LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Mikoligczik Jacob V10, P452 Mikoligzik Jacob V21, P163 Mikotcyczik Jacob V10, P452 Milanesi Battista B1, F3, P413 Milanesi Battista B1, F3, P413 Milanesi Vincenzo V15, P866 Milanesi Vincenzo V11, P113 Milanovic Cazo B3, F3, P2213 Milanovich Caszo B6, F2, P2406 Milanovich Louis B3, F3, P2213 Milanovich Louis B6, F2, P2406 B6, F2, P2406 Milansesi Battista V26, P32 V26, P32 Milbouw Petrus V16, P465 Milbowv Petrus V16, P465 Milcki George V10, P293 Mild Theodore V12, P410 Milik Victor B6, F3, P2468 Milik Vinko B3, F3, P2277 Milik Vinko B6, F3, P2468 B6, F3, P2468 Miliotis Stamatis B2, F1, P237 Miller Christian V12, P342 Miller Christian V14, P365 Miller Frank V8, P204 Miller Frank V13, P636 Miller Frank V15, P725 Miller George V8, P139 Miller George H. V12, P397 Miller George H. V14, P423 Miller Martin V8, P494 Miller Norman V17, P86 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 351 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Miller Rudolph Th. V12, P161 Miller Rudolph Th. V14, P175 Millie Mario V10, P186 Milligan Patrick V22, P195 V22, P195 Millman Alexander V14, P8 Millonig John V12, P435 Millonig John V14, P465 Millouw Petrus V10, P203 Milman Alexander V12, P5 Minapace Ignazia V12, P52 Minelli Filippo V9, P130 Minelli French V10, P130 Minelli Paele V9, P130 Minelli Pompilio V9, P124 Minenko Finarci B3, F3, P2291 Minenko Finarci B6, F3, P2494 Minenko Harry B3, F3, P2291 Minenko Harry B6, F3, P2494 B6, F3, P2494 Miners Edward Francis V25, P7 V25, P7 Miners George Alfred V26, P57 V26, P57 Minghini Vincenzo V12, P379 Minicci Rigo V8, P248 Minie Commaso V9, P74 Minie Tommaso V9, P74 Minisini Anton B1, F3, P49 Minisini Anton B1, F3, P49 Minisini Anton V25, P68 V25, P68 Minnelli Leonardo V8, P225 Minoff Emerich B3, F3, P2135 Minucci Enrico V15, P963 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 352 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Minucci Enrico V13, P803 Minucci Frank V13, P874 Minucci Frank V15, P1048 Minucci Vincenzo V10, P162 Minucci Vincenzo V11, P158 Minucci Vincenzo V15, P1114 Minutillo Michele B1, F3, P440 Minutillo Michele B1, F3, P440 Minutillo Michele V26, P85 V26, P85 Minzlaff Blanche Denise B6, F4, P2648 Mipiatoo Mugave V10, P385 Mipisker Mugaw V10, P385 Mira Fedele V14, P309 Mira Fidelle V12, P288 Miraldo Eldawdo V14, P318 Mirch Anton (Ant) V8, P373 Mirdarf Peter V8, P321 Mirelle Giuseppe V9, P118 Miresse Angelo V8, P206 Miresse Angelo V13, P766 Miresse Angelo V15, P913 Miresse Biagia V9, P144 Miresse Giuseppe V15, P918 Miresse Giuseppe V16, P260 Miresse Guiseppi V13, P770 Miressi Biaggio B1, F3, P97 Miressi Biaggio B1, F3, P97 Mischkot Josef B1, F3, P322 Mischkot Josef B1, F3, P322 Mischkot Josef V27, P67 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 353 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Mischkot Theresa B2, F2, P61 Mischnik Florens V22, P116 Mishkot Joseph V27, P67 Miskowicz Jacob V8, P371 Mislan Michael V14, P86 Mistialis Penelop B5, F3, P2248 Mitchell V21, P8 Mitchell Hedwig B6, F4, P2596 Mitchell Joseph V10, P193 Mitchell Joseph V14, P9 Mitchell Joseph V12, P7 Mitchell Michhe V21, P8 Mitchell Samuel S. V8, P157 Mitchell Samuel S. V12, P532 Mitchell Samuel S. V14, P583 Mitchell Thomas V12, P201 Mitchell Thomas V14, P216 Mitchell W. H. V8, P108 Mitchell W. H. V14, P506 Mitchell William H. V12, P453 Mitchell Wm. H. V12, P470 Mitchell Wm. H. V14, P488 Mlacak Mike B3, F2, P1988 Mlacak Mike (Miko) B4, F3, P1963 B4, F3, P1963 Mlinarcsik Susanna B3, F3, P2117 Mlinarcsik Zuzanna B5, F3, P2173 Moberg John B2, F1, P455 Moberg John Gustaf V30, P10 V30, P10 Moberg Myrtle Johnson V30, P44 Mochen Battista V12, P372 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 354 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Mochen Battista V14, P397 Mochen Bortolo V12, P508 Mochen Bortolo V14, P553 Mochen Daniel V14, P555 Mochen Daniel V12, P509 Mochen Giacomo V12, P380 Mochen Giacomo V14, P406 Modesto Bianchetti V8, P248 Modesto Bianchetti V13, P789 Modesto Donati V14, P73 Modlescroski Jon V15, P884 Modleseroski Jon. V13, P744 Modzelewicz Kazimierz B6, F4, P2650 Moens Teodoor V10, P286 Moerbitz Charles V14, P126 Moerbitz Charles V12, P114 Moeremans Eugeen B2, F1, P462 Moeth Johan V8, P320 Mokoatz John V14, P288 Molazzi Ubaldo V8, P566 Mole Charles Ivcy B1, F3, P293 Mole Charles Ivey B1, F3, P293 Mole Charles Ivey V25, P24 V25, P24 Molin Alfred Helmer V8, P575 Molinar Giovanni B1, F3, P219 Molinar Giovanni B1, F3, P219 Molinar Giovanni V25, P3 V25, P3 Molinari Anthony V10, P71 Molinor Stefano V10, P218 Mollari Sebastiano B1, F3, P335 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 355 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Mollari Sebastiano B1, F3, P335 Mollari Sebastiano V26, P166 V26, P166 Monacelli Enidio B2, F2, P24 Monacelli Raffaele B2, F1, P140 Monacelli Raffaele V28, P36 V28, P36 Monaco Annibale V10, P457 Monaco Annibale V22, P117 V22, P117 Moncher Matteo V12, P296 Moncini Luigi V10, P131 Mondati Sante B1, F2, P119 Mondati Sante V22, P75 V22, P75 Mondato Vincenzo V8, P440 Monesi Ciro B1, F2, P249 Mongoni Giovanni V21, P210 Mongrain Elie V8, P26 Mongrain Elie V23, P19 V23, P19 Mongrain Joseph V8, P19 Mongrain Joseph V16, P48 Monoco Francisco V9, P73 Monroe Mary B4, F4, P2037 Monroe Mary B4, F4, P2037 Montebovi Luigi B1, F2, P121 Montesi Ciro V23, P35 V23, P35 Montibeller Giuseppe B1, F2, P224 Montibeller Giuseppe V24, P3 V24, P3 Mooney Ernest B2, F2, P275 Moore George W. B2, F1, P178 Moore William V10, P356 Moore William H. V16, P306 Moortgat Alfons B2, F2, P48 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 356 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Moosanet Jaique V15, P637 Moosanet Jiaque V12, P573 Moossanet Jiaque V15, P637 Moraldo Edoardo V14, P318 Moraldo Edwardo V12, P296 Morall Chas. V8, P213 Morandi Fortunato V12, P381 Morandi Fortunato V14, P406 Morandi Fortunato V8, P33 Morandi Guiseppi V10, P252 Morani Pasquale V10, P366 Moras Antonio V10, P453 Moraskini Victorio V8, P263 Morath Anton V8, P224 Moratti Alessandro B1, F2, P209 Moratti Alessandro V26, P53 V26, P53 Moratti Andrea V10, P347 Moratti Andrea V22, P180 V22, P180 Moratti Giacomo V8, P418 Moratti Isidoro V8, P418 Moratti Isidoro V18, P16 Moratti Louis V13, P862 Moratti Louis V15, P1032 Moratti Onorati V19, P1 V19, P1 Moratti Onorato V8, P467 Morcantonio Salvatore V8, P477 Morcantonio Salvatore V19, P44 V19, P44 Morchesse Rico V15, P784 Morcombe Samuel Robert V8, P418 Morcombe Samuel Robert V16, P386 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 357 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Moreau Louis V14, P159 Moregi Luigi B1, F3, P395 Moregi Luigi V10, P475 Moregi Luigi B1, F3, P395 Morelli Bernadino V10, P188 Morelli Bernardino V13, P870 Morelli Bernardino V15, P1044 Morelli Carlo V10, P385 Morelli Carlo V23, P14 V23, P14 Morello Antonio V8, P351 Moreschini Vittorio V16, P268 Moresco Alfonse V8, P346 Moresco Alfonso V13, P922 Moresco Alfonso V15, P1103 Moretti Luigi V9, P89 Moretti Luigi V13, P931 Moretti Luigi V15, P1112 Moretti Raffaele V17, P20 Morezi Luigi B1, F3, P395 Morgiel John V8, P533 Morgon Ermenegildo B1, F2, P105 Morici Pietro V9, P133 Moriconi Benedetto V10, P124 Moriconi Benedetto V16, P162 Moriconi Giovanni V16, P363 Moriconi Giovannio V10, P190 Moriconi Pietro V8, P318 Moriconi Pietro V13, P866 Moriconi Pietro V15, P1040 Morin David V23, P69 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 358 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Morin Dennis V25, P40 Morin Peter V25, P39 V25, P39 Morit Antonio D. V12, P225 Morit Antonio D. V14, P240 Morit Vincenzo Dinon B2, F1, P130 Morit Vincenzo Dinon V22, P9 V22, P9 Moritz John V10, P46 Moritz John V15, P601 Moritz John V12, P546 Morizio Charlo B1, F2, P227 Morizio Charlo V22, P217 V22, P217 Morn Dave V23, P69 Moroni Carlo V8, P493 Moroni Carlo V19, P31 V19, P31 Moroni Enrico V10, P302 Moroni John V12, P223 Moroni John V14, P238 Moroni Serafino V8, P264 Moroni Serafino V13, P911 Moroni Serafino V15, P1091 Moroni Valentino V15, P666 Moroni Valentino V12, P596 Morottini Geo V12, P290 Morralti Luigi V14, P214 Morratti Luigi V12, P199 Morreau Edward B2, F1, P264 Morreau Edward V27, P97 V27, P97 Morrison Finlay Arthur B2, F2, P461 Morrison Finlay Arthur V32, P88 V32, P88 Morroco Francisco V9, P73 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 359 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Mortenson Charley V12, P274 Mortier Alois V9, P203a Mortier Alois V20, P103 V20, P103 Mortier Johannes B2, F1, P446 Mortier Louis V20, P103 Mortieze Theophile V10, P204 Mortl Blasius V28, P79 Mortl Frank V9, P163 Mortl Frank V16, P217 Mortl Frank V18, P74 Mortl Franz V8, P412 Mortl Georg V18, P37 Mortl George V8, P327 Mortl Josef V8, P490 Mortl Josef V25, P66 V25, P66 Mortl Mary Warmuth B4, F1, P1864 Mortl Plasius B2, F1, P364 Mortl Plasius V28, P79 Mortn Vizl V25, P72 Mortt Georg V8, P327 Mortt Plasius B2, F1, P364 Mosca Angelo B1, F3, P128 Mosca Angelo B1, F3, P128 Mosca Antonio B2, F2, P82 Mosca Antonio V31, P56 V31, P56 Mosca Carlo V21, P172 V21, P172 Mosca Carlo V21, P199 Mosca John V19, P29 V19, P29 Moschet Johann B1, F3, P323 Moschet Johann B1, F3, P323 Thursday, August 05, 2004 Page 360 of 568 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST PAPER SECOND PAPER Moschet Johann V26, P112 V26, P112 Mosea Angelo V24, P92 V24, P92 Mosea John V9, P184 Mosoli Aurelio V10, P393 Moss Olof V15, P681 Moss Olof V13, P607 Mosser Johan V10, P169 Mostey Anna B3, F2, P2003 Mostey Anna B5, F2, P2135 B5, F2, P2135 Mott John B2, F2, P476 Mott John V32, P71 V32, P71 Mott Margherita Orler B5, F2, P2129 Mott
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