubs training similar hours. The hours for State Stream are as follows :</p><p>Level Max Hours permitted State Level 4 - 8 Up to Max 10 hours per week State Level 9 - 10 UP to Max 10 hours per week </p><p> All gymnasts will be expected to compete in the competitions chosen by their coaches/WAG Program Manager.  Competition Fees usually range from $50 - $100, depending on which competition it is.  Gymnasts cannot compete in two different streams in the one calendar year, with the exception to National Clubs.  Gymnasts crossing from one stream to another (i.e., State Stream  National Stream), must apply in writing to the Victorian Sports Management Committee, before competing at that level.  Team sizes are 5 with 3 to count.  Gymnasts must be able to perform the minimum requirements for that level if they wish to compete. 11</p><p>LEVEL 4 – 6 NATIONAL STREAM COMPETITION INFORMATION</p><p>The level 4 - 6 National Stream Competition season will be held during Term 3 and Term 4, with Victorian Championships Team Competition and Individual qualifiers held during October and Victorian Championships Individual Finals held during November. All gymnasts will have the opportunity to compete in at least 2 -4 competitions throughout this competition season. Level 6 gymnasts may have the opportunity to trial for the Trans Bass Challenge. We generally try to keep gymnasts with their own training group and coaches for competitions, but this is not always possible, depending on the number of entries. Most Level 4 -6 Competitions are team and individual competitions. Please always be encouraging towards your daughter regardless of the results. History shows that a happy athlete is a successful athlete. The idea of competing at any level is to gain valuable competition experience, and to have lots of fun. The focus on winning or results will be minimal. </p><p> All gymnasts will be expected to compete in the competitions chosen by their coaches/WAG Program Manager.  Competition Fees usually range from $50 - $100, depending on which competition it is.  Gymnasts cannot compete in two different streams in the one calendar year.  Gymnasts crossing from one stream to another (i.e., National Stream  State Stream), must apply in writing to the Victorian Sports Management Committee, before competing at that level.  Team sizes are 5 with 3 to count.  Gymnasts must be able to perform the minimum requirements for that level if they wish to compete.</p><p>Level Max Hours permitted National 4A No Max hours</p><p>National 4B Max 12 hours National 5A No Max</p><p>National 5B Max 12 hours 12</p><p>LEVEL 7 – 10 NATIONAL STREAM COMPETITION INFORMATION</p><p>The level 7 - 10 National Stream Competition season will be held during Term 1 and Term 2, with Victorian Championships Team Competition, Individual qualifiers and finals held during June. Trials for National Championships will be held during early to mid May. National Championships will be held 5th-13th of July in Brisbane. All gymnasts will have the opportunity to compete in at least 2 - 4 competitions throughout this competition season. Level 7 gymnasts may have the opportunity to trial for the Trans Bass Challenge. We generally try to keep gymnasts with their own training group and coaches for competitions, but this is not always possible, depending on the number of entries. Most Level 7 -10 Competitions are team and individual competitions. Please always be encouraging towards your daughter regardless of the results. History shows that a happy athlete is a successful athlete. The idea of competing at any level is to gain valuable competition experience, and to have lots of fun. The focus on winning or results will be minimal. </p><p> All gymnasts will be expected to compete in the competitions chosen by their coaches /WAG Program Manager.  Competition Fees usually range from $50 - $100, depending on which competition it is.  Gymnasts cannot compete in two different streams in the one calendar year.  Gymnasts crossing from one stream to another (i.e., National Stream  State Stream), must apply in writing to the Victorian Sports Management Committee, before competing at that level.  Team sizes are 5 with 3 to count for level 4-6 and 4 with 3 to count for level 7-10.  Gymnasts must be able to perform the minimum requirements for that level if they wish to compete.  Level 7 – 10 Gymnasts wishing to Trial for National Championships must obtain the qualifying score for that level set out by CYC, prior to being entered. 13</p><p>NATIONAL CLUBS CHAMPIONSHIPS</p><p>National Clubs Championships will be held during late November to early December 2009 in Canberra. All National Stream Level 4-10 athletes will be eligible to compete and possibly some State Stream level 4-10 athletes depending on numbers. This is a team competition only. Generally only one team may be entered at each level depending on numbers. If we have too many gymnasts at one level, then selection of gymnasts to travel interstate to National Club Championships will be determined from the following :</p><p> Results at competitions throughout the year.  Gymnasts must be training the full or required hours of their squad.  The gymnasts must be able to perform the minimum requirements of the level that they are aiming to be selected for.  Gymnasts should be at least 9 years old by the time of travel. ( exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Program Manager )  Gymnasts must show a positive and focused training attitude throughout the year.  Prior experience</p><p>Allocated Chaperones and Coaches will travel with gymnasts. Parents are more than welcome to travel to watch their daughters compete, but will not be allowed to stay in the same accommodation as the club. Family outings and gatherings will be organized by the Team Manager. Costs for this trip will vary, depending on numbers. Approx cost $ 800 - $1200. It is always our intention to keep costs to a minimal. Gymnasts must travel with the club.</p><p>LEVEL AWARD TESTS (LAT’S)</p><p>Every gymnast from level 4 and above must attend an LAT to upgrade to their next level. This is an external competition that determines whether the gymnast is ready to compete at that level. Once passed, the gymnast will receive a Levels badge to show that they have upgraded to their next level. Gymnasts will only be entered into an LAT if they are performing the minimum requirements for that level consistently and safely. If gymnasts also wish to compete in the LAT, they will need to achieve the qualification score set out by Gymnastics Victoria in a control test held during training (judged by independent judges), at least two weeks prior to the LAT. If gymnasts do not reach this qualification score at the control test, then the club has the right to withdraw the athlete in question. You will not be granted a refund under these circumstances. </p><p>LAT’s are an additional $25 on top of your competition entry fees. 14</p><p>COMPETITION ETIQUETTE</p><p>[These rules are set out by Gymnastics Victoria]</p><p> Gymnasts and coaches are not to have any contact with the spectators during the competition. The penalty for this is, Disqualification.  Those not taking part in the running of the competition, must not enter the competition area. The penalty is removal from the competition.  If gymnasts are fortunate enough to win a medal of any color, they must keep it on until they have marched from the competition floor. The penalty is loss of medal/s. </p><p>Parents should not discuss their daughter’s performance in any negativity at all during the course of the competition and post competition. If a parent is disappointed with the results of the competition or do not understand the results, then they should make a time to see their daughters coach and / or the WAG program Manager outside of training and or competition times. At all times, parents should be seen to be positive towards their daughter’s performance and / or coach’s performance. See CYC’s Disciplinary Action for breaches of codes of conducts.</p><p>COMPETITION FEES</p><p>Competition Fees will be invoiced to you separately from your Term fees. These will be due by the due date indicated on the competition entry form. Your child will not be entered into the listed competition if your competition fees and entry form are not returned by the due date. Unfortunately host clubs will not refund competition fees. Full competition attire must be worn at all competitions. This can be found in the WAG CYC hand book under uniform. Please note, your child will not be entered into any competition if your fees are in arrears. </p><p>ATHLETE COMPETITION WITHDRAWAL</p><p>If a gymnast needs to withdraw from a competition, you need to let the CYC office know as soon you know. If you are withdrawing due to injury or illness, you may be eligible for a full refund (if more than 7 days notice is given) or a full refund – 25 % (if less than 7 days notice is given) on providing a medical certificate.</p><p>OTHER INFORMATION</p><p>During the 4 weeks prior to competition, gymnasts must attend the minimum number of training sessions for that class. Failure to do so, will result in the withdrawal of the athlete for that competition. If the club has to withdraw an athlete due to their attendance level, you will not be granted a refund. 15</p><p>COMPETITION BASICS</p><p>In WAG competition the apparatus order is</p><p>Vault Bars Beam Floor</p><p>Routines Routines are either compulsory or optional, Level 1-3’s have compulsory routines and music where as the Level 4-10’s have optional routines and music. Within optional routines there are elements that must be preformed by all athletes. All routines are scored by two different scores, the A score and the B score. </p><p>A Score: The A score is the routines difficulty value. For a level 1-3 they have the option to do a routine with a difficult value of 5, 6 or 7. The routine with a 5 start value routines is the easiest to execute and the 7 start value routine being the hardest. </p><p>Level 4-10 have to earn there start score with the difficulty of their skills within the athletes routine. Skills have different values, A values skills are the easiest skill to execute where as an E is very difficult to perform.</p><p>Difficulty Values: Difficulty A B C D E Value Value worth 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Etc….</p><p>B Score: The B score is the deductions the athlete gets during the routine. This score is out of 10, when athletes make errors they get points taken away from there B score. Deductions are as follows Small error in execution = 0.1 deduction Medium error in execution = 0.3 deduction Large effort in execution = 0.5 deduction Fall = 0.8 deduction</p><p>If the athlete has 1.2 in deductions their B score would be 8.8, this score is added to the A score to come out with the athletes overall score. 16</p><p>COMMUNICATION PATHWAYS PARENT</p><p>CYC OFFICE</p><p>WAG PROGRAM MANAGER</p><p>Your line of communication begins with the CYC office, not the coach. If at any time, the parent has any queries or issues relating to your daughters gymnastics, then you will need to make an appointment to see the coach and or Program Manager at a time suitable to both parties. Under no circumstances should a coach be interrupted during training / competition to speak with parents, so please, do not be offended with the coach if they do not engage in conservation with you. If at any time, a parent has a formal complaint, then please follow the appropriate channel. This is in the form of an organized meeting with coach and or Program Manager or a written letter addressed to the Program Manager detailing the matter. The program manager will make contact with you, generally within 7 working days. The WAG Program Manager will then determine whether the matter needs further action with the Coach and or Committee.</p><p>PARENTS MUST NOT:  Enter the gym area with the exception of the spectator area and toilet facilities. Under NO circumstances should a parent enter the gym area.  Approach the coach during training. The coaches are involved with a number of athletes needing full attention during training.</p><p>MEDICAL SERVICES Below is a list of medical services that we often refer our athletes to. Feel free to use these if you wish. Both of these services have a background knowledge in gymnastics.</p><p>SOUTHERN SUBURBS PHYSIOTHERAPY CENTRE ( SSPC ) ADDRESS  705 Centre Rd, East Bentleigh PH NUMBER  9570 8538 All Physio’s at SSPC are great, but Jenny Turner has background knowledge in the sport of Gymnastics. She was once a gymnast and also a WAG coach.</p><p>DON MACINTOSH SPORTS MEDICINE ADDRESS  1529 Heatherton Rd, Dandenong PH NUMBER  9793 5938</p><p>GYMNASTIC MERCHANDISE</p><p>WOMEN’S GRIPS FOR UNEVEN BARS FOR LEVEL 4 AND ABOVE ATHLETES  Reisport lady Buckle Grips ( double buckle ) $ 71.00 (These are purchased through AMCO. Please go into the shop to try on sizes – younger athletes will be approx size 1) 17</p><p>2009 CALENDER OF EVENTS / COMPETITIONS Below is a draft of the possible competitions that your daughter may be entered into for 2009. Please note, gymnasts will not be entered into every single competition listed for their levels. A selection of competitions will be chosen. A final competition calendar with exact competition dates that gymnasts will be expected to enter will be handed out when the calendar from Gymnastics Victoria and Gymnastics Australia are finalized. </p><p>COMPETITION COMPETITION LEVEL 1-3 STATE 4-10 NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL DATE 4-5 6 7-10 th th Invitational 4 /5 April * * Judges Invite 18th/19th April Invitational 25th/26th April * * * * th Trial 1 9/10 May * * Trial 2 23/24th May * th Victorian 5/8 June * Championships st Judges Invite 20/21 June * HPC Invitational 27/28th June * th Australian 4/12 July * Championships (Perth) th Invitational 18/19 July * Invite 1/2nd August * * State Pennant 8/9th August * Regionals Judges Invite 15/16th August 4-5 * State Pennant 22/23rd August * Finals</p><p>Invitational 29/30th Sept * * Judges Invite 5/6th 6-10 September MLC Classic 3/4th October 6-10 * Victorian 10/11 October 6-10 Championships 1 Victorian 17/18 October 4 4 Championships 2 Victorian 24/25 October 5 5 Championships 3 Victorian 7/8th November Championships Finals Victorian 14/15 November Championship Finals National Clubs 21/11-2/12 * * * * Subject to change 18</p><p>GYMNAST CODE OF CONDUCT</p><p>As an athlete of Cheltenham Youth Club, I agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct and Behaviour Policy.</p><p> To remember that I am here to have fun and learn something and so is everybody else.</p><p> That it is my responsibility to tell my coach if I am injured or tired</p><p> To allow other athletes the space they need to try new skills at their own pace</p><p> To remember to always play according to the rules and to settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence, to acknowledge others with respect even if I disagree with them.</p><p> To remember that we all learn things in a different way and at a different rate</p><p> To never tease or make another athlete feel their efforts are not their best</p><p> To show respect for your team’s opponents, without them there would be no competition</p><p> Respect your coaches and other official’s decisions and understand that you may not always be aware of the reasons behind these decisions</p><p> To remember not to acknowledge my parents or friends whilst doing a competition, as this could lead to my disqualification or disqualification of my team</p><p> To respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people regardless of the gender, ability, cultural background or religion. 19</p><p>PARENTS CODE OF CONDUCT</p><p>As a parent of Guardian of a registered member of Cheltenham Youth Club, I agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct and Behavior Policy.</p><p> Remember that children participate in sport primarily for their enjoyment, not mine.</p><p> To encourage not force my child to participate</p><p> To focus on the children’s and team’s effort and performance rather than winning or losing</p><p> To encourage the children to always play according to the rules and settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence</p><p> Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a competition</p><p> Remember that children learn best from example. Appreciate good performances and skilful performances by all participants. Show respect for your team’s opponents, without them there would be no competition.</p><p> Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from all sporting activities and do not harass or talk negatively about gymnasts, coaches or officials.</p><p> Respect officials decisions and teach children to do likewise</p><p> Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them my child could not participate</p><p> No coaching from the audience and for parents of gymnasts do not gesture or make eye contact during a competition. Your child could risk disqualification from the event.</p><p> To respect the rights, dignity and worth of all spectators and participants regardless of the gender, ability, cultural background or religion. 20</p><p>COACHES CODE OF CONDUCT</p><p>As a Coach or Coach-In-Training of Cheltenham Youth Club, I agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct and Behaviour and Language Policy.</p><p> To remember that I am here to support and teach the whole child and not only focus on their physical abilities</p><p> To remember to adhere to the Australian Gymnastics Code of Ethics in all my interactions with athletes and parents</p><p> To speak to other athletes, coaches and parents respectfully at all times, even if I disagree with them</p><p> To ensure that my coaching techniques put athletes welfare first, and nurtures their physical, psychological, emotional and developmental growth</p><p> To remember that we all learn things in a different way and at a different rate and that no athlete comes to class wanting to fail in their goals</p><p> To never tease or make another athlete feel ashamed about their skills</p><p> To show respect to team’s opponents, without them their would be no competition</p><p> Respect officials decisions and understand that you may not always be aware of the reasons behind decisions</p><p> To challenge decisions through appropriate channels</p><p> To show respect to other coaches, athletes and parents at all times</p><p> To inform the committee in writing of any concerns that you have in relation to any other coaches behavior or attitudes</p><p> To encourage and support all efforts</p><p> To respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people regardless of the gender, ability, cultural background, or religion.</p><p> To ensure a professional relationship with all athletes 21</p><p>COACHES CODE OF CONDUCT CONT…</p><p> To understand and treat carefully the impact of my professional relationship with athletes</p><p> To not engage in social activities with individual athletes outside of Cheltenham Youth Club if they are currently being coached by you</p><p> To not provide food/medicine/vitamin intake for any athlete without the written/verbal consent of their parents. (this is for all athletes irrespective of age in acknowledgment of the influence of the coaches role)</p><p> To not engage in the regular use of text messages to athletes, unless specifically related to a change of venue or time regarding training</p><p> To ensure that all issues that arise with athletes are dealt with during training times</p><p> At no stage should any coach be involved in coaching an individual athlete in the gym without another adult present</p><p> To inform parents of any athletes if you have concerns regarding their emotional, physical or psychological well being</p><p> To understand that athletes learn best by example and as a coach of Cheltenham Youth Club I am a role model for younger athletes</p><p> To appreciate that my behavior will help set the culture within Cheltenham Youth Club and I am responsible for contributing to this</p><p> To always maintain appropriate sports clothing for training and competitions</p><p> To not engage in mobile phone calls whilst coaching, unless it directly relates to an athlete on the floor and requires immediate attention, or it is an emergency situation.</p><p> To arrive 10 minutes before each class and not leave until athletes have been picked up or other arrangements have been made to ensure the safety of the athletes. 22</p><p>DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR BREACH OF CODE OF CONDUCT</p><p>If any coach, athlete, parent, guardian or spectator does not adhere to the code of conduct that relates to them the following discipline policy will be adhered to.</p><p>1. For parents, guardians, spectators;</p><p>1. They may be asked to refrain from their behavior or language.</p><p>If they do not adhere to this warning </p><p>2. They may be asked to leave the gym on that occasion. If this occurs they will be advised in writing by the Committee that further occasions of breaches of conduct may result in the refusal by the committee to re – enroll their child, or a request to cease their involvement with Cheltenham Youth Club. </p><p>If they continue with their behavior/language on more than three occasions </p><p>3. Their child may be asked not to continue with Cheltenham Youth Club, or their re-enrolment may be denied by the committee of Cheltenham Youth Club. </p><p>If they are asked to leave Cheltenham Youth Club they will be informed in writing by the president of the committee. </p><p>If they wish to challenge this decision, they may address the issue in writing to the committee and it will be addressed at the next committee meeting and a final decision will be provided to the individual in writing.</p><p>2. For athletes,</p><p>1. They may be asked to refrain from their behavior and/or language</p><p>If they do not adhere to this warning and their behavior continues to disrupt the class</p><p>2. The may be asked to sit out of the class and watch only for a period of time.</p><p>If they continue to undermine or disrupt the class from the sidelines they will be asked to sit out further away from the class for the remainder of the class. If this occurs the parents will be informed at the end of that class.</p><p>3. If the athlete’s behavior continues to be disruptive or bullying towards others, a meeting will be arranged between the coach and the parents. The meeting will be minuted and a copy will be tabled with the committee.</p><p>If they continue with their behavior/language on more than three occasions</p><p>4. The athlete may be asked not to continue with Cheltenham Youth Club, or their re-enrolment may be denied by the committee of Cheltenham Youth Club. 23</p><p>DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR BREACH OF CODE OF CONDUCT CONT…</p><p>If they are asked to leave Cheltenham Youth Club they will be informed in writing by the president of the committee. </p><p>If they wish to challenge this decision, they may address the issue in writing to the committee and it will be addressed at the next committee meeting and a final decision will be provided to the individual in writing.</p><p>3. For coaches</p><p>1. They may be asked to refrain from their behavior or language, by a senior coach or a committee member. This warning will be noted in writing in their employee file and will be signed both by them and the coach/committee member who has warned them.</p><p>2. If they do not adhere to this warning, and engage in further breaches of the code of conduct, they will be required to attend a meeting with at least two members of the committee. They are entitled to bring a support person to this meeting. This meeting would be considered a first formal warning. This warning will be outlined to them in writing by the committee.</p><p>3. If they further engage in breaches of the code of conduct they will be offered counseling to further address these issues. (This would be considered a second formal warning and will also be provided to them in writing).</p><p>If they further engage in breaches of the code of conduct their employment contract will be reviewed and the committee will consider whether their behavior constitutes a breach of the Australian Gymnastics Federation Coaches Code of Ethics and consider informing the appropriate bodies. (This decision would be made by the committee at the next committee meeting and the coach will be informed in writing as to the action taken and the reasons for this action.)</p><p>WAG CONDUCT FOR PARENTS OF COMPETITIVE ATHLETES</p><p>Parents are to provide emotional and physical support to gymnasts, while coaches are here to provide gymnasts with skills to assist them in maximizing their performance and helping them to reach their full potential. Parents need to praise gymnasts at all times, especially if they are attempting a new level or skill for the first time, regardless of the outcome. Parents are not to:  Question coaches after competitions on start values and scores. If you are having trouble understanding the start values and scores, then you need to make an appointment with your daughters coach and / or the Program manager outside of competition times.  Ring coaches at home.  Focus on results. Gymnasts and coaches have always tried their best. Please do not question this.  Be disappointed with their daughter’s performance, even if they are disappointed with themselves.  Compare your daughter’s performance or results with other team mates.</p><p>AS COACHES, THIS IS OUR GOAL TO YOU, THE PARENT 24</p><p>An appropriate little piece of literature</p><p>Dear Coach</p><p>Tomorrow morning my children start playing on the team you are coaching. They are going to run onto the oval and begin a great adventure that will include joys and disappointments. I hope you will take them by their young hands and teach them the things they will have to know. Teach them to respect the umpire / judge and that the umpire / judge judgment is final. Teach them not to hate their competitors but to admire their skill. Teach them it is just as important to be a playmaker as it is to be the scorer of the winning goal. Teach them never to blame their team-mates when a goal is scored against them, because five mistakes were made before the ball got to a scoring position. Teach them winning is not everything, but trying to win is. Teach them to close their ears to the howling mob and to stand up for themselves if they think they are right. Teach them gently, but not too gently, for the test of fire makes fine steel. This is a big order, coach, and I place my children in your hands. See what you can do for them. They are such nice little people.</p><p>Please read the information in this handbook carefully, and if there are any queries or questions regarding any of the information contained in this Handbook, then please direct your enquiries to the WAG program Manager.</p><p>Thank you</p><p>HEIDI AMUNDSON Program Manager</p>

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